首页 蓬溪明月中学五四红旗团委申报材料



蓬溪明月中学五四红旗团委申报材料蓬溪明月中学五四红旗团委申报材料 我校团委始终坚持以科学发展观的思想为指导,在上级团委和学校党支部的正确领导下,全面贯彻党的教育方针,围绕学校工作重点,解放思想,开拓创新,引导团员放眼世界,着眼未来,发展素质,大力弘扬正气和时代精神来青年思想。现将我校五四红旗团委创建工作汇报如下: 一、全面推进思想建团、服务立团,努力提高团组织的凝聚力、号召力 1、以科学发展观思想为指导,创建和谐校园为目的,深入开展思想政治教育活动,坚定青年团员理想信念,促使青年健康成长。坚持用“三个代表”重要思想构筑青年的精神支柱;坚持用...

蓬溪明月中学五四红旗团委申报材料 我校团委始终坚持以科学发展观的思想为指导,在上级团委和学校党支部的正确领导下,全面贯彻党的教育方针,围绕学校工作重点,解放思想,开拓创新,引导团员放眼世界,着眼未来,发展素质,大力弘扬正气和时代精神来青年思想。现将我校五四红旗团委创建工作汇报如下: 一、全面推进思想建团、服务立团,努力提高团组织的凝聚力、号召力 1、以科学发展观思想为指导,创建和谐校园为目的,深入开展思想政治教育活动,坚定青年团员理想信念,促使青年健康成长。坚持用“三个代表”重要思想构筑青年的精神支柱;坚持用“三个代表”重要思想统揽团的工作全局;坚持用“三个代表”重要思想加强和改进青少年思想政治工作。 2、完善 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,狠抓落实,努力促进团组织建设的规范化、科学化,大力加强团委自身建设。制度是共青团工作的引路灯,一个好的协作团体,没有完善的制度是行不通的,团委要根据自身的工作经历不断地制定出一系列的制度。定期召开团干会,明确委员职责,并依据《团章》和有关制度分别制定《团委会工作制度》、《团员发展和离校制度》、《团员证 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 》、《团费收缴和使用制度》、《团干部管理制度》、《升降国旗制度》、《文明礼仪岗值勤制度》、《团支部考Three, strengthen leadership, compaction responsibility to promote the effective implementation of the comprehensive improvement task of the outstanding issues Comprehensive renovation of urban environment and work together to build a better home, the need for the city to work together, work together to tackle. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the idea of the city "a game of chess", said the overall situation, speak match, responsibility, duties, responsibilities, work together to promote the the work. On the one hand, to strengthen organization and leadership, and levels of responsibility. Work for the comprehensive improvement of the implementation of the "leaders take overall charge, is responsible for the territory of territorial management, who is in charge who is responsible for, a pair of functional departments and the division responsible for" five responsibility system. First, the leading cadres to pro force for the party and government leaders at all levels should be highly responsible, put enough effort, carefully organized, by the front command, to promote environmental remediation work. Departments to carry out their duties. The municipal units to obey the command and the area of unified command and control, according to the "sanding" program, conscientiously perform their duties, in close collaboration with the form work force. 核量化制度》、《团干部例会制度》、《团干部考核制度》、《组织生活巡视条例》、《宣传量化考核条例》等等,在每个团员中起到规范和约束作用。通过这些自身的软件建设,使整个团委的工作实现了“管理制度化,办公规范化,工作自主化,财务透明化”,增强团委的战斗力。 3、增强服务意识,提高服务本领。“服务于教育事业勇于创新业;服务于精神文明建设勇于树新风;服务于青年健康成长勇于闯新路”,团委始终围绕这一服务宗旨,认真做好党支部领导下的凝聚力工程和阳光工程,把团委营造成温馨的“青年之家”。?努力为留守儿童办实事,让每位留守儿童对团组织切实有家的感觉。?大力开展“送温暖”活动。?大力开展谈心活动,坚持座谈会制度。平时,要求所有团干部和团员多交流,多谈心,了解他们的思想状态,及时开展一些喜闻乐见的活动。 二、全面推进党建带团、团建促团,努力提高团组织的生命力、战斗力 1、充分发挥好“助手”作用。共青团作为青年的一个先进组织,有协助党组织团结和教育青年的责任。为此,我校团委以学校党支部和学校工作为中心,把党支部、学校的工作目标分解为自己的工作目标,做到“月月有主题,周周有目标。”充分发挥了青年团组织的自身优势,为学校发展做出的贡献。 Three, strengthen leadership, compaction responsibility to promote the effective implementation of the comprehensive improvement task of the outstanding issues Comprehensive renovation of urban environment and work together to build a better home, the need for the city to work together, work together to tackle. