首页 中国-WHO-美国饮用水标准比较



中国-WHO-美国饮用水标准比较中国-WHO-美国饮用水标准比较 中国、WHO和美国饮用水标准比较 项目 中国 WHO“准则” 美国“标准” (按中国“规范”排列) “规范” (1993、1998) (2001) 常规检验项目 感官性状和一般化学指 标 色度不超过15度,并不得呈现色 15 15 其他异色 ?不超过1度(NTU),特殊情况下INTU(任何时候),浑浊度 5(单一样品)1(均值) 不超过5度 0.3NTU(95%样品) 嗅和味 不得有异臭、异味 可接受 3 肉眼可见物 不得含有 — — PH值 6.5?8.5 <8 6....

中国-WHO-美国饮用水标准比较 中国、WHO和美国饮用水标准比较 项目 中国 WHO“准则” 美国“标准” (按中国“规范”排列) “规范” (1993、1998) (2001) 常规检验项目 感官性状和一般化学指 标 色度不超过15度,并不得呈现色 15 15 其他异色 ?不超过1度(NTU),特殊情况下INTU(任何时候),浑浊度 5(单一样品)1(均值) 不超过5度 0.3NTU(95%样品) 嗅和味 不得有异臭、异味 可接受 3 肉眼可见物 不得含有 — — PH值 6.5?8.5 <8 6.5?8.5 总硬度(以CaCO计) 450mg/L — — 3 0.05 mg/L—0.2 铝 0.2mg/L 0.2mg/L mg/L 铁 0.3mg/L 0.3mg/L 0.3mg/L 锰 0.1mg/L 0.1mg/L 0.05mg/L 1.0mg/L(感官) 铜 1.0mg/L 1.0mg/L 1.3mg/L(采取措施) 锌 1.0mg/L 3.0mg/L 5.0mg/L 挥发酚类(以苯酚计) 0.002mg/L — — 阴离子合成洗涤剂 0.3mg/L — — 硫酸盐 250mg/L 250mg/L 250mg/L 氯化物 250mg/L 250mg/L 250mg/L 溶解性总固体 1000 mg/L 1000mg/L 500mg/L 耗氧量 3mg/L,特殊情况下不超过5 mg/L — — 氨 — 1.5mg/L — 毒理学指标 砷 0.05mg/L 0.01mg/L 0.05mg/L 镉 0.005mg/L 0.003mg/L 0.005mg/L 铬(六价) 0.05mg/L 0.05mg/L 0.1mg/L 氰化物 0.05mg/L 0.07mg/L 0.2mg/L 氟化物 1.0mg/L 1.5mg/L 4.0mg/L 铅 0.01mg/L 0.01mg/L 0.015mg/L 汞 0.001mg/L 0.001mg/L 0.002mg/L 硒 0.01mg/L 0.01mg/L 0.05mg/L button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment -硝酸盐(以N计) 20mg/L 50mg/L(NO) 100mg/L 3 -3mg/L(NO)(急性) 2亚硝酸盐 — 1mg/L(N) 0.2mg/L(慢性) 石棉 — — 700万根/L 四氯化碳 0.002mg/L 0.002mg/L 0.05mg/L 氯仿 0.06mg/L 0.2mg/L — 细菌学指标 细菌总数 100CFU/ml — — 每月样品阳性数总大肠菌群 每100ml水样中不得检出 每100ml水样中不得检出 ?5% 粪大肠菌群 每100ml水样中不得检出 每100ml水样中不得检出 — 在与水接触30min后应不低于 游离余氯 0.3mg/L,管网末梢水不应低于— — 0.05mg/L(适应于加氯消毒) 贾第鞭毛虫 — — 灭活99.9% 病毒 — — 灭活99.9% 隐孢子虫 — — 灭活99%(2002.1.1) 异养菌生物平板计数 — — 500菌落/ml 军团菌 — — 0(目标值) 放射学指标 总?射线放射性 0.06Bq/L 0.06Bq/L 0.555Bq/L 总β射线放射性 1Bq/L 1Bq/L 0.04mSv/a 226228 镭和镭 — — 0.185Bq/L 非常规检验项目 感官和一般化学指标 硫化物 0.02mg/L 0.05mg/L — 钠 200mg/L 200mg/L — 毒理学指标 锑 0.005mg/L 0.005mg/L 0.006mg/L 钡 0.7mg/L 0.7mg/L 2mg/L 铍 0.002mg/L — 0.004mg/L 硼 0.5mg/L 0.5mg/L — 钼 0.07mg/L 0.07mg/L — 镍 0.02mg/L 0.02mg/L — 银 0.05mg/L — 0.1mg/L 铊 0.0001mg/L — 0.002mg/L 铀 — 0.002mg/L 0.003mg/L 二氯甲烷 0.02mg/L 0.02mg/L 0.005mg/L 1,2-二氯乙烷 0.03mg/L 0.03mg/L 0.005mg/L button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 1,1,1-三氯乙烷 2mg/L 2mg/L 0.2mg/L 氯乙烯 0.005mg/L 0.005mg/L 0.002mg/L 1,1-二氯乙烯 0.03mg/L 0.03mg/L 0.007mg/L 1,2-二氯乙烯 0.05mg/L 0.05mg/L 0.1mg/L(反) 三氯乙烯 0.07mg/L 0.07mg/L 0.07mg/L(顺) 四氯乙烯 0.04mg/L 0.04mg/L 0.005mg/L 苯 0.01mg/L 0.01mg/L 0.005mg/L 甲苯 0.7mg/L 0.7mg/L 1mg/L 二甲苯 0.5mg/L 0.5mg/L 10mg/L 乙苯 0.3mg/L 0.3mg/L 0.7mg/L 苯乙烯 0.02mg/L 0.02mg/L 0.1mg/L 苯并[?]芘 0.00001mg/L 0.0007mg/L 0.0002mg/L 氯苯 0.3mg/L 0.3mg/L 0.1mg/L 1,2-二氯苯 1mg/L 1mg/L 0.6mg/L 1,4-二氯苯 0.3mg/L 0.3mg/L 0.075mg/L 三氯苯 0.02mg/L 0.02mg/L 0.07mg/L (总量) 邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基已0.0008mg/L 0.0008mg/L 0.006mg/L 基)酯 丙烯酰胺 0.0005mg/L 0.0005mg/L 0.0005mg/L 六氯丁二烯 0.0006mg/L 0.0006mg/L — 微囊藻毒素-LR 0.001mg/L 0.001mg/L — 甲草胺 0.02mg/L 0.02mg/L 0.002mg/L 灭草松 0.3mg/L 0.3mg/L — 叶枯唑 0.5mg/L — — 百菌清 0.01mg/L — — 滴滴涕 0.001mg/L 0.002mg/L — 溴氰菊酯 0.02mg/L — — 0.03mg/L 内吸磷 — — (感官限值) 0.08mg/L 乐果 — — (感官限值) 2,4-滴 0.03mg/L 0.03mg/L 0.07mg/L 七氯和七氯环氧化物合并计七氯 0.0004mg/L 0.0004mg/L 算 七氯环氧化物 0.0002mg/L 