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中西餐对比英语作文中西餐对比英语作文 篇一:英语论文关于中西餐饮 专业学位英语论文 题目名称: The Differences Between Chinese and WesternCatering Culture 院 (系): 地 球 科 学 学 院 专业班级: 地 质 S141 班 学 号:201472026指导老师: 凌 湘 春姓 名: 李 燕 荣时 间: 2014 年 12 月16日 The Differences Between Chinese and Western Catering Culture ...

中西餐对比英语作文 篇一:英语 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 关于中西餐饮 专业学位英语论文 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 目名称: The Differences Between Chinese and WesternCatering Culture 院 (系): 地 球 科 学 学 院 专业班级: 地 质 S141 班 学 号:201472026指导老师: 凌 湘 春姓 名: 李 燕 荣时 间: 2014 年 12 月16日 The Differences Between Chinese and Western Catering Culture Abstract: Each country has its own culture, catering culture is no exception. In countries today, with more and more close contact, in order to strengthen the communication between Chinese and western countries, we must understanding and learning other countries dietetic culture, only in this way can reveal the respect between each other, strengthen the harmonious communication between countries. Chinese and western food culture have different length, we hope that through the comparison, to promote Chinese and western food culture complement each other, so as to provide more high quality food for mankind. Key words: Dietary; Structure; Tableware; Table manners; Introduction Food is so important in Chinese culture. In China, almost everyone knows the old saying "Food is the first necessity of the people". Both of China and the west have established systems of food cultures although in fact the Western food culture is no so developed and mature that may not reflect the characteristics of their cultures. In china, food represents much more than food itself while in western countries it means less. Although the basic function of food is to feed people, the Chinese food and the western food only have a few things in common and more in different. So it is meaningful to make a comparison of the two kinds of food cultures. 1 Chinese and Western catering culture connotation and characteristics 1.1 The definition and features of Chinese catering culture Chinese catering culture, refers to the production and consumption of the Chinese nation in the long-term diet of practice, created and accumulated by the sum total of material wealth and spiritual wealth. Chinese food culture development is a microcosm of five thousand years of Chinese civilization, from eat birds and animals raw and cooked with fire, and then to thriving period of tang and song dynasty, and finally entering a new stage, the prosperity of modern is the crystallization of our national wisdom and creativity. China has 8 major cuisines, including Sichuan cuisines famous for pungency and Canton cuisines for lightness. Chinese restaurants enjoy a great popularity all over the word. With the ever-changing of the Chinese lifestyle, however, people are experiencing a new diet style either when cooking at home or eating at restaurants. For instance, the cheese and tomato sauce are added to the traditional Chinese food; and urban consumers now frequently go to fast food chains, such as McDonald's and KFC. The steady growth of people's income, more knowledge about international food and the convenience