首页 拓展培训项目———铁路大亨超级方案



拓展培训项目———铁路大亨超级方案拓展培训项目———铁路大亨超级方案 铁路大亨超级方案 ——明阳天下拓展 “铁路大亨”项目介绍 一、 项目内容 团队项目,参加者被均匀分为10个小组进行游戏,各自模拟一家公司,来经营一座自带火车的车站,项目时间3-4小时,游戏结束时按照经营状况决定优胜小组。 二、 项目目标 , 兵欲善其事,必先利其器,良好的工具是 实现盈利的有利保障; , 谋定而后动,正确的营销策略是实现盈利 的根本条件; , 群体决策,正确执行的重要性; , 了解市场,把握机遇 三、 项目描述 各公司都会从相同等级的车站开...

拓展培训项目———铁路大亨超级方案 铁路大亨超级方案 ——明阳天下拓展 “铁路大亨”项目介绍 一、 项目内容 团队项目,参加者被均匀分为10个小组进行游戏,各自模拟一家公司,来经营一座自带火车的车站,项目时间3-4小时,游戏结束时按照经营状况决定优胜小组。 二、 项目目标 , 兵欲善其事,必先利其器,良好的工具是 实现盈利的有利保障; , 谋定而后动,正确的营销策略是实现盈利 的根本条件; , 群体决策,正确执行的重要性; , 了解市场,把握机遇 三、 项目描述 各公司都会从相同等级的车站开始经营,每个车站都会出产多种原材料并生产某种成品,但是自身无法生产该成品所需材料,为了达到最大盈利,每个小组都要 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 尽可能多的卖出自产的原材料并采购自身生产需要的原材料,每个小组的火车沿途经过其他各小组的车站后,回到大本营后组织生产、结帐、计算收益,然后根据收集到的信息做出下一轮的营销决策,周而复始。 四、 项目流程 建立/升级车站——>人员分配(车站管理/列车运行)——>制定策略——>采购物资——>制定买入/卖出价格——>运营——>制造成品——>交货/收款 五、 项目规则 a) 建立/升级车站 i. 初期,每个车站等级为C,运营一轮后方可选 择升级。 ii. 列车运行有运营成本、折旧率,及维护服务 费用。 b) 人员分配 i. 人员分工为:车站管理与列车运营 ii. 列车运行人员不得少于小组一半。 iii. 每年运营开始前,两种人员之间可以互换。 c) 制定策略 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized i. 决定各种原料的供应价格和数量 ii. 决定营销策略,分配现金。 d) 采购物资 i. 向培训师采购物资装配到火车或者仓库(详见各站供需列 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ) ii. 采购量,列车运量,车站存储量(运量及存储量见车站升级列表) iii. 现金交易,谢绝还价/赊帐 iv. 原料售出,概不退还 e) 制定买入\卖出价格 i. 原料采购/供应价格制定后,必须公布在车站标价牌上,本轮运营不得更改。 ii. 未制定采购/供应价格的材料不得交易。 iii. 进站列车必须按照当前站点的买入/卖出价进行交易,不得私自变动价格 iv. 不得易货 v. 火车/车站沿途购买的原材料不得超过火车/车站的容量 f) 运营 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized i. 列车必须沿铁路顺时针运行,依次经过沿途 车站; ii. 列车行驶和停靠站时间为3分钟; iii. 母站——沿途车站——母站为一个运行周 期; g) 制造成品 i. 每n个原材料可以制造一个成品 ii. 每个站只能制造供需列表中 规定 关于下班后关闭电源的规定党章中关于入党时间的规定公务员考核规定下载规定办法文件下载宁波关于闷顶的规定 该站可以制 造的成品 h) 交货/收款 i. 交货同时结清前一年的列车运营费用,同时 可以购买下年的服务费 各站供需列表 1 木材 石英矿、钢材 家具(木材) 2 矿石 钢材、肉类 工艺品(矿石) 3 钢材 肉类、棉纺 金属工具(钢材) 4 肉类 棉纺、木材 肉肠(肉类) 5 棉纺 木材、石英矿 成衣(棉纺) saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 6 木材 石英矿、钢材 家具(木材) 7 矿石 钢材、肉类 工艺品(矿石) 8 钢材 肉类、棉纺 金属工具(钢材) 9 肉类 棉纺、木材 肉肠(肉类) 10 棉纺 木材、石英矿 成衣(棉纺) 注:成品收购价:50W 六、 车站升级列表 残值的终身免A 12 200 1/6 12 40w 费维护 残值的免费维B 8 100 1/6 8 30w 护1年 残值的 C 4 60 1/6 4 20w 无 注:维护费用(运营费用降低50,) 8w / 年 七、项目流程 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 单一车 1 站 单一,同类原料/成熟悉规则和运营流 多种车品无差异 程 2 站 多种车 3 三级原料/成品 站 比较差异,定位产品 多种车 4 三级原料/成品 站 多种车 5 三级原料/成品 站 突出差异化 多种车 6 三级原料/成品 站 举例:单一原料/成品时,牛奶5万/单位 X 3个单位=一单位普通奶制品50万 三级原料/成品时,增加脱脂奶8万/单位 X 2个单位=一单位脱脂奶制品50万 增加加钙奶15万/单位 X 1个单位=一单 位加钙奶制品50万 原料的差异化体现在单位成本不同、制作成品需量 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 不同、单位利润率不同 成品的差异化体现在相同利润状况下占用的原料单位不同 铁 路 大 亨 指导手册 背景介绍: “铁路大亨 ”模拟游戏是以一个生产制造部门为背景的,在由10-12人组成的 运营部门中,我们将接手公司运营部的管理与经营,在与其它公司运营部的激烈竞争中,保持本公司的发展与赢利。 在活动中,我们将要对诸多项目作出决策,如原材料的采购和销售、运营工具 及产品的升级、信息的收集,分析与整理等。每个单独的决策似乎很容易作出,但是当他们组合在一起时,许多不同的选择自然产生,结果也不同。作出决策是因为公司内部 (部门内)的经营状况所需,另外重要的考虑是竞争对手如何运作。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 活动介绍: 我们将模拟经营一个公司的运营部。在我们开始接管运营前,我们先问一下自己,我们有机会在激烈的市场竞争中成为佼佼者吗,当然,前提是需要我们所有人的全情投入,准备好了吗,让我们熟悉一下市场规则,这很重要,请通读一遍后再讨论。 拥有资源: 1. 一个原材料生产基地。 2. 一个配有火车和仓库的车站(目前车站等级 为C级,火车运量4个单 位,仓库容量4个单位)。 经营方式: 1. 出售原料给其他公司运营部,增加现金值; 2. 出售产成品给政府,增加现金值; 经营范围: 1. 我们的产成品是成衣,所需原料是粗布,只能从其他公司手中购买, 可以开动火车到铁路沿线其他公司购买粗布,或者向路过本站的其他 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 公司的火车收购粗布,每3个粗布可以制成一件成衣,交货收款; 2. 我们可以直接从政府那里采购到两种原料—石英、原木,但无能力加 工此两种原料的生产,可以出售给其他公司赚取利润。 我们的目标:数轮经营结束后达到资产值第一,夺取唯 一的卓越运营奖。 资产值,车站残值 + 现金值 + 剩余原料价值的1/2 运营规则: 1.谢绝向银行/政府赊帐,原料售出,概不退换; 2.随火车出站运行的人员不得少于5人; 3.公司人员各司其职。 违反以下规则的行为,除立即改正外,每次还将 被处以20万元的罚金 1.列车顺时针运行,依次经过其他公司的车站,不得超车; 2.除火车人员外,公司其他员工不得离开车站进行活动; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3.火车人员只能与当前停靠站上的人员进行交 流; 4.车站工作人员只能与当前停靠列车上的人员进 行交流; 5.火车、仓库均不得超载原料。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营流程: 运营前: 1. 内部决策,确定原料的采购品种和数 量,填写货物采购单; 2. 到银行交付货款--?; 3. 从政府处领取石英/原木--?,回公司 后,分配至车站仓库和火车上,同时分配资金 (车站与火车)-- ?,火车准备出发; 运营中: 4. 火车出发。沿顺时针到达下一站,与该 站公司进行原料交易; 5. 听到发车指令,继续行进至下一站交 易,依此类推直至回到本站; 运营后: 6. 统计收购的粗布数量,每3个单位粗布 视为一个单位成衣--?,出售给政府--?; 7. 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐--?; 8. 