首页 人教版九年级下册音乐教案



人教版九年级下册音乐教案人教版九年级下册音乐教案 九年级音乐教案 田晃洋 第一单元 《华夏古乐》 (二课时) 第一课时 单元 第一单元《华夏古乐》第一课时 课 题 内容 古乐欣赏《念奴娇、赤壁怀古》、《流水》 教知识与技能 1知晓古琴这一乐器,学习、分析音乐中旋律、节奏、学 过程与方法 速度等要素在音乐表现中的作用。 目情感态度与2认真聆听两首作品,感受古曲中的艺术魅力。 标 价值观 任教学重点 引起同学们对我国优秀民族音乐的兴趣。 务 定教学难点 对音乐中的不同乐段,辨别其意境、情绪上的区别 位 教1、《念奴娇、赤壁...

人教版九年级下册音乐教案 九年级音乐教案 田晃洋 第一单元 《华夏古乐》 (二课时) 第一课时 单元 第一单元《华夏古乐》第一课时 课 题 内容 古乐欣赏《念奴娇、赤壁怀古》、《流水》 教知识与技能 1知晓古琴这一乐器,学习、分析音乐中旋律、节奏、学 过程与方法 速度等要素在音乐 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现中的作用。 目情感态度与2认真聆听两首作品,感受古曲中的艺术魅力。 标 价值观 任教学重点 引起同学们对我国优秀民族音乐的兴趣。 务 定教学难点 对音乐中的不同乐段,辨别其意境、情绪上的区别 位 教1、《念奴娇、赤壁怀古》是根据北宋大诗人苏轼的词创做的一首优秀材 的独唱歌曲,这首歌豪迈奔放,与原词的风格保持了一致。全曲为散分板,分为上下两部分,前半部分豪迈、洒脱、奔放,后半部分曲调平析 缓,带有冥思遐想的色彩。两段既有联系,又有区别。 2、《流水》是一首古老的琴曲,在我国的民族音乐遗产中占有重要的 地位,它不是简单的描绘客观事物,而是借景抒情,表达了一种胸襟 开阔、百折不回的的精神境界。古琴是我国目前被联合国确认的两项 人类非物质文化遗产之一。 学初三同学对这两首作品应该还算熟悉,《念奴娇、赤壁怀古》中学课文情 有收录,而古琴在很多影视作品中也出现过。 分 析 教教学光盘、多媒体、钢琴 具 教学过程 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 步教师的活动 学生的活动 设计意图 备注 骤 1 播放《英雄》观看其中的古琴较多的古琴演奏场景,以熟知感 中的棋庄比演奏 影视作品引入古琴,会更兴趣东 武的片段 多的引起大家的兴趣 西导入 2 播放《流水》聆听并感受古琴让学生建立对古琴音色的认知 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 全曲 的音色,体会乐曲基本认知。 所表达的情感 3 提问:谈谈你讨论并发表自己承接上一步,目的在于更引导发 对古琴及这的观点 全面的了解古琴 展 首音乐的认 识 4 简单的分析音乐不只是对客古曲的特点,它往往不是 音乐 观事物的简单描直接表达,而是具有各种 写,更在乎其内涵 象征意义 5 简单介绍俞思考怎样树立正这里是进行情感熏陶比较本人有 伯牙、钟子期确的择友观,如果好的时候。 古琴一 及“知音”的条件允许,可让学张,可 来历。还有古生触摸实物 为学生 琴的基本介现场演 绍(构造、历奏 史),可出具 实物或图片 根据老师的分析,通过前面的介绍,学生应深入探?6 再一次播放感受《流水》的魅该能独立的把握音乐 究 乐曲 力 7 引导学生进背诵苏轼原词 这首词初中语文课本有收以熟悉 入《念奴娇、录,从此入手,一可以吸内容导 赤壁怀古》 引兴趣,二为分析曲子做入 准备 聆听并思考:这首歌8 完整的播放让学生对音乐有一个整体理解 曲从音乐上可以分为音乐 的感受 几部分,每部分的音 乐形象是怎样的 ?9 教师分析上讨论并发表对这允许学生音乐个性的发展 探究学 下阕的音乐首音乐的看法 习 形象 体会民族音乐韵味 10 小结本课 第二课时 单元 第一单元第二课时 课 题 内容 欣赏混声合唱及埙独奏《阳关三叠》 教知识与技能 1、体会古代音乐与现代音乐不同的风格特点,引起学学 过程与方法 生对传统文化的兴趣。 目情感态度与2、感受埙独奏和混声合唱不同的音乐效果。 