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 剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级下册教案  剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级下册教案  Unit 1 Going to different places 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习学生能了解我们周边美丽的风景 , 熟悉和掌握相关的词汇和句型 , 能用英语简单询问对方的活动 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Where would you like to go in the holiday? , I?d like to go to the countryside. ,...

 剑桥少儿英语新版剑桥二级下册 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载   Unit 1 Going to different places 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习学生能了解我们周边美丽的风景 , 熟悉和掌握相关的词汇和句型 , 能用英语简单询问对方的活动 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Where would you like to go in the holiday? , I?d like to go to the countryside. , Where did you go on the holidays? , Did you go to Huang Mountain? , What other places did you go to? , I?m sure you had a good time. , That?s great! , He couldn?t use the pen now, so he had to use a pencil. 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions jungle, forest, lake, plant, island, countryside, field, village, river, waterfall, mountain, cinema, bank, zoo, supermarket, hospital, library, park, India, nun, surprised, poor, homeless, people, famous 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 风景名信片或用过的风景挂历 , 有关地点的单词卡片 , 动词的过去式形式 , 短语词组卡片 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师首先简单总结上册重点内容,可问些问题或带领学生说唱大家印象比较深刻的chant, 并鼓励学生继续学好下册课程。 Presentation 上课时~教师首先给学生提出几个问题:‚Have you ever been to Shanghai? Did you go to Shanghai before? What other places have you been to??问了几个学生之后~教师便拿出风景图片问学生:‚Did you go to visit the Huang Mountain? Did you go to visit the jungle? Did you go to visit the waterfall??教师要根据自己手中有的风景图片进行提问。提问时~教师应注意把句型及其肯定回答和否定回答写在黑板上以便让学生了解要学习的句型。 a ) 引出话题后~教师便拿出许多单词卡片或风景图片对大家说:‚Now let?s look at the pictures and say the words.?教师边拿图片给大家看边带着大家熟悉这些单词。 b ) 在反复熟悉单词的基础上~教师教给学生句型:‚Where did you go last Saturday?? ‚I went to visit the jungle.?让大家熟悉这两个句型后~教师让学生两人一组做问答 练习。问答的时候~教师要让学生依次对每张图提问。 c ) 在学生练习的基础上~教师问学生:‚Where do you often go at school? I often go to the classroom and the library.?等等(类似的词还有swimming pool, Art Centre, P.E. Centre, garden, school lab, reading room, Sports Centre等). d ) 教师示范后再让大家两人一组进行问答训练~并将单词放在句型中进一步熟悉。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Read and answer. 第二部分是谈论Fred的假期。首先教师要让学生会说这些地点的名称。特别是要带着 动词的过去式形式一起说~让学生记住英语的动词短语、名词短语或介词短语。在学生熟悉 的基础上~教师介绍说:‚Fred came back to school from a long holiday. Do you know which holiday is longer? The summer holiday or the winter holiday??问完之后~教 师接着说:‚Fred came back from a long holiday. He went to many places and took many pictures. Please look at the pictures and say something about his holiday. You can say, „Fred played in the park. He climbed the Great Wall. He went to the zoo, etc.?? 教师让两人一组进行陈述。最后~教师可以向全体学生提问:‚Where did Fred go last summer holiday??学生依次回答教师所提的问题。 单元教学活动3 Listen, read and act. 第三部分是对话练习。教师可以先让学生听一听录音~在听录音的基础上~两人一组进 行练习~并能达到大家都说的目的~如果学生记得快并且记得比较好~教师应给学生奖励。 单元教学活动4 Listen, read and retell. 第四部分是一篇短文~介绍的是一名非常出色的修女。教师可以给学生一些有关Mother Teresa的生平事迹介绍,见知识扩展,。同时~教师要引导学生看文章时划出不明白的地 方~教师适当做一些解释。最后~教师让学生在大量朗读的基础上进行复述和看图说话。 活动的形式可以是个人或小组。 单元教学活动5 Listen, read and write. 第五部分是阅读部分~该短文是某学生的一篇日记。教师首先需提问学生:‚Have you ever been to Wutai Mountain? Would you like to go there in the future? Have you ever climbed a mountain? Is it very tall? Do you think it?s easy to climb a mountain.? 学生回答了这些问题后~教师说:‚Now please read the passage on Page 4‘Climbing Wutai Mountain’. Read carefully and try to fill in the missing words. After you?ve finished, you can also underline the sentences which you are not so sure of.? 教师让学生先自己阅读并填空。学生基本完成后~教师带着学生一起完成该任务。填空 完成后~教师需带领学生读几遍该短文。待学生有些语感之后~教师问学生是否明白该短文 的意思~也可以让学生提问老师。教师应教给学生说:‚May I ask you a question? What?s the Chinese for…? What?s the English for…??朗读时~教师要提醒学生特别注意动词 过去式的读音。朗读两三遍之后~教师让学生看短文并提出问题~教师适当给予解释和说明~ 但不要讲得过细。随后~教师让学生念黑体字~这些都是动词的过去式形式。教师让学生将 他们的原形动词写在下面的横线上。最后相互检查。 听力原文: Climbing Wutai Mountain Last summer, my parents and I took a trip to Wutai Mountain. It was my first time leaving home and traveling to a new place, so I was very excited. We got on the train and five hours later we arrived in a small city at the foot of the mountain. Early the next morning, we set out for our climb. The weather was nice, and I was running away ahead of my parents. But soon I had to slow down because the bag on my back was getting heavier and heavier. I wanted to ask my dad for help, but then I remembered I had promised him to carry my own bag. How could I go back on my word? So I pressed on. This famous mountain attracted many visitors. Among these visitors was a little girl from Japan. She was about five or six, and was carrying a bag as big as mine. When I learned that she had also climbed up herself, I was surprised. I went up to her and tried to help her. But she said,‘no’and she wanted to go on climbing the mountain with us. The rest of the way to the top was the most difficult. All of us were tired and thirsty. Besides, I had to keep an eye on the Japanese girl, pulling her up when the steps were too high. I kept on. By noon, we finally got to the top. My parents smiled at me. I knew they were proud of me because I had climbed up this high mountain on my own. 单元教学活动6 Read, find out and write. 第六部分需要学生谈论五个方面的问题。教师可以分别来问学生。首先教师可以让学生 谈论放暑假时他们想去哪。为了让学生能说出句子~教师先拿出相关的图片或单词卡片让学 生复习一下~比如Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuhan, mountain, waterfall, village, countryside, field, island, garden, lake, jungle, park等。然后~教师给出句型:‚Where would you like to go in the holiday? I?d like to go to the countryside.?教师要 提醒学生地名前不要加任何的定冠词。 a ) 接着~教师提出问题:‚When you go to that place, what would you like to see? Do you like to see beautiful places? Do you like to visit parks, museums, zoos, gardens and shopping centres?? b ) “What would you like to eat?”教师引导学生说出所有有关食物的单词。‚I?d like to eat eggs, fish, bananas, apples and chips.? c ) ‚What would you do? I would play games, watch movies, see animals, play soccer.?等等。教师可以将一部分动词短语提供给学生~以便让他们随时选用。 d ) ‚Whom would you meet? Old friends, famous people, parents, brothers and sisters, etc.?教师提醒大家只需回答一个句子就可以了。 单元教学活动7 Look, match and say. 第七部分是复习动词短语。为了让学生知道often的意思~教师可以拿出一个月历对学 生说:‚Look, Zhang Ming goes swimming on Monday, Tuesday and Friday every week. He often goes swimming.?接着教师可以问学生:‚Do you often go swimming? Do you often watch TV? Do you often play computer games??问题之后~教师举例说:‚He often goes swimming. She went swimming yesterday.?教师是给大家两个句型~并希望学生按照这两 个句型练习。但在~教师要带着大家多读这些短语。另一方面~教师可以让学生按照所给的 例句适当造一些句子。最后再将图与动词短语连线。 单元教学活动8 Read and write the words. 第八部分是填字游戏。这里已经给学生提供了大量信息~教师应该让学生读出每个句子~ 然后根据句子的意思和学生一起分析应该填写什么样的字母。在关键时刻~教师可以让学生 看课文主图的单词~从那些单词里找到答案。 这些词的答案是: 1 ) countryside 2 ) cinema 3 ) jungle 4 ) waterfall 5 ) island 6 ) field 7 ) lake Closure 单元教学活动9 Listen and sing. 第九部分是一首歌曲~歌曲的副歌比较容易~但教师需要带着大家反复朗读前面的句子~ 朗读得上口比解释更重要。有些词教师不必解释~只要大家会唱歌~欣赏歌曲美妙的旋律就 可以了。如果有时间的话~教师可以经常给学生放此歌曲。 Homework 根据本单元的第五部分写出五句话分别回答所给的问题。 知识扩展 From an early age, the girl who would become Mother Teresa felt the call to help others. Born August 26, 1910, in Skopje (now in Macedonia), Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was the daughter of Albanian parents——a grocer and his wife. As a public school student she developed a special interest in overseas missions and, by age 12, realized her vocation was aiding the poor. , In 1950, she founded the community, the Missionaries of Charity. , In 1952, she established a home for the dying people. , In 1979, she won the Nobel Peace Prize. Accepting the award in the name of the ‚unwanted, unloved and uncared for,?Mother Teresa wore the same $1 white sari she had adopted when she founded her order. , It was to identify herself with the poor. When Pope Paul VI gave her a white Lincoln Continental, she auctioned the car, using the money to establish a leper colony in West Bengal. In 1982, during the siege of Beirut, she convinced the Israeli army and Palestinian guerillas to stop shooting long enough for her to rescue 37 children trapped in a front-line hospital. Unit 2 What’s the weather like today? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生能掌握有关天气的英语词汇 , 学生能用英语进行简单的问答 , 能用英语复述本单元的故事 交际用语 Expressions in communication , What?s the weather like today? , It?s sunny. , I like sunny days because I can do many things outside. , I don?t like rainy days because it?s wet outside. , Where are they going today? , What can you do when you cycle in the country? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions weather, rainy, windy, snowy, cloudy, rainbow, sunny, because, outside, enjoy, soccer, beach, snowflake, sunset, dark, light, mean, along, sea, bicycle, cousin, grandparent, different, Daisy, Fred, Nick 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 有关天气的图画,如太阳、彩虹、多云, , 用纸剪一些不同形状的雪花 , 有关交通工具的图~如汽车、自行车、火车及飞机等 , 将阅读部分的问题复印若干份 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师放录音,带领大家唱第一单元教学活动9的歌曲. Presentation 上课时~教师问学生:‚Hello, everybody, please look at the weather. What?s the weather like today? Is it sunny? Is it windy? Is it hot? Is it cold??教师提问时可以边给学生看相应的图片边让学生说该单词。如说‚sunny?便给学生看 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示阳光充足的图片。问了一些基本问题后~教师将这些单词或图片贴在黑板上~让学生进行一下认读和复习~学生两人做句子练习。比如:‚What?s the weather like today? It?s sunny. What?s the weather like today? It?s windy.?学生应把每个词都问答一遍。 a ) 然后教师让三组同学问~另外三组同学回答。老师举着相应的图片。 b ) 学生回答完问题后教师继续问学生:‚Do you like sunny day or windy day? Why? Why do you like sunny day??教师要给学生一个示范说:‚I like sunny days because I can do many things outside. I can play football. I can go to the parks.?教师示范后让学生继续进行pairwork。教师先让学生练习肯定回答~然后再让学生练习用否定句回答。比如:‚Why don?t you like rainy days? Because I can?t play outside.? c ) 问答活动之后~教师可以让学生听录音并多次朗读该段文章~以便达到熟练的地步。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Listen, read and enjoy. 第二部分是一段小的歌谣。为了让学生找到感觉~教师可以先让大家听录音~然后再跟着教师一起读。最后可以采取竞赛的方式检查学生朗读的情况。 单元教学活动3 Look and match. 第三部分是让学生从众多的雪花中找到两片一样的雪花。最后教师给出答案。 单元教学活动4 Read, guess match and learn. 第四部分则通过天空预测未来的天气。