首页 计算机与办公设备维护服务合同



计算机与办公设备维护服务合同计算机与办公设备维护服务合同 湖南中烟工业有限责任公司吴忠卷烟厂 计算机与办公设备维护服务合同 甲 方: 地 址: 乙 方: 地 址: 甲、乙双方本着合作愉快的原则~就甲方单位计算机与办公设备的维护服务问题~经充分协商~决定订立本协议: 一、服务内容 1、计算机与办公设备,具体明细详见附件,无法启动计算机与办公设备~不能进入系统~运行速度减慢~运行不稳定……,。 2、各类相关外设的安装~故障检测等,如:打印机、复印机、扫描仪……,。 3、Winxp、win7操作系统安装、维护等。 4、常用软...

计算机与办公设备维护服务 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 湖南中烟工业有限责任公司吴忠卷烟厂 计算机与办公设备维护服务合同 甲 方: 地 址: 乙 方: 地 址: 甲、乙双方本着合作愉快的原则~就甲方单位计算机与办公设备的维护服务问题~经充分协商~决定订立本 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 : 一、服务内容 1、计算机与办公设备,具体明细详见附件,无法启动计算机与办公设备~不能进入系统~运行速度减慢~运行不稳定……,。 2、各类相关外设的安装~故障检测等,如:打印机、复印机、扫描仪……,。 3、Winxp、win7操作系统安装、维护等。 4、常用软件的安装及维护。增加、更换计算机与办公设备板卡及部件,需更换的板卡部件由您提供~可协助您购买,。 5、各类硬件驱动程序安装、维护,如:各类显卡、声卡……,。 6、各类计算机与办公设备病毒,分区病毒、文件病毒、邮件病毒,的查杀及各类间谍软件~木马程序的清理。 7、重要数据的备份,所需的备份介质由您提供,。 8、网络的维护及网络设备安装、设臵、检测~网络维护。 volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, anti-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and the 9、在正常情况下计算机除尘、杀毒及保养~保证甲方计算机的无故障运行。 二、乙方承诺 1、现场服务,常驻服务,,:乙方委派电脑技术工程师常驻甲方服务~负责全程跟踪维护甲方计算机及配套终端,网络,。 2、乙方保证为派驻工程师提供必要的技术支持。 3、乙方严格遵守甲方的相关规定和制度~保守客户商业机密。 4、乙方派驻工程师定期向甲方提供服务报告和改进 意见 文理分科指导河道管理范围浙江建筑工程概算定额教材专家评审意见党员教师互相批评意见 。 5、乙方派驻工程师建立完整、详细的客户维护 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。 6、乙方常驻工程师必须遵守客户服务现场的各条法规~保守客户的生产及商业机密。 1、乙方常驻工程师应具备的技能要求,,, 2、完成维护或维修的时间期限是否要承诺,, 3、维修设备的运行质量是否也需要明确,,, 三、合同期限 壹 年 四、付款金额及方式 1、服务费金额总计50000元,RMB,~大写,伍万元整RMB)。 2、付费方式:合同签订后一次性付清。分期,还是以其他形式约定,, 五 硬件维护的范围:计算机与办公设备各类硬件维护及故障检测。 tration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirementregis us chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, householdinancial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardoraising, f-counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-hlight the narcotics, antiice activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to higr servicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteeng spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publong Yaf peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hn, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times oir owthan 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce the , a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not lessvolunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a files of their own responsibilities and the2 1、服务费不包含计算机与办公设备部件,如显示器、光驱、软驱及板卡等,修理费用~甲方可委托乙方送修~部件修好后~乙方将为甲方送回及安装~修理费用按实际修理费收取~不另收取服务费。 备件费用需要甲方承担~维修费用不需另外支付。 2、甲方所需增加或更换的计算机与办公设备部件~甲方可委托乙方代购~不另收服务费~保修期由厂家提供。建议删除 3、甲方需购买的所有计算机与办公设备配件和计算机与办公设备耗材~乙方在同等条件下有优先采购权并由乙方免费提供送货。 4、甲方损坏的计算机与办公设备部件仍在厂家保修期内~乙方免费送至厂家保修或更换~但甲方必须提供计算机与办公设备部件的保修凭证~乙方不保证成功及所需时间。 5、甲方损坏的计算机与办公设备部件不在厂家保修期内~乙方可为甲方修理~修理费用按实际修理费收取~不另收取服务费。但甲方损坏的计算机与办公设备部件不修理或不是由乙方维修的情况~不在此列。 6、所有品牌计算机与办公设备,如HP、联想~DELL、TCL、方正等,及外设,打印机、扫描仪、传真机、复印机等,~如果未过保修期~乙方只提供软件及检测服务,不开机箱,~若检测结果是硬件损坏则只能由相应的代理商代维~若代理商要求送修则乙方提供将整机送修服务。 7、打印机、传真机、复印机由于使用非正品的碳粉硒鼓造成打印机损坏不属于免费维护~产生的费用需额外收取。 counterfeit-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, antithe theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of ight ine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlthe power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to comb bilizening of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully moher equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planand otpolice station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges ccordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in aalso according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and theand other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management -ing, anti illegal fund3 六、软件维护:计算机与办公设备各类系统软件、工具应用软件安装维护。 