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 标 价值观 3、体验音乐中表达的深沉含蓄、真切动人的情感。 任教学重点 让同学们从音乐中感受乐曲传达的情感 务 教学难点 理解不同的表现形式所表达的不同音乐效果 定 位 教一、《阳关三叠》是古代一首优秀的艺术歌曲,根据王维的《送元二使材 安西》谱写而成,王维的诗同学们都熟悉,因此在学习时可以从这方分面下手,学习时一定要让学生先完整的听一遍音乐,因为“三叠”音析 乐情绪的变化必须全部听完才能感受出来。 二、欣赏埙独奏的时候,应该先介绍埙这件乐器,并让学生感受埙的 音色特点,了解了埙这件乐器的音乐性格,对欣赏这个乐曲会有帮助。 这个乐曲主要要让学生感受其音乐情绪及韵味。 学初三学生学过这首诗,所以学习起来应该还是比较方便的,特别是他情 们已经具备了较丰富的情感,因此理解这首音乐中所表达的情感是比分较容易的。 析 教 音乐光盘、钢琴、多媒体 具 教学过程设计 步教师的活动 学生的活动 设计意图 备注 骤 1 提出王维的《谓城背诵王维的这首作因为这首诗大家都很古诗 曲》 品 熟悉,比较容易引起导入 大家的兴趣 2 播放全曲、提出问聆听音乐,并思考老让大家对这首音乐有认知 题:这首曲子共反师提出的问题 一个完整的音乐形象 复了几次。 3 分析音乐,为何叫知晓“三叠‘是音乐为后面理解每段音乐理解 “三叠” 重复了三次,是三段的不同情绪做准备 的意思 ?4 完整的播放音乐 聆听并思考,此曲表这是这首音乐的重点 深入 达了一种什么样的探讨 情感,每段的音乐情 感有何区别 5 播放音乐的第一聆听并思考老师的理解第一段音乐中 段,提问:这段音提问 上、下阕情绪的对比。 乐可分为几部分。 6 提问:你认为这首思考并讨论 发挥学生的音乐个性 音乐中最能打动 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 你的是哪句, 7 介绍埙(图片、示认识这一古老的民初步的印象,对于埙引导 范音乐) 族乐器,思考:用一音色的把握也是这节 个词语概括这种乐课一个重要的知识点 器的音色特点 ?8 播放埙演奏《阳关埙的古朴音色与这培养学生良好的审美深入 三叠》 首作品表达的惜别观,这一点是最重要理解 意境十分贴切,要让的 大家明白这一点。 9 提问:两首《阳关 思考并讨论 对比欣赏,更充分的探究 三叠》,不同的艺理解音乐所表达的情 术表现手法,效果感。 有何不同 10 小节本课 适当的做些笔记 梳理内容,便于理解 (本课内容为补充教材,教师认为有必要,可选择讲解) 单元 第一单元 课题 内容 中国古代音乐 知识与技能 1、通过老师的讲解,知晓每一个历史时期代表性的音乐形教学 过程与方法 式。 目标 情感态度与价2、感受中华民族音乐的博大精深,激发学生的爱国热情 值观 3、理解“只有民族的,才是世界的”这句话的真正含义。 任务 教学重点 引导学生对我国优秀的民族文化感兴趣,初步了解中国民定位 族音乐的发展脉络。 教学难点 各个时期代表性的音乐形式 教材 这是一节 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf 性的课,在课本原有知识的基础上,按照历史的朝代,有分析 针对性的介绍每个时期代表性的音乐作品,作品的选择尽量是大家熟知 的内容,当然,我们这堂课不宜讲得太深,是前两堂课的补充。选用的 作品有先秦时期的《上邪》、汗乐府《木兰词》、唐代《霓裳舞衣曲》、元 曲《天净沙、秋思》等 学情 初三学生已经具备基本的古典文化知识和欣赏能力,而我们此次选择介分析 绍的代表作品都是大家比较熟悉的,学生应该比较容易接受。 教具 多媒体、相关光盘 教学过程设计 步骤 教师的活动 学生的活动 设计意图 备注 1 播放中央台“鉴宝”片段通过观赏,感受中华民用这些电视片段及图片电视媒体 并出具图片并介绍下面三族音乐的悠久。 