首页 49个最有前景的创业好项目



49个最有前景的创业好项目49个最有前景的创业好项目 年07月18日06:33 来源:青年创业网 T|T 有什么好的创业项目?很多时候我们不能仅仅看当下的利益,因为我们做生意是一件长期的事情,所有整体上的发展前景才是最重要的,49个最有前景的创业项目,2013年最有前景项目。 1、数码瓷像馆 主要经营项目是将人物艺术照等作品,图片加工成瓷像。投入需要2万元左右,其中1。2万元用于购置一套数码瓷像砖,烤印设备,一台电脑,一台扫描仪,打印机;5000元用于人员工资和一间20平方米店面(包括加工间)的首期房租;3000元用于流动资金。加工...

49个最有前景的创业好项目 年07月18日06:33 来源:青年创业网 T|T 有什么好的创业项目?很多时候我们不能仅仅看当下的利益,因为我们做生意是一件长期的事情,所有整体上的发展前景才是最重要的,49个最有前景的创业项目,2013年最有前景项目。 1、数码瓷像馆 主要经营项目是将人物艺术照等作品,图片加工成瓷像。投入需要2万元左右,其中1。2万元用于购置一套数码瓷像砖,烤印设备,一台电脑,一台扫描仪,打印机;5000元用于人员工资和一间20平方米店面(包括加工间)的首期房租;3000元用于流动资金。加工人员会简单电脑操作,2人即可营业。前期可适当作些 宣传 免费孕前优生健康检查孕期保健知识宣传1冬季预防流感知识宣传手足口病防知识宣传森林防火宣传内容 。 2、彩球气模庆典产品出租店 该项目是应对各种大型商贸,广播宣传,艺术节,开业,开工,竣工,会议,婚礼,生日,祝寿,节日等各种庆典,出租彩球气模等产品。初期投入需房租,购气模等各项费用1万元左右。每件气模用品一般每天租金150-300元,一个地级市每年这样的活动一般都在50-60次,如能争取其中三分之一的业务,年利润即可达6-8万元。 3、旧衣改制店 该项目打破传统的大改小,肥改瘦,补破洞服务范围,主要为顾客提供改制成衣的创意 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 ,同时提供改制辅料,如丝带,串珠,拉链等。可把不合身或款式落后的衣服进行款式的再造,或将要废弃的衣服改制成其他物品,如娃娃玩具,靠枕靠背,家居饰品等。店铺宜小不宜大,投资成本不高,但对店主的创意设计能力和手艺有一定要求。 4、特色茶吧 特色茶吧主要销售鲜花茶,兼售水果茶,这在国内的一些大中城市已比较流行。常饮鲜花茶可以美容护肤,调节神经功能,促进新陈代谢,提高肌体免疫力。适合泡饮的鲜花有数十种,如红玫瑰,白菊花,芍药花,金银花等,价格每公斤在100-300元之间。目前饮鲜花茶的人还为数不多,但它定会在不久的将来引领饮茶品茗的新时尚,具有较广阔的市场前景。初期投入不大,需房租,装修,茶具设备等费用2。5万元左右。 5、液化气钢瓶残液烧净器 该项目是专为烧净液化气钢瓶里的残液而设计的,安装在钢瓶的角阀上即可使用,不改变钢瓶,炉具的任何结构及使用操作。它的技术特点是利用液体分子运动学原理,将残液汽化后燃烧,使钢瓶内残液全部烧净,提高热值10-15%。该项目是节能项目,投资少,见效快,并可解决多人就业。 6、民俗服务公司 随着生活水平提高,婚嫁,生日,乔迁,丧殡等各类民俗活动越来越受重视,而社会上熟悉民风民俗的人越来越少,因此该项目的市场空间很大。且投资成本低,人员均可是兼职,需男女主持人各1名,熟悉民俗,擅长策划人员1-2名。 surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 7、考研学子服务社 针对众多考研学生学习紧张,无暇顾及饮食营养等生活琐事的现象,在高等院校附近租凭一套100平米的房子,购置相应的灶具等设备,为考研学生提供一日三餐及洗衣等日常生活上的服务,每月收取150元-300元服务费。办得好,可做出品牌,做大规模,是一个有发展潜力的行业。 8、月嫂护理服务中心 初期投资1万元,包括房租,办公设备,办理各种证照手续费等。聘请护理工10名左右,进行专业培训,为客户提供产妇护理,产妇健康指导,生活护理等,收费 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 800元/月。 10、粗粮营养早餐 在小区,学校等人口较为密集地区租一间门面,经营各种粗粮,杂粮等为主的稀饭,面点,如小米,玉米,高梁,花生,黄豆等,要求环境卫生,干净;品种齐全,口味丰富。 11、豆腐坊 豆制品是人们每天饮食中不可缺少的,所以豆腐坊有很大的市场空间。可投资3万元,租一间30平米的门面房,购置相应的设备。要求原料卫生,制作环境好,实行阳光操作。 