首页 如何根据脸型选合适的眼镜(女生)



如何根据脸型选合适的眼镜(女生)如何根据脸型选合适的眼镜(女生) 如何根据脸型选合适的眼镜, (1) 2007-09-26 19:47:28 作者:石榴 来源:人民网 文字大小:大 中 小 简介:没有一名女性是不爱美的,但是由于总总原因导致很多MM都需要戴上眼镜,而不讲究眼镜的佩戴使得很多MM带上眼镜之后就从白天鹅变成了丑小丫。如果你学会了眼镜的时尚搭配,不但能够让你摆脱近视给你带来不便,更能够让你赏心悦目增添气质~ 圆脸: 何谓圆脸,五官集中、脸型短、面部轮廓线圆润。 这种脸型是可爱的,给人可爱,年轻,活泼,健康的印象,搭配眼镜时就万...

如何根据脸型选合适的眼镜(女生) 如何根据脸型选合适的眼镜, (1) 2007-09-26 19:47:28 作者:石榴 来源:人民网 文字大小:大 中 小 简介:没有一名女性是不爱美的,但是由于总总原因导致很多MM都需要戴上眼镜,而不讲究眼镜的佩戴使得很多MM带上眼镜之后就从白天鹅变成了丑小丫。如果你学会了眼镜的时尚搭配,不但能够让你摆脱近视给你带来不便,更能够让你赏心悦目增添气质~ 圆脸: 何谓圆脸,五官集中、脸型短、面部轮廓线圆润。 这种脸型是可爱的,给人可爱,年轻,活泼,健康的印象,搭配眼镜时就万万不可再选圆形或者椭圆 形,那岂不是圆上加圆,而应该选择粗框,方框或有棱角的镜框。这样就可以将圆圆的脸蛋塑造出轮廓,看上去没有那么圆。 下面看几张照片,你们可以做下参考。 就像这副哑光绿的比翼双飞,造型夸张,时尚又狂野。 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 就像这副哑光绿的比翼双飞,造型夸张,时尚又狂野。 这款”猎鹰”是钢与柔的完美组合,力与美的幻化,戴在MM脸上感觉清新,自然,大气,又带有男孩子的豪爽味道,让人回味无穷… 这款”猎鹰”是钢与柔的完美组合 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 这款浅兰色板材镜”似水年华”,看到它不禁让我们回忆起上大学的那段美妙时光,画面中MM那种天真烂漫的情怀,真是羡煞旁人啊… 这款浅兰色板材镜”似水年华” Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 方形的酒红色眼镜 这款方形的酒红色眼镜,搭配MM这身酱紫红色上衣,立刻展现出成熟女人味 何谓方脸,额头较宽,下颌线比较突出,线条明晰。 这种脸型的宽度接近脸的长度,轮廓清晰硬朗,给人有健康,积极有坚强的意志力和稳定感.搭配眼镜时方型脸MM都要遵循的一个原则就是避免佩戴轮廓太强的眼镜,那样会更加强化面部结构,而是选择略带曲线的框架,可以让脸型看起来更加柔和,缓和过宽的脸颊. 下面看几张照片,你们可以做下参考。 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 她佩戴这款椭圆全框镜,柔和一下脸部轮廓 这个MM脸的宽度接近脸的长度,轮廓清晰硬朗,给人有健康,积极有坚强的意志力和稳定感.就因为脸型轮廓明显,所以为她佩戴这款椭圆全框镜,柔和一下脸部轮廓. Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 椭圆的粉红色眼镜 这款椭圆的粉红色眼镜,和MM粉粉的毛绒帽,搭配起来既时尚又大方. Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 这款复古味道的大框玫瑰金色眼镜,与MM身上橙色系感觉相一致,脸庞两边的头发自然垂落,削弱了面部颧骨突出的部分,成功地柔和脸部曲线. 复古味道的大框玫瑰金色眼镜 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 椭圆粉红色金属眼镜 沉闷压抑的冬季已挡不住愉悦的节奏,时尚的舞台即将上演新一季的潮流.这款椭圆粉红色金属眼镜,不仅可以柔和面部线条,又与头晌那顶粉色毛绒帽相呼应,既休闲又甜美! 前额较宽,颧骨较明显,脸庞的下半部较纤细,融入了清纯和幽雅~ 瓜子脸MM的特点是上阔下尖,给人的印象是春节,清朗,少女形象突出,带有理智性,但有纤弱感和不定 感.这种脸型的MM一般有着尖尖的下巴,你可以挑选圆形,或者椭圆形的镜框来搭配你的脸型。瓜子脸MM拥有这种得天独厚的脸型,可以配戴各种款式的眼镜~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 这款紫色的幻天梦 这款紫色的幻天梦,带在MM脸上一脸的天真无邪,十分可爱. Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 这款粉色细框眼镜,和MM佩戴的充满民俗感的华丽耳坠,格纹针织款打造出优雅气质装扮,俨然一个知性美女… 粉色细框眼镜 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 砂红的”精华汇萃” 这个MM是典型瓜子脸,有着尖尖的下巴,配上这款砂红的”精华汇萃”,颜色刚好与MM身上这件红色毛衣想映衬,搭配率性的帽款也能穿出自信的美感. Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 这款冷色调眼镜透露出冷艳丽人火热的内心,再加上MM面无表情,不苟言笑,更添神秘色彩.整个搭配起来简约质感,大方前卫,典雅出众,俏丽女郎! 冷色调眼镜 何谓椭圆脸,脸略长但丰满,下巴呈圆弧形。线条圆滑,温柔却大气~ 椭圆脸MM给人大方,而又温和亲切的感觉~这种脸型的MM佩戴各种镜架都比较合适,但镜架的大小应与脸的大小成比例。 下面看几张照片,你们可以做下参考。 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 亮紫色的彩蝶 这款亮紫色的彩蝶,整副镜框轻盈细腻,简约大方,给人温和亲切的感觉. Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 哑紫的痴情男女 这款哑紫的痴情男女,和MM身上紫色毛衣融为一体,浑然天成,MM透过眼镜的眼神,散发出无限风情. Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 奢华金色让你贵气逼人,再与红色丝绸裙更显贵气,与我们这款亮银和粉红的”时尚先锋”简直是天作之合,一个端庄的时尚OL立即出现在我们眼前. 哑紫的痴情男女 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 也许女人爱美的天性使然,今年板材框仍是流行主流,画面中MM佩戴的是简洁优雅的款式,精美的设计,演变出时尚的效果... 今年板材框仍是流行主流 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 与眼镜绝配发型 简介:青春靓丽的学生形象迷倒不少宅男~眼镜人网小编为你找来6款十分适合学生的美美发型,而且与眼镜十分搭配哦~让你立即摆脱傻乎乎的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 呆子LOOK~ 与眼镜绝配发型 最有时尚感的蓬松短发,丰盈饱满的造型,让头型逐渐饱满,金黄的发色跟人很阳光的感觉~简单方便的造型,配上一款大大的深红眼镜,时尚气息爆增到极致。 Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 与眼镜绝配发型 柔美温暖的淡黄色秀发,覆盖额头的空隙刘海,配合脸颊两侧的蓬松卷曲,幅度较小的弧度卷,轻轻摊放双肩让你的甜美度立即上升,制造浪漫仙气的甜美女生形象。充满凌乱感的卷发与斯文的细框眼镜平衡得十分好~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 与眼镜绝配发型 时尚帅气的街头女孩形象,蓬松凌乱的发丝,充满层次感的大卷发丝,配上额头的齐齐刘海,小脸之余,一丝优雅的柔美女人味缓缓散发。大大的墨镜还可以作为头饰,时尚女生必备单品~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 与眼镜绝配发型 充满学院风的鲍勃头最有学生的感觉~完全盖住额头的刘海造型,覆盖颧骨的鬓发,让脸型瞬间变小,黑色小蝴蝶,可爱天真,小小的紫色眼镜,一不错的点缀方法。充满活力的短发搭配冷色系的眼睛相得益彰~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 与眼镜绝配发型 充满卷翘发丝的弧度BOB头,贴脸C形弧,紧紧贴着脸颊,调皮的舞动刘海,比巴掌脸还小的小颜立即呈现,自然的纯黑发色给人很自然的感觉。自然黑的发丝与90后最爱的黑框眼镜都让人有一种很自然的美丽~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We 与眼镜绝配发型 甜美可爱的卡哇伊中长发,覆盖式的斜分刘海,十分的可爱,挑染的亚麻色染发让人感觉更加甜美,包裹脸颊的发丝带有若有似无的卷度,很好的修饰脸颊。很纯情的直发女孩,戴上鲜艳的橘色眼镜令人眼前一亮~ Recently completed clean energy reform, violations of the requirements will be banned. All of catering oil smoke purification measures must be installed, especially the outdoor barbecue, it is strictly prohibited to add barbecue stands, all existing business into the shop. (C) be sure to let the water cleaner. Water is the source of life, Foundation of ecological production. We
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