of supermarket shopping bring to the emergence of a new generation of consumers who are more likely to buy packaged and canned food. 1.2 The meaning and characteristics of the western catering culture Western diet culture, refers to the westerners in the long-term practice of the production and consumption of food, created and accumulated by the sum total of material wealth and spiritual wealth. Western food culture has a long history, we can say Italian food is the originator , French food is king, American food is western upstarts. There has an important characteristic In western countries' diet is that the people are carnivorous, but vegetarian diet is complementary. China has the famous eight big cuisines, western countries also have many types, the famous Italian food, French food, the United States, Germany, Russia and so on. 2 The differences between Chinese and Western food culture 2.1 Differences between Chinese and western dietary structure The Chinese staple food is given priority to grains and their products such as pasta, non-staple food is given priority to vegetables and meat. According to the survey of western plants scholar, the Chinese eat vegetables are more than 600, more than six times in the west. Western food is given priority to meat and milk. So some people according to the Western diet significantly difference This feature, called the Chinese plant character, westerners called animal character. One of the biggest differences is that westerners don't eat animal internal organs, don't eat animal head and skin, it is difficult to understand in China. 2.2 The differences between Chinese and Western cooking methods China has about 14 kinds of cooking methods: sneak, braised, burning, poach, steamed, Fried, crisp, stewed, grilled, stewed, blasting, fry, casseroles, wire drawing, the dish making a person dazzling. Obviously, western cooking method is not so complex and changeable as China, western food on the plate of stereo sense is strong, strong edibility, all most of food into the plate can eat, the ornament is the main course dishes. The change of the Chinese food process is relatively complex, many dishes are time-consuming, too many food into the dish can't eat, not only a waste of raw materials, and the results may not be good. Chinese kitchen line saying: "cook-thirds Arts, materials seventh power.It emphasizes personal chef selection of raw materials, the importance of the use of sub-file, which is the standard for the raw materials produced food plays a decisive role in. Overseas, the chef is no longer simply according to their experience to judge and determine what kind of material used. 2.3 Differences between Chinese and Western dietary patterns The Chinese and Western dietary patterns are very different. In China, people sit together around a table and share one feast. Main course is in the center of the table. People toast to each other and share the dishes, which reflects the mutual respect between people in face of the good things; and also shows the virtues of comity. In the western banquets, though the food and wine are inevitable, in fact they are not the most important things. The core of banquet is friendship, by the conversation with the guests who sitting next to achieve