首页 【精品】湖南城建职业技术学院课程授课教案33



【精品】湖南城建职业技术学院课程授课教案33【精品】湖南城建职业技术学院课程授课教案33 湖 南 城 建 职 业 技 术 学 院 湖 南 城 建 职 业 技 术 学 院 湖 南 城 建 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 程 授 课 教 案 课 程 授 课 教 案 课 程 授 课 教 案 授授授 课课课Unit 8 章章章 节节节 1. Appreciate both the fidelity of the heroine in the story as a bride and her courage to 教教教stand up for gender e...

【精品】湖南城建职业技术学院课程授课教案33 湖 南 城 建 职 业 技 术 学 院 湖 南 城 建 职 业 技 术 学 院 湖 南 城 建 职 业 技 术 学 院 课 程 授 课 教 案 课 程 授 课 教 案 课 程 授 课 教 案 授授授 课课课Unit 8 章章章 节节节 1. Appreciate both the fidelity of the heroine in the story as a bride and her courage to 教教教stand up for gender equality as a woman. 学学学2. Develop the students’ comprehensive skills 目目目 的的的 1. Key language points in the text 重重重 2. Vocabulary: Focus 1: 18 B-level words, 12 A-level words, 5 phrases and 点点点expressions listed under Vocabulary. 3. Speaking skill: Accepting or Declining an Offer of Help. 难难难 4. Writing skill: Writing an Invitation. 点点点 教教教 ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt 具具具tape and tape-recorder 挂挂挂 图图图 作作作 业业业Writing an Invitation. 试试试 验验验 备备备 注注注 Unit Eight A Teaching Objectives a. Contents of the text Focus 1: Appreciate both the fidelity of the heroine in the story as a bride and her courage to stand up for gender equality as a woman. b. Key language points in the text Focus 1: 1. Expand the students’ knowledge of conversion by dealing with sink, arm, storm, and which may function both as nouns and as and, functions both as port wise an adjective and as a verb. 2. Predicate verbs, such as decide, desire, request, suggest, etc. in subjunctive mood which appear in objective, appositive or predicative clauses. 3. Master the structure in spite of + non-finite verbs. c. Vocabulary Focus 1: 18 B-level words, 12 A-level words, 5 phrases and expressions listed under Vocabulary. d. Comprehensive skills Understand a passage at the intermediate level of difficulty and on this basis, be able to write a summary of the text. e. Functions Focus 1: Accepting or Declining an Offer of Help. Focus 2: Writing an Invitation. B Procedures and Methods Eight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit. 1. Period One and Period Two: , Step One: a. Background information: According to the Bible, when God created our ancestor Adam, he also created the first woman on earth, Eve. It was God who united a man with a woman. For centuries, Christians have abided by the tenet that “what God has united let no one put asunder”. Hence fidelity is held as a virtue in the Christian world. But touching stories about fidelity are found in all cultures. While fidelity has been cherished and extolled, infidelity has been criticized and condemned throughout history. Infidelity by a spouse is a traumatic and devastating experience. Not only does it affect the person concerned but changes the marriage forever. Some marriages survive the affair while others break right after. Whatever the final outcome of infidelity, it does bring immense pain, hurt and a host of other negative emotions into play. It is a complete breach of trust and a blow to the love and commitment in a marriage. Infidelity causes great emotional turmoil for the cheated as well as for the cheater. b. warm-up questions Do you know any love stories whose heroes and heroines are as faithful to love ? Would you read us some love poems in praise of young men and women loyal to love? (The warm-up exercise shall not take up more than 8 minutes.) , Step Two: Go over the key words and expressions in the text. , Step Three: Start to teach the text para. by para. Help students understand the text and explain language points meanwhile. Notes of Para. 1 Nonetheless, the merchant-owners were not the most adventurous citizens of Halifax: these were the sea captains who actually commanded the ships on their exciting journeys. 然而哈 利法克斯最富冒险精神的居民并非这些经商的船主,而是那些在惊心动魄的航海中真正 驾驭帆船的船长们。 句中“these”指代前句中所提到的the most adventurous citizens of Halifax。 the merchant-owners: the ship owners who are merchants as well经商的船主 command: vt. to order; to tell sb. officially to do sth. 