首页 中华人民共和国固体废物环境污染防治法



中华人民共和国固体废物环境污染防治法中华人民共和国固体废物环境污染防治法 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, respon...

中华人民共和国固体废物环境污染防治法 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 中华人民共和国主席令 第三十一号 《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》已由中华人民共和国第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十三次会议于2004年12月29日修订通过,现将修订后的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》公布,自2005年4月1日起施行。 中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛 2004年12月29日 目录 第一章总则 第二章固体废物污染环境防治的监督管理 第三章固体废物污染环境的防治 第一节一般规定 第二节工业固体废物污染环境的防治 第三节生活垃圾污染环境的防治 第四章危险废物污染环境防治的特别规定 第五章法律责任 第六章附则 第一章总则 第一条为了防治固体废物污染环境,保障人体健康,维护生态安全,促进经济社会可持续发展,制定本法。 第二条本法适用于中华人民共和国境内固体废物污染环境的防治。 固体废物污染海洋环境的防治和放射性固体废物污染环境的防治不适用本法。 第三条国家对固体废物污染环境的防治,实行减少固体废物的产生量和危害性、充分合理利用固体废物和无害化处置固体废物的原则,促进清洁生产和循环经济发展。 国家采取有利于固体废物综合利用活动的经济、技术政策和措施,对固体废物实行充分回收和合理利用。 国家鼓励、支持采取有利于保护环境的集中处置固体废物的措施,促进固体废物污染环境防治产业发展。 第四条县级以上人民政府应当将固体废物污染环境防治工作纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,并采取有利于固体废物污染环境防治的经济、技术政策和措施。 国务院有关部门、县级以上地方人民政府及其有关部门组织编制城乡建设、土地利用、区域开发、产业发展等规划,应当统筹考虑减少固体废物的产生量和危害性、促进固体废物的综合利用和无害化处置。 第五条国家对固体废物污染环境防治实行污染者依法负责的原则。 产品的生产者、销售者、进口者、使用者对其产生的固体废物依法承担污染防治责任。 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 第六条国家鼓励、支持固体废物污染环境防治的科学研究、技术开发、推广先进的防治技术和普及固体废物污染环境防治的科学知识。 各级人民政府应当加强防治固体废物污染环境的宣传教育,倡导有利于环境保护的生产方式和生活方式。 第七条国家鼓励单位和个人购买、使用再生产品和可重复利用产品。 第八条各级人民政府对在固体废物污染环境防治工作以及相关的综合利用活动中作出显著成绩的单位和个人给予奖励。 第九条任何单位和个人都有保护环境的义务,并有权对造成固体废物污染环境的单位和个人进行检举和控告。 第十条国务院环境保护行政主管部门对全国固体废物污染环境的防治工作实施统一监督管理。国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责固体废物污染环境防治的监督管理工作。 县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门对本行政区域内固体废物污染环境的防治工作实施统一监督管理。县级以上地方人民政府有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责固体废物污染环境防治的监督管理工作。 国务院建设行政主管部门和县级以上地方人民政府环境卫生行政主管部门负责生活垃圾清扫、收集、贮存、运输和处置的监督管理工作。 第二章固体废物污染环境防治的监督管理 第十一条国务院环境保护行政主管部门会同国务院有关行政主管部门根据国家环境质量 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 和国家经济、技术条件,制定国家固体废物污染环境防治技术标准。 第十二条国务院环境保护行政主管部门建立固体废物污染环境监测 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,制定统一的监测 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,并会同有关部门组织监测网络。 大、中城市人民政府环境保护行政主管部门应当定期发布固体废物的种类、产生量、处置状况等信息。 第十三条建设产生固体废物的项目以及建设贮存、利用、处置固体废物的项目,必须依法进行环境影响评价,并遵守国家有关建设项目环境保护管理的规定。 第十四条建设项目的环境影响评价文件确定需要配套建设的固体废物污染环境防治设施,必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入使用。固体废物污染环境防治设施必须经原审批环境影响评价文件的环境保护行政主管部门验收合格后,该建设项目方可投入生产或者使用。对固体废物污染环境防治设施的验收应当与对主体工程的验收同时进行。 第十五条县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门和其他固体废物污染环境防治工作的监督管理部门,有权依据各自的职责对管辖范围内与固体废物污染环境防治有关的单位进行现场检查。被检查的单位应当如实反映情况,提供必要的资料。检查机关应当为被检查的单位保守技术秘密和业务秘密。 检查机关进行现场检查时,可以采取现场监测、采集样品、查阅或者复制与固体废物污染环境防治相关的资料等措施。检查人员进行现场检查,应当出示证件。 第三章固体废物污染环境的防治 第一节一般规定 ta occupies less, and financial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional andndustry of led, and radiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capiain, ievel not high, and independent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chterprise scale partial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park lgoals are ... ... Year synchronized with the city, and build a wellnd encans, gloves, and other industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, a " is the key measure to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones,"threeeve the development goals of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of ent and efficiency, it