首页 语文花开课文同步练习答案



语文花开课文同步练习答案语文花开课文同步练习答案 课文同步练习答案 第1课 《在山的那一边》 一、1(秘;惑;腾;痴;幻;瞬 2(?幅;?副;?付;?符 3(依次是:规规矩矩、清清楚楚、仔仔细细、踏踏实实 二、4(上;膛;上;行;上;章;荡 5(示例:(粉红)的荷花;(舞动)的莲叶;(晶莹)的露珠;(快乐)的游鱼 6(要点:表现了作者热爱生活、热爱自然的思想感情。 (?“痴想”原意是发呆地想,这里的意思是,总是神往于大山外面的世界,达到了三、7 痴迷的程度。说明“我”从小就不愿困居于狭小的天地,追求新的天地。 ?“枯干”是比喻的...

语文花开课文同步练习答案 课文同步练习答案 第1课 《在山的那一边》 一、1(秘;惑;腾;痴;幻;瞬 2(?幅;?副;?付;?符 3(依次是:规规矩矩、清清楚楚、仔仔细细、踏踏实实 二、4(上;膛;上;行;上;章;荡 5(示例:(粉红)的荷花;(舞动)的莲叶;(晶莹)的露珠;(快乐)的游鱼 6(要点:表现了作者热爱生活、热爱自然的思想感情。 (?“痴想”原意是发呆地想,这里的意思是,总是神往于大山外面的世界,达到了三、7 痴迷的程度。说明“我”从小就不愿困居于狭小的天地,追求新的天地。 ?“枯干”是比喻的说法,表现了“我”对理想的渴望。 8(示例:“小草”象征顽强的生命,“蜡烛”象征无私的奉献,“太阳”象征光明。 9(绘声绘色;看法:能针对此类语言现象,写出明确的看法即可。 理由:赞同的理由,可以是巧妙利用谐音,言简意丰,引人人胜等。反对的理由,可以是滥用成语,语言不 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 ,容易误导等。(如联系实例辩证分析也可) 第2课:走一步,再走一步 一、1(?chuî;?lín xún;?xuàn;?hǎn;?jiâ;?níng 2(?灰;?啜;?豪;?苍3(C 4(?片;?座;?个;?条 5(提示:运用比喻,句子通顺,前后一致,形象生动即可。6(?(心理)描写;这句心理描写,生动传神地表明“我”当时已经被吓傻了,既有点夸张,又很符合当时的情景,充满了童真童趣。 ?议论;点明全文的主旨,告诉我们在人生的道路上,艰难险阻并不可怕,将困难化整为零,走一步,再走一步,定能战胜它。 二、7(?指言谈、行动超出平常,不是一般人所能想象的。?花费大量钱财追求过分享受。 8(乞丐拾金不昧的美德和女士的善良慷慨。 9(既指作者小时侯跑到果园去捡被风从树上 (示例:人家落难时,我们不能趁火打吹落的水果,也指那枚滚落到乞丐面前的硬币。 10 劫,只有别人丰收时,我们才可以分享他人的“风落之果”。或:对待处境不佳的人,我们有时要以善良之心,给对方以“风落之果”的赠与。 三、11(要点:这是爸爸对“我”的劝告,也是我脱险的行动过程,也是我的人生感悟,说明要向困难挑战,才会战胜困难。以此为题有形象性、动态感,并点明了文章的主题。 12(“探”是向前伸出的意思,写我不敢大胆迈步。这个词表现了我的胆怯和小心。而“站”字是站立的意思,用在此处不合愿意,表达效果不好。 第3课 短文两篇(《蝉》、《贝壳》) 1(liǎn kã líng bēi 2(chán蝉鸣chán 禅师 liǎn 收敛 jiàn 刀剑 shù 宽恕 nù 愤怒 wēi 微笑 huī 国徽 3(?收敛 ?聒聒 ?卑微 ?一丝不苟 4(A并不矛盾。 5( : , , 。 6( D 7( (1)秋风一吹,蝉的生命就完结了,苦等了17年,才等到一个夏天,却是为了生命的延续,令作者感叹。 (2)人生的价值是可贵的,生命短暂而渺小。我们应该为后人为社会留下一些玩味,留下一些有价值的东西。8(小、坚硬、精致 9(“ 回旋的花纹中间有着色泽或深或浅的小点,如果仔细观察的话,在每一个小点周围又有着自成一圈的复杂图样。” 10( “在我手心里躺着的实在是一件艺术品,是舍不得拿去和别人交换的宝贝啊~”11( 对上苍塑造生命之精心、一丝不苟的感叹和赞美。 12( 提示:从对生命意义的感悟的角度回答,言之有理即可。 13(因为在等待中,“我”感受到蚕破茧成碟的过程是蕴藏着一次生命复活的坚实的梦。 14((1)变异:在文中指蚕由蛹变成蛾的过程。(2)窒息:在文中指(生存)困难窘迫。 15(作者看到眼前(姿态翩舞)的碟,想到了它的沉睡就是一个生死相连(既洋溢着古典的气息,又充满着生命的哲理)的梦。 16(承上启下,由上文蚕破茧化蝶过渡到对人生的思考。 17(示例:一旦走出束缚,世界广阔无限。千年的黑暗,孕育了瞬间的光明。 18(指人生道路山上的障碍,如低微的出身、平庸的相貌、痛苦的遭遇等。用自尊、自信、毅力、勇气、智慧去扫除人生道路上的障碍。 19(相同点:?都是由一个小小的“物”引发对生命的一些感悟。?对于生命的理解,都比较积极、认真。?对accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 于“物”的描写细致入微,笔调清新而自然。 20(不同点:?《蝉》是先抑后扬,《贝壳》是直入主题。?《蝉》对于生命的感悟是不管生命短暂与否,都要积极面对,好好地活着;《贝壳》则落实到要把自己能做的事情做得更仔细、更精致、更加一丝不苟。?《蝉》的作者对于生命的态度隐喻在对蝉的生命意义的阐发中,并没有直接表白;《贝壳》则明确提出了自己要认真做事的想法,表达了要给世人留下值得珍惜和惊叹的东西的愿望。 第4课 紫藤萝瀑布 (A“槐”应读“huái B“酿”应读“niàng” C“嚷”应读“rāng” D “仃”应读“d1 īng” 2((1)察言观色 (2)伶仃 (3)伫立 (4)忍俊不禁 (5)迸溅 3(《铁萧人语》 宗璞 冯钟璞 冯友兰 托物言志(借景抒情) 花和人都会遇到各种各样的不幸,但是生命的长河是无止境的。 4( ?从未见过开得这样盛的藤萝,只见一片辉煌的淡紫色,像一条瀑布,从空中垂下,不见其发端,也不见其终极。 ?紫色的大条幅上,泛着点点银光,就像迸溅的水花。仔细看时,才知道那是每一朵紫花中的最浅淡的部分,在和阳光互相挑逗。5(?流动 欢笑 生长 ?焦虑 6( B(A项中“隧”应写成“穗”;C项中“蜜”应写成“密”;D项中“淀”应写成“绽”。只有B全正确) 7(?梦境,这个词形象地表现了紫藤萝的香气迷人程度 ?“沉淀”是沉积的意思,文中指想像中的紫颜色沉到花穗的下部,显得深。形象地写出了紫色由浅到深的转变过程。 8(?拟人 ?比喻 9( D 10(本题揣摩景物描写,实质上是揣摩比喻、拟人修辞手法的效果,以达到增强语感、领悟写景技巧的目的。做此类题,应在把握句义的基础上,细心感悟修辞手法的表达效果。这段文字写紫藤萝花的花色。答案:细腻地写出了每一朵花不同部位的深浅,显得亮丽可爱,玲珑剔透,既富有动感,又富有情趣。 11( 对比 不仅写出了紫藤萝花的生机盎然,还暗示了紫藤萝花甘于寂寞的个性特征。 12( 答案:不罗嗦,因为前文说到了花开得热烈,反复运用,就把花当作顽皮的小孩在那里七嘴八舌一样,情态逼真。(解析:做这道题应放在文章中,联系上下文,具体分析其作用,紫藤萝花七嘴八舌地在说话说明花开得热烈。此题考查反复修辞方法的运用的表达作用。) 13( 这里运用拟人的手法,把紫藤萝人格化,形象生动地写出了紫藤萝一派天真烂漫、童稚可掬的样子,突出了它盎然勃发的生机。(解析:这几个动词的恰当运用,不但体现了拟人修辞方法的妙处,而且写出了紫藤萝花的盎然生机。这道题考查关键词语运用的表达效果。) 14( 突出了紫藤萝花忍受巨大痛苦,疑虑不解地思索、小心翼翼地生长。暗示了当时禁锢人们对美好生活追求的肃杀的政治气候。 15( 昙花一现 昙花开放后,很快就凋谢,比喻稀有的事物或显赫一时的人物出现不久就消逝。 16( D(解析:本文构思巧妙,先点明自己看过一次昙花开放的感觉“凄美而壮烈”,接着写与朋友品茶、聊天的“无味”“单调”,为下文写昙花开放做准备。正是因为全神贯注看昙花开放,所以花儿开放的声音格外惊人。) 17( 反复 拟人 “反复”如:花,很大很大;色,很白很白;味儿,浓郁强烈~ “拟人”如:它尽情的享受人间蜂拥而来的爱 18( 相似之处:通过对花的描写,结尾处都写出了对人生的感悟。 而本文作者赞昙花生命的短暂辉煌,说明作为一个人要珍惜生命,努力奋斗,创造辉煌。(此题考查我们比较阅读能力和对文章主旨的理解能力。本文《昙花》和课文《紫藤萝瀑布》都是以“花”为描写对象,都通过写花表达对人的生命的看法。只要认真研读两文结尾,体会一下,就能找到相似之处。本文写“它辉煌而来,辉煌而去。生命最短,不曾浪费一点一滴。”告诉人们要珍惜生命,不要浪费生命。课文结尾则告诫人们不要为生命中的挫折所压垮,要看到生命的美好和永恒。) 19( “瀑布”一词写出了紫藤萝的花朵繁盛,也赋予它们动态美。(文章的题目是一篇文章的灵魂,一个窗口。对文章题目鉴赏要从文章主要内容入手。本文所描写的是紫藤萝,因此鉴赏点就落在“瀑布”一词上。瀑布,从悬崖上倾泻下来,其气势宏大。用瀑布形容紫藤萝花,把静物写活了,而且写出了花之多,花之密。做此类题,要敢于发表自己的意见和观点,再从原 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 的语言、修辞、表现手法的妙处入手进行鉴赏。) accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 第5课 童趣 1(zhì miǎo lì lì 怡 壑 癞蛤蟆 2( 明察秋毫——比喻为人十分精明,任何小问题都看得很清楚 庞然大物——形容外表上庞大的东西 怡然自得——形容安适愉快而满足的样子 3(《浮生六记?闲情记趣》 自传 沈复 4(A B D 5(?张目对日,明察秋毫 物外之趣 ?丘 壑 ?庞然大物 6( ?通“僵”,僵硬的意思。 ?这里指超出事物本身的乐趣 ?正 ?兴趣 ?未染色的,本色 ?鞭打(此题考查文言文中重点词语的解释。做此类题要具体语言环境具体分析,掌握通假字、词类活用、一词多义等古汉语知识。) 7( 描写心情的句子,可以使人感觉到“察物纹理”时的投入,聚精会神,情随物动,别有一番情趣,从而突出了文章的情趣。(做此题,先在阅读课文时勾画出“怡然称快”“不觉呀然一惊”等描写心情的句子,然后深入体会它们的作用。此题考查描写心情的句子在文章中的作用) 8( 第一段总领全文,引出下文,点明了文章的主旨;下文具体描写“物外之趣”,因此第一段与全文是总分关系。(明确这一段在结构上的作用要先理解此段的内容,体会此段与全文的关系,及与各段的联系。第一段中的“物外之趣”总领全文,引出下文,点明了文章的主旨。) 9(?见到微小的事物一定要仔细观察它细密之处。?夏天的蚊子嗡嗡地像雷声一样,我便把它们模拟成在天空中飞舞的仙鹤。?心里这样想,那成百上千的蚊子,果然都变成鹤了?我又把蚊子留在未染色的帐子里,慢慢地用烟喷它们,让它们冲着烟雾边飞边叫 ?我把这个景象比作“青云白鹤”的景观,果然它们就像白鹤一样在云端飞鸣,我为此高兴得不停地拍手叫好 ?原来是一只癞虾蟆,它舌一吐,两只小虫就全被它吞掉了 10(D(此题考查文学常识、文章内容和结构方式的特点。做此类题要对文章有全面的认识。A、B、C三项都对,D项有误,沈复是清代文学家。) 11( ?? ?? ?× 12( D(此 C项解释题考查文言文中实词、虚词的含义。做此类题要在具体语言环境中具体分析。A、全对;B项全错,第一个是“时候”的意思,第二个是“时常”的意思; D项有一处错误,第二个翻译成“被”) 13( 省略了量词,数词直接修饰限制名词。(此题考查文言文中数词运用的规律。文言文中一般省略量词,数词直接修饰限制名词。如“二虫”应译成“两只虫”。) 14( “庞然大物”指癞蛤蟆;两只小虫;“山”指“土砾”;“树”指“丛草”。 15( 捉 鞭 驱 初生牛犊不怕虎 16( 有很强的观察能力和丰富的想象力。 第一单元检测 一、基础知识 1(C 2(C 3(A庸碌 :也作“庸庸碌碌”。形容人缺乏理想,没有志气,没有作为。 4(C 5((略) 6(?