首页 手术室应急预案演练



手术室应急预案演练手术室应急预案演练 人民医院停电和突然停电应急预案演练-实战记录表 预案名称 停电和突然停电应演练科室 一号手术室 急预案 演练时间 演练地点 一号手术室 2012.12.20 参加人员 手术室全体人员 演练项目 停电和突然停电应急预案演练 1.通知停电后,立即做好停电准备,备好应急灯、手电等。 2.突然停电后,立即使用维持抢救工作,开启应急灯。 3.与电工班联系,查询停电原因,尽早排除故障,或开启应急发电系统。 4.加强巡视,安抚患者。 演练过程描述 通过停电的应急演练,增强了手术过程中医务...

手术室应急预案演练 人民医院停电和突然停电应急预案演练-实战 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 表 预案名称 停电和突然停电应演练科室 一号手术室 急预案 演练时间 演练地点 一号手术室 2012.12.20 参加人员 手术室全体人员 演练项目 停电和突然停电应急预案演练 1. 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 停电后,立即做好停电准备,备好应急灯、手电等。 2.突然停电后,立即使用维持抢救工作,开启应急灯。 3.与电工班联系,查询停电原因,尽早排除故障,或开启应急发电系统。 4.加强巡视,安抚患者。 演练过程描述 通过停电的应急演练,增强了手术过程中医务人员的应急处置能力和团队协作配 演练小结 合能力,保证了手术病人的安全。 演练存在的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 及 整改措施 应急灯应定点放置,定人、定期检查维修,保持备用状态 有效提高了手术室护士的综合应急能力 对预案的实效性、 可操作性评价 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 人民医院火灾应急预案演练-实战记录表 预案名称 火灾应急预案 演练科室 一号手术室 演练时间 演练地点 一号手术室 2012.12.20 参加人员 手术室全体人员 演练项目 火灾应急预案演练 1. 发现火情后立即呼叫周围人员分别组织灭火,同时 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 保卫处及上 级领导,夜间电话通知院总值班或院内消防中心。 2. 根据火势,应用现有的灭火器材和组织人员积极扑救。 3. 发现火情无法扑救,马上打“119”报警,并告知准确方位。 4. 关好邻近房间的门窗,以减慢火势扩散速度。 演练过程描述 5. 将患者撤离疏散到安全地带,稳定患者情绪,保证患者生命安全, 撤离时用湿毛巾、湿口罩或湿纱布罩住口鼻,以防窒息。 6. 尽可能切断电源、撤出易燃易爆物品并抢救贵重仪器设备及重要科 技 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 。 7. 组织患者撤离时,不要乘坐电梯,可走安全通道。叮嘱患者用湿布 类捂住口鼻,尽可能以最低的姿势或匍匐快速前进。 对于手术室工作环境尤其是安全门、消防通道等疏散途径应了如指掌。 火灾发生时应首先疏散病人和工作人员,在生命安全不受威胁的情况下尽可能抢 演练小结 救贵重物品。 1、个别护士不够严肃 演练存在的问题及2、手术室工作人员及病人应有次序的撤离火灾现场,避免现场的混乱。 整改措施 对预案的实效性、通过学习和掌握火场逃生的常识基础、如何救援,对每位医务人员都非常重要。 可操作性评价 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 人民医院地震应急预案演练-实战记录表 预案名称 地震应急预案 演练科室 一号手术室 演练时间 演练地点 一号手术室 2012.12.20 参加人员 手术室全体人员 演练项目 地震应急预案演练 演练过程描述 值班人员冷静面对,关闭电源?组织疏散患者撤离?寻找有支撑的地方蹲下,保 护头颈、眼睛?维持秩序,保护财产。 演练小结 工作人员应明确紧急出口的准确位置,保证相关人员有效撤离。 遇突发事件时应有效维持现场秩序,防止混乱的发生而影响撤离。 演练存在的问题及无法撤离时应远离危险区,寻找相对安全的区域,等待救援。 整改措施 对预案的实效性、 可操作性评价 有助于锻炼医护人员遇突发事件时沉着、冷静的应对能力。 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 人民医院中心供氧停止应急预案演练-实战记录表 预案名称 中心供氧停止应急演练科室 一号手术室 预案 演练时间 演练地点 一号手术室 2012.12.20 参加人员 手术室全体人员 演练项目 中心供氧停止应急预案演练 1.立即通知地下室查明原因、同时报告麻醉师、手术医生、护士长。 2.立即报告医院行政总值班。 3.确定为非短暂停氧时,立即连接供应氧气筒装置。 4.采取其他供氧装置: 演练过程描述 1.)全麻或大手术重病人使用氧气筒供氧。 2.)无氧气筒时,需进行人工呼吸。 根据手术间的多少、手术量和中心供氧停止发生的频率的实际情况来配备氧气筒 和氧气枕 演练小结 保持氧气筒和氧气枕处于备用状态,设专人管理,定期检查维修 查找中心供氧停止的原因 演练存在的问题及了解手术和病人的用氧情况 整改措施 明确紧急供氧装置放置的位置 通过演练有效的提高了手术室护理人员的紧急应对能力,客观上加强了对护理人 对预案的实效性、员的培训,增强了护理人员的动手能力,完善了手术室预防紧急事件发生的预案可操作性评价 程序。 