is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achivelopmance with the current growth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of dedo society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development s per capita to reach ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordrevenue capita GDP to reach ... ... Million, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per--to-on of synchronized with the provinces build wellthe following points: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realizatiasp lack of control the position, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to gr Office of the examination results have been communicated to you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the the parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" 2 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 第十六条产生固体废物的单位和个人,应当采取措施,防止或者减少固体废物对环境的污染。 第十七条收集、贮存、运输、利用、处置固体废物的单位和个人,必须采取防扬散、防流失、防渗漏或者其他防止污染环境的措施;不得擅自倾倒、堆放、丢弃、遗撒固体废物。 禁止任何单位或者个人向江河、湖泊、运河、渠道、水库及其最高水位线以下的滩地和岸坡等法律、法规规定禁止倾倒、堆放废弃物的地点倾倒、堆放固体废物。 第十八条产品和包装物的设计、制造,应当遵守国家有关清洁生产的规定。国务院标准化行政主管部门应当根据国家经济和技术条件、固体废物污染环境防治状况以及产品的技术要求,组织制定有关标准,防止过度包装造成环境污染。 生产、销售、进口依法被列入强制回收目录的产品和包装物的企业,必须按照国家有关规定对该产品和包装物进行回收。 第十九条国家鼓励科研、生产单位研究、生产易回收利用、易处置或者在环境中可降解的薄膜覆盖物和商品包装物。 使用农用薄膜的单位和个人,应当采取回收利用等措施,防止或者减少农用薄膜对环境的污染。 第二十条从事畜禽规模养殖应当按照国家有关规定收集、贮存、利用或者处置养殖过程中产生的畜禽粪便,防止污染环境。 禁止在人口集中地区、机场周围、交通干线附近以及当地人民政府划定的区域露天焚烧秸秆。 第二十一条对收集、贮存、运输、处置固体废物的设施、设备和场所,应当加强管理和维护,保证其正常运行和使用。 第二十二条在国务院和国务院有关主管部门及省、自治区、直辖市人民政府划定的自然保护区、风景名胜区、饮用水水源保护区、基本农田保护区和其他需要特别保护的区域内,禁止建设工业固体废物集中贮存、处置的设施、场所和生活垃圾填埋场。 第二十三条转移固体废物出省、自治区、直辖市行政区域贮存、处置的,应当向固体废物移出地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护行政主管部门提出申请。移出地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护行政主管部门应当商经接受地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护行政主管部门同意后,方可批准转移该固体废物出省、自治区、直辖市行政区域。未经批准的,不得转移。 第二十四条禁止中华人民共和国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置。 第二十五条禁止进口不能用作原料或者不能以无害化方式利用的固体废物;对可以用作原料的固体废物实行限制进口和自动许可进口分类管理。 国务院环境保护行政主管部门会同国务院对外贸易主管部门、国务院经济综合宏观调控部门、海关总署、国务院质量监督检验检疫部门制定、调整并公布禁止进口、限制进口和自动许可进口的固体废物目录。 禁止进口列入禁止进口目录的固体废物。进口列入限制进口目录的固体废物,应当经国务院环境保护行政主管部门会同国务院对外贸易主管部门审查许可。进口列入自动许可进口目录的固体废物,应当依法办理自动许可手续。 进口的固体废物必须符合国家环境保护标准,并经质量监督检验检疫部门检验合格。 these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to followthere is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, alln the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column i wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation-... ... rate, access to citytasks al work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual -work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capitup. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our -al protection, the main task is to 2016onmentuilding! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, envircult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the bdiffi elated to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is rforming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in 3 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 进口固体废物的具体管理办法,由国务院环境保护行政主管部门会同国务院对外贸易主管部门、国务院经济综合宏观调控部门、海关总署、国务院质量监督检验检疫部门制定。 第二十六条进口者对海关将其所进口的货物纳入固体废物管理范围不服的,可以依法申请行政复议,也可以向人民法院提起行政诉讼。 第二节工业固体废物污染环境的防治 第二十七条国务院环境保护行政主管部门应当会同国务院经济综合宏观调控部门和其他有关部门对工业固体废物对环境的污染作出界定,制定防治工业固体废物污染环境的技术政策,组织推广先进的防治工业固体废物污染环境的生产工艺和设备。 第二十八条国务院经济综合宏观调控部门应当会同国务院有关部门组织研究、开发和推广减少工业固体废物产生量和危害性的生产工艺和设备,公布限期淘汰产生严重污染环境的工业固体废物的落后生产工艺、落后设备的名录。 