潭影空人心;?开轩面场圃;?曲径通幽处 ?老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。?故人具鸡黍 ?明察秋毫,见藐小之物必细察其纹理 二、阅读理解 7(父亲鼓励(指导、引导、教)我一步一步爬下悬崖。 8(没有解除恐惧心理。“似乎”、“小心翼翼”、“探”几个词语都能表现这一点。“似乎”,表现了“我’’对迈出第一步信心不足;“小心翼翼”和“探”,则表现了“我”依然恐惧的心理。 9(“我”成功迈出第一步,“顿时有了信心”;成功迈出第二步,则“信心大增”;完全爬下悬崖之后,“产生了一种巨大的成就感”。他的心理状态是在获得成功的行动中变化的。 10((这是一个开放的题目,言之有据的答案都应认可。最好是答下面一点。)他具体指导儿子第一步应踏在哪块石头上,引导儿子成功地迈出第一步。理由:这使儿子产生了自己战胜困难的自信心,激励儿子独立走向完全成功。 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 11(字要一个一个地认,书要一段一段地背。只要克服一个一个小困难,学习任务总是会完成的。 12(被“我”捕捉来关在笼子里的画眉鸟死去了,根本原因是“我”使它丧失了自由;把一些野生的活物捉来放到笼子里。 13(让它为我一人歌唱。这种做法是自私的,既是对鸟儿的摧残,也是对自然平衡的破坏。 14(妈妈认为做一个失去自由的囚徒还不如死了好,这也是画眉妈妈爱的一种表现。(可以有不同答案) 15(因为他明白了:任何生物都有对自由生活的追求,而这种追求是值得肯定的。 16(画眉妈妈宁可毒死孩子也不愿让孩子过失去自由的囚徒生活。 17(?睁着;?心里私自;?通“僵”,僵硬的意思;?把 18(?每遇见细小的东西,一定要仔细观察它的纹理。 ?这么一想,眼前果真就出现了千百只白鹤。 19(观蚊如鹤之趣、神游山林之趣、鞭打蛤蟆之趣。 20(作者观察细致,想象奇特。 三、作文(略) 第6课 理想 1( ?tuì zhuï juã zǔ ?玷 扒 寥 舶 2(D(A、B、C三项都正确;D项“可望不可即”解释为“只可仰望而不可企及或接近”。) 3( 《流沙河诗集》 当 流沙河 4( ?真正的人,崇高的人,伟大的人。 ?经历多次挫折和失败。 5( B(此题考查诗句的停顿和重音情况。朗读时注意把握节奏。B项中“理想”与“使不幸者绝处逢生”之间停顿, A项中“饮料”和“矿泉水”相包含,因此删掉“矿“绝处逢生”应读重音。) 6( D( 泉水”。B项中“健全”与“建立”应颠倒位置;C项中应删掉“使”。) 7( B(B项中“玷”应读成“diàn”;“扒”应读成“pá”。) 8( ?只可仰望而不可企及或接近。即,靠近,接触。?洗涤。濯,洗。?在没有出路的情况下获得生机。绝,尽,穷尽。 9( D(此题考查诗句所含哲理的理解能力。做此类题要深入理解诗句的内容。例句包含的哲理是理想的重要性,因此选D。) 10( ?浪子有了理想便可体味到人间的温暖,唤起生活的勇气和信心。?烈士暮年,壮心不已。?示例:它也照耀着遥远的我的故乡。(此题考查仿写句子的能力。根据例句的结构形式仿写一个句子。) 11( 清醒 谦恭(谦虚、谦逊) 谨慎(小心) 站起(站立) ,此题考查恰当地填写词语能力。做此类题要根据具体语言环境,结合例句,填空中的词语与前面的动词或形容词是反义词。如“昏睡”与“清醒”相反;“高傲”与“谦恭(谦虚、谦逊)”相反;“莽撞”与“谨慎(小心)”相反;“跌倒”与“站立(站起)”相反。, 12((参考)《在山的那边》:“人们啊,请相信——/在不停地翻过无数座山后/在一次次地战胜失望之后/你终于会攀上这样一座山顶/而在这座山的那边,就是海呀/是一个全新的世界/在一瞬间照亮你的眼睛„„” 13( 不矛盾。诗人所说的“理想”,是崇高的社会理想,是为社会进步、为多数人谋利益的理想。树立理想,拥有信念,拥有为理想而奋斗的幸福感,是获得。而这一切又是以牺牲个人利益为前提的,他要牺牲个人利益,要抛弃黄金梦,所以又是一种牺牲。 14( 比喻、对偶。理想的实现给人带来幸福,树立了理想,不懈地奋斗,就会取得丰硕的收获;“请乘理想之马„„”两句象征大好形势。新的历史时期,丽日当空,春色一片,是我们实现美好理想的最好的年代。 15( (参考)当一名作家。观察生活,关注社会,努力学习,多读多练。(其他的也可以,但必须是思想健康的、向上的。) 16(D(阅读诗歌理解内容大意,把握写作角度,揣摩写法特色等方面。D项有误,修辞方法是设问,没有排比。) 17(纯洁的白色,鲜艳的红色,交相辉映,使人感觉明丽轻松、赏心悦目;悠扬的笛声,潺潺的流水,相互唱和,使人神清气爽、心旷神怡。这一组意象挖掘了欢乐的深层美,并用可感的艺术形象活灵活现地展现在读者的面前。(抓住欢乐accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 的颜色鲜、笛声、水声唱和这些意象,进行赏析。此题考查诗歌的阅读能力和赏析能力。) 18( A(做此题要反复研读,理解诗歌内容,抓住写作角度和特点来分析。BCD三项都正确,A项中应是第四节。) 19( 本诗大量运用比喻,是为了形象生动地阐述理想的意义,从而鼓励人们为理想而奋斗。(运用比喻句更形象生动表达文章内容,阅读全诗,把握诗的中心思想来回答。) 第7课 短文两篇 1(lán duî zhuì haï rǎnrǎn á tī chú shuî 2( B(A、C两项注音全正确;D项中有一处错误,“囱”应读“cōng”;B项中有三处错误,“龈”应读“yín”;“浊”应读“zhuï”;“弦”应读“xián”。) 3(C(A、B、D三项都正确;C项词语解释不全面。冉冉:形容事情慢慢变化或移动。 累累:连续不断;连接成串。) 4(?排比 ?拟人(做此类题要抓住句中有典型特征的词语,以便来辨析修辞方法。?题中六次出现“第一次„„”运用了排比的修辞方法;?题中“玩凉凉的云”是拟人。) 5(?中“的”应写成“得”;“映”应写成“印”。 ?“呱”应写成“孤”,“翱”应写成“熬”。 6(示例:D是一把竖琴,是快乐;S是曲线,是优美。O是一轮太阳,是朝气。 7(C(此题考查词语感情色彩是否发生了变化。“神圣”、“自豪”、“多姿多彩”是褒义词,没有发生变化。“堕落”的用法与我们的语感不合。下文明明是说“这种命运事实上是我们自己选择的”,那怎么说“堕落”呢,“堕落”有一个义项是“沦落、流落”,这里指行道树离开了家,离开原始森林,立在城市风尘里,生活条件和自身形象是大大跌落了,“堕落”是从这个意义上来说的。) 8(?张晓风 ?《无言歌》 周素珊 ?散文 9(“风情”指风土人情;“风景”指一定区域内可能观赏的景象。“风光”指风景景象,在文中,作者所见柚子树生长南国,很有地方风土特色,这柚子树旁又有人家,更见人情,所以,文中用“风情画”更恰当。(此题考查我们对句子中重点词语的理解能力。对于这类题目,可以查工具书作为辅助手段,即使这些词语并不陌生,但了解词与词之间的微小差别对解题也有帮助。) 10( 行道树比喻无私奉献者(明确文中“行道树”的象征意义,从文中对它的描述来分析。它甘愿在城市的飞尘中,制造清新,奉献绿荫,毫无怨言。) 11(好在奇妙,好在新鲜而刺激,好在回味无穷。 12(我们的事业需要我们有无私奉献的精神和自我牺牲精神及以苦为乐的精神。 13(对比。如:行道树与沉浸于夜生活欢乐之中的城市的对比。突出表现行道树的奉献精神。(反复阅读文章,体会文章运用对比表现手法,并能理解其作用。与夜生活的人们相比,更突出行道树的奉献精神。) 14(“忧愁”与“快乐”不矛盾。“忧愁”的是,城市的污浊,损害着人们的健康;“快乐”的是,自己能为城市带来清新和浓阴,迎接早晨的太阳和光明。(本题考查对文章主旨的把握,要在深层理解课文内容的基础上进行准确概括,如探究“忧愁什么”“快乐什么”,一定要联系上文内容具体理解。行道树为城市空气污染而忧愁,为市民健康而忧愁。快乐的是,自己能为城市制造新鲜空气,制造清新,夏日能献出浓阴,黎明时能迎接太阳,迎来光明。) 15( “在这个充满车辆与烟囱的城市里”,车辆、烟囱不断地制造烟尘,污染空气,但城市的居民习惯于这种现状,人们对行道树制造的清新不珍惜,城市环境污染严重,实在令人感到悲凉,感到担忧。在这种环境中,行道树只是一种点缀,改变不了严重的污染现象。(理解文中句子,要联系文章内容,把握文章的中心。抓住句中关键词语“悲凉的点缀”,明确行道树处于“充满车辆与烟囱的城市里”这个特殊环境。) 16(“我”生活在大山里,羡慕城里人的生活。听了黄春草在逆境中奋斗的经历后,认识到了只有选择顽强,才能茁壮成长。 17((1)表达“我”对父亲的不满,把自己不能过上城市富足生活的责任归结到父亲身上。 (2)强调小花恶劣的生长环境;突出小花顽强的生命力。 18(烘托了“我”对黄春草的美好生活的羡慕之情(或向往之情) 19(“阳光”暗喻了美好生活,这句话告诉我们看到了美好生活,就有了希望和梦想,就要去追求、奋斗。 20(形象点明了文章的主旨,暗喻了在逆境中顽强奋斗的人(黄春草) 21( 示例:作者看到十姊妹的雏形,样子难看,但accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 感觉很新奇,“具体而微”时感觉很喜欢,这正是第一次的感觉不一定都是愉快的。人的成长过程中也是如此,第一次的经历并不都是愉快的,但肯定是新鲜而刺激,令人回味无穷的。(此题从把握文章主旨出发,来思考如何对待人生的第一次。只要能够答出引申联想的内容即可。) 第8课 人生寓言 1( ?yùn jiào jiã bǐng ?撤 厄 皎 泯 迭 2( ?得失之患 ?险象迭生 ? ( 周国平 比喻 夸张 讽刺 4( ch心旷神怡 ?多愁善感 ?突如其来 ?举世无双 3 â撤销 châ清澈 xiāo销售 xiāo消息 diã险象迭生 diē跌宕起伏 kuàng心旷神怡 guǎng性格粗犷 5( 示例:便心神不宁,惟恐题目太难;便忧心忡忡,只怕失误太多。 6(C (A单对双不搭配;B缺主语。在“资源”后加“的意识”;D“打击”后面缺宾语,在“制品”后加“的行为”) 7( 心田似海,纳百川亦可容人(他) 8( 失去人生的许多乐趣 锻炼人的意志 9( B(B项中“嬉戏”中的“嬉”应读“xī”;“泯灭”中的“泯”应读“mǐn”) 10(A(此题考查词语的含义。做此类题要注意积累,结合具体语言环境来分析。“心旷神怡”中的“旷”是“开阔”的意思。) 11(A(“召见”是中性词,“慷慨”是褒义词) 12(C(此题考查对文章内容的理解能力。A项考查人物描写方法。B项考查重点字词的品析C项考查对寓意的理解。D项考查文章的写作特色。C项说法有误,说“才能”,意味着只有遭遇厄运,才能战胜脆弱,别无他法了,这个说法不成立。) 13(不能删。围绕白兔与人类的区别和对人类中的某些人慧心已泯,贪心贪欲的讽刺作答。 14(“天哪,太可怕了„„”反复三遍,第一次出自王子之口,第二次出自“我”之口,第三次是在“我”耳边响起,重复半截,略去半截,耐人寻味。这种反复还暗示:厄运一旦落到自己头上怎么办,有王子的经历在前,这样的故事又好像在不断重复,对人很有启发。 15( 从前闲适的心情一扫而光了,取而代之的是紧张不安,惟恐宝藏丢失,满月缺损,她便心痛如割,月的阴晴圆缺,勾起了无穷的得失之患。(尽量用原文的词句答题,这是得分诀窍~) 16( 白兔慧心未泯,不愿为得失之患所困扰。(做此类题时,要阅读相应文段,勾画概括有关语句。白兔不愿为得失之患所困绕,想寻回闲适的心情。尽量用原文答题。) 17( 白兔慧心未泯,悟到拥有月亮并非好事,所以放弃了所有权。人类慧心已泯,总以为拥有就是幸福,是无论如何也不肯放弃既得利益的。可见,对人类有讽刺、劝诫的意味。(寓言其实都是针对现实中的人的) 18( 动 看一看 形容 很远 19( 五彩缤纷的羽毛 灰白而单调的羽毛 20( 华而不实或徒有其表(阅读时抓住关键词句来分析。