首页 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录



文明单位创建领导小组会议记录文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 作者: 发布于:2012-12-18 15:47:23 点击量:172 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.2.17 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞 会议内容:主题 :推进学校“文明单位”创建工作 一、明确各自分工 冯学军:负责规划、制定、落实、指导、检查创建工作 钟连安:负责实施过程中文明组室创建和教职工活动落实、校园环境创设及治安保卫工作的实施和落实 唐春涛:负责学校大型活动策划、实施和师德...

文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 作者: 发布于:2012-12-18 15:47:23 点击量:172 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.2.17 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞 会议内容:主题 :推进学校“文明单位”创建工作 一、明确各自分工 冯学军:负责规划、制定、落实、指导、检查创建工作 钟连安:负责实施过程中文明组室创建和教职工活动落实、校园环境创设及治安保卫工作的实施和落实 唐春涛:负责学校大型活动 策划 活动策划ppt下载游戏策划下载民宿策划下载游戏策划shu下载英文歌曲大赛策划免费下载 、实施和师德建设和师资队伍建设工作 唐锦荣:负责教职工及干部政治理论学习和支部纪检廉政建设工作 奚杏:负责学校教科研,促进教育教学改革工作 汪霞:负责团员及青年职工的创建工作、学校少先队工作策划、组织 二、创建主要工作: 1、“党员先进性教育活动”创特色:做到一个党员一面旗;占领“党员责任区”这块阵地;“党员心语信箱”的开通,更好地倾听群众呼声。 2、“新基础教育”再上一个台阶:迎接“新基础教育”专项督导。 3、德育、少先队独领风骚:传承民族精神,开展少先队光荣感和责任感活动,启动“扬民族精神,尽公民责任”系列争章活动,。 4、工会“文明五星级班组”月评比、“优秀教工之家”评选。 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 5、师资队伍建设:“心理健康”校本培训。 6、大丰三小首届“红鹰”好家庭评选。 7、暑假学校主大楼进行大修。 8、学校大楼大修后校园文化创建:班组文化、班队文化、楼面文化。 9、大丰三小第六届少代会。 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.6.20 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞、各年级组长 会议内容: 一、回顾前阶段创建工作: 1、“党员先进性教育活动”有特色,评为大丰市教育局“特色党支部”。 2、“新基础教育”上一个台阶,新基础教育”专项督导获好评。 3、“扬民族精神,尽公民责任”系列争章活动有创新,我校“教工之家”获“市教育局优秀教工之家” 。 4、五月份完成“心理健康”校本培训工作,进行论文、案例交流会。 5、5月30日,我校举行“雏鹰争章与和谐家庭教育”市级研讨会,会上进行大丰三小首届好家庭评选颁奖仪式。 二、议学校暑期共建工作: 今年暑假,我们将以精神文明建设为抓手,努力营造良好的和谐文明环境,紧紧围绕“树魂立根”教育主题,开展“五之旅”系列活动。 创建“六个一”工程体系: beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 一个抓手——以精神文明创建工作为抓手,营造良好的和谐文明环境; 一个目标——拓宽社区教育空间,创建快乐教育环境; 一个口号——树魂立根铸壮志,争做合格小公民; 一个突破——社会、学校、家长、学生“四位一体”牵手联动; 一个主题——“树魂立根五之旅”暑期系列教育活动; 一个载体——将争夺奖章活动贯穿整个活动的始终。 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.9.7 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞 会议内容: 一、 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 暑期社区文明创建工作: 今年我校暑期社区文明创建工作达到预期的效果,评为暑期工作先进集体和先进个人,是唯一的一个“双先进”单位。冯学军代表学校暑期工作表彰大会上发言,我校“树魂立根五之旅”暑期系列活动,创建“六个一”工程体系,独特的三级管理网络和“树魂立根五之旅”系列活动(“红色之旅”、 “文化之旅”、“智慧之旅”、 “文明之旅”、“体验之旅”),得到与会者的好评。整个活动是我校德育、少先队工作的又一次检阅,中间倾注王 萌、孙 勤、吴 云等诸多老师的心血和汗水。 