首页 张仲景国医学院2011-2012学年第一学期期末考试工作安排



张仲景国医学院2011-2012学年第一学期期末考试工作安排张仲景国医学院2011-2012学年第一学期期末考试工作安排 根据南阳理工学院2011—2012学年第一学期期末考试工作安排意见(南理工院文[2011]61号),制定我院(系)期末考试安排意见: 一、 组织领导 组 长:毛秉豫 副组长:齐保东 魏小萌 卞华 付伟云 成员:曹辉 张超云 齐静 徐国昌 石景洋 胡久略 黄显章 二、 时间安排 原则上2012年1月3日前考试全部结束, 2012年1月4日至2011年1月5日集中评卷、登分、试卷整理、总结。所有考试工作2011年1月6日前全部结束。 三、 具...

张仲景国医学院2011-2012学年第一学期期末考试工作安排 根据南阳理工学院2011—2012学年第一学期期末考试工作安排意见(南理工院文[2011]61号),制定我院(系)期末考试安排意见: 一、 组织领导 组 长:毛秉豫 副组长:齐保东 魏小萌 卞华 付伟云 成员:曹辉 张超云 齐静 徐国昌 石景洋 胡久略 黄显章 二、 时间安排 原则上2012年1月3日前考试全部结束, 2012年1月4日至2011年1月5日集中评卷、登分、试卷整理、 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 。所有考试工作2011年1月6日前全部结束。 三、 具体要求 (一)试卷评阅 各教学单位按照《南阳理工学院课程考试暂行规定》第八章的试卷评阅、拆封、登记要求进行试卷评阅。 (二)登分要求及成绩单整理办法 1、登分完毕后的学生成绩单,不得涂改,否则无效。 2、2012年1 月6日17:00 前,各系院必须将由任课教师、教研室主任、登分人签名的各班级成绩单和重修课程成绩单送交相关单位(成绩单一式三份,学生所在系院、课程所在系院、教务处各一份);全校公共基础课程成绩单由课程所在系院负责整理报送;专业课程成绩由学生所在单位负责整理报送。 (三)成绩录入教务管理系统 1、课程成绩由任课教师负责录入系统,教研室主任负责审核、提交(公益劳动课程成绩由物业服务中心负责系统录入)。 2、所有年级、课程成绩的系统录入均使用《高校教务网络管理系统》。 3、因学籍异动或选课异常造成无法录入教务管理系统的成绩,由任课教师填写《学生成绩无法录入系统登记表》报送教务处考试中心备案,待学籍完善、选课正常后,由任课教师录入教务管理系统。 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: (四)考试分析 各教研室应针对本教研室承担的课程考试试卷及考试结果进行认真评价、 分析,总结经验,找出不足,以便指导下一步教学工作,各系院应在2012年1 月 6日前完成成绩分析工作并形成书面材料。 四、考试检查 考试结束后,系考试领导小组将对各教研室的试卷评阅,成绩单、试卷的 整理,考试分析等。 五、具体考试安排 巡考试时间 考试课程 考试班级 人数 考场号 监考教师 考 10中医专升本1班 43 11514 张慧珍 唐学敏 2011年12月24 日 影像诊断学 10中医专升本2班 42 11602 张雪鹏 杨雷 9:00—11:00 10中医专升本3班 42 11616 石景洋 焦河玲 第17周周六 护理心理学(开卷) 10护理专升本 26 11610 张晓芬 张培华 11中医专升本1班 56 11616 李忠 齐静 卞2011年12月2411中医专升本2班 57 11618 张彦丽 马长德 华 生物化学 日 11护理本科 49 11602 范迎 郭晓娟 14:30—16:30 11护理专科 39 11610 侯俊然 袁敏 第17周周六 护理专业英语(开) 09护理本科 52 11512 王华 张超云 医学免疫学 10护理专升本 26 11610 郭华林 徐彦飞 2011年12月25免疫学基础与病原10中医本科1班 42 11514 史马广寒 程琳 日 生物学 10中医本科2班 34 11602 赵清超 张培华 9:00—11:00 11中医本科1班 51 11618 张晓芬 王延柯 第17周周日 中国医学史 11中医本科2班 46 11512 徐国昌 李晶 毛 11中医专科 49 11616 杨雷 雷璇 秉 豫 10中医专升本1班 43 11512 张翠月 李晶 2011年12月2510中医专升本2班 42 11618 袁敏 丁吉善 温病学 日 10中医专升本3班 42 11602 陈志国 张培华 14:30—16:30 08中医本科 42 11616 范迎 焦河玲 第17周周日 健康评估 11护理专升本 33 11610 胡久略 齐静 11中医专升本1班 56 11616 唐学敏 李丽 2011年12月26医古文 11中医专升本2班 57 11618 徐国昌 李晶 日 齐 11中医专科 49 11602 石景洋 齐静 9:00—11:00 保 11中医本科1班 51 11512 袁敏 史马广寒 第18周周一 东 中医基础理论 11中医本科2班 46 11514 胡久略 王延柯 11中医专科 49 11517 焦河玲 徐彦飞 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 10护理专升本 26 11610 李忠 程琳 中医护理学? 2011年12月2609护理本科 52 11512 张雪鹏 张翠月 日 中医护理学? 