the purpose of recreation. The more obvious difference between Chinese and western dietary patterns is buffet dinner which is popular in the West. This method is to display all food, and everybody is picking instead of sitting in his or her places to eat. They walk freely. This approach would provide the emotional interaction between individuals; they never need to put every word on the table. This also shows a western personality and self-respect. However, all the eating without jamming lacks the real affective tone like the Chinese people. The Chinese people are drinking around the table to show harmony and unity, but the buffet has broken such pattern. It raises the personal independence and self-mentioned at the first place. This is the opposite of the great unity of all Chinese traditional culture. 2.4 The difference of tableware Westerners eating habits with a knife and fork, and eating habits of Chinese people use chopsticks. Knife and fork and chopsticks, not only making a difference of eating habits, but also affected the Eastern and Western concepts in life. Professor Xiuling You think, fork inevitably bring cutlery eating system, but certainly chopsticks coordinate with family members sitting around the table. West outset minutes to eat, which derived from the West pay attention to independence, there is a separate children grow up into the world of ideas and habits. The chopsticks made meal brought together, highlighting the young and old to live with family unit, so that Asians have a relatively strong sense of family values. 2.5 The different of table manners Among all the differences, the most obvious one is the tableware people use in China and Western countries. For cultural and historical reason, Chinese people have formed a series of tableware including chopsticks, bowl, plate, and spoon, while Western people use knives, forks and plates. However, it is the different culture and location that leading to different eating habits. When a banquet starts, Chinese people and western people behave totally different at table. Chinese people tend to make the banquet lively so that all the guests can enjoy themselves, while western people behave quietly and gently at table. In China, the host tends to prepare “a ton of” food for their guest, for they take it as a symbol of a well prepared banquet. Chinese people are very proud of their culture of food and will do their best to give their guests a taste of many different types of cuisine. Wine culture is an important part of Chinese culture, and alcohol is an essential part of traditional Chinese banquet. Alcohol makes people enthusiastic, so people talk, laugh, sing, play games, or even shout at table, loudly and freely, enjoying themselves so much. Well, in the West, people do not act as enthusiastically and courteously as the Chinese when they have a banquet. The Western people pay more attention to personal independence. They just eat by themselves and have no 篇二:(全英文论文)从中西餐的差异透视中西方传统文化根源差 异 本科生毕业设计(论文)封面 ( 2015 届) 论文(设计)题目作者学 院、专 业班级 指导教师(职称) 论 文 字 数 论文完成时间 大学教务处制 英语原创毕业论文参考选题 (200个) 一、论文说明 本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理 论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业本科论文3000起,具体 可以联系qq 805990749。