教师需对学生说:‚Sometimes we are too busy and we forget to listen to the weather broadcast. What are we going to do? Here are some hints, which can help to tell us the weather. Now let?s look at them one by one. Please open your books and turn to Page 10 and look at Part 4.?教师带着学生一个一个地朗读并从旁边找出对应的天气。 答案: A low sunset——fair weather A high sunset——rain and/or wind Grey sky in the morning——fine weather Bright yellow sunset——wind Red sunset——fair weather Dark blue sky——wind Light blue sky——fine weather When sea birds fly out early in the morning and head for the sea, it means fair weather with light winds. When sea birds remain over land or fly inland, it means stormy weather is on the way. 单元教学活动5 Read and think. 第五部分是一道动脑筋的题。 答案:6个女孩,yellow sea, red sea, white sea, black sea 单元教学活动6 Listen, read and answer. 第六部分是短文阅读。教师需让学生反复朗读该文章以便熟记该短文的许多句子~在初学英语阶段~朗读并做到上口比什么都重要。教师可以通过图片和问题帮助学生加深对文章的理解。比如~教师可以问大家这样的问题: Who can ride a bicycle? Do you often ride a bicycle? Where do you go on the bicycle? Have you traveled far on a bicycle? Do you like to ride a bicycle out? a ) 问完这些问题~教师可以让大家听录音。听完录音之后~教师让学生回答几个简单的问题~比如:‚Who are enjoying riding on bicycle? Do you often go to the same place? Where did Ben go yesterday? Where did Nick go yesterday?? b ) 问题之后~教师可以再让大家听一遍录音~然后大家一起阅读短文。教师可以让大家一起朗读~也可以让大家自己朗读~也可以采取默读的方式。 c ) 阅读之后~教师让学生进行两人之间的问答练习。教师将事先准备好的问题发给学生~让学生根据问题进行练习。本单元已经给学生提供了四个问题~也可以继续加一些简单的问题。如: Do you enjoy riding on a bicycle? Who enjoys riding on bicycles in this story? Who is Ben?s friend? Do they often go to the same place? Where did Ben go yesterday? Where did Nick go yesterday? What does Ben want to do today? What does Nick want to do today? Is cycling great fun? Should you ride quickly? What can you hear while riding on a bicycle? d ) 学生练习之后~教师仍需在全班的范围内进行检查。 e ) 教师可以安排学生进行复述。根据学生对文章的熟悉程度~教师可以决定是让学生直接复述还是再次朗读几遍短文后进行复述。 单元教学活动7 Listen and write. 第七部分是要求学生根据听到的内容判断星期几做某事~然后将表示某天的单词写在对应图片的下面。建议教师让学生听之前复习一下相关单词和动词词组~然后再进行听力。 答案是: Sunday rowed a boat Monday morning had a class Tuesday played football Wednesday saw a film Friday and Saturday did homework Friday evening played computer games 听力原文: — Hello, Daisy. How are you? — OK, thanks. — What did you do last week? I didn?t see you at all. — Well, I had a good time on Sunday. I rowed a boat with my dad. — Did you swim? — No, it was a bit cold. — Did you row a boat on Monday? — No, I had classes on Monday morning. — Did you have an English class? — Yes, our English teacher told us a story. — Did you play football on Wednesday? — No, we played it on Tuesday. On Wednesday we went to see a film. — You had a nice time each day. — Well, but on Friday and Saturday I did my homework. And on Friday evening, I played computer games after I did my homework. 单元教学活动8 Listen, draw and colour. 第八部分属于考级的题型。学生需根据听到的内容在该图上的某部分涂色并在所要求的 地方添画某个图。 听力原文: — Hello, Mary. Would you like to do some work on this picture? — Yes, please. 1)— OK, first let?s look at the children. They are playing football. — Yes. Can I colour the ball? — Yes, you can colour it black and white. — Oh, there are three balls here. Can I colour them all? — No, not all, but you can colour the ball under the tree. — Now, you see some birds on the house. — Yes, there are four. 2)— Good, colour two birds red and two birds yellow. — Can I colour the bird under the table, too? — No, please colour the bird on the tree blue. — Look at the big tree. It?s nice. — Yes, it is. Can I colour it green? — No, please colour it red. I like red trees. 3)— Please draw two flowers under the tree. And colour one flowers purple, and one flower pink. — Can you see the table? — Yes, it?s in front of the house. 4)— Right. Please colour the table brown and then draw a big egg standing on the table. — Can I colour the egg? — No, thanks. Closure 单元教学活动9 Listen, chant and match. 第九部分是歌谣。教师通过句型练习来强化孩子用英语说话的意识。教师一定要让学生 反复说~反复练~直到能背下这些句子为止。 Homework 教师让学生自制一个天气预报牌并用英语标明。比如:Today is sunny. Unit 3 Let’s play doctors. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生能学会一些有关疾病的名词 , 通过学习~学生能用英语回答大夫有关病情的问题 , 学生能用英语表演一些小短剧 交际用语 Expressions in communication , What?s the matter with this doll? , She has got an earache. , It doesn?t matter. , She?ll be OK in two days. , What?s the matter with you? , Have you got a toothache? , Which comes first and which is the last? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions earache, toothache, stomach ache, cold, temperature, cough, headache, sweet, medicine, doctor, bandage, kiss, zookeeper, although, knee, hand span, centimetre, find out, longest, shortest, nurse 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 儿童用大夫听诊器及白帽子、白大褂等 , 有关疾病的单词卡片 , 相关的动物玩具,第三部分, , 纱布 , 若干把小尺子 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师放录音~带领学生说唱第二单元教学活动9。 Presentation 上课时~教师可以穿上一件白大褂对学生说:‚What am I? Guess!?如果学生猜出是大夫~教师说:‚Yes, you are right. I?m a doctor. Do you often go to see the doctors in hospital? For what reason do you often go to see a doctor??教师让大家谈论疾 病的内容~如果某个学生正好说出‚感冒?~教师就可以给出英文单词‚cold?。接着~教师 可以带着大家一起学习一下相关的词汇~比如earache, headache, stomach ache, toothache, cold, temperature, cough等。单词学习之后~教师可以给出句型:‚What?s wrong with you? What?s the matter with you??然后要学生用:‚I?ve got a headache.?这种 句型来回答。学生练习了数遍之后~教师可以让学生进行简单的问答~一个当大夫~一个当 病人~依次练习所给的句型。 a ) 紧接着~教师让学生一起听录音并学习本单元提供的四个小短剧。 b ) 教师让学生两人一组进行练习。 c ) 学生两人一组开始练习表演。 d ) 教师给学生一个展示的机会。展示时教师可以让学生穿上白大褂。学生不必按照原 文来演~可以改一些词和句子~只要意思出来就可以了。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Look, read and match. 第二部分是词汇学习。建议教师带着学生朗读词汇的时候有意识地加上不定冠词~比如~ a headache, a cold, a cough, a temperature等~教师接着把整个句子说出来:‚I?ve got a headache. I?ve got a cold. I?ve got a cough. I?ve got a temperature.?在这些句 子练习熟练之后~教师说:‚Now listen very carefully. I?ve got earache. I?ve got toothache. I?ve got stomach ache.?学生练习的时候~教师可以让大家做动作~也可以 让一个学生做动作大家猜。 单元教学活动3 Read and answer. 第三部分是一篇小短文~教师需帮助学生熟悉一些单词~如zookeeper, bandage, knee, hug, kiss等~教师可以用简单的英语给学生讲述一下这个故事。最后的答案是:All the animals think Mary took good care of the animal because he had a bandage on the arm. So they all want to have the bandage so that Mary could take good care of them. 在学生能基本明白意思的基础上~教师要带着学生反复朗读该短文。 单元教学活动4 Read, do and write. 第四部分是一个有趣的调查~上课前~教师可以先量一下自己的手掌~看看手掌的跨度 与脚的长短是否有着密切的联系。上课时~教师对学生说:‚Today we are going to do an interesting thing. I?m going to give each group a ruler. You can measure your hand span. Later we are going have the longest feet??教师发给每组一把尺子~然后要学 生量一下。如果学生自己有尺子也可以先自己量~同时也把脚的span量一下并进行一下比 较~最后得出结论。学生可以先自己量~也可以由一个人量~最后大家记相互量出的数字并 进行排队。看手的跨度与脚的大小是否有关系。 单元教学活动5 Look and colour. 第五部分是一个非常有趣的活动。首先教师让学生圈画出这些动物的耳朵~然后将它们 的耳朵涂色。如果有时间的话 ~教师可以让学生把这些动物的其他部分也着色。最后教师 让学生回答本道题的问题:‚Who has the biggest ears in your family? Who has the smallest ears in your family??学生之间可以相互提问。 单元教学活动6 Look, read and write. 第六部分是阅读理解的部分。学生应根据所给的图片填写恰当的意思。学生完成之后~教师首先让大家朗读两三遍~然后再进行提问~看他们是否完全理解该文章。 单元教学活动7 Listen and chant. 第七部分是歌谣~教师需要带学生很快地上口~具体方法是~让学生多听几遍录音并跟着录音一起朗读。另外~教师需多带着学生朗读~并给出一些时间让学生以小组为单位自己朗读等。 单元教学活动8 Read and tick. 第八部分是测试学生对问题的理解能力。学生需要知道每一个单词才能正确地回答前面所提出的问题。比如:‚Which is not yellow? The weather is not yellow.?因此~正确答案是B。教师可以让学生自己先完成~然后让大家讲座~再集体一起说答案。教师应给学生留出充分交流的时间。 Closure 单元教学活动9 Look, say and put in order. 第九部分是一个连环故事。学生应弄清楚故事的情节和大意~并将这些图片排序。排序之后~教师让学生自己编故事~并在两人之间进行交谈。最后~分别找出几个不同类型的同学来说该故事。答案是: 1 ) He ate much food for lunch. 2 ) He played football after lunch. 3 ) He felt stomach ache. 4 ) His friend called his mum. 5 ) His mum called a taxi to pick him up. 6 ) His mum sent him straight to the hospital. 7 ) The doctor checked his temperature. 8 ) The doctor gave his mum some medicine. 9 ) He had to read in the bed the whole afternoon. Homework 让学生认真朗读主图中的对话练习。 Unit 4 I can see with my eyes. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习学生能掌握本单元的新句型 , 学生能用表示五官的动词词汇讲述某件事 , 学生能大量复习和巩固已有的英语词汇 交际用语 Expressions in communication , I can clean the elephant with a brush. , I can smell the flowers with my nose. , This animal uses its legs to catch food. , What can you see in the picture? , What body parts does a plant have? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions clean, brush, different, use, climb, special, hear, smell, taste, touch, see, leaves, plants, ground, grow, upwards, similar, hand, leg, head, nose, mouth, ears, eyes 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 动物玩具,大象、马、长劲鹿, , 能够用五官能感觉到的物品~如花、表、钟等 , 带玩具娃娃或动物玩具 , 彩色画报、图片,里面的图案都是学生会说的~如动物等, , 教师准备好所有学过的图片或单词卡片 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师放录音~带领学生说唱第三单元教学活动7。复习关于五官的单词。 Presentation 教师上课时拿着一张彩色的动物图片对大家说:‚Can you see the little mouse behind the rock??教师先说任何稍小一点~而且学生轻易找不到的东西。然后说:‚I can see with my eyes. Can you see something with your eyes? Please tell us.?教师让学生从图片上找动物和东西并用英语说出来。教师可以根据时间和学生掌握句型的程度来决定是否让学生进行两人一组的练习。 a ) 接着~教师拿出一个装有一只手表和小闹钟的口袋或纸袋说:‚Who can come here and listen? What?s inside the (paper) bag? What can you hear? I can hear the ticking sound of a clock. I can hear the ticking sound of a watch.?教师还可以拿出其他带响声的玩具让学生听声音并判断是什么东西。 b ) 教师可以让学生先闭上眼睛~拿出带有花香的假花让学生闻~并让学生说出是什么东西。 c ) 教师可以将一些玩具放在袋子里~然后让学生摸袋子里的东西并猜是什么。 d ) 教师带着学生完成这些猜的游戏之后~让学生打开教材看本单元主图。教师对学生说:‚Now please look at the pictures. I want you to describe the pictures in pairs. You can say to each other:‘I can clean the elephant with a brush.’‘I can smell the flowers with my nose.’‘I can see a panda with my eyes.’?教师给学生留出一部分时间~让他们相互之间造更多的句子。造句的时候~教师应该提醒学生整个图片框上也有许多的动物。学生可以用I can see a horse with my eyes。这个句型谈论这些动物。 e ) 在学生练习的基础上~教师可以在全班范围让一些学生用句型分别说说这些主图。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Listen, read and match. 第二部分是阅读和理解。该部分给学生呈现了一些句子~教师应让学生通过熟读来背诵 第一部分的内容~然后再接着描述下面的内容。比如:‚A monkey uses its arms and legs to climb the trees. A snake moves without any arms or legs. The star fish has got five arms. A dolphin has got its special arms to help it swim. A crab uses its legs to catch food.?教师也可以在学生阅读以前进行猜谜活动。教师把这些句子说出~让学生 把它们当谜语猜。 单元教学活动3 Look and say. 第三部分是继续巩固第一部分的内容。教师可以先让学生进行两人一组的活动。学生根 据所给的例句一起说这些图。 比如: The girl painted the picture with a big brush. The cook smelled the soup with his nose. The children listened to the music with their ears. The boy touched the rabbit with his hand. The man holds the newspaper with his hands. We washed the socks with some washing power. The boy tasted the ice cream with his tongue. The monkey climbs the tree with his arms and legs. The girl writes the letter with a big pen. 