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超市网上购物和实体店--外文翻译超市网上购物和实体店--外文翻译 超市网上购物和实体店 与许多人一样,就像在我的高尔夫球鞋里找到一个漏斗网一样找到了一家杂货店。也许这是因为Y染色体吧,但我没有购物基因。如果你像我一样,在享受生活时,选择网上购买、送货上门,这是非常有吸引力的。那就是说,我意识到其他人有机会看到第一手陈列在超市货架上的货物,并比较其价格和讨价还价。 但在时间紧张的日子里,送货上门是许多选择之一。送货上门很方便,因为在一些地区燃油价格上升到了约1.5美元一升。像开车去商店然后将货物带回家的燃油费的这些隐性费用,明显是可能抵消大部...

超市网上购物和实体店--外文翻译 超市网上购物和实体店 与许多人一样,就像在我的高尔夫球鞋里找到一个漏斗网一样找到了一家杂货店。也许这是因为Y染色体吧,但我没有购物基因。如果你像我一样,在享受生活时,选择网上购买、送货上门,这是非常有吸引力的。那就是说,我意识到其他人有机会看到第一手陈列在超市货架上的货物,并比较其价格和讨价还价。 但在时间紧张的日子里,送货上门是许多选择之一。送货上门很方便,因为在一些地区燃油价格上升到了约1.5美元一升。像开车去商店然后将货物带回家的燃油费的这些隐性费用,明显是可能抵消大部分的送货费。 因此,这个月我瞧瞧,相较于从超市货架上购买,你是如何在网上购物并送货上门的。虽然这并不适合所有家庭的账单,但当我购置了一篮的货物,它应该提供一个节省的指南。 1.网上购物送货上门虽然方便,但仍有服务上的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 近年来,网上购物已经走过了漫长的道路。在不久前,超市网站往往只有具有品牌名字的产品线——同样的,包括大众货,经常在店内特价销售的也可在网上销售。 另一方面,产品列 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 从便宜的大众货到家用品牌产品,是如此的广泛。这些天,为了起草一份购物清单,产品线看起来似乎非常的乏味。通过庞大的网络超市,使用我的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 是非常耗时的。事实上,减去排队结账,大约需要花相同时间去购买商品。 一旦创建了购物清单,你可以不辞辛劳的每周不重复的将它重新排列。但是我认识到了可能出现的不利因素:重复的订单会使你停止找寻特价商品;并且,除了基本需要,每星期没有一个人会买完全相同的货物。 我会用Coles和Woolworths来进行比较。他们两家是澳大利亚主要的超市零售商,估计市场份额为74%—80%,其他网上可以选择的商店,是限定于一个或几个国家,或者甚至是更多的本地,就像IGA商店,在全国各地的郊区与城镇各自经营自己的服务。Woolies居家商店和Coles网上商店最小的起订量为30美元。 我用来比较成本的购物清单是由31类品种组成的。其中一些是著名的品牌,另一些是超市的国内品牌。他们包含了16种基本的食品类,例如牛奶、面包、茶、大米、烤豆;6种清洁卫生产品;5种冷冻品;另外还有饼干、薯片和软饮料。如果该类品种是特价的,价格将会记录下来。 我放弃了新鲜的食物,部分原因是因为直接比较是比较困难的,但更重要的是因为这不仅仅只是一个地区出现网上购物竞争不过店内购物。许多投诉是关于网上超市的生鲜食品质 量是非常差的。即使像牛奶、奶酪、冰冻品这样的食品和其他包装的易腐品,网上购买的食品经常接近于保质期。所以网上批量购买只可能对干粮或像大米一样可长时间保存的产品有效。 即使你不交送货费,网上购物也似乎稍微比在店内购物昂贵。就拿Woolworths居家商店来说,我们一篮子糖果的费用是140.48美元,而店内购买是130.98美元。它几乎同样发生在Coles,Coles网上商店购买的货物费用总计为144.59美元,而店内购买是138.22美元。 网上超市购物的费用更多,这不是一个惊喜了:其中包括了填充你订单的劳动力费用。但是其他的网上购物,你购买了一种或几种商品,例如硬件或者衣服,网上通常比店内便宜是因为租金更便宜,储存室相当于陈列室,并更有可能有效的利用工作人员。 送货费将会根据你住在哪里而有所浮动。在这里我使用的是最大的费用。网上购物和店内购物的差距扩大了,Woolies是25.40美元,Coles是26.16美元。店内购物也将涉及到燃油成本;但你可以在任何情况下,尤其是当你需要购买新鲜的食物时开车去店内购物。 另一种投诉网上购物是关于你的购物清单和送到的货物很少是相同的:遗漏了什么东西或者送另一种不同的品牌,或者还有其他错误。该店有对应的政策,所以你不必为此破费;但是,即使在店内购物,退货或者要求退款也不简单。 2.店内购物更便宜,但是小心隐性费用。 对于许多澳大利亚人来说,即使你不喜欢一两小时推着手推车游荡在熟肉食品与罐头之间,但是放弃每周的购物之旅是不可想象的。网上购物并不是适合每个人。首先,并非所有的家庭都可以上网。更重要的是,并不是所有郊区都可以送货上门,尤其是半农村地区。 店内购物也有其优点。没有人喜欢站在超市货架前去选择减价商品。对于食品爱好者来说,这是个人喜好的事,不管选择多汁的牛排还是玫瑰色的苹果,都要比接受超市员工选择对其有利的好。 的确,从许多报告上判断,即使你只购买标准规格的水果、蔬菜和肉,如果有人也选择了这些,你可能因为质量问题和新鲜问题,从你的购物清单里选择放弃这些。 当然这些都是主观原因。店内购买的一种金融陷阱就是通过降价诱惑你冲动购买。由于网上购物篮比店内杂物清单少了10美元,它只需很少的冲动购买来提高收益。尽管争论不休,但网上购物也为冲动购买创造了机会。 冲动购买,这是连锁超市重点研究的和决定在货架上如何摆放货物(饼干旁边是茶和咖啡等),带来了如此多的利润,尽管他们不热衷于提高他们网上购物在价格和服务上的选择。这也解释了为什么超市顶尖的省钱方法总是列张清单。 令人惊讶的是,Woolworths的实体超市,通过小小的26美分,对于我购物清单总体来说只是一个便宜的商店。Coles网上购物居于总账单前茅的2%。Coles店内的大多数产品都比较昂贵,但它有一些我购物的明显的特点。 店内购物中被忽视的增加的成本是前往和离开商店造成的燃油费用。你住的离超市越远,花费就越高。这是可能的,连同你车的磨损,你最终的送货费在Woolies和Coles网上购物商店各自收取的费用15.90美元到16.95美元之间。 WOOLWORTHS的网上商店与实体商店的比较 种类 网上花费 实体店花费 16种基本品 $68.93 $63.66 6种清洁卫生品 $26.63 $26.11 5种冰冻品 $29.11 $26.34 3种其他类 $15.81 $14.87 总计 $140.48 $130.98 差额 $9.50 送货费 (最大) $15.90 差额 $25.40 悉尼中立湾,08年4月17日的价格。其他种类有:番茄酱、肉馅饼和饼干。 COLES的网上商店与实体商店的比较 种类 网上花费 实体店花费 16种基本品 $73.11 $68.55 6种清洁卫生品 $26.37 $25.50 5种冰冻品 $21.86 $21.04 3种其他类 $16.27 $16.15 总计 $137.61 $131.24 差额 $6.37 送货费 (最大) $16.95 差额 $23.32 悉尼中立湾,08年4月17日的价格。其他种类有:茶,花生酱,番茄酱,披萨和冰淇林。 3. 判断你店内购物节省的多少 网上购物可能意味着为你的货物付出更多,因为通过Woolies和Coles,假设我额外花费的一篮子货物刚刚超过25美元。