12、网上农业经纪人 改变传统的农产品经营方式,依托当地特色农产品,在网上开办农业经纪人之家栏目,向外界介绍和推广。此项目初期投资不高,仅需一台电脑,一台扫描仪即可,但对网络技术的要求比较高,是一个很有发展前景的绿色创业项目。 13、花泥画 这是一种新潮装饰工艺画,主要采用无毒,芳香,不污染衣物的专用材料花泥,通过简单工艺制成。此项目初期投入仅需3000元购买原材料,且不需要美术基础,是一种人人适宜的创业形式。 14、专业导购 这是一个新兴的服务产业,主要针对没有时间上街购物的年轻人,行动不方便的老人,外地游客等提供适合他们需要的消费指导,初期投资大概2-5万元,主要是租赁办公场所,对办公人员进行培训,对购物区进行调查等费用。 15、出租休闲菜园 到城郊租赁一块交通便利,排灌设施齐全的农田,雇佣民工将其分割成100平方左右的若干个小田块,向城区居民招租,作为他们种植蔬菜,瓜果,花卉的休闲场所。经营者可按田块每年每亩收取3000元左右租金,租用农民土地每亩租金不超过1000元。首期投入5万元左右。 16、鲜活水城市健康饮水加盟店 surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 南京鲜活水科技服务中心成立于2003年3月,是工商部门核准成立的南京首家净化引用水技术咨询服务,饮水设备生产与销售,连锁水站经营管理的专业机构。此连锁水站项目是该中心根据国内外成功经验并结合南京实情,专为下岗失业人员创业投资量身订制的优选项目,已被南京市劳动局,南京市总工会,南京市妇联等部门作为(4050)小型创业推荐项目加以推广,创造了良好的经济效益。初期投入需加盟及购买设备等费用3万元左右。 17、水生花卉的栽培 水生花卉的盆花市场随着人们精神追求的提高正逐渐形成,园林 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 的园林造景和水体绿化对水生花卉的需求也在不断加大,所以此项目有一定的市场前景。另外水生花卉喜光,喜温,耐湿,病虫害少,繁殖系数高,栽培管理粗放,栽培工作量小,生产成本低,管理简单,一次引种当年就能见效,适合女性创业。 18、景泰蓝工艺画 该项目投资规模小,仅需购买基本的制作材料和工具,首期投入2万元以下;从业要求不高,初中以上文化即可;制作形式灵活,不需固定场所,可分散加工,市场需求量大,适合4050人员,尤其是女性创业和再就业。 17、家庭养老服务网 此项目针对当前社会生活节奏快,子女无暇照顾老人,但老人又习惯居家养老的现状,利用养老院,托老所或自家住所,作为家庭养老服务网的工作站,按国家 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 的养老服务标准,向社区老人提供维修,保洁,洗理,陪护等各种服务。服务网统一标识,统一服务标准,统一收费,投资规模5-10万元。 18、手工钩织小挂件 该项目是用开司米绒线钩织各种配件,然后拼装成各种动物小挂件等工艺饰品,纯手工操作,可家庭作业,不需租房,初期投入2万元以下。适合下岗失业妇女选择,前景很好,尤其是出口订单较多。 19、黑羽绿壳蛋鸡养殖 该项目是宜兴市一养殖场专利,将种养殖相结合的同时,栽种树苗并养殖绿壳蛋鸡。绿壳蛋鸡养殖以回收鸡蛋为主,投资少,成本低,效益好,并且营养价值高,是新一代绿色环保产品,适合居家创业的农村妇女选择。 20、低幼儿童小时托管中心 该创业项目适合25-55岁年龄段,学历层次高中以上的女性。初期投入仅需3万元左右,用于租50-80平方的沿街住房并简单装修,添置儿童玩具,儿童读物,小桌椅等。另需聘请1名幼教专业人员,负责实施儿童游戏,观察儿童行为,向家长提供建议。可根据实际情况开辟日托,全托等业务。项目投资少,风险小,回报稳定,年回报率能超过30%。 21、绿色餐桌佳肴配送中心 surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 中心可分为城市部,农村部,由城乡妇女协同运作。农村部负责种植,养殖,清洗,包装时令,反季节,绿色无公害蔬菜,鸡,鸭,鱼以及特种禽,畜;城市部负责接收定单,送货上门,以及为需要的家庭提供烹饪,清洗碗筷等服务。该项目充分整合城乡妇女两大资源,投资较少,风险性小,市场前景广阔,适合发展中的中小城市女性创业。 22、绿色餐桌佳肴配送中心 中心可分为城市部,农村部,由城乡妇女协同运作。农村部负责种植,养殖,清洗,包装时令,反季节,绿色无公害蔬菜,鸡,鸭,鱼以及特种禽,畜;城市部负责接收定单,送货上门,以及为需要的家庭提供烹饪,清洗碗筷等服务。该项目充分整合城乡妇女两大资源,投资较少,风险性小,市场前景广阔,适合发展中的中小城市女性创业。 