下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经 写好原创。 二、原创论文参考题目 1、 (英语毕业论文)基于中西文化差异的 翻译 阿房宫赋翻译下载德汉翻译pdf阿房宫赋翻译下载阿房宫赋翻译下载翻译理论.doc 策略研究 2、 (英语毕业论文)《老人与海》中词语修辞格的运用(开题报告+论文) 3、 (英语毕业论文)英汉谚语互译中的归化与异化策略分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 4、 (英语毕业论文)原版英语电影在大学英语教学中的使用研究(开题报告+论文) 5、 (英语毕业论文)从文本类型角度看企业外宣材料的翻译(开题报告+论文) 6、 (英语毕业论文)浅析《红字》中女性主义的具体体现(开题报告+论文) 7、 (英语毕业论文)从电影《国王的演讲》看平民情结(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 8、 (英语毕业论文)中西方丧葬文化的对比研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 9、 (英语毕业论文)《哈姆雷特》与《夜宴》中人物塑造的比较研究(开题报告(本文来自:WWw.bDFQy.com 千 叶 帆文摘:中西餐对比英语作文)+论文) 10、 11、 (英语毕业论文)浅析英语新闻标题特点及其翻译技巧 (英语毕业论文)从《动物庄园》看乔治?奥威尔反极权主义思想(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 12、 13、 14、 +文献综述) 15、 16、 献综述) 17、 18、 Salesman 19、 (英语毕业论文)《美国悲剧》中的对比手法运用研究(开题报告+论文+文献综(英语毕业论文)《老人与海》中的孤独(开题报告+论文+文献综述) (英语毕业论文)On the Causes of the Death of Willy Loman in Death of A (英语毕业论文)《追风筝的人》中阿米尔的性格分析 (英语毕业论文) 高中英语 高中英语pdf课本高中英语知识点整理高中英语选修六单词表高中英语组教学计划高中英语必修4课件 写作前口语活动设计与实施建议(开题报告+论文+文(英语毕业论文)《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》的艺术特色分析 (英语毕业论文)英语委婉语的表达模式和应用 (英语毕业论文)从《简?爱》的多译本看中国两性关系的变化(开题报告+论文 述) 20、 21、 22、 23、 24、 报告+论文) 25、 告+论文) 26、 文献综述) 27、 28、 29、 论文) 30、 31、 32、 综述) 33、 34、 35、 36、 37、 综述) 38、 39、 文献综述) 40、 41、 (英语毕业论文)浅析华兹华斯 诗歌 诗歌26首倪柝声诗歌智慧书红色经典诗歌朗诵稿诗歌鉴赏术语怎样读懂古代诗歌 中的自然观(开题报告+论文+文献综述) (英语毕业论文)浅析法律英语的词汇特点及其翻译 (英语毕业论文)爱与正义:《杀死一只知更鸟》主人公阿提克斯?芬奇形象解读 (英语毕业论文)从女性主义解读《威尼斯商人》(开题报告+论文+文献综述) (英语毕业论文)从语境视角看英译汉字幕翻译——以《梅林传奇》为例(开题(英语毕业论文)试析《生死疲劳》英文版风格之再现:文学文体学视角(开题报(英语毕业论文)《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的成长三部曲(开题报告+论文+(英语毕业论文)对《变形记》中异化现象的分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述) (英语毕业论文)《老人与海》中的存在主义分析(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)《福尔摩斯历险》所折射的英国侦探小说的要素(开题报告+(英语毕业论文)中国旅游指南的中译英研究(开题报告+论) (英语毕业论文)论《最后的莫西干人》中的印第安情结(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策(开题报告+论文+文献(英语毕业论文)美狄亚的女性主义分析 (英语毕业论文)夏洛蒂?勃朗特《简?爱》中普通而独特的女性形象 (英语毕业论文)解析电影《黑暗骑士》中的美国个人英雄主义(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)浅析合作原则在汉英广告语翻译中的运用(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)从僵尸 和吸血鬼比较中西方文化的异同(开题报告+论文+文献(英语毕业论文)文化语境视域下英语习语的汉译研究(开题报告+论文) 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(英语毕业论文)从弗洛伊德的精神分析法分析《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿?考尔菲德的成长(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 62、 (英语毕业论文)Discourse Analysis on the Translation of Person of the Year, an Editorial in the Time Magazine 63、 64、 65、 66、 67、 68、 69、 70、 71、 (英语系经贸英语)论苹果公司的撇脂定价策略 (英语毕业论文)CBI理论诠释及在英语教学中的应用(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)翻译美学理论下的唐诗英译意境美研究(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)The Analysis of Promotion Strategy of L’Oréal in China (英语毕业论文)探究餐具的起源、内涵及发展趋势 (英语毕业论文)浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中黑奴的命运 (英语毕业论文)《红楼梦》两英译版本中姓名翻译的对比研究 (英语毕业论文) 公益广告的词汇特点: 以美国红十字会广告语为例 (英语毕业论文)An Analysis of Angel's Ambivalent Personality In Tess of the D'Urbervilles(开题报告+论文+文献综述) 72、 73、 74、 75、 (英语毕业论文)从功能翻译理论谈美剧字幕翻译(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)论《追风筝的人》中“风筝”的象征意义(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)霍桑《红字》女性主义的探析 (英语毕业论文《)恋爱中的女人》欧秀拉和古迪兰的性格对其爱情观的影响(开题报告+论文) 76、 77、 78、 79、 (英语毕业论文)分析《等待》的悲剧 (英语毕业论文)《失乐园》中撒旦的艺术形象解读(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)浅析《小妇人》中的女性价值观 (英语毕业论文)任务型教学模式在初中英语课堂教学中的现状分析,,以xx学校初一学生为例(开题报告+论文) 80、 81、 述) 82、 83、 84、 85、 述) 86、 (英语毕业论文)运用言语行为理论分析哈佛校长德鲁?