首页 江西省樟树市清江岩盐矿床富达盐矿资源潜力评价报告



江西省樟树市清江岩盐矿床富达盐矿资源潜力评价报告江西省樟树市清江岩盐矿床富达盐矿资源潜力评价报告 江西省樟树市清江岩盐矿床 富达盐矿资源潜力评价报告 Salt mineral reserve assessment report For the Fuda Salt mining site Located in the Qing Jiang Salt Belt Of the Zhangshu city of the Jiangxi Province Assessment report for the quantity of salt mineral ...

江西省樟树市清江岩盐矿床富达盐矿资源潜力评价报告 江西省樟树市清江岩盐矿床 富达盐矿资源潜力评价报告 Salt mineral reserve assessment report For the Fuda Salt mining site Located in the Qing Jiang Salt Belt Of the Zhangshu city of the Jiangxi Province Assessment report for the quantity of salt mineral reserve 赣金林资潜储评字[2006]004号 二00六年七月二十四日 July 24, 2006 1 江西省樟树市清江岩盐矿床富达盐矿 资源潜力评价报告评审意见书 (same heading as the cover page) 为了核实、查明开采矿山的资源储量和评价矿区的资源潜力,探索新形势下 资源的评价方式和评价方法,江西省国土资源厅根据国土资源部矿产资源储量司 《关于开展重要矿区资源潜力评价工作的函》(国土资储函[2005]25号)下达的 任务和中国地质调查局签订的项目 合同书 印刷合同书下载家教网家教中介合同家教中介合同书搬运合同书搬家公司合同书 要求,选择樟树市清江岩盐矿床等六个 矿区进行试点评价,江西樟树富达盐矿在宜春市国土资源局组织下,按江西省国 土资源厅《江西省六个重要矿区资源潜力评价试点工作方案》(赣国土资函 [2005]39号的要求,委托江西省地质矿产勘查开发局赣西地质调查大队收集矿区 以往地质勘查成果资料、矿山开采资料,对采矿权范围盐矿资源储量进行核实, 对资源潜力进行调查分析研究,并于2006年6月编制了“江西樟树市清江岩盐 矿床富达盐矿资源潜力评价地质报告”。 In order to verify the quantity of salt mineral reserve and the development potential of salt mining for relevant sites in the Jiangxi Province, the Mineral Reserve Assessment Department of the Land and natural resource Bureau of the Jiangxi Provincial government has issued an official instruction for the “assessment of mineral reserve for important mining district” (memo #2005-25) . The assessment project is to be carried out in close liaison with the PRC Geological Survey Bureau. The captioned bureau has sampled six different locations in the Qing Jiang Salt Belt for assessment. Fuda’s salt mines are within the areas being sampled, and coordinated closely with the bureau concerned to carry out the studies. After the series of onsite surveys and intensive data analysis, the salt mineral reserve quantification and assessment report of the Qing Jiang salt belt of the Zhangshu city of the Jiangxi Province” is compiled on June 2006. 江西省国土资源厅受国土资源部矿产资源储量司的委托,要求江西省金林矿 产资源储量评审有限公司组织储量评估师及评审专家组成专家组对相关基础材 料和报告进行审查,并于2006年6月21日在南昌市召开会议评审,赣西地质大 队按与会代表和专家的意见对报告进行了修改,评审意见如下: The Land and natural resource administration Bureau of the Jiangxi Province was instructed by the State-level Department for Land and natural resource administration to carry out the survey and compiled the assessment report. An assessment committee meeting was held on June 21, 2006 to discuss the results and approved the report. A summary of the finalized and approved report is as follows. 一、矿区概况 (Description of the coal mining district) 富达盐矿位于樟树城南,樟树富达盐矿位于市205?方向约4?,直线距离 约800m,属樟树市福城街办与洋湖乡管辖。富达盐矿亦有两个采区,一采区叠 2置于江西盐矿北采区中,由24个拐点圈定,面积0.107?,采区中心地理坐标为 2 东经115?31′03″,北纬28?01′45″,二采区位于江西盐矿南采区南侧,由8 2个拐点圈定的采区范围,面积2.8896?,采区中心地理坐标为东经115?31′ 07″,北纬28?00′41″。富达盐矿有公路通达樟树市,交通便利。 