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the idea of the city "a game of chess", said the overall situation, speak match, responsibility, duties, responsibilities, work together to promote the the work. On the one hand, to strengthen organization and leadership, and levels of responsibility. Work for the comprehensive improvement of the implementation of the "leaders take overall charge, is responsible for the territory of territorial management, who is in charge who is responsible for, a pair of functional departments and the division responsible for" five responsibility system. First, the leading cadres to pro force for the party and government leaders at all levels should be highly responsible, put enough effort, carefully organized, by the front command, to promote environmental remediation work. Departments to carry out their duties. The municipal units to obey the command and the area of unified command and control, according to the "sanding" program, conscientiously perform their duties, in close collaboration with the form work force. 2、狠抓基层团组 织建设。充分发挥团的助手和桥梁作用 ,努力激发团支部的活力,建立完善团支部工作制度。坚持每周一的团支书例会,通过多种形式,对团干部进行培训,提高团支部的战斗力。对各班团支部从出勤、组织活动、参加社团情况等方面实行量化积分制,期末按积分多少,评出优秀团支部。 3、加强团员队伍建设。通过建立健全团的活动制度,规范团的活动仪式等措施,开展团员意识教育,增强团员的先进性。更好地发挥团员的模范带头作用,在学生中,开展“争当入团积极分子”活动,在团员中开展争当优秀团员、模范团干的活动,使每一个学生有方向、有目标,并认真做好每学期的团员发展工作。 4、广泛开展团员意识教育。从戴团徽、举团旗、唱团歌等基础性工作做起,充分利用专题活动进行团的基础知识教育,树立团的影响,增强团员的光荣感和使命感,要建立和完善团员民主评议制度,增强团员的纪律观念。 5、加强教工团组织建设,充分发挥教工团员在教育服务青少年学生成长成才中的作用。 6、大力宣传党的方针政策和决议,做好党的喉舌,努力在青年人中营造“讲学习、讲政治、讲正气”的氛围,牢固树立三个代表思想。 7、完善规范了升旗仪式。真正做到月月有中心,周周Three, strengthen leadership, compaction responsibility to promote the effective implementation of the comprehensive improvement task of the outstanding issues Comprehensive renovation of urban environment and work together to build a better home, the need for the city to work together, work together to tackle. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the idea of the city "a game of chess", said the overall situation, speak match, responsibility, duties, responsibilities, work together to promote the the work. On the one hand, to strengthen organization and leadership, and levels of responsibility. Work for the comprehensive improvement of the implementation of the "leaders take overall charge, is responsible for the territory of territorial management, who is in charge who is responsible for, a pair of functional departments and the division responsible for" five responsibility system. First, the leading cadres to pro force for the party and government leaders at all levels should be highly responsible, put enough effort, carefully organized, by the front command, to promote environmental remediation work. Departments to carry out their duties. The municipal units to obey the command and the area of unified command and control, according to the "sanding" program, conscientiously perform their duties, in close collaboration with the form work force. 有主题。并密切配合学校中心工作和时事内容安排,国旗下的演讲做到正规化、精品化、教育化、主题化。使升旗仪式已成为我校德育教育的重要形式之一。 8、加强爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义教育,使青年学生的爱国主义情感不断升华。爱国主义历来是动员和鼓舞中国人民团结奋斗的一面旗帜,是推动我国历史前进的巨大力量。团委充分利用每一周升旗仪式和“五四”青年节等重大纪念日活动对学生进行爱国主义教育;利用爱国主义教育基地进行社会主义、集体主义和革命传统教育。 9、加强学校精神文明建设。?校园之音广播站在原栏目的基础上,继续改革创新,在栏目新颖化、固定化;播音定时化、 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化;形式多样化、活泼化;内容校园化、新闻化上大做文章。?充分利用宣传栏,积极宣传时事和大政方针;积极宣传党团知识和学校多彩的活动。以丰富多彩的内容和新颖的形式,成为学校教师和学生喜爱的栏目。 三、全面推进作风树团、人才强团,努力提高团 组织的竞争力、影响力 1、大兴学习之风,广泛开展读书活动。根据团中央、团市委关于开展“新世纪读书 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ”的精神要求,大力开展爱国主义读书活动。通过倡议、读书、答卷、演讲等多种形式,掀起读书的新热潮。