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四大名著简介及作者四大名著简介 《水浒传》是作者施耐庵根据自己的生活经验和北宋农民大起义而写成的一部伟大的小说。小说倾向鲜明地描写了人民群众反抗压迫的行动。概括了当时不同阶层的人们从觉醒到反抗的斗争道路。正是这些艺术成就,才使《水浒传》成为我国古代四大文学名著之一。。《水浒传》是第一部描写农民起义的小说,全书围绕“官逼民反”这一线索展开情节,表现了一群不堪暴政欺压的“好汉”揭杆而起,聚义水泊梁山,直至接受招安致使起义失败的全过程。小说对于封建统治者视为“盗贼草寇”的起义农民给予了充分肯定,并深刻揭示了农民起义的社会根源。作品对其中...

四大名著简介 《水浒传》是作者施耐庵根据自己的生活经验和北宋农民大起义而写成的一部伟大的小说。小说倾向鲜明地描写了人民群众反抗压迫的行动。概括了当时不同阶层的人们从觉醒到反抗的斗争道路。正是这些艺术成就,才使《水浒传》成为我国古代四大文学名著之一。。《水浒传》是第一部描写农民起义的小说,全书围绕“官逼民反”这一线索展开情节, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现了一群不堪暴政欺压的“好汉”揭杆而起,聚义水泊梁山,直至接受招安致使起义失败的全过程。小说对于封建统治者视为“盗贼草寇”的起义农民给予了充分肯定,并深刻揭示了农民起义的社会根源。作品对其中的性格鲜明的英雄人物的成功塑造,是这部小说具有光辉艺术生命的重要因素。 《西游记》主要描写的是孙悟空保唐僧西天取经,历经九九八十一难的故事。唐僧取经是历史上一件真实的事。 《三国演义》描写的是从东汉末年到西晋初年之间近一百年的历史风云。全书反映了三国时代的政治军事斗争及各类社会矛盾的渗透与转化,塑造了一批咤叱风云的英雄人物。 <<红楼梦》又名《石头记》、《金玉缘》,以贾、王、史、薛四大家族背景,以贾宝玉和林黛玉的爱情故事为主线,围绕两个主要人物的感情纠葛,描写了大观园内外一系列青年男女的爱情故事。同时,通过对这些爱情悲剧产生的社会环境描绘,牵涉到封建社会政治法律、宗法、妇女、道德、婚姻等方面的问题,昭示了封建社会末期的世态,暴露了封建贵族阶级及其统治的腐朽与罪恶,歌颂了追求光明的叛逆人物,通过叛逆者的悲剧命运宣告了这一社会必然走向灭亡。 罗贯中(约1330一约1400) 元末明初作家,戏曲家罗贯中,原名罗才本,字贯中,号湖海散人。the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 生于杭州,祖籍太原。罗贯中生于元末社会动乱之时,有自己的政治理想,不苟同于流俗,曾参与反元的起义斗争。明朝建立之后,专心致力于文学创作。今存署名由罗贯中编著的小说有《三国志通俗演义》、《隋唐志传》、《残唐五代史演传》、《三遂平妖传》。《三国志通俗演义》(又称《三国演义》)是罗贯中的力作,它“文不甚深,言不甚俗”,宏大的结构描写了三国时期尖锐复杂的政治军事斗争,塑造了曹操、刘备、周瑜、诸葛亮、关羽等众多的栩栩如生的人物形象,揭露了封建统治者的残暴罪行,寄托了人民渴求政治清明、社会安定的愿望。这部长篇小说对后世文学创作影响深远。罗贯中有着多方面的艺术才能,除小说创作外,尚存杂剧《赵太祖龙虎风云会》。 长期以来,中国学界对古典小说《三国演义》一书作者罗贯中籍贯问题存有多种说法,如山西太原说,山东东原说,浙江钱塘说,浙江慈溪说等。20多年的学界争论,一直未有定论。在中国古典文史领域多有建树的孟繁仁,历经20多年潜心研究后认为:中国元末明初发现的《录鬼薄续篇》史料中,有关罗贯中是太原人,及罗氏别号、性格、作品、行踪等记载,是确定罗贯中籍贯的重要资料。他在太原市清徐县乡村发现的《罗氏家谱》及罗氏后代,考证出自“五代后唐”时,罗氏家族就居住在此地。