生产者、销售者、进口者、使用者必须在国务院经济综合宏观调控部门会同国务院有关部门规定的期限内分别停止生产、销售、进口或者使用列入前款规定的名录中的设备。生产工艺的采用者必须在国务院经济综合宏观调控部门会同国务院有关部门规定的期限内停止采用列入前款规定的名录中的工艺。 列入限期淘汰名录被淘汰的设备,不得转让给他人使用。 第二十九条县级以上人民政府有关部门应当制定工业固体废物污染环境防治工作规划,推广能够减少工业固体废物产生量和危害性的先进生产工艺和设备,推动工业固体废 物污染环境防治工作。 第三十条产生工业固体废物的单位应当建立、健全污染环境防治责任制度,采取防治工业固体废物污染环境的措施。 第三十一条企业事业单位应当合理选择和利用原材料、能源和其他资源,采用先进的生产工艺和设备,减少工业固体废物产生量,降低工业固体废物的危害性。 第三十二条国家实行工业固体废物申报登记制度。 产生工业固体废物的单位必须按照国务院环境保护行政主管部门的规定,向所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门提供工业固体废物的种类、产生量、流向、贮存、处置等有关资料。 前款规定的申报事项有重大改变的,应当及时申报。 第三十三条企业事业单位应当根据经济、技术条件对其产生的工业固体废物加以利用;对暂时不利用或者不能利用的,必须按照国务院环境保护行政主管部门的规定建设贮存设施、场所,安全分类存放,或者采取无害化处置措施。 建设工业固体废物贮存、处置的设施、场所,必须符合国家环境保护标准。 第三十四条禁止擅自关闭、闲置或者拆除工业固体废物污染环境防治设施、场所;确有必要关闭、闲置或者拆除的,必须经所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门核准,并采取措施,防止污染环境。 第三十五条产生工业固体废物的单位需要终止的,应当事先对工业固体废物的贮存、处置的设施、场所采取污染防治措施,并对未处置的工业固体废物作出妥善处置,防止污染环境。 ta occupies less, and financial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional andndustry of led, and radiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capiain, ievel not high, and independent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chterprise scale partial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park lgoals are ... ... Year synchronized with the city, and build a wellnd encans, gloves, and other industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, a " is the key measure to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones,"threeeve the development goals of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of ent and efficiency, it is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achivelopmance with the current growth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of dedo society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development s per capita to reach ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordrevenue capita GDP to reach ... ... Million, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per--to-on of synchronized with the provinces build wellthe following points: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realizatiasp lack of control the position, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to gr Office of the examination results have been communicated to you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the the parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" 4 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 产生工业固体废物的单位发生变更的,变更后的单位应当按照国家有关环境保护的规定对未处置的工业固体废物及其贮存、处置的设施、场所进行安全处置或者采取措施保证该设施、场所安全运行。变更前当事人对工业固体废物及其贮存、处置的设施、场所的污染防治责任另有约定的,从其约定;但是,不得免除当事人的污染防治义务。 对本法施行前已经终止的单位未处置的工业固体废物及其贮存、处置的设施、场所进行安全处置的费用,由有关人民政府承担;但是,该单位享有的土地使用权依法转让的,应当由土地使用权受让人承担处置费用。当事人另有约定的,从其约定;但是,不得免除当事人的污染防治义务。 第三十六条矿山企业应当采取科学的开采方法和选矿工艺,减少尾矿、矸石、废石等矿业固体废物的产生量和贮存量。 尾矿、矸石、废石等矿业固体废物贮存设施停止使用后,矿山企业应当按照国家有关环境保护规定进行封场,防止造成环境污染和生态破坏。 第三十七条拆解、利用、处置废弃电器产品和废弃机动车船,应当遵守有关法律、法规的规定,采取措施,防止污染环境。 第三节生活垃圾污染环境的防治 第三十八条县级以上人民政府应当统筹安排建设城乡生活垃圾收集、运输、处置设施,提高生活垃圾的利用率和无害化处置率,促进生活垃圾收集、处置的产业化发展,逐步建立和完善生活垃圾污染环境防治的社会服务体系。 第三十九条县级以上地方人民政府环境卫生行政主管部门应当组织对城市生活垃圾进行清扫、收集、运输和处置,可以通过招标等方式选择具备条件的单位从事生活垃圾的清扫、收集、运输和处置。 第四十条对城市生活垃圾应当按照环境卫生行政主管部门的规定,在指定的地点放置,不得随意倾倒、抛撒或者堆放。 第四十一条清扫、收集、运输、处置城市生活垃圾,应当遵守国家有关环境保护和环境卫生管理的规定,防止污染环境。 第四十二条对城市生活垃圾应当及时清运,逐步做到分类收集和运输,并积极开展合理利用和实施无害化处置。 第四十三条城市人民政府应当有计划地改进燃料结构,发展城市煤气、天然气、液化气和其他清洁能源。 城市人民政府有关部门应当组织净菜进城,减少城市生活垃圾。 城市人民政府有关部门应当统筹规划,合理安排收购网点,促进生活垃圾的回收利用工作。 