首页 2012北京中考语文考试说明



2012北京中考语文考试说明2012北京中考语文考试说明 附录一 现代文文章示例 1(《春》 朱自清 2(《背影》 朱自清 3(《藤野先生》 鲁 迅 4(《散步》 莫怀戚 5(《范进中举》 吴敬梓 (《故乡》 鲁 迅 6 7(《孔乙己》 鲁 迅 8(《变色龙》 契诃夫 9(《天上的街市》 郭沫若 10(《苏州园林》 叶圣陶 11(《奇妙的克隆》 谈家桢 12(《事物的正确答案不止一个》 罗迦?费?因格 13(《怀疑与学问》 顾颉刚 14(《威尼斯商人》 莎士比亚 15(《沙家浜》 汪曾祺 16(《龙须沟》 老 舍 附录二 文言文阅读篇目...

2012北京 中考 中考数学全套课件中考心理辅导讲座中考语文病句辨析修改中考语文古诗文必背中考单选题精选 语文考试说明 附录一 现代文文章示例 1(《春》 朱自清 2(《背影》 朱自清 3(《藤野先生》 鲁 迅 4(《散步》 莫怀戚 5(《范进中举》 吴敬梓 (《故乡》 鲁 迅 6 7(《孔乙己》 鲁 迅 8(《变色龙》 契诃夫 9(《天上的街市》 郭沫若 10(《苏州园林》 叶圣陶 11(《奇妙的克隆》 谈家桢 12(《事物的正确答案不止一个》 罗迦?费?因格 13(《怀疑与学问》 顾颉刚 14(《威尼斯商人》 莎士比亚 15(《沙家浜》 汪曾祺 16(《龙须沟》 老 舍 附录二 文言文阅读篇目 1(《叔向贺贫》 《国语》 (《曹刿论战》 《左传》 2 3(《生于忧患,死于安乐》 《孟子》 4(《鱼我所欲也》 《孟子》 5(《扁鹊见蔡桓公》 《韩非子》 6(《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》 《战国策》 7(《唐雎不辱使命》 《战国策》 8(《陈涉世家》 司马迁 9(《出师表》 诸葛亮 10(《桃花源记》 陶渊明 11(《三峡》 郦道元 12(《与朱元思书》 吴 均 13(《陋室铭》 刘禹锡 14(《师说》 韩 愈 15(《小石潭记》 柳宗元 16(《捕蛇者说》 柳宗元 17(《活板》 沈 括 18(《醉翁亭记》 欧阳修 19(《岳阳楼记》 范仲淹 20(《记承天寺夜游》 苏 轼 21(《读<孟尝君传>》 王安石 22(《送东阳马生序》 宋 濂 23(《核舟记》 魏学洢 24(《口技》 林嗣环 environment) construction personnel, taking measures such as shading, ventilation, or adjusting work hours, sooner or later, at noon, to prevent heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents of workers in the event of heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents, and immediately sent to hospital for emergency rescue or emergency. (2) high temperature in summer season is peak, regular one by one to conduct a comprehensive inspection of electrical equipment, maintenance, prohibition does not regulate electricity, to cool down the workers ' dormitory regularly check electrical equipment and wiring, while in this phase of "safe activity" contest. (3) strengthening of flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods storage, transportation and use of management, piled up in the open shade to cool. No sun exposure to avoid leaks, to eliminate all the spontaneous combustion, fire, and explosion. Occupational health and safety management section project of emergency events identified common security and monitoring of engineering accidents, such as falls from a height, body combat, electrocution, mechanical damage, collapse, identification and protection measures, according to the characteristics of the project, identification of major events including the following eight elements: ...f On construction personnel for fire security education: 附录三 古诗文背诵篇目 1(《曹刿论战》 《左传》 2(《生于忧患,死于安乐》 《孟子》 3(《论语》(“学而时习之”“温故而知新”“学而不思则罔”) 4(《桃花源记》(“晋太元中——黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。”) 陶渊明 5(《陋室铭》 刘禹锡 (《小石潭记》(“从小丘西行百二十步——乃记之而去。”) 柳宗元 6 7(《岳阳楼记》 范仲淹 8(《蒹葭》 《诗经》 9(《观沧海》 曹 操 10(《饮酒》(结庐在人境) 陶渊明 11.《送杜少甫之任蜀州》 王 勃 12(《使至塞上》 王 维 13.《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》 李 白 14(《行路难》(金樽清酒斗十千) 李 白 15(《望岳》 杜 甫 16(《茅屋为秋风所破歌》 杜 甫 17.