向银行缴纳火车运营管理费用; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 9. 运营部帐务核算; 10. 以上1,9步骤为一个运营年,周而 复始。 火车 车站 ? ? ? ? ? ? 运营部 ? ? 政 府 银 行 试运行任务书: 欢迎各位~请检查一下我们的办公用品是否齐全: 现金200万、车站货牌二个(目前等级为C级)、火车一辆; 本轮为试运行阶段,目的是在本轮中让大家能更好地理解规则。 本轮结束后,数据清零。 蒸汽机车时代,运载能力不高,公司的车站状况和经营范围如下: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 车站造每运营年火车运仓库容列车运营管等级 价 折旧 量 量 理费 60残值的4个单4个单 C 万 1/6 位 位 20万/运营年 我们能向政府采购的原料: 品名 成本 能够采购的最大数量 5万/单 原木 原料 位 8个单位 5万/单 石英 位 我们需要生产的成品: 品名 产成品所需原料及交货价 产成 3个单位粗布,1个粗布成衣 = 品 粗布成衣 50万 任务清单: 任务清单表明的是一些必须执行的任务,并以执行时间顺序排列。因此非常重要,请务必指定一人专门负责这项任务。注意说明。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取石英/原木 分配原料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站和火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的粗布数量 每3个单位粗布视为一个单位粗布成衣 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第一轮任务书: 经过一轮的“学徒”生涯,现在我们可以成为管理者正 式运营了。祝大家好运! 本轮运行参看“试运行”阶段。 任务清单: 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取石英/原木 分配原料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站和火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的粗布数量 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 每3个单位粗布视为一个单位粗布成衣 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第二轮任务书: 机车时代到来啦~以后的每运营轮开始前,我们可以根据自身状况决定是否提升车站等级。 车站造每运营火车仓库列车运营 等级 价 年折旧 运量 容量 费 200残值的12个12个80万/运 A 万 1/6 单位 单位 营年 130残值的8个单8个单40万/运 B 万 1/6 位 位 营年 60残值的4个单4个单20万/运 C 万 1/6 位 位 营年 车站更新,原有车站的残值可以抵扣新车站的造价,举例: 若第二轮开始前从C级升到A级, 则A级车站的实际造价,200,60x(1,1/6),150万, 若第三轮开始前从C级升到B级, 则B级车站的实际造价,130,60 x(1,1/6)x(1,1/6),88万。 注:1、车站升级时,请在银行处用原等级牌换取新等saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 级牌。 2、车站升级时,请在政府处用原火车车头换取新火车车头。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 货物采购 火车升级 到银行交款 货款 火车升级费用并换取等级牌 从政府处取货 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 领取石英/原木 换取火车头 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的粗布数量 每3个单位粗布视为一个单位粗布成衣 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第三轮任务书: 大工业革命带来经济的快速发展,本地可以提供的原料品种有所增加,清单如下: 属性 品名 成本 1单位产成品所需原料单位 5万/单 原木 3 位 松木(新8万/单 2 增) 位 原料 5万/单 石英 3 位 水晶(新8万/单 2 增) 位 我们可以生产的产成品品种也有所增加,清单如下: 品名 产成品所需原料及交货价 3个单位粗布,1个单位粗布成衣,产成品 粗布成衣 50万 毛衣 2个单位毛料,1个单位毛衣,50万 请根据我们的市场战略选择提供的原料品种与数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种及数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 进行收购原料的分类粗布/毛料 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个粗布->1个粗布成衣 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 2个毛料->1个毛衣 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 第四轮任务书: 产业革命创造了一个又一个的奇迹,本地可以提供的原 料品种又有所增加,清单如下: 属性 品名 成本 1单位产成品所需原料单位 5万/单 原木 3 位 松木(新8万/单 2 增) 位 原料 黑胡桃木15万/单 1 (新增) 位 5万/单 石英 3 位 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 水晶(新8万/单 2 增) 位 钻石(新15万/单 1 增) 位 贵公司可以生产的产成品品种又有所增加,清单如下: 品名 产成品所需原料及交货价 3个单位粗布,1个单位粗布成衣, 粗布成衣 50万 产成品 毛衣 2个单位毛料,1个单位毛衣,50万 1个单位丝绸,1个单位高档成衣, 高档成衣 50万 请根据贵公司的市场战略选择提供的原料品种和数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized C 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 进行收购原料的分类粗布/毛料/丝绸 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个粗布->1个粗布成衣 2个毛料->1个毛衣 1个丝绸->1个高档成衣 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 背景介绍: “铁路大亨 ”模拟游戏是以一个生产制造部门为背景的,在由10-12人组成的 运营部门中,我们将接手公司运营部的管理与经营,在与其它公司运营部的激烈竞争中,保持本公司的发展与赢利。 在活动中,我们将要对诸多项目作出决策,如原材料的采购和销售、运营工具 及产品的升级、信息的收集,分析与整理等。每个单独的决策似乎很容易作出,但是当他们组合在一起时,许多不同的选择自然产生,结果也不同。作出决策是因为公司内部 (部门内)的经营状况所需,另外重要的考虑是竞争对手如何运作。 活动介绍: 我们将模拟经营一个集团公司的运营部。在我们开始接管运营前,我们先问一下自己,我们有机会在激烈的市场竞争中成为佼佼者吗,当然,前提是需要我们所有人的全情投入,准备好了吗,让我们熟悉一下市场规则,这很重要,请通读一遍后再讨论。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 拥有资源: 1. 一个配有火车和仓库的车站(目前车站等 级为C级,火车运量4个单位,仓库容量4个单位)。 2. 一个原材料生产基地。 经营方式: 1. 出售产成品给政府,增加现金值; 2. 出售原料给其他公司运营部,增加现金 值; 经营范围: 1.我们的产成品是肉肠,所需原料是鸡肉,只能从其他公司手中购买, 可以开动火车到铁路沿线其他公司购买鸡肉,或者向路过本站的其他 公司的火车收购鸡肉,每3个鸡肉可以制成一件鸡肉肠,交货收款; 2.我们可以直接从政府那里采购到两种原料—粗布、原木,但无能力加 工生产,可以出售给其他公司赚取利润。 我们的目标:数轮经营结束后达到资产值第一,夺取唯 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 一的卓越运营奖。 资产值,车站残值 + 现金值 + 剩余原料价值的1/2 运营规则: 1.