第四十四条建设生活垃圾处置的设施、场所,必须符合国务院环境保护行政主管部门和国务院建设行政主管部门规定的环境保护和环境卫生标准。 禁止擅自关闭、闲置或者拆除生活垃圾处置的设施、场所;确有必要关闭、闲置或者拆除的,必须经所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境卫生行政主管部门和环境保护行政主管部门核准,并采取措施,防止污染环境。 第四十五条从生活垃圾中回收的物质必须按照国家规定的用途或者标准使用,不得用于生产可能危害人体健康的产品。 -there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, alln the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column i wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation-... ... rate, access to citytasks al work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual al protection, the main task is to 2016work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capitup. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our -these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to followonmentuilding! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, envircult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the bdiffi elated to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is rforming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in 5 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 第四十六条工程施工单位应当及时清运工程施工过程中产生的固体废物,并按照环境卫生行政主管部门的规定进行利用或者处置。 第四十七条从事公共交通运输的经营单位,应当按照国家有关规定,清扫、收集运输过程中产生的生活垃圾。 第四十八条从事城市新区开发、旧区改建和住宅小区开发建设的单位,以及机场、码头、车站、公园、商店等公共设施、场所的经营管理单位,应当按照国家有关环境卫生的规定,配套建设生活垃圾收集设施。 第四十九条农村生活垃圾污染环境防治的具体办法,由地方性法规规定。 第四章危险废物污染环境防治的特别规定 第五十条危险废物污染环境的防治,适用本章规定;本章未作规定的,适用本法其他有关规定。 第五十一条国务院环境保护行政主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门制定国家危险废物名录,规定统一的危险废物鉴别标准、鉴别方法和识别标志。 第五十二条对危险废物的容器和包装物以及收集、贮存、运输、处置危险废物的设施、场所,必须设置危险废物识别标志。 第五十三条产生危险废物的单位,必须按照国家有关规定制定危险废物管理计划,并向所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申报危险废物的种类、产生量、流 向、贮存、处置等有关资料。 前款所称危险废物管理计划应当包括减少危险废物产生量和危害性的措施以及危险废物贮存、利用、处置措施。危险废物管理计划应当报产生危险废物的单位所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门备案。 本条规定的申报事项或者危险废物管理计划内容有重大改变的,应当及时申报。 第五十四条国务院环境保护行政主管部门会同国务院经济综合宏观调控部门组织编制危险废物集中处置设施、场所的建设规划,报国务院批准后实施。 县级以上地方人民政府应当依据危险废物集中处置设施、场所的建设规划组织建设危险废物集中处置设施、场所。 第五十五条产生危险废物的单位,必须按照国家有关规定处置危险废物,不得擅自倾倒、堆放;不处置的,由所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令限期改正;逾期不处置或者处置不符合国家有关规定的,由所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门指定单位按照国家有关规定代为处置,处置费用由产生危险废物的单位承担。 第五十六条以填埋方式处置危险废物不符合国务院环境保护行政主管部门规定的,应当缴纳危险废物排污费。危险废物排污费征收的具体办法由国务院规定。 危险废物排污费用于污染环境的防治,不得挪作他用。 第五十七条从事收集、贮存、处置危险废物经营活动的单位,必须向县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申请领取经营许可证;从事利用危险废物经营活动的单位,必须向国务院环境保护行政主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申请领取经营许可证。具体管理办法由国务院规定。 ta occupies less, and financial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional andndustry of led, and radiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capiain, ievel not high, and independent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chterprise scale partial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park lgoals are ... ... Year synchronized with the city, and build a wellnd encans, gloves, and other industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, a " is the key measure to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones,"threeeve the development goals of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of ent and efficiency, it is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achivelopmance with the current growth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of dedo society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development s per capita to reach ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordrevenue capita GDP to reach ... ... Million, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per--to-on of synchronized with the provinces build wellthe following points: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realizatiasp lack of control the position, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to gr Office of the examination results have been communicated to you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the the parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" 6 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 禁止无经营许可证或者不按照经营许可证规定从事危险废物收集、贮存、利用、处置的经营活动。 禁止将危险废物提供或者委托给无经营许可证的单位从事收集、贮存、利用、处置的经营活动。 第五十八条收集、贮存危险废物,必须按照危险废物特性分类进行。禁止混合收集、贮存、运输、处置性质不相容而未经安全性处置的危险废物。 贮存危险废物必须采取符合国家环境保护标准的防护措施,并不得超过一年;确需延长期限的,必须报经原批准经营许可证的环境保护行政主管部门批准;法律、行政法规另有规定的除外。 禁止将危险废物混入非危险废物中贮存。 第五十九条转移危险废物的,必须按照国家有关规定填写危险废物转移联单,并向危险废物移出地设区的市级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门提出申请。移出地设区的市级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门应当商经接受地设区的市级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门同意后,方可批准转移该危险废物。未经批准的,不得转移。 转移危险废物途经移出地、接受地以外行政区域的,危险废物移出地设区的市级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门应当及时 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 沿途经过的设区的市级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门。 第六十条运输危险废物,必须采取防止污染环境的措施,并遵守国家有关危险货物运输管理的规定。 禁止将危险废物与旅客在同一运输工具上载运。 第六十一条收集、贮存、运输、处置危险废物的场所、设施、设备和容器、包装物及其他物品转作他用时,必须经过消除污染的处理,方可使用。 第六十二条产生、收集、贮存、运输、利用、处置危险废物的单位,应当制定意外事故的防范措施和应急预案,并向所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门备案;环境保护行政主管部门应当进行检查。 第六十三条因发生事故或者其他突发性事件,造成危险废物严重污染环境的单位,必须立即采取措施消除或者减轻对环境的污染危害,及时通报可能受到污染危害的单位和居民,并向所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门和有关部门报告,接受调查处理。 第六十四条在发生或者有证据证明可能发生危险废物严重污染环境、威胁居民生命财产安全时,县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门或者其他固体废物污染环境防治工作的监督管理部门必须立即向本级人民政府和上一级人民政府有关行政主管部门报告,由人民政府采取防止或者减轻危害的有效措施。有关人民政府可以根据需要责令停止导致或者可能导致环境污染事故的作业。 第六十五条重点危险废物集中处置设施、场所的退役费用应当预提,列入投资概算或者经营成本。具体提取和管理办法,由国务院财政部门、价格主管部门会同国务院环境保护行政主管部门规定。 第六十六条禁止经中华人民共和国过境转移危险废物。 第五章法律责任 -there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, alln the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column i wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation-... ... rate, access to citytasks al work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual al protection, the main task is to 2016work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capitup. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our -these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to followonmentuilding! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, envircult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the bdiffi elated to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is rforming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in 7 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 第六十七条县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门或者其他固体废物污染环境防治工作的监督管理部门违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由本级人民政府或者上级人民政府有关行政主管部门责令改正,对负有责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任: (一)不依法作出行政许可或者办理批准文件的; (二)发现违法行为或者接到对违法行为的举报后不予查处的; (三)有不依法履行监督管理职责的其他行为的。 