单元教学活动4 Look and play. 第四部分是游戏。教师将单词卡片或图片分别分给每两人一组组成的speaking pair。 游戏开始前~学生应把教师所给的单词或图片卡片翻过来~有图或有单词的一面朝下。然后~ 两个学生通过说‚scissors, paper, stone.?,剪子赢纸,石头赢剪子,纸赢石头,来决定 谁先拿图片。每次赢的一方拿卡片或图片~最后看谁赢的卡片或图片多。学生赢了图片之后~ 看谁能说出自己手里的全部单词~每说对一次得一分。最后算总分~教师给予奖励。 单元教学活动5 Look and say. 第五部分是让学生描述自己在图上能看到的东西。首先~教师问学生:‚What can you see in the picture??教师手指一张图~然后接着说:‚I can see some children sitting on the floor. I can see some boys and girls. In front of them there are some shoe-shaped paper.?,图2,教师可以引导学生继续说别的图。学生还可以说其他几张图: 图1 I can see a mask of a horse. A girl is wearing the mask. I think they are having a party or they are playing a game. 图3 I can see a turtle. This turtle is very lovely. It?s made of a paper plate. 图4 I can see some children eating snacks. They are each wearing a mask. 图5 I can see a white caterpillar. It?s made of a long stocking. It looks very pretty. 单元教学活动6 Look and say. 第六部分需要学生用新学的句型进一步做大量的口语练习。教师要让学生两人一组用所 给的句型轮流说出所给的单词。比如A说:‚I can hear a radio programme. I can hear the ticks of a clock. I can hear the telephone ringing. I can hear the sound of a fire. I can hear the sound of a TV programme.?让学生进行练习之前~教师应设想查看一下学生是否在说单词时有困难。如有困难教师可以先帮助学生找出相对比较难一些的单词。比如radio programme, sweets/candies,美,等。教师也可以先让学生提问~提出哪些图不会说~教师先帮助学生扫清认图的障碍之后再让学生进行练习。 单元教学活动7 Look, read and match. 第七部分是让学生通过比较植物与人的相同之处来认识我们周边许多共性的东西。教师可以先拿出一张植物,花,的整体图~边指边告诉学生:‚This is a plant. This plant has a body. This is also called a stem. You can say,‘body’,you can also say‘stem’.It doesn?t have arms and legs, but it has leaves and roots.?教师接着拿出人的图片~边指边说:‚This is a man. He has a body. He has arms, legs and feet. But he doesn?t have leaves and roots. Which part is similar to each other??教师可以让学生进行比较~帮助学生找出相同之处。之后~教师说:‚Let?s read the following sentences and please find out which sentence describes the first word on the right column.?教师让学生阅读并找出正确的答案。 答案:1,D 2,C 3,B 4,A 单元教学活动8 Pairwork. 第八部分是让学生做brainstorming的活动。教师让学生两人或三人坐在一起谈论这些器官有什么作用。该练习能进一步让学生进行语言训练~并熟练使用学过的句型。 Closure 单元教学活动9 Read and draw. 第九部分要让学生动脑筋想问题~想想究竟大象的鼻子能做什么~教师给学生一两分钟的时间让学生进行构思并将所构思的东西画出来。如果时间允许的话~教师可以让学生分别展示自己所画的画。 Homework 教师要求学生用第六部分的五个句型各造两个句子~并把它们写在作业本上。 Unit 5 Simon Paul lives in the country. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生能用英语简单谈论一些城市与农村的不同之处 , 学生能初步掌握一些有关方位的介词短语 , 通过大量练习~学生能掌握一些常用的动词短语 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city this weekend? , I don?t like going to the city. , There are too many cats. , How about you, Peter? , Would you like to go? , Can I go there? , I?ve never been to a big city. , Where do you like living? , I?d like living in the city. , What can you do in the city? , What can you do in the country? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions live, country, visit, cousin, never, ready, nowhere, either, city, field, forest, island, mountain, remember, worry, somewhere, inside, outside, wait, picnic, breathe, sofa, still 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 两个玩具老鼠或图片 , 相关图片~如岛屿、山脉、森林、田野、湖泊、河流、城市、农村等 , 动词短语卡片,第五部分, , 两个老鼠和一只猫的头饰 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 复习第四单元~做造句练习。 Presentation 上课时~教师可以先以提问的方式问大家:‚Have you ever been to a big city?? 教师要根据学生所住的地方来问。比如~问住在大城市里的学生说:‚Have you ever been to the country??问住在城镇里的学生说:‚Have you ever been to a big city, such as Beijing or Shanghai? Do you like living in the big city? Do you like living in the country? Why and why not?? a ) 教师随即拿出几张图片对大家说:‚I have got some pictures. I want to ask you where you?d like to live. Let?s look at the first one and read it together.?教 师拿出有关的图片和单词卡片~如岛屿、山脉、森林、田野、湖泊、河流、城市、农村等~ 并把这些图片都依次贴在黑板上。每贴一张~都要让学生进行朗读并复习和熟悉这些单词。 b ) 待相关单词都贴出后~教师问大家:‚Which place would you like living in? You can say,‘I?d like living in the mountain or I?d like living in the forest/by a river, near a lake.’?给出示范之后~教师让学生用所给的句型进行两人一组的问答练习。 c ) 教师再次用这些问题问学生。 d ) 教师给学生讲几只老鼠的故事,本课的主图故事,。 e ) 讲故事之后~教师问学生:‚Who didn?t like to go to the city? Why didn?t they like to go to the city?? f ) 教师让学生听两遍录音~然后带着学生朗读对话。 录音原文: Simon Paul lives in the country with his parents. They have a very happy life. The house is big. There are not many people. Listen, Daddy mouse is talking to Simon. (Mouse Dad): Simon, would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city this weekend, (Mouse A): Sorry. Dad, I don?t like to go to the city. There are too many cats. (Mouse Mum): How about you, Peter? Would you like to go? (Mouse B): Dad, I don?t want to go either. There is nowhere to play. (Mouse C): Dad, can I go there? I?ve never been to a big city. (Mouse Dad): Of course you can. I?ll help you get things ready. Daddy mouse is very happy, because the youngest mouse wants to see the cousin in the city. g ) 教师让学生进行对话练习~并适当进行一下检查。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Read and act. 第二部分是短剧。该短剧是进一步复习和巩固第一部分的内容。教师可以让学生先集体 朗读对话~熟悉一下对话中的词汇~然后~教师让学生分成两人一组进行表演练习。本对话 中猫只有一句话~在对话的时候~可以由一个学生代替这个角色。 真正演的时候~可以加 一个旁白。大家练习几分钟后~教师可以先让一组同学表演一下~指出一些优点和不足~然 后再让大家继续练习几分钟~最后再进行表演。 单元教学活动3 Look, tick and answer. 第三部分是问答。教师需再拿出单词卡片让学生进行复习~并给介词短语~如near a lake, by a river, next to a supermarket, in the forest, on the island等等。然 后教师让学生两人之间问答:‚Where would you like living? I?d like living in the city.?教师先反复带着学生进行这两个问和答的句子~然后再让学生分组进行替换练习。 单元教学活动4 Read and match. 第四部分检查的是学生的阅读能力。教师可以先让学生自己阅读并根据自己的理解将句 子和所给的单词进行连线。学生完成之后~教师再次带领学生依次朗读和检查一遍并确定正 确的答案。 答案是: 1 ) city 2 ) forest 3 ) countryside 4 ) island 5 ) grass 6 ) lake 单元教学活动5 Look, read, think and talk. 第五部分重点复习学生的动词短语。在谈论这个话题之前~教师首先要带领大家熟悉这些动词短语。教师要特别带着大家朗读有些比较新的词组~如breathe clean air, have a picnic等。然后~教师再带着学生熟悉所给的两个问句并给出适当的回答。比如:‚I can sleep on the grass and listen to the music.?教师接着让学生进行两人一组的练习。最后再检查学生练习的结果。 单元教学活动6 Listen, read and answer. 第六部分属于阅读理解的短文。由于这篇故事的难度不大~教师可以让学生先进行听力方面的训练。听录音之后~教师可以提一些简单的问题。比如:‚Who is Simon?(Simon is a mouse.)Where does he live?(He lives in the country.)Is Simon clever?(Yes, he is.)What did he do to a cat?(He put a large bag over the cat?s head and let the cat jump into the bag.)?听完录音和问完问题之后~教师让学生朗读该课文~并进行问答练习。教师先带着学生一起做一遍问答练习~然后再让两人一组进行问答练习。教师最后根据时间来决定是否让学生在全班进行问答。 单元教学活动7 Read and learn. 第七部分属于知识扩展~教师只需让学生朗读和理解这段短文的意思就行了。 单元教学活动8 Look and draw. 第八部分是让学生创造一幅画。该部分已经给出一幅画~学生可以根据自己的想象任意画一张跟猫有些联系的画。教师可以把此部分的练习留成课后作业~也可以让学生在课堂上现场创作并查看大家创作的结果~最后进行评比。 单元教学活动9 Listen, read and sing. 第九部分的歌曲相对比较容易。教师在学生朗读的基础上让学生学唱并进行比赛。教师也可以让学生进行朗读比赛。 Closure 单元教学活动10 An activity 第十部分是让学生根据歌曲的谱子进行创作。教师可以让学生以小组为单位~自己填词~自己学唱~最后以小组为单位进行表演并进行评比。 Homework 教师让学生继续完成第八部分的创作画~并让学生用英语给爸爸妈妈朗读本单元的课文。 Unit 6 I’d like a glass of water. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生应基本掌握英语量词的用法 , 学生能进一步熟悉和巩固有关水果和食物的单词 , 学生能用英语回答所给的问句并能讲述该单元的故事 交际用语 Expressions in communication , What would you like, Sir? , I?d like a glass of water. , How about a juice, Miss? , Sorry. We don?t have any at the moment. , I?d like a pair of sport shoes. , Would you like a cup of tea? , Yes, I would. , Would you like a glass of milk? , No, thank you. 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions tea, coffee, glass, juice, bowl, soup, bottle, lemonade, moment, then, kilo, pasta, question, dialogue, cry, nothing, somebody, pick, slip 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 各种饮料的图片和量词词组卡 , 准备一个纸盒子~里面放一些写着动词短语的小条 , 售货员的围裙和白帽子 , 橘子汁一瓶和柠檬汁一瓶 , 若干个干净纸杯 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师放录音~带领学生说唱第五单元教学活动9。 Presentation 教师上课时可以带一瓶橘子汁问大家:‚What would you like? Would you like to have some juice??如果有学生真的想喝~教师可以倒给学生一点。如果学生不想唱~教师可以说:‚But I?d like to have some juice.?随后~教师给自己倒出一点橘子汁喝。接着~教师拿出准备的有关量词的图片和短语词组对大家说:‚Look. This is a cup of tea. This is a cup of coffee. This is a glass of water.?教师边说边带领大家反复朗读这些短语。最后~教师拿着相关的饮料图片问大家:‚What would you like, Sir/Miss??然后让学生练习回答:‚I?d like a glass of water.?示范之后~教师让学生拿着书中的图相互之间进行问答。最后~教师让学生将所回答的句子分别写在话框中。教师可以让学生相互检查是否有拼写的错误~然后在全班进行核对。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Look, read and tick. 第二部分是检查学生是否掌握了英语的量词。本练习是让学生先看所给的图~然后看左边一栏中的词~比如bananas~接着再考虑香蕉可以用哪些容器来装~是用bowl? box?还是cup? glass?教师让学生依次打勾~然后相互之间进行检查。老师的核对则放在最后。 单元教学活动3 Read and act. 第三部分是一个小短剧。教师可以先带着大家朗读该对话~然后再让学生两人一组进行对话练习。在练习的基础上~教师可以让大家把这个短剧演出来。为了让演出的效果好一些~教师可以拿出事先准备好的围裙和白帽子让学生戴上来表演。 单元教学活动4 Listen, read and act. 第四部分是四个不同的小短剧。教师可以让学生分头来演。每一对学生演一个对话。相对来说~学生也会感到比较容易。在此练习的基础上~教师让学生依次在全班进行表演。 单元教学活动5 Spot the differences. 第五部分则是前面练习过的题型。教师需提醒大家说话的时候尽量说完整的句子。比如:‚In picture A, it?s sunny. But in picture B it?s cloudy.?教师鼓励学生找到所有的不同之处~然后将句子连贯地说出来。为了让该题更加有意思~教师让学生每人在图上加画三个小东西~然后相互之间说:‚In my picture there is a kite in the sky.?同学说:‚But in my picture there is a mouse on the ground…? 单元教学活动6 Listen, read and guess. 第六部分是阅读理解的短文。教师可以带着大家朗读~然后再听录音。教师可以让学生多听两遍录音并让大家跟着进行模仿。最后~教师给出一部分时间让学生自己朗读并进行比赛活动。教师可以说:‚Now let?s have a competition. Let?s see who reads more sentences without making any mistake.?教师可以让学生一次又一次地进行挑战~最后看哪个同学朗读的段落最长。 单元教学活动7 Let?s chant and sing. 第七部分是歌谣和歌曲。学生能比较快地就掌握该歌曲和歌谣。教师可以让学生重新填词~把这些词写出来~最后唱自己填的。教师可以全班进行比赛活动。 单元教学活动8 Let?s play. 第八部分是游戏部分。教师将事先准备好的盒子拿出来对大家说:‚Today we are going to play a game. In this box there are lots of slips of paper. On each slip of paper, there is a phrase, such as a cup of tea. You should quickly make a sentence with this phrase. You can get 10 points for each correct sentence for your group.?教师开始让学生玩游戏~并指导学生组出正确的句子。 单元教学活动9 Read and tick. 第九部分是选项练习。学生需阅读句子并根据问句进行选项。教师可以让学生先选~然后再给出正确的答案。 答案是:1,C 2,C 3,B 4,A 5,A 6,C Closure 单元教学活动10 Read and think 第十部分是思考题。教师让学生朗读之后在两人之间进行讲座并选择正确的答案。 答案是:They are wife and husband. Homework 鼓励学生在家用所学过的句型问自己的爸爸和妈妈五个以前的问题。 同时要求学生找一些自己旅游时拍的好的照片~准备下次课推荐给大家。 Unit 7 I’ve got to go and see! 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生应基本掌握英语量词的用法 , 学生能进一步熟悉和巩固有关水果和食物单词 , 学生能用英语回答所给的问句并能讲述该单元的故事 交际用语 Expressions in communication , I must go and see it. , Where did many children stand? , Was it interesting and exciting? , How long was the show? , What?s it about? , What are these people doing? , Please count the numbers in twos. 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions invite, clown, classroom, show, interesting, exciting, wall, homework, carry, gift, countryside, count, buckle, knock, stick, apartment, building, elevator, parrot, really, one, two, three, four, five, six… 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 英语数字卡片 , 有关学生活动的照片 , 表示数量的图片或实物 , 有关家庭家具及其他用品的图片~如钟、自行车、电脑、手表等 , 几张表示两个、两个或三个、三个等东西或动物图片 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师放录音~带领学生说唱第六单元教学活动7。 