三、学期精神文明创建工作务须: 1、周五我校全体教职工和退休教师将在学校会议室举行庆祝教师节活动: beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall (1)学校领导为“十佳教师”颁奖; (2)颁发三十年教龄荣誉证书; (3)聚餐联谊,各条线做好一切准备工作。 2、教师节这天全体师生举行“我承诺,我尽责”教师节真情互递活动。 3、9月23日,我校将召开第六届少代会。 4、学校德育特色活动:“119”红孩子行动开展。 5、 “心理健康”优秀学校评估。 7、“新基础教育”三年规划创建与“新基础教育”学科研讨活动。 6、接受“行为规范示范学校”中期评估。 8、《家庭奖章活动和小学生心理辅导相关性研究》结题工作。 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.11.22 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞、年级组长、教研组长、班主任 会议内容: 一、总结开学以来学校创建工作情况 总体说来做得相当不错,各条线按照预定的目标不断地努力。 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 1、9月9日举行庆祝第二十一届教师节活动: 1)学校领导为“十佳教师”颁奖; 2)颁发三十年教龄荣誉证书; 3)聚餐联谊。 2、9月9日,举行“我承诺,我尽责”教师节“双鹰”真情互递活动。 3、9月23日,我校召开第六届少代会。 4、“119”红孩子行动德育特色活动的开展。 5、进行了《家庭奖章活动和小学生心理辅导相关性研究》结题工作。 二、在总结基础上提出下阶段的目标 巩固成果,总结提升,一如既往,锁定目标,开创辉煌 1、党支部举行换届选举工作,在群众民主测评的基础上,诞生了学校第三届党支部支委成员。 2、寒假学生开展“学习型家庭”创建工作。 3、进行大丰三小校务公开制度的修订工作。 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.12.16 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞 一、2011年“精神文明”创建工作回顾 1、以党员先教活动为契机,夯实学校发展和理论基础 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 2、发挥学校德育功能,提升学校创建特色 1)构建“三个工作层面”+“三条工作主线”型立体式学校创建精神文明网络图 2)建立健全德育工作制度 3)加强师生行为规范的养成教育 4)形成学校、家庭、社区良好的合力 5)加强德育科研工作力度,德育工作有突破 3、架“新基础教育”平台,成为学习研究先行者 1)进一步进行“新基础教育”的实践研究 2)“新基础教育”实践再上一个台阶 4、努力营造校园文化,携手创建文明氛围 5、积极铸造文明新风,共享文明成果 二、2012年“精神文明”创建工作修订 1、 精神文明建设工作必须坚持党的领导; 2、 精神文明建设工作必须坚持围绕学校中心工作; 3、 精神文明建设工作必须坚持向基层深入; 4、 精神文明建设工作必须坚持工作内涵的提升。 存在问题: 1、在校园精神文明建设的内涵方面的探索仍显不足; 2、在精神文明建设方面缺少一个规划; 3、在精神文明建设工作中投入的人力和物力还很有限。 作者: 发布于:2012-12-18 15:47:23 点击量:172 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.2.17 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞 会议内容:主题 :推进学校“文明单位”创建工作 一、明确各自分工 冯学军:负责规划、制定、落实、指导、检查创建工作 钟连安:负责实施过程中文明组室创建和教职工活动落实、校园环境创设及治安保卫工作的实施和落实 唐春涛:负责学校大型活动策划、实施和师德建设和师资队伍建设工作 唐锦荣:负责教职工及干部政治理论学习和支部纪检廉政建设工作 奚杏:负责学校教科研,促进教育教学改革工作 汪霞:负责团员及青年职工的创建工作、学校少先队工作策划、组织 二、创建主要工作: 1、“党员先进性教育活动”创特色:做到一个党员一面旗;占领“党员责任区”这块阵地;“党员心语信箱”的开通,更好地倾听群众呼声。 2、“新基础教育”再上一个台阶:迎接“新基础教育”专项督导。 3、德育、少先队独领风骚:传承民族精神,开展少先队光荣感和责任感活动,启动“扬民族精神,尽公民责任”系列争章活动,。 4、工会“文明五星级班组”月评比、“优秀教工之家”评选。 5、师资队伍建设:“心理健康”校本培训。 6、大丰三小首届“红鹰”好家庭评选。 7、暑假学校主大楼进行大修。 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 8、学校大楼大修后校园文化创建:班组文化、班队文化、楼面文化。 9、大丰三小第六届少代会。 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.6.20 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞、各年级组长 会议内容: 一、回顾前阶段创建工作: 1、“党员先进性教育活动”有特色,评为大丰市教育局“特色党支部”。 2、“新基础教育”上一个台阶,新基础教育”专项督导获好评。 