第六十八条违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,限期改正,处以罚款: (一)不按照国家规定申报登记工业固体废物,或者在申报登记时弄虚作假的; (二)对暂时不利用或者不能利用的工业固体废物未建设贮存的设施、场所安全分类存放,或者未采取无害化处置措施的; (三)将列入限期淘汰名录被淘汰的设备转让给他人使用的; (四)擅自关闭、闲置或者拆除工业固体废物污染环境防治设施、场所的; (五)在自然保护区、风景名胜区、饮用水水源保护区、基本农田保护区和其他需要特别保护的区域内,建设工业固体废物集中贮存、处置的设施、场所和生活垃圾填埋场的; (六)擅自转移固体废物出省、自治区、直辖市行政区域贮存、处置的; (七)未采取相应防范措施,造成工业固体废物扬散、流失、渗漏或者造成其他环境污染的; (八)在运输过程中沿途丢弃、遗撒工业固体废物的。 有前款第一项、第八项行为之一的,处五千元以上五万元以下的罚款;有前款第二项、第三项、第四项、第五项、第六项、第七项行为之一的,处一万元以上十万元以下的罚款。 第六十九条违反本法规定,建设项目需要配套建设的固体废物污染环境防治设施未建成、未经验收或者验收不合格,主体工程即投入生产或者使用的,由审批该建设项目环境影响评价文件的环境保护行政主管部门责令停止生产或者使用,可以并处十万元以下的罚款。 第七十条违反本法规定,拒绝县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门或者其他固体废物污染环境防治工作的监督管理部门现场检查的,由执行现场检查的部门责令限期改正;拒不改正或者在检查时弄虚作假的,处二千元以上二万元以下的罚款。 第七十一条从事畜禽规模养殖未按照国家有关规定收集、贮存、处置畜禽粪便,造成环境污染的,由县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令限期改正,可以处五万元以下的罚款。 第七十二条违反本法规定,生产、销售、进口或者使用淘汰的设备,或者采用淘汰的生产工艺的,由县级以上人民政府经济综合宏观调控部门责令改正;情节严重的,由县级以上人民政府经济综合宏观调控部门提出 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 ,报请同级人民政府按照国务院规定的权限决定停业或者关闭。 第七十三条尾矿、矸石、废石等矿业固体废物贮存设施停止使用后,未按照国家有关环境保护规定进行封场的,由县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令限期改正,可以处五万元以上二十万元以下的罚款。 ta occupies less, and financial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional andndustry of led, and radiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capiain, i-evel not high, and independent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chterprise scale partial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park lnd encans, gloves, and other industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, a " is the key measure to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones,"threeeve the development goals of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of ent and efficiency, it is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achigoals are ... ... Year synchronized with the city, and build a wellvelopmance with the current growth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of des per capita to reach ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordrevenue capita GDP to reach ... ... Million, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's perdo society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development -to-on of synchronized with the provinces build wellthe following points: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realizatiasp lack of control the position, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to gr Office of the examination results have been communicated to you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the the parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" 8 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 第七十四条违反本法有关城市生活垃圾污染环境防治的规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上地方人民政府环境卫生行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,限期改正,处以罚款: (一)随意倾倒、抛撒或者堆放生活垃圾的; (二)擅自关闭、闲置或者拆除生活垃圾处置设施、场所的; (三)工程施工单位不及时清运施工过程中产生的固体废物,造成环境污染的; (四)工程施工单位不按照环境卫生行政主管部门的规定对施工过程中产生的固体废物进行利用或者处置的; (五)在运输过程中沿途丢弃、遗撒生活垃圾的。 单位有前款第一项、第三项、第五项行为之一的,处五千元以上五万元以下的罚款;有前款第二项、第四项行为之一的,处一万元以上十万元以下的罚款。个人有前款第一项、第五项行为之一的,处二百元以下的罚款。 第七十五条违反本法有关危险废物污染环境防治的规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,限期改正,处以罚款: (一)不设置危险废物识别标志的; (二)不按照国家规定申报登记危险废物,或者在申报登记时弄虚作假的; (三)擅自关闭、闲置或者拆除危险废物集中处置设施、场所的; (四)不按照国家规定缴纳危险废物排污费的; (五)将危险废物提供或者委托给无经营许可证的单位从事经营活动的; (六)不按照国家规定填写危险废物转移联单或者未经批准擅自转移危险废物的; (七)将危险废物混入非危险废物中贮存的; (八)未经安全性处置,混合收集、贮存、运输、处置具有不相容性质的危险废物的; (九)将危险废物与旅客在同一运输工具上载运的; (十)未经消除污染的处理将收集、贮存、运输、处置危险废物的场所、设施、设备和容器、包装物及其他物品转作他用的; (十一)未采取相应防范措施,造成危险废物扬散、流失、渗漏或者造成其他环境污染的; (十二)在运输过程中沿途丢弃、遗撒危险废物的; (十三)未制定危险废物意外事故防范措施和应急预案的。 