首页 2012河南对口升学高考试卷计算机专业课



2012河南对口升学高考试卷计算机专业课2012河南对口升学高考试卷计算机专业课 河南省2012年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试 计算机类基础课试题卷 考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(计算机组装与维护1-30;Visual Basic 6.0程序设计31-55。每小题2分, 共110分。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上) 1( 是决定一台计算机档次和配置的关键因素。 A(内存 B(外设 C(硬盘 D(CPU 2(我国生产的CPU被命名为 A(龙芯 B(银河 C(曙光 D(长城...

2012河南对口升学高考试卷计算机专业课 河南省2012年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试 计算机类基础课试题卷 考生注意:所有 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(计算机组装与维护1-30;Visual Basic 6.0程序设计31-55。每小题2分, 共110分。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上) 1( 是决定一台计算机档次和配置的关键因素。 A(内存 B(外设 C(硬盘 D(CPU 2(我国生产的CPU被命名为 A(龙芯 B(银河 C(曙光 D(长城 3( 不是输入设备。 A(扫描仪 B(鼠标 C(绘图仪 D(键盘 (RAM与 ROM的主要区别是 4 A(断电后,ROM内保存的信息会丢失,而RAM则可长期保存,不会丢失 B(断电后,RAM内保存的信息会丢失,而ROM则可长期保存,不会丢失 C(ROM是外存储器,RAM是内存储器 D(RAM是外存储器,ROM是内存储器 5(PS/2鼠标接头通过一个 针接口与计算机相连。 A(5 B(6 C(9 D(25 6(“USB”的含义是指 A(并行总线 B(微处理器 C(通用串行总线 D(稳压电源 7(一个IDE数据线最多可以连接 个设备。 A(2 B(4 C(6 D(8 8(DDR3内存金手指有 线。 A(168 B(184 C(240 D(148 9(主板的 芯片主要负责CPU和内存之间的数据交换和传输。 A(I/O B(北桥 C(南桥 D(BIOS Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 10(1KB是指 A(1000个字 B(1000个字节 C(1024个字 D(1024个字节 11(计算机中的火线接口是指 A(显卡接口 B(IEEE1394接口 C(键盘接口 D(网卡接口 12(外频是指 的工作频率。 A(CPU B(硬盘 C(光驱 D(主板 13(内存的时序参数RAS# to CAS# 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示 A(列地址至行地址的延迟时间 B(行地址控制器延迟时间 C(列地址控制器预充电时间 D(列动态时间 14(键盘上的 键称为回车键。 A(Enter B(Tab C(Caps Lock D(Shift 15(硬盘的容量与 无关。 A(内置盘片数 B(磁道数 C(扇区数 D(盘片厚度 16(连接计算机的电源电压应在 V左右。 A(12 B(120 C(220 D(370 17(装机过程中,不符合操作 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 的是 A(断电操作 B(抓住线缆拔插头 C(防止金属物体掉到主板上 D(不要划到线路板 18(计算机在使用过程中,如果计算机突然发出异常响声,应 A(记录下来 B(叫别人帮忙 C(立即断电 D(等待 defence-nd Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against selftang aully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuominanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefabundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng W-other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze,2 19(计算机正常运行时,主机电源灯突然熄灭并且电源风扇停转,则优先考虑的 故障是 A(电源故障 B(CPU故障 C(硬盘故障 D(内存故障 20(当前所用的硬盘都属于 技术类型的硬盘。 A(物理加速 B(温彻斯特 C(冯•诺依曼 D(固态硬盘 21(VGA接口是一个 A(15针三排D型接口 B(15针二排D型接口 C(9针三排D型接口 D(9针二排D型接口 22(液晶显示器也称 显示器。 A(LDC B(DCL C(DLC D(LCD 23( 是操作系统。 A(Windows XP B(Word 2003 C(WPS 2003 D(Office 2003 24(把磁盘从逻辑上划分成一系列同心圆,每个同心圆称为一个 A(扇区 B(磁道 C(簇 D(分区 25( 不是闪存卡。 