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华科 安全工程专业英语考试部分20130516-15:36 air leakage漏风auxiliary fan 局部通风机axial-flow fan 轴流式风机adit 平硐airlock风闸anthracite 无烟煤adsorbed gas吸附状态瓦斯adsorption isotherm吸附等温线 blowing system压入式系统blade叶片branch 分支bituminous烟煤buoyancy 浮力 contaminant污染物crosscut 石门centrifugal fan 离心式风机characteris...

华科 安全工程专业英语考试部分
20130516-15:36 air leakage漏风auxiliary fan 局部通风机axial-flow fan 轴流式风机adit 平硐airlock风闸anthracite 无烟煤adsorbed gas吸附状态瓦斯adsorption isotherm吸附等温线 blowing system压入式系统blade叶片branch 分支bituminous烟煤buoyancy 浮力 contaminant污染物crosscut 石门centrifugal fan 离心式风机characteristic curve 特性曲线carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbon monoxide 一氧化碳cleat【地质】割理combustible 易燃物conflagration大火contaminant 污染物colliery 煤矿canary [动]金丝雀, 淡黄色 dilute冲淡defender优点downcast shaft 进风竖井drift水平巷道datum【测】基点线, 基准面door风门dead-end 独头巷道distilled由蒸馏得来的diffuse boundary 扩散边界dilute冲淡, 变淡, 变弱, 稀释 exhaust shaft出风井mine quantity 风量mine ventilation矿山通风elevation or potential head 位置水头entry 水平巷道exhaust system 抽出式系统exhaust shaft 出风井 face 工作面fan in series 串联风机fans in parallel 并联风机flammable liquid 易燃液体 fire extinguisher 灭火器free gas自由状态瓦斯 heading 平巷hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物(烃类)head液压,气压;液体或气体产生的压力;压差incompressible fluid不可压缩流体intake airway进风巷interlock devices 互锁装置 igniting source 点火源igneous火成的incompressible fluid不可压缩流体 internal combustion engine 内燃机 junction (node) 节点 kinetic energy 动能 line brattice 纵向风障loop 回路 methane buildup 瓦斯积聚mechanical ventilation 机械式通风mass flow 质量流量mesh 网孔Methane drainage 瓦斯抽放moisture content 湿度Mine ventilation 矿山通风 natural fracture原生裂隙noxious 有害的 outspoken critic 缺点 power output 输出功率power input. 输入功率propagation 蔓延Permeability渗透性porosity 多孔性propane 丙烷potential energy位能 return airway回风巷rank 品级 standard atmospheric pressure标准大气压static head 静压水头slope 斜井stratum地层spontaneous combustion 自燃stopping风墙seal 密闭smouldering闷烧, 低温炼焦, 低温干馏sorptive吸附的Stratification 分层sink 挖掘suction 吸入, 吸力, 抽气, 抽气机, 抽水泵, 吸引static energy静压能 the coupled interaction 相互作用Turbulence 湍流trap door通风门trapper设阱捕兽者, 矿井风门开关管理thermodynamic热力学的, 使用热动力的 upcast shaft回风竖井 velocity head 速度水头variable-pitch 可变安装角ventilation network 通风网络volume flow 体积流量vicinity附近voidage孔隙Short breakthrough短联络横巷velocity energy动能 Mine ventilation involves the control of the atmospheric environment. This requires control of the air quality and air movement to satisfy the requirements for the health, safety and comfort of mine workers. Minimum standards are set out in the various states mines regulation. Some are descriptive, specifying the standards required, and some are prescriptive, detailing exactly how the standards are to be achieved . 矿山通风涉及到对大气环境的控制。这需要控制空气的质量和流动以满足矿工的健康、安全和舒适性要求。许多州的矿山条例中都提出了(关于空气的质量和运动方面的)最低标准。有些是叙述性的,指明必需的标准。有些是说明性的,详细严密地叙述如何达到这些标准。 Properly engineered control of the mine atmosphere is required to: provide fresh air (oxygen) for men to breathe provide a source of oxygen for internal combustion engines in machinery dilute atmospheric contaminants to acceptable levels maintain temperature and humidity within acceptable limits remove atmospheric contaminants from the mine. 从工程技术来讲,正确控制矿山空气需要: 提供新鲜的空气(氧气)工,供人呼吸 提供氧气来源,供给各种机械上的内燃机。 稀释空气中的污染物,以达到允许标准 保持空气的温度和湿度在容许的界限内 除去空气当中来自矿山的污染物。 