谢绝向银行/政府赊帐,原料售出,概不退换; 2.随火车出站运行的人员不得少于5人; 3.公司人员各司其职。 违反以下规则的行为,除立即改正外,每次还将 被处以20万元的罚金 1.列车顺时针运行,依次经过其他公司的车站,不得超车; 2.除火车人员外,公司其他员工不得离开车站进行活动; 3.火车人员只能与当前停靠站上的人员进行交流; 4.车站工作人员只能与当前停靠列车上的人员进行交流; 5.火车、仓库均不得超载原料。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营流程: 运营前: 1.内部决策,确定原料的采购数量,填写货物采购单; 2.到银行交付货款--?; 3.从政府处领取粗布/原木--?,回公司后,分配至车站仓库和火车上, 同时分配资金(车站与火车)-- ?,火车准备出发; 运营中: 4.火车出发。沿顺时针到达下一站,与该站公司进行原料交易; 5.听到发车指令,继续行进至下一站交易,依此类推直至回到本站; 运营后: 6.统计收购的鸡肉数量,每3个单位鸡肉视为一个单位肉肠--?,出售 给政府--?; 7.凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐--?; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 8.向银行缴纳火车运营费用;目前等级每年的运营费用为20W; 9.运营部帐务核算; 10. 以上1,9步骤为一个运营年,周而复始。 火车 车站 ? ? ? ? ? ? 运营部 ? ? 政 府 银 行 试运行任务书: 欢迎各位~请检查一下我们的办公用品是否齐全: 现金200万、车站货牌二个(目前等级为C级)、火车一 辆; 本轮为试运行阶段,目的是在本轮中让大家能更好地理 解规则。 本轮结束后,数据清零。 蒸汽机车时代,运载能力不高,公司的车站状况和经营 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 范围如下: 车站造每运营年火车运仓库容 等级 价 折旧 量 量 列车运营费 60残值的4个单4个单 C 万 1/6 位 位 20万/运营年 本地能够提供的原料: 品名 成本 贵公司能够提供的最大数量 5万/单 原木 原料 位 8个单位 5万/单 粗布 位 我们需要生产的成品: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 成品 肉肠 3个单位鸡肉,1个肉肠 = 50万 任务清单: 任务清单表明的是一些必须执行的任务,并以执行时间顺序排列。因此非常重要,请务必指定一人专门负责这项任务。注意说明。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取粗布/原木 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站和火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的鸡肉数量 每3个单位鸡肉视为一个单位肉肠 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第一轮任务书: 经过一轮的“学徒”生涯,现在我们可以成为管理者正 式运营了。祝大家好运! 本轮运行参看“试运行”阶段。 任务清单: 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取粗布/原木 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站和火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的鸡肉数量 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 每3个单位鸡肉视为一个单位肉肠 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第二轮任务书: 机车时代到来啦~以后的每运营轮开始前,我们可以根据自身状况决定是否提升车站等级。 车站造每运营火车仓库列车运营 等级 价 年折旧 运量 容量 费 200残值的12个12个80万/运 A 万 1/6 单位 单位 营年 130残值的8个单8个单40万/运 B 万 1/6 位 位 营年 60残值的4个单4个单20万/运 C 万 1/6 位 位 营年 车站更新,原有车站的残值可以抵扣新车站的造价,举例: 第二轮开始前C?A,实际造价,200,60x(1,1/6),150万, 再如: 第三轮开始前C?B,实际造价,130,60 x(1,1/6)x(1,1/6),88万。 注:1、车站升级时,请在银行处用原等级牌换取新等saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 级牌。 2、车站升级时,请在政府处用原火车车头换取新火车车头。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 货物采购 火车升级 到银行交款 货款 火车升级费用并换取等级牌 从政府处取货 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 领取粗布/原木 换取火车头 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的鸡肉数量 每3个单位鸡肉视为一个单位肉肠 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第三轮任务书: 大工业革命带来经济的快速发展,本地可以提供的原料品种有所增加,清单如下: 生产1单位成品所需原料属性 品名 成本 单位 5万/单 原木 3 位 松木(新8万/单 2 增) 位 原料 5万/单 粗布 3 位 毛料(新8万/单 2 增) 位 贵公司可以生产的产成品品种也有所增加,清单如下: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 成品 鸡肉肠 3个单位鸡肉,1个鸡肉肠,50万 羊肉肠 2个单位羊肉,1个羊肉肠,50万 请根据我们的市场战略选择提供的原料品种和数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种及数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 进行收购原料的分类鸡肉/羊肉 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个鸡肉->1个鸡肉肠 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 2个羊肉->1个羊肉肠 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第四轮任务书: 产业革命创造了一个又一个的奇迹,本地可以提供的原料品种又有所增加,清单如下: 生产1单位成品所需原料属性 品名 成本 单位 5万/单 原木 3 位 松木(新8万/单 2 增) 位 黑胡桃木15万/单 1 (新增) 位 原料 5万/单 粗布 3 位 毛料(新8万/单 2 增) 位 丝绸(新15万/单 1 增) 位 我们可以生产的产成品品种又有所增加,清单如下: 成品 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 鸡肉肠 3个单位鸡肉,1个鸡肉肠,50万 羊肉肠 2个单位羊肉,1个羊肉肠,50万 牛肉肠 1个单位牛肉,1个牛肉肠,50万 请根据贵公司的市场战略选择提供的原料品种和数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 进行收购原料的分类鸡肉/羊肉/牛肉 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个鸡肉->1个鸡肉肠 2个羊肉->1个羊肉肠 1个牛肉->1个牛肉肠 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 背景介绍: “铁路大亨 ”模拟游戏是以一个生产制造部门为背景的,在由10-12人组成的 运营部门中,我们将接手公司运营部的管理与经营,在与其它公司运营部的激烈竞争中,保持本公司的发展与赢利。 在活动中,我们将要对诸多项目作出决策,如原材料的采购和销售、运营工具 及产品的升级、信息的收集,分析与整理等。每个单独的决策似乎很容易作出,但是当他们组合在一起时,许多不同的选择自然产生,结果也不同。作出决策是因为公司内部 (部门内)的经营状况所需,另外重要的考虑是竞争对手如何运作。 活动介绍: 我们将模拟经营一个集团公司的运营部。