10护理本科 56 11616 石景洋 郭晓娟 14:30—16:30 诊断学基础 09中医本科 57 11618 侯俊然 丁吉善 第18周周一 物理化学 10中药本科 36 11602 徐国昌 王华 10中医专升本1班 43 11512 李忠 张慧珍 中医伤科学 10中医专升本2班 42 11514 张雪鹏史马广寒 2011年12月2710中医专升本3班 42 11517 郭华林 李丽 日 11中医专升本1班 56 11616 张晓芬 张培华 9:00—11:00 11中医专升本2班 57 11618 陈志国 王延柯 第18周周二 中药学 10中医本科1班 42 11602 赵清超 齐静 毛 10中医本科2班 34 11610 叶松山 雷璇 秉 11中医本科1班 51 11616 张雪鹏 马长德 豫 正常人体解剖学 11中医本科2班 46 11618 杨雷 程琳 2011年12月2711中医专科 49 11517 张彦丽 丁吉善 日 11护理本科 49 11512 范迎 张超云 14:30—16:30 人体形态学 11护理专升本 33 11610 侯俊然 陈志国 第18周周二 11护理专科 39 11514 张翠月 郭晓娟 医学分子生物学 09中医本科 57 11602 王华 胡久略 西医外科学 08中医本科 42 11602 唐学敏 李晶 10护理专升本 26 11610 李忠 焦河玲 2011年12月28外科护理学 日 09护理本科 52 11512 张慧珍 史马广寒 9:00—11:00 病理学 10护理本科 56 11618 陈志国 马长德 第18周周三 11中药本科 28 11514 叶松山 王延柯 无机化学 11中药专科 21 11521 张晓芬 齐静 10中医专升本1班 43 11514 张慧珍 张翠月 齐 内科学 10中医专升本2班 42 11512 郭华林 王延柯 保 10中医专升本3班 42 11517 杨雷 史马广寒 东 2011年12月28 解剖生理学 10中药本科 36 11318 徐国昌 徐彦飞 日 14:30—16:30 11中医专升本1班 56 11616 张彦丽 李丽 第18周周三 11中医专升本2班 57 11618 侯俊然 胡久略 生理学 11护理专科 39 11610 张雪鹏 焦河玲 10中医本科1班 43 11602 范迎 袁敏 10中医本科2班 42 11519 王华 丁吉善 11中医本科1班 51 11512 石景洋 陈志国 11中医本科2班 46 11514 唐学敏 王延柯 2011年12月29 11中药本科 28 11610 郭华林 雷璇 日 卞大学英语I 9:00—11:00 华 11护理本科 49 11616 徐国昌 李晶 第18周周四 11护理专升本 33 11318 杨雷 马长德 11中医专升本1班 56 11618 齐静 程琳 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 11中医专升本2班 57 11519 赵清超 郭晓娟 11中医专科 49 11517 胡久略 徐彦飞 11中药专科 21 11521 张雪鹏 李丽 11护理专科 39 11602 张培华 焦河玲 11中医本科1班 51 11616 李忠 雷璇 11中医本科2班 46 11618 唐学敏 马长德 11中药本科 28 11610 张晓芬 齐静 2011年12月29思想道德修养与 11护理本科 49 11514 范迎 郭晓娟 日 法律基础 11中医专科 49 11512 张彦丽 徐彦飞 14:30—16:30 11中药专科 21 11521 侯俊然 李晶 第18周周四 11护理专科 39 11602 陈志国 袁敏 中医外科学 08中医本科 42 11517 张慧珍 王华 11中药本科 28 11610 徐国昌 王延柯 高等数学 11中药专科 21 11521 张彦丽 徐彦飞 10护理专升本 26 11318 石景洋 李丽 2011年12月30内科护理学 09护理本科 52 11618 张翠月 程琳 日 9:00—11:00 10中医专升本1班 43 11514 叶松山 雷璇 第18周周五 10中医专升本2班 42 11602 郭华林 马长德 中医内科学 齐 10中医专升本3班 42 11512 杨雷 史马广寒 保 09中医本科 57 11616 胡久略 张晓芬 东 10护理本科 56 11616 张慧珍 程琳 毛泽东思想和中 10中医本科1班 42 11514 石景洋 马长德 2011年12月30 国特色社会主义 10中医本科2班 34 11602 唐学敏 郭晓娟 日 14:30—16:30 10中药本科 36 11610 张翠月 丁吉善 第18周周五 11中医专升本1班 56 11512 范迎 叶松山 中医诊断学 11中医专升本2班 57 11618 袁敏 王华 中医耳鼻喉科学 08中医本科 42 11602 郭华林 张晓芬 2011年12月31 日 护理学导论 11护理专科 39 11610 张彦丽 李晶 9:00—11:00 09中医本科 57 11616 陈志国 徐彦飞 预防医学 第18周周六 09护理本科 52 11618 焦河玲 雷璇 10中医专升本1班 43 11512 王华 张培华 针灸学 10中医专升本2班 42 11514 郭晓娟 马长德 毛 10中医专升本3班 42 11517 石景洋 李晶 秉2011年12月31康复护理学(开卷) 10护理专升本 26 11618 侯俊然 张彦丽 豫 日 10护理本科 56 11616 范迎 程琳 14:30—16:30 药理学 11护理专升本 33 11602 胡久略 徐彦飞 第18周周六 方剂学 10中药本科 28 11610 赵清超 丁吉善 11中药本科 28 11318 李忠 杨雷 中医学基础 11中药专科 21 11521 王延柯 李丽 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 2012年1月111中医专升本1班 56 11616 张慧珍 张培华 日 内经选读 11中医专升本2班 57 11618 唐学敏 雷璇 9:00—11:00 09中医本科 57 11517 徐国昌 李忠 第18周周日 10中医专升本1班 43 11616 杨雷 史马广寒 卞 急诊医学 10中医专升本2班 42 11618 郭晓娟 袁敏 华 2012年1月1 日 10中医专升本3班 42 11602 张翠月 焦河玲 14:30—16:30 10护理本科 56 11512 张雪鹏 郭华林 护理学基础 第18周周日 11护理专升本 33 11602 张晓芬 李丽 急危重症护理学 10护理专升本 33 11610 侯俊然 丁吉善 张仲景国医学院 2011-12-10 loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:
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