首页 2009年高考物理试题力学实验



2009年高考物理试题力学实验2009年高考物理试题力学实验 2009年高考物理试题分类汇编 力学实验 全国卷1 23.(10分)(注意:在试卷上作答案无效) 某同学为了探究物体在斜面上的运动时摩擦力与斜面倾角的关系,设计实验装置如图。长直平板一端放在水平桌面上,另一端架在一物块上。在平板上标出A、B两点, B点处放置一光电门,用光电计时器记录滑块通过光电门时挡光的时间。 实验步骤如下: ? 用游标卡尺测量滑块的挡光长度d,用天平测量滑块的质量m; ? 用直尺测量AB之间的距离s,A点到水平桌面的垂直距离h,B点到水平桌面1 的...

2009年 高考 地理事物空间分布特征语文高考下定义高考日语答题卡模板高考688高频词汇高考文言文120个实词 物理试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 力学实验 2009年高考物理试题分类汇编 力学实验 全国卷1 23.(10分)(注意:在试卷上作答案无效) 某同学为了探究物体在斜面上的运动时摩擦力与斜面倾角的关系, 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 实验装置如图。长直平板一端放在水平桌面上,另一端架在一物块上。在平板上标出A、B两点, B点处放置一光电门,用光电计时器记录滑块通过光电门时挡光的时间。 实验步骤如下: ? 用游标卡尺测量滑块的挡光长度d,用天平测量滑块的质量m; ? 用直尺测量AB之间的距离s,A点到水平桌面的垂直距离h,B点到水平桌面1 的垂直距离h ;2 ? 将滑块从A点静止释放,由光电计时器读出滑块的挡光 时间t1 ? 重复步骤?数次,并求挡光时间的平均值; ? 利用所测数据求出摩擦力f和斜面倾角的余弦值; cos, ? 多次改变斜面的倾角,重复实验步骤????,做出f-关系曲线。 cos, (1) 用测量的物理量完成下列各式(重力加速度为g): ? 斜面倾角的余弦= ; cos, 滑块通过光电门时的速度v= ; ? ? 滑块运动时的加速度a= ; ? 滑块运动时所受到的摩擦阻力f= ; (2)测量滑块挡光长度的游标卡尺读数如图所示,读得d= 。 22shh,(,)12答案(1)? ,cos,s d? t 2da,? 22st 2hhd,12mgm,? 2sst2 (2)3.62cm 【解析】(1)物块在斜面上做初速度为零的匀加速直线运动,受重力、支持力、滑动摩擦力, 22shh,(,)xd12v,,,如图所示? 根据三角形关系可得到,?根据?根据运cos,tts 222dvva,,,xs动学公式,有,即有 22a2a2st the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 2h,hd12?根据牛顿第二定律,则有. f,mg,mmgsin,,f,ma2s2st (2) 在游标卡尺中,主尺上是3.6cm,在游标尺上恰好是第1条刻度线与主尺对齐,再考虑到卡尺是10分度,所以读数为3.6cm+0.1×1mm=3.61cm或者3.62cm也对. 广东卷 17(一个实验小组在“探究弹力和弹簧伸长的关系”的实验中,使用两条不同的轻质弹簧a和b,得到弹力与弹簧长度的图象如图7所示。下列表述正确的是 A(a的原长比b的长 B(a的劲度系数比b的大 C(a的劲度系数比b的小 D(测得的弹力与弹簧的长度成正比 答案.B l【解析】图象中的斜率表示劲度系数,可知a的劲度系数比b的大.B正确.与的截据表示原长则a的原长比b的短,A错. 18(“研究匀变速直线运动”的实验中,使用电磁式打点计时器(所用交流电的频率为50Hz),得到如图8所示的纸带。图中的点为计数点,相邻两计数点间还有四个点未画出来,下列表述正确的是 A(实验时应先放开纸带再接通电源 B((S一S)等于(S一S)的6倍6121 C(从纸带可求出计数点B对应的速率 D(相邻两个计数点间的时间间隔为0(02s 答案.C 【解析】在“研究匀变速直线运动”的实验中,实验时应先接通电源再放开纸带,A错.根据相 2等的时间间隔内通过的位移有x,x,(M,N)at,可知(S一S)等于(S一S)的5倍,B6121MN xACv,错.根据B点为A与C的中间时刻点有,C对.由于相邻的计数点之间还有4个点没B2t 有画出,所以时间间隔为0.1s,D错. the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 电话: 安徽卷21. (18分) ?((6分)探究力对原来静止的物体做的功与物体获得的速度的关系,实验装置如图所师,实验主要过程如下: (1)设法让橡皮筋对小车做的功分别 为W、2W、3W、„„; (2) 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 打点计时器打出的纸带,求 出小车的速度、、、„„; vvv123 Wv, (3)作出草图; Wv,Wv, (4)分析图像。如果图像是一条直线,表明?;如果不是直线,可考虑v 23WWWv是否存在?