在我们开始接管运营前,我们先问一下自己,我们有机会在激烈的市场竞争中成为佼佼者吗,当然,前提是需要我们所有人的全情投入,准备好了吗,让我们熟悉一下市场规则,这很重要,请通读一遍后再讨论。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 拥有资源: 1. 一个配有火车和仓库的车站(目前车站等 级为C级,火车运量4个单位,仓库容量4个单位)。 2. 一个原材料生产基地。 经营方式: 1.出售产成品给政府,增加现金值; 2.出售原料给其他公司运营部,增加现金值; 经营范围: 1.我们的产成品是金属工具,所需原料是低碳钢,只能从其他公司手中 购买,可以开动火车到铁路沿线其他公司购买低碳钢,或者向路过本站 的其他公司的火车收购低碳钢,每3个低碳钢可以制成一件金属工具, 交货收款; 2.我们可以直接从政府那里采购到两种原料—鸡肉、粗布,但无能力加 工生产,可以出售给其他公司赚取利润。 我们的目标:数轮经营结束后达到资产值第一,夺取唯 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 一的卓越运营奖。 资产值,车站残值 + 现金值 + 剩余原料价值的1/2 运营规则: 1.谢绝向银行/政府赊帐,原料售出,概不退换; 2.随火车出站运行的人员不得少于5人; 3.公司人员各司其职。 违反以下规则的行为,除立即改正外,每次还将 被处以20万元的罚金 1.列车顺时针运行,依次经过其他公司的车站,不得超车; 2.除火车人员外,公司其他员工不得离开车站进行活动; 3.火车人员只能与当前停靠站上的人员进行交流; 4.车站工作人员只能与当前停靠列车上的人员进行交流; 5.火车、仓库均不得超载原料。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营流程: 运营前: 1.内部决策,确定原料的采购数量,填写货物采购单; 2.到银行交付货款--?; 3.从政府处领取粗布/鸡肉--?,回公司后,分配至车站仓库和火车上, 同时分配资金(车站与火车)-- ?,火车准备出发; 运营中: 4.火车出发。沿顺时针到达下一站,与该站公司进行原料交易; 5.听到发车指令,继续行进至下一站交易,依此类推直至回到本站; 运营后: 6.统计收购的低碳钢数量,每3个单位低碳钢视为一个单位金属工具— ?,出售给政府--?; 7.凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐--?; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 8.向银行缴纳火车运营费用;目前等级每年的运营费用为20W; 9.运营部帐务核算; 10. 以上1,9步骤为一个运营年,周而复始。 火车 车站 ? ? ? ? ? ? 运营部 ? ? 政 府 银 行 试运行任务书: 欢迎各位~请检查一下我们的办公用品是否齐全: 现金200万、车站货牌二个(目前等级为C级)、火车一 辆; 本轮为试运行阶段,目的是在本轮中让大家能更好地理 解规则。 本轮结束后,数据清零。 蒸汽机车时代,运载能力不高,公司的车站状况和经营 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 范围如下: 车站造每运营年火车运仓库容 等级 价 折旧 量 量 列车运营费 60残值的4个单4个单 C 万 1/6 位 位 20万/运营年 本地能够提供的原料: 品名 成本 贵公司能够提供的最大数量 5万/单 鸡肉 原料 位 8个单位 5万/单 粗布 位 我们需要生产的成品: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 成品 3个单位低碳钢,1个金属工具 = 50 金属工具 万 任务清单: 任务清单表明的是一些必须执行的任务,并以执行时间顺序排列。因此非常重要,请务必指定一人专门负责这项任务。注意说明。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取鸡肉/粗布 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站和火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的低碳钢数量 每3个单位低碳钢视为一个单位金属工具 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第一轮任务书: 经过一轮的“学徒”生涯,现在我们可以成为管理者正 式运营了。祝大家好运! 本轮运行参看“试运行”阶段。 任务清单: 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取鸡肉/粗布 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站和火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的低碳钢数量 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 每3个单位低碳钢视为一个单位金属工具 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第二轮任务书: 机车时代到来啦~以后的每运营轮开始前,我们可以根据自身状况决定是否提升车站等级。 车站造每运营火车仓库列车运营 等级 价 年折旧 运量 容量 费 200残值的12个12个80万/运 A 万 1/6 单位 单位 营年 130残值的8个单8个单40万/运 B 万 1/6 位 位 营年 60残值的4个单4个单20万/运 C 万 1/6 位 位 营年 车站更新,原有车站的残值可以抵扣新车站的造价,举例: 第二轮开始前C?A,实际造价,200,60x(1,1/6),150万, 再如: 第三轮开始前C?B,实际造价,130,60 x(1,1/6)x(1,1/6),88万。 注:1、车站升级时,请在银行处用原等级牌换取新等saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 级牌。 2、车站升级时,请在政府处用原火车车头换取新火车车头。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 货物采购 火车升级 到银行交款 货款 火车升级费用并换取等级牌 从政府处取货 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 领取鸡肉/粗布 换取火车头 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的低碳钢数量 每3个单位低碳钢视为一个单位金属工具 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第三轮任务书: 大工业革命带来经济的快速发展,本地可以提供的原料品种有所增加,清单如下: 生产1单位成品所需原料属性 品名 成本 单位 5万/单 鸡肉 3 位 羊肉(新8万/单 2 增) 位 原料 5万/单 粗布 3 位 毛料(新8万/单 2 增) 位 我们可以生产的产成品品种也有所增加,清单如下: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 3个单位低碳钢,1个低碳工具,50 低碳工具 成品 万 2个单位高碳钢,1个高碳工具,50 高碳工具 万 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 请根据贵公司的市场战略选择提供的原料品种和数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种及数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 进行收购原料的分类低碳钢/高碳钢 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个低碳钢->1个低碳工具 2个高碳钢->1个高碳工具 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第四轮任务书: 产业革命创造了一个又一个的奇迹,本地可以提供的原料品种又有所增加,清单如下: 生产1单位成品所需原料属性 品名 成本 单位 5万/单 鸡肉 3 位 羊肉(新8万/单 2 增) 位 牛肉(新15万/单 1 增) 位 原料 5万/单 粗布 3 位 毛料(新8万/单 2 增) 位 丝绸(新15万/单 1 增) 位 我们可以生产的产成品品种又有所增加,清单如下: 成品 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 3个单位低碳钢,1个低碳工具,50 低碳工具 万 2个单位高碳钢,1个高碳工具,50 高碳工具 万 1个单位合金钢,1个合金工具,50 合金工具 万 请根据贵公司的市场战略选择提供的原料品种和数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 进行收购原料的分类低碳钢/高碳钢/合金钢 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个低碳钢->1个低碳工具 2个高碳钢->1个高碳工具 1个合金钢->1个合金工具 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 背景介绍: “铁路大亨 ”模拟游戏是以一个生产制造部门为背景的,在由10-12人组成的 运营部门中,我们将接手公司运营部的管理与经营,在与其它公司运营部的激烈竞争中,保持本公司的发展与赢利。 