Mine ventilation is twofold in purpose: first, it maintains life, and secondly it carries off dangerous gases. The historic role of ventilation was to provide a flow of fresh air sufficient to replace the oxygen consumed by the miners working underground. 矿山通风的目标有两部分内容:首先,维持生命;其次,带走有毒的气体。矿山通风在历史上重要的角色是提供足量的新鲜空气,以代替井下工作的矿工所消耗的氧气。 Today's mine ventilation primarily deals with noxious gases (mainly generated by trackless equipment underground). 现今,矿山通风主要对付有害的气体(主要由无轨设备产生)。 In the past, mining occurred near the surface where natural light and ventilation was available. Fires were used to draw fresh air into the mine and exhaust shafts vented the hot smoke out of the mine. 过去,采矿业产生在地 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 附近,可利用自然光和通风。人们用火驱动新鲜空气进入井下,出风井把烟排出井外。 Long before coal was mined in North America, collieries in Europe were sunk with dual entrances; one through which air flowed into the mine and another through which air flowed out. Initially, mine ventilation was assisted by underground furnaces, which used the practical principle that the updraft of a fire caused a suction which drew air out of the mine and this air was replaced by air which was pulled in to fill the opening. 在北美州开始采煤的很早以前,欧洲的煤矿都挖掘两个入口:一个用来流入空气,一个用来流出空气。最初,人们用地下的炉子帮助矿山通风。这利用的实际原理是:火的上升气流产生一种吸力,驱动空气排出井外,从而在原来位置产生空缺,然后驱动另外空气填充空缺。 Canaries are said to have been used to detect gas in coal mines in the early stages of coal mining. This sensitive bird would be taken into the workings and, if it perished, the colliers would immediately leave the mine. 在煤矿开采的早期,人们已用金丝雀来检测瓦斯。这种敏感的鸟带到工作地点,如果发现它死亡了,矿工将立即离开矿井。 However, before the 1870s, managers and qualified persons were using safety lamps to detect gas. These safety lamps soon replaced oil lamps and open flared candles as a source of working light. 然而,在19世纪70年代以前,管理人员和有资格的人员一直用安全灯来检测瓦斯。这些安全灯很快代替油灯和裸露燃烧的蜡烛作为工作照明的工具。 Soon, small hand-turned fans were used to blow out gas from working places into main air currents. Trap doors were strategically placed as part of the ventilation system to guide the flow of air to or from selected areas. "Trapper" boys were posted at the busier doors to open them for the passage of coal, materials and men. "Air courses" were frequently cut through coal and rock. 很快,人们用手工转动的风机把来自于工作地点的瓦斯吹到主风流当中。通气门被放置在通风系统中,以引导风流流入或流出选定的区域,这具有战略意义。矿井风门开关管理员被安排在过往较频繁的风门,当煤、材料和人员通过时,打开风门。通风巷道经常穿过煤层和岩层。 In the 1920s the hand-turned fans were replaced with air-powered small turbine fans. Large fans of the suction type were placed on the surface and gradually increased in size. Air from surface compressors was piped into the mine to power machinery and to assist in ventilation. 20世纪20年代,手工转动的风机被小型的空气动力涡轮风机所取代。大型的抽出式风机安置在地表,并且其尺寸在逐渐增加。地面的压缩机把风流通过管道压入矿井中,供给动力机械和辅助通风。 Atmospheric Pressure at any point is due to the weight of air above it, and varies with altitude (which determines the height of the air column), and air density (which is determined by temperature and moisture content). Standard atmospheric pressure is taken as 760mm of Hg, (101.3kPa) at mean sea level, and it varies by about lkPa for every 90 m increase or decrease in altitude. 任何地点的大气压力是由于其上面的空气柱的重量所产生的,随着高度(决定空气柱的高度)和空气密度(由温度和湿度所决定)发生变化。标准大气压力在平均海平面下为760毫米汞柱,高度每增加或减少90米,压力变化1kPa。 