《白雪歌送武判官归京》 岑 参 18(《钱塘湖春行》 白居易 19(《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》 刘禹锡 牧 20(《泊秦淮》 杜21(《浣溪沙》(一曲新词酒一杯) 晏 殊 22(《登飞来峰》 王安石 23(《渔家傲》(塞下秋来风景异) 范仲淹 24(《水调歌头》(明月几时有) 苏 轼 25(《江城子 密州出猎》 苏 轼 26(《游山西村》 陆 游 27(《破阵子 为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》 辛弃疾 28(《过零丁洋》 文天祥 29.《山坡羊 潼关怀古》 张养浩 30(《天净沙 秋思》 马致远 31(《己亥杂诗》(浩荡离愁白日斜) 龚自珍 附录四 作家作品 陶渊明 王 维 李 白 杜 甫 白居易 刘禹锡 柳宗元 范仲淹 欧阳修 王安石 苏 轼 辛弃疾 马致远 吴敬梓 鲁 迅 老 舍 朱自清 郭沫若 契诃夫 《诗经》 《左传》 《论语》 《孟子》 《战国策》 《水浒传》 《西游记》 《朝花夕拾》 附录五 词语表(红色为新添词语) 爱戴 爱慕 安抚 安排 安适 安慰 安稳 安详 安置 暗礁 暗示 遨游 熬夜 傲骨 傲慢 傲然 奥妙 懊悔 把柄 败笔 environment) construction personnel, taking measures such as shading, ventilation, or adjusting work hours, sooner or later, at noon, to prevent heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents of workers in the event of heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents, and immediately sent to hospital for emergency rescue or emergency. (2) high temperature in summer season is peak, regular one by one to conduct a comprehensive inspection of electrical equipment, maintenance, prohibition does not regulate electricity, to cool down the workers ' dormitory regularly check electrical equipment and wiring, while in this phase of "safe activity" contest. (3) strengthening of flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods storage, transportation and use of management, piled up in the open shade to cool. No sun exposure to avoid leaks, to eliminate all the spontaneous combustion, fire, and explosion. Occupational health and safety management section project of emergency events identified common security and monitoring of engineering accidents, such as falls from a height, body combat, electrocution, mechanical damage, collapse, identification and protection measures, according to the characteristics of the project, identification of major events including the following eight elements: ...f On construction personnel for fire security education: 摆渡 拜望 颁发 伴随 傍晚 包裹 暴怒 包容 卑鄙 悲哀 悲惨 悲凉 悲伤 悲痛 贝壳 奔驰 奔丧 本色 笨拙 逼迫 比较 比拟 比赛 鄙视 鄙夷 必须 必需 毕竟 庇护 碧波 碧绿 避讳 匾额 辨别 辩论 标本 标致 播撒 驳斥 博学 薄弱 捕获 捕捉 布告 布局 布置 步伐 步骤 擦拭 猜测 猜想 采集 彩虹 参天 惭愧 惨淡 苍白 苍茫 操劳 测验 恻隐 策划 参差 差别 刹那 差使 差事 拆散 搀扶 颤抖 敞开 敞亮 畅游 巢穴 嘲笑 潮汛 炒作 尘雾 沉淀 沉浸 沉静 沉默 沉醉 陈列 衬托 称职 称赞 呈报 诚挚 乘客 惩罚 嗤笑 痴心 迟疑 斥责 崇拜 崇尚 筹备 出局 出炉 处理 触及 触觉 穿戴 穿梭 创意 传奇 传媒 喘息 淳朴 戳穿 绰号 刺耳 猝然 簇拥 脆弱 存储 打盹 打量 打扰 打造 大厦 带领 待遇 怠慢 逮住 逮捕 单薄 单调 耽误 胆怯 淡漠 荡漾 灯笼 低调 堤岸 提防 底细 抵御 颠簸 典质 惦记 淀粉 奠定 雕刻 钓鱼 调查 跌倒 叮嘱 鼎盛 订正 定然 抖擞 陡峭 督学 端午 端详 端正 断言 对决 踱步 躲藏 发髻 烦恼 繁星 反悔 仿佛 非议 绯红 翡翠 氛围 分泌 分歧 吩咐 愤然 风度 风气 封锁 烽烟 讽刺 伏案 俘虏 符合 福音 抚摸 抚慰 负载 附和 赋闲 赋予 覆盖 概率 干脆 干涸 干燥 感动 感化 感激 感慨 高傲 高贵 高尚 告慰 歌颂 格局 隔壁 隔阂 隔膜 公道 工夫 功夫 恭敬 贡品 共识 勾留 沟壑 构建 古朴 鼓励 故意 environment) construction personnel, taking measures such as shading, ventilation, or adjusting work hours, sooner or later, at noon, to prevent heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents of workers in the event of heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents, and immediately sent to hospital for emergency rescue or emergency. (2) high temperature in summer season is peak, regular one by one to conduct a comprehensive inspection of electrical equipment, maintenance, prohibition does not regulate electricity, to cool down the workers ' dormitory regularly check electrical equipment and wiring, while in this phase of "safe activity" contest. (3) strengthening of flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods storage, transportation and use of management, piled up in the open shade to cool. No sun exposure to avoid leaks, to eliminate all the spontaneous combustion, fire, and explosion. Occupational health and safety management section project of emergency events identified common security and monitoring of engineering accidents, such as falls from a height, body combat, electrocution, mechanical damage, collapse, identification and protection measures, according to the characteristics of the project, identification of major events including the following eight elements: ...f On construction personnel for fire security education: 顾客 怪癖 观光 关照 观照 惯例 光景 规矩 规模 过分 海归 海选 害羞 酣睡 寒噤 豪迈 浩荡 呵护 合适 何尝 和蔼 和谐 和煦 哄笑 烘托 红润 喉咙 忽略 互动 滑稽 缓慢 涣散 荒废 荒凉 荒唐 慌忙 黄昏 黄晕 惶惑 惶恐 恍惚 谎言 回旋 悔改 毁灭 活泼 豁达 饥饿 机械 积攒 畸形 即使 汲水 极端 急躁 脊梁 记载 忌讳 既然 寂静 寂寞 寄托 祭祀 家眷 艰苦 监督 煎熬 剪裁 简陋 检索 健壮 鉴赏 讲究 娇贵 娇嫩 焦虑 侥幸 皎洁 较量 教诲 接触 揭露 诘责 拮据 捷报 竭力 解剖 介意 尽量 经营 惊诧 惊愕 惊奇 精通 精致 颈椎 警醒 径自 竞赛 竟然 敬重 境况 境遇 静谧 静默 居然 鞠躬 举措 拒绝 聚集 聚拢 捐款 绝境 倔强 均匀 开创 开端 开辟 慨叹 凯旋 刊载 考查 考察 坎坷 咳嗽 可惜 渴望 克隆 恳切 空灵 恐怖 恐吓 跨越 宽敞 宽广 宽阔 宽恕 宽慰 亏空 魁梧 扩散 阔别 阔绰 蜡烛 褴褛 懒散 狼狈 朗润 浪漫 牢靠 黎明 理念 礼拜 理智 厉害 联袂 脸颊 良心 亮点 晾晒 嘹亮 料理 裂痕 伶仃 伶俐 领悟 流露 留恋 笼罩 镂空 落成 落第 履行 麻木 卖弄 脉络 蔓延 忙碌 茂盛 魅力 萌芽 蒙蔽 弥漫 秘诀 秘密 勉强 缅怀 敏捷 模糊 模拟 没收 陌生 谋略 谋生 模样 目睹 牧童 难免 恼怒 脑髓 嫩绿 嫩芽 匿名 鸟雀 宁静 虐待 偶然 偶像 攀登 攀谈 攀援 蹒跚 盼望 泡影 胚胎 陪伴 赔偿 佩服 蓬勃 碰撞 environment) construction personnel, taking measures such as shading, ventilation, or adjusting work hours, sooner or later, at noon, to prevent heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents of workers in the event of heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents, and immediately sent to hospital for emergency rescue or emergency. (2) high temperature in summer season is peak, regular one by one to conduct a comprehensive inspection of electrical equipment, maintenance, prohibition does not regulate electricity, to cool down the workers ' dormitory regularly check electrical equipment and wiring, while in this phase of "safe activity" contest. (3) strengthening of flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods storage, transportation and use of management, piled up in the open shade to cool. No sun exposure to avoid leaks, to eliminate all