在活动中,我们将要对诸多项目作出决策,如原材料的采购和销售、运营工具 及产品的升级、信息的收集,分析与整理等。每个单独的决策似乎很容易作出,但是当他们组合在一起时,许多不同的选择自然产生,结果也不同。作出决策是因为公司内部 (部门内)的经营状况所需,另外重要的考虑是竞争对手如何运作。 活动介绍: 我们将模拟经营一个集团公司的运营部。在我们开始接管运营前,我们先问一下自己,我们有机会在激烈的市场竞争中成为佼佼者吗,当然,前提是需要我们所有人的全情投入,准备好了吗,让我们熟悉一下市场规则,这很重要,请通读一遍后再讨论。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 拥有资源: 1. 一个配有火车和仓库的车站(目前车站等 级为C级,火车运量4个单位,仓库容量4个单位)。 2. 一个原材料生产基地。 经营方式: 1. 出售产成品给政府,增加现金值; 2. 出售原料给其他公司运营部,增加现金 值; 经营范围: 1.我们的产成品是工艺品,所需原料是石英,只能从其他公司手中购 买,可以开动火车到铁路沿线其他公司购买石英,或者向路过本站的其 他公司的火车收购石英,每3个石英可以制成一件工艺品,交货收款; 2.我们可以直接从政府那里采购到两种原料—鸡肉、低碳钢,但无能力 加工生产,可以出售给其他公司赚取利润。 我们的目标:数轮经营结束后达到资产值第一,夺取唯 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 一的卓越运营奖。 资产值,车站残值 + 现金值 + 剩余原料价值的1/2 运营规则: 1.谢绝向银行/政府赊帐,原料售出,概不退换; 2.随火车出站运行的人员不得少于5人; 3.公司人员各司其职。 违反以下规则的行为,除立即改正外,每次还将 被处以20万元的罚金 1.列车顺时针运行,依次经过其他公司的车站,不得超车; 2.除火车人员外,公司其他员工不得离开车站进行活动; 3.火车人员只能与当前停靠站上的人员进行交流; 4.车站工作人员只能与当前停靠列车上的人员进行交流; 5.火车、仓库均不得超载原料。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营流程: 运营前: 1.内部决策,确定原料的采购数量,填写货物采购单; 2.到银行交付货款--?; 3.从政府处领取鸡肉/低碳钢--?,回公司后,分配至车站仓库和火车 上,同时分配资金(车站与火车)-- ?,火车准备出发; 运营中: 4.火车出发。沿顺时针到达下一站,与该站公司进行原料交易; 5.听到发车指令,继续行进至下一站交易,依此类推直至回到本站; 运营后: 6.统计收购的石英数量,每3个单位石英视为一个单位工艺品—?,出 售给政府--?; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 7.凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐--?; 8.向银行缴纳火车运营费用;目前等级每年的运营费用为20W; 9.运营部帐务核算; 10. 以上1,9步骤为一个运营年,周而复始。 火车 车站 ? ? ? ? ? ? 运营部 ? ? 政 府 银 行 试运行任务书: 欢迎各位~请检查一下我们的办公用品是否齐全: 现金200万、车站货牌二个(目前等级为C级)、火车一 辆; 本轮为试运行阶段,目的是在本轮中让大家能更好地理 解规则。 本轮结束后,数据清零。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 蒸汽机车时代,运载能力不高,公司的车站状况和经营范围如下: 车站造每运营年火车运仓库容 等级 价 折旧 量 量 列车运营费 60残值的4个单4个单 C 万 1/6 位 位 20万/运营年 本地能够提供的原料: 品名 成本 贵公司能够提供的最大数量 5万/单 鸡肉 原料 位 8个单位 5万/单 低碳钢 位 我们需要生产的成品: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 成品 工艺品 3个单位石英,1个工艺品 = 50万 任务清单: 任务清单表明的是一些必须执行的任务,并以执行时间顺序排列。因此非常重要,请务必指定一人专门负责这项任务。注意说明。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取鸡肉/低碳钢 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站与火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的石英数量 每3个单位石英视为一个单位工艺品 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第一轮任务书: 经过一轮的“学徒”生涯,现在我们可以成为管理者正 式运营了。祝大家好运! 本轮运行参看“试运行”阶段。 任务清单: 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取鸡肉/低碳钢 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站与火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的石英数量 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 每3个单位石英视为一个单位工艺品 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第二轮任务书: 机车时代到来啦~以后的每运营轮开始前,我们可以根据自身状况决定是否提升车站等级。 车站造每运营火车仓库列车运营 等级 价 年折旧 运量 容量 费 200残值的12个12个80万/运 A 万 1/6 单位 单位 营年 130残值的8个单8个单40万/运 B 万 1/6 位 位 营年 60残值的4个单4个单20万/运 C 万 1/6 位 位 营年 车站更新,原有车站的残值可以抵扣新车站的造价,举例: 第二轮开始前C?A,实际造价,200,60x(1,1/6),150万, 再如: 第三轮开始前C?B,实际造价,130,60 x(1,1/6)x(1,1/6),88万。 注:1、车站升级时,请在银行处用原等级牌换取新等saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 级牌。 2、车站升级时,请在政府处用原火车车头换取新火车车头。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 货物采购 火车升级 到银行交款 货款 火车升级费用并换取等级牌 从政府处取货 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 领取鸡肉/低碳钢 换取火车头 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的石英数量 每3个单位石英视为一个单位工艺品 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第三轮任务书: 大工业革命带来经济的快速发展,贵公司可以提供的原料品种有所增加,清单如下: 生产1单位成品所需原料属性 品名 成本 单位 5万/单 鸡肉 3 位 羊肉(新8万/单 2 增) 位 原料 5万/单 低碳钢 3 位 高碳钢(新8万/单 2 增) 位 我们可以生产的产成品品种也有所增加,清单如下: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 石英工艺3个单位石英,1个石英工艺品,50成品 品 万 水晶工艺2个单位水晶,1个水晶工艺品,50 品 万 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 