罗贯中原名“罗才本”,后略名为“罗本”,字“贯中”。这部《罗氏家谱》始修于明代穆宗隆庆元年,后经多次续修,由罗氏22世后裔罗礼重保存至今。相关大量史料证实,罗贯中籍贯太原清徐无疑。孟繁仁反复细读《三国演义》等罗贯中的作品,发现:这些作品中隐含着作者诸多的故事情节,其中有大量的清徐一带所特有的方言俚语,更使他确信自己的结论。他还通过对太原近郊“晋阳古城”遗址史料研究,考证古代唐尧初迁太原,遗名“唐城”。公元前497年前晋安予重修晋阳;李唐王朝太原起兵,建立“唐朝”和北宋初年赵匡the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 胤、赵匡义兄弟毁灭太原城等系列重大历史事件,及对罗贯中文学创作的影响等,证实自己对罗氏籍贯的发现。 施耐庵(约1296,1370) 中国元末明初作家。名子安,一说名耳。兴化(今江苏兴化县)人,原籍苏州。相传施耐庵是《水浒传》的作者。明嘉靖十九年(1540),高儒《百川书志》载:“《忠义水浒传》100卷。钱塘施耐庵的本。罗贯中编次。”嘉靖四十五年郎瑛在《七修类稿》中说:此书为“钱塘施耐庵的本”。万历年间,胡应麟在《少室山房笔丛》中指出:“武林施某所编水浒传,特为盛行。”今人一致认为施耐庵是《水浒传》作者。 有关施耐庵生平事迹材料极少,搜集到的一些记载亦颇多矛盾。自20世纪20年代,江苏兴化地区陆续发现了一些有关施耐庵的材料,有《施氏族谱》、《施氏长门谱》和《兴化县续志》卷十三补遗载有《施耐庵传》1篇、卷十四补遗载有明初王道生撰《施耐庵墓志》1篇。据这些材料分析,施于元明宗至顺二年(1331)中进士,曾官钱塘二年,因与当权者不和,弃职还乡,回到苏州写作《水浒传》,追溯旧闻,闭门著述,悒悒不得行其志。还有的传说他此时与元末农民起义将领张士诚有过联系 施耐庵自幼聪明好学,元延祐元年(1314)考中秀才,泰定元年(1324)中举人,至顺二年(1331)施耐庵36岁登进士。元顺帝至正十三年(1353),白驹场盐民张士诚率广大灶丁起义反元。张士诚再三邀请施耐庵进他的军幕,施耐庵抱着建造"王道乐所"的宏愿欣然前往,后遭张冷落,遂离张。此后,施耐庵浪迹江湖,替人医病解难。后经友人帮助,在白驹修建了房屋,从此在这里隐居不出,专心撰写《江湖豪客传》。书成后,施耐庵感到书名the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 太浅露,依据《诗经》"古公禀公,朝来走马,率西水浒,至于歧下"诗句,改名为《水浒传》。明洪武三年(1370),施耐庵与世长辞,享年74岁。 吴承恩(约1500-约1582),字汝忠,号射阳山人,淮安府山阳县(今江苏淮安)人。 我国明代著名小说家,他所创作的《西游记》为我国古代四大名着之一。 吴承恩出生于一个由下级官吏沦落为小商人家庭,他的父亲吴锐性格乐观旷达,奉行常乐哲学,为他取名承恩,字汝忠,意思希望他能读书做官,上承皇恩,下泽黎民,做一个青史留名的忠臣。 吴承恩小时候勤奋好学,一目十行,过目成诵。少年时,就已名冠乡里,他除奋好学外,特别喜欢搜奇猎怪,爱看神仙鬼怪,狐妖猴精之类的书籍。如《百怪录》、《酉阳杂俎》之类的小说野史,这类五光十色的神话世界,潜默化中养成了搜奇猎怪的嗜好,这对他创作《西游记》有着重大的影响。 步入青年时代的吴承恩是狂放不羁、轻世傲物的年青人。社会地位的低下,贫穷困苦的处境,使这位大才子狂放不羁,招来了纷至沓来的笑声,被人交口称誉的日子一去不复返了。 吴承恩约二十岁时,与同乡一位姓叶的姑娘结婚,婚后感情甚笃。吴承恩虽然狂放不羁,但他品行端,忠于自己的妻室。 the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 嘉靖十年,吴承恩在府学岁考和科考中获得了优异成绩,取得了科举生员的资格,与朋友结伴去南京应乡试。