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吸血鬼日记第七季17集资源吸血鬼日记第七季17集资源 篇一:吸血鬼日记第七季18百度云 s7 e01 e02 it is getting rough out here. 外面风浪太大了。(可指其他恶 劣情况) you are dodging the question. 你在回避问题。 this isn’t a very good connection. 信号不是太好。 i am hanging up now. 我要挂电话了。 get your mind back on the stars. 把心思放在星星上。 you ove...

吸血鬼日记第七季17集资源 篇一:吸血鬼日记第七季18百度云 s7 e01 e02 it is getting rough out here. 外面风浪太大了。(可指其他恶 劣情况) you are dodging the question. 你在回避问题。 this isn’t a very good connection. 信号不是太好。 i am hanging up now. 我要挂电话了。 get your mind back on the stars. 把心思放在星星上。 you overestimate his significance in my life. emotionless she’s probably on the lookout for sexual harassment. 她估计是来盯着有没有性骚扰案件的。 the absence of my friends does not cause me pain. 我的朋友不在对我没影响。 i feel ten pounds lighter. 我感觉如释重负啊。 it was rather flattering to have strangers send us drink . 今晚有陌生人请咱们喝酒真是受宠若惊呀。 confess mealy blowout something with a nautical theme might be appropriated. gag gift i have been kind of snippy lately. 我最近有些烦躁。 we were meaning to do that. 我们正打算去呢。 take a hint he is a born showman. 他真是一个天生的主持人。 pick names out of a hat 抽签 get over it.篇二:阅读第七季 (一) a peiss tells me that after the 30‘s, pulling out a make-up case was no longer an issue. it became an accepted practice. i asked if she feels free to apply lipstick at a professional lunch herself. sounding mildly shocked, she says she would save that for the privacy of her car afterward. why? because it would be ―a gesture of inappropriate feminity(女性化).‖ one guess is that most professional women feel this way. there is evidence of the popularity of the new lipsticks that remain in place all day without retouching. 1. according to the author, ―my husband and i could have been a blanket wall.‖ (line 6, para.1) most probably means ―________‖. a. we were of no existence in the french woman‘s eyes. b. we looked at the french woman expressionlessly. c. we were treated with an expressionless face. d. we used books as a wall to avoid the woman‘s eyes. 2. in the author‘s opinion, she _______. b. makes up before any professional gatherings. c. only makes up on social occasions. d. allows public making up on certain occasions. 3. accordin g to peiss, nose powdering in an office was criticized mainly for the reason that __. a. normal office work was disturbed. b. male dominance was emphasized there.c. it discouraged women‘s interest in career. d. it distracted male workers‘ focus on work. 4. why do most professional women give up using lipsticks in public?a. because they are worried about being looked down upon. b. because it implies women‘s disadvantages in academic fields. c. because they are ashamed to be seen making up in front of males.d. because it emphasizes their female features in wrong situations. 5. it can be inferred that in a highly open society, the differences between men and women ___. a. have attracted little attention.b. hinder the social development.c. still call for great concern. d. are attractive topics in talk shows. b we can begin our discussion of ―population as a global issue‖ with what most person mean when they discuss ― the population problem‖: too many people on earth and a too rapid increase in the number added each year. the facts are not in dispute. it was quite right to employ a similar matter that linked demographic(人口统计学)growth to ― a long, thin power fuse that burns steadily from time to time until it finally reaches the limit, and explodes‖. this pattern is important to know. not only does it put the current problems of demographic growth into a historical perspective, but it suggests that the cause of rapid increase in population