请根据贵公司的市场战略选择提供的原料品种和数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种及数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 进行收购原料的分类石英/水晶 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个石英->1个石英工艺品 2个水晶->1个水晶工艺品 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 第四轮任务书: 产业革命创造了一个又一个的奇迹,本地可以提供的原 料品种又有所增加,清单如下: 生产1单位成品所需原料属性 品名 成本 单位 5万/单 鸡肉 3 位 原料 羊肉(新8万/单 2 增) 位 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 牛肉(新15万/单 1 增) 位 5万/单 低碳钢 3 位 高碳钢(新8万/单 2 增) 位 合金钢(新15万/单 1 增) 位 我们可以生产的产成品品种又有所增加,清单如下: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 石英工艺3个单位石英,1个石英工艺品,50 品 万 成品 水晶工艺2个单位水晶,1个水晶工艺品,50 品 万 珠宝首饰 1个单位钻石,1个珠宝首饰,50万 请根据贵公司的市场战略选择提供的原料品种和数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 进行收购原料的分类石英/水晶/钻石 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个石英->1个石英工艺品 2个水晶->1个水晶工艺品 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 1个钻石->1个珠宝首饰 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 背景介绍: “铁路大亨 ”模拟游戏是以一个生产制造部门为背景的,在由10-12人组成的 运营部门中,我们将接手公司运营部的管理与经营,在与其它公司运营部的激烈竞争中,保持本公司的发展与赢利。 在活动中,我们将要对诸多项目作出决策,如原材料的采购和销售、运营工具 及产品的升级、信息的收集,分析与整理等。每个单独的决策似乎很容易作出,但是当他们组合在一起时,许多不同的选择自然产生,结果也不同。作出决策是因为公司内部 (部门内)的经营状况所需,另外重要的考虑是竞争对手如何运作。 活动介绍: 我们将模拟经营一个集团公司的运营部。在我们开始接管运营前,我们先问一下自己,我们有机会在激烈的市场竞争中成为佼佼者吗,当然,前提是需要我们所有人的全情投入,准备好了吗,让我们熟悉一下市场规则,这很重要,请通读一遍后再讨论。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 拥有资源: 1. 一个配有火车和仓库的车站(目前车站等 级为C级,火车运量4个单位,仓库容量4个单位)。 2. 一个原材料生产基地。 经营方式: 1.出售产成品给政府,增加现金值; 2.出售原料给其他公司运营部,增加现金值; 经营范围: 1.我们的产成品是家俱,所需原料是原木,只能从其他公司手中购买, 可以开动火车到铁路沿线其他公司购买原木,或者向路过本站的其他公 司的火车收购原木,每3个原木可以制成一件家俱,交货收款; 2.我们可以直接从政府那里采购到两种原料—石英、低碳钢,但无能力 加工生产,可以出售给其他公司赚取利润。 我们的目标:数轮经营结束后达到资产值第一,夺取唯 一的卓越运营奖。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 资产值,车站残值 + 现金值 + 剩余原料价值的1/2 运营规则: 1.谢绝向银行/政府赊帐,原料售出,概不退换; 2.随火车出站运行的人员不得少于5人; 3.公司人员各司其职。 违反以下规则的行为,除立即改正外,每次还将被处以20万元的罚金 1.列车顺时针运行,依次经过其他公司的车站,不得超车; 2.除火车人员外,公司其他员工不得离开车站进行活动; 3.火车人员只能与当前停靠站上的人员进行交流; 4.车站工作人员只能与当前停靠列车上的人员进行交流; 5.火车、仓库均不得超载原料。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营流程: 运营前: 1.内部决策,确定原料的采购数量,填写货物采购单; 2.到银行交付货款--?; 3.从政府处领取石英/低碳钢--?,回公司后,分配至车站仓库和火车 上,同时分配资金(车站与火车)-- ?,火车准备出发; 运营中: 4.火车出发。沿顺时针到达下一站,与该站公司进行原料交易; 5.听到发车指令,继续行进至下一站交易,依此类推直至回到本站; 运营后: 6.统计收购的原木数量,每3个单位原木视为一个单位家俱—?,出售 给政府--?; saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 7.凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐--?; 8.向银行缴纳火车运营费用;目前等级每年的运营费用为20W; 9.运营部帐务核算; 10. 以上1,9步骤为一个运营年,周而复始。 火车 车站 ? ? ? ? ? ? 运营部 ? ? 政 府 银 行 试运行任务书: 欢迎各位~请检查一下我们的办公用品是否齐全: 现金200万、车站货牌二个(目前等级为C级)、火车一 辆; 本轮为试运行阶段,目的是在本轮中让大家能更好地理 解规则。 本轮结束后,数据清零。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 蒸汽机车时代,运载能力不高,公司的车站状况和经营范围如下: 车站每运营火车运仓库容 等级 造价 年折旧 量 量 列车运营费 60残值的4个单4个单 C 万 1/6 位 位 20万/运营年 本地能够提供的原料: 品名 成本 贵公司能够提供的最大数量 5万/单 石英 原料 位 8个单位 5万/单 低碳钢 位 我们需要生产的成品: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 成品 家俱 3个单位原木,1个家俱 = 50万 任务清单: 任务清单表明的是一些必须执行的任务,并以执行时间顺序排列。因此非常重要,请务必指定一人专门负责这项任务。注意说明。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取石英/低碳钢 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站与火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的原木数量 每3个单位原木视为一个单位家俱 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第一轮任务书: 经过一轮的“学徒”生涯,现在我们可以成为管理者正 式运营了。祝大家好运! 本轮运行参看“试运行”阶段。 任务清单: 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写货物采购单 到银行交付货款 从政府处领取石英/低碳钢 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 分配人员(车站与火车上的人数) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的原木数量 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 每3个单位原木视为一个单位家俱 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(目前等级20万) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第二轮任务书: 机车时代到来啦~以后的每运营轮开始前,我们可以根据自身状况决定是否提升车站等级。 车站造每运营火车仓库列车运营 等级 价 年折旧 运量 容量 费 200残值的12个12个80万/运 A 万 1/6 单位 单位 营年 130残值的8个单8个单40万/运 B 万 1/6 位 位 营年 60残值的4个单4个单20万/运 C 万 1/6 位 位 营年 车站更新,原有车站的残值可以抵扣新车站的造价,举例: 第二轮开始前C?A,实际造价,200,60x(1,1/6),150万, 再如: 第三轮开始前C?B,实际造价,130,60 x(1,1/6)x(1,1/6),88万。 