然而才华不如他的同伴考取了,他这位誉满乡里的才子竟名落孙山。 第二年春天,他的父亲怀着遗憾去世了。接受初次失败的教训,吴承恩在以后三年内,专心致意地在时文上下了一番苦功,在嘉靖十三年秋的考试中却仍然没有考中。吴承恩羞恨交加,这年冬天,竟病倒了。 两次乡试的失利,再加上父亲的去世,对吴承恩的打系是沉重的。在他看来,考不取举人,不仅付资无由,而且愧对父母,有负先人。但他并不以为自己没考取是没本事,而只是命运不济,他认为"功名富贵自有命,必须得之无乃痴," 生活困顿给吴承恩带来的压力并不小于科考的失利。父亲去世以后,他需要操持全家的所有开支,但他却没有支撑门户的能力,更没有养家活口的手段。家中生活来源,除了每月从学府里领回六斗米外,只能坐食父亲所留遗产了。 品尝了社会人生酸甜苦辣的吴承恩,开始更加清醒地、深沉地考虑社会人生的问题,并且用自己的诗文向不合理的社会进行抗争。 一生穷困的吴承恩,奋尽全力完成中外闻名的《西游记》后,带着悲喜交加的心情,约于万历十年离开了人世。 the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 他虽然终身未能腾达,但他和他的《西游记》,在中国学史上取得了光辉而崇高的地位,永将光照千秋。 曹雪芹(1715-1763) 《红楼梦》又名《石头记》、《金玉缘》,以贾、王、史、薛四大家族背景,以贾宝玉和林黛玉的爱情故事为主线,围绕两个主要人物的感情纠葛,描写了大观园内外一系列青年男女的爱情故事。同时,通过对这些爱情悲剧产生的社会环境描绘,牵涉到封建社会政治法律、宗法、妇女、道德、婚姻等方面的问题,昭示了封建社会末期的世态,暴露了封建贵族阶级及其统治的腐朽与罪恶,歌颂了追求光明的叛逆人物,通过叛逆者的悲剧命运宣告了这一社会必然走向灭亡。可以说,《红楼梦》是一部我国封建社会后期社会生活的百科全书。 《红楼梦》写了几十个栩栩如生的人物,至于全书出现的人物则不下数百人,当为世界长篇小说之最。书中众多人物让人留下深刻印象。 主要人物 贾宝玉--一般认为他是红楼梦一书的男主角,书中的情节主要是以他为中心,故事从他的前世写起,几乎就是在写他一生悟道的经过。脂砚斋评贾宝玉用“情不情”二字,指贾宝玉具有深广的人文主义思想,能够对将自己的感情赋予没有感情的人、事、物。 林黛玉--一般认为她是红楼梦一书的女主角,与贾宝玉相映衬,是中国古典文学中性灵形象的典型。脂砚斋评林黛玉用“情情”二字,指林黛玉能够对将自己的感情赋予自己所爱的人。 薛宝钗-- the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 史湘云 王熙凤--普遍认为是红楼梦中最为鲜活的人物,具有强烈的世俗气息。 李纨 贾元春 贾迎春 贾探春 贾惜春 秦可卿--金陵十二钗中唯一由曹雪芹执笔完成的人物,她第五回出场,第十三回死亡。同时脂砚斋评指出原有“秦可卿淫丧天香楼”一节,后删去。 妙玉 贾母 刘姥姥 袭人 晴雯 紫鹃 鸳鸯 平儿 清代小说家。名霑,字梦阮,雪芹是其号,又号芹圃、芹溪。祖籍辽阳,先世原是汉族,后为满洲正白旗"包衣"人。清代小说家。名霑,字梦阮,雪芹是其号,又号芹圃、芹溪。祖籍辽阳,先世原是汉族,后为满洲正白旗"包衣"人。《红楼梦》是他"披阅十载,增删五次","字字看来皆是血,十年辛苦不寻常"的产物。曹雪芹的曾祖曹玺任江宁织造。曾祖母孙氏做过康熙帝玄烨的保姆。祖父曹寅做过玄烨的伴读和御前侍卫,后任江宁织造,兼任两淮巡盐监察御使,极受玄烨宠信。玄烨六下江南,其中四次由曹寅负the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 责接驾,并住在曹家。曹寅病故,其子曹顒、曹頫先后继任江宁织造。他们祖孙三代四人担任此职达60年之久。曹雪芹自幼就是在这"秦淮风月"之地的"繁华"生活中长大的。 