首页 2012年常州市中考语文试卷



2012年常州市中考语文试卷2012年常州市中考语文试卷 常州市二?一二年初中毕业、升学统一文化考试 语 文 试 题 注意事项: 1. 试题共三部分,6页,计21题。总分值120分。考试时间150分钟。 2. 本卷有试题卷和答题卡两个部分。考生须将答案书写在答题卡上,写在试卷上的一律无 效。考试结束,试卷、答题卡一并上交。 3. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试证号填写在试卷上,并填写答题卡上的考生信息。 一、积累与运用(共20分) (一)积累(共11分) (把文中拼音所表示的汉字和加点字的注音填在指定方格内。(2分) 1 ...

2012年常州市中考语文试卷 常州市二?一二年 初中 初中体育教案免费下载初中各年级劳动技术教案初中阶段各学科核心素养一览表初中二次函数知识点汇总初中化学新课程标准 毕业、升学统一文化考试 语 文 试 题 注意事项: 1. 试题共三部分,6页,计21题。总分值120分。考试时间150分钟。 2. 本卷有试题卷和答题卡两个部分。考生须将答案书写在答题卡上,写在试卷上的一律无 效。考试结束,试卷、答题卡一并上交。 3. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试证号填写在试卷上,并填写答题卡上的考生信息。 一、积累与运用(共20分) (一)积累(共11分) (把文中拼音所表示的汉字和加点字的注音填在指定方格内。(2分) 1 常州篦箕巷~沿运河而建~自古就是商lǚ, ? ,云集之 地,所产梳篦屡获大奖~chí, ? ,名中外。常州梳篦~选料 坚韧而富有弹性~齿面光洁~齿尖吃发~利于梳理按摩。可梳 zhuānɡ, ? ,打扮~可收藏馈, ? ,赠。工艺篦雕镂, ? ,(( 各种图案~画面赏心悦目~刀法细腻~令人叹为观止。 ,《常州梳篦博物馆》, 2(默写。(6分) (1) ? ,病树前头万木春。 (2) ? ,燕然未勒归无计。 (3)不畏浮云遮望眼, ? 。 (4)山行六七里, ? ,酿泉也。 (5)请为右图配上符合画意的两个古诗词名句。 ? ? 3(下列有关名著内容的表述,错误的两项是(3分) 【 ? 】 【 ? 】 ((( A(《男生贾里全传》中,查老师偏爱女生,贾里很不服气,便趁查老师家访的时候,将 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 调了包,让查老师在课堂上出尽了洋相。 B(贾里聪颖机智、热情侠义。他模仿祁老师的声音打电话,让原本不愿参加智力 大赛的陈应达积极参赛,为班里赢得了一枚金牌。 C(《水浒传》中,宋江反对晁盖的忠君思想,所以将“忠义堂”改为“聚义厅”,迟迟不 愿接受朝廷的招安。 D(鲁达打死镇关西后,到五台山做了和尚,法号智深。他不守戒律,照样喝酒吃肉,后 来被派到大相国寺看菜园子。 (二)运用(共9分) 4(下列语段有好几处毛病,请用规定的符号加以修改。(3分) 常语personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the 第 1 页 (共 6页) original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 换用号: 增补号: 删除号: 调位号: 微笑的魅力在于可以表示——我很喜欢你~见到你我很高兴。那发自内心的微笑就像一缕春风~冰雪也能使之融化。即使长相平凡的人~微笑时给人的感觉也会美不胜收~因为微笑体现了人善良温和的一面~当人的内在美德通过微笑得以体现时~怎么会不美呢,我们应该对自己的美丽充满自信。可是随着生活节奏和高科技的加快~人与人之间的关系逐渐变得冷清~人们仿佛挤不出时间微笑~或只为工作需要而微笑。终于~人们发出“我们需要微笑”的呼唤~又体会到微笑的重要性。 要求:(1)删除与语段中心意思不一致的一个句子。 (2)另选二至三处毛病加以修改。 5(阅读 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 ,分点说明我国文化软实力的发展状态。(3分) 2001—2009年我国文化软实力评分值 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 文化知识生产力,X1, -2.62 -1.99 -1.32 -0.70 0.24 1.14 1.92 2.81 3.65 文化体制引导力,X2, -1.05 -1.27 -1.48 -0.48 -0.05 0.12 1.36 1.93 2.28 文化产业竞争力,X3, -1.92 -1.46 -1.05 0.11 0.07 0.59 1.64 1.52 2.33 综合文化软实力,X, -3.44 -3.08 -2.68 -0.81 0.19 1.35 3.14 4.03 5.35 ,《中国工业经济》2011.9, 注释:我国综合文化软实力,X,由文化知识生产力,X1 ,等三力按照一定关系折算而来。 