in recent years is not a sudden enthusiasm for more children, but an improvement in the conditions that traditionally have caused high rate of death. demographic history can be divided into two major periods: a time of long, slow growth which extended from about 8000b.c. till approximately 1650 a.d. and a period of rapid growth since 1650. in the first period of some 9,600 years, the population increased form some 8 million to 500 million in 1650. between 1650 and the present, the population has increased from 500 million to more than 4 billion. and it is estimated that by the year 2020 there will be 8 billion people throughout the world. one way to appreciate this dramatic difference in such abstract numbers is to reduce the time frame to something that is more manageable. between 8000b.c. and 1650, an average of only 50,000 persons was being added annually to the world‘s population each year. at present, this number is added every six hours. the increase is about 80,000,000 persons annually. 6. according to the passage, ―population as a global issue‖ ____. a. is quite unlike the population problem and thus doesn‘t need our concernb. focuses on tracking down the reason of rapid population growth c. deals with the same problem aroused by the population problem d. will manage the population growth problem from global perspectives 7. it can be inferred from the example of a power fuse that _____.a. too much population will one day lead to the doom of human beings b. the trend of population growth will keep unsteady until the destruction of earth c. demographic growth will follow a certain pattern of ups and downsd. it is likely in the near future that population will reduce gradually 8. what leads to a stable growth of population for most of human history? 9. the reason for a rapid growth of population lies in the fact that ______.a. people are permitted to have more children b. people can live better than beforec. newborn babies die less than before d. we have found the secret of longevity 10. how many people are born every six hours at present, according to the author?a. eighty million.b. eight thousand c. fifty thousandd. five million (二) a i hadn‘t even got a chance to enter the store before an african american woman approached me and asked if i would help her return an item. the item she has was intended for her something else in the store but she was told she needed an id or the deal could not take place.n‘t understand why it mattered. after all, not everyone is given the opportunity tothen, we asked to speak with a manager, who explained that there was no way to return the item. ―if i , a young white female, were to enter the store and request you to make an exchange as i have proof from the past.‖ i said. item. there are many valuable lessons in the story. the first is to help a stranger in need. i hesitated in my hand i asked myself, ― why not? what valid reasons do i usually have?‖ i had none, so i helped her. 1. a. purchased b. shown c. lost d. mended 2. a. managed b. wanted c. refused d. promised 3. a. counter b. department c. market d. window 4. a. warning b. informing c. reminding d. accusing 5. a. wrong b. true c. reasonable d. meaningful 6. a. leave b. pay c. find d. obtain 7. a. answer b. prove c. support d. admit 8. a. ordered b. asked c. denied d. given 9. a. agreed b. prepared c. failed d. remembered 10. a. totally b. gradually c. hardly d. quickly 11. a. design b. cover c. content d. price 12. a. deserved b. required c. received d. appreciated b people say teenagers are no good. they make too much noise in shopping malls; they drive recklessly(不顾一切地) up and down