做导入,更直接的进入本及 图片 样古乐器:A湖北曾侯乙节课的内容--------中导入 墓出土编钟 B浙江河国古代音乐 姆渡出土的骨笛 C湖 南马王堆出土的汉代古瑟 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 2 多媒体展示中国朝代更替对照这个朝代更替图,对照图来进行下面的教直白板 图 思考每个朝代有哪些熟学,使中国古代音乐发展书,容易 悉的文化人物。 的脉络就比较清晰了。 接受 3 提出中国第一部诗歌总集朗读或背诵《上邪》 这是先秦时期音乐的主认知 《诗经》,并引出大家熟悉要代表形式,同时《上邪》 的篇章《上邪》 又是大家熟悉的 作品。 4 提出知识点:秦汉时期代知晓汉乐府的代表作:《木兰辞》是汉乐府中的理解 表性的音乐形式-------《木兰辞》,理解汉代乐重要作品,大家又比较熟 乐府 府也是音乐的重要形式 悉,所以选择这首作品 5 播放汉代琴曲《苏武牧羊》聆听并感受音乐的古韵 前一课介绍了古琴,学生欣赏、感 易接受 受 6 提出知识点:唐代歌舞音思考:为什么我们今天问题导入,切合知识点 思考 乐的繁荣 称戏曲为“梨园” 7 播放《霓裳舞衣曲》 欣赏 艺术感染,培养正确的审 美观 8 提出知识点:元曲是当时回忆元曲中的代表作这段元曲学生都非常熟认知、思 世界艺术的顶峰 《天净沙、秋思》感受悉,教师可以从音乐的角考 元曲的艺术魅力 度简单的介绍它 9 提出知识点:中国曲艺的了解曲艺的蓬勃时期就中国当前重要的音乐形了解、 重大突破发展 在明清 式-----曲艺就发展于这 个时期,所以不能不谈 附:各个时期代表性的音乐形式图 简单的各个时代音乐形式图: 朝代 代表性的音乐形式 代表性的作品 先秦时期 北方:《诗经》 南方:《楚《上邪》 《高山流水》等 词》 古琴艺术 秦汉时期 乐府 《孔雀东南飞》、《木兰辞》 魏晋南北佛教音乐 《胡枷十八拍》 朝 古琴艺术的进一步发展 《苏武牧羊》 隋唐时期 教坊音乐,梨园,歌舞音乐 《霓裳羽衣曲》 宋元时期 说唱、市井音乐。元曲 《天净沙、秋思》等 明清时期 戏曲、曲艺的发展繁荣时期 京剧等戏曲 第二单元 《多情的黑土地》 (二课时) 第一课时 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 教学内容: 1、学唱歌曲《我的家乡多美好》; 2、欣赏《乌苏里船歌》; 教学目标: 1、学唱歌曲《我的家乡多美好》,了解少数民族民歌特点与风土人情; 2、通过欣赏歌曲《乌苏里船歌》和《迎春谣》让学生感受少数民族多姿多彩的音乐风格,以增进学生热爱少数民族音乐的情感。 3、通过实践与创造活动帮助学生理解教材内容和掌握音乐知识与技能。 教学过程: 一、生听歌曲《我的家乡多美好》进教室,进而导入(稳定情绪,创设良好气氛) 二、赏析歌曲《我的家乡多美好》 1、生思考:歌曲的情绪、风格及表现主题,并讨论回答。 2、师归纳总结并简介歌曲:此曲是赫哲族民歌,赫哲族居住在我国东北松花江、黑龙江、乌苏里江沿岸,主要从事渔猎生产,因此他们的民歌与生产劳动结合密切。比如,《渔歌》、《打猎歌》,其中《我的家乡多美好》表现了赫哲族人民的渔猎生活和待人热情好客的品格,歌词简朴,富于生活气息。曲调由四个均衡乐剧构成,结构完整,其节奏平稳均匀中带有跳动的感觉,旋律流畅而婉转,具有明显的抒情色彩。 3、复听歌曲《我的家乡多美好》,再次感受这首歌曲的风格 4、学唱歌曲 ?学生随老师琴声自填歌词 ?学生找出歌曲中的难唱乐句,老师解决疑难 ?学生轻声齐唱歌曲一至两遍 ?学生有感情地唱歌曲 三、欣赏 1、生聆听独唱歌曲《乌苏里船歌》(初步感受歌曲的情绪) 2、生随琴声唱歌曲的衬词:阿郎赫尼哪。(体验赫哲族民歌的风格特点) 3、简介词曲及歌唱家郭颂。 4、听混声合唱《乌苏里船歌 》,引导学生从音乐要素上感受其与音乐情绪之间的内在联系,体验其艺术表现上的主要特征,进而深入的理解其民族风格之本质。 四、探究 通过比较《我的家乡多美好》与《乌苏里船歌》,学生讨论创作歌曲和民歌之间存在的关系。(明确:社会实践时创作音乐的重要源泉,而大量的积累民歌也是一种重要的生活体验,人们只有在源流中深入的体验生活才有可能获得创作的灵感。反过来,创作音乐需要以社会实践和生活体验为基础,也需要大量的民歌积累,创作音乐应源于生活而高于生活。) 