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 人民医院中心吸引停止应急预案演练-实战记录表 预案名称 中心吸引停止应急演练科室 一号手术室 预案 演练时间 演练地点 一号手术室 2012.12.20 参加人员 手术室全体人员 演练项目 中心供氧停止应急预案演练 1.立即通知地下室查明原因、同时报告麻醉师、手术医生、护士长。 2.立即报告医院行政总值班。 3.确定为非短暂停氧时,立即连接供应氧气筒装置。 4.采取其他供氧装置: 演练过程描述 1.)全麻或大手术重病人使用氧气筒供氧。 2.)无氧气筒时,需进行人工呼吸。 根据手术间的多少、手术量和中心供氧停止发生的频率的实际情况来配备氧气筒 和氧气枕 演练小结 保持氧气筒和氧气枕处于备用状态,设专人管理,定期检查维修 查找中心供氧停止的原因 演练存在的问题及了解手术和病人的用氧情况 整改措施 明确紧急供氧装置放置的位置 通过演练有效的提高了手术室护理人员的紧急应对能力,客观上加强了对护理人 对预案的实效性、员的培训,增强了护理人员的动手能力,完善了手术室预防紧急事件发生的预案可操作性评价 程序。 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded 演练时间 演练地点 3手术间 2014.3.20 参加人员 手术室全体人员 演练目的 停电和突然停电的处理应变能力 1号手术间进行普外科探查手术, 1.突然电话响,巡回护士接电话“通知停电”,立即做好停电准备,备 好应急灯、手电等。 2.突然停电后,立即使用手电、应急灯, 3.立即与电工班525联系,查询停电原因,尽早排除故障,大电停时立演练过程描述 即开启应急发电系统。 4.正在使用麻醉机时,麻醉师必要时使用简易呼吸囊替代。 5.中心吸引断电后,使用注射器进行抽吸。 4.加强巡视,病人清醒时安抚病人。 通过停电的应急演练,增强了手术过程中医务人员的应急处置能力和团队协作配 演练小结 合能力,保证了手术病人的安全。 问题:应急灯电量不足,光线不亮。 演练存在的问题及整改措施: 整改措施 1.应急灯、手电应定点放置,定人、定期检查维修,及时充电,保持备用状态; 2.熟知手电、应急灯的放置位置,用后及时归位充电。 本次演练有很好的操作性,有效提高了手术室护士的综合应急能力,使医护人员 对预案的实效性、遇到停电时不慌乱,冷静处置,帮病人度过险情。 可操作性评价 supervision upon the acceptance of electric hoist can be installed before installation check before leaving the factory the factory information, including factory certificate, inspection reports and so on whether met with factory-installed condition. Its installation, only to release the running gear, running gear wheel can be fixed on the track under the steel flange, and power lines running. 1) before the installation, must be fully informed of the manufacturer for the installation of electric hoists on technical performance, usage, installation instructions. 2) after the transfer of equipment, electric hoist track embedded parts design or installation, the hoist should be first buried track and all its components, structural Assembly, or mechanical Assembly such as checking ... Check the cleaning machine parts are manufactured in the factory are complete, each component has any damage in transport, during storage ... Check all parts installed at the Assembly tag belongs to the cleaning machine parts. Anyone who does not belong to the cleaning machine parts or assemblies, not the Assembly together ... Found in the Assembly to check damage, defects or missing parts, repair should be carried out, padded
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