“美丽的羽毛并不能使你高飞;你只能老挨着地面,那这美丽又有什么用处呢,尽管我的羽毛是灰色的,它却能载着我高高飞翔,直至九天云霄”,从中看出“华而不实”的特点。) 21( 仅有美丽的外表没有什么用处,甚至是丑陋的(把鹤的对美和丑的理解从文中勾画出来。“美丽的羽毛并不能使你高飞;你只能老挨着地面,那这美丽又有什么用处呢,”) 22( 那些华而不实徒有其表的人 那些貌不惊人却有着真才实学而又能干的人(做此题要明确寓言的寓意,正确理解“孔雀”与“鹤”的象征意义,由动物联想到人,寻找这两类人的相似点。) 23( 示例:寓言讲的是白兔拥有月亮,不是拥有一把青草什么的。可见不是泛指拥有,只是指白兔之于月亮那样拥有。如果天空拥有月亮,就会泰然拥有,不会那样紧张不安了。这则寓言让我们明白:拥有显赫的权势或财富,拥有者是紧张不安的。寓言告诉我们,如果某种拥有,带来的是无穷的得失之患,使人紧张不安,那还不如没有。寓言没有鼓吹一无所有的意思。 第9课 我的信念 1( chïu shē rïulìn hē ào cù biān 2( ?liáng 测量 liàng 量变 ?báo薄饼 bï 薄酒 bî 薄荷 3( C(A项中“猝”读“cù”其余的读“cuì”; B项中“逃”读táo;C项都读“wãi”;D项中“假”读“jiǎ”。) 4( 飘洒得多而杂乱——纷纷扬扬 行走艰难,处境困难——寸步难行 坚定不可动摇——屹然不动 乱七八糟的样子——残叶狼accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 藉 5( ?简陋 ?安静 ?克制(选择“简陋”,指房屋、设备等简单粗陋;选择“安静”,强调工作环境的氛围;“克制”,抑制(多指情感)。) 6( ?ABC ?AD ?C 7(A 8(A 9( ABCD(此题考查对人物形象的掌握。阅读课文,居里夫人伟大的人格可从思想理念、环境需求、工作态度各方面来概括。) 10(我们必须有坚忍不拔的精神。我们自己要有信心。 11(?抓住“我”与蚕的相似点回答即可。如:这些蚕固执地、勤奋地工作着,我感到它们和我非常相似。?找准指代的内容即可。如:对真理的探索。 12(抓住两类人的不同特点及作者对他们的不同态度即可。如:?寻求现实的人:他们工作或进行科学天空是为了获得报酬。梦想家:投身于科学研究本身,被纯粹的科学研究所吸引,无暇也无热情去谋求物质上的利益。?对前者,居里夫人表示理解,对后者表示赞同。 13(?扣住这一比喻句的含义回答。如:痴迷。?扣住本段中作者对科学的理解回答。如:“科学展现出的崭新远景”,或“科学本身具有的伟大的美”。 14(答案须从文章在找到依据。如:“专心致志”,“追求真理”,“甘于寂寞”,“淡薄名利”,“温和沉静”等。 ( 15(隐讳地表述居里夫人逝世,委婉含蓄表明极度悲痛的心情;同时表明居里夫人一生都在为人类辛勤工作,直至停止了呼吸,才“结束”,表达了对逝者的敬仰之情。 16( “第一流人物对于时代和历史进程的意义,在其道德品质方面,也许比单纯的才智成就方面还要大” 17( 单纯的才智成就 18(热情赞颂居里夫人伟大的人格。 19(照应的是第一段“即使是后者,它们取决于品格的程度,也远超过通常所认为的那样”一句。 20(强调学习居里夫人高尚品格和极大热忱的重要意义。 第10课 《论语》十则 1(丘 仲尼 春秋 鲁 思想家、教育家、儒 “仁政、仁爱” 孟子 “孔孟” 语录 《论语》、《大学》、《中庸》、《孟子》 《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《易》、《春秋》 2(孔子和他弟子言行 儒 孔子谈话 弟子问 弟子 3(? lún ?lâ ?xǐng ?wǎng ?dài ?yùn ?chuán ?hïng ?diāo ?shù4(?按一定的时间复习 ?通“悦”,愉快?生气,发怒 ?迷惑 ?有害 ?多次进行自我检查、反省 ?老师传授的知识?此,这 ?大概,也许 ?指道德上有修养的人 ?通“智”,聪明 ?要,想做 ?给,施加 ?儒家的推己及人,仁爱待人 ?相同 ?真诚,诚实 ?强毅 ?凋谢 ?学习 ?停止 5(? 说 通 悦 义:愉快 ? 女 通 汝 义:你 ? 知 通 智 义:智慧,聪明 6(?古义:老的,旧的,过去的。 今义:缘故,故意,意外的事情。?古义:可以凭借。 今义:能够。 ?古义:道德上有修养的人 。 今义:对人的敬称。 ? 古义:这,这个,这样。 今义:表示肯定判断。?古义:停止。 今义:已经。 7( ?、?、?、?、? 章; ?、?、?、?、?、?、?、? 章; ?、? 章。 8(阅读课文,用原文回答下列问题。 (1)学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 (2)士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎,死而后已,不亦远乎, (3)温故而知新,可以为师矣。 (4)三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。 (5知之为知之,不知为不知。 (6)择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。 (7)知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 (8)学而时习之,不亦说乎, (9)有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎, (10)人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎, (11)吾日三省吾身。 (12)有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎, (13)择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。或见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。 (14)见贤思齐。 (15)岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。 (16)人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎, (17)三人行,必有我师焉。 (18)有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎, (19)己所不欲,勿施于人(20)岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。 (21)温故而知新。 (22)择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。 (23)士不可以不弘毅,任重accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 而道远。 仁以为己任,不亦重乎,死而后已,不亦远乎, (24)吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎,与朋友交而不信乎,传不习乎, (25)己所不欲,勿施于人。 (26)人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎, (27)死而后已 (28)三人行,必有我师焉。 (29)?己所不欲,勿施于人 ?三人行,必有我师焉 ?死而后已 8(温故知新 任重道远 死而后已 己所不欲,勿施于人 三人行,必有我师焉 见贤思齐 9(翻译下列句子。 ?只读书却不思考,就会迷惑而无所得;只是空想却不读书,就有(陷入邪说的)危险。?看见贤人要想着向他看齐,看见不贤的人要反省自己有没有跟他相似的毛病。?(碰上)寒冷的天,才知道松柏树是最后落叶的。?那大概是“恕(道)”吧~自己所讨厌的事情,不要施加在别人的身上。?教给你对待知与不只的态度吧。 ?在温习旧知识后,能有新体会、新发现,就可以当老师了。 10(学习和思考是辩证的关系,只学习而不思考,则会感到迷惑而无所适从。如果只是思考而不能学习则会更为有害,因此二者一定要结合起来。 11(不仅有高尚的道德修养,而且有广博学识,还要有宽广的胸怀和善良的心地。 12(“朋”指志同道合的人。有志同道合的人聚在一起研究问题当然是高兴的事,更是一种乐趣。可以看出孔子愿意与别人切磋探讨学问,把这当作乐事。 13(要有实事求是的求学态度。 14(因为孔子具有明确的学习志向和端正的学习态度,因此,对学习的过程并不感到厌倦。 15(说明新旧知识密切相关,新知识蕴藏于旧知识之中,温习、揣摩旧知识,可获得知识。本则强调独立思考的必要性,因为只“温故”而不独立思考,决然达不到“知新”的目的。我们在学习中必须复习,而且是思考着复习,从中发现新知识。评价一个好老师应该是能将知识融会贯通,能在温习旧知识中有所发现,这才是好老师。 16(孔子的这句话包含了相互体谅的意义。在生活中自己所讨厌的事情,不要施加在别人的身上。 17(示例:我喜欢能将知识融会贯通,能在温习旧知识中有所发现的老师。 18(取长补短。 19(经过艰难困苦的考验,才能看出一个人坚持节操的高尚品格,只有在危难的时候,才能真正考验一个人。现在人们在证明自己的实力、品格、节操时,常引用这一个格言。 20(示例:我们只要具有见贤思齐的精神,就能不断进步。 21(一个人要经常反省自己,检查自己,重视品德修养的完善,避免生活与学习中的缺漏与失误。经常、多次反省自己。 22(这是孔子从学习态度方面来谈的。告诫弟子要善于发现并学习别人的长处,取人之长,补己之短。告诉我们要向一切人学习,在今天仍有实际意义。只有用谦虚的学习态度,向周围的一切人学习,才会有成就。 23(“岁寒”主要比喻一种社会环境;越是在严峻考验的时候,越能见出一个人的真品质。孔子以形象的比喻,道出了了非常朴素的真理,这里也是讲做人的道理。 24((1)告诉我们学习必须有端正的态度和良好的学习方法。(2)作为人必须养成好的品德修养。 25(吾日三省吾身 三思而后行 白发三千丈冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 举一反三 三头六臂 火冒三丈 士别三日,刮目相待 第二单元过关测试 一、基础知识 1(A 2(C 3(B 4(A 5((略) 6(?杨花落尽子规啼;?何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时;?烟笼寒水月笼沙 商女不accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 知亡国恨 二、阅读理解 7(主要是通过心理、动作、神态的描写来表现白兔拥有月亮之后患得患失的心情。 8(“仍然”一词非常自然地衔接了上文,又为下文写白兔的得失之患作铺垫。 9(比喻 表现了白兔患得患失的紧张心理。 10(不能删去,因为这几个字正体现了作者对贪心不足的人类的讽刺与劝谕之情。 11(略 12(符合文意即可。 13(暗示这些枯黄笨拙的树根在这黑暗和腐朽的环境中支持着地面上的生命之美,那正是他们的骄傲。 14(?“天哪,„„延伸出美丽~” ?(略) 15(像玫瑰树根一样甘愿付出,默默奉献的人是高尚和伟大的。(可不限于此) 16((答案为开放性,此略) 17(C 18(A 19(?我每天多次反省自己:替别人办事是不是尽心竭力呢,与朋友交往是不是诚实呢,老师传授的知识是不是复习过呢, ?自己所讨厌的事情,不要施加在别人身上。 20(略 三、作文(略) 第11课 春 1(yùn niàng gē bo sǒu hâ chēng yâ wǎn zhuǎn bàng fǔ liáo (欣欣然 巢 繁花嫩叶 呼朋引伴 黄晕 蓑 笠 稀稀疏疏 静默 2 3(?D ?B ?C ?A 4(?