在过去的一年,可能意味着在货物上增加支出1300美元,考虑到一旦为了店内购物而支出的燃油费的减少,重点集中在货物成本,每周店内购物可以节省差不多10美元,每年差不多节省500美元。 当然,个人喜好也将扮演着关键的角色。一些购物者无法想象当其他人像鸭子与水的关系一样进行网上购物,而他们必须放弃每周的购物之旅。如果你时间紧张,运输有限制,或者你认为购物是一件苦差事,网上购物的额外费用似乎是方便你在桌前做完这一切的很小一部分钱。 另一方面,最近的一项调查表明,当出现网上购物时,经常快速采取新技术的澳大利亚,正渐渐滞后于世界。似乎每个人都有可能接受网上购物,但这个趋势的增长已经停止。这可能是因为差的服务和费用的关系。 Supermarket shopping online or in-store Like many blokes, I find grocery shopping as about as appealing as finding a funnel-web in my golf shoes. Perhaps it's the Y chromosome, but I just don't have the shopping gene. If you're like me, buying groceries online and having them home delivered, while you get on with your life, is hugely appealing. That said, I realise others enjoy the opportunity to see first-hand what's available on supermarket shelves, comparing prices and grabbing a bargain. But in these time-poor days, the concept of home delivery has a lot going for it. It's convenient and, with fuel prices rising to around $1.50 a litre in some areas, the hidden cost of fuel used for driving to the shops to bring home the bacon can be significant- possibly offsetting much of the delivery fee. So this month I look at how shopping online, with your groceries delivered to your door, compares with buying off the supermarket shelf. I've used a basket of groceries and, while this won't fit the bill for all families, it should provide an indicative guide of where -- if at all -- any savings are likely to be made. 1.SHOPPING ONLINE WITH HOME DELIVERY Convenience plus,but with service problems. Online shopping has certainly come a long way in recent years. Not so long ago supermarket websites tended to have product lines that were only brand names -- no less, including generics, and often the in-store specials are also available online. On the downside, the product lists are so extensive it can becheaper generic or house-brand products. These days product lines are seemingly end tedious to draft a shopping list. Navigating my way through the vast cyberspace supermarket was remarkably time consuming. In fact it took about the same time as hitting the store in person, minus the queue at the checkout. Once the shopping list is created, you can reorder it each week without repeating that laborious set-up process. But I see possible downsides: repeating the order stops you checking out bargains; and, apart from basics, no one buys exactly the same groceries each week. I've used Coles and Woolworths to make my comparison. They are the dominant supermarket retailers in Australia -- estimates of their combined market share are between 74% and 80% -- and other online options are either restricted to one or a few states or are even more localised, like the IGA stores that each run their own service in suburbs and towns around the country. Woolies Homeshop and Coles Online have a minimum order size of $30. The shopping list I used to compare the costs was made up of 31 items, some name brands and some the supermarket's home brand. They spanned 16 basic food items such as milk, bread, tea, rice and baked beans; six cleaning and hygiene products; five frozen goods; and biscuits, potato chips and soft drink. If the item was on special, that was the price recorded. I left out fresh food, partly