有前款第一项、第二项、第七项、第八项、第九项、第十项、第十一项、第十二项、第十三项行为之一的,处一万元以上十万元以下的罚款;有前款第三项、第五项、第六项行为之一的,处二万元以上二十万元以下的罚款;有前款第四项行为的,限期缴纳,逾期不缴纳的,处应缴纳危险废物排污费金额一倍以上三倍以下的罚款。 第七十六条违反本法规定,危险废物产生者不处置其产生的危险废物又不承担依法应当承担的处置费用的,由县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令限期改正,处代为处置费用一倍以上三倍以下的罚款。 第七十七条无经营许可证或者不按照经营许可证规定从事收集、贮存、利用、处置危险废物经营活动的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得三倍以下的罚款。 -there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, alln the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column i wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation-... ... rate, access to citytasks al work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to followwork, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capitup. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our -al protection, the main task is to 2016onmentuilding! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, envircult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the bdiffi elated to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is rforming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in 9 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all 不按照经营许可证规定从事前款活动的,还可以由发证机关吊销经营许可证。 第七十八条违反本法规定,将中华人民共和国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置的,进口属于禁止进口的固体废物或者未经许可擅自进口属于限制进口的固体废物用作原料的,由海关责令退运该固体废物,可以并处十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。进口者不明的,由承运人承担退运该固体废物的责任,或者承担该固体废物的处置费用。 逃避海关监管将中华人民共和国境外的固体废物运输进境,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第七十九条违反本法规定,经中华人民共和国过境转移危险废物的,由海关责令退运该危险废物,可以并处五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。 第八十条对已经非法入境的固体废物,由省级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门依法向海关提出处理意见,海关应当依照本法第七十八条的规定作出处罚决定;已经造成环境污染的,由省级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令进口者消除污染。 第八十一条违反本法规定,造成固体废物严重污染环境的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门按照国务院规定的权限决定限期治理;逾期未完成治理任务的,由本级人民政府决定停业或者关闭。 第八十二条违反本法规定,造成固体废物污染环境事故的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门处二万元以上二十万元以下的罚款;造成重大损失的,按照直接损失的百分之三十计算罚款,但是最高不超过一百万元,对负有责任的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分;造成固体废物污染环境重大事故的,并由县级以上人民政府按照国务院规定的权限决定停业或者关闭。 第八十三条违反本法规定,收集、贮存、利用、处置危险废物,造成重大环境污染事故,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 第八十四条受到固体废物污染损害的单位和个人,有权要求依法赔偿损失。 赔偿责任和赔偿金额的纠纷,可以根据当事人的请求,由环境保护行政主管部门或者其他固体废物污染环境防治工作的监督管理部门调解处理;调解不成的,当事人可以向人民法院提起诉讼。当事人也可以直接向人民法院提起诉讼。 国家鼓励法律服务机构对固体废物污染环境诉讼中的受害人提供法律援助。 第八十五条造成固体废物污染环境的,应当排除危害,依法赔偿损失,并采取措施恢复环境原状。 第八十六条因固体废物污染环境引起的损害赔偿诉讼,由加害人就法律规定的免责事由及其行为与损害结果之间不存在因果关系承担举证责任。 第八十七条固体废物污染环境的损害赔偿责任和赔偿金额的纠纷,当事人可以委托环境监测机构提供监测数据。环境监测机构应当接受委托,如实提供有关监测数据。 第六章附则 第八十八条本法下列用语的含义: (一)固体废物,是指在生产、生活和其他活动中产生的丧失原有利用价值或者虽未丧失利用价值但被抛弃或者放弃的固态、半固态和置于容器中的气态的物品、物质以及法律、行政法规规定纳入固体废物管理的物品、物质。 ta occupies less, and financial strength weak of fundamental reasons. Traditional andndustry of led, and radiation role also no is good of reflected and play, this is I County Economic total small, and per capiain, ievel not high, and independent innovation capacity not strong, problem also compared highlight, no formed full of industry chterprise scale partial small, and industry structure not reasonable, and industry cluster advantage not obviously, and Park lgoals are ... ... Year synchronized with the city, and build a wellnd encans, gloves, and other industries Just starting out, a