五、拓展延伸 欣赏歌曲 《牧歌 》、《玛依拉》、《茉莉花》、《康定情歌》、《阿里山的姑娘》circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 片段,让学生感受少数民族多姿多彩的音乐风格,以增进学生热爱少数民族音乐的情感。 六、师小结。生听音乐走出教室。 第二课时 教学内容: 1、学唱《阿里郎》; 2、欣赏《二人转牌子曲 》和《迎春谣》 教学目标: 1、能够以积极的态度参与音乐实践活动,喜欢我国东北地区的民间音乐,并乐于了解其音乐文化。 2、能够用优美抒情的情感演唱《阿里郎》。 3、通过欣赏《二人转牌子曲》和《迎春谣》,感受其音乐情绪,并体验其民族风格或地方风格。 教学过程: 一、 导入新课: 生观看电视剧《刘老根》片断,说出其中剧种。导入新课:二人转 二、简介“二人转”:又名“蹦蹦”“小落子”“双玩意儿”等,是流行在东北的一种曲艺艺术。它形成与19世纪初,至今有两百年的历史,在发展的过程中广泛的吸收了东北民歌、东北大鼓、太平鼓等姊妹艺术的精华,形成自己独特的艺术风格。属于走唱类曲艺。唱腔丰富,历史上就有“九腔十八调”“七十二咳咳”曲牌有主调如:胡胡腔、文咳咳、四平调等;副调如大救驾等。伴奏乐器主要有:板胡、唢呐、竹板、锣、鼓等。 三、聆听《二人转曲子牌》 1、生思考:a.按情绪可以将这首乐曲分为几个部分, b.从乐曲中你感受到了怎样的风格和主题, 2、让学生根据自己对曲子的理解来说说该曲的情绪、风格、主题。 3、师归纳。 4、复听。生再次感受乐曲表现出来的豪爽、粗犷、振奋人心的情绪以及鲜明的地方风格和浓郁的生活气息。 四、欣赏《迎春谣》 1、生朗读歌词,帮助学生理解歌曲。 2、师简介此曲。 3、生聆听歌曲,感受歌曲给人悠扬流畅、清新活泼的风格。 五、学唱歌曲《阿里郎》。 1、聆听歌曲一至两遍,感受其情绪。 2、师简介此曲。 3、生随老师琴声自填歌词,找出难唱乐句。师教唱解决疑难。 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 4、生随琴声轻声齐唱。 5、生用优美抒情的情感演唱《阿里郎》。 6、通过学习《阿里郎》,你是否知道这首歌曲还是哪个国家和民族的民歌, 六、完成“实践与创造”第五题。 七、布置作业:用《阿里郎》的主题,采用改变节拍、变化节奏等方法写几个小变奏曲。 第三单元 《缤纷舞曲》 (二课时) 第一课时 教学内容: 管弦乐《蓝色多瑙河》 约翰。施特劳斯 圆舞曲 教学目标: 1、通过教学使学生初步了解乐曲的创作背景 、作品风格及作品表现的内容,掌握《蓝色多瑙河》的主要音乐主题。 2、知道约翰。施特劳斯及圆舞曲。 3、通过作品,感受作者的爱国之心。 教学重难点:感受理解全曲及各段所表现的音乐情绪》。 教学准备:音响设备、多媒体、钢琴。 教学过程: 流教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 程 一、 1、多媒体播放维也纳新年音乐会、金1、观赏音乐及直观感受及导色大厅、《蓝色多瑙河》 画面。 学生对音乐入 2、提问:请谈谈你所知道维也纳及其2、回答问题 信息的了解, 相关的音乐人物和音乐作品。 引起学生的 3、师小结,揭题。 学习兴趣。 二、 展示多媒体画面,介绍圆舞曲之父——观看多媒体画通过多次聆欣约翰。施特劳斯。并简单介绍《蓝》创面,可与师共同听音乐的各赏作背景。 介绍 个音乐主题管播放圆舞曲《蓝》部分乐段提问:音乐初听音乐谈感和完整聆听弦的基础色调是:( ) 季节是:受,并回答问此曲、并哼唱乐( ) 题。(明亮的、音乐主题,使《播放全曲,思考:此曲由几部分组成, 春天)。 学生进一步蓝师小结:五个音乐片段就是五个圆舞曲仔细聆听全曲感受圆舞曲色的主题音乐,前有序曲后加尾声,就是并回答问题。 音乐风格特circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 多维也纳圆舞曲特有的音乐结构。 (略) 点。 瑙钢琴弹奏五段圆舞曲主题音乐,让学生跟琴哼唱五段 河》 哼唱旋律。 圆舞曲主题旋 提示学生从音乐要素上说说每段圆舞律。 曲的特点 回答问题。 