A(SD卡 B(CF卡 C(硬盘 D(记忆棒 26(DDR显存的工作频率(MHz)等于 A(1000/显存速度×2 B(显存速度×2 C(1000/显存速度 D(显存速度 27( 不是CPU的主要技术指标。 A(缓存 B(制造工艺 C(多媒体指令集 D(内存容量 28(主机箱至主板的连接线的线端插座上,英文名称SPEAKER表示 A(电源“开关” B(扬声器/蜂鸣器 C(复位 D(硬盘运行指示灯 计算机类基础课试题卷Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building posi 第 3 页(共 8 页) tions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 29(根据网络故障的性质,可将网络故障分为 A(网络物理故障和网络逻辑故障 B(网络物理故障和路由故障 C(路由故障和主机故障 D(主机故障和线路故障 30(当AMI BIOS系统自检时,发现系统时钟出错,喇叭则会发出 声。 A(1短 B(2短 C(3短 D(4短 31(在设计阶段,双击窗体上的某个控件时所打开的窗口是 A(工程资源管理器窗口 B(工具箱窗口 C(代码窗口 D(属性窗口 32(整型(Integer)数据占 字节的内存空间。 A(1 B(2 C(4 D(8 33( 可以作为Visual Basic 中变量名。 A(a+b B(abc C(2a D(Then 34(符合Visual Basic 6.0规范的表达式是 2+ab B(a(a+b) A(a C(a*[a+b] D(a*(a+b) 35(表示x位于闭区间[-3,3] 的Visual Basic表达式是 A(-3<=x<=3 B(x>= - 3 Or x<=3 C(x>= - 3 And x<=3 D(x>= - 3 Xor x<=3 36(程序执行过程中其值不变的量称为 A(表达式 B(常量 C(变量 D( 函数 excel方差函数excelsd函数已知函数     2 f x m x mx m      2 1 4 2拉格朗日函数pdf函数公式下载 37(表达式Abs(-10) + Sqr(16)的值是 A(6 B(-6 C(26 D(14 38(设a="abcdefghij",则表达式Mid(a,5,3)& Right(a,3)的值是 A("efg" B("hij" C("efghij" D("hijefg" 39(假设变量a=5,b=3,执行t=a:a=b:b=t语句以后,a和b的值分别是 A(3 和5 B(5 和3 C(3 和3 D(5 和5 40(获得当前系统日期的函数是 A(Hour B(Time C(Date D(Year defence-nd Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against selftang aully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuominanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefabundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng W-other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze,4 41(程序段:s=1 For i=1 To 10 Step 2 s=s*i i=i+1 Next i Print s,i 执行结束后,输出的结果是 A(280 13 B(280 11 C(945 11 D(945 13 42(在窗体上画一个名称为Command1的命令按钮,然后编写如下过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() x = 0 n = Val(InputBox("")) For i = 1 To n For j = 1 To i x = x +j Next j Next i Print x End Sub 运行后,单击命令按钮,输入4以后的输出结果是 A(9 B(10 C(19 D(20 43(Sub过程与Function过程最根本的区别是 A(Sub过程可以直接使用过程名调用,而Function过程不可以 B(Function过程可以有参数,而Sub过程不能有参数 C(两种过程的参数的传递方式不同 D(Function过程能通过过程名返回值,Sub过程不能通过过程名返回值 44( 既有输出功能,又有计算功能。 A(Print B(Let C(Rem D(End 45(改变窗体的 属性值,可以实现窗体标题的改变。 A(Width B(BackColor C(Height D(Caption 计算机类基础课试题卷Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building posi 第 5 页(共 8 页) tions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 46( 不是键盘事件。 A(MouseUP B(KeyDown C(KeyUp D(KeyPress 47(利用MsgBox函数中的buttons参数只显示“确定”和“取消”按钮,buttons 的取值是 A(0 B(1 C(2 D(3 48(标签控件中的 属性返回或设置一个值,该值指定标签控件的背景是否透 明。 A(BackColor B(Font C(ForeColor D(BackStyle 49(标签控件中的DblClick事件,在 时发生。 