注:1、车站升级时,请在银行处用原等级牌换取新等saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 级牌。 2、车站升级时,请在政府处用原火车车头换取新火车车头。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 货物采购 火车升级 到银行交款 货款 火车升级费用并换取等级牌 从政府处取货 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 领取石英/低碳钢 换取火车头 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 统计收购的原木数量 每3个单位原木视为一个单位家俱 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第三轮任务书: 大工业革命带来经济的快速发展,本地可以提供的原料品种有所增加,清单如下: 生产1单位成品所需原料属性 品名 成本 单位 5万/单 石英 3 位 水晶(新8万/单 2 增) 位 原料 5万/单 低碳钢 3 位 高碳钢(新8万/单 2 增) 位 我们可以生产的产成品品种也有所增加,清单如下: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 成品 原木家具 3个单位原木,1个原木家具,50万 松木家具 2个单位松木,1个松木家具,50万 请根据贵公司的市场战略选择提供的原料品种和数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营前: (请 打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C 确定原料采购品种及数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 进行收购原料的分类原木/松木 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个原木->1个原木家俱 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 2个松木->1个松木家俱 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 第四轮任务书: 产业革命创造了一个又一个的奇迹,本地可以提供的原 料品种又有所增加,清单如下: 生产1单位成品所需原料 属性 品名 成本 单位 5万/单 石英 3 位 水晶(新8万/单 2 增) 位 原料 钻石(新15万/单 1 增) 位 5万/单 低碳钢 3 位 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 高碳钢(新8万/单 2 增) 位 合金钢(新15万/单 1 增) 位 我们可以生产的产成品品种又有所增加,清单如下: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 原木家具 3个单位原木,1个原木家具,50万 成品 松木家具 2个单位松木,1个松木家具,50万 黑胡桃木1个单位黑胡桃木,1个黑胡桃木家 家具 具,50万 请根据贵公司的市场战略选择提供的原料品种和数量。 任务清单:(车站等级不变,则相关内容不填写) 运营前: (请打勾) 确定是否进行车站升级 是 否 车站升级等级 A B C saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 确定原料采购品种和数量 填写采购单 到银行交款 从政府处取货 分配材料至车站仓库和火车上(注意数量上限) 分配资金(车站与火车) 运营中: 火车出发(遵守开车时间) 运营后: 进行收购原料的分类原木/松木/黑胡桃木 统计各类原料的数量 按要求制成成品3个原木->1个原木家俱 2个松木->1个松木家俱 1个黑胡桃木->1个黑胡桃木家俱 出售给政府(索要取款单) 凭政府的取款单到银行处收帐 向银行缴纳火车运营费用(按车站等级收取) 运营部帐务核算 提交帐务报表给政府 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 学员任务书: 运营前发放本轮任务书,包括车型、原料、成品变化,市场预测,规则变化等等。 举例: 总任务书: 各位,铁路线上风云际会,众诸候逐鹿中原,我们 集团公司有机会利用6年的时间成为最终的“铁路大 亨”,当然,这需要我们公司所有员工的全情投入,准 备好了吗,让我们熟悉一下市场规则,这很重要,请通 读一遍后再讨论。 我们的目标:在6轮经营结束后实现集团公司的盈利最大化。 我们的资源:一个配有火车的车站,启动资金140万,一公司的聪明才智。 经营范围:我们具备某种成品(比如成衣,原料是棉 纺)的生产能力,可以开动火车到铁路沿线其他公司购买 原料,或者向路过本站的其他公司的火车收购原料,然后 组织生产,交货收款;同时,我们公司还能向市场提供某 两种原料(如原木、矿)。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营流程: 制定策略——>准备本站供应的原料——>制定 本站各原料采购/供应价格——>人员分配(车站管 理/列车运行)——>火车运营——>制造成品——> 交货/收款——>统计经营状况——>准备下一轮运 营 岗位职责 总经理岗位职责总经理安全岗位职责工厂保安人员的岗位职责工厂财务部岗位职责工程测量员岗位职责 : CEO—负责运营部的日常管理工作,拥有对运营部的经营决策权,对运营 部的整体经营年的业绩负责。 CFO—负责运营部的财务管理工作,掌管现金,拥有对运营部使用货款的监 督权,以及对划帐及贷款拥有决定权。对运营部的整体经营年的财务 状况负责。 CIO—负责运营部的信息收集与整理工作,了解市场动态,对原料的配置及 数量拥有建议权。 CTO—负责运营部的技术支持,关注升级产品的运营情saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 况。 车站COO—有权决定本站提供原料的数量/价格,采购原料的数量/价格,以 及公司成品的生产、交货收款; 车站长—负责车站的正常运作,对车站的安全、交易货物的安全负责。严格 遵守列车到站、出站的时间。 仓管员—负责原料的配置与成品的交货。 车站员—负责谈判,争取所卖原料的最高价。 列车COO—带领列车员依次经过其他公司,卖 出火车上的原料或者买入其 他公司提供的原料,对沿途交易拥有决策权。 列车长—负责列车的正常运行,对列车货物的安全负责。严格遵守列车到 站、出站的时间。 列车员—负责谈判,争取采购原料的最低价 第一轮任务书: 欢迎各位~请检查一下我们的办公用品是否齐全: 现金140万、车站用报价牌三个、公司标牌一个、火车saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 标牌一个,等级为C级; 蒸汽机车时代,运载能力不高,公司的车站状况和经营范围如下: 车站造每运营年火车运仓库容 等级 价 折旧 量 量 列车运营费 60残值的4个单4个单 C 万 1/6 位 位 20万/运营年 贵公司能够提供的原料: 贵公司能够提供的最 品名 成本 大数量 5万/单 原料 原木 位 8个单位 5万/单 石英 位 贵公司需要生产的成品: 品名 产成品所需原料及交货价 产成 3个单位粗布,1个粗布成衣 = 品 粗布成衣 50万 第二轮任务书: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 电力机车时代到来啦~以后的每运营年开始前,贵公司可以根据自身状况决定是否提升车站等级。 车站造每运营火车仓库列车运等级 价 年折旧 运量 容量 营费 服务维护 200残值的12个12个40万/运终身免费 A 万 1/6 单位 单位 营年 服务 130残值的8个单8个单30万/运免费服务 B 万 1/6 位 位 营年 1年 60残值的4个单4个单20万/运 C 万 1/6 位 位 营年 无 服务维护费用(运营费用降低50%):8w/年。 车站更新,原有车站的残值可以抵扣新车站的造价,举例: 第二轮开始前C?A,实际造价,200,60x(1,1/6),150万, 再如: 第三轮开始前C?B,实际造价,130,60 x(1,1/6)x(1,1/6),88万。 第三轮任务书: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 大工业革命带来经济的快速发展,贵公司可以提供的原料品种有所增加,清单如下: 生产1单位成品所需原料属性 品名 成本 单位 5万/单 石英 3 位 5万/单 低碳钢 3 位 水晶(新8万/单 2 增) 位 原料 钻石(新15万/单 1 增) 位 高碳钢(新8万/单 2 增) 位 合金钢(新15万/单 1 增) 位 贵公司可以生产的产成品品种有所增加,清单如下: 品名 生产成品所需原材料及交货价 成品 原木家具 3个单位原木,1个原木家具,50万 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 松木家具 2个单位松木,1个松木家具,50万 黑胡桃木1个单位黑胡桃木,1个黑胡桃木家 家具 具,50万 请根据贵公司的市场战略选择提供的原料数量和价格。 