答: ? 6(“创造性破坏”是指破坏了原有技术根基,让人享受到新技术好处的行为。阅读下列材料,探究引领创造性破坏的人应该具有怎样的特点。(3分) ((((((((( 中国正处于创造性破坏的时代——社会发展的升级转型 期。你要么选择忽视、落伍~要么选择跟进、投入。创造性破 坏会让人觉得压力沉重。成熟社会的组织机制会日趋保守~往 往失去“自我破坏”的勇气~这使现代社会越来越接受不了“破 坏”的代价。 一个另类启迪:非洲大象所到之处~毁坏树木~践踏植物~ 拱挖矿物盐分~但野猪等中小型动物却有了活动与吃草的空间~甚至非洲的一些公路就是大象肆意驰骋遗留下来的路径。 苹果公司有个叫“异想天开”的广告~在爱因斯坦、毕加索、马丁〃路德〃金等人的肖像边~乔布斯写下了这样的广告辞:“让我们告慰那些疯狂之人~那些格格不入者~反叛者和肇事者~圆的螺丝钉打在方的洞孔里。你可以引用他们的话~不同意他们的观点~赞扬或蔑视他们。然而~你唯一做不到的事是忽视他们。因为他们改变事物~推动人类朝前迈进。” 答: ? 二、阅读理解(共40分) (一)阅读短文《隐形“杀手”无处不在》,完成7,8题。(共5分) ?所谓PM2.5~是指空气中悬浮的直径小于2.5微米的颗粒物。 ?一般而言~直径超过10微米的颗粒物~会被挡在鼻子的外面,直径在2.5微米至10微米的颗粒物能进入呼吸道~但随着吐痰、打喷嚏被部分排出体外,而直径在2.5微米以内的细颗粒物~会顺利通过下呼吸道~进入肺泡之中~并通过气血交换进入人体血管。 watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not nly towledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not o, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knoeconddevelop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. S ttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation,the bu, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock sed learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughtse original principles, focupersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th2ht, and politicalthoug nance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, inal Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly mainteGener f, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XIs as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himselnd hahas discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, a earning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, andIn la unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. ?PM2.5中少部分是自然形成的扬尘~绝大部分是化石燃料燃烧不完全产生的有机碳。这些因为工业等人类活动产生的小粒子~唯一的特点在于太小~太多。在相同质量浓度下~颗粒物越细~其总数目越多~总的表面积越大~吸附空气中的毒性物质就会更多。 ?这么小的颗粒很难自然沉降~影响呼吸系统~造成咳嗽、不适。而小颗粒物上吸附的各种各样的毒性化学物质才更加要命。PM2.5吸附了致癌物~就有致癌效应,吸附了致畸物~就有致畸效应。它通过下呼吸道~进入肺的深处~它携带的有害气体、重金属就溶解在血液里。 ?空气污染比其他的污染危害更大。首先~受害人最多。除非生活在过滤器里~所有人都会受害。其次~几乎无法防护。我们担心水污染时~可以加装一个有害物过滤器。