Presentation 教师可以拿出很好看的风景图片或照片对学生说:‚Look! This is a beautiful picture. It?s the Great Wall. My friend has been there many times. He says that it?s beautiful in summer and autumn. I?ve got to go and see this beautiful place.?教 师说到这儿转问大家:‚Who has been to other places and please show us the place you have been to.?教师鼓励学生拿出自己旅游时的照片给大家看。教师可以教给学生用以下 的方式说:‚This is Hainan. I have been there. It?s very beautiful. You?ve got to go and see this place.? a ) 如果发现许多同学都带了照片~教师可以先带着大家熟悉如何说~再让大家分成组 说自己所去过的地方。 b ) 接下来~教师引导大家看本单元的主图。教师可以这样对大家说:‚Look at this picture. There is a show in the classroom. There is a clown performing in the classroom. You?ve got to go and see his show.? c ) 接着~教师可以提出一些问题。比如:‚Do you like to see the clown?s show? Do you think the clowns are funny? Why do you think he dresses himself up like that?? (to make people happy, to make people laugh, to cheer people up)几个问题之后~教 师过渡到主图上的问题。 Who invited the clown to the classroom?(The head teacher of the class or the school headmaster.) Where did many children stand?(They stand in the corridor. They stand at the classroom door.) What did the clown do?(He was playing with some colour balls.) How long was the show?(It was about an hour.) Was it interesting and exciting?(Yes, it was.) 听力原文: It was a Friday afternoon. Bob invited his father?s best friend who is a famous clown to come to his class. Many children heard this and came to see the clown. The classroom was not big and there were not many chairs. So many children had to stand in the room and some children had to stay outside the classroom. The clown said a few words and quickly took out a few balls and began to throw the balls up. He threw out the balls one by one and caught one after another with his two hands and threw them out again. No balls dropped on the ground. Suddenly he threw the balls higher and higher, and turned around and caught the balls again. It was interesting and exciting. Everybody gave him a big hand. The show went on for an hour but nobody left the room. Practice 单元教学活动2 Look, read and act. 第二部分是对话练习。教师可以先让大家逐段听录音。每听一段后~教师让学生朗读并进行对话练习。等学生基本熟悉第一个对话之后~教师再让学生听第二、第三、第四个对话。教师要把重点放在学生的模仿朗读和对话表演上。 做每个小对话的时候~教师可以从学生中选出一两组进行表演~最好能让所有的同学练习四个对话~而且每个同学都至少有一次到前面表演的机会。 单元教学活动3 Look, read and answer. 第三部分主要练习How many…?句型。教师可以先做一些铺垫的学习。比如~教师指着教室黑板问大家:‚How many blackboards are there in our classroom??然后自己回答说:‚There is one.?教师再继续给例子:‚How many doors are there in the classroom? How many windows are there in the classroom??在学生能基本明白意思和用法之后~教师可以引导学生相互之间问第三部分的内容。教师让学生两人一组进行问答~并根据实际情况写下答案。教师要告诉学生回家后自己统计教材中所给的第二部分内容。下次学生之间相互汇报和问答。 单元教学活动4 Look and talk. 第四部分是看图说话。教师要提醒学生注意到图中东西的数量~并用所学的句型进行问答。比如: How many birds are there? How many boxes of apples are there? How many children are there? How many boys are there? How many girls are there? 学生可以根据教师所给的例句进行问答训练。 单元教学活动5 Listen and say. 第五部分是说说唱唱的练习。教师要让学生拍着手来说这段内容。这首歌谣相对比较容易~所以教师带领学生读几遍就能使学生很快地掌握。朗读时~教师要注意歌谣的韵律~但不要太快。为了增加趣味性~教师还可以添加一些动作~以便让学生更熟练地掌握朗读的技巧。相互之间的比赛竞争~分组表演等都有助于学生的学习和记忆。 单元教学活动6 Listen, read and answer. 第六部分是听力填空练习。首先让学生需根据文章的上下句子判断缺少的东西。比如第一个空~Bob is very happy when new people came to live in the room(house)next to his.接下来的答案是:playing, heard, looked, see, woman/girl.之后再让学生听录音检查自己的答案。学生填空之后~教师仍要带领学生认真朗读这些句子。接着~教师可以根据该短文提出一些简单的问题~也可以把问题印在一张小条上说:‚Please ask and answer in pairs.?具体问题可以是:‚Where does Bob live? On which floor does he live? Does he often use the elevator? Is Bob happy to see new people coming to live nearby? What did he hear one day? What did the bird say? What did the woman/girl say??学生可 以用提供的问题进行问答。最后~教师还可以让学生做复述的活动。 单元教学活动7 Read and count. 第七部分是让学生练习以不同的方式数数。教师首先对大家说:‚In our maths class, we learn maths. Maths is very interesting. We can count numbers from 1 to 20. Can you count numbers from 1 to 20? Let?s do it.?教师带着大家从1数到20。然后教师 说:‚Can you count numbers from 20 to 1? Let?s try it.?教师再带着大家继续倒着数 数。 a ) 紧接着~教师对大家说:‚Sometimes we see things which are put or stored in the same numbers. For example, we can see the first bee from 1 to 25. They are equally divided by five. So we can count them in this way. One five, two fives, three fives, four fives, and five fives. That?s twenty-five.?教师带领学生边数边说这些数字。 b ) 接下来~教师对学生说:‚Can you count the second part in twos??教师找一 个同学先示范一下~然后再让全班同学一起数。最后~教师过渡到三个三个地数数。 c ) 教师对学生说:‚Who can use this way to count some things? For example, you can count pencils in this way. You can also count books in this way.?教师鼓励学 生自己找出身边的例子。比如桌子、椅子、窗户、灯管、图片等。 单元教学活动8 Look, match and play. 第八部分是数字部分~教师需要帮助学生通过本单元的学习熟悉本单元的数字1-20的 读音及拼写~同时要将英语数字与阿拉伯数字相连接。最后~教师再让学生做一个Bingo 游戏~以激发学生写数字、学数字的兴趣。 单元教学活动10 Listen, colour and draw. 第十部分是听力训练。除了让学生听录音短文之外~教师还可以自己说一些句子~让学 生在该图上增画图案或涂色。 网上有许多的黑板上色图案~教师可以根据需求从网上下载一些图案让学生添画东西或 涂色。 听力原文: It was a Sunday morning. Susan and Peter went to a park. They had a good time. Now it was noon time. It was very hot. Susan wanted to eat an ice cream. Oh, Susan doesn?t have an ice cream. Please draw an ice cream in Susan?s hand. A: Draw an ice cream in Susan?s hand. B: Oh, Good. A: Should I draw an ice cream in Peter?s hand? B: No, Peter doesn?t feel too hot. He put his feet in the water. A: Look, what?s the dog doing? B: The dog is playing with a ball. A: But I can?t see the ball. B: Right. Please draw a ball in front of the dog. A: Oh. Good. Draw a ball in front of the dog. B: Can I draw a bird on the tree? A: Which tree? B: I don?t know! Can I colour the trees first? A: Yes. Colour one tree green and one tree red. Then draw the bird on the green tree. B: Can I colour the ball under the tree? A: Yes, colour the ball under the tree black. And colour the ball on the table blue. B: Colour the ball on the table blue. A: Good, the picture is beautiful now. Thanks very much. B: You are welcome. Closure 单元教学活动9 Look, find and match. 第九部分的数字游戏是为了进一步巩固学生对数字的拼写。学生需从众多的字母中找出每个数字的拼写并将它们勾画出来与旁边的数字相连。 学习数字的时候~教师可以把重点放在前13位数上~从14以后相对来说比较容易~但需提醒学生15,fifteen,的拼写中的五与原来的不一样。 Homework 教师让学生自制从1-20的英语数字卡片~并在背面写上阿拉伯数字。 Unit 8 Who is the first? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生能初步掌握英语的序数词的读法和写法 , 通过阅读~学生能加强对阅读短文的理解 , 学生能基本回答有关家庭成员的问题 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Who is the first? , Who is the second and the third? , This is the first. , Which floor do you live on? , I live on the ninth floor. , What are the differences? , Who is the first person to get up in your family? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, live floor, same, difference, newspaper, balloon 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 基数词和序数词的单词卡片 , 制作或画一个楼房~标志出每个楼层 , 一个稍大的气球及一个硬币 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师带领学生朗读第七单元教学活动5。 Presentation 教师上课时对大家说:‚Boys and girls, let?s go to the back of our classroom, hold our hand and stand in a circle at the back of our classroom.?教师让学生拉 好圈~然后说:‚Now put down your hands. Let?s count how many of you are here.? 教师让学生从头开始数数。大家数完数后~教师把自己手里的英语数字单词1-10发给一部 分同学~然后再将阿拉伯数字的1-10发给另外一部分学生。教师提醒学生不要看~等到给 出指令之后~再让学生看自己手里的数字并很快地找到自己的朋友。教师应该用数数的方式 计算时间~最好有30秒的时间。学生找到以后~教师让学生两人一组~按顺序把数字排成 一排~然后再带着大家复习一遍。接着教师说:‚Now please go back to your seats. Let?s look at our scene picture.?教师向学生提问:‚What?s the picture about??稍后教师 回答说:‚It?s about a sports meeting at school, some animals are having a race. Look. This is a tortoise and this is a hare ,教师指教材中的动物说,. Which of them is the first, do you think, to reach the finishing line??然后~教师再指着其他的几 个动物说:‚Which of these animals is the first, the elephant, the horse or the cow?? 教师给出几个例句后对学生说:‚Now let?s listen to the tape. Please circle the first animals.?教师可以提醒学生说:‚Look, which of the three is the first here??教师 指着树下的三个小动物。再比如~教师指着天空中飞的鸟问:‚Which of these is the first?? 教师接着让大家听录音~可以让学生听两遍录音。然后教师问大家: Which is the first, the plane or the helicopter? Which is the first, the hare or the tortoise? Which is the first, the bus or the car? Which climbs the tree first, the dog, the cat or the monkey? Which runs the first, the horse, the cow or the elephant? Which finishes eating the grass first, the sheep or the cow? Which fly first, the plane or the bird? 听力原文: Part 1 Listen and circle. 1 )— Look at the plane and the helicopter! Which one is the first? — Of, course, the plane. 2 )— Look! There are some animals running. — Yes, I see them. Which can run faster? The person on the horse, the person on the cow or the person on the elephant? — I think the person on the horse will be the first one. 3 )— I can see a big cat, a big cat, and a big monkey. Who can reach the top of the tree first? — I think the monkey is the first. 4 )— Which is the first, the hare or the tortoise? — I think this time the tortoise will be the first. 5 )— Here is a car and a bus! Which one will be the first? — Of course the car will be the first. 6 )— Look at the cow and sheep. They are eating grass. — Yes, but which one is the first to finish eating? — I think the cow will be the first. Practice 单元教学活动2 Look and say. 第二部分学习的是序数词。教师要以在组织学生活动中练习这些序数词。教师对学生说: ‚Now please listen very carefully. Please stand in two lines. Boys stand in one line and girls stand in one line. Do you understand? Please stand in two lines. Be quick!?教师督促学生迅速站成两个纵队。学生站好后~教师说:‚Now please look here. XXX is the first. XXX is the second and XXX is the third.?教师要注意自己所站的 位置。教师一定要站在纵队的最前面~面对着纵队说话~而不要走到旁边~让学生侧着说。 如果学生排成一个横排~就应该用基数词说:‚One, two, three.?如果是纵队~教师就可 以说:‚The first, the second, the third.?开始时~教师先带着大家反复说第一、第二、 第三这几个词~待大家都熟练后~再继续学习新的词~如第四、第五等。后面词的读法比较 有规律~只有几个词在拼写上有些不一样~如fifth, ninth, twelfth。练习说这些词的时 候~教师可以依然让学生排着队说。 在此练习基础上~教师再让学生看第二部分的内容。教师先带着大家熟悉所给的问句~ 然后给出正确的回答。教师确信学生基本明白这些意思的时候可以让学生进行两人一组的问 答练习。最后教师可以提问学生~也可以让学生相互之间提问回答。 单元教学活动3 Let?s sing and point. 第三部分是歌曲。教师可以让学生先站成一个纵队~然后告诉学生说:‚Now let?s say these in an interesting way.?教师做示范给大家看。教师假装站到队伍的最前面~然后 说:‚Please watch carefully.?教师边说边横跨到右前方说:‚I am the first. What are you going to say? You are going to say‘I am the second.’?教师接着对第三个学生 说:‚You should come here and say.‘I am the third.’?教师让后面的学生也继续往右 前方跨步并说出自己是第几名。等大家都跨过去之后~教师再让学生往相反的方向跨步并让 大家再次练习说这些词。