雍正初年,由于封建统治阶级内部政治斗争的牵连,曹家遭受一系列打击。曹頫以\"行为不端"、"骚扰驿站"和"亏空"罪名革职,家产抄没。曹頫下狱治罪,\"枷号"一年有余。这时,曹雪芹随着全家迁回北京居住。曹家从此一蹶不振,日渐衰微。 经历了生活中的重大转折,曹雪芹深感世态炎凉,对封建社会有了更清醒、更深刻的认识。他蔑视权贵,远离官场,过着贫困如洗的艰难日子。 晚年,曹雪芹移居北京西郊。生活更加穷苦,"满径蓬蒿","举家食粥"。他以坚忍不拔的毅力,专心致志地从事《红楼梦》的写作和修订。乾隆二十七年(1762),幼子夭亡,他陷于过度的忧伤和悲痛,卧床不起。到了这一年的除夕(1763年2月12日),终于因贫病无医而逝世(关于曹雪芹逝世的年份,另有乾隆二十八年和二十九年两种说法)。 曹雪芹"身胖,头广而色黑"。他性格傲岸,愤世嫉俗,豪放不羁。嗜酒,才气纵横,善谈吐。 曹雪芹是一位诗人。他的诗,立意新奇,风格近于唐代诗人李贺。他的友人敦诚曾称赞说:"爱君诗笔有奇气,直追昌谷破篱樊。"又说:"知君诗胆昔如铁,堪与刀颖交寒光。"但他的诗仅存题敦诚《琵琶行传奇》两句:"白the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 傅诗灵应喜甚,定教蛮素鬼排场。" 曹雪芹又是一位画家,喜绘突兀奇峭的石头。敦敏《题芹圃画石》说:"傲骨如君世已奇,嶙峋更见此支离。醉余奋扫如椽笔。写出胸中块磊时。"可见他画石头时寄托了胸中郁积着的不平之气。 曹雪芹的最大的贡献还在于小说的创作。他的小说《红楼梦》内容丰富,思想深刻,艺术精湛,把中国古典小说创作推向最高峰,在文学发展史上占有十分重要的地位。 《红楼梦》是他"披阅十载,增删五次","字字看来皆是血,十年辛苦不寻常"的产物。可惜,在他生前,全书没有完稿。今传《红楼梦》120回本,其中前80回的绝大部分出于他的手笔,后40回则为他人所续。80回以后他已写出一部分初稿,但由于种种原因而没有流传下来。 曹雪芹的曾祖父曹玺,祖父曹寅,父辈的曹颙和曹頫相继担任江宁织造达60余年之久,颇受康熙帝宠信。曹雪芹在富贵荣华中长大。雍正初年,由于封建统治阶级内部斗争的牵连,曹家遭受多次打击,曹頫被革职入狱,家产抄没,举家迁回北京,家道从此日渐衰微。这一转折,使曹雪芹深感世态炎凉,更清醒地认识了封建社会 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 的实质。从此他远离官场,无视权贵,生活一贫如洗。 他能诗会画,擅长写作,以坚韧不拔的毅力专心致志地从事小说《红楼梦》的写作和修订,披阅10载,增删5次,写出了这部把中国古典小说the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 创作推向巅峰的文学巨著。《红楼梦》以其丰富的内容,曲折的情节,深刻的思想认识,精湛的艺术手法成为中国古典小说中伟大的现实主义作品。 乾隆二十七年(1762),幼子夭亡,曹雪芹陷于过度忧伤和悲痛,到这一年的除夕(1764年2月1日),因贫病无医而逝世(关于曹雪芹逝世的年份,另有乾隆二十八年和二十九年两种说法),入葬费用由好友资助。 另在学术界有一说法:在他生前,《红楼梦》没能完稿。今传《红楼梦》120回,其中前80回为曹雪芹所写,后40回为高鹗所续。此“定论”目前又有被推翻的迹象。 高鹗(约1738年 - 约1815年),满族人,清代文学家。字兰墅,一字云士。祖籍辽宁铁岭,别署红楼外史,汉军镶黄旗人。曾官内阁中书、翰林院侍读。撰有《高兰墅集》、《月小山房遗稿》。清张问陶《赠高兰墅鹗同年》诗注云:“传奇《红楼梦》八十回以后俱兰墅所补。”今传一百二十回本《红楼梦》,其后四十回一般认为系高鹗所续。 1.<<水浒传>>: 作者:施耐庵中国元末明初作家。名子安,一说名耳。