the spontaneous combustion, fire, and explosion. Occupational health and safety management section project of emergency events identified common security and monitoring of engineering accidents, such as falls from a height, body combat, electrocution, mechanical damage, collapse, identification and protection measures, according to the characteristics of the project, identification of major events including the following eight elements: ...f On construction personnel for fire security education: 霹雳 疲倦 脾气 僻静 缥缈 瞥见 品位 品味 品行 凭借 凭空 屏蔽 凄然 期盼 奇观 奇迹 奇妙 歧视 歧途 旗帜 乞丐 祈祷 气概 气息 气质 恰巧 迁居 牵挂 谦逊 强硬 强壮 强迫 桥梁 翘首 翘起 惬意 亲戚 轻捷 轻松 轻易 倾斜 倾注 清澈 清脆 清凉 清亮 情调 情境 情趣 晴朗 囚徒 屈服 雀跃 热闹 任性 仍然 弱势 日暮 柔和 锐利 锐气 霎时 筛选 伤痕 赏识 折本 深情 深思 深渊 神奇 神气 神情 审查 审问 升腾 生涯 盛大 胜景 失望 失踪 湿润 时辰 试验 首饰 书籍 熟识 熟悉 双赢 爽快 爽朗 瞬间 宿营 肃静 粟米 锁定 琐屑 叹息 探索 倘若 逃窜 陶醉 剔除 剔透 天资 挑拣 调节 调解 调整 同窗 偷懒 湍急 推辞 推荐 推卸 颓唐 托付 脱身 妥帖 拓展 宛如 婉言 婉约 惋惜 网络 惘然 忘却 委屈 伟岸 未必 蔚蓝 慰问 温和 温暖 温情 温柔 污秽 污染 呜咽 无端 无聊 舞弊 惜别 犀利 膝盖 袭击 细菌 细腻 细致 狭隘 闲散 闲适 闲暇 相处 相宜 详细 享受 响亮 消费 消耗 消瘦 萧条 协调 写照 泄气 心计 心绪 辛苦 新潮 新鲜 新颖 信奉 信服 信赖 星宿 兴致 幸亏 修长 修葺 羞耻 羞愧 秀气 袖珍 虚荣 絮叨 絮语 轩敞 喧闹 悬崖 炫耀 勋章 寻觅 殉职 延伸 严寒 严厉 严肃 俨然 掩藏 洋溢 样本 摇晃 摇篮 钥匙 夜幕 衣冠 依赖 依稀 遗漏 疑惑 屹立 异地 驿站 意境 意愿 阴晦 吟诵 隐蔽 隐瞒 迎合 应酬 environment) construction personnel, taking measures such as shading, ventilation, or adjusting work hours, sooner or later, at noon, to prevent heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents of workers in the event of heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents, and immediately sent to hospital for emergency rescue or emergency. (2) high temperature in summer season is peak, regular one by one to conduct a comprehensive inspection of electrical equipment, maintenance, prohibition does not regulate electricity, to cool down the workers ' dormitory regularly check electrical equipment and wiring, while in this phase of "safe activity" contest. (3) strengthening of flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods storage, transportation and use of management, piled up in the open shade to cool. No sun exposure to avoid leaks, to eliminate all the spontaneous combustion, fire, and explosion. Occupational health and safety management section project of emergency events identified common security and monitoring of engineering accidents, such as falls from a height, body combat, electrocution, mechanical damage, collapse, identification and protection measures, according to the characteristics of the project, identification of major events including the following eight elements: ...f On construction personnel for fire security education: 应和 映衬 硬件 庸俗 踊跃 优待 幽静 悠久 悠然 悠闲 悠扬 犹豫 邮差 邮戳 游逛 游览 游弋 迂腐 愚蠢 愚昧 郁闷 预测 预防 预料 寓所 渊博 原谅 元宵 阅历 云霄 允许 酝酿 暂时 赞赏 责备 增添 憎恶 眨眼 摘抄 粘贴 绽放 掌故 掌柜 涨红 障碍 招呼 招惹 朝气 照管 照顾 照例 照料 照应 遮蔽 折磨 侦探 珍藏 珍贵 珍奇 珍惜 珍稀 珍重 真谛 斟酌 阵容 镇定 震怒 振作 赈灾 争辩 争鸣 征服 挣扎 蒸腾 整修 正宗 支撑 