The Fuda salt mine is located in the southern part of the Zhangshu city, and is under the administrative districts of the Fuchen Street and Yanhu county. The Fuda salt mine consists of 2 mining sites, one of them in the Northern mining district of the Jiangxi salt mining region, and the other one is located in the southern part of the mining region. Fuda’s salt mining sites are conveniently linked to highways. Northern site: Longitude 115. 31’03” degree Latitude 28.01’ 45” degree Area: 0.107 sq km Southern site: Longitude 115. 31’07” degree Latitude 28.00’ 41” degree Area: 2.8896 sq km 富达盐矿所属清江岩盐矿床位处萍乐坳陷代之清江盆地中部。盆地的沉积 盖层主要由白垩系、下第三系及第四系组成。其中下第三系清江组为一套浅湖相 灰色含膏盐泥砂质建造、是盆地中主要含盐地层。矿区构造较简单,总体呈一开 阔平缓的不对称向斜,地层产状平缓。断裂构造不甚发育,但见有北东、北北东 及北东东向的洞塘、金家、院前、岗背、中郭里等断裂展布盆地及盆地中。区内 未见岩浆岩出露。 The Fuda salt mine is situated in the middle/central part of the Qing Jiang Salt basin. The upper crust of the salt basin consists primarily of strata formed in different stages of ancient land system formation. The key salt strata were part of an ancient lake. The strata structure of the salt mining site is relatively simple, which forms a valley shape with gentle slopes. Cracks breaking up the strata are not very well-developed, and cracks could be seem in the north-eastern, north-north-east and east-east-northern sides of the basin. There is no magma activity in the region. 区内岩盐矿体呈层状产于盆地中部,形态呈一北东58?走向的不规则椭圆 2体,长18?,宽约9?,矿层展布面积133.66?。岩盐矿物质床基本特点为 矿层层数多,单层厚1—5m,矿层累计厚0.4m(清4井)至183.08m(钾4井), 一般为34.17—67.02m。矿层厚度由边缘至盆地中心有由薄变厚之趋势。 The salt strata are located in the center of the salt basin in form of a layered structure. It could be described as an elongated cylindrical mass from north to east at an angle of 58 degrees. The cylindrical mass is 18 km long, 9km wide, and spans an area of 133.66 sq km. There are many layers of salt strata, with a single strata being 1-5 meters. The strata range from 0.4 meters to 183.08 meters thick, and the average thickness is 34.17 – 67.02 meters. 3 由于区内盐层多且具复韵律特征,按岩性组合与岩盐沉积特征将区内盐层自 上而下划分为?、?、?等三个岩盐组。区内第一岩盐组(?)厚38.50—92.10m, 岩性主要为灰黑色、深灰色泥岩。夹盐层2—10层,矿层累计厚5.10—23.38m, Nacl平均品位55.90%—75.51%。第二岩盐组(?)厚59.30—93.50m,岩性为深 灰色泥岩与无色、乳白色或烟灰色石盐层呈略等厚互层,矿层累计厚16.44— 72.35%。第三岩盐组(?)厚90—113m,为深34.51m,Nacl平均品位66.45%— 灰、灰黑色泥岩夹乳白、烟灰色石盐层,矿层累计厚4.56—24.70m,Nacl平均 品位66.63%—72.19%。 To fully describe the richness and multiple-layered nature of the salt strata in the region, the region’s salt reserve is classified into three groups of salt rocks, i.e. I, II and III. Group I salt rock strata is 38.50-92.10 meters thick, and the rocks are primarily grayish-black and dark-grey mud rocks. There are 2-10 salt seams, with the total aggregated thickness of the salt seams being 5.10-23.38 meters. The Nacl content ratio is 55.90% - 75.51%. Group II salt rock strata is 59.30-93.50 meters thick, and the rocks are primarily dark-grey, smoky-grey or milky-white colored layered mud rocks. The total aggregated thickness of the salt seams being 16.44-34.51 meters. The Nacl content ratio is 66.45% - 72.35% Group III salt rock strata is 90-113 meters thick, and the rocks are primarily grayish-black, smoky-grey or milky-white colored layered mud rocks. The total aggregated thickness of the salt seams being 4.56-24.70 meters. The Nacl content ratio is 66.63% - 72.19%. . 