3、“扬民族精神,尽公民责任”系列争章活动有创新,我校“教工之家”获“市教育局优秀教工之家” 。 4、五月份完成“心理健康”校本培训工作,进行论文、案例交流会。 5、5月30日,我校举行“雏鹰争章与和谐家庭教育”市级研讨会,会上进行大丰三小首届好家庭评选颁奖仪式。 二、议学校暑期共建工作: 今年暑假,我们将以精神文明建设为抓手,努力营造良好的和谐文明环境,紧紧围绕“树魂立根”教育主题,开展“五之旅”系列活动。 创建“六个一”工程体系: 一个抓手——以精神文明创建工作为抓手,营造良好的和谐文明环境; 一个目标——拓宽社区教育空间,创建快乐教育环境; 一个口号——树魂立根铸壮志,争做合格小公民; beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 一个突破——社会、学校、家长、学生“四位一体”牵手联动; 一个主题——“树魂立根五之旅”暑期系列教育活动; 一个载体——将争夺奖章活动贯穿整个活动的始终。 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.9.7 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞 会议内容: 一、总结暑期社区文明创建工作: 今年我校暑期社区文明创建工作达到预期的效果,评为暑期工作先进集体和先进个人,是唯一的一个“双先进”单位。冯学军代表学校暑期工作表彰大会上发言,我校“树魂立根五之旅”暑期系列活动,创建“六个一”工程体系,独特的三级管理网络和“树魂立根五之旅”系列活动(“红色之旅”、 “文化之旅”、“智慧之旅”、 “文明之旅”、“体验之旅”),得到与会者的好评。整个活动是我校德育、少先队工作的又一次检阅,中间倾注王 萌、孙 勤、吴 云等诸多老师的心血和汗水。 三、学期精神文明创建工作务须: 1、周五我校全体教职工和退休教师将在学校会议室举行庆祝教师节活动: (1)学校领导为“十佳教师”颁奖; (2)颁发三十年教龄荣誉证书; (3)聚餐联谊,各条线做好一切准备工作。 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 2、教师节这天全体师生举行“我承诺,我尽责”教师节真情互递活动。 3、9月23日,我校将召开第六届少代会。 4、学校德育特色活动:“119”红孩子行动开展。 5、 “心理健康”优秀学校评估。 7、“新基础教育”三年规划创建与“新基础教育”学科研讨活动。 6、接受“行为规范示范学校”中期评估。 8、《家庭奖章活动和小学生心理辅导相关性研究》结题工作。 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.11.22 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞、年级组长、教研组长、班主任 会议内容: 一、总结开学以来学校创建工作情况 总体说来做得相当不错,各条线按照预定的目标不断地努力。 1、9月9日举行庆祝第二十一届教师节活动: 1)学校领导为“十佳教师”颁奖; 2)颁发三十年教龄荣誉证书; beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 3)聚餐联谊。 2、9月9日,举行“我承诺,我尽责”教师节“双鹰”真情互递活动。 3、9月23日,我校召开第六届少代会。 4、“119”红孩子行动德育特色活动的开展。 5、进行了《家庭奖章活动和小学生心理辅导相关性研究》结题工作。 二、在总结基础上提出下阶段的目标 巩固成果,总结提升,一如既往,锁定目标,开创辉煌 1、党支部举行换届选举工作,在群众民主测评的基础上,诞生了学校第三届党支部支委成员。 2、寒假学生开展“学习型家庭”创建工作。 3、进行大丰三小校务公开制度的修订工作。 文明单位创建领导小组会议记录 时 间:2011.12.16 地 点:校长室 主持人:冯学军 出席人:陈慧君、唐锦荣、冯学军、钟连安、唐春涛、奚杏、汪霞 一、2011年“精神文明”创建工作回顾 1、以党员先教活动为契机,夯实学校发展和理论基础 2、发挥学校德育功能,提升学校创建特色 1)构建“三个工作层面”+“三条工作主线”型立体式学校创建精神文明网络图 2)建立健全德育工作制度 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall 3)加强师生行为规范的养成教育 4)形成学校、家庭、社区良好的合力 5)加强德育科研工作力度,德育工作有突破 3、架“新基础教育”平台,成为学习研究先行者 1)进一步进行“新基础教育”的实践研究 2)“新基础教育”实践再上一个台阶 4、努力营造校园文化,携手创建文明氛围 5、积极铸造文明新风,共享文明成果 二、2012年“精神文明”创建工作修订 1、 精神文明建设工作必须坚持党的领导; 2、 精神文明建设工作必须坚持围绕学校中心工作; 3、 精神文明建设工作必须坚持向基层深入; 4、 精神文明建设工作必须坚持工作内涵的提升。 存在问题: 1、在校园精神文明建设的内涵方面的探索仍显不足; 2、在精神文明建设方面缺少一个规划; 3、在精神文明建设工作中投入的人力和物力还很有限。 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
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