对付空气就没有办法了~因为空气无孔不入、无处不在~最多就是在办公室和家里装上空气过滤器~但效果有限。 ,选自《中国青年报》~有删改, 7(下列表述不符合原文意思的一项是(2分) 【 ? 】 ((( A(人体对直径在2.5微米至10微米的悬浮颗粒物具备一定的防护能力。 B(PM2.5上吸附的各种化学物质对人类具有致命危害。 C(工业等人类活动是空气中产生细小悬浮颗粒物的主要原因。 D(安装空气过滤器对付PM2.5效果有限。 8(本文说明语言准确明白,请以画线句为例简要分析。(3分) 答: ? (二)阅读殷健灵的《豆腐之美》,完成9,12题。(共11分) ?东京的高楼并不比上海的多~繁华的都市里~每一寸空间都被有效利用~依然保留着有滋有味的僻静巷道~地铁里人流如织。可是~喧闹呢~喧闹去了哪里,有人以为只有发出声音才能 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 自己的存在。东京人却以安静与谦恭证明着文明的教养和细节的魅力。 ?酒店门铃和电话铃的音量总是调到最小~习惯了喧哗的人~如果不凝神静听~或许会忽略它们的声音。那幽微的铃声~在一片宁静里文雅地触碰你的耳膜~从不会粗鲁地惊吓到你~更不会侵扰你平静的心绪。其实~只有放低音量~才能真正引起他人的注意~在一片喧哗里提高音量~无非是增加噪音的分贝而已。这正如在一堆绚烂的颜色里~唯有素朴的颜色才能让人心仪一般。而我们在日复一日的喧哗中~又与多少美好的事物擦肩而过了呢, ?蒙台梭利说:物质世界的秩序~可以使心灵优雅宁静。这或许可以用来解释~处处井井有条、同时又是快节奏的东京~为什么依然可以在行色匆匆里保留一份难得的安宁。因为~和干净比邻的~是安静。 ?唯有安静了~才能专注地用心。让人感受到这份用心的~还有位于东京塔下的东京芝豆腐屋~据说这是最好的日本料理。 ?料理店本身就是一处绝好的日式庭院。弹丸之地~曲折萦回~水榭亭台~花鸟园艺~每一处都是一幅精妙的画。令人叫绝的还不是景致~而是这里的“灵魂”——豆腐。 ?无论是餐前冷盘~还是肴煎豆腐~抑或豆浆煮豆腐~那些盛在精美器皿里的嫩白之物~几乎令你忘记这就是我们平日里熟悉得不能再熟悉的豆腐。它们保持了豆腐的原味~又提炼了其中的精华~凝脂一般~入口绵长而清醇~甘香沁鼻。在这里品尝豆腐~你会感觉这是一种仪式~是一种文化~也是一种享受。庭院里出售豆腐屋出品的各类豆制品~意犹未尽的食客临走时~都不忘提走一袋。 ?这样的豆腐料理~我在国内是没有见过的。豆腐在我们的菜系里~朴素、家常、充满烟火气。因其清淡~往往需要浓郁的肉汁和海鲜来调味~于是~豆腐的本味被忽略了~而制作豆腐的工艺似乎也失去了精益求精的必要。 ?豆腐源自中国~公元757年~鉴真东渡日本时~才带去了豆腐的制作方法。历经千年~ personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the 常语第3页 (共6页) original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 日本将中国的豆腐文化发扬光大~还保持了“高贵”的格调~以致西方误以为日本才是豆腐的故乡。何以至此,我想还是因为那份用心。 ,选自《文汇报》~有删改) 9(本文开头三段的描写表现了东京的什么特点,这样写有什么作用,(4分) 答: ? 10(文中具体展现了日本豆腐文化哪些方面的美,(3分) 答: ? 11(联系全文,探究最后一段隐含着作者怎样的情感和态度。(2分) 答: ? 12(下列对文章有关内容的理解和分析,错误的一项是(2分) 【 ? 】 ((( A(第?段承上启下,既总结上文,又引出下文对东京芝豆腐屋的描写。 B(东京人把酒店门铃和电话铃的音量调到最小,目的是为了引起他人的注意。 C(与中国豆腐比较是为了突出日本人将豆腐做到了极致,并保持了豆腐“高贵”的格调。 D(本文写豆腐之美的同时,又借豆腐展现日本文化精致、优雅、注重细节的一面。 (三) 阅读《威尼斯商人(节选)》,完成13,16题。(共12分) 夏洛克 不~把我的生命连着财产一起拿了去吧~我不要你们的宽恕。,A,你们拿掉了支(((((( 撑房子的柱子~就是拆了我的房子,你们夺去了我的养家活命的根本~就是活活要(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 了我的命。 ((((( 鲍西娅 安东尼奥~你能不能够给他一点慈悲, 葛莱西安诺 白送给他一根上吊的绳子吧,看在上帝的面上~不要给他别的东西: 安东尼奥 要是殿下和堂上愿意从宽发落~免予没收他的财产的一半~我就十分满足了,只 要他能够让我接管他的另外一半的财产~等他死了以后~把它交给最近和他的女儿 私奔的那位绅士,可是他必须当庭写下一张文契~声明他死了以后~他的全部财产 传给他的女婿罗兰佐和他的女儿。 公 爵 他必须履行这个条件~否则我就不会宣布这个赦令。 