、?、?等关系。 vv 以下关于该试验的说法中有一项不正确,它是___________。 ((( A(本实验设法让橡皮筋对小车做的功分别为W、2W、3W、„„。所采用的 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 是选 用同样的橡皮筋,并在每次实验中使橡皮筋拉伸的长度保持一致。当用1条橡皮筋 进行是实验时,橡皮筋对小车做的功为W,用2条、3条、„„橡皮筋并在一起进 W、3W、„„。 行第2次、第3次、„„实验时,橡皮筋对小车做的功分别是2 B(小车运动中会受到阻力,补偿的方法,可以使木板适当倾斜。 C(某同学在一次实验中,得到一条记录纸带。纸带上打出的点,两端密、中间疏。出 现这种情况的原因,可能是没有使木板倾斜或倾角太小。 D(根据记录纸带上打出的点,求小车获得的速度的方法,是以纸带上第一点到最后一 点的距离来进行计算。 III答案:D。 解析:本实验的目的是探究橡皮绳做的功与物体获得速度的关系。这个速度是指橡皮绳做功完毕时的速度,而不整个过程的平均速度,所以D选项是错误的。 福建卷 19.(18分) (1)(6分)在通用技术课上,某小组在组装潜艇模型时,需要一枚截面为外方内圆的小螺母,如图所示。现需要精确测量小螺母的内径,可选用的仪器有: 分的游标卡尺 B. 螺旋测微器 A.50等 ?在所提供的仪器中应选用 。 ?在测量过程中,某同学在小螺母中空部分360?范围内选取不同的位置进行多次测量取平均值的目的是 。 答案((1)?A ?较小实验的偶然误差 宁夏卷 22.(4分) ld 某同学用游标卡尺测量一圆柱体的长度,用螺旋测微器测量该圆柱体的直径,示 ldmm数如图。由图可读出= cm, = the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a s更多更全的权威试卷 请访问 work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further s 北京高考网-北达教育旗下网站 trengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 22. (4分) 2.25 6.860 全国卷2 23、(13分) 某同学得用图1所示装置做“研究平抛运动”的实验,根据实验结果在坐标纸上描出 了小球水平抛出后的运动轨迹,但不慎将画有轨迹图线的坐标纸丢失了一部分,剩余 部分如图2所示。图2中水平方向与竖直方向每小格的长度均代表0.10m,、和PP12 是轨迹图线上的3个点,和、和之间的水平距离相等。 PPPPP31223 29.8m,s完成下列真空:(重力加速度取) (1) 设、和的横坐标分别为、和,纵坐标分别为、和,PPPxxxyyy123123123 yyyy从图2中可读出=____?_____m,=____?______m,12,12, xx,=____?______m(保留两位小数)。 12 (2) 若已测知抛出后小球在水平方向上做匀速运动。利用(1)中读取的数据, PP求出小球从运动到所用的时间为______?__________s,小球抛出后12 ms,的水平速度为________?__________(均可用根号表示)。 EE(3) 已测得小球抛也前下滑的高度为0.50m。设和分别为开始下滑时和抛21 出时的机械能,则小球从开始下滑到抛出的过程中机械能的相对损失, EE,12,100%=________?__________%(保留两位有效数字) E1 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 电话: 答案(1)0.61 1.61 0.60 (2)0.20 3.0 (3)8.2 【解析】本题考查研究平抛运动的实验.由图可知P1到P2两点在竖直方向的间隔为6格, P1 yyy,y到P3两点在竖直方向的间隔为16格所以有=0.60m.=1.60m. P1到P2两点在1312, xx,水平方向的距离为6个格.则有=0.60m. 12 2,x,at(2)由水平方向的运动特点可知P1到P2 与P2到P3的时间相等,根据,解得时间约 x0.60v,,,3.0m/s为0. 2s,则有 ot0.2 (3)设抛出点为势能零点,则开始下滑时的机械能为E1=mgh=mg/2,抛出时的机械能为 E,E1212mv,E2==4.5m,则根据0.082 o2E1 山东卷 23((12分)请完成以下两小题。 (1)某同学在家中尝试验证平行四边形定则,他找到三条相同的橡皮筋(遵循胡克定律)和若干小事物,以及刻度尺、三角板、铅笔、细绳、白纸、钉字,设计了如下实验:将两条橡皮筋的一端分别在墙上的两个钉子A、B上,另一端与第二条橡皮筋连接,结点为O,将第三条橡皮筋的另一端通过细胞挂一重物。 ?为完成实验,下述操作中必需的是 。 