为了让学生有些变化~教师可以让第一个学生到最后去~这样~整 个队伍中的人都要学说另一个数字。教师让学生这样反复做几次~学生就能达到比较熟练的 地步。最后~教师应让学生看书并用手指着这些小朋友说出他们是第几个。 单元教学活动4 Read and practice. 第四部分则是继续巩固前面所学的序数词~但这次要通过一个新的句型进行练习。因此教师应先给学生一个示范。教师拿出自己事先准备好的楼房图片或模型对大家说:‚This is a very nice building. It?s very tall. It has seventeen floors. I live on the sixth floor. Who can tell me? Which floor do you live on??教师引导学生说出自己家的楼层。如果图片比较大~教师可以让学生到黑板前面指着该图的某一层说:‚I live on this floor. It?s the tenth floor.?教师可以多叫几个学生到前面告诉全班同学自己家的楼层。 接下来~教师可以让学生做一个游戏。每个组的第一个同学问后面的同学:‚Which floor do you live on??第二个同学回答说:‚I live on the fourth floor.?然后转过身问后面的同学说:‚Which floor do you live on?? 单元教学活动5 Read, choose and retell. 第五部分是阅读理解的练习。教师首先可以把该短文作为故事讲给学生听。教师讲故事时应尽量用一些简单易懂的语言。讲完之后~教师让学生阅读本单元的第五部分。教师对学生说:‚Now please read the passage on Page 46. Fill in the right words.?学生做完之后~教师先跟学生一起对答案~然后再带着大家一起朗读该短文。教师要根据时间的多少决定朗读的遍数。最后~如果有时间的话~教师可以给学生自己朗读的时间及两人相互复述的时间。 答案是: 1 ) on 2 ) using 3 ) be helped 4 ) were 5 ) fell 6 ) chose 单元教学活动6 Look, read and answer. 第六部分是根据所给的图片写出恰当的英语单词使该短文的意思表达连贯。教师可以选择让学生自己填写必要的词~然后相互检查一下答案~最后~教师让大家在全班共同讨论答案。答案是:‚first, children, happy, girl, school, happy, first, greet.?。教师应让学生填写之后适当朗读一下整个短文。 单元教学活动7 Look and say. 第七部分有四组图。教师要引导大家找出不同之处。比如~第一组2和10的图片是一样的。第二组的不同之处是老鼠的尾巴不一样,恐龙的牙齿不一样,小猪的尾巴不一样,兔子手中拿的萝卜的颜色不一样。第三组中的第四只鳄鱼与其他的不一样~ 少了一颗牙齿。第四组1和5图片一样。 单元教学活动8 Pairwork. 第八部分是两人一组问答练习。教师让学生问答之前应带领学生先熟悉这些句子~然后再让他们相互之间询问信息。最后~教师要给大家一个机会~在全班相互了解一些同学家的信息。 Closure 单元教学活动9 Look and make. 第九部分是一个有趣的小试验。教师拿出事先准备好的气球和一个硬币。教师首先将硬 币放在气球里~然后将气球吹起来~让钱停留在气球里~然后教师手拿气球左右挥动~让大家听听气球里面的声音。这样试验后~教师带领大家把游戏规则一起学习一遍。 Homework 教师请学生把自己家居住的楼房画下来并在旁边用英语标注出这些楼的楼层。 Unit 9 I like sunny days but I don’t like rainy days. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习~学生能用英语简单谈论在不同天气里所做的活动 , 通过练习~进一步掌握how many和why的问句形式和回答方式 , 学生能进一步加强听力和朗读训练 交际用语 Expressions in communication , I like sunny days but I don?t like rainy days. , I like to play on the beach, but I don?t like to play in the water. , How many children like to play with sand? , Why do you like sunny days? , On a cold day I watched TV at home. 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions sand, games, boat, swim, sunbathe, ride, next, anything, trunk, cool, clap, much, potatoes, need, lower, note, outside, yummy, cute, face grace, woe, go bonny, blithe, gay, cloudy, windy, fine, sunny, cold, hot 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 有关天气的图片及单词卡片 , 沙滩及海边的图片或照片 , 动物玩具、食物图片及几本儿童书籍 , 几个玻璃杯,根据情况决定,或玻璃杯的图片并剪成玻璃杯的形状~里面画出水的不同 高度 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师放录音~带领学生唱第八单元教学活动3的歌曲。 Presentation 上课时~教师首先问学生:‚What day is it today? Is it sunny? Is it cloudy? Is it windy??教师需让学生复习一下以前学过的有关天气的词汇。 a ) 接下来~教师对学生说:‚I like sunny days but I don?t like rainy days. Who can guess why I like sunny days??教师让学生猜自己为什么喜欢晴天。最后教师说:‚I like sunny days because I can play on the beach. I like to play on the beach.? b ) 教师给出示范后马上提问学生:‚Do you like to play on the beach? Who like to play on the beach? Please stand up.?教师大概统计一下有多少学生喜欢在海边玩。如 果学生忘记了beach的意思~教师应拿出图片展示给学生看。教师接着说:‚Now let me ask you another question. Do you like to play in the water? Who likes to play in the water? Please stand up.?教师仍然粗略统计一下人数并说:‚Oh, ten of us like to play in the water and twelve,根据统计情况,of us don?t like to play in the water。? c ) 教师带着大家说:‚I like to play on the beach, but I don?t like to play in the water.?教师说这个句子的时候可以将句子分成两部分带读~最后再将整个句子连在一 起。 d ) 在大家能熟读该句子之后~教师可以用该句型带出其他类似的句子。比如: I like to play ball games on the sand, but I don?t like to play ball games in the water. I like to sunbathe on the sand, but I don?t like to swim. I like to eat ice creams, but I don?t like to drink lemonade. I like to listen to music, but I don?t like to dance. e ) 教师引导大家看本单元的主图。教师说:‚Now please look at the scene picture. Let?s count altogether.? How many children like to play with sand? How many children like to play ball games? How many people like to be in a boat? How many children like to fish? How many children like to swim? How many children like to sunbathe? f ) 教师带着大家熟悉这些问句~并让学生两人一组做pairwork相互问答。 g ) 教师提问学生的真实情况~并可以让学生以活动的方式回答刚才所问过的问题。比 如教师说:‚Now please listen carefully. How many children like to play with sand? Please stand at the door. Very good.?教师接着说:‚Now how many children like to play ball games? Any ball games. Ping pong ball, basketball, football…Please stand at the window.?刚才喜欢玩沙子的同学也可以再次站到窗户那边。教师继续问:‚How many of you like to be in a boat? Please stand at the blackboard.?教师依次问出其他的 问句。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Look and say. 第二部分仍然是句型练习。学生要根据所给的图片进行描述。教师可以事先给学生一个 示范。教师说:‚Now let?s look at the first picture of Part Two. What should we say about the first picture? We should say‘I like bananas, but I don?t like lemons!’Do you understand? You like one of them, but you don?t like the other. Now please practise in pairs first.?教师给出学生一部分时间~让学生自己先熟悉一下如何表达每个图片的意思。最后~教师找学生来分别描述每张图。 单元教学活动3 Listen, read and answer. 第三部分是听句子并根据所给的提示填空。教师可以让学生先阅读并完成填空的任务~然后再让学生听句子~看哪些学生能写出录音中的答案。教师也可以让学生先听录音~而不看书。教师先帮助学生解决听力理解的问题~然后再扩展到阅读句子上。 单元教学活动4 Listen, write and read. 第四部分是一篇听力故事。由于故事的情节不太复杂~没有多少生词~所以教师可以先让学生听两遍录音。录音之后~教师给学生提问。比如: Where were many children last Sunday? What was the weather like? What did they eat? Did they take off their coats? Why?教师需注意~学生要回答coats, or jackets,而不能说clothes~因为clothes包括所有的衣服。 What did children suddenly notice? Was it raining at that time? Where was the “rain” from? 提问之后~教师让学生打开书阅读该故事并完成填空的练习。教师需提醒学生单数及复数的概念。 教师最后带领学生一起检查答案是否正确。 答案是:ice creams, jacket, rainy, children, elephant, hands 单元教学活动5 Look, draw and show. 第五部分是让学生根据想象画一个画面。教师可以用所给的句子来提示大家。教师可以说:‚Now please draw a picture here.?教师拿着书~指着要画画的位置说:‚You can draw the things you?d like to do, for example, play football. You can also draw the places you?d like to visit, for example, the Great Wall, the zoo or a lake. You can draw the food you?d like to eat, such as bananas~oranges and mangoes, etc. Do you understand??教师提醒之后给学生两分钟的时间~然后让学生相互展示自己喜欢的东西。最后~教师让学生分组到前面展示自己画的东西。展示的时候~学生可以每人说一个句子~如:‚I like to play football.? 单元教学活动6 Look, read and think. 第六部分是几道简单的算术题。教师可以带着大家一起来阅读或朗读这些句子~然后进行运算并用英语给出答案。学生给出答案之后~教师应带着大家把句子再朗读几遍。 答案: 1)4.25 yuan. 2)1.3 yuan. 3)56 potatoes 4)5 buses 单元教学活动7 Read and do. 第七部分是一个动手的活动。如果教师带了玻璃杯的话~可以对大家说:‚Now let?s do an interesting experiment. We have 7 glasses here. I?m going to put some water in each of the seven glasses. Then I will use a chopstick to hit each glass, and you will hear very interesting sounds.?教师边说边按照图中的比例给每个水杯加上水。最后教师对学生说:‚Who can come here and make a piece of music??教师分别让几个学生到前面来试一试。最后~教师鼓励学生回家后也做类似的实验。如果没有实物~教师可以用图片来进行解释。 单元教学活动8 Ask and answer in pairs. 第八部分是句型练习。本部分重点练习问‚为什么…?并回答该句子。教师可以对学生说:‚Now close all your books. Let me ask you some questions. Who likes to eat chocolate??学生给出回答之后~教师问学生:‚Why do you like to eat chocolate??如果学生不会回答的话~教师对学生说:‚If you don?t know the answer, you can ask me. I can answer your question. You can ask me, „Why do you like to eat chocolate???教师对学生说该句子的时候可以顺便带出一些其他的问句。比如:‚Why do you like sunny days? Why do you like dogs? Why do you want to go shopping now? Why do you want to see Mr. Zhang? Why do you want to wear this dress??朗读句型之后~教师继续提醒大家说:‚You can ask me altogether now. Why do you like to eat chocolate??教师让学生集体问~最后~教师回答:‚Because it?s yummy.?教师做手势表示好吃的样子。接着~教师反过来问:‚Why do you like to eat chocolate??并让大家也照着老师样子回答。学生再次进行两人一组的pairwork,一问一答。 Closure 单元教学活动9 Listen, chant and enjoy. 第九部分是一首小诗。教师先教学生如何有节奏地来朗读这些句子。比如~每句话教师要让学生拍四下。教师带着学生边拍手边说第一个句子~只有速度放慢~学生才有可能掌握句子的正确读音。教师一句一句地带读~直到学生能基本用节奏连着说这些句子。教师可以让学生进行分组说~也可以分男生、女生说~也可以各读一个句子。总之~教师要让学生把重点放在对音调的朗读和欣赏上~而不要去解释句子的意思。 Homework 告诉学生多听第四部分及第九部分的录音~并模仿录音进行朗读~适当时候让爸爸妈妈听朗读的效果。 Unit 10 Let’s guess. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过游戏~学生能进一步提高学习外语的兴趣 , 进一步复习相关的词汇~如动物、水果及食物、衣物、房间用具、文具等 , 学生能对定语从句有个初步的了解 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Let?s guess. , How many things beginning with letter C can you find in this picture? , She is a person who teaches children at school. , This is a person who can make you happy. , When did he come here? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions guess, panda, dress, clown, plane, uncle, aunt, computer, teacher, hippo, rabbit, camera, television, pirate, parrot, treasure, pick, bear, rock, know, moustache 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 以字母B和C开头的单词图片及卡片 , 第二部分的相关词汇图片及单词卡片 , 三只小老鼠、一把纸制餐刀及一件围裙 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师放录音~带领学生说唱第九单元教学活动9。 Presentation 上课时~教师首先拿出以B字母开头的单词图片让学生辨认~并对学生说:‚These words all begin with B. Can you see them??教师给学生展示一下图片~然后说:‚These words all begin with B. Can you think of any other words beginning with B??教师鼓励学 生想出一些B开头的单词~如bike, bed, book, bag, bat, banana等。教师可以让学生以 小组为单位进行brainstorming~然后再让学生向全班汇报。在汇报的基础上~教师说:‚Now let?s look at the picture of our book. Please find pictures beginning with C. Let?s see how many you can find in this picture. You can do it in the most words beginning with C. ?教师让学生两两一组寻找~最后全班集中说这些词汇。教师也可以让学生出代表 或以组为单位将所说的词汇写在黑板上~最后一起讨论是否正确。 答案: coat, cake, chocolate, cat, colour, crocodile, carrot, cheese, car, cow, clown, camera, clock, cup, cook, clouds, chair cinema, CD player, coffee Practice 单元教学活动2 Listen, read and match. 第二部分是谜语部分~但这些谜语的陈述都是用定语从句的方式进行。教师应该先对学 生说:‚Now, please guess who this person is. She is a person who teaches children at school.?教师可以适当多说几遍以便让学生熟悉该种句型的用法。接着~教师说:‚Now please read the sentences on the book and then look at the picture and the sentence.? 教师让学生自己先阅读句子~然后连线。最后~教师和学生一起核对答案。 单元教学活动3 Listen, sing and play. 第三部分是歌曲。教师需先教学生学说歌词~然后再听录音。等大家基本能跟着一起唱 的时候~教师让大家一起参与表演。教师说:‚Who likes to be a mouse? We need three children to be mice and we need one person to be farmer?s wife. Who wants to have a try??教师选出人以后让大家一起唱~这三只老鼠跑在农夫老婆的后面~但农夫老婆又紧 追着这三只老鼠~她手里还拿着一把纸制的刀。最后她要抓住一只老鼠并装作要切尾巴的样 子。第一组完成之后~教师可以再让第二组的同学继续表演该部分~而其他同学则唱歌来配 合他们的表演。 单元教学活动4 Look, read and guess. 第四部分属于阅读理解的游戏。该游戏有一定的难度。教师应先带领学生学习和朗读给 出的句子。教师在带读的时候如果能按照意群进行朗读就能较好地帮助学生进行理解。比如: Bandi, the pirate / with a parrot / on his shoulder / found a treasure map / but he soon / lost it / a schoolboy called Peter / picked up the map / He knew / it was a treasure map / but he didn?t know where he could find the treasure / Can you help him? 教师需让学生反复读~读的次数多了~就能较好地理解该短文。