三、 分配任务:将学生分成五个小组每个小各组讨论、排练 通过排练和拓组重点聆听并向学生介绍各段圆舞曲各组同学依次表演,使学生展的主题及主奏乐器(可多种形式如演上台展示成果 再次加深对分唱、跳舞、演奏、诗歌、绘画等) 音乐圆舞曲析巡回指导,提示:把握音乐的圆舞曲风风格的理解,与格。 也增强了同表学之间的合演 作与表现。 四、 提问:通过前面对作品的介绍,说说为讨论并回答问在对音乐的情什么《蓝色多瑙河》被誉为是奥地利的题 初步理解基感第二国歌, 础之上,进一深师小结。 步挖掘作品化 的思想内涵。 五、 请同学关注2007年的维也纳新年音乐 小会,可以再次聆听到《蓝色多瑙河》, 结 同时期待不同的指挥、不同的风格,不 同的表现形式所演绎的《蓝色多瑙河》, 得到更多的美的感受和体会。 第二课时 教学内容:学习歌曲《森林之声》及欣赏《波莱罗》 教学目标: 1、通过学唱《森林之声》,能够在演唱A、B两段时表现出圆舞曲与马祖卡在节奏重音上的区别,以及情绪上的对比。 2、欣赏《波莱罗》,能够记住它的主要节奏型,并能用声音加以模仿节奏。对于乐器及音色的变化能够注意听辩,并感受到它的丰富和绚丽。知道作者拉威尔。 教学重难点:《森林之声》A、B两段在演唱上的对比。 教具准备:音响、钢琴。 教学过程: 流教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 程 一、 1、课前播放歌曲《森林之声》 1、听音乐进教室。 直接播放音circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 导2、提问:刚才你们听到的音乐2、生回答:三拍子 乐,引起学生入 是几拍子的, 学习兴趣。 3、揭题 二、 1、播放歌曲《森林之声》,初步1、谈歌曲的初步印通过多次播放新感受音乐,为 象 音乐、比较音课2、再次播放歌曲范唱,提问:2、生再次感受音乐乐,使学生能教歌曲可分为几段题 并回答问题。 够较快掌握歌学 3、提问:A、B两段音乐各有何3、生回答。 曲舞曲风格, 特点,提示学生在乐谱上标出4、(略) 更好的表现歌 A、B段的速度、力度、音色与重5、(略) 曲的情感。 音记号, 6、跟琴划拍试唱一 4、师总结:A乐段为圆舞曲风格。两遍音乐旋律。 B乐段为马祖卡舞曲风格。 7、小组讨论并回答 5、师介绍马祖卡舞曲 问题。 6、钢琴伴奏一两遍音乐旋律 8、完整演唱歌曲。 7、引导学生讨论:A、B乐段在 演唱方法上有什么不同,B段每 小节第几拍上加重音更能突出 马祖卡舞曲的风格特点, 8、引导学生学会控制自己的演 唱速度、力度与音色变化来演唱 歌曲。 三、 1、介绍波莱罗舞曲及舞曲节奏1、学生聆听。 聆听前的节奏新特点。 2、学生用人声、木练习能较快地课2、引导学生用人声、木块等模块等模拟响板进行进入音乐,加教拟响板进行波莱罗舞曲节奏练波莱罗舞曲节奏练深对舞曲的印学 习。 习。 象。 3、播放音乐,介绍拉威尔。 3、聆听音乐。 唱唱主题音 4、钢琴伴奏两个音乐主题。 4、跟琴哼唱音乐主乐,更能较快 5、再次播放音乐部分片段,引题。 地注意音乐配 导学生关注:配器手法及乐器音5、仔细聆听,并回器手法及乐器 色变化。 答问题。 音色变化。 四、 对本单元的三种舞曲音乐进行对三种舞曲音乐进 小比较、总结。 行比较、总结。 结 第四单元 《戏曲撷英》 (二课时) circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 一、 课时安排:本单元可分二课时或三课时,第一课时主要简介地方戏曲及学习《梨园英秀》,第二课时对比欣赏三段戏曲及复习歌曲。 二、教材分析 戏曲是我国特有的一种综合性舞台艺术形式。它包含音乐舞蹈、文学、诗歌、武术、杂技、舞美等中国民间传统艺术形式,流传在我国各地戏曲剧种有360多个,主要标志是音乐的不同。戏曲音乐是我国民族民间音乐的重要组成部分,是我国戏曲的重要构成要素之一。目前大多数学生对戏曲知识了解甚少,认为戏曲“难听”、“老土”,往往偏爱通俗歌曲。但这首《梨园英秀》具有戏曲音乐 和通俗歌曲风格,非常适合青少年演唱,定能使学生对戏曲有重新的认识,也能进一步激发学生对戏曲的学习愿望。 