modern industrial system has not formed. Industry big project less, a " is the key measure to set up a modern industrial system. My County is an agricultural County, and County resources, stones,"threeeve the development goals of the most basic and lasting, the most fundamental and effective power. Second, implementation of ent and efficiency, it is necessary to ensure greater capital investment. Therefore, the implementation of "three" is to achivelopmance with the current growth rate, it is difficult to achieve development goals. If you want speed, at the current pace of dedo society's core starting point. Our County's economic and social development s per capita to reach ... ... Yuan, an average annual increase ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%. In accordrevenue capita GDP to reach ... ... Million, annual growth ... ...%, the growth rate of last year was ... ...%; public finance budget-off society. This means that by 2018, the County's per--to-on of synchronized with the provinces build wellthe following points: (a) a deep understanding of "three" the significance of the work. Implementing "three" is the realizatiasp lack of control the position, be sure to complete the task and achieve a breakthrough this year. In advancing the work, to gr Office of the examination results have been communicated to you, we can take a look at, and advanced control differences, the the parties involved see, performance is also very uneven. "Three" 10 forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual tasks ... ... rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, all (二)工业固体废物,是指在工业生产活动中产生的固体废物。 (三)生活垃圾,是指在日常生活中或者为日常生活提供服务的活动中产生的固体废物以及法律、行政法规规定视为生活垃圾的固体废物。 (四)危险废物,是指列入国家危险废物名录或者根据国家规定的危险废物鉴别标准和鉴别方法认定的具有危险特性的固体废物。 (五)贮存,是指将固体废物临时置于特定设施或者场所中的活动。 (六)处置,是指将固体废物焚烧和用其他改变固体废物的物理、化学、生物特性的方法,达到减少已产生的固体废物数量、缩小固体废物体积、减少或者消除其危险成份的活动,或者将固体废物最终置于符合环境保护规定要求的填埋场的活动。 (七)利用,是指从固体废物中提取物质作为原材料或者燃料的活动。 第八十九条液态废物的污染防治,适用本法;但是,排入水体的废水的污染防治适用有关法律,不适用本法。 第九十条中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的与固体废物污染环境防治有关的国际条约与本法有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定;但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。 第九十一条本法自2005年4月1日起施行。 there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, alln the city ... ... Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than of ... ... Innovation platforms ... ... Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column i wide recruitment talent introduction ... ... Award recognized scientific and technological achievements ... ... , Cooperation-... ... rate, access to citytasks al work is done using city funds ... ... Billion yuan, annual tasks ... ...%; only completion target ... ... Minutes, annual work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capitup. The following, according to the city's plans and ... ... Comrade usual requirements of our -these work arrangements. For a while, ... ... Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-al protection, the main task is to 2016onmentuilding! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, envircult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the belated to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, anddiffi, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is rforming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in 11
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