福斯特的演说词 (英语毕业论文)从跨文化交际看中西方时间观差异(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)中西方饮食文化的差异 (英语毕业论文)怎样结束诗歌:罗伯特?洛威尔的结尾(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)战争隐喻在体育新闻报道中的运用(开题报告+论文+文献综(英语毕业论文)《嘉莉妹妹》中女主人公美国梦的幻灭(开题报告+论文) (英语毕业论文)《白鲸》主人公亚哈的悲剧性格分析(开题报告+论文+文献综 篇三:中西餐英文 汤类 Soups 1956、奶油蘑菇汤 Cream of Mushroom Soup 1957、奶油胡萝卜汤 Cream of Carrot Soup 1958、奶油芦笋汤 Cream of Asparagus Soup 头盘及沙拉类 Appetizers, Starters and Salads 1948、腌熏三文鱼 Smoked Salmon 1949、凯撒沙拉 Caesar Salad 1950、鲜蘑鸡肝 Chicken Liver Terrine with Morel 1959、墨西哥辣味牛肉汤 Mexican Chili Beef 1951、奶酪瓤蟹盖 Crab Shells Stuffed with Cheese Soup 1960、番茄浓汤 Tomato Bisque Soup 1961、海鲜周打汤 Seafood Chowder 1962、法式洋葱汤 French Onion Soup 1963、牛肉清汤 Beef Consommé 1964、匈牙利浓汤 Hungarian Goulash 1965、香浓牛尾汤 Oxtail Soup 1966、意大利蔬菜汤 Minestrone Soup 1967、蔬菜干豆汤 Hearty Lentil Soup 1968、牛油梨冻汤 Chilled Avocado Soup 1969、西班牙番茄冻汤 Gazpacho 禽蛋类 Poultry and Eggs 1970、红酒鹅肝 Braised Goose Liver/ Foie Gras in Red Wine 1971、奶酪火腿鸡排 Chicken Cordon Bleu 1972、烧瓤春鸡卷 Grilled Stuffed Chicken Rolls 1973、红酒烩鸡 Braised Chicken with Red Wine 1974、烤鸡胸酿奶酪蘑菇馅 Baked Chicken Breast Stuffed with Mushroom and Cheese 1975、炸培根鸡肉卷 Deep-Fried Chicken and Bacon Rolls 1976、水波鸡胸配意式香醋汁 Poached Chicken Breast with Balsamic Sauce 1977、烤火鸡配红浆果沙司 Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce 1978、烤瓤火鸡 Roast Stuffed Turkey 1979、烧烤鸡腿 BBQ Chicken Leg 1980、烤柠檬鸡腿配炸薯条 Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries 1981、扒鸡胸 Char-Grilled Chicken Breast 1982、咖喱鸡 Chicken Curry 1983、秘制鸭胸配黑菌炒土豆 Pan-Fried Duck Breast with Sautéed Potatoes and Truffles 1984、火腿煎蛋 Fried Egg with Ham 1985、洛林乳蛋饼 Quiche Lorraine 1986、熘糊蛋 Scrambled Egg 牛肉类 Beef 1987、红烩牛肉 Beef Stew 1988、白烩小牛肉 Fricasseed Veal 1989、牛里脊?a href=“; target=“_blank” class=“keylink”>桥浜诮飞偎?Grilled Beef 1952、鲜果海鲜沙拉 Seafood Salad with Fresh Fruit 1953、厨师沙拉 Chef''s Salad 1954、金枪鱼沙拉 Tuna Salad 1955、尼斯沙拉 Salad Nicoise 面、粉及配菜类 Noodles, Pasta and Side Dishes 2030、海鲜通心粉 Macaroni with Seafood 2031、海鲜意粉 Spaghetti with Seafood 2032、意大利奶酪千层饼 Cheese Lasagna 2033、什莱奶酪比萨饼 Vegetarian Pizza 2034、海鲜比萨 Seafood Pizza 2035、烤牛肉蘑菇比萨 Roast Beef and Mushroom Pizza 2036、肉酱意大利粉 Spaghetti Bolognaise 2037、意大利奶酪馄饨 Cheese Ravioli in Herbed Cream Sauce 2038、咖喱海鲜炒饭 Stir-Fried Seafood Rice with Curry 2039、红花饭 Saffron Rice 2040、阿拉伯蔬菜黄米饭 Couscous with Vegetables 2041、西班牙海鲜饭 Paella 2042、牛肉汉堡包 Beef Burger 2043、鸡肉汉堡包 Chicken Burger 2044、美式热狗 American Hot Dog 2045、俱乐部三文治 Club Sandwich 2046、金枪鱼三文治 Tuna Sandwich 2047、烤牛肉 三文治 Roast Beef Sandwich 2048、土豆泥 Mashed Potato 2049、里昂那土豆 Lyonnaise Potato 2050、公爵夫人土豆 Duchesse Potato 2051、烩红椰菜 Braised Red Cabbage 面包类 Bread and Pastries 2052、水果丹麦 Fruit Danish 2053、牛角包 Croissant 2054、袋子包 Pita Bread Plain 2055、农夫包 Farmer’s Bread 2056、洋 葱包 Onion Loaf 2057、全麦包 Whole Wheat Bread 2058、软包 Soft Roll 2059、硬包 Hard Roll 2060、长法棍 French Baguette Tenderloin with Black Pepper Sauce 1990、扒肉眼牛排 Grilled Rib-Eye Steak with Red Wine Sauce 1992、T骨牛扒 T-Bone Steak 1993、烤牛肉 Roast Beef Goose Liver with Truffle in Port Wine Sauce 2061、吐司面包 Toast 2062、黑森林蛋糕 Black Forest Cake 2063、英式水果蛋糕 English Fruit Cake 2064、草莓奶酪蛋糕 Strawberry