第一课时 一、教学目标 1、通过对几个戏曲剧种的欣赏,激发学生学习的兴趣,加深民族民间音乐的认识,关注中华民族音乐,增进对民族文化的情感。 2、学会演唱具有戏曲音乐风格的歌曲《梨园英秀》,体会歌曲所表达的欢腾、热烈的情绪,能够自信的用音乐表现手法进行演唱、编配节奏和动作。 二、教学重点、难点:把握歌曲的韵味及风格 三、教学设计 流教师活动 学生活动 意图 程 组教师运用媒体播放八年级第学生欣赏京剧武场打击乐器伴情感铺织四单元各种京剧人物造型及奏,逐渐进入戏曲的氛围 垫 教武打动作。 学 导1、教师提问:你有否听过、学生辨听、辨认并连线下列各初步感入唱过或看过戏曲, 项: 知戏曲 新2、教师范唱各种剧种(或媒树上鸟儿 豫剧 课 体播放) 梁祝 3、简单介绍以上地方戏曲 刘大哥讲话 越剧 红灯记 我家的表兄数不请 黄梅戏 花木兰 我家有个小九妹 京剧 天仙配 新1、播放音乐《梨园英秀》 1、学生聆听音乐 体验旋课2、简介“南昆北义”、“东柳2、说说听后的感受 律和音教西梆” 3、提出文中不清楚的地方 乐情绪 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 学 1、教师提问乐曲几段体,分1、学生感知京剧的韵味,能用体验感 段教唱、主要采用听唱法完自己适当的表达方式作出一定受戏曲 成,尽量引导学生京剧的韵的体验。 风格 味 2、学唱(主要第三部分) 2、复听音乐:引导感知京剧 的韵味(吐字、归音、收韵 等处理) 练习实践: 1、学生结合对京剧韵味的感知学会表 1、引导学生分小组设计,交和演唱,分别对A、B、C三段达音乐、 换歌曲演唱形式,并辅助于进行设计。 体验成 打击乐器。 2、学生采用打击乐器进行分组功 2、组织学生进行评比 设计表演 小1、教师对优秀小组的表扬 1、学生对表演进行简单评价 在评价结 2、让学生谈谈今天的学习收2、谈谈收获 中获得 获 3、与教师一起演唱 更多体 3、师生合作《梨园英秀》的验 演唱 第二课时 一、教学目标 1、聆听三首歌曲,感受这几种地方戏曲的音乐风格特点,能跟唱这三种地方戏曲选段的其中一两句唱腔。 2、了解我国地方戏曲和昆曲、豫剧、黄梅戏等有关知识,体验我国地方戏曲所表达的音乐情感,增进对民族文化的热爱。 二、教学重点、难点:感受戏曲音乐 三、教学过程 流教师活动 学生活动 教学效程 果 组1、教师利用媒体播放《梨园英1、学生聆听音乐、进行感复习加织秀》 知 深感知 教2、组织学生演唱《梨园英秀》 2、演唱戏曲。 学 导1、教师播放三种剧种的音乐,1、学生聆听音乐,进行熟调动兴入组织学生猜猜看,你熟悉的人悉音乐中人物的形象 趣激发新物所用的是什么剧种, 2讨论说出人物的性格,猜学习欲课 2、组织学生利用简短的语言对猜三种剧种,初步感知在望 熟悉的人物形象进行描述,大每种剧种中音乐表达与人 致说出人物的性格特征,以彩物性格之间的关系。 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 图人物导入三剧种 新对比聆听: 1、学生听辨、根据提示进了解知课1、教师播放三种剧种音乐,组行讨论 识及不教织学生听辨 2、再次听辨,分小组填写同戏曲学 2、提示三种剧种名称,组织学表格 的风格 剧种 剧目 风格特著名生再次听辨填写表格 特点 点 演员 昆曲 林冲夜刚劲俞振 奔 悲伤 飞 豫剧 花木兰 阳刚活常春 泼 玉 黄梅满工对丰富严凤 戏 唱 婉转 英 学生跟唱音乐的三种剧在体验 组织学生跟随音乐模仿三个唱种,体验和感受不同剧种中更好 腔片段中的其中一句或二句。 的风格特点。 感悟音 乐 复听音乐:教师重点引导学生1、学生感受音乐风格,跟给学生 感受戏曲音乐,组织学生再次随音乐再次模仿 创造自 模仿演唱,组织学生进行模仿2、小组推荐进行模仿秀比主活动 秀比赛,对三种剧种特点再次赛 的空间 把握。 