命令,指挥 e.g. (1) Do as I command (you). 按照我的命令去办吧。 command也可以作名词,意为“an order given to a person or an animal 命令,指挥;掌握, 运用能力”。 e.g. (1) All his commands were quickly obeyed. 他所有的命令都被立即执行了。 Notes of Paras. 2-3 Moreover, the young couple agreed that they would use this voyage as an important test for themselves. 而且,这对年轻人都同意将这次出海当作是对彼此的一次重要考验。 moreover: ad. in addition 而且,此外 e.g. (1) The price is too high, and moreover, the house isn’t in a suitable location. 这个房子 价格太高,而且位置也不理想。 Notes of Paras. 4-5 The young woman responded that she too would wait faithfully for their reunion. 年轻的姑娘也回答说她将忠贞地等待与他重聚。 reunion: n. [C, U] a gathering of friends, colleagues, etc. after separation相聚,团圆;聚会;重新结合 e.g. (1) Christmas is a time of reunion. 圣诞节是家人团聚的时刻。 reunion是前缀re-+union构成的。union是名词,意为“an association or a club for people or organizations with the same interest 工会,协会,联盟;结合,联合,合并”。 e.g. (1) The union struck for better work conditions. 工会为争取更好的工作条件而罢工。 (2) Union is strength. 团结就是力量。 She looked out over the cold, infinite water, and tried to imagine the happy day when the ship would be seen on the distant horizon. 她留心观察寒冷无际的海面,努力想象看到船只 出现在遥远天边的幸福之日。 infinite: a. without limits in space or time无限的,无穷的,无边无际的 e.g. (1) The universe is infinite. 宇宙是无限的。 Notes of Paras. 6-7 The young woman gradually became worried. 年轻的姑娘渐渐担忧起来。 gradually: ad. in a way that happens or develops slowly over a long period of time逐渐地, 逐步地 e.g. (1) Gradually their friendship turned into love. 他们的友情逐渐变成了爱情。 gradually是从形容词gradual 派生而来,gradual意为“happening slowly over a long period of time 逐渐的,逐步的”。 Then one morning all of Halifax was talking about a mysterious captain who had suddenly appeared on a ship in the port loaded with abundant goods. 后来,有一天早上哈利法克斯 的人都在谈论一名神秘莫测的船长,他带着一艘满载货物的船突然出现在港口。 abundant: a. existing or available in large quantities丰富的,充裕的 e.g. (1) Birds gather where food is abundant. 鸟聚集在食物充足的地方。 Notes of Para. 8 The captain was a tall man with a big, dense and curly beard; he was well dressed and he looked extremely confident. 船长是个大个子,留着浓密卷曲的大胡子,他穿戴考究,显得非常自信。 dense: a. made of several things that are closely packed together密集的,稠密的,浓密的 e.g. (1) For the sake of the role in the movie she had to shave her beautiful dense hair off. 因为电影中角色的需要,她只好剃掉美丽浓密的浓发。 curly: a. having a lot of curls or a curved shape蜷曲状的,有鬈发(或毛)的 e.g. (1) Most Africans have natural curly hair. 大多数非洲人有着天生的卷发。 Notes of Paras. 10-11 “Maybe he will,” the sophisticated stranger said, “and maybe he won’t. He may not come back for many, many more years. Or, he may have died of an infectious disease or drowned in a ” the strange captain added with a wise look. “也许他会,”老于世故的陌生storm. Or…, 人说,“也许他不会。也许再过很多很多年他都不会回来,他可能已死于传染病或在风暴中淹死了,或许„„”神秘的船长面露狡黠的表情补充道。 sophisticated: a. having a lot of life experience, good judgment about socially important things 老于世故的,老练的;精密的,尖端的 e.g. (1) Does it mean that a sophisticated man has a high EQ? 这是否意味着老于世故的人 拥有较高的情商, infectious: a. passing from one person to another传染的,感染的 e.g. (1) SARS is one of the most terrible infectious diseases. SARS(非典)是最可怕的传染 病之一。 infectious的动词形式是infect,意为“to make a disease or an illness spread to a person, an animal or a plant传染,感染”。 这个自以为手段很高明的船长却犯了一个愚蠢的错误,他不知道婚姻的船帆驶得是否稳当,靠的不是检测而是双方的相互信任。有道是聪明反被聪明误。船长的所作所为正应证了这个常理。 I will always be faithful, come what may. 不论发生了什么事,我都会一直忠于他。 come what may: no matter what may happen无论发生什么 e.g. She won’t leave her disabled husband alone, come what may. 不管发生什么,她都不会 撇下残废的丈夫。 If Harvey is dead, I will honor his memory. 如果哈维死了,我会怀念他。 honor one’s memory: to remember sb. after he or she has died 纪念,怀念 e.g. (1) She set up a fund to honor her father’s memory. 她成立了一个基金来纪念她的父 亲。 Notes of Para. 13 But neither could she believe that he had disguised himself to test her like this. 她也无法相信 他竟会如此伪装自己来考验她。 disguise: vt. to change one’s appearance so that he/she looks like sb. else and people cannot recognize him/her 假装,伪装;掩饰 e.g. (1) Some animals can disguise themselves as part of nature. 有些动物能把自己伪装成大 自然的一部分。 