首页 电脑如何连接液晶电视



电脑如何连接液晶电视电脑如何连接液晶电视 液晶电视机的普及,朋友都希望能通过电脑与液晶电视连接,来欣赏网络上的影视资源。这样可以大大减少购买碟片的开销。经常在百度知道上看到询问类似电脑与液晶电视机连接的方式的问题。所以感觉很有必要写篇有关于此的文章,希望能够帮上大家的忙。 目前我们电脑显卡常见的几种视频输出方式有以下几种:S-VIDEO、DVI、VGA、HDMI模式等。虽然S端子的效果优于AV接口,但其输出的分辨率最高仅能达到1024×768的分辨率,,因此不适合用于高清视频的传输。VGA输出是我们最常见的一种方式,我们的电脑显示...

电脑如何连接液晶电视 液晶电视机的普及,朋友都希望能通过电脑与液晶电视连接,来欣赏网络上的影视资源。这样可以大大减少购买碟片的开销。经常在百度知道上看到询问类似电脑与液晶电视机连接的方式的问题。所以感觉很有必要写篇有关于此的文章,希望能够帮上大家的忙。 目前我们电脑显卡常见的几种视频输出方式有以下几种:S-VIDEO、DVI、VGA、HDMI模式等。虽然S端子的效果优于AV接口,但其输出的分辨率最高仅能达到1024×768的分辨率,,因此不适合用于高清视频的传输。VGA输出是我们最常见的一种方式,我们的电脑显示器大多通过这种方式连接。HDMI接口是目前最先进的接口 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,它可以实现影音同步传输且转输过程中的损失很小也就是说是目前最保真的影音数据转换方式。 VGA线 材 S-VIDEO线 材 HDMI线材 接下来以最常见的VGA连接方式,详细图文说明一下VGA模式的连接和设置的步骤。 一、线材连接: 其实线材连接是很简单易懂的,让我们通过图片更直观地认识各个接口的样子,不多说(上图) that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 电视端 电脑PC端 通过相应的线材将电脑和电视机背面对应的接口连接,第一步完成~ 二、接下来电脑的相关显卡和显示设置才是其中最关键的部分。 家里的东芝笔记本是Intel的集成显卡,以下就以它为例~其实显卡的设置大同小异,只要理解了关键的显示设置及各种选项的意思,就能应付各种显卡~ 首先你必须先了解这几个方面的信息:1.您显卡所能支持最大分辨率和刷新率(常见的1920*1080 是全高清 又叫1080P ,还有目前大多采用1366*768,又叫720P );2.您的液晶电视机所支持的最佳分辨率(可查阅说明书);3.您的笔记本电脑的FN热键功能是否正常并了解各键的功能(可查阅电脑的说明书,各品牌不尽相同);4.检查您的显卡驱动,是否为匹配的最新版本(强烈建议更新到最新版本)。如果您的显卡最大分辨率仍达不到电视机要求的最低或最佳分辨率,那只能建议您升级您的显卡了。 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and PS:对于笔记本等品牌电脑,一定要注意显卡驱动的版本,并非最新的驱动就是最好的。我强调的是最匹配您的显卡的驱动。显卡的型号主要由芯片决定的,但是芯片相同并不是就能通用所有的驱动,笔记本生产商往往会与显卡公司合作开发针对性的驱动版本。所以特别是你的本本重新安装了非OEM系统后,请尽量安装针对笔记本品牌开发的驱动。 1.打开电视机,并将信号模式调到PC/RGB/D-SUB电脑显示模式(各品牌电视机名称不尽相同); 2.启动电脑,注意观察电视机在电脑启动过程中是否有画面出现,如果显示启动画面,而等电脑启动到桌面上时电视机反而没了信号,说明问题一定出在显卡的设置上(很多朋友都有遇到的这种情况)。 3.找到显卡设置程序,一般有几种途径:?、开始?设置?打开“控制面板”;?、桌面右键?属性? “设置”选项卡? 打开“高级...",在出现的页面上选择相应的显卡标签页; ?、目前很多的显卡驱动设置已经集成到了桌面右键选项上,比如我的这台笔记本。在设置程序里找到类似“显示设备”的设置项目; Intel显卡设置界面 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and ATI显卡设置界面 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and Nvidia 显卡相关设置 4.在“显示设备”页面选择“显示模式”/“操作模式”,一般会分为: 单屏、双屏、扩展桌面等(台式),监视器、内置显示器、双屏/双显示、扩展 桌面等(笔记本)。很显然我们这里要使用的模式是:双显示或监视器(仅需要 电视显示或电脑和电视同时显示)。 that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and 桌面右键菜单集成选项 任务栏通知区域托盘显示 上图就是东芝笔记本Intel显卡的显示设置集成到桌面右键菜单的情况(通过前面提到的其它两种方式同样可以打开这些选项),“监视器”就是我这时已经连接上的家里的液晶电视机了,“内置显示器”当然是笔记本的显示屏,“双显示复制”此时电脑屏幕和电视屏幕显示相同的画面,“扩展桌面”有两个选项,当选择“内置+监视器”时,电脑显示正常画面而电视屏幕仅显示桌面背景,而没有桌面图标和任务栏,如果选择“监视器+内置显示器”则电脑仅显示桌面背景而液晶电视显示正常。 文章刚开始提到的FN热键功能如果用上就不用这么烦锁了,按下键盘上FN键+F5键同样可以达到在几种显示模式之间自由切换的目的。(FN热键驱动一定要正常,如果您用的不是原装OEM系统可能需要重新下载安装FN热键驱动。) that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and that the wiring is correct, the operation is flexible, auxiliary contact is accurate. 11 current and voltage circuits check: current transformer wiring is correct, correct polarity, the secondary side are not allowed to open. debugging 12 wiring insulation resistance test methods: secondary circuit insulation resistance must be greater than 1M (use 500V megohmmeter to check). 2 control loop simulation action test: disconnect electrical line of main loop switch outlet at, motor, electrical equipment not by electric, connected control power, check the Department of voltage whether meet provides, lights following electrical, work whether normal; operation the button or switch, corresponding of the following electrical, and contact device of sucking collection and release are should quickly, the related lights indicates to meet drawings requirements; with artificial simulation of method try moving the protection components, should can achieved quickly, and accurate, and reliable of protection function; manual the trip switch, Check its limited bit role of directional and the reliability; on has electrical joint lock link of equipment, should according to principle figure check chain function anti-mine grounding system debugging grounding resistance of test method following figure by shows, along was measuring grounding very E' makes potential detection needle P' and current detection needle C' according to line each other apart 20m, insert to in the, and
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