america‘s main streets; they carry chips on their shoulders as big as the sears tower. and at least some of the time those things are true. but we shouldn‘t forget that there are hard moments in the life of a teenager too. i watched such a moment not long ago at a woman‘s funeral. i didn‘t expect the event to affect me. through much of the ceremony, in fact, i remained unmoved.the teenage grandson stepped forward. with his very first deep breath, every heart in that church was achingly reminded of something we had all forgotten. softly he began: ―i want to share a few values that nana taught me. she never failed to see light in any situation. when our family dog would truly attract her, what would nana say? ?oh, what beautiful barking that dog has!‘ that was nana. ‖ ―she was a strong woman who often lived in the shadow of my grandpa, who was a successful businessman in this city. but she was the one behind the scenes who provided the strength and support for my grandpa‘s career,‖ he said, with a voice now trembling,―that was nana‘s way.‖ through a low sob, he continued, ―whenever she did anything worth recognition, you‘d have to hear about it from a different source, because she was never one to show off.‖ finally, in a voice breaking free of sorrow, he looked up and said, ―nana taught me courage. she put up an incredible fight to the end, when she died peacefully, which is how she lived her life. that was nana‘s way, and i hope i can carry on in the same manner.‖ there are no hearts as sensitive as those of teenagers, because everything is happening to them for the first time. the trouble with teenagers is that they haven‘t learned to be controlled. when that boy rose to speak about the woman who surely had been his truest and dearest friend, his honest voice dragged each of us out into the open where we could no longer hide in the calm ceremony . he exposed us to the truth about this very real woman who believed in a boy who probably tried the patience of many adults. he reminded us that his grandmother was more than another dot on the chart of life and death.all over again we felt those powerful losses crossing our own hearts, and we knew that when you say good-bye to something happy, something young in yourself. and that something never really returns, and the pain never really goes away. 1. in the first paragraph, the writer gave some examples to_____. a. support his idea that young people are no good. b. introduce his point of view about young people. c. tell people every coin has its two sides. d. young people often make mistakes. 2. from the boy‘s speech, we know _____. a. his grandmother had great influence on him. b. they had a dog which often attacked people c. people had forgotten her until the boy appeared.. d. his grandmother was so weak that she is always living in the shadow of his grandpa 3. which of the following statements is true? a. the boy‘s speech moved no one present at the funeral except the writer.b. the boy‘s being good at expressing himself enabled him to draw everyone‘s attention. c. the boy was too grieved to accept the fact that his grandmother had passed away. d. the writer didn‘t expect the event would affect him. 4. what words can best describe grandmother‘s quality? a. weak, mild and modest. b. easygoing, cautious and considerate c. sensitive and hard on others.d, patient, optimistic, strong and helpful. 