评1、教师组织学生评比,让学生1、学生讨论评价模仿秀冠开展评比自己互评,评价出本班模仿秀军是谁,说出模仿得好在价活动小冠军 哪儿, 在交流结 2、让模仿秀优胜者进行当场表2、学生表演,冠亚季军分中探索 演 别演唱三种风格的剧种 深化学 3、组织学生说说本节戏曲课的3、学生说戏曲课的感受,生的艺 感受,谈我们身边的剧种有哪大致说明各种风格的剧种术感受 些,小声哼唱中结束。 特点,结合身边的剧种进和审美 行哼唱。 体验 第五单元 《友谊之歌》 (二课时) 第一课时 教学内容:学唱并演奏歌曲《友谊地久天长》 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 教学目标:1、了解《友谊地久天长》的创作背景 2、学会演唱及演奏歌曲《友谊地久天长》能够用抒情、柔美的歌声演唱歌曲,以表达真挚的友谊和惜别的感情。 教学重点:二声部的演唱 教学难点:把握情绪演唱 教学准备:钢琴、磁带、录音机 教学过程: 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 播放周华健的《朋友》 1、聆听并感受乐曲表达的以熟悉的乐曲导导 感情 入,为审美体验入 2、说说乐曲的曲名 做铺垫 1、自然导入《友谊地久1、聆听 多种感观入手, 天长》介绍曲子的背景2、感受抒情、柔美的情绪 使学生更好的体 资料 3、轻声跟唱 验歌曲。 新 2、教师范唱 4、生节奏型练习 课 3、提示弱起及节奏特点 5、再次听歌曲 ,加深歌鼓励设计多种演教4、播放全曲,欣赏问题:曲整体效果(心中跟唱) 唱表演形式,激学: 弱起小节带给你怎样的6、回答问题:(起伏、有发兴趣。 学 感受,情绪如何,表达层次、一气呵成的感 唱 怎样的感情, 觉。。。)随琴声有感情的演歌 5、师伴奏 唱 曲 6、全班分二声部练习 7、设计演唱形式及简单相 7、设计歌曲的演唱及表配的动作(分组练习) 演动作 8、汇报:选出最佳小组演 出 播放《魂断蓝桥》 1、感受不同节拍的音响效不同的听觉不同欣 果 的感受,丰富学赏 2、学生谈谈:喜欢那一首生的情感世界。 为什么, 演 教师示范演奏《友谊地1、聆听演奏把握情绪 再次体验情绪,奏 久天长》 2、学生口风琴练习 得到情感的升华 小结 布置课外收集“友谊”为主题的乐曲 第二课时 教学内容:欣赏《再过二十年我们来相会》、《年轻的朋友来相会》、《祝你平安》 教学目标: circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high 1、聆听《再过二十年我们来相会》、《年轻的朋友来相会》、《祝你平安》领会歌曲的主题思想,并能够说出这几首歌曲不同的风格特点。 2、通过欣赏活动,用歌声抒发友爱与惜别的感情。 教学重点:领会主题思想 教学难点:体验各首曲子不同的风格特点 教学用具:钢琴、录音机、磁带 教学过程: 流教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 程 组播放歌曲《永远是朋友》 听音乐进教室 营造一个宽松织 和谐的气氛 导交流上节课布置的课外内容 学生交流作品,推荐2搭建舞台发挥入 —3名学生代表上台演他们的特长 唱 对1、播放《再过二十年我们来1、认真聆听全曲 培养他们分析比 相会》、 《年轻的朋友来相2、讨论问题,回答 问题的能力 欣会》。你听过这两首曲子吗,3、教师补充 赏 情绪如何,表达怎样的主4、认真聆听学唱—演 题, 唱 2、学唱学生最喜欢的乐段《教5、小组讨论:谈谈同 师伴奏学生轻声跟唱 一作品节奏、旋律如何 3、引导学生分析两首作品风不同,怎样表现感受 格(从节奏特点分析音乐风不同风格特点, 格) 欣1、播放熟悉的乐曲《祝你平1、轻声跟唱。 