0.00003mg/L 0.0002mg/L 六氯苯 0.001mg/L 0.001mg/L 0.001mg/L 六六六 0.005mg/L — — 林丹 0.002mg/L 0.002mg/L 0.0002mg/L button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 0.25mg/L 马拉硫磷 — — (感官限值) 0.003mg/L 对硫磷 — — (感官限值) 0.02mg/L 甲基对硫磷 — — (感官限值) 五氯酚 0.009mg/L 0.009mg/L 0.001mg/L 0.2mg/L 亚氯酸盐 0.2mg/L 1.0mg/L (适用于二氧化氯消毒) 一氯胺 3mg/L 3mg/L 4mg/L 2,4,6-三氯酚 0.2mg/L 0.2mg/L — 甲醛 0.9mg/L 0.9mg/L — 该类化合物中每种化合物的实该类化合物中每种化合物的 三卤甲烷 测浓度与其各自限值的比值之实测浓度与其各自限值的比0.08mg/L 和不得超过1 值之和不得超过1 溴仿 0.1mg/L 0.1mg/L 0mg/L(目标值) 二溴一氯甲烷 0.1mg/L 0.1mg/L 0.06mg/L(目标值) 一溴二氯甲烷 0.06mg/L 0.06mg/L 0mg/L(目标值) 二氯乙酸 0.05mg/L 0.05mg/L 0mg/L(目标值) 三氯乙酸 0.1mg/L 0.1mg/L 0.3mg/L(目标值) 卤代乙酸 — — 0.06 三氯乙醛(水合氯醛) 0.01mg/L 0.01mg/L — -氯化氰(以CN计) 0.07mg/L 0.07mg/L — 二乙基已基已二酸 — 0.08mg/L 0.4mg/L 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 氯醇 — 0.0004mg/L 0.002mg/L EDTA — 0.6mg/L — 次氮基三乙酸 — 0.2mg/L — 氧化三丁基锡 — 0.002mg/L — 1,2-二溴-3-氯丙烷 — — 0.0002mg/L 1,1,2-三氯乙烷 — — 0.005mg/L 二噁英 — — 0.00003mg/L 二溴乙烯 — — 0.00005mg/L 六氯环戊二烯 — — 0.05mg/L 多氯联苯 — — 0.0005mg/L 氯 — 5mg/L 4mg/L 溴酸盐 — 0.025mg/L 0.01mg/L 二氯乙腈 — 0.09mg/L — 二溴乙腈 0.1mg/L — 三氯乙腈 — 0.001mg/L — button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment 二氧化氯 — — 0.8mg/L 其他农药 — 29种 17种 ?NTU为散射浊度(浑浊度)单位——度。 button. Select [login rule] button above the [rule number] menu under ... Then open the barcode generator for the barcode002 part of the Properties dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination edit box,Open the barcode generator for the barcode003 part of the Properties window, click the [factor/control] button, and then at the destination use the Ctrl + v, to enter into the well on the 2nd floor you just copied right 2nd truck name (example PART_STORE_00099), then click on [OK] button. Open 2 right up 3rd truck Properties window, use the ' Ctrl ' + ' c ' will [summary] property names are copied. Open the barcode generator for the barcode004 part of the pop-up menu in the property dialog box, click the [factor/control] button in the destination using the Ctrl + v, to enter copy 2 3rd truck name right (case of PART_STORE_00100), then click the [OK] button. Then use "Lesson3-2.emu" as the file name to save the other. Click on menu bar | simulation | start | or time column in the [start] button, you see the goods are put on the conveyor belt, and robotic loading pallets for through the pulley tracks were moved to the automatic tridimensional warehouse storage. If Tray 1 out of the library, select the tray popup menu [IOSection Library instructionmenu (1 layer). If the tray 2 out of the library, right-click with the mouse on the tray in the pop-up menu, select [IOSection Library instructionenu (2). From 2 out of the tray after it has been transferred to the transit point discharge, workers unloaded the goods. Empty tray again by rail back to automatic stereoscopic warehouse. Remove the cargo by conveyor belts was transferred to corresponding cage inside the vehicle. Note 1: simulation before the start, please set the environment for the 1th floor sections to be seen. Click the menu bar | Environment | Environment
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