Cheese Cake 2066、蓝 莓奶酪蛋糕 Blueberry Cheese Cake 1991、西冷牛排配红酒少司 Roast Sirloin Steak 甜品及其他西点 Cakes,Cookies and Other Desserts 1994、罗西尼牛柳配钵酒汁 Beef Tenderloin and 2065、 草莓蛋糕 Strawberry Cake 1995、青椒汁牛柳 Beef Tenderloin with Green 2067、美式奶酪蛋糕 American Cheese Cake Peppercorn Sauce 1996、铁板西冷牛扒 Sizzling Sirloin Steak 1997、香煎奥斯卡仔牛排 Pan-Fried Veal Steak Oscar in Hollandaise Sauce 1998、咖喱牛肉 Curry Beef 1999、威灵顿牛柳 Filet of Beef Wellington 2000、俄式牛柳丝 Beef Stroganoff 2001、烩牛舌 Braised Ox Tongue 2002、红烩牛膝 Osso Bucco 2003、黑胡椒鹿柳配野蘑菇和芹菜烤面皮 Venison Filet with Black Pepper Coated with Mushrooms and Celery 猪肉类 Pork 2004、烧烤排骨 BBQ Spare Ribs 2005、烟熏蜜汁肋排 Smoked Spare Ribs with Honey 2006、意大利米兰猪排 Pork Piccatta 2007、瓤馅猪肉卷配黄桃汁 Stuffed Pork Roulade in Yellow Peach Sauce 2008、煎面包肠香草汁 Pan-Fried Swiss Meat Loaf with Pesto Sauce 2009、炸猪排 Fried Spire Ribs 羊肉类 Lamb 2010、扒羊排 Grilled Lamb Chops 2011、扒新西兰羊排 Grilled New Zealand Lamb Chops 2012、烤羊排配奶酪和红酒汁 Roast Lamb Chops in Cheese and Red Wine Sauce 鱼和海鲜类 Fish and Seafood 2013、海鲜串 Seafood Kebabs 2014、扒金枪鱼 Grilled Tuna Filet 2015、清蒸熏鱼 Steamed Smoked Haddock 2016、扒挪威三文鱼排 Grilled Norwegian Salmon Filet 2017、三文鱼扒配青柠黄油 Grilled Salmon with Lime and Butter 2018、比目鱼柳和扇贝配红酒核桃汁 Braised 2068、绿茶奶酪蛋 糕 Green Tea Cheese Cake 2069、意大利提拉米苏 Italian Tiramisu 2070、大理石奶酪蛋糕 Marble Cheese Cake 2071、咖啡奶酪蛋糕 Coffee Cheese Cake 2072、红莓松糕 Cranberry Muffin 2073、干果 派 Mixed Nuts Pie 2074、蓝莓松糕 Blueberry Muffin 2075、琳泽 蛋糕 Linzer Cake 2076、芒果木司蛋糕 Mango Mousse Cake 2077、 苹果派 Apple Pie 2078、草莓酥条 Strawberry Napoleon 2079、巧 克力榛子蛋糕 Chocolate Hazelnut Cake 2080、巧克力木司 Chocolate Mousse 2081、水果脆皮酥盒 Puff Pastry with Fruits 2082、维也纳巧克力蛋糕 Sacher Cake 2083、热情果木司 Passion Fruit Mousse 2084、杏仁多纳圈 Almond Donuts 2085、牛奶巧克 力多纳圈 Milk Chocolate Donuts 2086、鲜水果配沙巴洋 Fruit with Sabayon 2087、水果蛋挞 Fresh Fruit Tart 2088、白巧克力奶油布丁 White Chocolate Brulee 2089、绿茶布丁 Green Tea Pudding 2090、 芒果布丁 Mango Pudding 2091、热枣布丁 Warm Sticky Date Pudding 2092、香草布丁 Vanilla Pudding 2093、焦糖布丁 Cream Caramel / Caramel Custard 2094、果仁布朗尼 Walnut Brownies 2095、咖啡剧本蛋糕 Opera Cake 2096、蛋白杏仁甜饼 Macaroon 2097、手指饼 Lady-Fingers 2098、蝴蝶酥 Butterfly Cookies 2099、 巧克力曲奇 Chocolate Cookies 2100、爆米花(甜/咸) Popcorn(Sweet/Salty) 2101、香草冰淇淋 Vanilla Ice Cream 2102、 巧克力冰淇淋 Chocolate Ice Cream 2103、草莓冰淇淋 Strawberry Ice Cream 2104、绿茶冰淇淋 Green Tea Ice Cream 2105、冰霜 Sherbet Flatfish Filet and Scallop with Walnuts in Red Wine 2019、煎比目鱼 Pan-Fried Flatfish 2020、烤三文鱼柳配香草汁和黑橄榄酱 Roasted Salmon Filet in Pesto and Black Olive Purée 2021、烤三文鱼排意大利宽面和藏红花汁 Roasted Salmon Steak in Tagliatelle and Saffron Sauce 2022、煎红加吉鱼排 Grilled Sea Bream Filet 2023、黄油柠檬汁扒鱼柳 Grilled Fish Filet in Lemon and Butter 2024、扒大虾 Grilled King Prawns 2025、蒜茸大虾 Grilled King Prawns with Garlic, Herb and Butter 2026、巴黎黄油烤龙虾 Baked Lobster with Garlic and Butter 2027、奶酪汁龙虾 Gratinated Lobster in Mornay Sauce 2028、香炸西班牙鱿鱼圈 Deep-Fried Squid Rings 2029、荷兰汁青口贝 Gratinated Mussels with Hollandaise Sauce 开胃酒 Aperitif 2210、杜本内 Dubonnet 2211、马天尼(白) Martini Bianco, Italy 2212、苦艾酒 Absinth 2213、马天尼(干) Martini Dry, Italy 2214、马天尼(甜) Martini Rosso, Italy 2215、(红)马天尼(甜) Sweet Martini , Italy 2216、飘仙1号 Pimm’s No.1 2217、仙山露(干) Cinzano Dry , France 2218、仙山露(红) Cinzano Rosso, France 2219、仙山露(半干) Cinzano Bianco, France 白兰地 Brandy 2220、干邑 Cognac 2221、亚文邑 Armagnac 2222、马爹利VSOP Martell VSOP 2223、兰带马爹利 Martell Cordon Blue 2224、人头马路易十三 Remy Martin Louis XIII 2225、马爹利XO Martell XO 2226、拿破仑VSOP Courvoisier VSOP, France 2227、拿破仑XO Courvoisier XO, France 2228、苹果白兰地 Calvados 2229、人头马VSOP Remy Martin VSOP 2230、人头马XO Remy Martin XO 2231、人头马俱乐部 Remy Martin Club 2232、人头马特级 Club de Remy 餐酒 Table Wine 2361. 