在团员中间,每学期指定两部书,要求认真研读,并组织座谈会、讨论会、演讲辩论会,有力的促Three, strengthen leadership, compaction responsibility to promote the effective implementation of the comprehensive improvement task of the outstanding issues Comprehensive renovation of urban environment and work together to build a better home, the need for the city to work together, work together to tackle. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the idea of the city "a game of chess", said the overall situation, speak match, responsibility, duties, responsibilities, work together to promote the the work. On the one hand, to strengthen organization and leadership, and levels of responsibility. Work for the comprehensive improvement of the implementation of the "leaders take overall charge, is responsible for the territory of territorial management, who is in charge who is responsible for, a pair of functional departments and the division responsible for" five responsibility system. First, the leading cadres to pro force for the party and government leaders at all levels should be highly responsible, put enough effort, carefully organized, by the front command, to promote environmental remediation work. Departments to carry out their duties. The municipal units to obey the command and the area of unified command and control, according to the "sanding" program, conscientiously perform their duties, in close collaboration with the form work force. 进教育教学。 2、努力锤炼一支优秀的团干部队伍。良好的干部队伍是分团委工作成功的保证。在团干部任用上,以优化干部队伍为前提,采取“支部推荐、公开竞选、严格考查、择优录用”的方法,引入竞争机制,力争使一批觉悟高、思想好、理论水平好、学习优秀、品学兼优、德才兼备的精英走上团干部的位置。从而加强整个团干部队伍的影响力、感召力和战斗力,直接带动了全校共青团工作的蓬勃发展。大胆地把日常管理还给学生,、发展学生自我管理能力,培养学生的社会责任感,形成自强、自律、独创、合作的健全人格。 3、加大青年人才的培养力度,建立培养人才的工作机制。 4、加强学生的心理素质教育,培养健全人格。针对新形势下青少年成长的特点和学生的思想实际,通过报告会、座谈会、谈心、 心理咨询 二级心理咨询师资料国家三级心理咨询师小学心理咨询工作计划2学校心理咨询室台账心理咨询关系的建立 等多种形式,有针对性地对学生进行心理健康教育。 5、提高广大青少年的科技文化体育素质,开展丰富多彩的活动,起到丰富学生课余生活,增强班级的凝聚力,增强学生体质的良好效果,促进了素质教育的有效开展。 四、全面推进事业兴团、特色兴团,努力提高团组织的贡献力、发展实力 1、党团知识传播行动。积极探索团队衔接教育的新途Three, strengthen leadership, compaction responsibility to promote the effective implementation of the comprehensive improvement task of the outstanding issues Comprehensive renovation of urban environment and work together to build a better home, the need for the city to work together, work together to tackle. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the idea of the city "a game of chess", said the overall situation, speak match, responsibility, duties, responsibilities, work together to promote the the work. On the one hand, to strengthen organization and leadership, and levels of responsibility. Work for the comprehensive improvement of the implementation of the "leaders take overall charge, is responsible for the territory of territorial management, who is in charge who is responsible for, a pair of functional departments and the division responsible for" five responsibility system. First, the leading cadres to pro force for the party and government leaders at all levels should be highly responsible, put enough effort, carefully organized, by the front command, to promote environmental remediation work. Departments to carry out their duties. The municipal units to obey the command and the area of unified command and control, according to the "sanding" program, conscientiously perform their duties, in close collaboration with the form work force. 径,大力打造团队衔接教育这一特色品牌,广泛开展了“党团知识传播行动”,以期达到“播下党团知识的种子,收获思想教育灿烂的明天”。 