5. the passage tells the readers____. a. facing certain bitter facts help young people to grow. b. young people have to control themselvesc. the adults should learn from the young. d. the adults should teach the young how to be brave (三) a the desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust jacket is irresistible, although this appointment—without buying a book, of course. to your heart‘s content. if it is a good shop, no assistant will have an inevitable greeting, ―can i help you, sir,‖ 2. a. dull b. interestingc. precious d. valuable 3. a. magazine b. picture c. newspaper d. book 4. a. dash b. leavec. drop d. run 5. a. avoid b. escape c. miss d. break 6. a. search for b. wander roundc. go to d. leave out 8. a. district b. place c. region d. section 9. a. retireb. stand c. read d. work 10. a. cheated b. driven c. absorbed d. attracted 11. a. oldest b. dearest c. latest d. cheapest 12. a. cashes b. money c. account d. bank篇三:吸血鬼日记 编年史 日记的闪回多乎其多,就像日记中无限循环鬼打墙的三角 恋一样多。这里按编年体的方式梳理呈现。 1000多年前 维京人michael是欧洲的一个富裕的地主,他 和妻子esther刚刚成家时,一场瘟疫席卷了他们的家园,他 们因此失去了一个孩子。 女巫ayana——bonnie的祖先,听圣灵说有一片神秘的土 地,生活在那的人很健康,天生敏捷、强壮(其实就是 werewolf),为了逃避瘟疫, 迈克尔一家慕名前往,漂洋过海来到美州安家,和狼人做 了邻居。 他们和狼人平安相处了二十多年,期间michael父妻生了 几个孩子,但其中一个却不是michael亲生,他是母亲和隔 壁狼人的孩子,他叫niklaus。 一次满月,klaus和最小的弟弟heik偷跑出去看狼人变身, 小弟弟被杀,由此他们与狼人结仇。 michael想把家人变成比狼人更强大的生物,女巫ayana强烈反对,最后esther决定亲自上阵,召唤了代表生命的太阳和白栎树,计划转化家人。 当时klaus和elijah都爱着tatia petrova(二重身的祖先),二人关系紧张,esther不想这两兄弟反目成仇,就结束了tatia的生命,将其血液混在葡萄酒里让大家喝了,然后michael杀了他们,最后让他们吸食人血,完成转化。从此,吸血鬼祖先诞生了。 打破自然的平衡带来了一系列的consequences,太阳会灼伤他们的肌肤,白栎树脚下的马鞭草会灼伤他们,并且能化解催眠能力,白栎树则能结束他们的生命,于是他们烧毁了白 篇二:吸血鬼日记第一季第七集笔记 Fess up 坦白 Transition into 转化成 On drugs 吸毒 In the woods 在森林里 Let go of me 放开我 Screw you 去你的 Dude 瘪三 Should not you be going to school 你不应该去学校吗 Skip school 逃课 Be cooped up 被困在这里 Cover it up 掩饰 Be onto you 算计你 Crave 渴望 Do in a pinch 凑活下 Sustain on sth 靠。。生存 We choose our own path 我们自己选择自己的路 On a mission 有事 Arrogant 骄傲的 自大的 Glib 口齿伶俐的 油嘴滑舌的 Ignorance 愚昧无知 Live in secrecy 秘密的生活 Absurd 可笑的 Poke fun of or at 取笑 It is not meant to be fun 这不是有趣的 Bitter 痛苦的 充满仇恨的 Provoke 挑起 激起 Wrinkle 皱纹 n vi vt Counselor 辅导员 Sketchy feeling 抓狂的感觉 Predate 早于 Get one thing straight 给你讲清楚一点 Dump 任意抛弃 I wil not think twice of ripping your head off 如果我想要你 的命我绝不会手软的 Be on edge 在边缘上 Throw on her other issues 你用话刺激她 Contemplate 沉思 注视 Afterlife 余生 It is for the best 这对。。都好 Crap 废物 屎 Do not stuck with me 别管我 On the council 委员会里 Eliminate 排除 消除 Lose track of sb 跟丢了 You need the backoff 你离远点 None of this matters to me 我什么都不在乎 Your woods are bleeding 你的伤口在流血 Idiot 蠢货 Fake blood假血 ,,,, ,, ,, 放弃 失约 背弃 How is he going 他怎么样 ,, ,, , ,,,, 他一团糟 ,,, ,,,, ,,,, 从这些事中走出来 ,,,,,, 打滚 沉迷 ,,,,,,,,,, 合法的 , ,, ,,,,,, 我被甩了 ,,,, 混蛋 ,,,,,,,, ,,,,, 绝笔邮件 , ,, ,,, ,,,,,, 我落后了 ,, ,,,,,, ,, ,, 他让我代替 ,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,, 我们排除了其他可能 , ,,,, , ,, ,,,,, ,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,, ,,,, 我知道当你最需要我的时候我却玩失踪 , ,,;, 我很糟糕 ,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 弥补我 ,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,, ,, 打开我的心结 , ,,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,, ,,;,,;, 我要你发誓保守秘密 ,,,;, 女巫 ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, , ,,,,, ,, ,,, ,,,,, 你要举办一个烧烤派对 ;,,, ,,,,,, 回心转意的 ,,, ,,,, ,, ,, 我保证 ,,, ,,,, ,,;, ,,, ,,,,, ,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,, 你用性爱让她神魂 颠倒 ,, ,,, ,,, ,,,,, 心甘情愿 ,,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,, 听起来很成熟 , ,, ,,,, ,,,,,,, ,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 我很嫉妒你的自制力 ,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,;, 说到这里 ,, ,,,, ,, ,,,,, 我们要融入 ,,,, , ,,, ,,,,,,, 保持低调 ,,,,, 抱怨 ?,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,, 别再抱怨了 ,,, ,,, ,,, ,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,, 你是不是疯了 ,,, ,,,,,,,,,;, ,, ,,,, ,,,, ,, ,, 相似的外貌是我接近她的原因 ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,, ,,, ,,,,,,, 外貌很像 ,,, ,, ;,,,,, 她有同情心 ,,,, , ,, ,,,,,, ,,, 当我跟他在一起时 ,,, ;,, ;,,, ,, ,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, 你有任何事都可以来找我 ,,, ,, ,,,,,,,, ,, 她一直 让我去 ,,,,,, ,,,,, 送东西日后又要回的人 ;,,,,,,,,, ,, ,,,, 和它搭配 ,,,, ,, ,,, 让我说完 , ,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,, 我也经历过同样的事情 ,,, ,, ,,, ,,, ,,;, 从她身上抢过来 ,,,, , ,,,, ,,, ,, ,,,,,, 出丑 ,,,,,;,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,, ,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, 永远被他的坏哥哥欺压 ,,,, ,, ,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,, 总那么正义你不累吗、 ,,,,, ,, 突然燃烧 骤起 ,, ,,,,, 吸毒 ,, ,,,,,,, ,, 跟。。对比 ,,,,,,, 警长 ;,,, 抑制 ,,, ;,,,,,,, 抑制渴望 ,,,,,,, 严肃的 ,, ;,, ,, ,,,,,,, ,,,, ,, 他在我面前不放松 ,,, ,,,, ;,,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,, 剩下的就顺其自然吧 ,,,,,, 抵制 ;,,?,,, 战胜 ,,, ;,, ,,, ,,,, ,,,, 你不能错过 ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,,,,, 你不应该偷听的 ,,,, ,,,, ;,,,,,,,, 别声张 ,, ,,,, 深刻的 ,,,, ,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,;,,, 深沉实在不是你的本性 ,,,, ,,,,, 站直 ;,, ,,, ;,,, 别说废话 篇三:吸血鬼日记插曲第四季至18集 吸血鬼日记第四季插曲(至S04E18) S04 E18 歌曲: “Why Try” 歌手: Young Summer 時刻: Stefan 和 Damon 的談心對話關於 Elena. 歌曲: “Forget Me Not” 歌手: The Civil Wars 時刻: 餐廳裡面放的歌 Song: “Days Long Gone” Artist: Don Gallardo S04E17 歌名: “Psycho Killer” 歌手: Talking Heads 音乐时刻: Damon 告诉一个男的他将要吸他的血 歌名: “Ask the Angels” 歌手: Dead Sara 音乐时刻: Damon回想与Lexi向另一名女的吸血 歌名: “Loudmouth” 歌手: Cary Brothers 音乐时刻: Damon 闪回 歌名: “Lemon Scent” 歌手: Dead Sara 音乐时刻: Rebekah 告诉 Elena 她们应该联合起来 歌名: “Let's Dance” 歌手: Ramones 音乐时刻: Damon 回想和Lexi亲热 歌名: “Heartbeat” 歌手: Kopecky Family Band 音乐时刻: Rebekah 和 Elena 偷了Damon的车. 歌名: “Arms and Enemies” 歌手: The Quiet Kind 音乐时刻: Caroline 和 Klaus 把巫师们埋葬. S04E16 歌曲: 5 to 9 歌手: FIDLAR 音乐时刻: Elena 看到Jeremy的追悼传单. 歌曲: “Temporary” 歌手: White Rabbits 音乐时刻: Elena 到达啦啦队比赛现场 歌曲: “Lions of Least” 歌手: Pontiak 音乐时刻: Caroline 责骂 Elena 吸啦啦队员血 歌曲: “I Love It” 歌手: Icona Pop 音乐时刻: Elena 开了一个派对 歌曲: Miracle Mile 歌手: Cold War Kids 音乐时刻: Caroline 和 Stefan 看着 Elena 跳舞的时候 歌曲: Professional Griefers 歌手: Deadmau5 音乐时刻: Elena tries to bite Sheriff Forbes. 歌曲: Dance With Me 歌手: Ra Ra Riot 音乐时刻: Damon告诉Rebekah她最好做一个吸血鬼的时 候 歌曲: Control 歌手: Garbage 音乐时刻: Klaus 和and Hayley 厮混的时候 歌曲: Anymore of This 歌手: Mindy Smith and Matthew Perryman Jones 音乐时刻: Caroline 接到Tyler的信的时候 歌曲: White on White 歌手: FIDLAR 音乐时刻: Elena 和 Damon 去纽约的时候 S04E14/15 Song: “Family” Artist:Noah Gundersen Music moment: Elena (Nina Dobrev) burns down the house Song: “Been a Long Day” Artist: Rosi Golan Music moment: Caroline (Candice Accola) tells Tyler (Michael Trevino) to live his life without her S04E12 歌曲: “Another Girl” 歌手: Wild Belle 時刻: Stefan在Rebekah身邊起來, 想要逃開的時候 歌曲: “99 Luftballons” 歌手: Gothic Sluts, Inc. 時刻: Bonnie 在吹氣球的時候 歌曲: “Lovesong” 歌曲: “Wanted Dead or Alive” 歌手: Bon Jovi 時刻: Stefan 在 緬懷 Lexi 的時候 歌曲: “If You Were Here” 歌手: Cary Brothers 時刻: Stefan 和 Rebekah 在玩 Breakfast club 滑動的時候 歌曲: “Maneater” 歌手: Bird and the Bee 時刻: Rebekah在挑裙子去舞會的時候 S04E 11 曲目: “Sleep Alone” 歌手: Two Door Cinema Club 時刻: Stefan裸上半身和Bex聊天的時候 曲目: “Missing” 歌手: The xx 時刻: Bex告訴 Stefan 愛是黯淡的 的时候 曲目: “Skin” 歌手: Zola Jesus 時刻: Stefan 告訴 Elena 當他不再愛她的時候她不會再看見他的時候 曲目: “16 Years” 歌手: Phantogram SE04 10 曲目: “Shooting the Moon” 歌手: Mona 时刻: Caroline 和 Stefan 聊天, 当他在 Mystic Grill 喝酒的时候 曲目: “Go Right Ahead” 歌手: The Hives 时刻: Damon 听着Elena的语音留言, Jeremy和Matt对打的时候 曲目: “New York” 歌手: Snow Patrol 时刻: 当Elena 告诉Damon她爱他的时候 (这首插曲原本是打算放在第三季第10集DE第一吻的时刻, 但是后来改变了主意, Holding on and letting go那首歌也很好听~) 曲目: “Nothing Will Ever Change (This Love of Mine)” 歌手: Jimmy Jules 时刻: Klaus 站在一群正在转化的吸血鬼中间的时候
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