首页 2012届南通高三一调试题整理



2012届南通高三一调试题整理2012届南通高三一调试题整理 洞穿模考 有备无患 2012届南通高三一调试题整理 语文 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1(下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是(3分) 屏障,屏气凝神 A(暴晒,一暴十寒 攒钱,人头攒动 B(轴心,压轴大戏 塞车,敷衍塞责 隽秀,隽语箴言 C(闪烁,流金铄石 佳肴,混淆是非 逡巡,怙恶不悛 D(贻误,春风骀荡 龃龉,踽踽独行 砥柱,抵掌而谈 【参考答案】B(A.bào,põ,\põ, zǎn,cuán,\cuán,píng\bǐng;B.zhóu\zhòu...

2012届南通高三一调试题整理 洞穿模考 有备无患 2012届南通高三一调试题整理 语文 一、语言文字运用(15分) 1(下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是(3分) 屏障,屏气凝神 A(暴晒,一暴十寒 攒钱,人头攒动 B(轴心,压轴大戏 塞车,敷衍塞责 隽秀,隽语箴言 C(闪烁,流金铄石 佳肴,混淆是非 逡巡,怙恶不悛 D(贻误,春风骀荡 龃龉,踽踽独行 砥柱,抵掌而谈 【参考答案】B(A.bào,põ,\põ, zǎn,cuán,\cuán,píng\bǐng;B.zhóu\zhòu,sāi\sâ,jõn\juàn;C.shuò,yáo\xiáo,qūn\quàn;D.yí\dài,jǔ,dǐ\zhǐ)(曝põ晒是联合词组,曝与晒近义;暴bào晒是偏正词组,暴表示程度) 2(下列各句中,没有语病的一项是(3分) A(根据国家统计局公布的数据显示,2月份全国居民消费价格指数同比上涨3.2,,创20个月以来 的新低,我国居民实际存款利率也首度由负转正。 B(今年,江苏将在全国率先开展并实时公布可入肺颗粒物监测的数值,体现了地方政府绝不靠牺牲生态环境和人民健康来换取经济增长的执政理念。 C(为了在文化产业发展的需要和维护国家意识形态与社会稳定的需要之间实现平衡,相关部门应慎重考虑对文化产业发展的管制范围和程度。 D(我国计划在2013年前后发射首个月球着陆探测器——嫦娥三号,以获取月球内部的物质成分并进行分析,这将是我国探月 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 的又一重大进展。 【参考答案】D(A.“根据„„”“„„显示”杂揉;B.“开展”“数值”动宾不当;C.“文化产业发展”前缺少“促进”) 3(根据下面一段文字,概括出欧洲有关国家爆发主权债务危机的四点内在原因。(每点不超过8个字)(4分) 欧洲许多国家国民经济更多依赖服务业尤其是旅游业。随着欧洲区域一体化的日渐深入,一些经济发展水平较低的国家,在社会福利、失业救济等方面逐渐向发达国家看齐,导致政府巨额的预算赤字。2008年美国爆发的主权债务危机,对这些国家的国民经济造成巨大冲击,这些国家逐渐失去继续借贷的资本。加上欧元区国家实行统一发行货币政策,每个成员国无权使用货币政策,通过新发债务弥补赤字。于是,主权债务危机就不可避免地爆发了。 【参考答案】?产业结构单一 ?巨额财政赤字 ?失去借贷资本 ?无权新发债务 4(今年是雷锋同志牺牲五十周年。1963年,领袖的一声号召,催生了一场历久弥高的学习热潮;而诗人的一首《雷锋之歌》,唱出了亿万民众对榜样的敬仰之情。请写出《雷锋之歌》作者的姓名,并为纪念雷锋同志拟一副不超过30个字的对联。(5分) (1)作者姓名:【参考答案】贺敬之 (2)对 联: 【参考答案】爱党爱国爱民精神永存,崇真崇善崇美内涵常新 携春风奉献社会点点温暖,播春雨润泽他人滴滴蜜甜 二、文言文阅读(19分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成5—8题。 刘古塘墓志铭 [清)方苞 雍正四年五月望后二日,兄子道希书至,告古塘之丧。昔余咸童,从先兄求友闾巷间,得古塘。其后 洞穿模考 有备无患 之近邑,归故乡,客京师,学同而志相近者,复得数人,而惟古塘为本交。古塘少以雄豪自处,短衣厉饰,惟恐见者知为儒生,而先兄独义之。余少好气,数以气盖余,心不能平,久之乃见谓直谅。古塘早丧母,家贫,母家给田数十亩;少长,觅食自活,以田归庶弟。既为诸生,得时誉,学使常以重币延。岁时归家,解装,遇亲友,随手尽,俄而乏绝,饥不得餐,晏如也。年羹尧巡抚四川,固请与偕。议加赋,力争而止。遂以他故行,曰:“其心神外我矣!能守吾言以期月邪?”及督川陕,复固请以往,再三见,浃月而归。 古塘貌精悍。有与同姓名者,大患乡里,督学邵嗣尧闻之而未察也,按试呼名,忽注视冯怒,榜笞数十。众皆哗,群聚而诟之,嗣尧愧恨,发疾死。古塘始无愠色,既无宽容。尝语余曰:“士之大闲二:其一义利也,其一利害也。君子怀刑,设子遘祸殃而我退避,以为明哲,可乎,及余以《南山集》被逮,冒危险以急余,如所言。辛卯乡试为举首,以随部檄,挈余妻子北上,失会试期,后遂绝意进取。年六十有九,终于家。 始余出刑部狱,传客诸公间。诸公计数余兄弟早岁诸同好,数之奇,彼此如一辙。时存者惟彝叹、古塘,因谱其行及殁而未见余文者,作《四君子传》。无何彝叹亦殁,至于今无一存者矣,而余独留其衰疾之躯,其尚足控揣邪?然吾闻古之为交者,其有失言过行,则相引以为羞;今诸君子各以身名完,未为不幸,独后死者滋惧耳。 古塘子幼,道希与翁君止园纪其丧,余恐不宿,乃豫为志铭。古塘姓刘氏,名捷,怀宁人,流寓江宁。其卒以四月廿五日。某年月日葬于某乡某原。 (选自《方苞姚鼐集》,有删改) 5(对下列句子中加点词的解释,不正确的一项是(3分) A(久饥不得餐,晏如也 晏:安定 其心神外我矣 外:疏远 B( C(众皆哗,群聚而诟之 诟:辱骂 D(数之奇,彼此如一辙 奇:非凡 【参考答案】D(凶,不顺,不好) 6(下列句子中,全都表现刘古塘为人侠义的一组是(3分) ?雄豪自处,短衣厉饰 ?解装,遇亲友,随手尽 ?议加赋,力争而止 ?古塘始无愠色,既无宽容 ?冒危险以急余 ?挈余妻子北上,失会试期 A(??? B(??? C(??? D(??? 【参考答案】B(?从衣着角度表现年轻时总英雄自居,?是讨论“加赋”的与结果,?是刘无端遭到督学打后的态度) 7(下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是(3分) A(年少时的刘古塘,虽为一介书生,但总以英雄豪杰自居,多次在气概上压过当年争强好胜的作 者,不过后来两人却成为挚友。 B(刘古塘在年羹尧担任四川巡抚期间,受邀人其幕府,但因为与年羹尧在加赋问题上意见相左,他只待了一个月时间便离开了。 C(刘古塘早年因与一个祸患乡里的人同名同姓,曾遭到行事鲁莽的督学邵嗣尧的毒打,督学也为此犯了众怒,愧恨、发病而死。 D(作者出狱后,为当年与自己志趣相投的朋友相继离世而悲痛万分,由于担心自己不久于人世,就预先为亡友刘古塘写好了墓志铭。 【参考答案】B(刘古塘“只待了一个月时间便离开了”是年羹尧担任川陕总督之间,时间不对) 8(把文中画线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10分) (1)既为诸生,得时誉,学使常以重币延。(3分) 【参考答案】(古塘)成为生员后,得到当时人们的赞誉,学使常用重金来招请他(通顺。1分,时人 洞穿模考 有备无患 赞誉与邀请各1分) (2)设子遘祸殃而我退避,以为明哲,可乎?(4分) 【参考答案】假如您遭遇灾祸而我躲避,并认为很明智,(您认为)可以吗,(通顺1分,遭遇、明智与疑问句各1分) (3)今诸君子各以身名完,未为不幸,独后死者滋惧耳。(3分) 【参考答案】现在各位君子都因为声誉名望得以保全,而不能算是不幸运,只是让后死的人更加害怕罢了。(通顺1分,保全与更加各1分) 三、古诗词鉴赏(10分) 9(阅读下面这首宋词,然后回答问题。 水调歌头?题剑阁 崔与之 万里云间戍,立马剑门关。乱山极目无际,直北是长安。人苦百年涂炭,鬼哭三边锋镝,天道久应还。手写留屯奏,炯炯寸心丹。 对青灯,搔白首,漏声残。老来勋业未就,妨却一身闲。梅岭绿阴青子,蒲涧清泉白石,怪我旧盟寒。烽火平安夜,归梦到家山。 [注]崔与之:南宋名臣,广东人。此词写于词人出任成都知府兼成都府路安抚使时。当时,淮河秦岭以北的大片国土,尽沦于金人之手。 (1)这首词上片以词人立马剑门、遥望中原开篇,写了哪几层意思?(3分) 【参考答案】怀念沦陷中原;痛心于战争惨烈与百姓苦难;深信失地终将收复;决心戍边抗敌,为国尽忠(答一点给1分,不加分) 梅岭绿阴青子,蒲涧清泉白的石,怪我旧盟寒”运用了哪种修辞手法?表达了怎样的思想感情?(3(2)“ 分) 【参考答案】拟人(1分)。借写青梅、流泉责怪自己背约,既委婉表达思家而不能归的复杂心情,烘托殷切的报国之意(2分) (3)吴世昌《词林新话》评此词称:“此词直逼稼轩。”请对此作简要分析。(4分) 【参考答案】风格豪迈而沉郁,主旨爱国激情,与辛词风格、主题逼近(风格、主旨各2分) 四、名句名篇默写(8分) 10(补写出下列名句名篇中的空缺部分。 (1)博学而笃志,切问而近思,仁在其中矣。(《论语》) (2)艰难苦恨繁霜鬓,潦倒新停浊酒杯。(杜甫《登高》) (3)钉头磷磷,多于在庾之粟;瓦缝参差,多于周身之帛缕。(杜牧《阿房宫赋》) (4)山肴野蔌,杂然而前陈者,太守宴也。(欧阳修《醉翁亭记》) (5)桂棹兮兰桨,击空明兮溯流光。渺渺兮予怀,望美人兮天‎‎一方。(苏轼{赤壁赋》) (6)了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名。(辛弃疾(破阵子?醉里挑灯看剑)) (7)铁肩担道义,妙手著文章。(李大钊) 五、现代文阅读:文学类文本(20分) 阅读下面的作品,完成11,14题。 水乡的日子 史良高 只有把小船撑到蓬蓬勃勃的茭草深处,头顶只剩巴掌大的一方天空,而你一伸手就可以随意地采菱摘莲时,你才有资格说你到了真正的水乡。 水乡的水是一眼望不到边的,一座小小的村庄笼罩在一片水雾与绿荫之中,周围都被一汪绿水紧紧地包围着,泱泱漾漾的河水就从一家家的门前窗下流过。早起盥洗梳头,蹲在伸到水中的麻石上,河水就是一面清澈的镜子。长长的麻石又和女人结下了不解之缘,“吧嗒~吧嗒~”的棒槌声每天就是从这一条条 洞穿模考 有备无患 麻石上响起,把那一个又一个黎明濯洗得晶亮晶 亮。 夏天的许多日子,我都是静静地坐在河边看太阳从水中升起,躺在水边的竹榻上数天上的点点繁星。我和伙伴们从水边摸来螺蛳,砸碎坚壳,放在竹篮里钓虾,那些贪吃的大虾便一个个成了我们盘中的美味。有了兴致的时候,祖父就划着小船,穿过一片清悠悠的河面,去不远处的一个河湾。那时,我便和大人一起兴高采烈地采摘青乎乎的莲蓬和水淋淋的菱角。有时也打荷叶,然后和大人一起运到岸上晒干打捆。偶尔一阵狂风吹来,荷叶们便快活地飞到天空中跳起了迪斯科,我们这些伢们便纷纷去追,跑着、跳着、抓着,把笑声抛撒得满满一河。荷叶们后来都到了镇上的供销社,成为包装红糖与咸盐的“包装纸”。河里有一种叫“高苗”的东西,其实就是茭白开花后结成的米,细细长长,形状如梭,颜色像红红的玫瑰。将“高苗”捋回晒干,磨成粉,粉是红的,做成粑,锅里便是一朵朵盛开的玫瑰。揭开锅盖,那水乡植物特有的清香由不得你不口水四溢。以至我后来走遍大江南北,再也没有寻到过这种东西。祖父把船停在河心的那一刻便开始钓鱼。祖父钓鱼很特别,他将竹篙在水中击打几下,就有鳊鱼、鲫鱼、草鱼黑压压地来了,祖父从茭草上捋下一把“高苗”撒向鱼群,接着将一粒“高苗”迅速地穿到钩上,刚一下钩,就被一尾大鳊鱼死死咬住。不上一袋烟工夫,准能钓上三条五条。 水乡的孩子没有不玩水的,也没有不会水的。白天摸鱼捉蟹,扎猛子,玩狗刨,把黝黑的肚皮漂在水面,一个个没命地疯,回到家里就难免有个头疼脑热的。于是在夜幕四合的时候,就有踮着小脚的奶奶手里拿着一件小孩的衣物什么的来到河边喊骇。喊骇一般叫的是乳名:“伢子耶,莫骇噢,快些回家去吧——”那拖得长长的尾音时常从沉寂的河面一直弥漫到村庄的角落。 也许因了水的滋润,岸边那一丛丛芦苇总是显得特别的茂密鲜活。我常常与小伙伴们钻进苇丛挖甜甜的芦根,打鲜嫩的芦叶,用自制的芦枪打“游击战”,有时也用芦笛吹起一支支跑调的歌曲。秋风中的苇 。那时节,村庄的屋花如絮似雪很有诗意,软软的,柔柔的,四处飘荡。水乡人说那是一位痴情女子的魂 顶、树梢、田野和河面上,到处游荡着那痴情女子洁白洁白的魂,不过,没有人感到害怕与讨厌。不经意间,一年的秋天就这样地过去了。 水乡还是水鸟的天堂,水乡人也离不开水鸟。河边的水草里、稻田里时常见到水鸟的窝,水鸟的蛋,有时还有刚出壳的雏鸟。没有人捡它、碰它,谁家不懂事的孩子要是招它惹它,准会遭到大人一顿训斥。他们像呵护自己的孩子一样呵护大自然中的生命。一窝窝小鸟长大后远远地飞走了,飞到河里,然后亮起悦耳的歌声。水乡人最能理解百鸟争鸣的含义,那是水鸟们回报大自然的一场场露天音乐会~干活累了,坐在田垄地边抽根烟,听着那水鸟的欢唱是一种享受;心情快要下雨时,听着那水鸟的欢唱是一种慰藉。从水鸟的鸣叫中,水乡人知道什么时候刮风下雨,什么时候插田收割,甚至,还能从鸟语中揣测到年成的丰歉。 水乡的日子已经是几十年以前的事了,水乡的水早已远离了水乡的乡民。水乡人早已习惯了在稻田里种藕,在池塘里养鱼,飞絮的芦花成了诗人笔下的浪漫,欢快的鸟语悄悄走进往日的梦乡。提到过去的日子,水乡的人说:十年河东,十年河西,这世界变化快呢~我听了,心里总有一种说不出的感觉。 《广州日报》2011-09-29 11(请分析文中画线句子的表达特色。(4分) 【参考答案】选取有代表性的生活情趣,从听觉、视觉的角度,运用比喻、拟人手法,展现水乡生活情趣,语言表达富有韵味。(特色2分,分析2分) 12(文章第三段两次写祖父,请结合该段的结构思路说说这样安排的作用。(4分) 【参考答案】祖父的悠闲自在与孩子、大人们的劳作收获相映成趣,共同构成了水乡优美的风情画;对“我们”与祖父穿插描写,角度灵活,行文富于变化。(内容、结构各2分) 13(“水乡的人说:十年河东,十年河西,这世界变化快呢!”这句话表现了水乡人什么样的情感?(盼) 【参考答案】对水乡快乐而富有情趣生活的眷念;对水乡淳朴风情失落的叹惜;对世事沧桑变化的感慨追思;对与水相依的美好不再的(每点2分) 14(本文写了水乡生活的几个片断,请探究其中的深刻意蕴。(6分) 洞穿模考 有备无患 人与水的关系:亲近自然,生命有所滋养,心情得以纯洁,生活富有希望;人水鸟的关系,要敬畏生命,学会感恩,并与自然和谐相处;水乡的风情,传统文化令生活富有情趣,应加以保护与传承(每点2分) 六、现代文阅读:论述类文本(18分) 阅读下面的文章,完成15,17题。 “天人合一”与生态学 周国平 九十年代以来,国学好像又咸了显学。而在国学热中,有一个概念赫然高悬,这便是“天人合一”。在一些人嘴里,它简直是新福音,用它可以解决当今人类所面临的几乎一切重大难题。其最旗帜鲜明者甚至断言,惟“天人合一”才能拯救人类,舍此别无出路。按照他们的解释,西方文化的要害在于天人相分乃至对立,由此导致人性异化和生态危机,殊不知完备的人性理论和生态哲学在中国古已有之,“天人合一”便是,它的威力足以引导人类重建内心的和外部的和谐。 我的印象是,鼓吹者们一方面将儒道佛一锅煮,最后熬剩下了“天人合一”这一点浓汁,另一方面又使这一点浓汁囊括了一切有益成分,于是有了包治百病的神 效。 “天人合一”原是一种儒家学说,把道家的“物我两忘”、禅宗的“见性成佛”硬塞入“天人合一”的模子里,未免牛头不对马嘴。即使儒家学说也不能归结为“天人合一”,“天人合一”仅是儒家在人与宇宙之关系问题上的一种较有代表性的观点。关于“天人合一”的含义,我认为张岱年先生在《中国哲学大纲》中的归纳最为准确,即一是滥觞于孟子、流布于宋儒的天人相通思想,二是董仲舒的天人相类思想。他认为,后者纯属牵强附会的无稽之谈;而前者主张人的心性与宇宙的本质相通,因而人藉内省或良 我们自可对之作学理的探讨,却没有理由无知即可知天道。这是基本上属于认识论的范畴,颇有些道理, 限地扩大其涵义和夸大其价值。事实上,在西方哲学中也不乏类似的思想,例如柏拉图的回忆说,笛卡儿的天赋观念说,可是人家并没有从中寻找什么新福音,相反倒是挖掘出了西方文明危机的根源。 把“天人合一”解释成人与自然的和谐相处,又进一步解释成一种生态哲学,这已经成为国学新时髦。最近看到一本书,是美国科学家和学术活动家普里迈克写的《保护生物学概论》,译咸中文洋洋五十多万字,对生态保护的一个重要方面即生物多样性保护的问题作了系统的研究和论述。我一面翻看这本书,一面想起某些国人欲靠“天人合一”解救世界生态危机的雄心,不禁感到啼笑皆非。 当然,学有专攻,我们不能要求研究中国哲学的学者精通生态学,但我们也许有权要求一切学者尊重科学,承认环境保护也是科学,而不要在一种望文生义的“天人合一”境界中飘飘然自我陶醉。 15(请简要概括本文的论述思路。(6分) 【参考答案】首先,摆出谬论“天人合人”可以解决当今人类所面临的一切概重大难题;接着,揭示谬论错误所在,阐明对“天人合一”的正确理解;最后,提出希望,学者应该尊重科学。(每点2分 16(文中画线句表明了作者什么观点?(6分) 【参考答案】作者认为鼓吹者一方面杂糅了儒道佛思想,缩小了中国哲学的内涵;另一方面又扩大了“天人合一”的内涵并夸大了它的价值。(每点3分) 17(文中说“想起某些国人欲靠‘天人合一’解救世界生态危机的雄心,不禁感到啼笑皆非”,结合全文,简述“啼笑皆非”的原因。