区内石盐矿石化学成分主要为Nacl,含量一般为65%—80%,最高达88.61%; 次为NaSO,含量3%—5%、CaSO3%—5%、以及微量K、Mg、Br、I等。矿244 石矿物成分以石盐(Nacl)为主,次为钙芒硝[NaCa(SO)]硬石膏(CaSO)、无2424 水芒硝(NaSO)和少量碳酸盐矿物。非盐类矿物见有粘土矿物。矿石类型主要为24 白色、乳白色半透明晶质石盐矿石;灰、烟灰色含泥质石盐矿石和含钙芒硝石盐 矿石。矿床中芒硝、钙芒硝与石盐呈共(伴)生产出,已达综合评价指标的要求, 可供综合利用。矿石据相邻戈家矿段水溶性试验表明,矿石可溶性在93.77%— 99.27%之间,适合钻井水溶法开采。本矿床采用水溶法开采,水文地质、工程地 质条件简单,开采条件有利。 The primary mineral content of the salt rocks is Nacl, with average salt content ratio of 65-80%, with the highest salt content ratio of 88.61% for some of the salt rocks. Ranked by the mass (quantity or relative proportion) of the mineral contents, the minerals existing in the salt rocks are: NaSO,content ratio of 3%—5%、 24 CaSOcontent ratio of 3%—5%、 4, And small quantities of K、Mg、Br、I etc. NaCa(SO)242 CaSO4 4 NaSO24 As proven by the onsite solubility tests for the salt rocks, it is confirmed that the solubility ratio is between 93.77%—99.27%. Salt excavation using the water piping and pumping methods would be suitable for the Fuda salt mines. This method is simple and easy to adopt given the geography and geology of the salt mining sites. 本矿床于1970年发现,富达盐矿始建于1993年,当时建有一套年产5万吨 真空制盐设备,2002年改造为年产12.5万吨,2004年企业改制后采用瑞士“真 空制盐、热法提硝、盐硝联产”生产线,现已达年产50万吨精制盐、3.5万吨无 水硫酸钠生产能力。截止2005年底,富达盐矿共布设采卤井20口(其中二采区 310口井尚在建设中),累计采卤954万m,产盐95.4万吨。 The salt basin was found in 1970. Fuda started to excavate salt in 1993, and built a salt factory of capacity 50,000 tons per annum. The capacity was upgraded to 125,000 tons in 2002, and in 2004 another upgrade brought the annual capacity to 500,000 tons dried salt (edible and industrial salts) and 35,000 tons of anhydrous potassium nitrate per annum. As of the end of 2005, Fuda has 10 pairs of pipes producing, and 10 more pairs of pipes being built in its Southern site. A total volume of 9.45 million cubic meters of sodium chloride solutions could be excavated from the mine for the production of 954,000 tons of dried salt per annum. 二、矿区勘查工作简况及矿产资源储量申报情况 (Description of the geological survey and the filing process for the confirmation of quantity of salt reserve) 1、矿区勘查工作简况 (description of geological survey work) 清江岩盐矿床系由江西省重工业局915地质大队于1970年进行清江盆地 石油普查时发现,经施工钻井17口(进尺1.66万米),勘查后于1971年12 月提交了《江西省清江盐矿(岩盐)储量报告》,1972年元月经江西省清江化 工厂组织的“、三结合”审查小组审查通过。1974年,江西省地质局915大队 2为满足江西盐矿生产之需对矿床北部26?块段开展勘探工作,对开采区段以 500×500m网度求A级,采区外围以1000×1000m求B级储量,以稀疏工程 控制求C级施工钻井16口,进尺1.62万米,于1975年提交了《江西省清江 盐矿北部块段(岩盐)地质勘探报告》,探获石盐总储量103.7129亿吨,其中 C级以上95.5479亿吨,该报告于1976年9月经江西省储委以赣储决字[1976] 第3号决议书审批。 