Atmospheric temperature is normally given according to the Celsius scale (°C), but the Kelvin scale (°K) may be used. 大气温度通常以摄氏度的形式给出,然而开氏温标也被使用。 Air is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas mixture which supports combustion and life. In mine ventilation we are usually dealing with an air/water vapor mixture which has different thermodynamic properties to dry air. The density of dry air is 1.21 kg/m3 at standard atmospheric pressure (101.3kPa) and temperature (15°C). 空气是无色、无嗅、无味的混合气体,维持燃烧和生命。矿井通风当中,我们通常讨论空气和水蒸汽的混合物,这和干空气的热力性质不同。标准大气压力和温度下,干空气的密度是1.21kg/m3。 Mine Ventilation is normally an example of a steady flow process, that is, one in which none of the variables of flow changes with time. Transition and loss in energy are involved in such a process, and it is important to understand their nature and to be able to express them mathematically. Energy changes are basic to the calculation of the mine quantity and head, one of the ultimate objectives of mine-ventilation engineering. An expression relating the energy variables may be developed as follows. 正常情况下,矿山通风是稳定流动过程中的一种,也就是说,流动过程中所有流动变量不随时间发生变化。能量转换和能量损失包含在这个过程中,重要的是:我们应了解它们的性质,并能够用数学形式描述出来。能量变化是计算矿山风量和压力的基础,而计算矿山风量和压力是矿山通风工程的一个最终目标。一个与能量的变量相关联的式子将在下面阐述。 The total energy at any section in a moving as fluid consists of the sum of the internal static, velocity, potential, and heat energies at that section. Assume a real fluid moving in a conduit, and consider the energy changes that occur between any two sections in the system. The heat changes is generally negligible compared to the other terms, except in deep mines or ones naturally ventilated, and the addition of mechanical energy is usually considered separately. Omitting these terms for now, the total energy at section 1equals the total energy at section 2, plus the flow energy losses occurring between 1 and 2 流体在流动过程中,其任何区域的总能量由该区域固有的静压能、动压能、位能和热能组成。假定真实流体在管道中流动,并且考虑系统中任两区域之间的能量变化。同其他形式的能量相比,热能常常忽略,除了深部矿井和自然通风的矿井之外。机械能之和常常单独考虑。暂且忽略热能,那么区域1的总能量等于区域2的总能量加上1和2之间的流动能量损失Equation 2 is recognized as the familiar Bernoulli equation, applicable to all fluid-flow processes. In this form, it applied only to an incompressible fluid, which air is assumed to be in nearly all mine ventilation because of minor changes in air density. 式子2为我们所熟悉的柏努利(Daniel, 1700-1782, 瑞士物理学家数学家)方程,适用于所有流体流动过程。在这种形式中,伯努力方程仅适用于不可压缩流体,几乎所有矿井通风中的空气都可假定为不可压缩流体,因为空气密度变化很小。 Each term in the equation is actually a specific energy, in unit of m.kg/kg, or m. Since m is a measure of fluidhead, these terms can also be referred to as pressure heads or simply heads. In dealing with air, it is customary to employ mm of water rather m of an air as the unit of head. 方程式中的每一项实际上是一个特定的能量,单位为m.kg/kg, 或m。因为m作为流体的度量单位,所以这些形式的压力也可称为压头或仅仅称为头。对于空气来说,习惯上采用毫米水柱而不是米水柱来作为头的单位。 These versions of the Bernoulli energy equation (Eq.2 and 4) are both basic and general and the most useful to employ in mine ventilation. In relating the static velocity, potential, and total heads plus the losses flow, the energy equation permits writing of an expression encompassing all flow variables between any two points in the ventilation system. These points may be selected at the beginning and end of the system (the entrance and discharge of mine for the air circuit), enabling the calculation of the characteristics for the entire system (the mine heads). 