(6分) 【参考答案】因为“天人合一”论是杂取拼凑出来的伪科学,鼓吹者却宣称可以解救世界生态危机,实在可笑;把本是认识论的儒家的“天人合人”思想加以拔高,不懂科学也不尊重科学,却自我陶醉,实在可悲。(每点3分) 七、作文(70分) 18(阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。 千里之行始于足下:道德修炼始于点滴,走好第一步才能奠定人生的基石;智能发展重在探索,迈出第一步才能呈现预约的精彩;梦想成真贵在创新,尝试第一步才能做到出发就会到达„„前行之路沟沟坎坎,走稳自己第一步,才能走好今后每一步。 洞穿模考 有备无患 请以“第一步”为题,写一篇不少于800字的文章。 要求:立意自定;角度自选;除诗歌外,文体自选。 数学 一、填空题:本题考查基础知识、基本运算和基本思想方法(每小题5分,共70分( 221( 在平面直角坐标系中,双曲线的离心率为 ? .答案: 2xOyyx,,1 a1 ,2( 若复数z满足(是虚数单位),则z = ? .答案:1 + 2i 12i34i,,,,z,,i b2 ,3( 在右图的算法中,最后输出的a,的值依次b是 ? . 答案:2,1 c3 ,4( 一组数据9.8, 9.9, 10,a, 10.2的平均数为10,则该组数据的 方差为 ? .答案:0.02 ca , 2U,5( 设全集Z,集合,则ðA, ? (用列举法表 ab ,Axxxx,,,,20?,Z,,U bc ,示).答案:{0,1} 1 Print a,b ab,,6( 在平面直角坐标系中,已知向量a = (1,2),(3,1),则 ? .ab,xOy,2(第3题) 答案:0 7( 将甲、乙两个球随机放入编号为1,2,3的3个盒子中,每个盒子的放球数量不限,则在1,2 2号盒子中各有1个球的概率为 ? .答案: 9 ,,8. 设P是函数图象上异于原点的动点,且该图象在点P处的切线的倾斜角,则为 yxx,,(1) ππ,的取值范围是 ? .答案: ,,,32,y 9( 如图,矩形ABCD的三个顶点A、B、C分别在函数 x1B 22A yx,logyx,,,的图象上,且矩形 2y,,,222 的边分别平行于两坐标轴. 若点A的纵坐标为2,则 1 11点D的坐标为 ? .答案: ,,,D C 24O 1 x 10(观察下列等式: 311, , (第9题) 33129,, , 33312336,,, , 33331234100,,,, , „„ 2nn(1),,,3333*123,,,,,,,,nn,N猜想: ? ()答案: ,,2,, G11(在棱长为4的正方体中,、分别为棱、上的动点,点为正方形 ABCDABCD,AADCEF1111111 AEFG的中心. 则空间四边形在该正方体各个面上的正投影所构成的图形中,面积的最 BBCC11 大值为 ? .答案:12 2π,,1,12(若对任意的都成立,则的最小值为 ? . 答案: axxax??sinaa,x,0,1221,,π2,, y 13(如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,F,F2分别为椭圆 122yxB ab,,0()的左、右焦点,B,C分别为椭圆 ,,122ab 的上、下顶点,直线BF2与椭圆的另一交点为. 若 D 7CDcos,,FBF,则直线的斜率为 ? .答案:1225 FF 1O x 212 D 25 14(各项均为正偶数的数列,aa,a,a中,前三项依次成 1234 公差为d(d > 0)的等差数列,后三项依次成公比为q的 C (第13题) 洞穿模考 有备无患 58等比数列. 若,则q的所有可能的值构成的集合为 ?. 答案: aa,,88, 41,,37二、解答题 15(本题主要考查正、余弦定理、两角和与差的正弦公式、三角函数的基本关系式等基础知识,考查 运算求解能力(满分14分( ABC 在斜三角形中,角A,B,C的对边分别为 a,b,c. a2sincossinACB,(1)若,求的值; c tanA(2)若,求的值. sin(2)3sinABB,,tanC sinAa解:(1)由正弦定理,得( ,sinBb 2sincossinACB,2cosaCb, 从而可化为( „„„„„„„3分 222abc,,2ab,, 由余弦定理,得( 2ab a 整理得,1,即. „„„„„„„„„„„7分 ac,c ABCABC,,,, (2)在斜三角形中,, 所以可化为, sin3sin,,,,,,,,,,,ACACsin(2)3sinABB,,,,,,,,,, 即,,,,sin3sinACAC(„„„„„„„„„10分 ,,,, 故( ,,,,sincoscossin3(sincoscossin)ACACACAC 4sincos2cossinACAC,, 整理,得, „„„„„„12分 ,0 因为?ABC是斜三角形,所以sinAcosAcosC, tan1A,, 所以(„„„„„„„„„„„14分 tan2C 16(本题主要考查直线与直线、直线与平面的位置关系,考查空间想象能力和推理论证能力(满分 14分( D1如图,在六面体中,,, ABCDABCD,AACC//ABAD,11111111 C .求证:(1);(2). 1AABD,BBDD//ABAD,111A 1证明:(1)取线段的中点,连结、, AMBDAMM1 B 因为,, ADAB,ADAB,111 所以,(„„„„3分 BDAM,BDAM,1 又,平面, AMAMM:,AMAM、,AAM111D C M 所以平面( AAMBD,1A B 而平面, AA,AAM11(第16题) 所以.„„„„„„„7分 AABD,1 (2)因为, AACC//11 平面,平面, AA,DDCCCC,DDCC111111 所以平面(„„„„„„„„„„„9分 AA//DDCC111 又平面,平面平面,„„„„11分 AA,AADDAADD:DDCCDD,11111111 所以(同理得, AADD//AABB//1111 所以(„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„14分 BBDD//11 17(本题主要考查函数的概念、最值等基础知识,考查数学建模、数学阅读、运算求解及解决实际问 题的能力(满分14分( 将52名志愿者分成A,B两组参加义务植树活动,A组种植150捆白杨树苗,B组种植200捆 沙棘树苗(假定A,B两组同时开始种植( 21(1)根据历年统计,每名志愿者种植一捆白杨树苗用时小时,种植一捆沙‎‎棘树苗用时小时.应如52 何分配A,B两组的人数,使植树活动持续时间最短, 洞穿模考 有备无患 2(2)在按(1)分配的人数种植1小时后发现,每名志愿者种植一捆白杨树苗用时小时,仍为 5 2而每名志愿者种植一捆沙棘树苗实际用时小时,于是从A组抽调6名志愿者加入B组继 3 续种植,求植树活动所持续的时间. *052,,x 解:(1)设A组人数为,且,, x,Nx 2150,605 则A组活动所需时间;„„„„„„2分 fx(),,xx 1200,1002 B组活动所需时间(„„„„4分 gx(),,5252,,xx 6010039 令,即,解得( ,x,fxgx()(),2xx52, 所以两组同时开始的植树活动所需时间 *60,, ?,,xx19,N,x „„„„„„„„„„„6分 Fx(),,*100,,?,xx20.,N52,x, 6025 而故( F(19),,F(20),,FF(19)(20),198 20 32, 所以当A、B两组人数分别为时,使植树活动持续时间最短(„8分 2150201,,,65 (2)A组所需时间为1+(小时),„„„„„„„10分 ,32067, 2200321,,,23 B组所需时间为(小时),„12分 13,,3263, 63 所以植树活动所持续的时间为小时( „„„14分 7 18(本题主要考查直线的方程、圆的方程、直线与圆的位置关系、圆与圆的位置关系等基础知识,考 查运算求解、分析探究及推理论证的能力(满分16分( 2222 如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy中,已知圆:,圆:( (1)1xy,,,(3)(4)1xy,,,,CC12 6l程; l(1)若过点的直线被圆截得的弦长为,求直线的方C(1 0),,C125 y C(2)设动圆同时平分圆的周长、圆的周长( CCl121 ?证明:动圆圆心C在一条定直线上运动; l CC2?动圆是否经过定点,若经过,求出定点的 2坐标;若不经过,请说明理由( l 解:(1)设直线的方ykx,,(1)kxyk,,,0程为,即( 6Cl 因为直线被圆截得的弦长为,而圆的半C25O C才 1x 径为1, C2 lkxyk,,,0所以圆心到:的距离为C(3 4),2 44k,4,(„„„3分 25(第18题) k,1 2431225120kk,,,k,k, 化简,得,解得或( 34 l4340xy,,,3430xy,,, 所以直线的方程为或(„„„„„„„„6分 Cxy( ), (2)?证明:设圆心CCCC,,由题意,得, 12 2222(1)(3)(4)xyxy,,,,,, 即( xy,,,30 化简得, 洞穿模考 有备无患 即动圆圆心C在定直线上运动(„„„„„„„„„„„10分 xy,,,30 ?圆C过定点,设, Cmm(3),, 222则动圆C的半径为( 11(1)(3),,,,,,CCmm12222于是动圆C的方程为( ()(3)1(1)(3)xmymmm,,,,,,,,, 22整理,得(„„„„„„„„„14分 xyymxy,,,,,,,622(1)0 33,,x,,12,x,,12,xy,,,10,,,,22由得或 ,,,2233 620xyy,,,,,,,, 22y,,; 22.y,,,2,2 3333 所以定点的坐标为,(„„„16分 12 22,,,12 22,,,,,,,2222 19(本题主要考查函数的概念、性质及导数等基础知识,考查灵活运算数形结合、分类讨论的思想方 法进行探究、分析与解决问题的能力(满分16分( 已知函数( fxxx()sin,, (1)设P,Q是函数图象上相异的两点,证明:直线PQ的斜率大于0; fx() π,,(2)求实数的取值范围,使不等式在0,上恒成立( fxaxx()cos?a,,2 , 解:(1)由题意,得( fxx()1cos0,,? 所以函数在R上单调递增( fxxx()sin,, yy,12k,0 设,,则有,即( „„„„„6分 ,0Pxy( ),Qxy( ),PQ1122xx,12 a?0(2)当时,恒成立(„„„„„„8分 fxxxaxx()sin0cos,,?? a,0 当时,令, gxfxaxxxxaxx()()cossincos,,,,, g'xxaxxx()1cos(cossin),,,, ( ,,,,1(1)cossinaxaxx 10,a?01,a?g'xaxaxx()11cossin0,,,,, ?当,即时,, ,, π,,0, 所以在上为单调增函数( gx(),,2 所以,符合题意( „„„„„„10分 gxga()(0)0sin00cos00?,,,,,, 10,,aa,1 ?当,即时,令hxg'xaxaxx()()1(1)cossin,,,,,, 于是h'xaxaxx()(21)sincos,,,( a,1210a,, 因为,所以,从而h'x()0?( π,,0,hx() 所以在上为单调增函数( ,,2 ππ2()1,,ahxa?? 所以,即, hhxh(0)()??,,22 π2()1,,ag'xa??亦即(„„„„„„„„„„„„„12分 2 20,a?12,a?g'x()0?(i)当,即时,, π,,0,gx()gxg()(0)0?,所以在上为单调增函数(于是,符合题意(„„14分 ,,2 π20,,aa,2(ii)当,即时,存在,使得 x,0,0,,2 g'x()0,gx()当xx,(0 ),时,有,此时在上为(0),x单调减函数, 00 gxg()(0)0,,gx()0,从而,不能使恒成立( a?2a综上所述,实数的取值范围为(„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„16分 20(本题主要考查数列的通项公式、等比数列的基本性质等基础知识,考查考生分析探究及推理论证 的能力(满分16分( **2n,Nk,Naaa,,a设数列{}的各项均为正数.若对任意的,存在,使得成立,则称 n,,nknnk2 洞穿模考 有备无患 数列{}为“J型”数列( akn (1)若数列{}是“J型”数列,且,,求; aa,8a,1a2n282n (2)若数列{}既是“J型”数列,又是“J型”数列,证明:数列{}是等比数列. aa34nn13a18解:(1)由题意,得,,,,„成等比数列,且公比, q,,aaaa2468,,a22n,41n,1 所以( „„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4分 aaq,,,,22n2 (2)证明:由{}是“型”数列,得 aJn4 ,,,,,,„成等比数列,设公比为. „„„„„6分 taaaaaa159131721 由{}是“型”数列,得 aJn3 ,,,,,„成等比数列,设公比为; aaaa,a14710113 ,,,,,„成等比数列,设公比为; aaaaa,25814112 ,,,,,„成等比数列,设公比为; aaaaa,36912153 aaa434343131721 则,,( ,,,,,,,,,ttt123aaa15943 所以,不妨记,且( „„„„„„„12分 ,,,,,,,,,,,,t,,123123(32)1k,,k,13 于是, aaa,,,,,,3211k, 2,,(31)1k,k,,kk2233 , aaataa,,,,,,,,,,,315111k 1,31k,k,,kk32333 , aaataa,,,,,,,,,,39111k n,13 所以,故{}为等比数列(„„„„„„„„„„„„16分 aa,,a,,nn1 数学?附加题参考答案及评分建议 21(【选做题】 B(选修4—2:矩阵与变换 本小题主要考查二阶矩阵的变换等基础知识,考查运算求解能力(满分10分( 01,,P(41), 在平面直角坐标系xOy中,直线在矩阵ykx,对应的变换下得到的直线过点,求实数,,10,, k的值( ,,,xxxxy01xy,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 解:设变换T:,,则,即„„„„5分 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yyyyx10yx,. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,xky,ykx,P(4 1), 代入直线,得(将点代入上式,得k,4(„„„„„„10分 C(选修4—4:坐标系与参数方程 本小题主要考查直线与圆的极坐标方程等基础知识,考查运算求解能力(满分10分( ,a,0,,,asin 在极坐标系中,已知圆()与直线相切,求实数a的值( ,,cos1,,,,, 2222aa2,,,asin 解:将圆化成普通方程为xyay,,,整理,得( xy,,,,,24 , 将直线化成普通方程为( „„„„„„„„„„6分 xy,,,20,,cos1,,,,, a,,22a,a,,422 由题意,得(解得(„„„„„„„„„„„„ 10分 22 22(【必做题】本题主要考查数学归纳法等基础知识,考查运算求解、分析探究及推理论证的能力(满 分10分( 洞穿模考 有备无患 2a1*n已知数列{}满足:,( a,,,Naan ()1n,n12,a1n (1)求,的值; aa23*(2)证明:不等式对于任意都成立( n,N0,,aann,1 24(1)解:由题意,得( „„„„„„„„„„2分 aa,,, 2335 n,1(2)证明:?当时,由(1),知,不等式成立(„„„„„„„4分 0,,aa12* ?设当时,成立,„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6分 nkk,,()N0,,aakk,1 nk,,1 则当时,由归纳假设,知( a,0k,1 而 2121aaaa,,,,,,,222()aaaa,kkkk,,11kkkk,,11, aa,,,,,,0kk,,21aaaaaa,,,,,,11(1)(1)(1)(1)kkkkkk,,,111 所以, 0,,aakk,,12 nk,,1 即当时,不等式成立( *n,N 由??,得不等式对于任意成立(„„„„„„„„„„10分 0,,aann,1 23(【必做题】本题主要考查抛物线的标准方程、简单的几何性质等基础知识,考查运算求解、推理 论证的能力(满分10分( 如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线的顶点在原点,焦点为F(1,0)(过抛物线在轴上 xOyx ACACC 方的不同两点、作抛物线的切线、,与轴分别交于、两点,且与交 xABBDDBD y BCN于点,直线与直线交于点( ADM MN(1)求抛物线的标准方程;(2)求证:轴; x,A MN(3)若直线与轴的交点恰为F(1,0), x M :直线过定点( 求证AB2解:(1)设抛物线的标准方程为, ypxp,,2(0)B N p,1 由题意,得,即( 所以抛物线的标准方程为p,2D C O x F 22(„„„„„„3分 yx,4 (2)设,,且,( Axy( ),Bxy( ),y,0y,0112212 21, 由(y,0),得,所以( yx,4y,yx,2x (第23题) 12ACyyxx,,,() 所以切线的方程为,即( yyxx,,,()1111yx11 整理,得, ? yyxx,,2()11 且C点坐标为( ( 0),x,1 同理得切线的方程为,? yyxx,,2()BD22 且D点坐标为( ( 0),x,2 xyxy,1221 由??