然后~教师再带着大 家朗读所给的提示。同时~教师每带着读一遍的时候应让学生一起按照所给的提示找该位置~ 并在该位置上打一个X~表示此处没有珍宝。然后继续下面的提示。教师带着学生完成所有 的提示后可以问学生:‚Now where is the treasure? Do you know? The treasure is at D6. It?s under the tree, because only this place is not given and the crocodile is always around the tree. It?s very dangerous to get the treasure.? 单元教学活动5 Listen, ask, answer and act. 第五部分是三个有关定语从句的小对话。在没有让学生练习对话前~教师应通过举例让 学生明白这个句型的基本意思。比如~教师拿出一张不太有名但又有些人又知道的一位‚名 人?照片问大家:‚Who is the man that is standing behind the singer??教师问学生~ 看是否有人知道或认识这个人。大家猜出后~看是否有人知道或认识这个人。大家猜出后~ 教师继续问一些相关的内容:‚Who is the man that is standing behind the tree? Who is the old woman that is reading a book in the garden? Who is the boy that is playing with a cat??教师给出几个句子之后说:‚Now please listen to the tape.?学生听了几 遍录音后便可以进行对话练习。练习的时候为了让学生相对地感到容易~教师可以让学生一 个对话、一个对话地进行~完成一个再进行下一个。同时~教师可以考虑适当地更换一下小 组的成员。 单元教学活动6 Look, guess and say. 第六部分是要求学生根据图来回答所给的提示词。学生要将信息填在横线上。等学生填 完后~教师可以让学生根据所给的提示词组成一个问句。name为例~教师可以启发学生说: ‚How will you ask a person?s name? What will you say??学生应该问:‚What?s your name??其他的句子都应该以此方法进行。比如:‚Age --- How old is he?(Nine.) Favourite food --- What?s his favourite food?(Cake.) Best friend --- Who?s his best friend?(Peter.) Hobbies --- What is Bob?s hobby?(Playing soccer.)? 单元教学活动7 Odd one out. 第七部分需要学生从每组图中找出一个不同类的图。前面已经有多次的练习~所以教学上不会有太多的困难。关键是教师要帮助学生说出不同之处。比如第一组~The car is different. Because picture one , two and four are for playing, but picture three is for driving. 只要学生能说出区别~教师应该肯定学生。 第二组:The cheese is different. The others are all drinks, but the cheese is food. 第三组:The first one is different. Because the first is outside the house, but the others are inside the house. 第四组:The mouse is different. Because the mouse is an animal, but the others are clothes. Closure 单元教学活动8 Look and try. 第八部分是一个数学游戏~需要学生在很短的时间内算出该题的得数。教师可以对学生说:‚Now let?s see the last part of this unit. This is an interesting maths problem. Who can add up these numbers quickly? Who can make a simple sum?? 答案: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 + 8 --------------- 1 0 0 0 Homework 教师让学生自编几个谜语到学校后让班级同学猜~看哪个同学猜中多。 Unit 11 What’s your hobby? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生能进一步提高学习英语的兴趣 , 初步了解和掌握like to 后面跟不定式的用法及like后面跟动名词的用法 , 学生能用英语简单谈论个人的爱好 交际用语 Expressions in communication , What?s your hobby? , I like to play table tennis. , I like flying a kite. , Do you like reading books? Yes, I do. , Do you like dancing? No, I don?t. , What did you do yesterday? , I went fishing yesterday. 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions hobby, table tennis, badminton, fishing, football, piano, comic, baseball, radio, party, hockey, basketball, computer games, skating, film, kite, beach 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 各种运动的图片及单词卡片 , 本单元的动词短语卡片~如 go fishing, playing computer games , 若干张A3大小的白纸及彩色笔 , 教师准备若干个色子 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 。 教师放录音~带领学生说唱第十单元教学活动3 Presentation 上课时~教师说:‚Today we are going to talk about our hobbies. Now who can tell us what your hobby is??如果学生对hobby这个词还不太了解~教师就可以举例说:‚For example, I like to play ping pong. So my hobby is to play ping pong. I like to read books. So my hobby is to read books.?教师举例之后继续问大家:‚What?s your hobby??问了两个同学之后~教师让全班学生问一个同学:‚What?s your hobby??被问的同学回答:‚My hobby is to play computer games.? a ) 几次问答之后~教师问:‚What hobbies do you know??教师让大家说说爱好的种类等~如play ball games, listen to music, dance and sing等。 b ) 教师拿出自己事先准备好的有关各种运动的图片及单词卡片带着大家一起复习和学习~并加上本单元的句型I like to,跟不定式,或I like,跟动名词,。教师不必讲解这些语法项目~只说两种形式都可以就行。 c ) 教师让学生下座位~相互之间问答。What?s your hobby? I like playing basketball. d ) 教师带着大家一起做游戏。做游戏的时候~教师采取两种形式~其一是将全班分成A和B两个组~教师让两个组的同学轮流掷骰子。根据所扔的骰子上的数来决定走几步~但都要遵守右上角的游戏规则。听到某个数的时候掷骰子组要读出该句子。比如~A组将骰子扔到5~A组的同学就要一起说:‚I don?t like to play badminton.?接着是B组的学生掷骰子。如果扔到3~B组的同学就要一起说:‚I don?t like to play football.? e )如果教师让学生分成两人一组玩~其形式也基本是这样。如果有时间的话~教师可以在全班游戏之后再分成两人一组玩~其形式也基本是这样。如果有时间的话~教师可以在全班游戏之后再分成两人一组来进行活动。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Pairwork. 第二部分是以提问的方式来继续巩固所学的内容。教师说:‚Now I?d like you to do some interviews. You can ask your friend,‘What?s your hobby?’Then your friend answers ‘I like dancing.’So you write down your friend?s name and his/her hobby. Then you go on asking other friends.?最后~教师检查哪个学生的信息了解的比较多~可以给前 十名同学发个小纪念品。 单元教学活动3 Look, circle and answer. 第三部分是字谜。在做本练习前~教师可以先提醒同学们动名词是动词+ing构成。教 师可以给学生举很多的例子~比如work, working, sing, singing等。做练习找词时~教 师可以提醒大家这些词都是动名词~比如竖行dancing, sleeping, writing, riding, cooking, spelling, reading, washing,横行skating, running, fishing, walking, cleaning, singing。 单元教学活动4 Read, look and write. 第四部分需要学生认真阅读~然后根据图画提示来填写单个的单词。可以让学生自己先 填~然后再集体讨论。该部分的练习答案是:sunny, zoo, monkeys, pandas, tigers, sleeping, lions, baby, laugh。学生填空完成后~教师应带领学生反复朗读这些句子~以 达到熟练的程度。 单元教学活动5 Listen and chant. 第五部分是节奏部分的练习。教师可以先问学生一些问题之后再朗读句子~最后再跟录 音机学习歌谣。 单元教学活动6 Look and say. 第六部分是讲述两张图之间的区别。学生要根据所给的句型来进行描述~比如:In Picture A, a boy is swimming; but in Picture B, a girl is swimming. 答案: In Picture A, there are two trees; but in Picture B, there are three trees. In Picture A, a boy is swimming; but in Picture B, there is a girl swimming. In Picture A, there is a ball and a crocodile; but in Picture B, there is a robot and frog on the ground. In Picture A, there is a bus; but in Picture B, there is a car. In Picture A, the chair is with green and white stripes; but in Picture B, the chair is with brown and white stripes. In Picture A, there is a man; but in Picture B, there is a woman. In Picture A, there is a dog, but in Picture B, there is a cat. 做这个活动时~教师一定要让学生多说多练。 单元教学活动7 Read and guess. 第七部分是判断所给的句子是否正确。如果正确学生就可以写True,如果不正确学生 就可以写Not true。 答案: 1—10: True, True, True, True, True, True, True, Not true, True, True 单元教学活动8 Read and write. 第八部分是有关运算题的阅读理解。教师首先让大冢朗读句子并明白其意思~然后再进行运算。算术题本身并不难~关键是学生应看懂英语句子。适当的时候~教师可以带着学生逐步运算。 答案:1,37 2,42 3,128 Closure 单元教学活动9 Let?s draw. 第九部分是集体作画。教师应事先把每张纸叠成五个部分~然后将学生的人数也调整成每行5人。然后~教师发给每个组的第一个人并用教材上的批示语言提醒大家。在说教材上的批示语言时~教师要先带着学生读~适当的时候用一些手势。待大家基本明白后~教师再发给大家纸。 学生要严格执行要求~不得看前后学生的画。否则要取消竞赛的资格。 最后~教师让各组的最后一个同学拿着画完的打开~看结果是什么~并评出最好的两组画。 Homework 让学生用英语询问家庭成员的爱好,并将答案写在一张纸上。如, My father likes to play soccer.所采访的家庭成员不能低于五个人。 Unit 12 Animals are our good friends. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生能进一步增强热爱动物及保护动物的意识 , 全面复习和巩固有关动物的名词 , 学生能用英语简单复述本单元的故事 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Animals are our good friends. , Let?s invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song. , Do I have to sing a song? , Are bats useful animals? , What do bats eat? , Do bats have eyes? , A duck is a pet. , What animals are they? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions animal, friend, lizard, spider, parrot, giraffe, tiger, bat, fly, lion, bear, goat, puppy, kangaroo, panda, chicken, country, China, America, English, Australia, useful, reddish, joey, pouch, hippo, move, truck 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 前面出现过的所有动物图片 , 蝙蝠及袋鼠图片 , 四个国家的国旗或标志性的建筑,中国、美国、英国、澳大利亚, , 几种动物,兔子、狗、猫、袋鼠、鸭子、青蛙等,的头饰 , 第八部分动物的单词卡 , 将第十部分的答案复印在若干张小条上~练习之后发给学生 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 。 教师放录音~带领学生说唱第十一单元教学活动5 Presentation 上课时~教师首先拿出一个可爱的动物玩具说:‚Do you like this cute animal? Do you? I like this animal, too. This dog is not real. But I have a real friend at home. He is Frank. Every day I?d like to play with my little dog for a while. When I come to school, my dog will stay at home. Now who else in our class has got any pet? What is it?? a ) “What animals can be our good friends?”教师拿出一组动物的图片问大家:‚Do you know all these animals? Let?s say them together.?教师带着大家一起复习一遍动 物的英语名称。 b ) 接着~教师对大家说:‚Now I?m going to put all these animals on the blackboard and I want you to discuss in groups. What kind of animals can be our friends?? 教师让大家三人或四个人一组来谈论这些动物。教师给出一个句型‚A dog can be our pet?~ 并让学生用这个句型说英语句子。 c ) 教师找几个同学回答:‚What kind of animals can be our pet?? d )教师对学生说:‚Now let?s have a small party. Who wants to be a dog? Come here! Who wants to be a cat? Come here.?教师让几个学生戴上头饰。头饰戴好之后~教师说: ‚Let?s have a party. First let?s invite our beautiful cat to sing us a song.? 戴‘猫’头饰的学生唱一首歌。等‘她’唱完之后~教师继续说:‚Next, let?s invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song. ?如果某个学生说不会~教师应该说:‚You can do it. Come on!?之类的话来鼓励学生。 e ) 待小型的聚会结束之后~教师对大家说:‚Let?s look at the scene picture. What are animals doing??教师问学生几个有关图片的问题:‚What animals are there in the picture? Do you think animals are our good friends? What animal is dancing now? who will be the next one to sing a song?? Practice 单元教学活动2 Doing things. 第二部分需要学生画连线~将动物与它们喜欢吃的食物相连接。但在画连线之前~教师 可以先问大家问题~而且应从最简单、学生最容易回答的问句开始。比如: What do cats like to eat? (fish) What do sheep like to eat? (grass) What do rabbits like to eat?(carrots and vegetables) What do dogs like to eat?(meat and bones) What do pandas like to eat?(bamboos) What do hens like to eat? 问答之后~教师让学生看教材并根据要求画连线。 单元教学活动3 Look and answer. 第三部分属于知识扩展。教师首先需要问大家一些简单的问题。比如:‚In China we have a kind of animal which is very special, famous all over the world. Do you know what it is?(panda)What is the famous animal in Australia?(kangaroo)What is the famous animal in India?(elephant)?接着~教师可以给学生们展示一些澳大利亚的动物。这些动 物可以从www. yahoo. com的网站上搜索到。教师可以把这些做成PPT文件~或直接打印成 图片。 展示了图片之后教师对大家说:‚Now let?s look at this picture. There are many animals in this picture. Which country has all these animals? China? America? Australia? Or England??正确的答案是:Australia.澳大利亚有大约1800种动物~澳大 利亚本土动物有591种~仅袋鼠类动物就有54种之多。 单元教学活动4 Look and find out. 第四部分需要教师介绍一些有关蝙蝠的内容。教师可以根据学生的情况挑选一些内容讲 给学生听。 There are nearly 1,000 kinds of bats. Bats are extremely useful. They help to control the insect population. In Britain it is illegal to catch, handle or disturb wild bats. Baby bats are called pups and are born with no fur. Bats are some of the loudest mammals on Earth. Bats have been on this planet for more than 50 million years. Sometimes thousands and thousands of bats live in colonies together. The world?s smallest mammal is the bumble-bee bat of Thailand, weighing in at less than a penny. When many bats roost, they hang upside down -— most bats spend the daytime resting in this position. Worldwide, bats are the most important natural enemies of night-flying insects. A single bat can catch 600 mosquitoes in just one hour. 