23、拼图小店 针对时下很多人追求既有个性又能带来情趣的休闲方式,可开一家既能让消费者怡情消遣,又能够装饰家居,馈赠亲友的拼图小店。在大型商场购物中心租间10多平米的铺位,加上装修,人员工资及货物成本等,前期投资需5万元左右。值得注意的是,在进货时要注重数量上的控制,在品种上多选,每一品种进货数量要少,要拉开消费档次,满足不同层次顾客的要求。 24、特色茶吧 特色茶吧主要销售鲜花茶,兼售水果茶,这在国内的一些大中城市已比较流行。常饮鲜花茶可以美容护肤,调节神经功能,促进新陈代谢,提高肌体免疫力。适合泡饮的鲜花有数十种,如红玫瑰,白菊花,芍药花,金银花等,价格每公斤在100-300元之间。目前饮鲜花茶的人还为数不多,但它定会在不久的将来引领饮茶品茗的新时尚,具有较广阔的市场前景。初期投入不大,需房租,装修,茶具设备等费用2。5万元左右。 25、无水汽车清洗 该项目不需要高技能,大投入,也不浪费水资源,无任何污染,只需订购专门洗涤剂即可。主要方法是:先用节水洗车机(可喷出气体,类似吹风机)将车上的泥土吹去,然后采用超洁无水洗车产品(特殊配置的液体)均匀喷射在车漆表面,用半湿的毛巾或海绵就可以把车擦净,再用抛光巾或干毛巾抛光,脏车很快就可光亮如新。对于较脏及较难清洗的底盘,发动机,轮胎等部位,可以用特制的汽车泡沫干洗机清洗。 26、野菜种植 寻找一块城乡结合处土地,投资种植芦笋,芦蒿,马兰,荠菜等绿色食品,投资小,见效快,市场广,技术含量低,便于掌握。且适应城市消费需要,符合国家菜蓝子工程。 27、女子沙龙 该项目是专为新世纪白领女性提供的新型社交平台。实行会员制,开展绘画,欣赏音乐和影片,手工制作,阅读交流及聊天等活动,达到为现代职场女性缓解压力的作用。项目场所surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 200平米为宜,可按照小型书吧,茶座风格布置。初期投入仅需5万元左右,后续投入资金需求量也不大,但对创办人要求较高,需具有高情商,高智商,年龄在30岁以上。 28、低幼儿童小时托管中心 该创业项目适合25-55岁年龄段,学历层次高中以上的女性。初期投入仅需3万元左右,用于租50-80平方的沿街住房并简单装修,添置儿童玩具,儿童读物,小桌椅等。另需聘请1名幼教专业人员,负责实施儿童游戏,观察儿童行为,向家长提供建议。可根据实际情况开辟日托,全托等业务。项目投资少,风险小,回报稳定,年回报率能超过30%。 29、车模精品店 汽车模型,是把一部汽车按照一定的比例缩小,制作成一件精美的工艺品。主要有金属,木材,塑料,水晶等不同材质类型。该项目选址应在较繁华的商业区,店面20平米,内部装修简洁即可。房租,装修加上首批进货2万元,流动资金1万元,总投资4万元左右即可开张营业。 30、移动式洗车机 随着私家车的普及,汽车清洁,美容的需求也不断扩大。该项目使用的移动式洗车机操作简单,对创业者的文化和技术要求低,非常适合下岗失业人员使用。因是可移动作业,所以不需要正规的经营场所,在家中开办即可。前期需要投资很少,购买设备加上一些宣传费用,总投资不超过3000元。 31、怀旧店 该项目选址要在闹市区,铺面不必很大,20平米即可。经营的商品不强调高价值,而要显现它的艺术魅力。它的顾客群不是真正的收藏家,而是有艺术品位的中低阶层消费者。经营的商品可以是旧的留声机,收音机,茶杯,怀表等,价格一般锁定在几十元至上千元之间。初期投入4万元左右,另备两万元流动资金进货。因目前这类商店不多,竞争不大,所以市场前景比较乐观。 32、老年服饰专卖店 针对老年人服装专卖店比较缺乏的现状,开办一家老年服饰店,在创业赢利的同时解决老年人买衣难的问题。创业者须留意老年人对服装款式,面料,颜色的喜好,经营适合老年人穿着和能体现老年人个性的服饰。如经营庄重一些的中山装,西服,夹克,大衣等等,也可以经营一些鞋帽,领带,围巾等老年人生活用品,还可以经营老年人喜爱的面料,请一两名擅长做老年服装的缝纫师傅,为老年人定做服装等等。 33、数码车贴店 装饰车贴是专门为汽车服务的,印有经过数码技术处理的各种图案,标志,文字的贴纸,基本材料大多是PVC胶印膜。它不仅有装饰作用,还可遮阳防水。此项目需投资15000多元,用于购买电脑,喷墨打印机,数码相机或扫描仪,各类胶印膜和耗材及一些流动资金。 34、寝具消毒服务社 surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 寝具长期连续使用后滋生细菌,一般家庭通过清洗,晾晒加以清洁,达不到科学的消毒要求。该项目即针对这种情况提供面向家庭的健康卫生服务。加盟店有新研发的臭氧消毒器,操作简单,可为家庭日常寝具,各类型沙发进行消毒,高效地杀灭各种细菌。