a(测量细绳的长度 b(测量橡皮筋的原长 c(测量悬挂重物后像皮筋的长度 d(记录悬挂重物后结点O的位置 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a s更多更全的权威试卷 请访问 work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further s 北京高考网-北达教育旗下网站 trengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote ?钉子位置固定,欲利用现有器材,改变条件再次实验证,可采用的方法是 答案:(1)?bcd ?更换不同的小重物 上海45.小明同学在学习了圆周运动的知识后,设计了一个课题,名称为:快速测量自行车的骑行速度。他的设 想是:通过计算踏脚板 转动的角速度,推算自 行车的骑行速度。经过 骑行,他得到如下的数 据: 在时间t内踏脚板转动的圈数为N,那么脚踏板转动的角速度= ;要推算自, 行车的骑行速度,还需要测量的物理量有 ;自行车骑行速度的计算公式v= . N2,;45.牙盘的齿轮数m、飞轮的齿轮数n、自行车后轮的半径R(牙盘的半径r、飞轮的1t mmNrNr11半径r、自行车后轮的半径R);Rw或2,R(2,或Rw) 2nntrtr22 四川卷22.(17分) (2)气垫导轨(如图甲)工作时,空气从导轨表面的小孔喷出,在导轨表面和滑块内表面之间形成一层薄薄的空气层,使滑块不与导轨表面直接接触,大大减小了滑块运动时的阻力。为了验证动量守恒定律,在水平气垫导轨上放置两个质量均 为a的滑块,每个滑块的一端分别与穿过打点计时器的纸带 相连,两个打点计时器所用电源的频率均为b.气垫导轨正常 工作后,接通两个打点计时器的电源,并让两滑块以不同的 速度相向运动,两滑块相碰后粘在一起继续运动。图乙为某 次实验打出的、点迹清晰的纸带的一部分,在纸带上以同间 的6个连续点为一段划分纸带,用刻度尺分别量出其长度s、s和s.若题中各物理量的单123 位均为国际单位,那么,碰撞前两滑块的动量大小分别为_________、_________,两滑块的总动量大小为_________;碰撞后两滑块的总动量大小为_________。重复上述实验,多做几次。若碰撞前、后两滑块的总动量在实验误差允许的范围内相等,则动量守恒定律得到验证。 答案(2)0.2abs (2分); 0.2abs (2分);(第1、2空答案可互换) 31 0.2ab(s-s) (4分); 0.4abs (3分) 132 天津卷9.(18分) the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 电话: (3)如图所示,将打点计时器固定在铁架台上,使重物带动纸带从静止开始自由下落,利用此装置可以测定重力和速度。 ? 所需器材有打点计时器(带导线)、纸带、复写纸、带铁夹的铁架 台和带夹子的重物,此外还需 (填字母代号)中的器材。 A.直流电源、天平及砝码 B.直流电源、毫米刻度尺 C.交流电源、天平及砝码 D.交流电源、毫米刻度尺 ? 通过作图象的方法可以剔除偶然误差较大的数据,提高实验的准确 程度。为使图线的斜率等于重力加速度,除作v-t图象外,还可作 图象,其纵轴表示的是 ,横轴表示的是 。 2v(3)?D, ,速度平方的二分之一,重物下落的高度。 ,h2 【解析】本题考查用打点计时器测重力加速度。涉及器材的选取和用图像处理数据的方法。 ?打点计时器需接交流电源。重力加速度与物体的质量无关,所以不要天平和砝码。计算速度需要测相邻计数的距离,需要刻度尺,选D。 2v2,h?由公式,如绘出图像,其斜率也等于重力加速度 v,2gh2 浙江卷22(?((9分) (1)在“探究单摆周期与摆长的关系”实验中,两位同学用游标卡尺测量小球的直径 如图甲、乙所示。测量方法正确的是__________(选填“甲”或“乙”)。 (2)实验时,若摆球在垂直纸面的平面内摆动,为了将人工记录振动次数改为自动记 录振动次数,在摆球运动最低点的左、右两侧分别放置一激光光源与光敏电阻与某 一自动记录仪相连,该仪器显示的光敏电阻阻值R随时间t变化图线如图乙所示, 则该单摆的振动周期为 。若保持悬点到小球顶点的绳长不变,改用直径是 原小球直径2倍的另一小球进行实验,则该单摆的周期将 (填“变大”、“不变”或“变小”),图乙中的?t将 (填“变大”、“不变” 或“变小”)。 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a s更多更全的权威试卷 请访问 work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further s 北京高考网-北达教育旗下网站 trengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote ?((1)乙(2)2t,变大,变大0 【解析】本题考查游标卡尺和单摆的知识 (1)应将待测物体正确地放在测脚中如乙图;(2)单摆1个周期遮光两次;单摆周期与小球质量、大小无关,但若改用直径变为原小球直径的2倍,周期变大,但遮光时间Δt变大 广东卷 15.