because direct comparisons are more difficult but more importantly because this is not an area where online competes well with in-store shopping. Many complaints about online supermarkets are that the fresh food quality is very poor. Even with items such as milk, cheese, frozen goods and other packaged perishables, items bought online are often close to their use-by dates. So bulk buying online is only likely to be viable for non-perishables or for long-life products such as rice. Online grocery shopping appears marginally more expensive than treading the supermarket aisles -- even if you disregard the delivery charge. With Woolworths Homeshop (www.homeshop.com.au), our basket of goodies cost $140.48 compared with $130.98 in-store. And it's almost an identical story with Coles, where the grocery selection totalled $144.59 with Coles Online (www.colesonline.com.au) compared with an instore cost of $138.22. It's not a complete surprise that online supermarket shopping costs more: there are the labour expenses of filling your order. But in other online shopping, where you buy one or a few items, say hardware or clothing, online is usually cheaper than in-store as rent is cheaper -- storage rather than showroom -- and there is possibly a more efficient use of staff. The delivery charge will vary according to where you live. I have used the maximum charges here. The gap between online and in-store shopping widens -- to $25.40 with Woolies and $26.16 with Coles. Buying instore will also involve fuel costs; but you may be making the trip in any case, particularly if you need to buy fresh food. Another complaint about online shopping is that your list and what's delivered are rarely identical: something's omitted or a different brand is sent, or some other error. The stores have policies that cover this, so you won't end up out of pocket; but even with in-store shopping, returning goods or seeking a refund is never simple. 2.IN-STORE SHOPPING Cheaper,but watch for hidden costs. For plenty of Australians, giving up the weekly shopping trip would be unthinkable and, even if you don't hanker for an hour or two pushing a trolley between smallgoods and canned foods, online shopping isn't an option for everyone. To begin with, not all homes are connected to the internet. More importantly though, home delivery isn't available in all suburbs -- especially semi-rural and regional areas. In-store shopping does have its pluses. There's nothing like standing in front of a supermarket shelf to grab a mark-down bargain and, for food aficionados, it will be a matter of personal preference to select the juicier steak or rosiest apples rather than settling for what a supermarket employee chooses on their behalf. Indeed, judging by many reports, even if you just buy standard fruit, vegetables and meat, you may opt to leave these items off your online shopping list because of problems of quality and freshness if someone else selects them. Of course these are subjective issues. One of the financial traps of in-store shopping is the lure of budget-blowing impulse buys. With a margin of less than $10 between our online shopping basket and the in-store grocery bill, it only takes a few impulse buys to level the score. Though