讲完之后~教师让学生看教材的第四部分~并让大家回答本单元第四部分的问题。 Are bats useful? Yes, they are very useful. What do bats eat? They are mosquitoes and other small flying insects. Do bats have eyes? They all have eyes and can see even though they are active only at night. Some can see very well. Do you know anything more about bats? Yes, I do. / No, I don?t. 单元教学活动5 Listen, read and write. 第五部分是关于红袋鼠的小短文。教师可以通过网站下载一些红袋鼠的图片。让学生看完照片之后~教师先带领学生朗读几遍该短文~然后再让学生回答该短文的问题。 单元教学活动6 Listen, chant and sing. 第六部分是属于歌谣和歌曲部分。教师可以先带着大家有节奏地练习该歌谣~然后再让大家跟着录音一起学唱该歌曲。 单元教学活动7 Listen, read and retell. 第七部分的内容是看图讲故事。上课前~教师可以通过逐次复印放大的方式将四张图放大~并适当涂色。上课时~教师依次拿出故事图给学生讲河马的故事。故事讲完之后~教师首先问大家:‚Do you understand the story? Where did the hippo go one day? Did he often play by himself??问了几个简单的问题之后~教师可以让学生听该故事的录音。在听录音的基础上~教师让学生打开书~大声朗读该故事。最后~教师让学生两人一组做复述。根据时间~教师可以将自己制作的四幅图贴在黑板上~让学生到前面讲述有关河马的故事。 单元教学活动8 Look and guess. 第八部分是辨认图形上的动物并用英语说出它们的名称。教师说:‚Now let?s look at the pictures. Can you identify these animals? Let?s look at number one. What is it? Yes, it?s a crocodile. What about number two??教师依次问每个动物。当说到某种动物时~教师拿出该单词卡并把该词贴在黑板上~并问大家怎样才能记住该单词的拼写~看哪个同学的拼写规律掌握得好。教师可以采用同样的方法来完成其他图片的辨认及单词拼写练习。 单元教学活动9 Listen, draw and colour. 第九部分是听力题。学生应根据所听到的内容涂色和增画图案。为了练习听力和学生的快速反应~教师也可以自行决定让学生画某个东西。比如~教师说:‚Now I want you to draw a ball for the monkey. Please draw a big whale in the sea.?等等。 听力原文: A: This is an island. Two monkeys are on the island. One monkey is on the tree. Do you see him on the tree top? B: Yes, I can. A: Colour the monkey on the tree top brown. B: Colour the monkey on the tree top brown. Can I colour the other monkey brown, too? A: No, colour the other monkey black. B: Ok, colour the monkey black. A: Can you see the sun now? Draw a bird next to the sun and colour it blue. B: I beg your pardon? A: Sorry. Draw a bird next to the sun and colour it blue. B: Ok. Draw a bird and colour it blue. A: Very good. Do you see a boat in the sea? B: Yes, I do. A: Colour the boat yellow and draw a boy on the boat. B: Colour the boat yellow and draw a boy on the boat A: Very good. Now please draw two fish in the sea, one red fish and one green fish. B: Draw a red fish and a green fish. A: Oh, please draw a boy swimming in the sea. B: Ok. Draw a boy swimming in the sea. Can I colour the boy? A: No, thanks. Closure 单元教学活动10 Look, circle and say. 第十部分检查的是学生的判断力。教师对学生说:‚Please look at these pictures. There is something wrong with many things on this picture. Please tell us what has gone wrong. For example, you can say,? picture A is wrong. This is the sheep?s body, but it has got a pig?s head??教师要教学生如何说这些句子~并让学生两人一组进行大 量的练习。 Picture B is wrong, because the car shouldn?t have wings. Picture C is wrong because the house has no door and windows. Picture D is not a banana tree. Picture E, the cat has got a dog?s ears. Picture F, the rabbit has got a cock?s body. Picture G, the cow has got a horse?s head. Picture H, the bird is upside down. Picture I, the frog has a duck?s head. Picture J, the apple can?t be on the small grass. Picture K, the lizard has got a mouse?s head. Picture L, the ice cream should not be in the water. Picture M, the duck has got a dog?s head. Picture N, the snake has got a fish?s head. Picture O, the sun should not be on the ground. Homework 让学生熟读教学活动7的故事~并讲给爸爸~妈妈听。 Unit 13 I can spot the frog, can you? 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生能进一步增强认真观察的能力 , 学生能进一步掌握Can you…?句型的用法 , 通过学习~学生能比较熟练地使用不同类型的问句和答语 交际用语 Expressions in communication , I can spot the elephant, can you? , He went to the cafe to have a drink. , Can you go shopping with me? , Sorry, I have no time. , How high can a kangaroo hop? , Why can?t I see in the dark? , How can you do that? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions spot, bookshop, cafe, shop, giraffe, turtle, Chinese, sorry, crocodile, mountain, climb, piano, underground, angry, stop, train, push, pick, happen, next 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 动物图画或画报,可以将许多小动物的图片贴在一张大纸上, , 动词短语卡片及本单元Can you…?的句型卡片 , 动物玩具,长颈鹿、河马、大象及火车, , 用于拼图游戏的图,将一张画报剪成若干份~让学生上课拼接成原来的图, 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师放录音~带领学生说唱第十二单元教学活动6。 Presentation 上课时~教师拿出事先准备好的一大张动物图并将其贴在黑板上。然后~教师站到教室的后半部,距离恰当~不要太近~也不要太远,边看边说:‚Look, I?m now standing here. I can spot many animals on the big picture. I can spot a tiger. I can spot a dog…Who can come here and spot some often animals??教师找几个学生站在教室的后半部~模仿教师所给的例句~说出自己所能看到的动物名称。 a ) 学生说出该句型之后~教师将该句型贴、写在黑板上~并让学生两人一组用该句型造句。 b ) 接着~教师对学生说:‚Let?s look at the big picture. Can you spot the following animals or things in the picture? Who can spot the frog and show it to us??教师依次问学生并让学生指出该动物或物品的位置。教师可以教学生说:‚The TV is right here.?或者说:‚The TV is in this room.? Practice 单元教学活动2 Model practice. 第二部分属于句型练习。教师指图上的小女孩说:‚Look at this little girl. What did she do just now? Yes, she went to a bookshop to buy a book. ?教师接着指图中的某个人问学生:‚What did she / he…? She / He went to the…?教师给出例句之后问学生:‚Can you make some similar sentences?? 比如: He went to the telephone booth to make a phone call. She went to the shop to buy a nice hat. He went to the swimming pool to have a swim. He went to the market to buy some vegetables. 单元教学活动3 Ask and answer in pairs. 第三部分是问答练习。在学生自行练习之前~教师先带领学生熟悉一下对话的内容~然后教师让学生两人一组进行问答。在练习的基础上~教师将班级分成A、B组进行对话。 如果学生能比较好地掌握该句型~教师可以让学生自行编句子相互问答。比如:‚Can you stand on one leg for a minute? Can you ride two bikes together??等等。 单元教学活动4 Listen, read and retell. 第四部分属于知识扩展部分。我们可以通过阅读让学生进一步了解长劲鹿和河马的相关知识。教师可以拿出长劲鹿玩具~并用书上的句子讲给学生听。讲的时候~教师要放慢语速~同时要有一定的音调变化~通过声音来吸引学生。接着教师可以让学生朗读该段落~熟读该段落~最后再介绍第二个动物-河马。教师可以采取同样的方法。 单元教学活动5 Pairwork. 第五部分是句型练习。教师应该让学生两人一组先相互问答一遍。然后~教师检查几个学生并发现他们中的一些问题~最后再让学生进行练习。 单元教学活动6 Odd one out. 第六部分属于考级的练习形式。学生要从每组的图中找出某个东西与其他东西的不同之处。教师可以说:‚Now we can see some things right here in one group. But they are not all in one group.?教师可以问学生:‚Which one is different? Why??学生要解释一些为什么。比如: 1 ) The orange juice is different. Because the others are food. 2 ) The box is different because the others are furniture. 3 ) The bird is different because the others have four legs / the others are big. 4 ) The map is different. The others are not maps. 5 ) The pants are different because the others are sweaters and jackets. 单元教学活动7 Read and match. 第七部分是有关配对的练习。教师需要让学生认真审读每个句子~然后将句子的问句与答案相连接。每个学生完成之后~两人一组可以相互对答案。最后~教师和学生一起对答案。 单元教学活动8 Look, spot and number the picture. 第八部分属于游戏部分。在做该游戏拼图之前~教师拿出事先准备的几个拼图的图块~将它们贴在黑板上~然后找学生到黑板上进行拼接。学生拼接完成之后~教师可以再让大家 做第二个拼图。最后~教师对大家说:‚Now you can look, spot and number the picture on Page 77. Write the number in each one of the blanks.? 最后~教师可让学生根据给出的答案并按照教材的顺序拼出一张整图~然后标出数字。 答案:6~1~3~2~5~8~7~4~9 单元教学活动9 Listen, read and think. 第九部分是看图说话的练习。首先~教师可以让学生听录音~然后再把故事讲给学生听~也可先讲故事再听录音。接着~教师让学生看书~朗读句子~最后让学生分组讨论‚What happened next??。在学生讨论的基础上~教师让大家分别说出自己的想法。如果学生不能说出英语~也可以用中文表达~然后教师翻译成简单的英语句子。 Closure 单元教学活动10 Look and write the questions. 第十部分的练习需要学生先阅读答语~再根据答语给出相应的问句。比如教师说:‚Now let?s look at the first sentence. It is blue. What question can you ask if your answer is „It is blue???教师提示说:‚What colour is it? It is blue.?接着~教师让学生两人一组讨论应该给出什么样的问句。最后~老师让全班一起讨论。 答案是: What colour is it? What do you like best? What pet animal do you have? What do you like doing? What?s the weather like today? How many teachers are there in the office? Where is the book? Homework 请学生给自己的爸爸妈妈讲一讲长颈鹿和河马。如果不能复述~可以将两段小短文念给他们听。 Unit 14 There isn’t any bread in the kitchen! 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生能初步了解可数名词和不可数名词的区别 , 学生能掌握There is… 或There are…这两个句型的基本结构 , 能用英语表演本单元的小短剧和小对话 交际用语 Expressions in communication , There is a hungry dog between the trees. , There are two big clocks on the table. , There is only some milk. , There are only some apples. , There isn?t any bread in the kitchen! , There aren?t any eggs in the bag. 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions kitchen, lemons, potatoes, beans, carrots, pineapples, chips, oranges, coconuts, tomatoes, pears, chicken, cheese, fish, milk, water, rice, bread, soup 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 有关水果及食物的图片及单词卡片 , There is… /There are…句型卡片 , 小猫钓鱼的图片,可以将第三部分的图片放大, , 两个纸杯子和一根长线,做电话, , 用硬纸板做一个平面的电冰箱~打开后能看到里面装的各种物品 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师带领学生朗读第十三单元教学活动7和9。 Presentation 上课时~教师拿出自制的小电冰箱对学生说:‚Hello, everyone, please look here. I?ve got a fridge. Can you guess what?s inside my fridge??教师让大家猜冰箱里有 什么。如果大家说‚Egg?教师可以说:‚Yes, there is an egg.?或者‚Yes, there are some eggs in the fridge.?教师要根据冰箱里的实际情况来回答。比如‚No, there isn?t any cheese in the fridge.?或‚There aren?t any eggs in the fridge.?总之~教师要通 过让学生们猜东西带出要讲的新句型。 a ) 接着~教师问学生:‚What do we usually put in the fridge? What kind of things should we put in the fridge??教师让学生说出一些词~比如apples, lemons, oranges等等。 b ) 学生说完之后~教师拿出有关水果及食物的图片问大家:‚Should we put tomatoes in the fridge? Should we put pears in the fridge? Should we put carrots in the fridge? Should we put milk in the fridge??等等。 c ) 教师拿出所有食物及饮料图片对大家说:‚Now let?s see what we can put in the fridge. Let?s say them together.?教师带领大家复习这些食物及饮料的单词。 d ) 大家复习完所有的食物及饮料单词后~教师拿出两个词~一个是可数名词apples~ 一个是不可数名词water~并把这两个词分别贴在黑板的各一边。教师说:‚Now let?s look here. Apple, we can count apples. Right, I?ve got some apples. Let?s count them. How many apples have I got? Do you know??教师拿出一个带有五个苹果的图让大家数。 数完之后~教师说:‚We can count apples but we can?t count water. Now I?m going to give each one of you a picture. You come and put the words either here, countable ,教师指可数的这一边,or there uncountable,教师指不可数的这一边,。最后~教师说: ‚Now get ready and do it.?教师暗示学生到前面将图片分别放在应该放的地方。 e ) 等大家都贴好以后~教师要带领全班同学对这些图片的位置进行纠正~最后要形成两块~一边是可数的名词~另一边是不可数的名词。教师需带领大家朗读几遍加深印象。 f ) 接着教师用There are…的句型让学生将可数的名词替换在句子中。教师可以带着大家一起说几个句子~然后~让学生两人一组进行造句练习。 g ) 练习完可数名词的句型后~教师让大家造不可数名词的句型There is some water in my cup.同样采用上述的方法。 h ) 教师让大家看图片并说:‚Now let?s look at the scene picture. Who are having a lunch? Right! The crocodile. What does one of the crocodiles want to drink? What does the grey mouse say to the crocodile? What does the crocodile want to eat? What does the other say? Who says there is only some milk? Who says there are only some apples??问完这些问题后~教师让学生听这段话的录音并让大家模仿录音的声音一起说这些句子。 i ) 最后~教师让学生自己读这些句子。