消去,得(„„„„„„„5分 x,yMyy,12 y1yxx,,() 又直线的方程为,? AD2xx,12 y2BCyxx,,() 直线的方程为( ? 1xx,12 xyxy,1221 由??消去,得( x,yNyy,12 MNx 所以xx,,即轴( „„„„„„„„„7分 ,MN My(1 ),yyx,,2(1)yyx,,2(1) (3)由题意,设,代入(1)中的??,得,( 0011022 AxyBxy( ) ( ),,,yyx,,2(1) 所以都满足方程( 11220 洞穿模考 有备无患 所以直线的方程为 yyx,,2(1)AB0 故直线过定点(„„„„„„„„„„„10分 (1 0),,AB 英语 第I卷 (三部分 共85分) 第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分) 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 1. What is Bob interested in about the book? A. The photos. B. The ideas. C. The data. 2. Where does the conversation take place? A. In a hotel. B. On a bus. C. At a cinema. 3. What does the woman want to do? A. Buy a ticket. B. Park her car. C. Wait her turn. 4. What has Bill done? A. Forgotten his promise. B. Failed to finish his work. C. Repeated his carelessness. 5. Which place does the man like to live in? A. A quiet place. B. A lonely place. C. A distant place. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听第6段材料,回答第6至第7题。 6. What does the man teach the woman to do? A. Write her report. B. Use her computer. C. Clean her room. 7. How does the woman feel in the end? A. Worried. B. Confused. C. Relaxed. 听第7段材料,回答第8至第9题。 8. What?sthelegal speed limit? A. 25 miles per hour. B. 65 miles per hour. C. 90 miles per hour. 9. What accountedfortheman?sbehavior? A. Not focusing on driving. B. Not being good at driving. C. Not knowing the regulations. 听第8段材料,回答第10至第12题。 10. What did the man think of the cloning of humans? A. Acceptable. B. Impossible. C. Unbearable. 11. Why are scientists studying cloning at present? A. To reproduce a whole human being. B. To see how the copy looks and acts. C. To replace damaged parts of a body. 12. How did the woman get to know about the way to make new medicines? A. From a magazine. B. From some scientists. C. From the man speaker. 听第9段材料,回答第13至第16题。 13. How did the man find the movie they saw last week? A. Absurd. B. Boring. C. Excellent. 14. Why does the man want to see action movies in a theatre? A. To enjoy them on a big screen . B. To enjoy them with many others . C. To have popcorn for dinner there. 15. Which are the woman?sfavourite? 洞穿模考 有备无患 A. Seafood and chicken . B. Meat and love stories. C. Fish and action movies. 16. What is the talk mainly about? A. Their past experience. B. Their likes and dislikes. C. Their plan for the night. 听第10段材料,回答第17至第20题。 17. What does the speaker encourage us to do? A. Raise animals. B. Lose weight. C. Eat healthy. 18. What do we learn about people in earlier times from the speaker? A. Free from worry about bad effect of food. B. Busy producing food for others. C. Rich in various food. 19. Why do some people give up eating potatoes or rice? A. To stay well. B. To keep slim. C. To eat right. 20. How should we control our weight? A. By having a balanced diet. B. By having the same diet. C. By dieting and exercising. 第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分35分) 第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. Living in _______ ever increasingly fast-paced world, we are facing greater competition, so we must take _______ advantage of every opportunity to develop. A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. the; an D. the; 不填 22. I am _______ about what I say because careless remarks are likely to hurt others?feelings. A. enthusiastic B. concerned C. doubtful D. cautious 23. — That must have been a terrifying experience. — Yeah. I _______ in the damaged car, unable to move. A. was stuck B. have been stuck C. am stuck D. had been stuck 24. Billy Crystal hosted the Academy Awards again this year, and his talks always ________ the expectation of most audience. A. put up with B. end up with C. live up to D. add up to 25. Sometimes, _______ we show our gratitude for a person is reflected in the kind of food we serve him or her. A. when B. whether C. why D. how 26. Looking back on the three-year life in the mountain village, Thomas _______ it as a milestone in his personal development. A. values B. confirms C. declares D. assumes 27. — Anna, you look so tired and wet all over! — You know, all morning I _______ my properties to my new office on the third floor. A. am moving B. have moved C. had moved D. have been moving 28. The spokesman was seated in front of all the journalists at the press conference, _______ to answer all kinds of questions. A. prepared B. preparing C. to be prepared D. having prepared 29. Students in English-speaking countries usually address their man teacher“sir”, but _______ their woman teacher“madam”. A. seldom they address B. do they seldom address C. seldom do they address D. they seldom do address 30. As he approached the door, Mike looked into the room again to see if he _______ anything behind. A. left B. had left C. has left D. would leave 31. Jose cupped his hands together to cover his mouth ________ other people would see him cry. A. so that B. now that C. for fear that D. on condition that 洞穿模考 有备无患 32. I adore my English teacher because he can always create an atmosphere ______ all the students feel respected and cared for. A. that B. when C. where D. which 33. Under the environment of fierce competition, the only way John could imagine _______ stress was to get tougher by making greater efforts. A. handling B. to handle C. handled D. having handled 34. — I?mworried about the sports meet. Do you think it will be postponed? — If it _______ rain tomorrow, but actually the weather forecast has removed our worry. A. could B. would C. might D. should 35. — I hear Kris had an accident as he was riding his bike to school yesterday. — ________? He is always so careful when he is riding. A. What for B. How come C. Why that D. So what 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 When my son, Justin, was four, he found a caterpillar (毛虫) and put it in a jar. Each day he fed it with fresh grass and leaves. In a few weeks we discoveredin a cocoo it 36 n (茧). Justin was excited. He knew a moth (蛾) or butterfly was about to be 37 ,buthedidn?tknowwhatkind.Hewas 38 to know what gift nature was about to give him. “Dad!”shouted the boy while running to me one day. “Something?s 39 . Come see!” He led me to his room. The cocoon had become half transparent and we could the wings 40 of the unborn. Soon, a moth broke free from the cocoon, and laid eggs completing the life 41 of the little caterpillar. The next day, I convinced Justin it was time to set the moth free. He took it 42 , opened the jar, and the little moth flew out. It 43 the yard twice, came back, and landed on Justin?sarm. He picked it up, tossed it in the air, and the moth repeated its 44 pattern. He tried over and over, but each time it would to his arm. 45 Justin 46 _. He put his little pet back to the jar. The next day he attempted to set it free again, and after a few repetitions of the same behavior, the moth 47 flew off into the grass. Like a 48 , I believe the moth was afraid to leave what it was comfortable with. It wanted to stay with something 49 , scared to move on and experience something unknown. I was once that little moth. My cocoon was my mother?s 50 , in which I was comfortable. Like the moth, I didn?twanttoflytoofarawayfromit.Iwas 51 when my first job required me to move to a new city. What would I find there? I liked 52 I was. Humans are creatures of 53 . We resist change. However, ifIhadn?tmoved, I would not have experienced many 54 and wonderful things or met many of my friends. So each move gave me the 55 to learn and experience, but best of all, I met friends. 