伯努力方程的这些形式不仅是基本的、普遍的,而且是最有用的应用于矿山通风的手段。能量方程式与流体的静压、速压、位压、总压头加上流动损失相关联,能够表示成包含通风任两点的所有流动参数的形式。这些点可以选在系统的开始和结束处(矿山空气环路的进口和出口),从而能够计算整个系统的特性(矿山压头)。 There are basically two methods of ventilating the blind entries ahead of the last open crosscut: the use of line brattices or the installation of auxiliary fans. Each technique has its defenders as well as its outspoken critics. 对最后一个连通石门前的独头平巷进行通风,有两种主要方法:使用纵向风障和安装局部通风机。每一种方法都有它的优点和缺点。 Since the blowing system produces a high velocity of air at the face, it achieves superior gas dilution, but the air, now contaminated with gas and dust, returns over the machine and its operator. As a result, this system is rarely used today. The more commonly employed exhaust system, with intake air coming in on the wide side of the brattice and returning on the narrow side, eliminates this problem because the fresh air passes over the machine operator before it reached the face. However, since the air velocity provided at the face by the exhausted system is low, it does a less effective job of diluting the gas there. 由于压入式系统在工作面附近提供了的风速较高,因此瓦斯能够得到很好的稀释。但是,由于含有瓦斯和粉尘的污浊风流流经机器和操作人员,所以现在很少采用这种系统。现在,广泛采用的是抽出式系统,在这个系统中,风流从风障较宽的一侧流入,从较窄的一侧排出,由于新鲜风流首先流经采煤机的操作人员,然后才到达工作面,所以消除了压入式系统产生的问题。然而,因为抽出式系统在工作面附近提供的风速较低,因此,它的瓦斯稀释效果不好。 A blower system can be installed as shown in Fig. 1 (A) [8]. There is no problem in delivering more than 1 416 L/s of air through 30 m of 45 cm-diam tubing with reasonable pressure and horsepower. Even with the end of the tubing as far as 10.6 m from the face, adequate dilution can be achieved with methane liberations of as much as 9.4 L/s. The disadvantage of such a blower system is that dust-and gas-laden air passes over the machine operator, and a methane buildup can occur out by the machine. Because of the difficulty of controlling dust, this technique is seldom used today. 压入式系统的安装如图18.1(A)所示。该系统释放超过1416升/秒的具有适度压力和功率的风流,流经长度为30米、直径为45厘米的管道,这不存在任何问题。甚至当管道距离工作面有10.6米远,该系统也能够充分稀释释放量为9.4升/秒的瓦斯。压入式系统的缺点是含有粉尘和瓦斯的污浊风流流经采掘机操作人员,并且在采煤机附近能够产生瓦斯聚集。由于很难控制粉尘,这种方法目前很少使用。 The exhaust system shown in Fig. 1(B) eliminates the passage of contaminated air over the machine operator, and effectively removes the dust from the working environment. However, even when an airflow of 2630 L/s is maintained through an 45cm tubing 30 m long and ending within 2.1 m of the face, it is not uncommon to have the far corner gas up. When the tubing is allowed to lag back from the face 4.5 to 6 m, it is not uncommon for the entire face to gas up. By this time, the operator is between the end of the tubing and the face and is exposed to contaminated air, so this is a situation that must not be allowed to occur. 图18.1(B)所示的抽出式系统消除了污浊空气流经采掘机操作人员的通道,有效地除去工作环境中的粉尘。不过,即使当2630升/秒的风流流经直径为45厘米,长度为30米,端部距离工作面在2.1米以内的管道时,远而偏的隅角仍有瓦斯聚集。当管道滞后于工作面4.5到6米时,整个工作面都会有瓦斯聚集。这时,在管道端部和工作面之间的操作人员暴露在污浊气流中,因此这种情况不允许发生。 The general fan laws are the same for either axial-flow or centrifugal fans. The only differences are in the individual characteristics of power, pressure and air volumes. 不论是轴流式扇风机还是离心式扇风机,其一般规律都是相同的。它们的不同处仅仅是功率、压力和风量的个体特性。 