1、乙方在维护甲方计算机与办公设备时~为其安装的任何软件~版权均由甲方负责~乙方不提供任何软件的版权。 2、甲方如需安装正版软件可以委托乙方代购,如甲方需要查杀计算机与办公设备病毒服务~必须安装正版的杀毒软件,。 3、在保证甲方用户正常功能和保护数据的前提下~乙方工程师有权决定解决问题的 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 4、甲方使用的专用软件或自主开发的软件不在本协议服务范围内。 七、保密协议及数据安全条款 1、乙方承诺严格遵守国家关于隐私方面的所有法律法规~绝对保密任何有关甲方的资料。 2、非乙方过错在维修过程中因硬件老化等原因形成的损坏乙方不承担责任。 3、如果因为乙方的原因造成硬件损坏~甲乙双方协商赔偿金额~以该硬件折旧价格为协商基准。 4、乙方不承担由于维修造成的间接损失~包括甲方重要的数据、资料丢失等,如硬盘开盘维修,。 5、甲方应当自行备份数据、资料。 6、乙方可以为甲方代做备份~但不对备份甲方资料、数据的完整性承担责任。 counterfeiting, anti illegal fund-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-hlight the narcotics, antiice activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of the youth theme, Interpol, to higr servicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlight the theme of peace volunteeng spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to combine the police real . joint publong Yaf peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully mobilize the power of the masses, Hn, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planning of not less than two times oir owthan 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges and other equipment to produce the , a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the police station to set up not lessvolunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in accordance with a person of a files of their own responsibilities and thetration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can also according to the requirementregis us chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security and other topics, householdinancial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management of hazardoraising, f-4 7、乙方工程师在甲方计算机进行维护时~甲方应尽可能配合工作~如提供计算机的驱动程序,在有的情况下,。乙方工程师需要现场查阅网上资料时~在不涉及甲方网络安全和其它特殊考虑的前提下~ 甲方应当配合。在做重大的改动,如重装操作系统,时~乙方工程师会询问甲方有无重要的数据需要备份~甲方应当配合。 1、需要签订保密协议和安全协议 八、合同的解除 1、合同到期自行解除~如果双方继续服务合作~则另签合同。 2、一方严重违约~导致合同无法继续履行~另一方可以提出提前解除合同~违约方应尽可能响应。 九、其它 1、本合同未尽事宜或履行中发生异议~由双方协商解决。 2、本合同一式两份~双方各执一份~自双方签字盖章之日起生效。 甲方代表签字:________ 乙方代表签字:________ ,公章签章, ,公章签章, 合同签订时间:__________ 1、甲方的职责, 2、合同的续签、变更问题, 3、法律责任, ing, anti illegal fundcounterfeit-theft, anti cheating theme, investigation to prominent anti-the youth theme, Interpol, to highlight the narcotics, antithe theme of peace volunteer service activities, such as, the legal system to highlight the legal publicity and education of ight ine the police real . joint publicity department or the police station, a month to organize carry out more than once to highlthe power of the masses, Hong Yang spirit of volunteerism, transfer safe positive energy. Third, the police will have to comb bilizening of not less than two times of peace volunteers propaganda of public security or preventive security activities, fully moher equipment to produce their own, specific issues can and propaganda section. The second is the police station monthly planand otpolice station to set up not less than 30 people in the township of peace volunteer service team, pennants, volunteer badges ccordance with a person of a file, a file in a, the establishment of peace volunteers archives. One is before the end of the volunteers management. Peace volunteer work is a new thing, the units to be in aalso according to the requirements of their own responsibilities and theand other topics, household registration, entry and exit to highlight the theme of convenience services etc., the police can of hazardous chemicals, public security management, network security to give prominence to network security raising, financial fraud prevention, anti embezzlement etc. theme and security to prominent fireworks governance, management -5
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