(反复)(拟人)?(排比)(拟人)?(引用)(比喻)?(比喻)(排比) 5(鲜嫩 偷懒 嘹亮 缭乱 胳膊 搏斗 涨水 肿胀 6(?暗暗,形容行动避人,不欲使人觉察。 本句中把小草人格化(拟人),生动形象地写出了春天到来时万物复苏的情景。 ?炫耀、夸耀或骄傲地显示,一般是贬义。 本句中把小鸟人格化(拟人),生动地表现了春天的生机勃勃、小鸟快乐地鸣叫的情景。本句是褒义。 7(?朱自清 自华 佩弦 扬州 《背影》 《荷塘月色》 散文 ?春草图 春花图 春风图 春雨图 迎春图 ?捉几回迷藏 轻悄悄的 软绵绵的 ?可别恼 像牛毛 像花针 像细丝 人家屋顶上全笼着一层薄烟 ?各做各的一份儿事去 “一年之计在于春” 有的是工夫 有的是希望 8(?“钻”表明春草破土萌发的挤劲,显示了不可压抑的生命力;若用“长”只是一般的说明,不能表现出春草的活力。?“闹”字不仅有嗡嗡的响声,而且隐含了一片喧闹沸腾的景象;“叫”只能表明喊叫,用在这里,感情色彩不浓。?“抚摸”写出了春风的温暖与柔情;“吹”则表达不出来。 9(朱先生运用了比喻、拟人等修辞手法,从触觉、嗅觉、听觉等感官角度将难以状写的春风写得神韵透彻。 10(“逼”字很传神地写出了小草在春雨的洗润下色泽的鲜绿、浓艳,也写出了春草的满地铺开的长势。 11(因为第(一)段是写 “春风”,与上文的“春草”、“春花”和下文的“春雨”都是写春景的,而第(三)段是在上文写完春景后的“人”的活动,突出“一年之际在于春”、“人勤春早”意蕴。所以不能调换。 12(没有重复。作者用三个比喻分别从不同的角度总写春天:春天是新的,春天是美的,春天是健壮有力的。三个形象化的比喻,渐次排比,气势迭起,戛然有力地归结全文。 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 13(使用了五个“唱”字,写出了春天逐渐到来的过程。紧扣题目,统领全文,强调理想中和现实中春天的不同。同时也是运用了排比的修辞手法,使文章句式整齐,行文有气势。(第一问要注意“唱”的内容,找出它们的内在联系。第二问要抓住“曾经”一词,再联系文章的题目,“春之怀古”。此题的第二问有一定的难度,必须结合全文的主旨去思考。) 14(具体表现:枯梗抵死苦守老根,屋梁受尽风欺雪扰犹自抱着燕巢。写关于春天名字的故事,体现的是湮远年代中春天的到来使人们愉悦,表现的是人们对春天的喜爱。(要注意题干的提示,在文中找出相应的语句。此题主要考查对信息的筛选和理解。第二问有一定的难度,应该注意省略号后面的内容,特别要抓住“奔走互告”“愉快的耳语”等词语。) 15(表达出作者对工业文明的厌倦,对湮远年代中的春天的渴望。(首先要准确把握“烟囱的黑森林”的具体意思,然后联系全文的主旨和作者的感情。段是文中的段,句是段中的句,理解句子的含义,必须联系上下文的语境,必须联系全文的中心。) 16(AC(B项“写实的手法”不对,景物描写的是作者的一种美好愿望。D项“一视同仁、平等民主”不对,这句话主要体现了春天鲜花灿烂的美景。E项“深不可测,引人思考,发人深醒”不对。此题考查对语句的理解和对文章的鉴赏。涉及对语句的理解、对中心的把握、对手法的评价,考查了学生的综合阅读能力。) 第12课 济南的冬天 1(老舍,舒庆春;舍予;满 作 人民艺术 ;《骆驼祥子》;《四世同堂》;《茶馆》;《龙须沟》。 2(zhù,澄 篮 髻 báo bï huo hâ yùn yūn 响 镶嵌 3(C 4(A 5(D 6( ??????(语序排列要抓住关键信息,如表示时间的词语、上下句有衔接关系的句子等。) 7(B(注意上下句的对应关系) 8(A(比喻句,其他都是拟人) 9( 山上,山尖,山坡 ( 课文从自身感受的角度,山腰(理清文章的写景顺序,抓住表示空间变化的词语。) 10 来写济南冬天“温晴”的特点。作者把济南与住惯了的“北平”比较,又与他刚刚离开的伦敦比较,再与热带比较,突出了济南冬天温晴的特点,很自然地发出“济南真的算个宝地”的由衷赞叹。所以,可以从全文最后一句“这就是冬天的济南”,看到作者写本文的目的,就在于对济南的赞美。这段的对比方式,是一种“曲折行文”的手法。这段课文总写了济南的冬天温晴的特点,是全文的总起,为下文具体描述作了铺垫。因此,这段与下文是总分关系。(理解写景的角度:从自身感受写起。表现手法主要指对比、象征等。第三问是考查段落之间的关系,一般有总分关系、并列关系等。) 11( “卧”字用得很贴切。济南城外的小村庄被作者赋予了生命和感情,它们都“安适地睡着”,尽情享受这“温晴”的天赐。这“卧”字,正好与第二段中的“好像是把济南放在一个小摇篮里”相呼应,用拟人的手法写活了济南。(体会词语的形象性,用拟人手法赋予小村庄以生命和情感,可以更好的表达出对景物的喜爱之情。) 12( “响亮”一词,一般用来指声音宏大。但根据上下文意思来判断,在这里是指“晴朗得刺眼”。“济南的冬天是没有风声的”,是说济南冬天的风并不猛烈,是柔和的,如果把“声”字去掉,就说成了“没有风”,不切合实际。(本题考查对词语的意思的理解,侧重于语境中的意思。) 13(A (“‘鱼’比喻‘我们’几个孩子”,错。) 14(装模作样地伏在灶台上做作业(或“伏在灶台上做作业” “在灶台上做作业”) 目光随着蒸汽升高,梳她又黑又粗的长辫(两者有一即可得分) 在幸福的预感中虚张声势 眼前的景象是他的成就(“内心必然掠过一阵阵喜悦”亦可) 15(? “目光越过一道道山粱”形象地表现了“我们”等待父亲归来的焦急心情;“裹挟着晚风”形象地表现父亲为全家生活奔波的艰难程度,亦奠定与寒冷抗争的全文基本调; “逐渐清晰” ,按照从远到近、从模糊到清晰的顺序动态地表现了父亲归来的情景。(其他说法言之有理即可) ?拟人(比拟) 我们几个孩子抢着(“贪婪”)吃鱼的情景。?“寒冷”指困苦的生活(或困境), “温暖”指获得用助、关爱(接受帮助、关爱时而产生的幸福感、快乐感)。(其他说法言之有理即可。) 16(A(勒劳B、慈爱(爱子女) C 、忘我或克己(奉狱) D、主动关怀他人(善良)(有accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 爱心)。其他言之有理亦可。 17(要点一:“人们遭受这样那样的灾难与挫拆是在所难免的,此时最需要别人的帮助与支持”( 要点二:为“他们会深切地感受到获取别人帮助的幸福”( 要点三:“并会主动地帮助处在困境中的人们”(其他说法言之有理即可。) 第13课 夏感 1( 1(zhù dàn qiān zǎi pángbï dài búfú 2(略。 3(?C ?D ?B 4(略 5(?麦浪翻滚着,扑打着远处的山,天上的云,扑 (宰、贮、迸、打着公路上的气体 ?为了说明春天的灵秀之气在夏天已酿成了磅礴之气 6憾、致、礴7(曼:柔美 滋:滋长 可是:是不是 8( 逐渐升调;悯农 9( 把秋作为终点 10(春季;秋季;对比(或比较) 11(?白天紧张地劳动;?夜里还要担心天气是否有变化;?还要忙着管理秋收的作物。 12( 他们紧张地劳动着,忙着夏收,又忙着培育秋苗。 13(抒发作者对夏天的喜爱和对辛勤劳动的农民的赞美。 14(“那必然是一个让人欢腾的时刻,阴暗而清凉的风中,人们不再惧怕闪电,急促冲出户外,满眼包含感激。”15(要点:语气不够强烈,就表达不出作者对夏雨的渴念之情。16(人们一味地砍伐森林而不知绿化荒山;只知一味地捕杀动物而不知保护生态。17(要点:因为如今“青山绿水”不再,连年闹灾欠收就是与“昨日亲手伐倒的那一片片森林”有着直接的关系,表现出一种反思的精神。18(表达出作者对夏雨的强烈渴念,警示人们要注意保护生态环境,否则受累的最终是我们人类自己。 第14课 秋天 1(?shuî 这里指果实又大又饱满。 ?qī 停留,休息(多指鸟类)。 ?liāo高远空旷。 ?hã 干涸,没有水了。 ?liâ 水清。 2( ?×???×?× 3( 何其芳 诗人 评论家 《预 ( ?农家丰收图 ?霜晨归渔图 ?少女思恋图 5( 轻松闲静、宁静悠远 抒发了言》 4 作者对秋天的喜爱和赞美之情 6( ?“飘”字以视觉写听觉,写出了幽谷的深、静。 ?“梦寐”有“朦胧”之意,写出了少女的情怀,牧羊女的感情似喜似羞。 7( 听觉 幽深、宁静 嗅觉 8(拟人 9(不好。“栖息”本用来描写有生命的物类,在诗歌中概括农家的状况,将虚无的东西(秋天)形象化、具体化,创造出闲静的氛围 10(农家丰收图 包含“山谷伐木”和“篱间背瓜果”两个场景 11(大地的诗歌„„可喜的草丛中间。//大地的诗歌呀„„。一层:描写盛夏“蝈蝈的乐音”;第二层:描写严冬“蛐蛐的歌儿” 12、过渡句是:“大地的诗歌呀,从来没有停息。”在诗大结尾,作者巧妙地运用联想,将“蝈蝈”与“蛐蛐”前后两幅画面叠印在一起,让冬天“蛐蛐的歌儿”呼应盛夏“蝈蝈的音乐”,在诗人的心灵中,交织成一首此起彼伏的“从来不会死亡”“从来不会停息”的“大地的诗歌” 13、人们应该不断的追求美好的愿望和理想。 14、诗人对大自然的由衷的赞美和热爱。 第15课 古代诗歌四首 测试一:1( ?曹操 孟德 东汉 政治 军事 诗 慷慨悲壮 ?王湾 唐 ?白氏长庆集 唐白居易 乐天 香山居士 ?曲牌名 题目 马致远 元 戏曲 2(略 测试二:1( 日月之行,若出其中;星汉灿烂,若出其里。兴甚至哉,歌以咏志。 2( 大海吞吐日月、包蕴万千的壮丽 统一中原建功立业的抱负 3( 写出平野开阔、大江直流、波平浪静等景 4( 抒发了旅途中的思乡之情。 乡书何处达,归雁洛阳边。 5( 要注意诗中的细节描写。如:“水面初平”“争暖树”“啄春泥”“没马蹄”这些都是初春的景象。 6( 真切地表现出天涯沦落人的孤寂愁苦之情 测试三:“几处” “谁家”用得极有分寸,准确地反映了初春时景物的特点,说明诗人观察细致,描写入微。用后两者描写显然不合适。 第三单元过关测试 一、基础知识 1(D 2(C 3(A 4(D 5(C(曹操诗风豪迈) 6(D accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 7(?海日生残夜,江春入旧年;?乱花渐欲迷人眼;?日月之行 星汉灿烂 ?像牛毛,像花针,像细丝。 二、阅读理解 8(描绘济南城雪后山景的秀美。 9(山上、山尖、山坡、山腰 10(不矛盾。因为济南四周有一圈小山,山尖连起来,就像一道银边。“一道”与前文“一圈”相照应。 11(下点小雪使矮松越发青黑,给蓝天镶上银边,给山们穿上花衣。 12(等到快日落的时候,微黄的阳光斜射在山腰上,那点薄雪好像忽然害了羞,微微露出点粉色。 13(略 14(淡泊宁静、朴实成熟 15(她使我精力充沛,她使我淡泊、宁静、平和。 16(拟人 生动地刻画出肆虐的寒风中小树林一派萧索的景象。 17(衬托 春天的小树林的繁华更能衬托出秋天小树林的朴实、淡泊,冬天小树林的萧索突出秋天小树林的成熟、收获,更能突出文章的主旨。 18(暗示“我”正处于难以摆脱的困境当中。 19(别人的提醒和帮助。 20(“引”字形象地写出了盲人行走的艰难。 21(“往前走走就知道了”道理:在面临困境时,要勇于冲破障碍,战胜困难,这样才能摆脱困境。 22(顿时,我豁然开朗:是啊,前面无论有没有路,或者路是曲是直,是暗淡是光亮,往前走走,不久知道了~ 四、作文(略) 期中检测题 1、B 2、C 3、D 4、B 5、A 6、D 7、A 8、略(要求:字数、修辞) 9、示例:亲情是久别重逢后,亲人的一句平淡的问话; 亲情是犯错误时,父亲暴怒的一顿拳脚。 本题2分,每个空1分 10、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆;己所不欲,勿施于人;三人行,必有吾师焉;牛毛、花针、细丝;梦寐;日月之行,若出其中。星汉灿烂,若出其里;风正一帆悬;几处早莺争暖处;断肠人在天涯。 本题共17分,每空1分,错一个字,该空不得分 11、孔子;春秋 本题1分,每空0(5分 12、说--悦--高兴;知--智--智慧的;女--汝--你。 