Fan Laws---- These are as follows: 风机的规律如下: 1. Air quantity varies directly as fan speed . Quantity is independent of air density (twice the volume requires twice the speed).风量和风机转速成正比。风量和风流的密度无关(风量要增大到两倍需要转速增大到两倍)。 2. Pressures induced vary directly as fan speed squared, and directly as density (twice the volume develops four times the pressure).产生的压力和风机转速平方成正比,与密度成正比(风量增大到两倍引起压力增大到四倍)。 3. The fan power-input varies directly as the fan speed cubed and directly as the air density (twice the volume requires eight time the power). 风机输入功率和风机转速的立方成正比与密度成正比(风量增大到两倍需要功率增大到八倍)。 4. The mechanical efficiency of the fan is independent of fan speed and air density.风机的机械效率与风机转速和风流密度无关。 The performance of a fan in a ventilating system is determined by its characteristic curve and the mine resistance if acting alone on the system 在通风系统中,如果一台风机单独运行,那么该风机的性能决定于它的特性曲线和矿井的阻力 The amount of airflow induce in a mine will depend on fan characteristic and mine resistance. 在矿井中所产生的风量依赖于风机特性和矿井阻力。 Fan in series----Fan operating in series are those operating on the same flow circuit, each handling the total flow of the circuit and each generating a part of the total pressure required to balance the pressure losses of circuit. 串联运行的风机指的是运行在同一风路中的风机,每个扇风机通过风路中的整个流量并产生需要的一部分总分压以补偿风路压力的损失。 Fans in Parallel----Fans may be used in parallel to increase the air volume against changed mine resistance. 并联风机——风机可并联使用以便在矿井阻力变化时增大风量。 equipped with "blow-out" panels to help protect the fan in case of a mine explosion 配备冲击板(防爆门)以在煤矿发生爆炸时,起到保护风机的作用。 When these are no longer required for access or ventilation, they should be blocked by stoppings in order to prevent short-circuiting of the airflow. 当巷道不再需要通过或通风,那么应用风墙封闭,以防止风流短路。 Any integrated ventilation system can be represented as a schematic diagram 任何一个完整的通风系统都可以用一个示意图来表示 The points at which branches connect are known simply as junctions or nodes. 分支相连接的点简称为交叉点或者节点。 Kirchhoff's first law states that the mass flow entering a junction equals the mass flow leaving that junction 基尔霍夫第一定律说明了流入某交叉点的质量流量等于流出该交叉点的质量流量 The simplest statement of Kirchhoff's second law applied to ventilation networks is that the algebraic sum of all pressure drops around a closed path, or mesh, in the network must be zero, having taken into account the effects of fans and ventilating pressures. 应用于通风网络的基尔霍夫第二定律最简单的形式为:把风机和其它压力源的影响考虑在内,网络中一个闭和回路或者网孔中所有压差的代数和必等于零。 It is generally assumed when referring to gases in the mining environment that the interest is in toxic gases, however, the concentration of nontoxic gases, such as oxygen, can be of importance. 一提到矿山环境中的气体,人们一般相当然地关心有毒气体。然而,无毒气体的浓度,例如氧气,也很重要。 the reduction of oxygen in the air may also pose a risk to life because oxygen is needed to sustain life. 空气中氧气的减少对生命形成了危险,因为氧气是维持生命所必须的。 The term gas refers to the physical state of a substance at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure that, when unconfined, expands to fill the space it occupies. 术语气体指的是某物质在室温和标准大气压力下的物理状态,当不受约束时,气体能够膨胀,充满它所占的空间 Because of turbulence and diffusion, the package of gas is diluted to the point where it differs little from air alone. 由于湍流和扩散作用,气体束被稀释到和空气自身差别很小。 