鲍西娅 犹太人~你满意吗,你有什么话说, 夏洛克 我满意。 鲍西娅 书记~写下一张授赠产业的文契。 夏洛克 请你们允许我退庭~我不大舒服。文契写好了送到我家里~我在上面签名就是了。 公 爵 去吧~可是临时变卦是不成的。 葛莱西安诺 你在受洗礼的时候~可以有两个教父,要是我做了法官~我一定给你请十二个 教父~不是领你去受洗~是送你上绞架。,夏洛克下, 公 爵 先生~我想请您到舍间去用餐。 鲍西娅 请殿下多多原谅~我今天晚上要回帕度亚去~必须现在就动身~恕不奉陪了。 巴萨尼奥 好先生~我不能不再向您提出一个请求~请您随便从我们身上拿些什么东西去~ 不算是酬谢~只算是留个纪念。请您答应我两件事儿:既不要推却~还要原谅我的 要求。 鲍西娅 你们这样殷勤~倒叫我却之不恭了。,向安东尼奥,把您的手套送给我~让我戴在((((((( 手上留个纪念吧,,向巴萨尼奥,为了纪念您的盛情~让我拿了这戒指去。不要缩 回您的手~我不再向您要什么了,您既然是一片诚意~想来总不会拒绝我吧。 巴萨尼奥 这指环吗~好先生,唉:它是个不值钱的玩意儿,我不好意思把这东西送给您。 鲍西娅 我什么都不要~就是要这指环,现在我想我非把它要来不可了。 f, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XIs as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himselnd hahas discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, a earning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, andIn la unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not nly towledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not o, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knoeconddevelop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. S ttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation,the bu, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock sed learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughtse original principles, focupersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th4ht, and politicalthoug nance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, inal Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly mainteGener 巴萨尼奥 这指环的本身并没有什么价值~可是因为有其他的关系~我不能把它送人。我愿 意搜访威尼斯最贵重的一枚指环来送给您~可是这一枚却只好请您原谅了。 鲍西娅 先生~您原来是个口头上慷慨的人,,B,您先教我怎样伸手求讨~然后再教我懂((((((((((((((((( 得了一个叫化子会得到怎样的回答。 (((((((((((((((( 巴萨尼奥 好先生~这指环是我的妻子给我的,她把它套上我的手指的时候~曾经叫我发誓 永远不把它出卖、送人或是遗失。 鲍西娅 人们在吝惜他们的礼物的时候~都可以用这样的话做推托的。要是尊夫人不是一个 疯婆子~她知道了我对于这指环是多么受之无愧~一定不会因为您把它送掉了而跟 您长久反目的。好~愿你们平安:,鲍西娅、尼莉莎同下。, 13(全剧矛盾冲突高潮已过,但余波不断,请列举节选部分两个小的矛盾冲突。(4分) 答: ? 14(结合人物语言比较葛莱西安诺和安东尼奥两个人的性格特征。(3分) 答: ? 15(请在A、B两处台词中选择一处加以简要赏析。(3分) 答: ? 16(下列理解和分析,正确的一项是(2分) 【 ? 】 A(选段情节有几处夸张不合情理,有剧情需要,也有构思缺陷。 B(夏洛克受到惩罚,明显有所反省,表现出了悔改的迹象。 (联系上下文,“倒叫我却之不恭”应该是准备接受馈赠的客套话。 C D(两个画横线的句子前后矛盾,说明巴萨尼奥是个爱冲动的人。 (四)阅读下面两个选段,完成17,20题。