此项目初期投入主要是房租,装修,机器购置,加盟等费用,约6万元左右。 35、低幼儿童小时托管中心 该创业项目适合25-55岁年龄段,学历层次高中以上的女性。初期投入仅需3万元左右,用于租50-80平方的沿街住房并简单装修,添置儿童玩具,儿童读物,小桌椅等。另需聘请1名幼教专业人员,负责实施儿童游戏,观察儿童行为,向家长提供建议。可根据实际情况开辟日托,全托等业务。项目投资少,风险小,回报稳定,年回报率能超过30%。 36、绿色餐桌佳肴配送中心 中心可分为城市部,农村部,由城乡妇女协同运作。农村部负责种植,养殖,清洗,包装时令,反季节,绿色无公害蔬菜,鸡,鸭,鱼以及特种禽,畜;城市部负责接收定单,送货上门,以及为需要的家庭提供烹饪,清洗碗筷等服务。该项目充分整合城乡妇女两大资源,投资较少,风险性小,市场前景广阔,适合发展中的中小城市女性创业。 37、绿色餐桌佳肴配送中心 中心可分为城市部,农村部,由城乡妇女协同运作。农村部负责种植,养殖,清洗,包装时令,反季节,绿色无公害蔬菜,鸡,鸭,鱼以及特种禽,畜;城市部负责接收定单,送货上门,以及为需要的家庭提供烹饪,清洗碗筷等服务。该项目充分整合城乡妇女两大资源,投资较少,风险性小,市场前景广阔,适合发展中的中小城市女性创业。 38、拼图小店 针对时下很多人追求既有个性又能带来情趣的休闲方式,可开一家既能让消费者怡情消遣,又能够装饰家居,馈赠亲友的拼图小店。在大型商场购物中心租间10多平米的铺位,加上装修,人员工资及货物成本等,前期投资需5万元左右。值得注意的是,在进货时要注重数量上的控制,在品种上多选,每一品种进货数量要少,要拉开消费档次,满足不同层次顾客的要求。 39、特色茶吧 特色茶吧主要销售鲜花茶,兼售水果茶,这在国内的一些大中城市已比较流行。常饮鲜花茶可以美容护肤,调节神经功能,促进新陈代谢,提高肌体免疫力。适合泡饮的鲜花有数十种,如红玫瑰,白菊花,芍药花,金银花等,价格每公斤在100-300元之间。目前饮鲜花茶的人还为数不多,但它定会在不久的将来引领饮茶品茗的新时尚,具有较广阔的市场前景。初期投入不大,需房租,装修,茶具设备等费用2。5万元左右。 40、无水汽车清洗 surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 该项目不需要高技能,大投入,也不浪费水资源,无任何污染,只需订购专门洗涤剂即可。主要方法是:先用节水洗车机(可喷出气体,类似吹风机)将车上的泥土吹去,然后采用超洁无水洗车产品(特殊配置的液体)均匀喷射在车漆表面,用半湿的毛巾或海绵就可以把车擦净,再用抛光巾或干毛巾抛光,脏车很快就可光亮如新。对于较脏及较难清洗的底盘,发动机,轮胎等部位,可以用特制的汽车泡沫干洗机清洗。 41、野菜种植 寻找一块城乡结合处土地,投资种植芦笋,芦蒿,马兰,荠菜等绿色食品,投资小,见效快,市场广,技术含量低,便于掌握。且适应城市消费需要,符合国家菜蓝子工程。 42、女子沙龙 该项目是专为新世纪白领女性提供的新型社交平台。实行会员制,开展绘画,欣赏音乐和影片,手工制作,阅读交流及聊天等活动,达到为现代职场女性缓解压力的作用。项目场所200平米为宜,可按照小型书吧,茶座风格布置。初期投入仅需5万元左右,后续投入资金需求量也不大,但对创办人要求较高,需具有高情商,高智商,年龄在30岁以上。 43、低幼儿童小时托管中心 该创业项目适合25-55岁年龄段,学历层次高中以上的女性。初期投入仅需3万元左右,用于租50-80平方的沿街住房并简单装修,添置儿童玩具,儿童读物,小桌椅等。另需聘请1名幼教专业人员,负责实施儿童游戏,观察儿童行为,向家长提供建议。可根据实际情况开辟日托,全托等业务。项目投资少,风险小,回报稳定,年回报率能超过30%。 44、车模精品店 汽车模型,是把一部汽车按照一定的比例缩小,制作成一件精美的工艺品。主要有金属,木材,塑料,水晶等不同材质类型。该项目选址应在较繁华的商业区,店面20平米,内部装修简洁即可。房租,装修加上首批进货2万元,流动资金1万元,总投资4万元左右即可开张营业。 45、移动式洗车机 随着私家车的普及,汽车清洁,美容的需求也不断扩大。该项目使用的移动式洗车机操作简单,对创业者的文化和技术要求低,非常适合下岗失业人员使用。因是可移动作业,所以不需要正规的经营场所,在家中开办即可。前期需要投资很少,购买设备加上一些宣传费用,总投资不超过3000元。 46、怀旧店 该项目选址要在闹市区,铺面不必很大,20平米即可。经营的商品不强调高价值,而要显现它的艺术魅力。它的顾客群不是真正的收藏家,而是有艺术品位的中低阶层消费者。