36. A. trapped B. wrapped C. developed D. protected 37. A. born B. changed C. raised D. created 38. A. upset B. content C. lucky D. curious 39. A. disappearing B. happening C. spreading D. cracking 40. A. identify B. feel C. count D. imagine 41. A. plan B. task C. cycle D. project 42. A. back B. down C. aside D. outside 43. A. explored B. searched C. circled D. abandoned 44. A. flight B. game C. adventure D. communication 洞穿模考 有备无患 45. A. stick B. cater C. turn D. return 46. A. kept up B. gave up C. looked around D. turned around 47. A. carelessly B. successfully C. finally D. hesitatingly 48. A. human B. butterfly C. caterpillar D. pet 49. A. friendly B. similar C. pleasant D. familiar 50. A. love B. instruction C. requirement D. expectation 51. A. thrilled B. crazy C. afraid D. annoyed 52. A. what B. where C. how D. who 53. A. emotion B. conscience C. habit D. ambition 54. A. odd B. new C. funny D. vital 55. A. courage B. pleasure C. motivation D. opportunity 第三部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A In the next five years, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) jobs are projected to grow twice as quickly as jobs in all other fields according to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics. While all jobs are expected to grow by 10.4 percent, STEM jobs are expected to increase by 21.4 percent. By this measure, future STEM jobs represent a huge opportunity to today?sstudents. But, in fact, of the 3.8 million ninth graders in the U.S., only 233,000 end up choosing a STEM degree in college, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. This means only 6 percent of ninth graders will become STEM graduates. And of these graduates, women will be even more underrepresented in most STEM fields. These are alarming statistics. How do we get more young boys and girls to be interested in STEM-related fields? It isn?taneasytask. Schools do not always adequately prepare students for these severe subjects, and college programs are designed to get rid of those who are less persistent. Nationally, only 41 percent of initial STEM majors who begin a degree in STEM-related fields complete their degree in less than six years. In addition, social pressures continue to cast a shadow over girls who might otherwise consider the STEM fields. A couple of years ago, I met amazing parents, both of whom had a background in engineering and hoped their 10-year-old daughter would follow in their footsteps. They encouraged her to take an after-school science / robotics program. When she got there, she found she was outnumbered 6:1 by boys in the class. As the only girl, she came home crying much of the time because she was teased and told that geeky girls are not welcome in the boys?club. Ironically, by the time young boys are entering college programs in STEM fields, many complain about the lack of girls. Starting at an early age, even as young as kindergarten, we need to encourage and help the next generation leaders to consider taking up science, computing, math and technology. We also need to realize that for young girls to be inspired to take and stick with this educational path and later career field, they will benefit from the support of the people that surround them: parents, teachers, friends and family members. 56. The STEM statistics are used in the passage mainly to show that ________. A. STEM jobs will be easily available in the future B. boys have more advantages over girls in STEM C. the number of STEM students is rapidly declining D. America will face serious shortage of STEM talents 57. A large number of STEM students stop their studies when _________. A. they get bored with the subjects B. theycan?tstick to their hard studies 洞穿模考 有备无患 C. they feel they have learnt adequately D. they can easily find jobs in other fields 58. From the passage we can learn that few girls enter the STEM fields partly because ________. A. few STEM boys like to study with girls B. there is widespread prejudice against girls C. most girls are bad at the required subjects D. most girls take little interest in STEM jobs 59. In the writer?sopinion, what should we do now? A. Show the students the advantages of STEM jobs. B. Provide college graduates with more STEM jobs. C. Encourage more young children to take up STEM. D. Make people aware of the importance of STEM. B Bannits Ltd, Cardiff T212 Titan House, Cardiff Bay Busin‎‎ess Centre, Titan Road, Cardiff, CF24 5BS Key features: Furnished or Unfurnished Washing Machine Central Heating Full description: Great bedsit in the centre of Oxford near the Sackl‎‎er Library. Perfect for all university graduates. The property (房产) consists of a studio room of appro‎‎x 12ft by 14ft, a shared bathroom and shared kitchen. The studio room is fully furnished including double bed, desk, wardrobes and chair‎‎. This property is owned and managed by Bannits Ltd with an office in Cardiff and Oxford. If you would like to have a look please call us on 08456 44 77 15 (02921 680002) or email us at rent@bannits.co.uk. The rent is negotiable with the landlord and depends on when you can move in and how long you will rent. Normally we require a UK based guarantor (担保人) who owns their own UK property along with a deposit / bond. However, we are flexibleifyoudon?thaveaguara‎‎ntor. Martin & Co, Oxford 31 Woodin?sWay, Paradise Street, Oxford, OX1 1HD Key features: 3 Double bedro‎‎oms Reconstructed bathroom Private garde‎‎n Full description: AVAILABLE NOW for students, professional sharers or a family, an unfurnished and updated 3 DOUBLE BEDROOM period house with private garden, allocated parking and located in the heart of this thriving and popular distr‎‎ict. Located very close to local traders, supermarkets, restaurants and entertainment venues, the vast range of amenities (便利设施) of Cowley Road are on the doorstep. The property benefits from gas-fired central heating. Accommodation includes an entrance hall leading to the living / dining room with fireplace and inset gas fire and a 2nd reception room / double bedroom. The recently updated bathroom includes a modern white suite with bath and shower facilities‎‎. If you would like to have a look please call us on 08456 33 66 04 (02921 571113) or email us at rent@martin.co.uk. 60. It is implied in the ad for BannitsLtd?sproperty that ________. A. the longer you rent it, the less you will pay 洞穿模考 有备无患 B. youcan?trentitwithout a required guarantor C. there is a bathroom and kitchen for your use only D. you have to furnish all the rooms before moving in 61. What do you learn about Martin & Co?sproperty? A. It is located where it is rather quiet. B. It is furnished with modern facilities. C. It is inconvenient for you to park your car there. D. It is convenient for you to have amusements nearby. 