首页 金钱是不是万能的 英语辩论赛资料

金钱是不是万能的 英语辩论赛资料


金钱是不是万能的 英语辩论赛资料金钱是不是万能的 英语辩论赛资料 Money can buy a house,but not a home. 钱可以买到房子,却买不到家. Money can buy a bed ,but not sleep. 钱可以买到床,却买不到睡眠. Money can buy a clock,but not time. 钱可以买到钟表,却买不到时间. Money can buy a book,but not knowledge. 钱可以买到书,却买不到知识. Money can buy food,but not ...

金钱是不是万能的 英语辩论赛资料
金钱是不是万能的 英语辩论赛资料 Money can buy a house,but not a home. 钱可以买到房子,却买不到家. Money can buy a bed ,but not sleep. 钱可以买到床,却买不到睡眠. Money can buy a clock,but not time. 钱可以买到钟表,却买不到时间. Money can buy a book,but not knowledge. 钱可以买到 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf ,却买不到知识. Money can buy food,but not an appetite. 钱可以买到食物,却买不到好胃口. Money can buy a position,but not respect. 钱可以买到地位,却买不到尊敬. Money can buy blood,but not life. 钱可以买到血,却买不到生命. Money can buy companions,but not friends. 钱可以买到同伙,却买不到朋友. Money can buy sex,but not love. 钱可以买到性,却买不到爱情. Money can buy amusement,but not happiness. 钱可以买到快乐,却买不到幸福 Money can buy luxuries,but not culture. 钱可以买到奢华,却买不到文化 Monet can buy insurance,but not safety. 钱可以买到保险,却买不到健康. 我相信许多人都听过“金钱不是万能,但没有金钱就是万万不能”这句话,但能真正理解的人又有几个呢,在日常生活当中有那样是可以离开金钱的呢,就连喝口水也得付钱,怎么金钱会有没有价值的时候呢,是的,金钱也会有它没有价值的时候,而且是毫毛价值,但有些人却不能理解这一点,在物质生活当中金钱的确起到重大的作用,这点众人周知,但是在精神生活上呢,在此方面金钱就失去了它所有的光辉,已毫毛价值。在友情,爱情,亲情的面前金钱就如同废纸一样,这三样东西金钱是永远买不到的,有人会问不是有的有钱人不是一样有许多的朋友整天围着他打转吗,难道这不是金钱的作用吗,是的,这的确是金钱的作用,这正是金钱使得他有了这么多的所谓朋友,这不是真正的朋友,而是酒肉朋友,当有一天他失去了金钱这一层光环,他们就会如树倒————散一样,一个一个慢慢的远离他而去,友情是最含蓄的,不是金钱可以买到的;爱情更不是金钱可以买卖的。如果是建立在金钱基础上的爱情,它将不是爱情,而是在买卖人格,如果硬说这就爱情的话,那就是污辱了爱情这一词,爱情是神圣的、高尚的,爱情是不能以金钱为媒介的。亲情更是一个人生来就具有的,金钱更是不可能能左右它,亲情是伟大的;亲情是无私的;亲情更是无价的。金钱在这三方面就已是没有了一点的价值了。当你看到这的时候你应该知道了吧,金钱也有没有价值的时候,好好珍惜你眼前所拥有的吧,无论是友人,还是情人,或是亲人。不在等到失去以后才懂得去珍,才想起在去弥补,用金钱去赎罪,把他赎回来,即使他从新回到你的身边,他也是变质了,当你那一天发觉这一切的时候,你会追悔莫及的。金钱也会有它没有价值的时候,虽然说没有金钱是万万不能,但是金钱也不是万能呀~~不要将金钱看得比一切都要 重要,金钱也有买不到的东西,这些往往都是最珍贵的,是金钱没法弥补的东西。 I believe many people have heard of the "money is not everything, but no money is absolutely not" this sentence, however, how many people can really understand?In our daily life have is able to leave money like that?Even a drink also have to pay, how money will have any value?Yes, the money will have when it has no value, and it is on value, but some people can't understand this, play a major role in the material life of money indeed, this known to all, but in the spiritual life?In this regard money lost all of its glory, is on value.In friendship, love, love in front of money like waste paper, the three things: money can't buy forever, someone will ask not some rich people are not the same, there are many friends around him is spinning all day?Isn't this the use of the money?Yes, this is the role of money, this money is what makes so many of his so-called friends, this is not a true friend, but a fair-weather friends, when one day he lost money this halo, they will be like a tree fall -- - loose, one by one slowly away from him, while friendship is the most subtle, not money can buy.Love is more than money can buy and sell.If the love is based on money, it would not be love, but in the business personality, if you insist that it is love, that is insulting love this word, love is sacred, noble, love can't be in medium of money.Affection is one to have in life, money is not possible can control it, the family is great;The family is selfless;Love is priceless.Money on these three aspects is not the point of value.When you see this you should know, money also have value of time, cherish your eyes have, whether friends or lover, or a loved one.Don't wait until after losing to know how to Jane, to remember to make up for, use the money to sin, to redeem him, even though he was back to your side, he also has gone bad, when the day you find it, you will regret.Money will have when it has no value, although said no money is nothing, but money is not everything!!Don't put money see more important than everything, money can't buy things, these are often the most precious, is something money can't make up for. The money can only satisfy the physical conditions the demand, but is not multipurpose. there are many things that you can buy with money such as friendship,kindness(亲情) love or even happiness. if you put money in the first place, then you will loss(be missing) most of the feelings and you will have a non complete life. I don't want to talk about money which hurts our relationship. Many people argue that money is not the access to everything we need. That is true. For example, happiness or health can not be bought. Money, is in fact a dharma Chris's sword, is a two-edged weapon, used properly, can help solve most of the life problem, but if the heart will be the role of money raised, it will cause harm to yourself.Yes, nowadays the society is more and more practical, more realistic, pay attention to money, more and more people pursuit of material comforts, but at the same time, a lot of human nature the finer things are forgotten, such as the correct world outlook, the outlook on life, values, love, morality, love view, and so on, in the heart of a lot of people just saved a little bit, even disappeared.But whether or not to drift because of this, just like these people change?Not necessarily so?Or someone in the world, after all, retains the most precious things in human nature, forgot who said that seems to mean don't