兴化(今江苏兴化县)人,原籍苏州。相传施耐庵是《水浒传》的作者。明嘉靖十九年(1540),高儒《百川书志》载:“《忠义水浒传》100卷。钱塘施耐庵的本。罗贯中编次。 内宾简介: 《水浒传》是第一部描写农民起义的小说,全书围绕“官逼民反”这一线索展开情节,表现了一群不堪暴政欺压的“好汉”揭杆而起,聚义水泊梁山,直至接受招安致使起义失败的全过程。 the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 主要人物: 宋江: 宋江,人唤“及时雨”。早先为山东郓城县押司,整日舞文弄墨,书写文书,是一刀笔小吏。晁盖等七个好汉智取生辰纲事发,被官府缉拿,幸得宋江事先告知。晁盖派刘唐送金子和书信给宋江,宋江的老婆阎婆惜发现宋江私通梁山,趁机要胁,宋江怒杀阎婆惜,逃往沧州。被迫上梁山。后宋江做了梁山泊首领。受招安后,被宋徽宗封为武德大夫、楚州安抚使兼兵马都总管,最后被高俅用毒酒害死。 武松: 武松排行第二,江湖上人称武二郎,清河县人。景阳冈借着酒劲打死老虎,威 震天下,做了阳谷县步兵都头。哥哥武大郎被奸夫淫妇潘金莲、西门庆杀害。武松 杀了奸夫、淫妇,报案自首,被发配孟州牢城。在安平寨牢营,结识了金眼彪施恩 。为替施恩夺回店铺,武松大闹快活林,醉打蒋门神。后被蒋门神勾结张团练所陷 害。在飞云浦武松杀死公差,回鸳鸯楼杀死张团练、蒋门神,在十字坡张青酒店改 扮成行者,在二龙山落草,后来投奔梁山泊。成为梁山第十四条好汉,步军第二名头领。攻打方腊时失去左臂,留在六合寺照看林冲,后出家成僧,到八十岁死去。 卢俊义 北京城里的员外大户,绰号“玉麒麟”,一身好武艺,棍棒天下无双。被梁山泊吴用用计骗到梁山,卢俊义与梁山英雄大战,不敌而逃,乘船逃走时被浪里白条张顺活捉。卢俊义不愿在梁山落草为寇,乘机逃走。回到北京城,妻子贾氏却与管家李固做了夫妻。卢俊义同时亦被官兵捉拿,屈打成招,下了死牢。宋江率梁山泊英雄攻打北京城,拼命三郎石秀独力劫法场,救出卢俊义,杀了奸夫淫妇。卢俊义投奔梁山后,坐上了第二把交椅。受招安后卢俊义被封为武功大夫、庐州安抚使兼兵马副总管。后被高俅用药酒毒伤,不能骑马,乘船时失足落水而死。 the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 吴用 吴用,表字学究,道号加亮先生。平生机巧聪明,曾读万卷经书。使两条铜链。吴用为晁盖献计,智取生辰纲,用药酒麻倒了青面兽杨志,夺了北京大名府梁中书送给蔡太师庆贺生辰的十万贯金银珠宝。宋江在浔阳楼念反诗被捉,和戴宗一起被押赴刑场,快行斩时,吴用用计劫了法场,救了宋江、戴宗。宋江二打祝家庄失败;第三次攻打祝家庄时,吴用利用双掌连环计攻克祝家庄。吴用在破连环马时,派时迁偷甲骗徐宁上了梁山。宋江闹华州时,吴用又出计借用宿太尉金铃吊挂,救出了九纹龙史进、花和尚鲁智深。一生屡出奇谋,屡建战功。受招安被封为武胜军承宣使。宋江、李逵被害后,吴用与花荣一同在宋江坟前上吊自杀,与宋江葬在一起。 林冲 林冲,在梁山泊英雄中排行第六,马军五虎将第二。早年是东京八十万禁军枪棒教头。因他的妻子被高俅儿子高衙内调戏,自己又被高俅陷害,在发配沧州时,幸亏鲁智深在野猪林相救,才保住性命。被发配沧州牢城看守天王堂草料场时,又遭高俅心腹陆谦放火暗算。林冲杀了陆谦,冒着风雪连夜投奔梁山泊,为白衣秀士王伦不容。晁盖、吴用劫了生辰纲上梁山后,王伦不容这些英雄,林冲一气之下杀了王伦,把晁盖推上了梁山泊首领之位。林冲武艺高强,打了许多胜仗。在征讨江浙一带方腊率领的起义军胜利后,林冲得了中风,被迫留在杭州六和寺养病,由武松照顾,半年后病故。 鲁智深 鲁智深,梁山泊第十三位好汉,十员步军头领第一名。鲁智深原名鲁达,是经略的提辖,因为见郑屠欺侮金翠莲父女,三拳打死了镇关西。被官府追捕,逃到五台山削发为僧,改名鲁智深。