本题6分,每题2分 13、(1)曾子说:“我每天都多次自我反省:我为别人办事有没有不忠实的呢,我和朋友交往有没有不讲信用呢,对老师所传授的知识有没有不去温习呢,本题2分,句意正确1分,重点词语翻译无误1分 (2)只重学习而不注重思考,就有可能迷惑不解;只重思考而不注重学习,就有可能因误入歧途而陷入困境。 本题2分,句意正确1分,重点词语翻译无误1分 14、知道就是知道,不知道就是不知道,这就是聪明的态度。略(要求:依据诗文,结合自己的经历谈感受)。 15(?玩味:品味(1分)阅读:观察、欣赏之意 (1分) ?个体生命相对于人类历史,相对于茫茫宇宙而言是短暂的。但相对个体自身的生命历程而言又是漫长的。(2分) 16(被前行路上的石头绊倒摔跤(1分)挤掉饭盒(1分)人生旅途中的困难和挫折(2分) 17(在人生的道路上,有成功也有失败,有欢笑也有悲哀,无论遇到什么情况,我们都必须accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 向着既定的人生目标,不停地奋斗下去。(大意相同即可。 4分) 18(举例并能说明这一点即可(4分) 19(略 40分 第四单元 第16课 化石吟 1(huàn cáng mǎ kã 骸 潜 葱 叹 2(赞颂化石;赞颂 3(?物质由于长时期的风吹雨打或微生物的侵害而破坏。?变得虚幻,不存在。 ?在水面以下行动或秘密行走。?直到海水枯干,石头粉碎,形容经历很长的时间。 ?青翠茂盛。(,)称赞而且佩服。4(肉体 / 虽 / 早已腐朽 / 化为乌有,生之灵火 / 却 / 悄然潜行 / 在地下。黑色的躯壳 / 裹藏着 / 生命的 / 信息,为历史 / 留下 / 一本 / 珍贵的 / 密码。 5( 势 扬 享 待 伎 砭 衷 化 6(?B ?C ?D ?C 7(“逝去万载的世界又重现”,照应“逝去万载的世界可会重现”;“沉睡亿年的石头说了话”,照应“沉睡亿年的石头能否说话”。这两节的后两句也互相照应。可以说,第7节是对第2节的回答。 8(通过问句的形式,引发读者的想像。连续不断的问句表现出作者浓厚的科学兴趣和强烈的求知欲望,也打开了读者思维的闸门。 9(, 10(六十一个社会主义建设积极分子的生命有危险,我们不心疼吗, 11(请向我一一讲述那奇幻的神话 12(科学家通过对化石的研究,得出了生物进化的科学观点,所谓上帝创造万物的说法是不符合客观事实的。意思接近即可 13(古代生物虽已死亡,其肉体经过亿万年早就化为乌有,但它们作为曾经有过的生命之躯的证据是实实在在的。 14(人脸上的皱纹就是生命历程的写真,化石是生物进化的写真。 15(4 令人叹服的大自然 16(作者将化石当作可以说话的人,并用第二人称“你”来称呼它,显得自然亲切。 17(岩石是怎样记下时间的;由主要到次要的逻辑顺序。 18(?用拟人的手法说明岩石受到外力的破坏作用,形象生动。?运用排比的修辞手法,说明岩石被许多外力的共同作用而遭到破坏。 19(风吹日晒雨淋、空气和水、地面和地下的生物、人 20(不能换,前者比喻风对岩石的破坏作用,后者比喻冰河对岩石的破坏作用,符合事物的特点。 第17课 看云识天气 1(,,,ì ,í,ɡ ,í,ɡ ,á, ,ú ,à, ,í ,ù, ,,á, 2(C 3(B 4(?轻盈 ?飘浮 ?清晰 ?识别 5(第四句,语言比较生动,其他的语言较平实。 6(?打比方?打比方?引用、作诠释 7( 天空的薄云,往往是天气晴朗的象征;那些低而厚密的云层,常常是阴雨风雪的预兆。 8(比喻,形象说明云是天气变化的标志。 9(总一分一总。 10(C 11(形态 特征。 12(形象说明云的形态之多。13(可以更好地安排工作和生活。 14(晕 鲜亮的程度 色彩的排列 15(七种不同颜色的光 各自 16(举例子 列数字 晕是天气变化的一种前兆 17(A 第18课 绿色蝈蝈 1(sū mì cuàn shǔn huì dù 篝,狩,劣,劫,婪,睦 2(?“拢”改为“扰” ?“暗”改为“喑” ?“蔽”改为“撇” ?“嫉”改为“忌” 3(?篡夺:用不正当的手段夺取(地位和权力)。此句中指北方的人们因为误解而以为蝉的叫声比蝈蝈动听。 ?劫掠:抢劫,掠夺。形容鹰的残暴行径。 ?行径:行为;举动(多指坏的)。这个词衬托了蝈蝈不像螳螂那样凶残。 ?贪婪:贪得无厌(含贬义)。此处指蝈蝈的本性贪吃。 4(??????? 5(?庄严 ?捕杀 ?吮取 ?沉寂 静谧 6(?生动形象地描绘出蝈蝈在草丛中发出低下细小的声音。 ?采用拟人手法和第二人称的写法流露出作者对蝈蝈的喜爱赞美之情。 7(《昆虫的故事》、布封、法 8(? B,“我”是一个对自然界充满好奇心的人,所以“我”应该急切地“跑”过去,而不是慢慢地“走”过去,蝈蝈和蝉都很小,离得远也不可能望见;蝈蝈嘴小,蝉大,应该是蝈蝈在一口一口地啄蝉,来把蝉啄死,而吃和咬都没有这个意思。? D,“追捕”比“追赶”和“追击”更明确地表明蝈蝈攻击蝉的目的;“逃窜”accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 比其他词语更突出蝉的速度很快,而且感情色彩更明显。 9(作者把蝈蝈比做鹰,把蝉比做云雀。相似的是捕猎的关系,不同的是鹰比云雀大而强壮,而蝈蝈比蝉小得多,看起来也没有蝉强壮。 10(作者赋予了蝈蝈勇敢的品质,比如蚂蚁是一种非常善于团结协作的小动物,还有蜜蜂非常勤劳,狗很忠实等等。 11(líng,mài,tuì,jiàn 12(繁殖,种类,食性,食性 13(第三节介绍喂养蝈蝈的适宜温度正好和人的体温接近。 14(花纹和构造 15(持肯定或否定态度都可以,只要言之成理。如肯定态度:葫芦漂亮,蝈蝈漂亮,叫声也好听,如今生活好了,这是人们追求生活情趣的表现;否定态度:养蝈蝈比较费事,而且又要随身带着,会影响工作和学习。 第19课 月亮上的足迹 1(D 2(? C ? B 3(D 4(语序:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5(“可望”是指茫茫太空中,月亮是地球的近邻;虽是近邻,但月亮却在离地球,,万公里的轨道上绕着地球运行,难以靠近,所以说“不可即”。 6(1969年7月16日 美国佛罗里达半岛中部的肯尼迪航天中心 7(“土星,号”火箭将推动“阿波罗,,号”飞船进入太空。像巨人一样是说火箭之高(有一百多米),“昂首挺立着”突出了:一切准备就绪,充满信心。 8(因为宇航员们就要踏上探索月球的征程,这是迈开了人类探索太空的重要一步,将会在宇航事业树起一块新的里程碑。 9(用了,分,秒。 10(“同源说”应该较为可信。因为其他两种学说都有难以自圆其说的地方。“像地球这么一颗并不很大的行星,偏偏要俘获一个月球这么大的小行星亦实非易事”对“俘获说”提出了质疑;“月球的位置应该处在地球的赤道面上,而实际情况并非如此”对“分裂说”提出了质疑。 11(不合适。因为改动以后,题目中“姐妹、妻子、女儿”的顺序与文章中对三种月球起源学说的说明顺序不协调。 12(? ? 13(? 作比较; ? 打比方;例句略 14(不行。因为这两处都是推测的情况,不一定是事实。这个词体现了说明文语言的准确性,所以不能删去。 15(,, 16(, 第20课 山市 1(《聊斋志异》 蒲松龄 聊斋先生 清 山市蜃楼 无何 未几 既而 逾时(略) 2(mīng mãng yuán chán yú gân shū pì nì 3(?经常 ?青天、天空 你看着我,我看着你 ?匆匆 ? 同“无” 高 ? 连绵不断 ? 有的人 靠着 ?同“才” ?突然 于是 ? 店铺 ?广大 隐隐约约 4(D 5(A(但是、可是 B( „„的样子 C(才 D( „„的人 6(于 他们 孤塔 孙公子与同人 他们 7(?看见几十座宫殿,青绿色的屋顶,高高的屋脊好像要飞起来的样子,才明白是山市。?楼上的人来来往往、忙忙碌碌,有的人倚靠着、有的人站立着,形状各不一样。 8(时间 形成阶段:“忽见山头有孤塔耸起,„„始悟为山市。” 发展阶段: “未几,高垣睥睨,„„城市依稀而已。” 高潮阶段:“既而风定天清,„„不一状。” 消失阶段:“逾时,楼渐低„„遂不可见。” 9(略 10(有人 这样 曾经,白天 详尽,记录 像,似 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 11((1)登州海中的海市蜃楼;(2)欧阳修出使河朔所见到的夜间的海市蜃楼;(3)河朔父老所说的海市蜃楼。 12(打比方。本文如宫室、台观„„。《山市》中的“中有楼若者„„”。举例子:欧阳修曾出使河朔。引用:或曰:“蛟蜃之气所为。”问本地父老云:“二十年前„„”。 13(这是蛟龙吐出的云气结成的。 第四单元过关测试 一、基础知识 1(A 2(C 3(B 4(C 5(D 6(C 7(C 8(?无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。?商女不知亡国恨,隔江犹唱后庭花。?巴山夜雨涨秋池。 ?我寄愁心与明月 二、阅读理解 9(天上挂什么样的云,就将出现什么样的天气。 10(天上的云,真是姿态万千,变化无常。 11(卷云 卷积云 高积云 12(天空的薄云,往往是天气晴朗的象征:那些低而厚密的云层,常常是阴雨风雪的预兆。 13(比喻 卷云轻盈和洁白的特征。 14(不能。两个词在句中起限制的作用。表明是在“一般”和“经常”的情况下,排除特殊情况。两个词在语言的表达上严密、准确。 15(?北极严寒;昆虫找不到自己进攻的对象(或:昆虫找不到赖以生存的食物)。 ?它们自动降低细胞中的水份,避免结晶;用红外线探测器或用敏锐的嗅觉来寻找食物的来源(或:寻找进攻的对象)。 16(?牛蝇不在小驯鹿身上产卵繁殖,是因为这样做可能导致驯鹿群的锐减甚至灭种,到那时牛蝇本身就难以生存下去。 ?人类为了更好的生存下去,必须保持赖以生存的环境。 17(说明方法:举例子。例子:举牛蝇的例子说明昆虫如何抵御北极的寒冷;举蚊子的例子说明北极昆虫如何寻找进攻的对象等。(任选其一) 18(适者生存。(或:只有适应环境的变化,并练就适应变化的绝技,才能生存下去。 或:只要适应纷繁复杂的社会,就能生存下去。) 19(?经常、常常;?才;?通“才”;?靠着 20(B 21(城中有像楼阁的,有像厅堂的,有像街坊的,都清晰地呈现在眼前,数也数不过来。 22(时间 孤塔高耸 城郭的出现 危楼的出现 三、作文(略) 第21课 风筝 1(《野草》 鲁迅 周树人 文学家 思想家 革命家 2((,)“湛”改成“堪”(,)“旨”改成“诣”(,)“怒”改成“恕” 3(?)A ?B ?C ?C 4(qiáo cuì juã shí wù huǎng yang ling nuâ duî yì 5(B 6(?转折,表达我因不能弥补过错的沉重心情。 (?转折,既有对自己无法补过的悔恨和自责,也有对被虐杀者麻木不仁的哀伤和同情。 7(精析:应该选D项,因为《风筝》一文的主要表达方式是记叙和描写。在散文中,记叙和描写是两种最基本的表达方式,而抒情和议论则起到了升华主题、画龙点睛的作用。 8(?× ?? ?× 9(?【思路解析】本题考查对作者的思想感情的把握,解题时要根据文章的思路来回答。accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 【答案】故乡的风筝时节,是春二月,春光明媚,北京冬季未过,就放风筝,所以“惊异”。见到风筝,就想起小时候精神的虐杀的一幕,而且无从补过,心头不禁悲哀。?【思路解析】小兄弟“多病,瘦得不堪”,怪可怜的。放风筝,去春光明媚的野外活动活动,本是大有好处的,可是因为兄长不允许,只能呆看人家的风筝,他“惊呼”“跳跃”,天真活泼的儿童天性跃然纸上,小兄弟入迷的情状描写得越细致生动,越能加重对剥夺他放风筝权利的封建家规的控诉力量。这里隐含着对小兄弟的同情,对自己深深的自责。【答案】相关的句子有:(1)他没有风筝,就眼巴巴“呆看”着人家的风筝在空中飘游而“出神”,“有时至于小半日”;(2)他时而为人家的风筝突然跌落下来而“惊呼”;他时而又为人家的风筝因“缠绕解开”而“高兴得跳跃„„” 这里隐含着对小兄弟的同情,对自己深深的自责。 ?【思路解析】描述时要求全面简洁。小兄弟喜欢风筝,“在我看来却是笑柄,可鄙的”;而“我”却犹如凶神恶煞,以破获秘密为满足,以摧毁小兄弟的心血为胜利。这样叙述真实的流露了鲁迅复杂、痛苦的感情。 【答案】小兄弟喜欢风筝,“在我看来却是笑柄,可鄙的”;小兄弟偷做风筝,隐隐写出了儿童的动手能力。上文写蟹风筝、蜈蚣风筝、瓦片风筝,小兄弟做的却是蝴蝶风筝,可见他聪明伶俐,动手能力强。而“我”却犹如凶神恶煞,以破获秘密为满足,以摧毁小兄弟的心血为胜利,那“傲然走出”的步态神气活现,鲁迅是在自责当年扮演了冷酷无情的精神虐杀者的角色,言辞中流露了同情、后悔与自我谴责之意。 ?【思路解析】本题考查词语的推敲,比较两个词语之间的细微区别,主要从表达的人物的心理活动或感情入手。【答案】因为“踏”的力量更大,更能表现“我”当时的愤怒。“踩”可能是轻轻的,无意识的,而“踏”是用力的,有意识的。 10(B C F 11(?恍然大悟:忽然醒悟过来。?苦心孤诣:费尽心思钻营或经营。 12(我发现小兄弟在做风筝,并且毁坏了它。 13(用“惊惶”、“失了色”、“瑟缩”淋漓尽致地写出了小兄弟被“我”发现后的慌张和恐惧。 “绝望”二字与前句“我”的“傲然”形成鲜明对比,形象地写出了小兄弟心爱的风筝被“我”毁坏后的难受和痛苦。一个“站”字则 (“我”毁坏了风筝突出了他在“我”离去后一个人面对空寂的小屋时的心痛和无奈。 14是因为我觉得“这是没出息孩子所做的玩意”,做这种游戏是一件可鄙的事。以管理者自居,以自己的喜好左右小兄弟的喜好,不允许他去接近和制作本属儿童天性喜爱的玩具——风筝。作者把当时的“我”写得很粗暴是为了表现“我”的内疚与沉痛的自责。(二)15(完全忘却。因为小兄弟并不认为自己受到“精神的虐杀”,而把兄长的行径视为合情合理,自己也认为做风筝是不正当的行为,自认该罚,所以丝毫不放在心上,浑然忘却。 16(过去的事情已经全都忘记了,连去怨恨的理由都消失了,我还怎么能得到宽恕呢, 17(表达了更深沉的悲哀。小兄弟的浑然忘却使我无从补过,无从求得心情的轻松,因而更加悲哀。被虐杀者甘受虐杀,毫无抗争,而虐杀者横行无忌,所以更令人悲哀、沉重。 18(“躲到肃杀的严冬中去”,就是不要望见春天,不要望见风筝,这才能忘却,才能摆脱悲哀。不仅指当时的天气,而且指心头的悲凉。 19(回忆 风筝 20(兄弟同放风筝的快乐 兄长发现并毁坏风筝 散文 散文诗 21(长幼秩序严明,服从与被服从,教导与被教导的兄弟关系。 和谐、愉悦的兄弟关系。 22(抑郁的、悲哀的。表现鲁迅深刻的反省精神,以及对小兄弟身受“虐杀”却无怨恨的深沉感慨。 快乐的、轻松的。表现兄弟同放风筝的快乐、温馨、 愉悦之情。 第22课 羚羊木雕 1(cánɡ收藏zànɡ宝藏 chà树杈chā杈子 dǎi逮住dài逮捕 zhàn寒颤chàn颤抖 fânɡ缝隙fãnɡ缝补 sài边塞sāi瓶塞sâ堵塞 2(B 3(BC;A;C 4(A 5(略 6(A 7(?怦怦(“蹦蹦”是形容跳跃动作的)?爸爸(用“父亲”显得不亲切,不统一)?抗拒(“抵抗”指用武力对付对方) 8(?“ , ” 。?: “ ~ ”?“ ~ ” , accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le “ , ” 9( ?目不转睛 ?形影不离 ?满不在乎 ?声色俱厉 10( B 11(插叙,交代了“我”和万芳的友谊十分深厚,使情节更紧凑。 12(不行。“跳”更能体现出对“我”的仗义,体现出我俩的深厚情谊。 13(仗义,性格洒脱,有助人为乐的美德。 14(略。 15(希望得到大家的肯定和尊重,他的愿望得到了满足。 16(老师是一个有爱心,善解人意的人; 妈妈是一个懂得爱,能给孩子爱的人。 17(还有暗示作用,表明这是一个美丽的日子,将给人带来好心情。(或者答“景物描写烘托了人物的心情”) 18(妈妈为孩子对她的信任,对她的爱而感动。 第23课 散步 1(D 2(B 3(略。4(C 5(?密 ?拆 ?竟?决 6(?记叙 ?描写 ?议论 7( 不能。因为连用两个“我的”,意在强调“我”与“母亲”、“妻子和儿子”之间的挚爱之情,所以并非赘词。 8(?祖孙对举,表明祖孙之间有不同的要求。 ?祖孙对举,表明祖孙二人有同样的特点。——听从于“我”。 ?夫妻对举,表明夫妻二人各有所为,背负着老的、小的,却共同把整个世界背了起来。 这种文句对举,语句大致整齐,以优美整齐的形式强化了亲情,且富有趣味。还有:我的母亲虽然高大,然而很瘦,自然不算重了。 儿子虽然很胖,毕竟幼小,自然也轻。 祖孙对举,表明二人虽年龄不同,却有共同的特点——不重。 9(?一个“像”字架起了母子亲情关系今昔比较的桥梁:儿子小时候很听母亲的话,是个乖孩子;母亲现在老了,十分尊重、顺从正当中年的儿子;可以说是母慈子从,儿孝母顺。写出了母子间几十年来相处和谐的关系,充满骨肉亲情。 ?“总算”表露出“我”盼春春至的欣喜之情。表达了“我”对慈母的孝敬之情。 ?一个“熬”字形象地写出了老母亲面对漫长的酷冬,在身体和精神方面所经受的磨难之巨。 ?“太迟,太迟了”表达了“我”对春天久盼不至,致使一些老人经不住严冬的折磨而在清明将到时死去的怅恨之情,其间也交织着对自己母亲身体的担忧和焦虑之情。 10(地点 人物 11(第?与第?段之间。 12( “强壮”是从母亲看儿子的角度说的,在年迈的母亲眼里,儿子正值中年,是“强壮”的;“高大”是从儿子看父亲的角度说的。 13(祖孙发生了分歧,等“我”定夺,“我”的处理,决定着一家人散步的气氛,而家里所有的人又都听“我”的,所以,责任重大。 14(晚辈尊重孝敬老人。长辈爱惜小孙子。尊老爱幼的品质。 15(【解析】抓住关键句子理解。【答案】我原以为自己的心灵与他贴得很近,可万万没有料到他并没有把父母当作自己的朋友。 16(【解析】题目运用比喻的修辞方法,找出本体即可。【答案】儿子内心世界的秘密。 17(【解析】读原文作答。【答案】原以为第二次偷看犹如第一次那样非常容易得手。 18(【解析】扣住“再一次来到儿子的房间” “鬼使神差般地欲看”两句回答。【答案】 爸爸没有真正意识到自己的不对,也没有真诚的求得儿子的谅解,爸爸所求得的谅解,只是要求儿子把锁打开,为他下一次偷看儿子的日记提供方便,因为爸爸“一心想走进儿子的内心世界”。 19(【解析】说真话,赞同 ,不赞同都可以。【答案】言之成理即可。 第24课 散文诗两首 1(祷 衍 攲斜 菡萏 2(略 3(冰心 谢婉莹 《繁星 《春水》 《寄小读者》 4(D 5(上文写到“妈妈叫道:孩子,你在哪里呀,”可以想像不见了孩子,妈妈多么着急,这种惶急的心情也一定与时俱增,一旦见了,又惊又喜,自然嗔怪孩子,这嗔怪中恰恰表现的是母亲的担心和对孩子的疼爱。 6(孩子想变成一朵金色花,可以看着妈妈工作,可以让妈妈嗅到花香,可以投影在妈妈读书读到的地方,总之,是孩子想为妈妈做点事。因为孩子懂得,母爱的奉献是无私的,对母爱的回报也应该是无私的,他不图妈妈夸奖,但求妈妈生活得更加温馨。所以他只是撒娇,就是瞒着妈妈。 7(略 8(嘻嘻 匿 “笑嘻嘻”一词形accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 象地表达出“我”变成金色花后的开心和得意。“匿笑”一词生动地写出了“我”的调皮和狡黠。 9(第一个问句是“我”变成了金色花后在心里对妈妈所说的话。作为孩子,他知道妈妈深爱着自己,他希望虽然自己的形象发生了变化,但妈妈依然可以认识自己。但是,他又没有十足把握,所以在心底发出了这样的疑问,表现了孩子对妈妈的依恋和爱。第二个问句是妈妈发现孩子不见时大声寻找时说的,表现出了妈妈对孩子深切的爱和找寻不到时焦急的心情。 10(不同意。在“我”变成了金色花后,仍不离妈妈左右,注视着妈妈工作,在妈妈祷告时为她送去香气,陪伴妈妈读书,这些都说明了“我”非常爱自己的妈妈。之所以在妈妈寻找自己时不说话并且匿笑,是因为他个性天真调皮,在和妈妈开玩笑,而并不是真的捉弄妈妈。所以不能说“我”是个坏孩子,其实“我”是一个天真、活泼、调皮、可爱的孩子。 11(?开花前仙人掌的特点:外表丑陋但倔强。 海棠、月季、文竹一类花草的特点:外表美丽但娇弱。 12(遗憾?厌恶?惊奇?赞叹 13(?因为仙人掌赖以生存的不过是一捧泥土,要开出这样震撼人心的金色花,它倾注了全部的心血。 ?因为作者在仙人掌开花前曾经厌恶讥笑它丑陋的外表,而忽视了它内在的精神。 14(?纵向:仙人掌开花前和开花后的对比。 ?横向:仙人掌和海棠、月季、文竹的对比。 15(美,一旦与顽强结合,就是不可摧毁的。 第25课 《世说新语》两则 1(刘义庆 南朝 宋 2(zhîu yì fǒu fù xù 3(内集:家庭聚会 讲论文义:讲解诗文 俄而:不久,一会儿 骤:急,紧 欣然:高兴的样子 何:什么 差可拟: 差不多,可以相比 差:大致,差不多 拟:相比 未若:不如,比不上 期行: 相约同行 期:约定 日中:正午时分 至:到 舍去:不再等候就走了 乃:才 尊君:对别人父亲的一种尊称 不:同“否”,不在 委:丢下,舍弃;去:离开 则:就 君:有礼貌地称呼对方 家君:谦辞,对人称自己的父亲 引:拉 顾:回头看 4(? 原句:撒盐空中差可拟 译文: 跟把盐撒在空中差不多 ? 原句:若柳絮因风起 译文:不如比作风把柳絮吹得满天飞舞 5(D 6(古义:子侄辈的人 今义:专指子女 7(“撒盐空中差可拟” “未若柳絮因风起” 谢道韫的比喻比胡儿的好。因为柳絮与雪花不仅颜色相似,在形态神韵上也相似,而且给人春天即将到来的感觉,有一种意境美;而“撒盐”的比喻过于直接,缺乏令人遐想的美感。 8(时间“ 寒雪日”、地点“ 内集 ”、人物 “谢太傅”与“儿女” 、事件“ 讲论诗文 ”。 9(和谐、融洽、欢快、轻松 10(白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。 11( ?一会儿,雪下得紧了,谢太傅高兴地说 ?道韫是谢太傅大哥谢无奕的女儿,左将军王凝之的妻子 ?谢太傅在一个寒冷的雪天举行家庭聚会,和子侄辈的人讲解诗文 12(对子骂父,则是无礼 13(尊君、君、家君 14(友人便怒 友人惭 15(元方是从信用和礼貌两个方面反驳他父亲的友人的。(或:从“友人”的无信、无礼两方面给予反驳。) 16(?过了中午友人还没到,陈太丘不再等候就走了,陈太丘走后友人才到。 ?和别人相约同行,却丢下别人自己走了。 ?友人感到很惭愧,便从车里下来,想拉元方的手,元方头也不回地进了自家的大门。 ?我爸爸等您很久您都没来,他已经走了。 17( 陈元方斥“父友” 或 陈元方护礼 18(陈太丘的守信、陈元方明礼护礼的睿智和勇敢、元方父亲友人的知错能改。 19(做人要懂礼貌,讲诚信,为人要方正,否则会丧失朋友。 20(陈元方聪慧,懂得为人之道,明白事理、落落大方,能言善辩,而且他可以捍卫自己与父亲的尊严。 21(同8 22(B 23(古义:回头看 今义:照顾 24(D 第五单元过关测试 一、基础知识 1(D 2(C 3(C 4(C 5(A accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 6(?我不告诉你 ?谁是我在无遮拦天空下的荫蔽 ?撒盐空中差可拟 未若柳絮因风起 ?问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来 ?乡书何处达,归雁洛阳边 烟波江上使人愁 二、阅读理解 7(暗示此时的“我”已经因为年少时粗暴的举动受到了心灵的惩罚。 8(将心灵手巧的小兄弟偷做的风筝粗暴武断地撕破踏扁踩坏。 9(看了一本外国讲论儿童的书 步入中年后真正领悟到生存的艰辛 10(对比 “我”深深地悔意和失落。 11(“生”一指脸上的条纹的形状像“生”的字形,二指生活的艰辛体现在了“我 ”的脸上。引号起强调作用。 