The Team #915 of the Geological survey department of the Jiangxi Heavy Industry Bureau ound the Qing Jiang salt basin in 1970 during their general survey for petroleum exploration. In the general survey, 17 holes were drilled covering an area of 16,600 sq meters. A survey report was filed in Dec 1971, and the report was presented to a committee organized by the Jiangxi Qing Jiang Chemical factory. In 1974, the Team #915 was requested by the stated-owned salt enterprises of the Jiangxi to carry out a survey at the northern part of the salt basin. The survey covers an area of 26 sq km, and for the designated salt excavation site, a 500 meter x 500 5 meters webs of holes were drilled to evaluate the “A” section of the salt reserve estimation (the core estimate of the most important section of the mine). A 1000 meter×1000 meter web of holes was drilled to evaluate the “B” section of the salt reserve estimation. A more spread-out web of holes was drilled to evaluate the “C” section of the salt reserve estimation. A total of 16 holes were drilled covering an area of 16,200 sq meters. A survey report was submitted with the following salt reserve estimates and was approved by the Mineral Reserve assessment committee of the Jiangxi Provincial government by the issuance of official memo 1976 #3 in Sept 1976: Total salt reserve of the Qing Jiang salt basin: 10.37129 billion tons Salt reserve in the A and B sections of the Qing Jiang salt basin: 9.55479billon tons 1991年5月,江西省地矿局第二物探大队为富达盐矿年产5万吨真空制盐 扩建工程之需,提交了《江西省清江盐矿北部块段二物矿块(岩盐)勘探地质报 告》,江西省储委以赣储决字[1991]第7号决议书批准表内NaclA+B级储量910.1 万吨。 In May 1991, Fuda wanted to expand its capacity, and so it requested for another survey to be carried out. A survey report was filed by the Team #2 of the Mining Administration Bureau, and the verified and approved salt reserve estimate (i.e. Nacl for A and B sections of the Fuda salt mine) was 9.101 million tons. 2004年8月,樟树富达实业公司委托江西省地矿局赣西地质调查大队编制 了《樟树市富达实业公司富达盐矿矿产资源储量核算说明书》,核算矿界范围占 用Nacl资源储量41642.14万吨,保有Nacl资源储量41201.3万吨。 In Aug 2004, Fuda commissioned the West-Jiangxi geological survey team to evaluate the salt reserve quantity of its whole salt mining site and verified that the salt (Nacl) reserve was 416.4216 million tons, with remaining salt reserve (not yet excavated) of 412.013 million tons. 2、矿产资源储量核实预测申报情况 (An overview of the salt reserve survey reported filed to the government) 富达盐矿申请资源储量如下: (Fuda has filed the following surveyed salt reserve estimates): 矿山占用资源储量:(111b+122b+333)矿石量61753.0962万吨, Nacl42963.8820万吨,其中(111b)矿石量1233.5887万吨,Nacl838.1044万 吨,(122b)矿石量55403.3170万吨,Nacl38619.0570万吨,(333) 矿石量 5116.1905万吨,Nacl 3506.7206万吨。 Total Salt reserve estimates = the estimates from the A, B, and C sections of the salt mining site. For section A survey, the confirmed estimate is presented as a 111b report. For section B survey, the confirmed estimate is presented as a 122b report. For section C, the confirmed estimate is presented as a 333 report. For the Fuda salt mining site: 111b+122b+333 = 617.530962 million tons of salt rock, with Nacl of 429.63882tons 111b: salt rock of 12.335887million tons, with Nacl of 8.381044million tons 6 122b: salt rock of 554.03317 million tons, with Nacl of 386.19057 million tons 333: salt rock of 51.161905 million tons, with Nacl of 35.067206 million tons 矿山保有资源储量:(111b+122b+333)矿石量61243.2797万吨, Nacl42609.2678万吨,其中(111b)矿石量1098.1698万吨,Nacl737.0985万 吨,(122b)矿石量55028.9194万吨,Nacl38365.4487万吨,(333) 矿石量 5116.1905万吨,Nacl3506.7206万吨。 