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酒店服务指南酒店服务指南 Service Directory (店标) 梁平乾坤酒店 总经理致词 尊敬的宾客: 欢迎阁下光临梁平乾坤酒店。 梁平乾坤酒店全体员工感谢阁下能下榻本酒店。衷心希望我们的服务能给阁下留下一段舒适、难忘、愉快的回忆。 为方便阁下了解本酒店的各项设施及服务,特编制此《服务指南》以供参考。如需进一步咨询,请拨打内线“8888”与酒店总台当日值班接待员联络。 本酒店将以“热情、礼貌、快捷、周到”为各位宾客提供服务,相信酒店全体员工用最大努力及最好服务、令阁下有一段宾至如归的感受。 预祝阁下...

酒店服务指南 Service Directory (店标) 梁平乾坤酒店 总经理致词 尊敬的宾客: 欢迎阁下光临梁平乾坤酒店。 梁平乾坤酒店全体员工感谢阁下能下榻本酒店。衷心希望我们的服务能给阁下留下一段舒适、难忘、愉快的回忆。 为方便阁下了解本酒店的各项设施及服务,特编制此《服务指南》以供参考。如需进一步咨询,请拨打内线“8888”与酒店总台当日值班接待员联络。 本酒店将以“热情、礼貌、快捷、周到”为各位宾客提供服务,相信酒店全体员工用最大努力及最好服务、令阁下有一段宾至如归的感受。 预祝阁下居住愉快~ General Manager Speech Dear Guests: Welcome to Q-S Garden Hotel .We expect that our excellent facilities and super services will surely be to your satisfaction and will make your stay in Guizhou a memorable one. To enable you to get familiar with our facilities and services, we have designed this Service Directory to provide you a brief and clear information. If any further assistance is needed, please contact our Duty Assistant Manager at Extension“8888”. We always welcome you with our considerate hospitable and caring service. General Manager of Q-S Garden Hotel: 目 录 CONTENTS 梁平旅游简介 LIANG PING TOUNISM INTRODUCTION 酒店服务 HOTEL SERVICE 茶苑 TEA GARDEN(GROUND FIOOR) 防火措施 FIRE PRECAUTIONS 保安措施 SECURITY PRECAUTIONS 电话指南 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 房间配备及赔偿 guest room TO DEPLOY and compensate 梁平旅游简介 梁平山水幽奇,风景秀丽,其妖美芳华令人沉醉。佛教圣地双桂堂是“西南佛教禅宗祖庭”,是全国重点寺庙,著名的明清文物旅游景点和佛教圣地。盘龙洞,曲径通天一柱,气贯寰宇;九龙洞,曲径幽幽,让人通体舒坦,耳目清新;东山国家森林公园,公园面积3780公顷,融自然景观和寺庙文化。观音竹海位于梁平明月山脉,与宜宾“蜀南竹海”永川“茶山竹海”一道成为我国西部三个重要的以竹文化为特色的风景名胜区。文峰塔,全国第二高塔,塔高35.68米,建于清光年间,已有177年历史,石塔是八角十二层空心通体石塔,是我国石塔建筑艺术的典型代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 。 梁平虽居西南山区,然铁路、公路、机场、高速公路,交通可谓便捷。这里山野幽深,土特产品奇特,具多年天地造化之灵气,梁山柚、豆腐干、豆棒、张鸭子等,口感极佳,闻之口生津,健脾开胃,养生葆颜,食之欲罢不能。 酒店服务 HOTEL SERVICE 前台收银 设于大堂,提供24小时帐项查询和结账服务。营业时间为每天 二十四小时。查询请接内线“8888”与前台联络。 FRONT OFFICE CASHIER 24 hours for account and payment information, please contact the Front Desk at Extension “8888”, for safety deposit arrangement, use our safety deposit facilities at the Front Desk. 退房时间 酒店退房时间为中午十二时,如需延至十八时前退房则加半天 房租。若十八时后退房,则作全天收费计算。 CHECK-OUT TIME Our normal check-out time is before 12:00 noon. If you wish to delay your departure, an additional 50% of the rack daily room rate will be charged for extended check-out before 18:00 hours. For delayed departures ,After 18:00, a full day rate shall apply. 房卡服务 请阁下妥善保管房卡,若不慎遗失房卡,请立即告知总服务台, 以便及时更改权限,退房时请您将房卡交回总服务台。 ROOM KEY CARD Please take good care of your room key. If lost, inform the front- desk immediately in order to change the pin number promptly to ensure security, please return the key card to the front desk when checking out. 订 房 阁下需预订房间或延长住宿天数,请接内线“8888”与前台接待联 络。 ROOM RESERVATION For future reservation. please contact Reservation Department through our Hotel Reception Desk at Extension “ 8888 ”. 饮用开水 客房内设有热水器,如需协助请接内线“5555”与客房部联络。 DRINKING WATER Hot water is available from the Hot Water Pot in the guest room. Should you need any assistance, kindly contact our Housekeeping Department at Extension “5555”. 客房电视 客房电视机能接收当地电视台,及中、英文卫星转播节目,请参 阅电视节目单。 Your room TV is capable of receiving local TV programs, in house closed circuit programs as well as Chinese and English. Satellite transmitted. Programs please refer to the programs sched. 空气调节 所有房间均有独立空气调节遥控开关,调节室内温度。如需协助,请 接内线“5555”与客房服务中心联络。 AIR-CONDITIONING All rooms have individually controlled air conditioning. For assistance please call Housekeeping Service Center at Extension“5555” 客房照明 房间配有灯光总控制器,将磁卡插入取电器内,灯光便会自动开亮, 当您离开房间时,请取出磁卡,灯光便会自动开关。 