12(小兄弟对过去的事情全然忘记,连怨恨的理由都没有,我还怎么能得到宽恕了, 13(给妹妹输血 和妹妹平分生命 14(神态描写,因为男孩听到医生的话后十分惊喜,觉得抽血后不但自己不会死,而且妹妹也有救了。 15(勇敢、无私、富有爱心和献身精神 16((略) 17(?约定;?才;?丢下;?拉 18(?那人便发起脾气来,骂道:“真不是东西!跟别人约好一块儿走,却把别人丢下,自个儿走了。” ?那人感到惭愧,便从车里下来,想跟元方握手,元方连头也不回地走进了自家的大门。 19(语言(对话)描写 20(可从正反两方面回答,只要言之成理即可。 三、作文略 第26课 皇帝的新装 1(jī cì qīn tuǒ qún chãng 陛 chǔn 勋 款 御聘 2(ɡânɡ更加 ɡēnɡ更衣 chân称职 chēnɡ称呼 quān圈定 juàn猪圈 3(至—致 幅—副 栽—裁 娇—骄 4( B 5(B 6(?安徒生 丹麦 海的女儿 丑小鸭 ?想象 幻想 夸张 7(C 8(小孩子天真无邪,没私心,无顾忌。 9(?C ?B ?A ?D 10(C E A B D 11(B 12( 皇上的新装真是漂亮~他的上衣下面的后裙是多么美丽~这件衣服真合他的身材~ 13(突出众人对皇帝新装极尽赞美的语言。 14(因为他们内心都怕被别人说成是“不称职”或者“愚蠢的人”。 15(告诉人们应该保持天真无邪的童心;无私无畏,敢于说真话。 16(固执、知错不改、愚蠢、自欺的人 17(停留 交谈 询问 18(不希望重病而死的妻子重返人间。 不希望叔叔复活拿回他的财产。 不想和她的先夫生活。 不愿跟死去的前任市长见面。 19(渲染气氛,为故事情节的发展作铺垫。 20(“试验”二字是反语,由这场虚无试验的成功,揭露了社会的黑暗,讽刺了小城上到市长、下到普通市民的愚蠢。 21(都讽刺了人们的愚蠢,都揭露了当时社会的黑暗、瞒与骗的世风。 第27课 郭沫若诗两首 1(piāo miǎo lǒnɡ jiāo shū 2(郭沫若选集;郭沫若;诗人;学者;女神;星空 3(, 4(C 5(?清清,流过了碧绿的田野。?嘎嘎,唱响着童年的歌谣。 6(C 7(, 8(不行,因为“定然”是肯定的语气,而“可能”是也许、推测的语气,改后不能表达作者坚定的信念,削弱了表现力。 9(对读者说。作者好像在与读者一同欣赏天上的街市,如果用“我看”,就写不出这种交流。与“不信”相呼应。 10(?牛郎织女骑着牛儿来往,过银河、游天街,过着自由幸福的生活。?一个在天河之东,一个在天河之西,每年只有一次“鹊桥会”。 ?体现了诗人大胆的想像和对美的追寻,反衬出诗人对丑恶现实的不满。 11(诗人用天上街市的美好来反衬人间的丑恶,表现诗人对现实的憎恶和对理想的追求。 12(黑暗accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 的旧社会。 13(B 14(略 15(叙事诗 16(蔚(wâi) 鬃(zōng) 瘪(biě) 乳(rǔ) 17(拟人 “微风与牧人们耳语” 18(C 19(排比、反复 四节诗中都有“那、那一„„该不是„„” 20(?一溜金黄 一团火红 一片雪白一块绛紫 ?骆驼 骏马 羊群 乳牛 ?奋鬃长鸣 腾空跃起 ?摇着 缓行长鸣 跃起 挨挤 追逐 嬉戏 吊着 走过 ?沙梁 积雪的山峰 牧草肥美的湖滨 新圈棚 21(代词 第二人称 读者 22(诗中抒发了作者对晚霞的赞美及对草原牧民幸福生活的赞叹之情。 第28课 女娲造人 1. wā kē chãng zhēn 2. 挖掘 崛起;掺杂 渗透; 枕木 耽搁 3.mï,模仿、模糊; mú,模样、模具 shěng,省事、省会; xǐng,省悟、反省; sì,似乎、近似;shì,似的 4. ?据说 ?疲倦不堪 ?绵延 5. A莽莽榛榛 B神通广大 C兴高采烈D灵机一动 6.D 7.澄清;荒僻;孤独;疲乏 8. 神话不是迷信。迷信是一种盲目的对偶像的崇拜,而神话多是原始初民认识自然、改造自然过程中对世界所作的幻想的解释和描述。 9.因为世上没有像女娲那样的生物,女娲感到孤单寂寞。 10.洋溢着人类诞生的喜悦之情。 11. ?一天有七十次变化,能造人。 ?光有自己的时候感到孤独,自己对着自己水中的影子弄样子。 12. 兴高采烈,跳跃,欢呼,满心欢喜,眉开眼笑。 13. 示例:“澄澈的池水„„向着她生气。”这几句把一个神写得像人一样有生机有灵气,甚至像一个孩子一样顽皮地对着自己的水中影子嬉闹,显得有血有肉,十分可爱。 14. B 15.?天地混沌一片,让人心闷。 ?混沌中轻而清者冉冉上升,便成了天,重而浊者沉沉下降,便成了地。 16. 风和云都是流动的,与“呼出的气”相似;雷霆的声音是巨大的,正与这个巨大的声音是吻合的;而“眼睛”是光亮的,正与太阳和月亮形成相似点。其实,我们这里所说的想像就是“联想”,其基本要素就是要求两个事物之间的“相似性”。 17.比如“火神的传说”“灶王爷的传说”“孙悟空大闹天宫”“哪咤闹海”“沉香救母”等。 18. 译文参考:再向北走二百里,有座山叫发鸠山,山上长了很多柘树。有一种鸟,它的形状像乌鸦,头部有花纹,白色的嘴,红色的脚,名叫精卫,它的叫声像在呼唤自己的名字。传说这种鸟是炎帝小女儿的化身,名叫女娃。有一次,女娃去东海游泳,被溺死了,再也没有回来,所以化为精卫鸟。经常口衔西山上的树枝和石块,用来填塞东海。浊漳河就发源于发鸠山,向东流去,注入黄河。 文章(略)。 第29课 盲孩子和他的影子 1. mïu miē chán sū liàng qiàng cïng qiáng wēi nìng luán 2. 禁:抑制。感情激动得不能控制。强调完全被某种感情所支配。 踉跄:走路不稳。走路歪歪斜斜的样子。 3.?自言自语 ?模模糊糊 ?淡淡 4. 词语(略) 这些叠词语气舒缓,读起来琅琅上口,而且描摹事物情态逼真,颇富表现力。 5.?一会儿 一会儿 ?虽然 但 ?也 还 ?不但 还 6.D 7. 此句中描绘的神奇美好的景象,是盲孩子逐渐恢复视觉时第一次见到的景物和色彩,渲染了一个奇妙、美好的意境,这一意境着力展现了爱给盲孩子带来了美好的生活,体现了本文对爱的赞颂这一主题。 8.不能删去,因为“似乎”表示推测和估计,说明是一种感觉,并非是真的能看见光明,看见色彩的;如果去掉,则说明盲孩子真正能够看见光明和色彩,这是不真实的。 9( 略 10(因为影子感到自己在陪伴盲孩子时,不仅给盲孩子带来了快乐,自己也感到无比的充实,正如“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”,给盲孩子带来光明,就是给自己快乐。 11(略 12(?实指河的对岸,结尾处的“彼岸”还含有比喻所向往的境界。 ?对外来压力不敢反抗,违背本意,勉强服从。 13(金钱;权力;武力;真情实意 14(因为作家的一声长叹,包含了他的真情实意。 15(暮色已浓,作家又冷又饿,想到妻儿还要待他回去想办法买米烧饭,他一阵心酸,饱含真情长叹了一声。这说明创作中的真情实意来自现实生活中的真实感受。 16(旨在说明作家给予读者的应该是真accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 情实意。 17(原来创作同摆渡一样,目的都是把人渡到前面的彼岸去。 18(结构上前后呼应,内容上深化了主题。 第30课 寓言四则 1. bì zhān yù sài jù bì bǒ 2. ?伊索寓言 古希腊 伊索 ?韩非子战国 韩非 ?淮南王 3.?聪明 ?下雨 ?说 ?丢失 ?逃跑 ?安慰,慰问 4.?B ?C ?A 5.D C B A 6. 开放性题。感受可谈“骄兵必败”,也可谈“认清自己的长处和短处”,等等。 改“尾巴”示例:?这个故事对一些自以为强大的人和国家很有劝戒意义。 ?这故事会让一些成天自愧不如别人的人鼓起一些勇气。 7.B (本题考察的是如何结合文章内容、结合寓意展开合理的想像。要解决这道题目,可使用排除法。本文是以神喻人,讽喻那些爱慕虚荣、妄自尊大的人,赫耳墨斯正是如此,因此,可先排除C和D。而A虽也符合赫耳墨斯当时的心境,但仔细的揣度第三次发问时赫耳墨斯的心理活动:认为人们对他会更尊重些,认为自己的身价能超过父亲——作为最高神的宙斯,并且以卑劣的内心揣度雕像者一定是势利的,对身为商人庇护神的他一定会阿谀奉承,岂料竟遭迎头痛击,被算作“添头”。因此,B才能最准确地反映他当时的心情。) 8.此“笑”揭示出他内心的骄傲,极传神地表现了他轻视别人的心理活动。 9.是因为分析敌我条件后,充满胜利的信心。 是得意忘形,吹嘘自己的胜利。 10.自命不凡(或:妄自尊大) 骄兵必败 11.B 12.(略) 13. ?他们家的 ?咱们家 墙 咱们家 14.?如果不(赶紧)修筑它,一定有盗贼进来。 ?这家人很赞赏儿子聪明,却怀疑偷盗是隔壁那老人干的。 15.写故事发生的背景。 16.家富,且“天雨墙坏”。 17.教育人们不可因人废言,要看意见正确与否。 18.擅长、善于。 逃跑。 经过,过了 带领。 因为。 拉 19.?这件祸事怎么就不会变成好事呢, ?(老人)家里有了很多的好马,他的儿子又喜欢骑马,(一次)堕下马跌断了他的大腿。 ?靠近边塞的人家,战死的青壮年占十分之九。 20.马无故亡而入胡 其马将胡骏马而归 堕而折其髀 父子相保 21. 祸福相依、好坏共存,看待事物要持辩证的态度,要懂得努力将坏事变成好事。 塞翁失马,焉知非福 22.不是。塞翁的高明之处是不悲观,能辩证地看待问题,从反面思考问题。 23.前者指盛着酒的桶,后者指空无所有的桶。 24.指肚里有货、对人有用、受人欢迎。 25.有真才实学的人;不学无术的人。 26.因为岔道太多了,岔道之中,又有岔道,邻人不知羊跑到哪条道上,没有去追,只好回来了。 27.歧路亡羊。人们用这个成语比喻有的人在学习、工作或社会生活中迷失了正确方向。 第六单元过关测试 一、基础知识 1(B 2(C 3(B 4(A 5(言之有理即可 6(?争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭;?问渠那得清如许;?青山郭外斜 ?天河何处,远远的海雾模糊。怕会有鲛人在岸,对月流珠,?是他们提着灯笼在走 二、阅读理解 7(“这”指皇帝看不见织布机上的布料这件事。 8(怎么,我也是一个愚蠢的人吗,那么,我这皇帝大概当不成了~ 9(两位诚实的官员抢先介绍是为了表明他们可以看见布料,是聪明的、称职的。 10(语言描写、动作描写、心理描写 愚蠢、骄横、虚伪、自欺欺人 11(想象和夸张 无情的揭露了腐朽的封建王朝,深刻鞭挞了反动统治者们的愚蠢、卑鄙、虚伪。 12(?“我”喜欢鸟,爱护鸟;儿子逮鸟。?我思念鸟,儿子对鸟不再来无所谓。 13(充满警惕和敌意,它高度戒备地注视着我。 14(急切盼望鸟儿回来。 15(“一下”表现了小鸟对我一点留恋心情都没有;更突出我一种失落的心情。 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 16(要爱护大自然的朋友。 17(?逃跑;?带领;?喜好;?慰问 18(?这怎么不是福呢, ?过了一年,塞外的少数民族大举向边境地区进攻,青壮年都拿起武器迎战。 19(因为塞翁认为祸和福是互相依存的,互相转化的,在特定条件下,好事可能变成坏事,坏事也可能引出好结果。 20(祸和福是互相依存的,互相转化的,在特定条件下,好事可能变成坏事,坏事也可能引出好结果。 三、作文(略) 期末考试题 1(D 2(A 3.C 4(D 5(D 6. ?问渠那得清如许 ?却话巴山夜雨时 ?似曾相识燕归来 ?隔江犹唱后庭花 ?择其善者而从之 其不善者而改之 ? 潮平两岸阔 风正一帆悬 ?示例:独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲 少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰 露从今夜白,月是故乡明 7.陈太丘与友期行/ 期日中/ 过中不至/ 太丘舍去/ 去后乃至。