进一步体验不赏 安》,让学生跟着音乐一起唱 2、谈感受~ 同风格乐曲的 2、谈谈唱后的感受及乐曲的情感共鸣 风格特点 小1、总结本单元内容,巩固歌曲,全体学生演唱《友谊地久天长》 结 circuit board by hand or tool, the operator shall take anti-static measures. site the installation site should be installed in the enclosure with light, dry places, installation should be normal, smooth, firm, perpendicularity tolerance for 3mm/5M, horizontal gradient tolerance for 4mm/5M. 5.1.4 instrument cable tray and junction box install cable channel should be according to the construction plan, Hsien Chu Rami. Construction should be carefully checked before the process piping and equipment layout, and check the cable trough the practical direction, ensure that the cable channel's direction and elevation do not conflict with the process piping and equipment, construction workers correctly. slot must have the support, fixed support spacing should be 2 m, bends must have support bracket cannot be directly welded to a place with thermal expansion. trunking interface connectors and bolts, and set appropriate expansion gap, all online slot bolt head should be inside. slot into the control room should be fireproof and waterproof measures, online slots filled fire outside sealing mastic to prevent flammable gas into the control room. slot when holes are needed, machining, electric and gas welding process shall not be used, open hole, the edges should be sanded smooth and touch up in a timely manner. line after installing reliable earthing, grounding wire connected to the slot spacing shall not exceed 30m. install junction box (1) should be installed in a light, dry place, the ambient temperature should not be more than 450C, box Center height from the ground to about 1100mm; (2) there should be good sealing practices, and identify number; (3) shall not affect the operation, maintenance and access, online slots should be installed on each side. 5.1.5 cable protection pipe preparation instrument cable protection pipe should avoid high
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