Total remaining salt reserve quantity estimation: (not yet excavated) .432797 million tons, with Nacl of 111b+122b+333 = salt rock of 612 426.092678million tons 111b: salt rock of 10.981698 million tons, with Nacl of 7.370985 million tons 122b: salt rock of 550.289194 million tons, with Nacl of 383.654487million tons吨 333: salt rock of 51.161905 million tons, with Nacl of 35.067206 million tons. 三、报告评审意见 (comments from the assessment committee) (一)、主要评审意见 (key points) 1、本报告的编制工作中注意充分收集了矿区前人工作成果资料,尤其是经 省储委审批的《江西省清江盐矿北部块段(岩盐)地质勘探报告》以及富达盐矿 结合生产需要补作的地质勘查或资源储量复核资料,报告编制的基础资料翔实可 靠。 The report has fully considered all the historical survey data, and these previous reports are verified by new in-depth onsite surveys. The data used for the compilation of the report is accurate and reliable. 2、经资料分析和矿山调查,基本查明了矿区地层、构造等地质特征,基本 查明了区内岩盐矿层的赋矿层位及展布范围,基本查明了岩盐矿层产出形态、产 状,基本查明了岩盐矿的化学成份、矿物成份、结构构造、有益有害组份含量情 况及变化规律,划分了矿石类型,结合矿山生产实践阐明了矿石的加工技术性能。 Using the past survey reports as the foundation, and verified with new and in-depth onsite survey, the rock structure and characteristics, and the nature of the salt strata have been fully analyzed. The chemical content, mineral content, structure, useful content and harmful contents, and the technical production characteristics of the salt rock have been fully analyzed. 3、利用前日资料并结合生产实践阐明了矿床水文地质条件、工程地质条 件、环境地质条件等开采技术条件。 The underground water emission characteristics, mining site construction infrastructure, and environmental factors of the salt mine have all been considered. 4、对矿山资源储量利用情况,进行了较深入地科学研究,借鉴国内外水溶 法采盐工艺研究成果,结合本区矿体特点及采卤工业确定了区内不同生产井溶蚀 搬进并进而全出了13个溶采区,估算了溶采区和溶采区中首采层的资源储量。 Scientific analysis have been carried out to evaluate the salt reserve quantity. Different 7 methods of salt excavation adopted by overseas and PRC salt mines have been analyzed for the design of a suitable excavation method for the Fuda salt mine. 13 water piping and pumping zones have been defined within the overall salt mining site. For proper management and analysis, zonal salt reserve estimates are being calculated. 5、依据《盐湖和盐类矿产地质勘察规范》对富达矿权警戒范围内占用资源 储量重新进行了估算,资源储量估算工业指标沿用原报告并符合现在矿山开采实 际,因而工业指的选用合理有据;按现行规范要求以4000×4000m工程间距探 求“控制的”资源储量,加密一倍探求“探明的”资源储量基本合理;结合矿床 特征及探矿工程分布情况采用三角形法进行资源储量估算较合适,各项参数确定 恰当;结合矿床开采的经济意义地质刻苦程度分析确定的本区资源储量类型合 理;重算的富达盐矿采矿权范围内占用资源储量估算结果基本可靠。经科研探索, 以溶采区内首采矿层采出量加上采下损失量来作为矿山消耗(采损)的资源储量 相对较合理,据此估算的矿山保有资源储量基本可靠。 The report was compiled using the data and rock samples / salt samples collected from onsite survey. The survey methodology follows the A (500 x500 meter), B (1000 x 1000 meters), and C (4000 x4000 meters)sectional approach to evaluate the ascertained, controlled and inferred size/quantity of salt reserve in the salt mining site. This method is an acceptable way to produce reliable data. By considering the excavated quantity as well as the unavoidable wastage margin, the remaining salt reserve quantity could be estimated. This estimation method is a reliable way of evaluating the remaining salt reserve for the salt mine. 6、通过调查研究,报告中较详细地分析了钻进水溶法采矿应注意首采层段、 溶采区和采区等三个层次的回采率,针对本区开采实践,指出了“科学规划,优 化开采方案,坚持合理的开采顺序,采用先进的采卤技术”是提高回采率的重要 措施。