2、在学生中进行“争先创优,比学赶帮超”活动。 3、崇尚科学,拒绝邪教。响应党中央的号召,进行“校园拒绝邪教”系列活动,使广大教师、学生深刻认识到邪教邪恶本质,号召大家为了保卫社会主义国家和改革开放成果,坚决紧跟党中央,下定决心远离邪教,与邪教进行一场长期艰苦的斗争。 4、学雷锋精神,树文明新风。提出“为您服务”的口号,组织 “学雷锋青年志愿者”活动。锻炼劳动意识,增强服务意识,培养团结精神。组织开展遵守网络文明公约文明上网等系列活动,促进青少年养成文明习惯,树立良好的社会形象。 5、广泛开展“永远跟党走”主题团日活动。讴歌党团的光辉历史,颂扬伟大的“五四”精神,增强青少年爱党爱国的信念,地促进学校的精神文明建设。 6、走进社会大课堂,实施素质训练计划,深入开展社会实践活动。我校团委本着强化青年学生新世纪素质,着力提高青少年学生的综合素质,服务青少年成长成才,服务教育教学工作中心,切实加强团队自身建设,推动学校团队工作的创新发展。 综上所述,我校以“五四”红旗团委创建工作为契机,Three, strengthen leadership, compaction responsibility to promote the effective implementation of the comprehensive improvement task of the outstanding issues Comprehensive renovation of urban environment and work together to build a better home, the need for the city to work together, work together to tackle. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the idea of the city "a game of chess", said the overall situation, speak match, responsibility, duties, responsibilities, work together to promote the the work. On the one hand, to strengthen organization and leadership, and levels of responsibility. Work for the comprehensive improvement of the implementation of the "leaders take overall charge, is responsible for the territory of territorial management, who is in charge who is responsible for, a pair of functional departments and the division responsible for" five responsibility system. First, the leading cadres to pro force for the party and government leaders at all levels should be highly responsible, put enough effort, carefully organized, by the front command, to promote environmental remediation work. Departments to carry out their duties. The municipal units to obey the command and the area of unified command and control, according to the "sanding" program, conscientiously perform their duties, in close collaboration with the form work force. 自我加压、开拓创新、拚搏进取,深受广大团员青年的好评。我校团委已具备了“五四”红旗团委的条件,特此申报,请团县委、团市委予以考察审批。 蓬溪县明月中学团委 2011年12月10日 Three, strengthen leadership, compaction responsibility to promote the effective implementation of the comprehensive improvement task of the outstanding issues Comprehensive renovation of urban environment and work together to build a better home, the need for the city to work together, work together to tackle. Departments at all levels should firmly establish the idea of the city "a game of chess", said the overall situation, speak match, responsibility, duties, responsibilities, work together to promote the the work. On the one hand, to strengthen organization and leadership, and levels of responsibility. Work for the comprehensive improvement of the implementation of the "leaders take overall charge, is responsible for the territory of territorial management, who is in charge who is responsible for, a pair of functional departments and the division responsible for" five responsibility system. First, the leading cadres to pro force for the party and government leaders at all levels should be highly responsible, put enough effort, carefully organized, by the front command, to promote environmental remediation work. Departments to carry out their duties. The municipal units to obey the command and the area of unified command and control, according to the "sanding" program, conscientiously perform their duties, in close collaboration with the form work force.
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