62. It?smostlikely that the two properties in the ads ________. A. are in the same city B. have the same amenities C. are of the same size D. have the same environment C According to its label (标签), a pint of Häagen-Dazs ice cream contains four servings (份). But when was the last time you measured out a fourth of a container of Cookies & Cream, then put the rest away for another day? For many people, the reality is that much of a pint can easily disappear in one sitting. A large package of Cool Ranch Doritos lists a single serving as roughly 12 chips, butit?shardtoimagine keeping count of every last chip as you dig into a bag. Canned soup may be one of the more obvious examples. According to its label, a single serving of Campbell?sChunky Classic Chicken Noodle soup is one cup—just under half a can— and contains about 790 milligrams of sodium (钠). But in a national survey of 1,000 consumers, only 10 percent of people said they would eat a one-cup portion. Most, about 64 percent, said they would eat an entire can at one time, taking in 1,840 milligrams of sodium in a sitting. That is roughly 80 percent of the 2,300 milligrams recommended as the upper limit for daily salt intake. In the face of increasing criticism, the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) has been under pressure for years to force food makers to include more realistic serving-size information on their labels. The agency regulates the serving sizes that can be listed on packages by providing food makers with detailed instructions to follow, which list the amounts of a specific food that a person would “customarily consume”inatypical sitting. But critics say these so-called reference amounts are often laughably small becausethey?rebased in part on surveys of eating behavior that were carried out in the 1970s, when Americans ate less food and portions had not been supersized. Now, in an effort to emphasize the problems with some labels, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a consumer advocacy group, has picked out what it says are some of the worst offenders. At the top of its list are labels for canned soups, ice cream, coffee creamers and nonstick cooking sprays—all of which grossly understate (少报) the calories, sodium and saturated fat the average person typically consumes when eating these foods. The F.D.A. has been in the process of revising existing food labels since 2005. But the agency has been somewhat tight-lipped about where it is in the process and any changes it plans to make, like whether labels should include details on added sugars or just total sugar, for example, and whether calories should be emphasized less or more than they are now. This fall, the Institute of Medicine is expected to release its own report on food packaging and labeling as well. 63. According to the passage, when eating canned soup, ________. A. people are aware of the amount they take in B. people are worried about the amount they take in C. many people take in too big an amount unconsciously D. most people follow the instructions on the label closely 64. The writer tries to convince us that ________. 洞穿模考 有备无患 A. food consumers are to blame for eating so carelessly B. food makers show little consideration for consumers C. most labels on food packages give false information D. the amount of food in one package is often too large 65. What does the writer seem to think of the F.D.A?sefforts? A. Considerable. B. Unsatisfying. C. Unreasonable. D. Effective. 66. Which might be the proper title for the passage? A. Problem with serving sizes B. Trend of packaging and labeling C. Relationship between diet and health D. Efforts to reduce criticism D Reached My Destination “Ego (自尊) has an enormous appetite, the more you feed it, the hungrieritgets.” —Nathaniel Bronner Jr. It has been two years, we have not met. Last time was when we were departing at Rome Airport as a procedure of joining different competitive firms. We exchanged our personal email IDs and I never realized my email ID was one with an error. We had been in six years of professional relationship that ended with a small misunderstanding. We never realized that we might not get a chance to clear it. We both had tough ego levels to shed off. In these two years work has always kept me busy. There have been instances where I wanted to write to him for his expertise advice but my ego always stopped me. And then one day flying to London for a conference was taking away my peace of mind. I knew he would be there as a part of the event from his firm. I thought to ignore him and behave professionally as an employee. Finally, I entered the conference hall. I was quick enough to realize that he would take over participants?attention with his confidence, and all I would do sitting there would be appreciating him, noddingmyheadas“YestoYes”and“NotoNo”. Finally, he approached the stage. The very first line that fell into my ears was my name as he continued, “Iamproud to be here with 8 years of experience and I would like to share my best practices with all of you. This is a journey I completed with one of my best colleagues and my best friend„myname?whosupported me through day and night with the toughest projects and killing deadlines”. For a moment I fell numbed (目瞪口呆) and completely lost. All I could remember were my thoughts for him before entering the room and his greatness to acknowledge my presence. Finally, the conference ended and we all left for refreshment. I was struggling hard to face him. I saw him coming towards me with a gift. I asked him,“Whythisgift?” He was very humble to answer, „Thisisasmall symbol of friendship to tell how much I missed my friend when I wanted her the most. A small token to represent that even when you were not with me, your teachings helped me to work on difficult projects.” I asked curiously, “Butyounever wrote to me, if I was so important and helpful.” He replied,“Youleftme with an email ID that is not reachable, maybe you missed a letter. I had no number to call you either but when I read your name in the list, I did all these arrangements. We never know when we meet again in life, so this gift is for you my friend.” Finally, we again departed to our respective destinations but this time with a smile. 67. The writerdidn?temail her friend because _______. A. their professional relationship had ended 洞穿模考 有备无患 B.shedidn?twanttokeep in touch with him C. she wouldn?tdothatuntil she got his email D. they had joined different competitive firms 68. Before the writer entered the conference hall, she intended to _______. A. attract the participants?attention B. pay little attention to her friend C. appreciate her friend from a distance D. clear her misunderstanding with her friend 69. We can infer from the story that ________. A. the writer and her friend treasured their friendship B. the writer felt at ease when her friend came to greet her C. the writer and her friend restored their professional relationship D. the writer felt her self-respect achieved at her friend?sremarks 70. What can we learn from the story? A. One should keep friendship with others. B. One should show more respect for others. C. One should have the sense of his own value. D. One should not be governed by self-respect. 第?