鲁智深忍受不住佛门清规,醉打山门,毁坏金身,被长老派往东京相国寺,看守菜园,因将偷菜的泼皮踢进了粪池,倒拔垂杨柳,威名远扬。鲁智深在野猪林救the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith 了林冲,高俅派人捉拿鲁智深,鲁智深在二龙山落草。后投奔水泊梁山,做了步兵头领。宋江攻打方腊,鲁智深一杖打翻了方腊。后在杭州**寺圆寂而死。 花荣 花荣,梁山泊英雄中排行第九,马军八虎骑兼先锋使第一员。原是清风寨副知寨,使一杆长枪,箭法高超,有百步穿杨的功夫。清风寨正知寨刘高陷害宋江,花荣得知后造反,大战黄信、秦明,救了宋江。花荣多次用箭法建立奇功。宋江三打祝家庄,花荣射落祝家庄的指挥灯,使祝家庄兵马自乱。受招安后,花荣被封应天府兵马统制。宋江被毒死后,花荣到楚州看视,和吴用一起上吊死在宋江、李逵墓前。 the Communist Party of China, and a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, deeply understand the conditions, rights and obligations of members, code of conduct, bearing in mind that oath, clear Members of the standards and conditions, enhance respect, abide by the Constitution, maintaining the party Constitution consciousness of the party Constitution. Read through the familiar with the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPC disciplinary regulations, members of the Communist Party of China party regulations on rights protection Ordinance, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions and clear what you can do, what they can't do. 2. speech understanding learning series XI series the basic spirit of an important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand the Party Central Committee on governance of the new concept of basic elements of new ideas and new strategies, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Learning of the XI series read the important speech by General Secretary (2016), XI Henan work research guide, General Secretary's important speech. Learning series speech, main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith
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