脂肪 执拗 直径 至爱 治学 质朴 智慧 稚气 咒骂 昼夜 皱纹 主创 主宰 嘱咐 嘱托 伫立 贮藏 著名 著作 专利 转瞬 赚钱 壮观 壮举 追溯 追随 着落 琢磨 姿势 姿态 资格 滋润 滋养 字帖 自诩 恣睢 钻营 尊贵 尊敬 尊重 遵命 遵守 遵循 安然无恙 拔苗助长 跋山涉水 百看不厌 班门弄斧 搬弄是非 变本加厉 变幻莫测 别具匠心 不耻下问 不可救药 不可思议 不期而遇 不屈不挠 不速之客 不屑置辩 不言而喻 不约而同 不折不扣 层峦叠嶂 畅所欲言 车水马龙 称心如意 承前启后 惩恶扬善 触景生情 唇亡齿寒 触类旁通 春华秋实 当之无愧 道听途说 得陇望蜀 滴水穿石 断壁残垣 风调雨顺 峰回路转 赴汤蹈火 高屋建瓴 高瞻远瞩 刚正不阿 各得其所 各行其是 根深蒂固 功亏一篑 骇人听闻 厚此薄彼 焕然一新 豁然开朗 鸡犬相闻 记忆犹新 家喻户晓 坚定不移 见异思迁 今非昔比 斤斤计较 津津有味 惊慌失措 精打细算 精雕细刻 井然有序 environment) construction personnel, taking measures such as shading, ventilation, or adjusting work hours, sooner or later, at noon, to prevent heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents of workers in the event of heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents, and immediately sent to hospital for emergency rescue or emergency. (2) high temperature in summer season is peak, regular one by one to conduct a comprehensive inspection of electrical equipment, maintenance, prohibition does not regulate electricity, to cool down the workers ' dormitory regularly check electrical equipment and wiring, while in this phase of "safe activity" contest. (3) strengthening of flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods storage, transportation and use of management, piled up in the open shade to cool. No sun exposure to avoid leaks, to eliminate all the spontaneous combustion, fire, and explosion. Occupational health and safety management section project of emergency events identified common security and monitoring of engineering accidents, such as falls from a height, body combat, electrocution, mechanical damage, collapse, identification and protection measures, according to the characteristics of the project, identification of major events including the following eight elements: ...f On construction personnel for fire security education: 迥然不同 居高临下 举世闻名 举一反三 可歌可泣 刻舟求剑 扣人心弦 苦口婆心 脍炙人口 滥竽充数 理直气壮 力挽狂澜 历历在目 两全其美 流连忘返 流离失所 络绎不绝 落英缤纷 满载而归 买椟还珠 漫不经心 茅塞顿开 毛遂自荐 门庭若市 明察秋毫 名列前茅 名正言顺 莫名其妙 漠不关心 默默无闻 难以置信 迫不得已 破釜沉舟 其乐无穷 杞人忧天 气冲霄汉 恰如其分 千姿百态 牵强附会 前车之鉴 巧妙绝伦 轻而易举 情不自禁 情投意合 全神贯注 人声鼎沸 忍俊不禁 任劳任怨 锐不可当 三顾茅庐 赏心悦目 舍生取义 身临其境 深恶痛疾 声色俱厉 失魂落魄 诗情画意 世外桃源 势不两立 守株待兔 首屈一指 首当其冲 水落石出 水乳交融 水涨船高 四面楚歌 素不相识 随波逐流 随声附和 谈笑风生 叹为观止 甜言蜜语 推陈出新 完璧归赵 万籁俱寂 亡羊补牢 妄自菲薄 闻鸡起舞 唯利是图 温故知新 无边无垠 无动于衷 无精打采 无缘无故 息息相关 洗耳恭听 喜不自胜 喜出望外 鲜为人知 闲情逸致 相得益彰 相辅相成 相提并论 小心翼翼 心驰神往 心旷神怡 心平气和 心悦诚服 欣喜若狂 星罗棋布 胸有成竹 栩栩如生 轩然大波 悬梁刺股 鸦雀无声 言简意赅 眼花缭乱 杳无消息 夜以继日 一筹莫展 一鼓作气 一劳永逸 依然如故 依山傍水 怡然自乐 贻笑大方 义不容辞 异曲同工 异想天开 抑扬顿挫 因地制宜 饮水思源 油然而生 与日俱增 语重心长 源远流长 再接再厉 载歌载舞 张灯结彩 郑重其事 中流砥柱 专心致志 environment) construction personnel, taking measures such as shading, ventilation, or adjusting work hours, sooner or later, at noon, to prevent heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents of workers in the event of heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents, and immediately