卷 (两部分 共35分) 第四部分 任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 Attitude is a mental state relative to what we believe and affects our entire lives. We express our attitude in our words and actions. One of the most important steps you can take toward achieving your greatest potential in life is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you. In truth, people generallydon?thave a high level of attitude awareness. They?llknowiftheyarehungry or if their feet hurt, but they usuallydon?thaveagoodhandle on their attitude. That is a mistake because attitude decides everything. It governs the way you perceive (感知) the world and the way the world perceives you. We all have a choice. We can choose an inner dialogue of self-encouragement and self-motivation. It?sapower we all have. Each of us experiences hard times, hurt feelings, heartache, and physical and emotional pain. The key is to realizeit?snotwhathappens to you that matters; it?showyouchoose to respond. Your mind is a computer that can be programmed. Your inner dialogue is the software that programs your attitude, which determines how you present yourself to the world around you. You have control over the programming. Whatever you put into it is reflected in what comes out. The sad reality of life is that we will continue to hear negative information, butwedon?thavetoprogram it into our brains. The loudest and most influential voice you hear is your own inner voice. It can work for or against you, depending on the messages you allow. It can be optimistic or pessimistic (悲观的). It can wear you down or cheer you up. Habitual bad attitudes are often the product of past experiences and events. Common causes include low self-esteem, stress, fear, resentment, anger and an inability to handle change. It takes serious work to examine the roots of a harmful attitude, but the rewards of ridding ourselves of this heavy baggage can last a lifetime. Here are several strategies to improve your attitude: Enthusiasm—Vital Tool for Staying Motivated Enthusiasm is to attitude what breathing is to life. Enthusiasm makes it possible for you to apply your gifts more 洞穿模考 有备无患 effectively. Enthusiasm means putting yourself in motion. It?saninternal spirit that speaks through your actions. Lighten Up Your Life with Humor Humor is a powerful motivator. The more humor and laughter in your life, the less stressyou?llhave, which means more positive energy to help you put your attitude into action. There are also health benefits to lightening up. Exercising Will Help Keep You Motivated One of the best ways to move to a more positive and motivated mind is to exercise. A regular exercise routine can provide relatively quick positive feedback in the form of weight loss, muscle development and a sense of doing something positive for yourself. Seek your personal and professional success by using the tools above. It is no secret that life seems to reward us most when we approach the world with a positive attitude. Your Attitude Decides Everything‎‎ You can reach your full potential in life by monitoring your attitude and its influ‎‎ence. Attitude is everything and determines (73)_______ you and the world perceive each other‎‎. Attitude is a way that you think or feel about something or somebody. We express our attitude by (71)________ and behaving. What do you know about attitude? Why is attitude (72)_____? The way that you (74)_______ to react to such problems as physical and emoti‎‎onal pain. Your inner dialogue, which should be fille‎‎d with only (75) ________ informatio‎‎n. Your own inner voice, which gives you the greatest (76)________. The roots of a harmful attitude that you should get (77)________ of. Having enthusiasm, which (78)________ you to apply your talents more effectivel‎‎y. Filling your life with (79)________ and laughter, which will do good to your health (80)________ out regularly, which will keep you motivated. What affect your attitude? How can you improve your attitude? 第五部分 书面表达 (满分25分) 下面这幅照片展现了志愿者活动的情景。请根据 你对照片的理解用英语写一篇短文。你的短文应‎‎Volunteers make a difference‎‎! 该包括以下内容: 1(简述照片内容,如情景、人物、 动作等等; 2(结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想; 3(举例说明你将选择什么样的志愿者活动并陈 洞穿模考 有备无患 述原因。 注意: 1(可参照图片下面的文字及文章开头所给提示,作必要的发挥想象。 2(词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 3(作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。 Volunteer spirit is rooted in the hearts of many people, especially young people in China. _______________________________________________________________________________ (上传者说明,因从网上没有搜索到与原试题中的一样的图,所以用该图代替不一样。但是反映的事实一致。) 参考答案 参考答案: 1—5 CBBCA 6—10 BCBAC 11—15 CABAA 16—20 CCABA 21—25 BDACD 26—30 ADACB 31—35 CCBDB 36—40 BADBA 41—45 CDCAD 46—50 BCADA 51—55 CBCBD 56—60 DBBCA 61—65 DACBB 66—70 ACBAD 71. speaking / talking 72. important / vital / significant 73. how 74. choose 75. positive 76. influence / impact 77. rid 78. enables / allows / helps 79. humor 80. Working One possible version: Volunteer spirit is rooted in the hearts of many people, especially young people in China. In recent years, there have been large numbers of volunteers devoting their time and effort to people in need. The picture shows us a touching moment when two volunteers help a disabled man in a wheel. Realichairzing it would be impossible for the man to get to the top all by himself, the volunteers carry the wheelchair with difficulty step by step up the stairs. This picture reminds me of many volunteers in my school, my community and our country, helping not just the disabled, but also those who can?t find their way around, or those who suffer from misfortune. Volunteers make a difference to these people when they bring them warmth, comfort and relief. I would be happy to be a volunteer, too, and help the senior citizens in the House for the Aged regularly so that they will not feel lonely but enjoy their life to the full. 听力材料: Text 1 W: Bob, you are reading this book? I thought you disliked it. M: Yes, it?s full of strange ideas with common photos, but it provides some technical data that might be useful in 洞穿模考 有备无患 my study. Text 2 W: Come on. Plenty of room here. Fares, please! M: Two to the beach. How much is it? W: Three dollars. Text 3 W: Excuse me! Idon?thavetimetowaste. I?vebeenherealmost one full hour! M: Sorry, madam. You have to wait your turn. There?s no place for parking now. Text 4 W: Bill, your work is too messy. M: I?llpayattention to my handwriting next time. W: Is this a promise? M: Yes, I?mserious this time. Text 5 W: Oh, dear! It?seight flights up! M: That?sallright. We?llgetusedtoit. After all, we?rea little further away from the street and traffic noise and there?snooneliving over us. Text 6 W: I?mhaving a hard time getting the information for my report. M: That?seasy. You only have to search the Internet to get what you want. W: Really? But how? M: So click here, then up to the top. Then open that window. Yeah, that one. W: Er...Hum...Got it. M:Andthat?sit.You?redone. W: I see. That is pretty easy after all. Now I can get what I need in my room! Text 7 W: Sir, may I please see your license? Do you know how fast you were going? M: No, I?mnotsure. I think about 65 miles per hour, right? W: You?renotsure? You were going at 90 miles perhour!That?s25miles per hour over the legal speed limit! How can you explain your behavior? M: Well, I was using a cell phone. While I did that I was listening to music, and eating some food. W:I?ll have to give you a ticket. Be more careful next time. Text 8 M: What are you reading about in that science magazine? W: There are several interesting articles in it.I?ve just finished reading one about cloning. M: I don?t like the idea of that. Idon?twantpeople to copy me or any other people. It could be very confusing. W: According to the article, you have no real need to