cry because it is a scene on the road of life and to ignore the more beautiful scenery.In the same way, because of the change of the world, the society and change their original good nature, is worth?The most valuable in life is out of the silt but not imbrued Zhuo QingLian without demon, no matter how environment change the purity can keep its own.As to how each person in the real world view, the use of money, and each one has his way, the method blindly to learn from others may not be suitable for yourself.Is the key to your heart, whether it is life, love, money is in our life is we no one can help us to locate, only to see your own heart.Recent life experience, make me become very strong desire for money!Would like to succeed at an early date, but I use improper means to obtain disdain, "gentleman's love of money, take youdao".I won't be blind to the pursuit of money, just like I against the above view, to focus on the money, chasing material comforts is disdain their...... believe that he is a wise man, what will be your choice. 钱,其实就是一把达摩克利斯之剑,是把双刃的武器,使用得当,便可以帮助人解决大部分 的生活难题,但是如果在心中将金钱的作用高举,便也会对自己造成伤害。是的,现今这个 社会越来越实际,人越来越现实,注重金钱,追逐物质享受的人越来越多,而与此同时,很 多人性中美好的东西都被抛之脑后了,比如正确的世界观、人生观、价值观、爱情观、道德 观,亲情观等等,在很多人的心中只存留了一点点,甚至消失无踪。但是是否要因此而随波 逐流,跟这些人一样改变呢,未必需要如此吧,毕竟这世界上还是有人保留着这些人性中最 可贵的东西的,忘记是谁说过的了,好象意思是说不要因为人生道路上的一处景致而使自己 忽略了更多的美景。同样的道理,因为世界、社会的改变而改变自己原来美好的本性,值得 么,人生之中最难能可贵的就是出淤泥而不染濯清涟而不妖,不管身边环境如何改变都能保 持自身原本那份纯洁。至于每个人现实中如何看待、使用金钱,则各人有各人的方法,盲目 借鉴他人的方法未必适合自己。关键在于你自己的内心,无论是生活也好,爱情也罢,金钱 在我们的生活里的地位是我们任何人都无法帮助我们去定位的,只有看你自己的心了。最近 的生活经历,使我对金钱的渴望变的很强烈~很想能早日成功,但我鄙弃那种使用不正当的 手段去获取,“君子爱财,取之有道”。我也不会盲目的去追求金钱,就像我上述所反对的观 点一样,对于只注重金钱,追逐物质享受的人是鄙弃他们的??????相信自己是个聪明人, 何去何从将自己选择。 Money Is Not Everything Money and Morality Almost all material things here on earth can be bought with money. Money is a medium of exchange to acquire any services or material things that we want or need. For many people, money is everything. They believe that having a lot of money can bring them to the satisfaction of which they have dreamed. That's how powerful is money. It can control the mind of an individual.Many people, because of their obsession to have more money will do anything, even if they have to transfigure people into objects to acquire what they really want. That is why in our economy today, the rich become richer, and the poor become poorer. How sad it is to know that kind of reality.Money can be acquired in many ways. Most people will work to earn money. Some will create a business to accumulate and increase the amount of money they have. In moments of desperation, most people would pawn their jewelry and other belongings to obtain instant money. Some of them would sell their properties and even their structured settlements in order for them to have available cash. The worst thing of all is that a person would risk his own life and dignity by doing a criminal act only to have money. How ironic it is. They think of money as everything to their lives, but they are wrong, absolutely wrong.The reality that we should embrace is that we need money, but it does not follow that money is the only reason of our existence here on earth. Money is important, but it is not everything. There are many factors that can create fulfillment here on earth, not money alone. They are our family, our friends, and even our new acquaintances. They can help us grow and reach our goals.Remember that money is only a material thing. It is created for our convenience, but it should be used for good. It is created for us to control; it is not made to control us. Imagine a person has enough money to buy anything and everything that he wants, but can you imagine that with only that resource that such a person could be truly happy and fulfilled?Money is good but loving it makes it bad. We can work hard to earn more money. We can sell our properties and our other belongings to have money in emergencies. Remember, we should work not only for the reason of receiving but also for the reason of giving. Money is indeed important, but it is not everything. money can't give u a true love. money can't give u a sweet home. money can't give u an real friendship. money can't give u the knownledge. money can't give u the past time back. money can't give u the passion to life. money can't give u the understanding from others. money can't give u a innocent and kind heart. Material goods don’t make us happy. Acquiring things like houses and cars only have a transient effect on happiness. People’s desires for material possessions crank up at the same, or greater rate, than their salaries. Again, this means that despite considerably more luxurious possessions, people end up no happier. There’s even evidence that materialism make us less happy. 3. People don’t shift to enjoyable activities when they are rich. People who earn more money don’t spend their time enjoying themselves, they spend their time at work, in activities likely to cause them more stress and tension. This may be because of ‘the focusing illusion’. When people think about earning more money they probably imagine they would use the money on recreational activities. In fact, to earn the money, they have to spend more time at work, and commuting to and from work.
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