Traditionally, mine rescue teaching about gas properties focused on the density of pure gases. However, gases in a workplace in emergency situations are often not pure, but are mixed with air and other gases. Pure gases seldom exist in the workplace. When they do, it is likely that the gas was released from a pressurized vessel discharging uncontrollably. Even a leak of pure, pressurized gas will not perform like a pure gas as the distance from the leaking vessel and turbulence increases. Eventually, the leaking gas will mix with the surrounding air as it moves away from the source of the leak. 传统上讲,矿山救护在讲授气体性质时一般指的是纯气体的浓度。然而,在突发事件下进入工作地点的气体通常不纯,而混入空气或者其他气体。纯净的气体很少在工作面存在。当确实存在时,很可能是气体从受压容器在失控卸压时释放出来。即使纯的受压气体的泄露,随着离泄露容器的距离增加,涡流的程度增强,其行为也不象纯的气体那样。最终,当泄露气体移离泄露地点时,它将混入周围的空气。 Neither water nor foam should be used where electricity is involved until it is certain that the power has been switched off. 电力火灾既不能用水也不能用泡沫灭火,除非确定电源已关。 There are other physical properties of gases, such as taste, colour, and odour, that may or may not be helpful as warning properties. For example, the property of colour is often best observed with pure gases. Workers may or may not be able to smell a gas (depending on its concentration). Therefore, in an emergency, these properties may serve little purpose in understanding the toxic nature of a gas when it has been mixed with mine air. 气体还有一些其他物理性质,例如味道、颜色、气味。这些性质作为预兆特性可能有用,也可能无用。例如颜色特性通常最能观察道纯净气体。工人可能够闻到气体,也可能够闻不到气体,这取决于气体的浓度。因此,在紧急情况下,这些特性作为了解混入矿山空气中气体的毒性意义不大。 There are three mechanisms by which gas is stored within the coal seams. About 90 per cent of the gas is absorbed onto the coal surface within the matrix pore structure, the remainder exists as free gas in the natural fracture (cleat) systems of the seams or is dissolved within the seam water 气体通过三种途径保存在煤层当中。90%的气体是吸附在煤层表面的微孔矩阵结构中,剩余的气体以自由状态存在于煤层的原生裂隙(节理)当中或者溶解到煤层的水中。 Methane exists within coal in two distinct forms, generally referred to as free gas and adsorbed gas. 存在于煤中的瓦斯有两种截然不同的形式,通常称为自由状态瓦斯和吸附状态瓦斯。 An attractive force exists between the surfaces of some solids and a variety of gases. 吸引力存在于一些固体表面和各种气体之间。 Figure 1 illustrates the variation of both total and adsorbed methane with respect to gas pressure and at constant temperature. 图1描述了总瓦斯和吸收瓦斯在温度不变的情况下与瓦斯压力的变化关系。 These methods of pre-drainage and postdrainage have only been partially successful in controlling the gas inflow into mines. 这些预抽和后抽的方法,只能部分成功地控制瓦斯涌入到煤矿中。 Fires that occur in mine airways usually commence from a single point of ignition. The initial fire is often quite small and, indeed, most fires are extinguished rapidly by prompt local action. Speed is of the essence. An energetic ignition that remains undetected, even for only a few minutes, can develop into a conflagration that becomes difficult or impossible to deal with. Sealing off the district or mine may then become inevitable. 发生在矿井风巷中的火灾通常开始于一点的燃烧。最初火势非常小,实际上只要能够及时地进行局部处理,大多数火灾都能被立即扑灭。快速的行动是非常重要的。旺盛的燃烧如果未被发现,那么即使只有几分钟,也能够发展为大火,从而很难或者不可能扑灭了。因而,封闭区域或者整个矿井可能变得不可避免了。 Conversely, the availability of oxygen to the fire site controls the development of the fire. 相反,减少提供给火灾地点氧气能控制火灾的发展。 The majority of open fires can be extinguished quickly if prompt action is taken. 如果及时行动,大部分明火都能够扑灭。
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