经营的商品可以是旧的留声机,收音机,茶杯,怀表等,价格一般锁定在几十元至上千元之间。surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design 初期投入4万元左右,另备两万元流动资金进货。因目前这类商店不多,竞争不大,所以市场前景比较乐观。 47、老年服饰专卖店 针对老年人服装专卖店比较缺乏的现状,开办一家老年服饰店,在创业赢利的同时解决老年人买衣难的问题。创业者须留意老年人对服装款式,面料,颜色的喜好,经营适合老年人穿着和能体现老年人个性的服饰。如经营庄重一些的中山装,西服,夹克,大衣等等,也可以经营一些鞋帽,领带,围巾等老年人生活用品,还可以经营老年人喜爱的面料,请一两名擅长做老年服装的缝纫师傅,为老年人定做服装等等。 48、数码车贴店 装饰车贴是专门为汽车服务的,印有经过数码技术处理的各种图案,标志,文字的贴纸,基本材料大多是PVC胶印膜。它不仅有装饰作用,还可遮阳防水。此项目需投资15000多元,用于购买电脑,喷墨打印机,数码相机或扫描仪,各类胶印膜和耗材及一些流动资金。 49、寝具消毒服务社 寝具长期连续使用后滋生细菌,一般家庭通过清洗,晾晒加以清洁,达不到科学的消毒要求。该项目即针对这种情况提供面向家庭的健康卫生服务。加盟店有新研发的臭氧消毒器,操作简单,可为家庭日常寝具,各类型沙发进行消毒,高效地杀灭各种细菌。此项目初期投入主要是房租,装修,机器购置,加盟等费用,约6万元左右。 surface is completely dry, at the end of the painted surface to dry completely prior to touch, in the top job. 12.8 the exterior (1) the scope and use of the exterior decoration materials according to map, to achieve the effects of architecture and art. must be according to the designer's intention, the contractor must be strictly technological requirements, to rework parts of the material, work, all responsible. (2) exterior decoration with waterproof coating under normal circumstances. (3) in the finished plaster on the bottom line of a facing material of paste, install decorative facing material soaked in clean water before dehydration, keep joints and joints when installed horizontally and vertically. The unqualified highlight should be removed to reinstall, broken or obviously defective fabric is disabled. (4) after completion of the decorative layer, it should surface cleaning powders or cleaning agent with a soft brush to clean, then rinse with clean water. To have hard lumps with a wooden plate by scraping, shortcomings of the joints, application tools, filling it with the entire surface coordination, all facing in the process of implementation should be protected against losses caused by construction. (5) the exterior waterproofing coating specifications, must be identified by the design
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