(2分,每个0.5分) 8.?引(拉 ) ?拟 ( 相比) ?不 ( 通“否 ”) ?去 ( 离开)(每个加点字0.5分,共2分) 9. ? 和别人约好一起走,却把人丢下自己走了 。 ?在一个寒雪日,太傅谢安举行家庭宴会,跟他的子侄辈们谈论诗文。(每小题2分,共4分) 10.友人听了元方的据理反驳后,意识到自己的错误而深感惭愧;谢太傅看到后辈们一个比一个出色,心里高兴。(2分,意对即可)。 11.如司马光砸缸 曹冲称象 王冕四岁作画 曹植七岁作诗等。 (1分) 12.对比 突出母亲为了给“我”温暖而牺牲自己,甘愿忍受清凉,也表现“我”为此深受感动,深感幸福。 13.比喻 被子的温度高,暖和。 母亲对“我”的关爱。 被子的温度低。 母亲为“我”阻挡风霜承受的艰辛。 她用她的手背为你阻挡着她力所能及的所有风霜,也用她的手心为你释放着绵绵不绝的温暖阳光。 14.因为这些都是母亲爱“我”而特意安排的,由此突出了母亲对“我”的爱凝聚在生活中的点点滴滴。 15.题目的含义:?阳光充足的地方;?母爱的温暖。 作用:“阳光地带”是全文的线索,也是文章的主旨所在。 16.突出(或:强调)了母亲对“我”的爱的伟大、无私。 17.家里最舒适的那张床、书房里最宽大的那张书桌(或:衣橱里最美丽的那件衣裳、书桌旁最明亮的那盏台灯„„) 18.“这样”指:起初是炎热晒干了它的汁液,接着是挨到了大雨和冰雹的打击,最后,一场可怕的风暴,把它的枝叶吹折打落了。 19.虽然老树给小树的成长带来了诸多的不便,但更给小树提供了荫庇,保证了小树的健康成长。20.因为小树只看到其弊而没看到其利,自取灭亡。 21.我们人和人之间也是相互需要的,谁也离不开谁,要互相关心。 第五章 期末总复习 七上文言文总复习练习 第一至第六大题略 七、理解课文内容,回答问题 1(写了观蚊成鹤、神游山林、鞭打虾蟆三件事。 2(见藐小之物必察其纹理。 3(获得物外之趣的条件是:仔细观察和丰富的想像。 4(总领全文或引起下文。 5(恰当。这时的作者已陶醉在他联想的境界之中,眼前实物已经被放大千倍万倍,与蚊虫相比,癞蛤蟆自然成了“庞然大物”。它的突如其来,即被形容为“拔山倒树而来”就很好理解了。 6(借孙禹年和他朋友的观察来描写山市的。 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 7(危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰。不敢高声语,恐惊天上人。 8(当时的人们不能对“山市”这种自然现象作出正确的理解,所以只能用迷信的不科学的说法来解释 9(孤塔—宫殿—城市—危楼 10(山市的特点:奇异、奇妙、神秘、瑰丽、变化多端 11(《咏雪》一文营造了一种温暖、和谐、愉快的家庭气氛。和谐、平等、宽松的家庭气氛对于开发孩子智力有很大的好处。 12(“公大笑乐”是因为孩子们的比喻生动、形象。我们应该注意培养自己的想像力。 13、陈元方是一个聪颖机智,有礼有节的儿童。待人接物要诚实、守信、尊重他人。 14(凡事要尊重事实,不能凭主观感情去判断是非,听意见只应听正确的,而不要看这意见是什么人提出,对人不能持偏见。 15(事物在一定的条件下是可以转化的, 所以看待事物应持辩证的态度。我们要正确对待生活中的成败得失。 16(在学习中要及时温习旧知识,通过独立思考,获得新的理解和体会,有新发现,从而将知识融会贯通,增长自己的能力。 17(这句话现在看来,有其现实意义。其中包含相互体谅的意思。遇事如果换位思考,推己及人,仁爱待人,就可能得出不同的结论,改变已有的不正确做法,这样就会多一分理解,少一分对立,避免对他人造成伤害。 18(作为学生不应死学书本,应该掌握恰当的学习方法,提高学习效率;更应加强思想品德修养,使自己的各方面全面发展,提高自身的综合素质,适应社会。 默写背诵练习 一、1.忽有庞然大物 拔山倒树而来 2.私拟作群鹤舞于空中 则或千或百 项为之强 使之冲烟而飞鸣 果如鹤唳云端 怡然称快 3.学而不思则罔 思而不学则殆 4.己所不欲 勿施于人 5. 必有我师焉 择其善者而从之 其不善者而改之6.任重而道远 仁以为己任 死而后已 7.松柏之后凋也 8.刚落地的娃娃 从头到脚都是新的 小姑娘 花枝招展的 健壮的青年 有铁一般的胳膊和腰脚 9.吹面不寒杨柳风 10.溪水因枯涸见石更清冽了 秋天梦寐在牧羊女的眼里 11.阴影落在你的头发与膝上时 我要将小小的影子投在你的书页上12.不要惊讶他无端入梦 万水千山 求他载着她的爱和悲哀归去 13.撒盐空中差可拟 未若柳絮因风起 14.则是无信 则是无礼 15风正一帆悬 16.浅草才能没马蹄 17.青山郭外斜 开轩面场圃 18.曲径通幽处 潭影空人心 19.扬花落尽子规啼 我寄愁心与明月 20 巴山夜雨涨秋池 何当共剪西窗烛 21.烟笼寒水月笼沙 商女不知亡国恨 隔江犹唱后庭花 22.似曾相识燕归来 小园香径独徘徊 23.赚得行人空喜欢 一山放过一山拦 24.误入藕花深处 惊起一滩鸥鹭25.天光云影共徘徊 为有源头活水来 二、(一)1.为人谋而不忠乎 与朋友交而不信乎 传不习乎 2. 学而不思则罔 思而不学则殆 3. 己所不欲 勿施于人 4.知之为知之 不知为不知 是知也 5. 三人行 必有我师焉 6.择其善者而从之 其不善者而改之 7.人不知而不愠 不亦君子乎(二)1.水何澹澹 山岛竦峙 树木丛生 白草丰茂 2.日月之行 若出其中 星汉灿烂 若出其里 (三)1.海日生残夜 江春入旧年 2.乡书何处达 归雁洛阳边 3.潮平两岸阔 风正一帆悬 (四)1.几处早莺争暖树 谁家新燕啄春泥 2.最爱湖东行不足 绿扬阴里白沙堤 (五)1.枯藤老树昏鸦 2.夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯 (六)1.老骥伏枥 志在千里 烈士暮年 壮心不已 2. 烈士暮年 壮心不已 3.绿树村边合 青山郭外斜;开轩面场圃 把酒话桑麻 4.曲径通幽处 禅房花木深 5.山光悦鸟性 潭影空人心 6. 曲径通幽处 万籁此都寂7. 我寄愁心与明月 随风直到夜郎西 8. 何当共剪西窗烛 却话巴山夜雨时 9.正入万山圈子里 一山放过一山拦 10. 商女不知亡国恨 隔江犹唱后庭花 11.无可奈何花落去 似曾相识燕归来 12.常记溪亭日暮 沉醉不知归路 争渡 争accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 渡 惊起一滩鸥鹭 13. 问渠那得清如许 为有源头活水来14.路遥知马力 日久见人心 或真金不怕火炼 或墙脚数枝梅 凌寒独自开 15. 商女不知亡国恨 隔江犹唱后庭花 16.婵娟 玉兔 嫦娥 玉宫 玉盘 玉镜等等17. 无可奈何花落去 似曾相识燕归来 第六章 寒假作业: 现代文阅读 (一)树皮 1.“想入非非”、“含辛茹苦”、“脱颖而出”、“多愁善感”。 2.参加 高考 地理事物空间分布特征语文高考下定义高考日语答题卡模板高考688高频词汇高考文言文120个实词 3.因衰老而剥落,为新生组织让出更多的阳光与空气。 新生树皮勇于冲破阻碍,寻求发展。 4.“衰老的树皮”、“新生的树皮”。 5.“枝叶青黄,人世沧桑,无休无止的重复,然而更是无休无止的进化~” 6.“我”已经老了,不像年轻的一辈朝气蓬勃。 7.?? ?? ?× ?× (二)一诺千金 1.?北京的姐姐为山村的孩子们承诺并寄书籍 ?一句小小的诺言会有千金的价值 2.不能。这段文字之所以交代“我”行路的困难,是为下文写山村的闭塞贫穷、孩子们渴望知识及孩子们在山路上背书籍的艰难等作铺垫的。(意符即可) 3.? 为贫穷山村的孩子们渴求知识的精神(或:? 为山村人们质朴、真诚的品格) 4.? ? 它是作者的心理活动,有承上启下的作用:“泥泞的山路上一高一矮两个孩子抬着化肥袋子里的书籍的单薄的身影”与第?段相照应;其中“我”的自责又为后文写“我”后来“陆续寄了一些书和文具”作铺垫。 5.可能会有两种理解:a.善意的理解:可能是北京的姐姐工作忙了,暂时忘记了吧,我相信她会记起来的;b.恶意的:哼,城里人,说话就是不算数~„„ 6.如:a.山村的孩子们,我为你们渴求知识的精神所感动 b.山村的孩子们,只要你们好好学习,一定能成为祖国的有用之材 c.山村的孩子们,不仅是北京的姐姐关心着你们,还有我也会从此关心着你们,更有国家、社会都在关心着你们。„„(答案不唯一,只要说话言之有理即可) (三)用爱倾听 1.“我”听到了下岗夫妇的艰辛与收获,听到了小姑娘的勤奋与进步。应该多为他人着想,不能只为自己着想。 2.?指楼上楼下的吵闹声弄得我精神不振,心情烦躁。?形象生动的写出了楼下摩托车声的难以阻挡及对我的影响,突出了“我”心里的烦躁。 3.不设统一答案。答题要点:句中的观点是基于一定的情境的,并没有绝对化(文中有“许多”一词的限制,即可说明),不能断章取义。如对句中观点持否定意见,没从“正确理解”的角度作答,只要言之有理(类似于楼下楼上值得同情、可以理解的声音用爱倾听是适用的,反之则不适用)也可。(视理解的正确性和深刻性程度分3、2、1给分。) 4.原因:希望孩子将来能成才或望女成凤等。(意思对即可。)看法:没有 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 答案。 (四)糖罐的秘密 1(A(偏僻 B(垂涎 2(总是 永远 (或:似乎) 3.答案要求:至少表现两方面内容,一方面,担心秦霜看见自己,造成秦霜的尴尬难堪;另一方面担心别人知晓秘密,会给秦霜带来伤害。 示例:秦霜,我就在窗外,你可不要向外看啊!此地不宜久留,赶紧走。我一定要装着像没有看到一样。绝不能让别人知道~ 4, “我”的行为对秦霜产生了巨大的影响,它所表现出来的真诚、善良、宽容的品质是无价的。 5( 糖罐(或:糖) 偷糖(或:吃糖) 补糖(或:倒糖) 念糖(或:谢糖、想糖、感糖) 6(可从不同角度作答,言之成理即可。角度示例:?能宽容同学的一时过失并能真心帮助其改过自新。?知错能改。 (五)母亲的三句话 1(中心内容:围绕母亲三句话写 叙事线索:母亲的三句话 文体特点:记叙文 主要人物:母亲 目的意义:暗示母亲的三句话对“我”影响大(答出2点即可) 2(遇到困难要坚强(执著) 牵牛 遇到压力要放松(坦然) 吵架 3(?(一语双关) 既指现实的冬季,又指成长过程中遇到的困难和挫折 ?为母亲的话作铺垫,表明母亲的话很平常、很朴实,源于生活经验的总结(点出用意1分,分析说明1分) 4(按时间顺序组织材料,表明“我”从母亲身上不断获得教益或围绕母亲的三句话组织安排材料,accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 使全文结构完整。(围绕材料安排作答,言之成理,答出1点即可,2分) 5(略(句式 一致1分,运用比喻揭示母亲的话对“我”的影响1分,共2分) 6(略(简述经历或 谈感悟均可,要求文从字顺,表意清楚,真实可感,3分) accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the "four winds" special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. "Cadres and carry out" mediocre, lazy, scattered "special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality", The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit "small abacus". The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le
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