第四轮任务书 第五轮任务书 第六轮任务书(同第三轮任务书,略) 回顾引导: , 你们是如何做决策的,如何保证团队的力量发挥到最大化, , 你们的原材料供应 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 是如何做出的,做这些决定时最难的是什么, , 什么样的产品对你们最有吸引力,为什么, , 有哪些改善利润的途径, , 你们认为要从游戏中胜出的关键点有哪些, 5W 8W 15W 木材 原木 松木 黑胡桃木 钢材 低碳钢 高碳钢 合金钢 棉纺 粗布 毛料 丝绸 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 肉类 鸡肉 羊肉 牛肉 矿石 石英 水晶 钻石 铁路大亨项目创新申报表 申报类型:? 自创 ?团创 ?改进 ?其他 申请人材料 所在机杭州公培训总姓名 沈鹄 职务 构 司 监 13605800 电话 EMAIL Shenhu@outward-dev.com 046 参与人材料 (如系团创项目请填写) 所在机好好体 姓名 赵浩明 职务 总经理 构 验 13801032Zhaohaoming@outward-dev.c电话 EMAIL 829 om 所在机上海公 姓名 应义礼 职务 培训师 构 司 13701671 电话 EMAIL andy8848@vip.sina.com 586 姓名 张兆博 所在机杭州公职务 培训主saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 构 司 管 13216816Zhangzhaobo@outward-dev.c电话 EMAIL 111 om 项目材料 项目名 铁路大亨 称 项目类?高空挑?团队?野外 ?其他,模拟经营 型 战 合作 探险 各公司都会从相同等级的车站开始经营,每个 车站都会出产多种原材料并生产某种成品,但是自 身无法生产该成品所需材料,为了达到最大盈利,申报说每个小组都要尽可能多的卖出自产的原材料并采明 购自身生产需要的原材料,每个小组的火车沿途经 过其他各小组的车站后,回到大本营后组织生产、 结帐、计算收益,然后根据收集到的信息做出下一 轮的营销决策,周而复始。 材料:货币、材料单、任务书、 所需协 培训师:最佳是11名(1名主带,10名辅助) 助 至少4名 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 备注 货款领款单 金额(大写) 金额(小写) 签字确认: 货款领款单 金额(大写) 金额(小写) 签字确认: 项目名称 铁路大亨 申报人 沈鹄 测试时间 2004年4月 测试主持人 赵浩明 赵浩明 沈鹄 应义礼 测试参与人 孟志康 测试对象 ?学员 ?内部员工 ?其他 测试人数 4 测试次数 第 1 次 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 测试效果概述 测试对象参与程度:?高; ?中; ?一般; ?低; 测试对象主要表现: 项目立案测试,所以最多在测试中考虑的是项目的合理 性、是否能符合培训组织者的需求,同时建立项目规则与流 程。 测试对象主要反馈: 完善规则与流程 主要回顾内容: 无回顾 修改 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 : 完善运营体系 货物采购单 品名 单价 数量 合计 鸡肉 5万 羊肉 8万 牛肉 15万 粗布 5万 毛料 8万 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 丝绸 15万 原木 5万 松木 8万 黑胡桃木 15万 低碳钢 5万 高碳钢 8万 合金钢 15万 石英 5万 水晶 8万 钻石 15万 车站是否升级: 是 否 升至级别: A B C 银行专用表单 运营运营 试运行运营管第一轮第二轮公司名称 管理 管理 等级 理费 等级 等级 费 费 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 运营运营 第三轮运营管第四轮第五轮 公司名称 管理管理 等级 理费 等级 等级 费 费 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 运营运营 运营管 等级 等级 管理 等级 管理 理费 费 费 C级火 20万 B级火车 40万 A级火车 80万 车 试运行业绩核算单 第一轮业绩核算单 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 公司名公司名 称: 称: 车站等剩余资车站等剩余 级: 金: 级: 资金: 运营部 运营部 CFO签 CFO签字: 字: 运营部 运营部 CEO签 CEO签字: 字: 培训师培训师签 签字: 字: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第二轮业绩核算单 第三轮业绩核算单 公司名公司名 称: 称: 车站等剩余资车站等剩余 级: 金: 级: 资金: 运营部 运营部 CFO签 CFO签字: 字: 运营部运营部 CEO签CEO签字: saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 字: 培训师培训师签 签字: 字: 第四轮业绩核算单 最终资产值核算单 公司名公司名 称: 称: 车站等剩余资车站残现金 级: 金: 值: 值: 原料残 总计: 值: 运营部 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized CFO签 字: 运营部 CFO签字: 运营部 CEO签 字: 运营部 CEO签字: 培训师 签字: 培训师签 字: 起始等起始 C B 级 等级 升到 升到等升到等 等级 级B 级A A 第二80 150 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 轮 第三 88 158 92 轮 第四 95 165 110 轮 第五 101 171 125 轮 起始等起始 C B 级 等级 升到 升到等升到等 等级 级B 级A A 第二 80 150 轮 第三 88 158 92 轮 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 第四 95 165 110 轮 第五 101 171 125 轮 起始等起始 C B 级 等级 升到 升到等升到等 等级 级B 级A A 第二 80 150 轮 第三 88 158 92 轮 第四 95 165 110 轮 第五101 171 125 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 轮 起始等起始 C B 级 等级 升到 升到等升到等 等级 级B 级A A 第二 80 150 轮 第三 88 158 92 轮 第四 95 165 110 轮 第五 101 171 125 轮 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized 起始等起始 C B 级 等级 升到 升到等升到等 等级 级B 级A A 第二 80 150 轮 第三 88 158 92 轮 第四 95 165 110 轮 第五 101 171 125 轮 本文转自明阳天下拓展,转载请注明出处。 saturation of the road network in the vast majority of sections below 0.8, higher levels of service, but a few very high saturation of the road, xufu, rongzhou road saturation is more than 1, level of service very poor. (2) major intersection service level crossing is an important part of the urban road network, whether it is open to the entire road network speed and efficiency plays a key role. Yibin city, but some intersections are not optimized
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