arguably, online shopping also presents the opportunity for impulse buying. It could be that impulse buying, which is heavily researched by the supermarket chains and determines how they stack their shelves (biscuits next to tea and coffee etc), brings in so much profit that they are not that keen to improve their online shopping alternatives, in price or in service. And it explains why the top tip for saving money at the supermarket is always to take a list. Surprisingly, Woolworths' instore supermarket was only just the cheaper store overall for my shopping list, by a tiny 26?. For online shopping Coles came out on top by 2% of the total bill. For most products in-store Coles was more expensive, but it had some significant specials on the day I shopped. An overlooked added cost of in-store shopping is the fuel bill resulting from travel to and from the store. The further you live from the supermarket, the greater this cost will be, and it is possible that, together with the wear and tear on your car, you could end up spending a good proportion of the delivery charge of $15.90 or $16.95 charged respectively by Woolies and Coles online shopping stores. ONLINE V IN-STORE:WOOLWORTHS CATEGORY ONLINE COST IN-STORE COST Basics, 16 items $68.93 $63.66 Cleaning and hygiene,6 $26.63 $26.11 Frozen food, 5 $29.11 $26.34 Other, 3 $15.81 $14.87 Total $140.48 $130.98 Difference $9.50 Delivery (max.) $15.90 DIFFERENCE $25.40 Prices as at 17-Apr-08, Neutral Bay, Sydney. Items on special were: tomato sauce, meat pies and biscuits. ONLINE V IN-STORE:COLES CATEGORY ONLINE COST IN-STORE COST Basics, 16 items $73.11 $68.55 Cleaning and hygiene, 6 $26.37 $25.50 Frozen food, 5 $21.86 $21.04 Other, 3 $16.27 $16.15 Total $137.61 $131.24 Difference $6.37 Delivery (max.) $16.95 DIFFERENCE $23.32 Prices as at 17-Apr-08, Neutral Bay, Sydney. Items on special were: tea, peanut butter, tomato sauce, pizza and ice-cream. 3.THE VERDICT You save in-store Shopping online may mean paying more for your groceries, with the hypothetical basket of groceries I have used costing just over $25 extra through both Woolies and Coles. Over the course of a year that could mean spending an additional $1300 on groceries but, once the cost of fuel used for in-store shopping is taken into account, that margin narrows. Focusing on the cost of groceries alone, the weekly saving made by shopping in-store is a little under $10 -- an annual saving of around $500. Of course personal preference will play a key role. Some shoppers couldn't imagine giving up their weekly shopping expedition while others will take to online shopping like ducks to water. If you're time poor, have limited access to transport, or you just find shopping a chore, the additional cost of shopping in cyberspace will seem a small price to pay for the convenience of doing it all at your desk. On the flipside, a recent survey by consultants The Leading Edge indicates that Australia, usually quick to take up new technology, is lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to online shopping. It seems everyone likely to take up the online option has, and growth has stalled. It may be that poor service and expense are playing their part.
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