A(移动鼠标 B(用鼠标单击标签控件 C(用鼠标双击标签控件 D(松开鼠标 50( 控件用于显示应用程序的自定义菜单。 A(文本框 B(菜单 C(框架 D(单选按钮 51(“开始播放动画”是通过ShockWaveFlash控件的 方法实现的。 A(Rewind B(Stop C(Back D(Play 52(若图形的填充效果为水平线,则Shape 控件的FillStyle属性值应设置为 A(0 B(1 C(2 D(3 53(文件列表框控件中 属性的作用是返回当前选择文件的索引。 A(List B(FileName C(ListIndex D(ListCount 54(Clipboard对象中的 方法用于从Clipboard对象中返回一个图形。 A(GetData B(GetText C(SetData D(SetText 55(ADO RecordSet对象的 方法,从记录集末尾查找满足条件的第1条记录。 A(MoveFirst B(FindFirst C(FindLast D(MoveLast defence-nd Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against selftang aully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuominanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefabundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng W-other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze,6 计算机组装与维护(70分) 二(判断题(每小题2分,共20分。在答题卡的括号内正确的打“?”,错误的打“×”) 56(个人的电子文档一定要有备份,以防不测。 57(笔记本电脑比台式电脑能耗低。 58(硬盘中存储的文件在断电后会丢失。 59(硬件安装或裸机检修必须严格遵守相关操作规范。 60(购买计算机前一定要了解需求。 61(购买计算机时要注重品牌,其它可以不考虑。 62(用清洁剂清洗元件接口可以提高元件接触的灵敏性。 63(内存条的插、拔不能带电操作。 64(查找计算机故障应遵循“先硬后软”原则。 65(声卡驱动程序和网卡驱动程序可以通用。 三(名词解释题(每小题4分,共16分) 66(CPU虚拟化技术 67(职业素质 68(系统补丁 69(软件故障 四(简答题(4小题,共21分) 70(简述运算器的主要功能。(5分) 71(学生进行计算机市场调查的目的有哪些,(8分) 72(中职学校计算机相关专业职业道德规范基本要求有哪几项,(5分) 73(计算机故障检查诊断的原则是什么,(3分) 五(综合题(13分) 74(叙述计算机整机组装的 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 。 计算机类基础课试题卷Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building posi 第 7 页(共 8 页) tions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence Visual Basic 6.0程序设计(70分) 六(判断题(每小题2分,共20分。在答题卡的括号内正确的打“?”,错误的打“×”) 75(VB具有可视化的用户界面设计功能。 76(窗体模块是大多数Visual Basic应用程序的基础。 77(在赋值语句中,赋值号与数学上的等号意义相同。 78(定长数组是指元素个数保持不变的数组。 79(所谓窗体就是窗口。 80(Line方法用于在窗体或图像框中画直线和矩形。 81(图像框控件可以接受和输出一般图形,还可以用于创建动态画图。 82(菜单栏控件提供的窗体通常位于父窗体的底部。 83(注释语句对程序运行有影响。 程序设计是系统功能设计的骨架。 84( 七(名词解释题(每小题4分,共16分) 85(工程 86(事件驱动 87(对象 88(编译错误 八(简答题(4小题,共21分) 89(Visual Basic 6.0的表达式分为哪几类,(5分) 90(FSO对象模型包括哪些对象,(5分) 91(简要回答创建MDI应用程序的步骤。(8分) 92(顺序文件有哪几种访问方式,(3分) 九(综合题(13分) 93(一个具有10个元素的一维数组,下标从1到10,每个元素的值是由随机函数产生的[200,500]之间的随机整数。要求:用Visual Basic语言写一个程序,求出该数组中的最小值及其下标,并输出结果。 defence-nd Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against selftang aully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuominanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefabundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng W-other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze,8
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