I waited seven painful years for you without any suspicion, and now you have returned, but I do not recognize you. 我毫无猜疑地苦等你七年,你回来了,我却认不出你了。 I am sure you will share that wealth with me, to let me travel to London and Paris for seven more years… 我相信你会和我分享这些财富,让我去伦敦和巴黎旅游七年„„ 聪明反被聪明误。衣锦还乡、自以为是的船长怎么也没想到他的新娘竟如此忠贞又如 此有个性,并以其人之道还治其人之身,也对他来个七年的考验。 不定式短语to let me travel to London and Paris for seven more years作宾语从句you will share that wealth with me的目的状语。该句也可表述为:I am sure you will allow me to share your wealth so that I can afford to travel to London and Paris for seven more years. 2. Period Three and Period Four: , Step One: Review the whole text. , Step Two: Proceed to Exercises. First, do Exercise I. 2. Although the questions in Exercise I. 2 take the multiple-choice form, they are not as straightforward as the questions in Exercise I. 1, hence more challenging. In doing Exercise I. 2, group discussion in class is encouraged. , Step Three: Continue with Exercises II, III, IV and V. Exercises II and III are focused on the words and expressions from the model passage. In doing Exercise III make sure the students understand these sentences before taking up the fill-in-the-blank exercises. Exercise IV consists of two sections. Section one deals with the old topic of conversion again. Section two deals with the use of predicate verbs such as decide, desire, request, suggest, etc. in the subjunctive mood. It is important to make sure that the students understand the base form of the verbs should be used in subjunctive mood. Exercise V concentrates on the sentence structure only. In doing the two exercises, attention should be focused on the exercises per se, not on the grammatical terms and rules which will be dealt with systematically in Focus 3: Grammar Review. 3. Period Five and Period Six: , Step One: Review the whole text. , Step Two: On the basis of the revision of the text, proceed to Exercise VI. This exercise is a comprehensive exercise, involving both the students’ comprehension and production skills. Go over Exercise I. 1 first before doing this précis exercise. The time for the exercises to the text shall not exceed one period and Exercise VI will be assigned as homework. Do Exercise VII to consolidate the text and help develop the students’ translation skills. , Step Three: Focus on Listening and Speaking which will take up the second period. Listening: There are three exercises in this part. The first one is to consolidate the learning of the text. The second one is a dialogue on wedding vows while the third one is a passage about how to reject an unwanted marriage proposal. The possible new words and expressions in the dialogue include: beloved, holy, matrimony, legally, lawful, wedded, vest. The possible new words and expressions in the passage include: unwanted, proposal, at that point, bench, at that. Make sure students know their meanings before playing the tape. And direct the students to the function of wedding vows, link the dialogue with the text in Focus 1 and contrast the vows of the two brides. Acquaint the students with the right steps for a wedding ceremony in the English custom. Speaking: Approach Speaking Section in two steps. In step one, the students are asked to work in pairs to work out a dialogue according to the given prompts. In step two, the students are encouraged to work out a dialogue of their own. When they are constructing their own dialogues, encourage them to refer to the functional expressions table again to make use of some of the expressions to enrich their own dialogue. 4. Period Seven and Period Eight: , Step One: Writing an Invitation. This can be assigned as homework after explaining the basic elements of writing an invitation. , Step Two: Grammar Review. 方式状语从句(Adverbial Clause of Manner)和比较状语从句(Adverbial Clause of Comparison) 方式状语从句常用的引导词有:as, just as, as if, as though, the way等;比较状语从句 常用的引导词有:as, as… as, not so (as) … as, more than, less than, than, no/not more than等。
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