worry. Research nowadays is focusing on cloning parts of a human body to replace damaged or lost parts, not on recreating a whole human being. M: If so, we can benefit from it. W: In this article, scientists say that if you took the genes from someone and tried to create a copy of a person, there?snoguarantee that the copy would look or act like the original! M: Really? What else have you discovered? W: I read about how scientists are using material from plants and animals to create new medicines. M: That?sgreat, because it uses natural materials rather than ones that scientists make themselves. I prefer natural 洞穿模考 有备无患 medicines to man-made ones. Text 9 W:Let?shave seafood tonight and then go see the new movie at Mall Cinema. It?sabeautiful love story. M: Oh, goodness, please not again. That?swhatwedidlastweek. W: No, wedidn?t. Last week we went to see that movie about aman?sstruggle against illness. M: Right, that was intended for women, just like this one. Besides, this is the last week for Rush Hour. And action on a big screen. movies like that need to be seen in a theatre W: Oh, yeah, I did promise to see it with you. But you liked that movie, didn?tyou? M: Oh, sure, it was great. I had popcorn for dinner and paid the price of a movie ticket to get a two-hour sleep. W:Itwasn?tthatbad and we went to an excellent restaurant. M: That place doesn?thaveasingle meat dish. JustfishandyouknowIdon?tlikefishthatmuch. W:AndIdon?tlikemeatthatmuch. The only meat I eat is chicken. M: But when I pick the restaurant, I always respect your food preferences. W: Well, I suppose that, to be fair, you should get to pick the movie and we can go to a restaurant that serves meat. Text 10 Hi, everyone! I?d like to talk about healthy diets in this period. First of all, why should we eat healthy? Eating a healthy diet is important for long-lasting energy and illness prevention. Learning how to eat healthier and what it really means to do so will help you lose weight and feel great. It also helps you realize that no matter how busy your life is, you can take the time to have good meals and snacks throughout the day. The importance of a healthy diet used to be just about having enough food to eat. In earlier times, this usually meant growing your own food and raising pigs, sheep or cows to feed your family. There were no such things as artificial colorings or flavorings or even so much worry about the different types of fats and what sugar calories can do to your weight. The main problem with many diets today is that they are based on cutting out whole food groups to lose weight. It is true, for example, that if you cut your body off from carbs like potatoes and rice, you may lose pounds quicker but you are not really eating healthfully. By cutting out certain aspects of food, you are not giving your body what it needs to stay well. Eating right, having a balanced diet instead of eating the same things all the time is still the best way to lose weight safely without any bad effects to your body. Dieting is merely eating less and sometimes not getting the nutrients you need to stay in good health. 评分说明 任务型阅读: 第80题答案Working的首字母必须大写,写成小写不给分。 书面表达: 1(本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。(参见附录) 2(评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言(内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下文的连贯性及语言的得体性)初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整档次,最后给分。(如果没有使用较复杂的句子结构,评分时将分数降低1个档次)。 3(词数少于130或多于170的,从总分中减去2分。 4(文章应分为三大块:1)简述图片内容;2)结合自身实际谈感想;3)考生举例说明。 缺少其中一块,文章为三档及以下。 5(遗漏支撑三大块主要内容的细节(如:情景、人物、动作、自身实际、活动内容、陈述原因等等),每处扣2分。 6(语言形式错误分为大错和小错。大错包括“时态、语态、主谓一致”等,小错包括“单词拼写错误、小品词用法错误”等。 如出现1个大错,从总分中减去1分。如出现1个小错,从总分中减去半分。 洞穿模考 有备无患 7(如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低1个档次。 8(如层次不清楚,写作没分段,从总分中减去2分。 附录:各档次的给分范围和要求 第五档 (很好):(21—25分) 1(完全完成了试题规定的任务。2(覆盖所有内容要点。3(应用了较多的语法结构和词汇。4(语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力。5(有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。6(完全达到了预期的写作目的。 第四档 (好):(16—20分) 1(完全完成了试题规定的任务。2(虽漏掉1、2个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。3(应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。4(语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。5(应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。6(达到了预期的写作目的。 第三档 (适当):(11—15分) 1(基本完成了试题规定的任务。2(虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容。3(应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。4(有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。5(应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。6(整体而言,基本达到了预期的写作目的。 第二档 (较差):(6—10分) 1(未恰当完成试题规定的任务。2(漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容。3(语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。4(有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解。5(较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性。6(信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 第一档 (差):(1—5分) 1(未完成试题规定的任务。2(明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求。3(语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。4(较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作内容的理解。5(缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯。6(信息未能传达给读者。 不得分:(0分) 未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判;写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。 洞穿模考 有备无患 物理 一、单项选择题(本题共5小题,每小题3分,共计15分(每小题只有一个选项符合题意( 1(如图所示,相距为L的A、B两质点沿相互垂直的‎‎两个方向以相同的速率做匀速直v线运动,则在运动过‎‎程中,A、B间的最短距离为 2(帆船航行时,遇到侧风需要调整帆面至合适的位置,保证船能有足够的动力前进。如图是帆船航行时的俯视图,风向与船航行方向垂直,关于帆面的 a、b、c、d四个位置,可能正确的是 3(将一小球从高处水平抛出,最初2s内小球动能E变化的图像如图所示,不计空气阻力,取随时间kt 2g=10m/s。根据图象信息,不能确定的物理量是 A(小球的质量 B(小球的初速度 C(最初2s 内重力对小球做功的平均功率 D(小球抛出时的高度 4(如图所示,在MN、PQ间同时存在匀强磁‎‎场和匀强电场,方向垂直纸面水平向外,电场在图中没有标出。一带电小球从a 点射入场区,并在竖直面内沿直线运动至b点,则小球 A(一定带正电 B(受到电场力的方向一珲水平向右 C(从a到b过程,克服电场力做功 D(从a到b过程中可能做匀加速运动 5(如图所示电路中,R、R0为定值电阻,C为电容器。t=0时闭合开关S,在t=t0时刻断开S,下列关于流 洞穿模考 有备无患 过电阻R的电流i随时间变化的图象中,可能正确的是 二、多项选择题(本题共4小题,每小题4分,共计16分(每小题有多个选项符合题意(全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,错选或不答的得0分( 6(如图甲所示电路中,电感为L的线圈与电流表A串联后接在交流电源上,当电路中通过如图乙所示正弦 式交变电流时,下列说法中正确的是 A(电流表读数为5A B(L越大,电感对交流电阻碍作用越大 C(时,线圈中自上而下电动势最小 D(时,线圈中电流的磁场最强。 7.2012年2月25日凌晨,我国成功地将第十一颗北斗导航卫星送入太空预定转移轨道,它最终将被定点成 为一颗地球静止轨道卫星,则 A(卫星的转移轨道是以地球球心为焦点的椭圆轨道 B(卫星由转移轨道进入静止轨道时需要加速 C(卫星在转移轨道上运动时万有引力等于向心力 D(卫星在转移轨道的运动周期大于24小时 8(如图所示,长木板放置在水平面上,一小物块置于长木板的中央,长木板和物块的的质量均为m,物 ,块与木板间的动摩擦因数为μ,木板与水平面间动摩擦因数为,3 已知最大静摩擦力与滑动摩擦力大小相等,重力加速度为g。现对物 块施加一水平向右的拉力F,则木板加速度大小a可能是 9(如图所示,实线表示某电场的电场线,过O点的虚线MN与电场线垂直,两个相同的带负电的粒子P、Q分别从A、B两点以相同的初速度‎‎开始 运动,速度方向垂直于MN,且都能从MN左侧经过O点。设粒子P、Q在 A、B两点的加速度大小分‎‎别为a1和a,电势能分别为Ep1和Ep,以过O22 点时的速度大小分别为v1和,到达vO点经过的时间分别为t1和。粒子t22 的重力不计,则 第?卷(非选择题 共89分) 三、简答题:本题分必做题(第lO、11题)和选做题(第12题)两部分,共计42分(请将解答填写在答题卡相应的位置( 必做题 洞穿模考 有备无患 10((8分)某实验小组用如图甲所示的装置测量木块与木板间的动摩μ,提供的器材擦因数有:带定滑轮的长木板,打点计时器,交流电源,木块,纸带,米尺,8个质量均为20g的钩码以及细线等。实验操作过程如下: A(长木板置于水平桌面上,带定滑轮的一端伸出桌面,把打点计时器固定在长木板上并与电源连接,纸带穿过打点计时器并与木块相连,细线一端与木块相连,另一端跨过定滑轮挂上钩码,其余钩码都叠放在木块上; B(使木块靠近打点计时器,接通电源,释放木块,打点计时器在纸带上打下一系列点,记下悬挂钩码的个数n ; C(将木块上的钩码逐个移到悬挂钩码端,更换纸带,重复实验操作B; D(测出每条纸带对应木块运动的加速度a,实验数据如表乙所示。 (1)实验开始时,必须调节滑轮高度,保证______________ 2(2)根据表乙数据,在图丙中作出a-n图象;由图线得到μ=_____________(g=9.8m/s),还可求的物理量是___________________(只需填写物理量名称)。 11.(10分)为了测量某高内阻电源的电动势E和内阻r(电动势约5V、内电阻约Ω5),现提供下列00器材: A(待测电源 B(电感表V(0-3V,内阻约几千欧) C(电流表A(10mA,R=10Ω) D(电阻箱R0(0-9999.9Ω) A E(滑动变阻器R1(0-20Ω) F(滑动变阻器R(0-1000Ω) 2 G(开关及导线 H(干电池若干节(内阻很小)首先测定其内阻,(1)实验中需要将电压表改装。首先测定其内阻,某同学采用图甲所示的电路,电源为干电池组,开关S闭合前,电阻箱R0的阻值应该调到___________(选填“零”或“最 大”)。闭合开关,调节电阻箱,当电压表指针满偏时,阻值为R0=2950Ω;当1 电压表指针半偏时,阻值为R0=8900Ω。则电压表内阻R=______Ω。 