报告中提出的科学规划、集中供卤对策和建议对提高资源利用率,提高企 业经济效益,促进我省樟树盐化工基地健康有序发展具较好的参考意义。 The report has provided a detailed analysis of the method for salt excavation, i.e. water piping, pumping and dissolving the salt rock into sodium chloride solution. The report has also detailed the three-step approach to optimize the salt output from the mine. The proposed method is conducive to the uplifting the productivity and profitability of the salt mines. All these are conducive to the growth of the Zhangshu salt industry. 7、报告文、图、表资料齐全,符合有关规定的要求。 The submitted documents, diagrams and tables are with the required details, and conform to the filing guidelines. (二)矿产资源储量评审结果 (result of the salt reserve assessment) 8 “江西省樟树市清江岩盐矿床富达盐矿资源潜力评价报告”符合有关规定 的要求,富达盐矿许可证范围占用岩盐资源储量矿石量617531千吨。Nacl429639千吨(详见表1);截止2005年12月底止,富达盐矿保有资源储量矿石量612433 千吨,Nacl426093千吨(详见表2)予以评审通过。 The production license of the Fuda salt mine has the following approved salt reserve estimates: salt rock of 617.531 million tons, Nacl429.639 million tons(see table 1); As of end of Dec 2005, the remaining salt reserve not yet excavated is as follows: 612.433 million tons, Nacl of 426.093 million tons (see table 2). 富达盐矿占用资源储量评结果表 表1 Original size of salt reserve of the Fuda salt mine (table 1) 矿山企 资源储量类型 分割(原始)占用 重算增减 实际占用 业 Salt reserve Original size of Mining category reserve enterprise 矿石量矿石量Nacl(千矿石量Nacl(千Nacl (千吨) (千(千吨) (千吨) 吨) 吨) 吨) Salt rock (in (in (in (in (in units of (in units of units units of units of 1,000) units of 1,000) of 1,000) 1,000) 1,000) 1,000) 111b 13366 9101 -1030 -720 12336 8381 富 122b 582398 402109 -28365 -15918 554033 386191 达 333 7695 5211 +43467 +29856 51162 35067 盐 矿 111b+122b+333 603459 416421 +14072 +13218 617531 429639 Fuda Salt Mine 注:富达盐矿原始占用资源储量系据2004年富达盐矿储量核实说明书分割估算。 Note: the estimate for the original quantity of salt reserve for the Fuda salt mine is based on the 2004 onsite geological survey which is subdivided into A, B and C section. 富达盐矿保有资源储量评审结果表 表2 Remaining salt reserve estimation (table 2) 资源储量类型 富达盐矿 Salt reserve category (for the Fuda salt mine) 9 矿石量(千吨) Nacl(千吨) Salt rock (in units of Nacl (in units of 1,000 tons) 1,000 tons) 111 2196 1474 111b 10982 7371 122 110058 76731 122b 550289 383655 333 51162 35067 111b+122b+333 612433 426093 附件1、“江西省樟树市清江岩盐矿床江富达盐矿资源潜力评价报告”评审专家组名单 Appendix 1: the list of geological specialists responsible for assessing the salt reserve report of the Fuda Salt mine 附件2、“江西省樟树清江岩盐矿床富达盐矿资源潜力评价报告”评审会议出席人员名单 Appendix 2: the list of participants attending the assessment committee meeting for the assessment of the Fuda salt mine 10
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