(共12分) 甲 俄顷风定云墨色~秋天漠漠向昏黑。布衾多年冷似铁~娇儿恶卧踏里裂。床头屋漏无干(( 处~雨脚如麻未断绝。自经丧乱少睡眠~长夜沾湿何由彻:安得广厦千万间~大庇天下寒士((( 俱欢颜~风雨不动安如山:呜呼:何时眼前突兀见此屋~吾庐独破受冻死亦足: ,杜甫《茅屋为秋风所破歌》, 乙 禄山乱~甫避走三川。至德二年~亡走凤翔。客秦州~负薪拾橡栗自给。流落剑南~营(((((草堂成都西郭浣花溪。大历中~出瞿塘~登衡山。因客耒阳~游岳祠~大水暴至~涉旬不得?食~县令具舟迎之~乃得还。甫好论天下大事~高而不切也。数尝寇乱~挺节无所污。为 ?歌诗~忧时伤生~情不忘君~人皆怜之。观李、杜二公~语语王霸~褒贬得失~忠孝之心~(((( ?惊动千古~骚雅之妙~双振当时。 ,选自《唐才子传〃杜甫》~有删改, 注释: ?挺节:坚守节操。 ?语语王霸:句句震撼人心。 ?骚雅:诗歌。骚~代指屈原《离骚》。雅~大小雅~代指《诗经》。 17(解释下列词语。(4分) (1)俄顷: ? (2)何由彻: ? (3)亡走凤翔: ? (4)营: ? (5)人皆怜之: ? 18(用现代汉语写出下列两个句子的意思。(4分) (1)布衾多年冷似铁,娇儿恶卧踏里裂。 常语第personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the 5页 (共6页) original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political ? (2)县令具舟迎之,乃得还。 ? 19(结合乙文内容,用自己的话说说杜甫创作甲诗时的处境。(2分) 答: ? 20(对甲、乙两个选段的理解和分析,错误的一项是(2分) 【 ? 】 ((( (选段甲“俄顷风定云墨色,秋天漠漠向昏黑”两句,既预示大雨即将来临,又烘托A 诗人暗淡愁惨的心境。 B(选段甲中,诗人由自身处境联系到安史之乱给国家和人民带来的深重灾难,正如乙 文所评:“忧时伤生,情不忘君。” C(乙文对杜甫虽有“高而不切”的评价,但甲诗“大庇天下寒士俱欢颜”的博大胸襟 和崇高社会理想是非常可贵的。 D(乙文结尾含蓄肯定李白、杜甫诗歌成就很高,共同的浪漫主义风格在当时产生了重 大的社会影响。 三、作文(共60分) 21(请以“发现离不开用心观察”为题,写一篇文章。 说明:? 要有自己的经历、体验和感悟,不得抄袭; ? 除诗歌、戏剧外,文体不限; 不少于600字; ? ? 请勿透露考生个人信息。 nance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, inal Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly mainteGener f, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XIs as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himselnd hahas discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, a earning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, andIn la unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not nly towledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not o, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knoeconddevelop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. S ttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation,the bu, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock sed learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughtse original principles, focupersonal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of th6ht, and politicalthoug
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