sent to hospital for emergency rescue or emergency. (2) high temperature in summer season is peak, regular one by one to conduct a comprehensive inspection of electrical equipment, maintenance, prohibition does not regulate electricity, to cool down the workers ' dormitory regularly check electrical equipment and wiring, while in this phase of "safe activity" contest. (3) strengthening of flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods storage, transportation and use of management, piled up in the open shade to cool. No sun exposure to avoid leaks, to eliminate all the spontaneous combustion, fire, and explosion. Occupational health and safety management section project of emergency events identified common security and monitoring of engineering accidents, such as falls from a height, body combat, electrocution, mechanical damage, collapse, identification and protection measures, according to the characteristics of the project, identification of major events including the following eight elements: ...f On construction personnel for fire security education: 壮志未酬 追本溯源 谆谆教诲 自告奋勇 自给自足 自强不息 走投无路 左顾右盼 百尺竿头,更进一步 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 不入虎穴,焉得虎子 吃一堑,长一智 尺有所短,寸有所长 初生牛犊不怕虎 当局者迷,旁观者清 滴水之恩,当涌泉相报 独木不成林 磨刀不误砍柴工 前事不忘,后事之师 曲不离口,拳不离手 十年树木,百年树人 世上无难事,只怕有心人 书到用时方恨少 行百里者半九十 一方水土养一方人 一叶障目,不见泰山 玉不琢不成器 众人拾柴火焰高 environment) construction personnel, taking measures such as shading, ventilation, or adjusting work hours, sooner or later, at noon, to prevent heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents of workers in the event of heat stroke, suffocation, poisoning and other accidents, and immediately sent to hospital for emergency rescue or emergency. (2) high temperature in summer season is peak, regular one by one to conduct a comprehensive inspection of electrical equipment, maintenance, prohibition does not regulate electricity, to cool down the workers ' dormitory regularly check electrical equipment and wiring, while in this phase of "safe activity" contest. (3) strengthening of flammable, explosive and other dangerous goods storage, transportation and use of management, piled up in the open shade to cool. No sun exposure to avoid leaks, to eliminate all the spontaneous combustion, fire, and explosion. Occupational health and safety management section project of emergency events identified common security and monitoring of engineering accidents, such as falls from a height, body combat, electrocution, mechanical damage, collapse, identification and protection measures, according to the characteristics of the project, identification of major events including the following eight elements: ...f On construction personnel for fire security education:
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