阿维尼 翁-迈克尔.夏菩提尔酒园 M.Chapoutier ‖La Bernardine‖ Chateauneuf-Du Pape 2362. 埃玛娜精选-马西酒园 Masi Amarone DOC 2363. 艾文思伍德仙粉黛 Ravenswood Zinfandel Vintner''s Blend 2364. 奥比兹莎当妮-弗莱斯克巴尔迪 酒园 Frescobaldi Slbizzia Chardonnay IGT 2365. 艾格尼酒园—瓦 尔波利 Allegrini Valpolicella Classico DOC 2366. 艾立嘉 Erdinger 2367. 艾文泰德酒园-萨利博瑞莎当妮 Evans and Tate Salsbury Semillon/Chardonnay 2368. 艾文泰德酒园-萨利博瑞莎瑞斯/苏维 翁 Evans and Tate Salsbury Shiraz/Cabernet 2369. 艾文泰德酒园— 莎瑞斯 Evans and Tate Gnagara Shiraz 2370. 班瑞克酒园—莎瑞斯 Baock Station Shiraz 2371. 班瑞克-梅洛 Baock Station Merlot 2372. 半干雪利 Dry Sack 2373. 贝灵哲酒园—史东酒窖莎当妮 Beringer Stone Cellars Chardonnay 2374. 贝萨诺芭贝尔 Bersano Piemonte Barbera DOC 2375. 贝萨诺酒园—保罗 Bersano Barolo DOCG 2376. 贝萨诺酒园—蔻狄丝 Bersano Piemonte 2233、施格兰VO Seagram''s VO 2234、轩尼诗VSOP Hennessy VSOP 2235、轩尼诗XO Hennessy XO 2236、轩尼诗百乐廷 Hennessy Paradis 2237、轩尼诗智选 Hennessy Choice 威士忌 Whisky 2238、爱尔兰威士忌 Irish Whiskey 2239、百龄坛 Ballantine''s 2240、白马威士忌 White Horse 2241、百笛人 100 Pipers 2242、百龄坛12年 Ballantine''s (12 Years) 2243、百龄坛(特级)威士忌 Ballantine''s Finest 2244、格兰菲迪10年 Glenfiddich (10 Years) 2245、格兰菲迪士 Glenfiddich 2246、格林莫瑞 Glenmorangie 2247、格兰威士忌 Grant''s 2248、黑方威士忌 Johnnie Walker Black Label 2249、红方威士忌 Johnnie Walker Red Label 2250、皇冠威士忌 Crown Royal 2251、皇家礼炮 Chivas Royal Salute 2252、杰克丹尼威士忌 Jack''s Daniel''s 2253、加拿大俱乐部(12年) Canadian Club (12 years) 2254、添宝威士忌 Dimple Haig 2255、金铃威士忌 Bells Finest 2256、老伯威威士忌 Old Parr (12 years) 2257、龙津 Long John 2258、麦高伦麦威十二年威士忌 Macallan Highland (12 years) 2259、顺风威士忌 Cutty Sark 2260、四玫瑰波尔本威士忌 Four Roses Bourbon 2261、苏格兰纯麦威士忌 Scotch Malt Whisky 2262、苏格兰威士忌 Scotch Whisky 2263、野火鸡威士忌 Wild Turkey 2264、威雀威士忌(15年) Famous Grouse (15 Years) 2265、芝华士威士忌12年 Chivas Regal (12 Years) 2266、芝华士威士忌18年 Chivas Regal (18 years) 金酒 Gin 2267、必发达金酒 Beefeater Gin 2268、哥顿 Gordon''s 2269、基比路钻石金 Gibeys Special Dry Gin, London, England 2270、健尼路金 Greenalls Original Dry Gin, London, England 郎姆酒 Rum 2271、百加得朗姆酒 Bacardi Rum Cortese DOC 2377. 奔富酒园 —洛神山庄谢蜜雍/莎当妮 Penfolds Rawson''s Retreat Semillon Chardonnay 2378. 奔富酒园—蔻兰山色莎当妮 Penfolds Koonunga Hill Chardonnay 2379. 钵酒 Port 2380. 布郎兄弟酒园— 梅洛 Brown Brothers Merlot 2381. 白诗南-柯林茨酒园 Kleine Zalze Chenin Blanc Bush Vines 2382. 宝力白-约瑟.杜华酒园 Josefh Drouhin Pouilly A.O.C. 2383. 宝米诺白 Frescobaldi Pomino Bianco Pomino D.O.C. 2384. 宝森添百利波尔多白苏维翁白葡萄酒(意大 利,托斯卡纳) Blason Timberlay Bordeaux Sauvignon Blanc (Tuscany, Italy) 2385. 贝灵哲葡萄庄园,武士谷苏维翁 Beringer, Kningts Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2386. 博艮地红葡萄酒(博艮地,法国) Beaune ler Cru Claude Chonion, Beaune (Burgundy, France) 2387. 草叶钵 Taylor''s Ruby Port 2388. 丹泽特皮诺格力得-麓 鹊酒园 Luce Danzante Pinot Grigio IGT 2389. 杜驰苏维翁 Vini Della Duchea Cabernet 2390. 杜驰梅洛 Vini Della Duchea Merlot 2391. 杜驰皮诺 Vini Della Duchea Pinot Grigio 2392. 杜哈米雍 Chateau Duhart-Milon 2393. 波尔多红葡萄酒(波尔多,法国) Chapelle de la Trinite St Emilion AOC(Bordeaux, France) 2394. 迪宝 夫酒园—梅洛 Georges Duboeuf Merlot 2395. 斗牛士 La Corrida Cabernet Sauvignon 2396. 福霖-马西酒园 Masi Camofiorin Ripasso DOC 2397. 