(10分)某试验小组利用拉力传感器和速度传感器探究“动能原理”。如图12,他们将拉力传感器固定在小车上,用不可伸长的细线将其通过一个定滑轮与钩码相连,用拉力传感器记录小车受到拉力的大小。在水平面上相距50.0cm的A、B两点各安装一个速度传感器,记录小车通过A、B时的速度大小、小车中可以放置砝码。 (1)试验主要步骤如下: ?测量 和拉力传感器的总质量M;把细线的一1 端固定在拉力传感器上,另一端通过定滑轮与钩码相连; 正确连接所需电路。 ?将小车停在C点, ,小车在细线拉动下 运动,记录细线拉力及小车通过A、B时的速度。 ?在小车中增加砝码,或 ,重复?的 操作。 22vv,(2)表1是他们测得的一组数据,期中M是M与小车中砝码质量之和,是两个121速度传感器记录速度的平方差,可以据此计算出动能变化量?E,F是拉力传感器受到的拉力,W是F在A、B间所做的功。表格中的?E= ,W= 。(结果保留三位33 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 电话: 有效数字) (3)根据表1,请在图13中的方格纸上作出?E-W图线。 答填写在答题卡相应的位置. 15、??小车、砝码 ?然后释放小车 ?减少砝码 ?0.600 0.610 海南卷 13(某同学用游标卡尺和螺旋测微器分别测量一薄的金属圆片的直径和厚度,读出图中的示 数,该金属圆片的直径的测量值为 cm,厚度的测量值为 mm。 答案13(1.240 (2分) 1.682 (2分,填1.683的同样给分) the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a s更多更全的权威试卷 请访问 work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further s 北京高考网-北达教育旗下网站 trengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 江苏卷 11.(10分)“探究加速度与物体质量、物体受力的关系”的实验装置如图甲所示. (1)在平衡小车与桌面之间摩擦力的过程中,打出了 一条纸袋如图乙所示。计时器打点的时间间隔为0.02s. 从比较清晰的点起,每5个点取一个计数点,量出相 2邻计数点之间的距离。该小车的加速度a=______m/s. (结果保留两位有效数字) (2)平衡摩擦力后,将5个相同的砝码都放在小车上.挂上砝码盘,然后每次从小车上取一个砝码添加到砝码盘中,测量小车的加速度。小车的加速度a与砝码盘中砝码总重力F的实验数据如下表: 砝码盘中砝码总重0.196 0.392 0.588 0.784 0.980 力F(N) -2加速度a(m?s) 0.69 1.18 1.66 2.18 2.70 请根据实验数据作出a-F的关系图像. (3)根据提供的试验数据作出的-F图线不通过原点,请说明主要原因。 a 11. 11. (1) 0.16 (0.15也算对) (2)(见图) (3)未计入砝码盘的重力 2,x,at【解析】(1)处理匀变速直线运动中所打出的纸带,求解加速度用公式,关键弄 ,x清公式中各个量的物理意义,为连续相等时间内的位移差,t为连需相等的时间间隔, ,2,x,,10如果每5个点取一个点,则连续两点的时间间隔为t=0.1s,(3.68-3.52)m,带 2a入可得加速度=0.16m/s。也可以使用最后一段和第二段的位移差求解,得加速度 2a=0.15m/s. (2)根据图中的数据,合理的设计横纵坐标的刻 度值,使图线倾斜程度太小也不能太大,以与水 平方向夹角45?左右为宜。由此确定F的范围从 the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote 电话: 20设置到1N较合适,而a则从0到3m/s较合适。设好刻度,根据数据确定个点的位置,将个点用一条直线连起来,延长交与坐标轴某一点。如图所示。 (3)处理图象问题要注意图线的斜率、交点、拐点、面积等意义,能正确理解这些量的意义则很多问题将会迎刃而解。与纵坐标相交而不过原点,该交点说明当不挂砝码时,小车仍由加速度,即绳对小车仍有拉力,从此拉力的来源考虑很容易得到答案,是因为砝码盘的重力,而在(2)问的图表中只给出了砝码的总重力,而没有考虑砝码盘的重力。 上海 17((6分)如图为“用DIS(位移传感器、数据采集器、计算机)研究加速度和力的关系” 的实验装置。 (1)在该实验中必须采用控制变量法,应保持___________不变,用钩码所受的重力 作为___________,用DIS测小车的加速度。 ,2 a/ms (2)改变所挂钩码的数量,多次重复测量。在某次实验中根 B A 据测得的多组数据可画出a-F关系图线(如图所示)。 ?分析此图线的OA段可得出的实验结论是 _________________________________。 O F/N ?