2V (2)采用图乙所示电路测量电源电动势和内阻。电阻箱R0与电压表串联构成量程 为6V的电压表,测R=_______________Ω;滑动变阻器应选_____________0 _______(选填“R”或“R”)。 12 (3)根据实验测得数据,作出电源 路端电压U和电流I变化的图象 如图丙所示,由图象可知 E=_____________V,r=________ Ω。 洞穿模考 有备无患 12(选做题(请从A、B和C三小题中选定一小题作答,并在答题卡上把所选题目对应字母后的方框涂满涂黑() A((选修模块3-3)(12分) 研究大气现象时可把温度、压强相同的一部分气体叫做气团。气团直径达几千米,边缘部分与外界的热交换对整个气团没有明显影响,气团在上升过程中可看成是一定质量理想气体的绝热膨胀,设气团在上升过程中,由状态?(p、V、T)绝热膨胀到状态?(p、V、T) 。倘若该气团由状态?(p、V、T)作等温111222111膨胀到?(p、V、T),试回答: 333 (1)下列判断正确的是 A(p>pB(pTD(T r(Q) > r(Y) XYC(Z的最高价氧化物对应水化物是三元弱酸 D(元素W形成氢化物的稳定性比X的强 WZQ 洞穿模考 有备无患 6(下列表示对应化学反应的离子方程式正确的是 ,, 2A(过氧化钠固体与水反应:2O,2HO,4OH,O?222,,,23B(硫酸亚铁溶液中滴加酸化的双氧水:2Fe,2H,HO,2Fe,2HO 222,,, 2C(碳酸氢钙溶液中加入足量烧碱溶液:,HCOOH,CO,HO332 —3+ +D(AlCl3溶液中滴加浓氨水至过量:Al,4NH?HO,AlO,4NH,2HO32242(下列有关实验原理或实验操作正确的是7‎‎‎ , G e稀硝酸盐桥 NO2 2 C Cu 水 铜a b HCl溶液 甲 乙 A(用甲装置验证铜与稀硝酸的反应产物是NO +2+(通过乙装置实现化学反应:B2Cu+O+4H=2Cu+2HO 22 C(用适量铜粉除去CuCl2溶液中少量的Fe Cl3(在乙酸乙酯样品中加入适量的乙醇加热,可除去其中混有的少量乙酸D‎‎ 8(设NA为阿伏加德罗常数的值。下列叙述正确的是 A(标准状况下,0.56 L丙烷中含有共价键的数目为 0.2NA (常温常压下,氧气和臭氧中含有的分子总数为B6.4 g‎‎0.2N A C(5.6 g铁与一定量浓硫酸恰好反应,转移的电子数目一定为0.2NA ,D(常温下,20 L pH,12的Na液中含有的OH离子数为0.2N 溶2CO3A 9(汞(熔点,39?,沸点356?)是制造电池、电极等的重要原料,历史上曾用“灼烧辰砂法”制取汞。目前 工业上制粗汞的一种流程图如下。 5%硝酸洗涤减压蒸馏粗汞(含铅、铜等杂质)纯汞 CaO辰砂 (主要含HgS)加热炉渣(含CaS、CaSO等)4 — 失6e下列分析错误的是 (“灼烧辰砂法”过程中电子转移的方向和数目可表示为:A‎‎ HgS + O Hg + SO22B(辰砂与氧化钙加热反应时,CaSO4为氧化产物 — —得4eC(洗涤粗汞可用5%的盐酸代替5%的硝酸 2e得D(减压蒸馏的目的是降低汞的沸点,提高分离效率 洞穿模考 有备无患 10(下列图示与对应的叙述相符的是 pHn/molm(沉淀)/g12pH210 8SO2761SO3a4O22 020406080tt1520时间12O) V(H2V(盐酸)/mLV[Ba(OH)]/mL2 图?图?图?图? A(图?表示盐酸滴加到0.1 mol/L某碱溶液得到的滴定曲线,用已知浓度盐酸滴定未知浓度该碱时最 好选取酚酞作指示剂 (图?表示一定条件下进行的反应,各成分的物质的量变化,时刻改变的条件B2SOO22SOt223 可能是缩小容器体积 C(图?表示某明矾溶液中加入Ba(OH)溶液,沉淀的质量与加入Ba(OH)的关系,在加入20 mL 溶液体积22Ba(OH)离子恰好沉淀完全 溶液时铝2 D(图?表示pH相同的盐酸与醋酸中分别加入水后溶液pH的变化,其中曲线a对应的是盐酸 不定项选择题:本题包括5小题,每小题4分,共计20分。每小题有一个或两个选项符合题意。若正确答(((((案只包括一个选项,多选时,该题得0分;若正确答案包括两个选项,只选一个且正确的得2分,选两个 且都正确的得满分,但只要选错一个,该小题就得0分。 11(红斑素、红曲素是常用于糖果、雪糕等食品的着色剂的主要成分,结构如下图所示。 COCCOCHH511511 OOOOOO OO 红斑素红曲素 下列说法正确的是 A(红斑素和红曲素互为同分异构体 B(红斑素和红曲素都能与NaOH溶液反应 C(红斑素中含有醚键、羰基等三种含氧官能团 D(1 mol红曲素最多能与6 mol H2发生加成反应 12(下列说法正确的是 A(可用5%碳酸氢钠溶液为某些酸中毒患者进行输液治疗 B(铜的金属活泼性比铁的弱,可在海轮外壳上镶入若干铜块以减缓其腐蚀 C(合成氨的反应是放热反应,因此工业合成常采用低温条件 (吸热反应“,,,”在一定条件下可自发进行,则该反应?,DTiO(s)2Cl(g)TiCl4(g)O(g)S0 222 13(下列有关实验原理、方法和结论都正确的是 (向苯酚钠溶液中通入少量,产物为苯酚和ACONa2CO 23 (向蔗糖中加入浓硫酸,蔗糖变黑,体积膨胀,说明浓硫酸具有脱水性和强氧化性B C(将溴丙烷与足量氢氧化钠溶液混合加热,冷却后加硝酸银溶液,可检验溴元素,1D(分别测定0.5 mol?L H3PO4和H2SOH,比较磷和硫元素非金属性的强弱 溶液的4p 14(下列溶液中有关物质的浓度关系正确的是 ,A(c(NH)相等的(NH)SO、NH4HSO、NH4Cl溶液中: 44244 c(NH4HSO) > c[(NH)SO]> c(NH4Cl) 4424 B(向醋酸钠溶液中加入适量醋酸,得到的酸性混合溶液: ,,,,c(Na),c(CH3COO),c(H),c(OH) ,,,C(1.0 mol/L Na2CO溶液:c(OH),c(HCO),c(H),2c(H2CO3) 33,,,,+2D(某二元弱酸的酸式盐NaHA溶液中:),cc(H(Na),c(OH),c(HA),c(A) 洞穿模考 有备无患 15(在容积为2 L的3个密闭容器中发生反应3A(g),B(g)xC(g),按不同方式投入反应物,保持恒温、 恒容,测得反应达到平衡时有关数据如下: 容器 甲 乙 丙 反应物投入量 3 mol A、2 mol B6 mol A、4 mol B2 mol C 到达平衡的时间(min) 5 8 A的浓度(mol/L) cc 1 2 C的体积分数 w w 13 混合气体密度(g/L) ρρ 1 2 下列说法正确的是 A(若x<4,则2c>c 12 B(若w,w,可断定x,4 31 C(无论x的值是多少,均有2ρ1ρ, 2,,11D(容器甲中反应从开始到达平衡平均速率为v(A),0.3 mol?L?min 非选择题(共80分) 16((12分)碱式硫酸铁[Fe(OH)SO]是一种用于污水处理的新型高效絮凝剂,在医药上也可用于治疗消化4 性溃疡出血。工业上利用废铁屑(含少量氧化铝、氧化铁等)生产碱式硫酸铁的工艺流程如下: NaHCOSONaNOH过量废铁屑3242 硫酸亚铁碱式硫酸铁稀硫酸反应?减压蒸发过滤搅拌过滤反应?溶液NO 滤渣 已知:部分阳离子以氢氧化物形式沉淀时溶液的pH见下表: 沉淀物 Fe(OH)Fe(OH) Al(OH) 3 23 开始沉淀 2.3 7.5 3.4 完全沉淀 3.2 9.7 4.4 回答下列问题: ?加入少量‎‎的目的是调节,使溶液中的沉淀,该工艺中“搅拌”的作用是NaHCO3pH ?‎‎‎ 。?‎‎‎ ?在实际生产中,反应?常同时通入O2以减少NaNO2的用量,O2与NaNO2在反应中均作 ?‎‎‎。若参与反应的O2有11.2L(标准状况),则相当于节约NaNO量为 ?‎‎‎。 的物质的22+2+?碱式硫酸铁溶于水后产生的离子,可部分水解生成聚合离子。该水解反应的离Fe(OH)Fe2(OH)4 子方程式为。 ?‎‎‎ ?在医药上常用硫酸亚铁与硫酸、硝酸的混合液反应制备碱式硫酸铁。根据我国质量标准,产品中 ,++不得含有Fe2及NO。为检验所得产品中是否含有Fe2,应使用的试‎‎剂为 ?‎‎‎。 3 A(氯水 B(KSCN溶液 C(NaOH溶液 D(酸性KMnO溶液 4((分)常见氨基酸中唯一不属于α,氨基酸的是脯氨酸。它的合成路线如下:1715 HOKBH、42乙醇、浓硫酸HOOCCHCHCHCOOHCHOOCCHCHCHCOOH222522 25 ?COOHNHNHN22H??脯氨酸AB C五氯酚氨水 分离COOH(OH)ClCOOH?C分离NN65HH??CD ?化合物的名称(用系统命名法命名)是;反应?的类型为。A ?‎‎‎ ?‎‎‎ 洞穿模考 有备无患 ?写出一种不含手性碳原子的常见氨基酸的结构简式: 。?‎‎‎ ?反应B?C可看作两步进行,其中间产物的分子式为C5H7ON,且结构中含‎‎有五元环状结构。写出3 由B反应生成中间产物的化学方程式 ?‎‎‎。 ?合成路线中设计反应?、?的目的是 ?‎‎‎。 CH3CHCH23Fe、HCl?已知:,成路线,写出以甲苯和乙醇为原料制备的合,RNO‎‎‎RNHN22CHCH23流程图(无机试剂任选)。合成路线流程图示例如下:‎‎‎‎ NaOH溶液HBrCHCHCHBrCHCHOHCH223232? 18((12分)煤直接燃烧的能量利用率较低,为提高其利用率,工业上将煤气化(转变成CO)后再合和H2成乙醇、二甲醚等多种能源。 质子交换膜 PtPt??右图所示是一种酸性燃料电池酒精检测仪,具有自动吹气 O呼气2流量侦测与控制的功能,非常适合进行现场酒精检测。则 该电池的负极反应式为 ?‎‎‎。 醋酸HO2?已知:H(g)、CO(g)和CH3CHOH(l)的燃烧热分别为285.8 22,,和,111361kJ?mol、283.0 kJ?mol5.5 kJ?mol。 XXXXXXX反应2CO(g),4H(g)CH3CHOH(l),HO(l) 的?H, 222微处理器液晶显示屏?‎‎‎。 ?煤气化所得气体可用于工业合成二甲醚,其反应如下: 2CO(g),4H(g)CH3OCH(g),HO(g) 232 同时发生副反应:CO(g),2H(g)CH3OH(g)、CO(g),HO(g)CO(g),H(g)。 2222在温度250?、压强3.0 MPa时,某工厂按投料比V(H)?V(CO),a进行生产,平衡时反应体系中各2 组分体积分数如下表: 物质 H CO CO (CH)O CH3OH HO 22322 体积分数 0.54 0.045 0.18 0.18 0.015 0.03 ?250?时反应:CO(g),HO(g) CO(g),H(g)的平衡常数为 ?‎‎‎; 222 ?投料比a, ?‎‎‎; ?该工厂用100吨煤(含炭80%、气化为CO的利用率为90%)在该条件下可生产多少吨二甲醚,(写 出计算过程) OO KOSOOSOK((分)过硫酸钾()具有强氧化性(常被还原为硫酸钾),?以上易发生分191580 OO 解。实验室模拟工业合成过硫酸钾的流程如下: 硫酸铵硫酸、硫酸钾滤液 硫酸电解过硫酸铵搅拌过滤提纯过硫酸钾 ?硫酸铵和硫酸配制成电解液,以铂作电极进行电解,生成过80硫酸铵溶液。写出电解时发生反应的离子方程式 。?‎‎‎ 硫酸铵过硫酸铵60?已知相关物质的溶解度曲线如右图所示。在实验室中提纯过 硫酸钾粗产品的实验具体操作依次为:将过硫酸钾粗产品溶于40适量水中, ?‎‎‎,干燥。 溶解度(g)硫酸钾20?样品中过硫酸钾的含量可用碘量法进行测定。实验步骤如下: 过硫酸钾步骤1:称取过硫酸钾样品0.3000 g于碘量瓶中,加入30 mL 10305070温度(?) 洞穿模考 有备无患 水溶解。 步骤2:向溶液中加入4.000 g KI固体(略过量),摇匀,在暗处放置30 min。 ,1Na2S步骤3:在碘量瓶中加入适量醋酸溶液酸化,以淀粉溶液作指示剂,用0.1000 mol?L溶标准2O3 液滴定至终点,共消耗Na标准溶液21.00 mL。 2S2O3,,,2(已知反应:I,2S2O3,2I,S4O62) 2 ?若步骤2中未将碘量瓶“在暗处放置30 min”,立即进行步骤3,则测定的结果可能 ?‎‎‎(选 ?‎‎‎。 填“偏大”、“偏小”、“无影响”);上述步骤3中滴定终点的现象是 ?根据上述步骤可计算出该样品中过硫酸钾 1.0的质量分数为 ?‎‎‎。 收集到气体Y的体积?为确保实验结果的准确性,你认为还需4.480.8(标准状况,L) )2-要 ?‎‎‎。 SO-140.6 ?将0.40 mol过硫酸钾与0.20 mol硫酸配制成1 LY0.42.242-X溶液,在80 ?条件下加热并在t时刻向溶液中滴SO28 0.2加入少量FeCl3溶液,测定溶液中各成分的浓度如 离子或分子的物质的量浓度+右图所示(H浓度未画出)。图中物质X的化学式为0t(mol?L时间 ? 。 20((14分)硫化钠主要用于皮革、毛纺、高档纸张、染料等行业。生产硫化钠大多采用无水芒硝(Na2SO)-炭粉还原法,其流程示意图如下: 4 过量炭粉稀碱液 硫化钠无水芒硝煅烧碱浸精制晶体 A气体 ?上述流程中“碱浸”后,物质A必须经过 ?‎‎‎(填写操作名称)处理后,方可“煅烧”;若煅烧所得气体为等物质的量的CO和CO2,写出煅烧时发生的总的化学反应方程式为 。?‎‎‎ ?上述流程中采用稀碱液比用热水更好,理由是 ?‎‎‎。 ?取硫化钠晶体(含少量NaOH)加入到硫酸铜溶液中,充分搅拌。 ,2pHx若反应后测得溶液的pH,4,则此时溶液中c)( S, ?‎‎‎。(已xpH ,,36202011.0知:常温时CuS、Cu(OH)分别为8.8×10、2.2×10) 的2Ksp 1810.5??皮革工业废水中的汞常用硫化钠除去,汞的去除率与溶液的p H和x(x代表硫化钠的实际用‎‎量与理论用量的比值)有关(如右1610.0图所示)。为使除汞效果最佳,应控制的条件是 ?‎‎‎、 149.5?‎‎‎。 129.0,的硫化钠1?某毛纺厂废水中含0.001 mol?L,与纸张漂白后的废水108.5,1(含0.002 mol?L NaClO)按1:2的体积比混合,能同时较好处8.08.0理两种废水,处理后的废水中所含的主要阴离子有 。?‎‎‎ 406080100汞去除率(%)21((12分)本题包括A、B两小题,分别对应于“物质结构与性质”和“实 验化学”两个选修模块的内容。请选定其中一题,并在相应的答题区域内作答。若两题都做,则按A题评分。 A(《物质结构与性质》原子序数依次增加的X、Y、Z、W四种元素原子序数均小于36, Y基态原子最外层电子数是其内层电子总数的3倍,X、W基态原子是同周期元素中未成对电子数最多的原子,X与Z的原子核内质子数之和等于W原子核内质子数,Z基态原子只有1个未成对的电子。 回答下列问题: 洞穿模考 有备无患 ?已知化合物XZ3与HY(Y的氢化物)发生反应的化学方程式为,XZHY?XH,HZY,则元素的2323电负性:Y ?‎‎‎Z(填“大于”或“小于”),化合物HZY分子的空间构型为 ?‎‎‎。 ?X的一种氢化物的相对分子质量为32,1mol该氢化物中的σ键数是 ?‎‎‎。 ?元素Y的一种单质分子与元素X、Y形成的一种离子互为等电子体,这两种微粒的化学式是、 ?‎‎‎ ?‎‎‎。 ?元素Y和W的一种化合物的晶体结构如右图所示,基态W原子的电子排布式是 ?‎‎‎,该晶体的化学式为 ?‎‎‎。 Y离子?金属原子 ?‎‎‎(选填“钾”、“镁”、“铜”)形成的晶体的堆积方式,与上述晶胞中Y离子的堆积方式相同。 W离子 化学参考答案及评分标准 选择题 1(C 2(D 3(C 4(A 5(A 6(B 7(B 8(D 9(C 10(B 11(BC 12(A 13(BD 14(C 15(AC 非选择题 3+(?加快反应速率16Al ?氧化剂 2mol 2++2+?,,2Fe(OH)2H2OFe(OH)2H 24 ?D (?,氨基戊二酸取代(或酯化)反应172-1,5- HNCHCOOH? 22 CHOOCCHCHCHCOOH2522CHCHOH?, 32OCOOHNNH2H ?提纯脯氨酸 ?CHCHCH 333 浓HNOFe、HClCH33NHNO22CHCH23SO?浓H24KBHHO4、2NCHCH23CHCHOH氧化剂32CHCHOHCHCOOCHCHCHCOOH323233浓HSO?24 ,,18(??CH3CHOH,HO,4e,CH3COOH,4H 22,1?-343.7 kJ?mol ??72 ?1.9 ?生成DME的CO转化率为:(0.18×2)ô0.6,0.6 100t80%,1m(DME) ,×90%×0.6××46,82.8 t 212 电解,,+19(?2SO42,2HS2O82,H? 2 ?在不超过80?的条件下加热浓缩,冷却结晶,过滤,用冷水洗涤 洞穿模考 有备无患 ??偏小 最后一滴滴入后溶液由蓝色变为无色,且30 s不变色 ?94.50%(或0.9450) ?重复上述实验步骤1,2次 ?HO 22 (?过滤、干燥??20 3Na2SO+8C3NaS+4CO+4CO 422?热水会促进Na2S水解,而稀碱液能抑制Na2S水解 ,36 ?4×10 ?? x,12 pH介于9~10之间 ,,2?SO、Cl 4 21(A?大于 V形 ?5N A,?O NO 3222p6311?1s22ss23p63d54s或[Ar]3d54s Cr2O3 ?镁
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