福米博丝特(加州,美国) Fume Blanc Robert Mondavi, Napa Valley (California, USA) 2398. 富美白-罗伯特.蒙大 菲酒园 Robert Mondavi Fume Blanc 2399. 菲斯奈特黑牌汽酒 Freixenet Cordon Negro 2400. 干些厘酒 Tio Pepe Dry 2401. 歌堡 白玫瑰葡萄汽酒(法国,图南) Opera Blanc de Blanc Brut NV (Tournan, France) 2402. 格鲁斯AOC(法国) Gewurztraminer AOC Trimbach, Alsace 2403. 格威(意大利) Gavi, DOCG Michele Chiarlo, Piedmont, Italy 2404. 格乌兹莱妮-婷芭克世家 Gewurztraminer,Trimbach 2405. 古佳乐世家(罗纳山麓,法国) E.Guigal Cotes du Rhone AOC, Rhone Valley, France 2406. 汉高汽酒 Henkell Trocken 2272、白加得151 Bacardi 151, Jamaica 2273、百加得8号 Bacardi 8, Jamaica 2274、百加得白郎姆酒 Bacardi Light, Jamaica 2275、百加得黑郎姆酒 Bacardi Black, Jamaica 2407. 红宝石钵酒 Taylors, Portugal 2408. 皇室旗舰波尔多红 Berry''s Good Ordinary Claret,AC Bordeaux 2409. 皇室智利加本力苏维翁 Berry''s Chilean 2276、摩根船长(白) Captain Morgan Rum White Cabernet Sauvignon 2277、哈瓦那郎姆酒7年 Havanan Club (7 years) 2410. 皇族莎当 妮 Barossa Valley Estate Spires 2278、黑朗姆酒 Dark Rum 2279、摩根船长(黑) Captain Morgan Rum Dark 伏特加 Vodka Chardonnay 2411. 黄牌加本力颂维德,,禾富酒园 Yellow Label,Cabernet Sauvignon,Wolf Blass 2280、波兰祖布兰卡伏特加 Zubrowka-Bison 2412. 禾富酒园—黄牌苏维翁 Wolf Blass Yellow Label Brand Vodka, Poland 2281、丹麦伏特加 Danzka Vodka, Denmark 2282、丹麦伏特加(葡萄味) Danzka Currant Vodka, Denmark 2283、红牌伏特加 Stolichnaya Vodka 2284、绿牌伏特加 Moskovskaya Vodka 2285、芬兰伏特加(青柠味) Finlandia Lime Vodka, Finland 2286、芬兰伏特加 Finlandia Vodka, Finland 2287、芬兰红加仑子 Finlandia Cranberry Vodka, Finland 2288、芬兰酸蔓伏特加 Finlandia Cranberry 2289、荷兰伏特加 Ketel One Vodka, Holland 2290、皇冠伏特加 Smirnoff Vodka 2291、瑞典伏特加 Absolut 2292、瑞典伏特加(橙味) Absolut Mandarin Vodka, Sweden 2293、瑞典伏特加(柠檬味) Absolut Citron Vodka, Sweden 2294、瑞典伏特加(葡萄味) Absolut Kurrant Vodka, Sweden 2295、瑞典香草伏特加 Absolut Vanilia Vodka, Sweden 龙舌兰 Tequila 2296、龙舌兰烈酒 Tequila Sauza 2297、豪师快活白 Jose Cuervo White 2298、豪师快活金 Jose Cuervo Gold 2299、雷博司金色龙舌兰 Pepe Lopez Premiun Gold, Mexico 2300、墨西哥Sauza金色龙舌兰 Sauza Extra Tequila Gold, Mexico 2301、墨西哥Sauza银色龙舌兰 Sauza Tequila Blanco, Mexico 利口酒 Liqueurs 2302、百利甜酒 Baileys Irish Cream 2303、薄荷酒 Crème de Menthe (Green) 2304、安定宝 Underberg 2305、白薄荷 Crème de Menthe (White) 2306、白可可酒 Crème de Cacao (White) Cabernet Sauvignon 2413. 禾富酒园—雷司令 Wolf Blass South Australia Riesling 2414. 吉奥康尔多蒙丝娜-弗莱斯克巴尔迪酒园 Frescobaldi CastelGiocondo,Brunello Di Montalcino DOCG 2415. 佳美娜-埃德华 兹酒园 Luis Felipe Edwards Carmenere 2416. 佳威-贝萨诺酒园 Bersano Gavi DOCG 2417. 嘉欢钵酒 Fine Ruby Port 2418. 嘉欢舍 利(些厘) Cream Sherry 2419. 精选波拉红 Rothshild Pauillac Reserve Speciale A O C 2420. 精选梅多克-罗斯希尔酒园 Rothshild Medoc Reserve Speciale A O C 2421. 骏马牌猎人谷莎当妮 Cockfighter Ghost Hunter Valley Unwooded Chardonnay 2422. 骏马 牌珍藏苏维翁红 Cockfighter Ghost Reserve Coonawarra Cabernet Sauvignon 2423. 杰卡斯酒园—西拉加本纳 Jacob''s Creek Shiraz Cabernet 2424. 卡本妮 苏维翁(迈朴山谷,智利) Cabernet Sauvignon Conchay Toro ‖Casillero del Diablo‖ Chile 2425. 卡莎拉博丝特(千百,智利) Sauvignon Blanc Casa Lapostolle, Chile 2426. 卡斯特罗(意大利) Rosso di Montalcino Castello Banfi, Tuscany, Italy 2427. 凯歌皇牌凯歌香槟 Veuve Chicquot Yellou Label 2428. 考维酒园精选白干 Calvet Reserbe Bordeaux Bianc A O C 2429. 考维酒园精选博伦干红 Calvet Reserbe Des Barons Rouge 2430. 拉佛瑞黑皮诺-约瑟.杜华 Joseph Drouhin Laforet Bourgogne Pinot Noir 2431. 里奥哈梦迪娅-马奎斯.卡西洛酒园 Marques de Caceres Rioja Vendimia 2432. 卢比刚-美蕾酒园 Meerlust Rubicon 2433. 罗纳谷红-迈克尔.夏菩提尔酒园
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