Lighting Control of Guest Room Each room is equipped with master switch control lighting. Please insert the card key in to the slot beside the door to turn on the lights. When leaving the room please remove the card key to turn lights off automatically. 上网服务 每间客房均设有宽带上网接口,如需协助请接内线“5555”或“8888” 联络客房服务中心或总台接待。 INTERNET Each of our guest contact Housekeeping service, center or Assistant Manager at Extension“5555” or“8888” 客房服务 如需添加睡枕,毛毯或其它客房用品,请接内线“5555”与客房服 务中心联络。 HOUSEKEEPING Extra pillows, blankets and additional supplies make your room more comfortable are available from Service Centre at Extension“ 5555”. 叫醒服务 提供任何时间唤醒服务,请接内线“8888”与总台接待联络。 Morning CALLS For your “Good Morning” calls contact the hotel Operator at Extension “ 8888” 失物招领 如有物品遗失,请与客房中心联系。遗失物品,酒店保留三个月, 易变质物品只保留三天。在上述期限内无人认领的物品,酒店有权 自行处理。 Lost & Found For lost and found items,please contact Housekeeping ,the hotel will only keep lost and found items for a period of three months .Perishable items will be retained for three days only.The hotel reserves the right to dispose of any item which is not claimed within this period of time. 茶苑 茶苑位于酒店的二楼,内设有棋牌室。是休闲、商务洽淡的上 佳之所。 CAN.YUAN Located On the second floor of the eqvipped with a chess rooms Leisure is good shelter 防火措施 FIRE PRECAUTIONS 为阁下安全及防患未然,请您阅读下列各项防火措施: We would appreciate if you would observe the following precautions With regards to fire safety in your Room. 请勿在客房内燃烧任何物品。 Do not fire anything in your room. 请勿在床上吸烟。 Smoking in Bed is extremely dangerous and prohibited. 请勿在灯罩上烘干衣物。 Do not dry clothes over lamp- shades. 请勿将烟灰倒在垃圾桶内。 Never empty an ashtray into a wastepaper basket. 请勿让小童玩弄火柴。 Children are not allowed to play with matches and fire-woks inside the room. 小心使用各项电器用品,如不需要使用时请将电源插头拔出。 The use of electrical appliances other than a hair dryer or razor is prohibited. Please ensure that these are unplugged after use. 电压为220伏特,错误使用易引起火警。 The local current is 220 volts 50 cycle. Wrong voltage. For your appliance may result in short circuit or possibly a fire. 请于睡觉或外出时将电视、空调关掉。 The television should never be left on over night Or when you are out of the room. 请注意房间门后走火通道图,了解各通道的正确位置。 Please study the Fire Escape Plan, which is placed behind your room entrance door. 保安措施 SECURITYPRECAUTIONS 中国公安局规定,所有宾馆来访者都要登记,当地来访者须出示对 身份识别有效的证件,外籍来访者须出示护照 China’s police regulations require that all visitors to guest’s rooms be registered. For local visitors. the local identity card must be produced for registration , For foreign visitors, the passport is required. 酒店的每层楼都安装有监控电视,请不必担心,它正在保护你的权 益安全。 Safety deposit boxes are available on request at the Front Desk Cashier, otherwise the hotel is not liable for any lose 为了更加安全保险,请使用您房间上的安全锁扣。 Please utilize the view pot and door safety catch on the room door for 房间配备及赔偿 乾坤酒店客房赔损表 温心的提示: 房牌号:100 花瓶:15 服务指南夹:30 台灯:150 套房沙发:4500 房间钢木门:800 套房抱枕:30 套房大理石茶几:3000 浴房门:300 感应锁:800 枕套:50 机麻:3000 感应芯片:150 枕心:60 磨沙玻璃隔断:2000 请勿打扰牌:5 被套:200 地垫:20 圈椅维花:700 圈椅无花:700 托盘:20 防滑垫:50 园茶几:400 装饰托盘:40 浴房龙头:300 快水壶:200 棉絮被心:300 浴房龙头开关:150 饮水机:300 床尾巾:50 浴房小垃圾桶:15 茶杯:5 床单:150 座便器:800 烟灰缸:5 床护垫:60 抽纸盒:30 电脑柜:800 床棉絮:100 浴巾:70 电脑:3000 床:500 面巾:15 1.8米床:600 小方巾:5 1.8米高华形床:800 口杯:5 妆凳:200 床屏:800 大理石面台:500 洗面龙头:15 客房抽纸盒:60 请勿吸烟牌:20 洗面盆:200 客房垃圾桶:20 电话:50 洗面镜:100 衣毛刷:10 衣毛柜:1000 插座:20 吹风:50 衣架:10元/个 窗帘:500/幅 电开关:30 电视机:2600 空调:1.5挂机:2500元 1.5中央空调:5000元 电视机遥控器:50 地毯一个烟头洞:50
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