(单选题)此图线的AB段明显偏离直线,造成此误差的主 要原因是( ) (A)小车与轨道之间存在摩擦 (B)导轨保持了水平状态 (C)所挂钩码的总质量太大 (D)所用小车的质量太大 18((6分)利用图(a)实验可粗略测量人吹气产生A B x 的压强。两端开口的细玻璃管水平放置,管内塞 有潮湿小棉球,实验者从玻璃管的一端A吹气, h 棉球从另一端B飞出,测得玻璃管内部截面积S, (a) l C 距地面高度h,棉球质量m,开始时的静止位置 2 与管口B的距离x,落地点C与管口B的水平距离l。然后多 l (b)2 次改变x,测出对应的l,画出l-x关系图线,如图(b)所示, 并由此得出相应的斜率k。 (1)若不计棉球在空中运动时的空气阻力,根据以上测得的 O x 物理量可得,棉球从B端飞出的速度v,________。 0 (2)假设实验者吹气能保持玻璃管内气体压强始终为恒定值,不计棉球与管壁的摩 擦,重力加速度g,大气压强p均为已知,利用图(b)中拟合直线的斜率k可得,管0 内气体压强p,________。 (3)考虑到实验时棉球与管壁间有摩擦,则(2)中得到的p与实际压强相比________ (填偏大、偏小)。 答案17((1)小车的总质量,小车所受外力,(2)?在质量不变的条件下,加速度与外力成正比,?C, the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a s更多更全的权威试卷 请访问 work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further s 北京高考网-北达教育旗下网站 trengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote gkmg18((1)l ,(2)p, ,(3)偏小, 042hSh the three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechanism and on the implementation of the three Suns calls for further strengthening of education administration and supervision of party members and cadres, from the ... Accept supervision and earnestly grasp, balance, two promotion, important job himself, the Secretary of development, major issues personally. 5. strongly supports accountability discipline discipline. Administrative provisions on strict enforcement of party members and cadres to ask all the discipline inspection and supervision cadres in accordance with the iron itself must be a hard requirement, adhere to the responsibilities and play, earnestly fulfill their duties of supervision and accountability for Zhi JI. Zhen into full play and the oversight role of the Commission, establish and improve the village rules and community conventions, promoting joint public and serving the sunshine publicly available implementation of the platform for action. Discipline in handling cases, adhere to find along with scrutiny, to appoint the interference and resistance, backed by courageous, find the problem corrected, powerful maintenance the seriousness of responsibility of uncorrupted. Actively promote the discipline Committee detailed switch and, casting, tree-generating activities. Promote
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