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Listen, sing and chant. 第二部分是歌谣和歌曲。教师在第一部分已经带领学生做了大量的练习~这一部分应该显得比较容易。教师可以先带着大家一起读这些句子~最后再让大家跟着录音一起学唱该歌曲。等大家基本熟悉歌曲的音和调之后~教师让学生分成两部分唱~一部分人要喊:‚Oh, no! Oh, yes!?另一部分人唱歌。 单元教学活动3 Listen, read and retell. 第三部分是听力故事。教师可以采用不同的方法来完成这个部分的内容。比如~教师可以先给学生讲故事~然后再阅读~教师也可以让学生先听录音故事~然后给学生提问一些简单的问题。教师还可以让学生先自己阅读该故事~然后再听录音。但不管教师使用哪种方法~最后都要落实到学生的朗读上。教师要多次带着学生朗读该故事。如果教师的语言有些不 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 的话可以借助录音带来带着学生朗读一两遍。如果时间许可~教师可以让学生进行擂台赛~看谁念得好不出任何错误。 单元教学活动4 Check and tell. 第四部分是继续复习和巩固前面所学的句型~但这次复习的形式是让学生检查自己上学的书包里是否有这些东西~并在上面打勾或打叉。打勾和打叉之后~教师让学生标出可数及不可数的名词。用C代表可数~而U代表不可数。 等学生完成后~教师引导学生用There is a… 或There are…句型造句。然后再拿There isn?t…There aren?t any…来造否定句。 单元教学活动5 Look, choose and say. 第五部分属于游戏部分。教师让学生根据所给的例句进行造句练习~看哪个组造的句子多。教师可以将此三个部分的词和短语分别写在单词卡片上~然后分三堆放在讲台上。教师请学生各从一堆里挑出一个词并把他们贴在黑板上并读出该句子。 单元教学活动6 Listen, read and act. 第六部分是小短剧。教师可以先让大家听录音~然后跟着教师一起读该段的内容~最后 要学生两人一组熟读该短剧的话并适当进行一些表演。教师可以让大家先完成第一个~然后再做第二个对话表演。 单元教学活动7 look and colour. 第七部分需要学生将可数及不可数名词分别用颜色区分。可数名词要涂成红~不可数名词要涂成蓝色。最后教师和大家一起核对答案。 单元教学活动9 Listen and write. 第九部分是听力理解故事。教师需要让学生反复听录音写下所缺的词。最后~教师和大家一起核对结果~查看是否正确。 答案:parents, home, door, a cat, picks up the cat, fish, milk, rice, cake, cry Closure 单元教学活动8 Let?s do it. 第八部分是实践活动。教师拿出自己事先准备好的纸杯子带着全体学生一起制作电话。做的时候~教师需要求学生严格按照程序说的做。教师可以让学生一起读所给的指示语言~然后一步一步地操作。最后教师要让学生亲自过问一下结果。 Homework 请学生回家后用There is / There are各造五个句子,注意区分可数名词及不可数名词。 Unit 15 Let’s find it quickly! 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学生能进一步提高观察能力 , 初步了解和掌握形容词和副词的用法 , 能够用英语描述某件东西及某个动物的方位 交际用语 Expressions in communication , Let?s find it quickly. , Where?s the giraffe? , It?s behind the van. , How did the train go? , The train went slowly. , What do you want to buy? , How much does it cost in all? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions behind, between, under, lion, parrot, snake, crocodile, tiger, slowly, happily, beautifully, quickly, carefully, quietly, badly, differently, money, classroom, cost, spoon, race, dinner, cookies, bell, taste, basement, film, snowflake, teeth, floor, balcony, shoulder 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 动物图片及单词卡片 , 形容词及副词的单词卡片 , 介词及介词短语卡片 , 几个勺子和几个乒乓球 , 相关的动物图片或能表示方位的图片 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 教师放录音~带领学生说唱第十四单元教学活动2。 Presentation 上课时~教师拿着事先准备好的场景图对大家说:‚This is a beautiful picture. Can you see the dog? Where is the dog? It?s on the box. Yes, where is the cat? It?s under the table.?教师根据图片上的东西和动物说出它们的方位。 a ) 简单问答后~教师拿出介词和介词短语卡片~一方面让学生认读~另一方面让学生 用这些词造一些简单的句子。 b ) 接下来~教师让大家看本单元的场景图并且说:‚Please look at the picture. There are many animals on this picture. Can you find then quickly? First of all, look at the words on the left and try to find these animals on the big picture. When you find them, please circle the animal.?教师让学生认真寻找这些动物并在图上将动物圈 出来。 c ) 紧接着~教师问学生:‚Have you found all the animals? Who can tell us where the cat is??教师让学生说出cat的方位。‚The cat is in the tree on the right side of the page.? 其它的动物分别在以下的地点: The lion is behind the big truck at the bottom of the picture. The parrot is in the yard in the middle of the picture. The snake is near the swimming pool. The cow is under the tree on the right side of the page. The pigs are in front of the red car on the left side of the picture. The rabbit is in front of the shopping window on the top of the picture. The crocodile is behind the tiger on the top of the picture. The bird is on the roof of the bookshop. The elephant is between the yard and the black car in the middle of the picture. The monkey is behind the grey car at the bottom of the picture. The sheep is behind the man. The duck is between the elephant and the snake. The tiger is between the dog and the crocodile on the top of the picture. Practice 单元教学活动2 Listen, read and circle. 第二部分主要以练习副词为主。教师可以先在黑板上写出两个例句。 1 ) The tree is green.(The adjective‚green?describes the ‚tree?.) 2 ) The bus goes slowly.(The adverb‚slowly?describes the verb‚goes?.) 通过这两个例句~教师让学生知道~形容词修饰的是名词~而副词修饰的是动词。 拉下来~教师拿出形容词和副词的单词卡片让学生认读并且辨认哪些是形容词~哪些是副词~它们之间的重要区别是什么。, -ly , 接着~教师带领大家找句子中的动词~并在动词下画一条横线。 最后~教师再让大冢读句子~在所给的选词上打勾。 单元教学活动3 Look and make sentences. 第三部分是看图造句的练习。教师引导学生模仿所给的例句造句。 如: The boy makes a loud noise. The boy shouts loudly. The room is quiet. The boy walks into the room quietly. The car is quick. The driver drives the car away quickly. The happy bird is on the tree. The bird sings happily. The boy is careful with his handwriting. The boy writes his homework carefully. The girl dances beautifully. The pictures are different. The boys draw the pictures differently. 教师带着学生做这部分练习时关键是让学生能记住副词修饰的是动词~形容词修饰的是名词。 单元教学活动4 Look, read and talk. 第四部分是小组活动时间。学生要根据要求用所给的150元钱给班级买上合适的东西。学生要 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 一下买哪些东西更加有用~更加实惠。教师在学生讨论的时候引导学生用下列的句子形式来表达:I think we should buy…because the picture is beautiful. We can put it on the wall. I think we can also buy…because we can listen to the radio after class等等。 单元教学活动5 Let?s play. 第五部分是一个游戏。教师拿出自己准备的几把勺子~让全体学生站到教室的后面~排成两队或三队~教师给每队的第一个学生一个勺子和一个乒乓球~让他们带着球跑到前面的黑板处后再回来将球和勺子递给第二个同学。其他同学要用英语喊‚加油?。后面的游戏依次进行。最后看哪个组在没有掉球的前提下跑第一~教师最后给予他们小奖品。 单元教学活动6 Listen, read and act. 第六部分是短剧表演。教师需让学生先反复听录音磁带~然后再带着大家反复读这些对话的内容。最后教师将学生分成小组~让学生分角色进行练习。在练习的基础上~教师让学生上台进行表演~最后评出最佳小组。 单元教学活动7 Listen and write. 第七部分是听力练习。学生要根据听到的内容给出关键词。教师要告诉学生如何填写关键词~比如~Age: nine years old,nine是最关键的词,该部分的答案是: Name: Daisy Age: nine years old School: Redwood School Favourite animal: dog Favourite colour: purple Favourite sport: swimming Favourite food: chocolate 听力原文: A: Hello, can you tell me something about your best friend? Who is your best friend? B: Her name is Daisy. D-A-I-S-Y. A: How old is your friend? B: She is nine years old. A: What is the name of your school? B: It?s the “Redwood School”. A: I beg your pardon? B: It?s the “Redwood School”. R-E-D-W-O-O-D. Redwood. A: Thank you. What?s your friend?s favourite food? Do you know? B: Yes. Her favourite food is chocolate. A: I see. What?s her favourite sport? B: Her favourite colour is purple. Her dress is purple. A: That?s nice. What?s her favourite sport? B: She likes swimming very much. We often go swimming very much. A: And what?s her favourite animal? B: Her favourite animal is a dog. A: Thank you very much. 单元教学活动8 Read and match. 第八部分是阅读句子并将句子与所给的图片连线。教师要提醒学生一共有八个句子~但有十张图。因此~有两张图跟句子没有关系~要适当进行选择。 答案: 1 ) a CD 2 ) teeth 3 ) basement 4 ) a shoulder 5 ) a film 6 ) a balcony 7 ) a dress 8 ) a snowflake Closure 单元教学活动9 Let?s read and act. 第九部分是一首经典的英文童谣。教师要先带着大家边拍手边说这些句子直到熟练为止。 Homework 让学生回家找到下列的东西:TV, table, bed, sofa, bookcase,并让学生用英语写出句子说明这些东西在什么地方。 Unit 16 He can do better than his brother! 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands , 通过学习本单元~学会与人简单交流的话语 , 综合复习各种问句~学会与人简单交流的话语 , 学生基本能用英语复述本单元的故事 交际用语 Expressions in communication , He can do better than his brother. , How often do you eat cake? , Why is she talking to him? , What?s the weather like today? , What?s your favourite colour? , What?s your favourite animal? , How much water do you want? , When does the class begin? , What?s the name of your school? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions better, round, score, darts, throw, outer, ring, double, triple, same, sadly, miss, fair, bright, early, feel, wheel, circle, fix, space, opposite 所需教具 Materials for teaching , 一人投掷用的网兜或纸篓子 , 若干个羽毛球 , 三个用布做的小圆球或圆沙包,可以用小橘子代替, , 飞镖盘,根据情况而定,图形或实物 , 大阳和月亮的图片或图形 , 本单元第三部分所需要的用具和材料 教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up 。 教师放录音~带领学生读第十五单元教学活动9 Presentation 上课时~教师对学生说:‚Today we are going to play lots of games. Do you like to play games? First I want to divide our class into two teams. Boys stand on this side, in a line. Girls stand on this side, in a line. We are going to throw the shuttlecock into the net / basket. Then we?ll see which team has more shots. Do you understand? Let?s get ready.?教师在地上画一条线~距离大约在两米以外。学生站在线 的后面。教师说‚Let?s begin. ? 时学生就可以开始投掷~每人投掷一次。教师可以根据 时间和学生的纪律情况再决定是否进行第二次的活动。等两个队的同学都投掷完之后~教师 问大家:‚Which team is better? Who can do better than the other team??接着教师 让全体学生回到座位上~ a ) 最后~每队再选一个代表~每人投掷三次~但距离要远一些,大约三米,~看哪个 同学更好一些。比赛完后~教师说:‚Who can do better than the other one? Please tell me who can do better than the other one.? b ) 当学生能正确理解该问题并能回答问题时~教师要引出本单元主图的内容。教师对 学生说:‚Now we have two brothers playing a game of darts. They are called Bob and Ben. First of all, let?s see the rules of this game.?教师带着大家看规则~然后告 诉学生按照替换要求来做~并把算分和加分的方式对大家做一个说明。 c ) 如果教师有实物~便可以拿出实物进行说明,如果没有实物~最好将自己画的纸图 拿出做说明。教师说明之后对大家说:‚Now let?s add Ben?s scores together.?教师带 着大家走一遍~然后再说:‚Let?s add Bob?s scores together. What are their scores?? 教师带着学生算好以后把得数写在黑板上~并标注第一轮。接着~教师让大家加两个人的第 二轮成绩和第三轮成绩。教师提醒学生将相加的成绩写在旁边的小白框中。 教师让学生把这两个人的成绩抄写在右边的 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 中~并提问题:‚If they are playing up to a score of 200, how much do they each need to get in the next round??教师 让学生开动脑筋~看哪些同学能很快地回答上来。学生得出正确的数字后~教师让学生把所 需要的数字表示在飞镖盘上~也就是说他们需要投掷在什么地方才能达到200分。 答案是: 第一轮 Bob 37 Tom 28 第二轮 Bob 36 Tom 26 第三轮 Bob 70 Tom 59 总分Bob 37+36+70=143 (仍需57分, Tom 28+26+59=113 ,仍需87分, 教师让学生根据所需要的分来决定飞镖应该投掷在什么地方才能达到200分。 Practice 单元教学活动2 Listen, read and act. 第二部分是篇短文~讲述的是月亮和太阳的故事。教师可以先拿着一个太阳和一个月亮 给大家用英语简单讲一讲这个故事。讲完之后~教师问大家:‚How can the moon see children playing? What did the moon ask the sun to do? What did the sun ask the moon to do? Were they both happy then,? a ) 接着教师让学生听一遍录音~然后教师根据录音再次提问。比如:‚Does the sun like to see children? Why was the moon angry? Why did the moon cry??(She missed all the fun.) b )在听力的基础上~教师带着学生朗读两三遍课文。 c )教师让学生阅读短文并画出不懂的地方。 d )最后~教师将学生分成若干个组~让学生之间表演太阳和月亮的故事。 单元教学活动3 Look, think and make. 教师拿出事先准备好的材料和用具说:‚Now we are going to make a word-wheel. Please watch carefully. This is a card.?教师随后用教材所提供的句子给学生讲如何制作形容词单词转轮。教师应制作得稍大一些~好让学生能看清具体步骤~而且也能看清转盘上写的字。 单元教学活动4 Listen and chant. 第四部分是歌谣。该歌谣比较简单~容易上口~教师带读一两遍就可以让学生跟着录音带一起说唱。 单元教学活动5 Ask and answer. 第五部分是本单元的重点。教师应让学生会说和会提类似的每个问题。教师可以先带领学生读一下全部的问句~然后让学生分成两人一组进行问答。最后~教师要用这些问题来提问学生~也可以叫学生之间相互提问。 单元教学活动6 Look and try this. 第六部分是杂耍的练习。教师将事先准备好的沙包拿出来~按照图示的要求~先扔一个沙包。然后再扔两个沙包~最后再扔三个沙包。教师可以让几个学生分别进行一下尝试。教师关键要通过示范让学生明白做一件事情的指示语言~并能听懂及做出正确的反应。 单元教学活动7 Look, tick and say. 第七部分是看图说话的练习。教师首先问学生几个问题: Who can do better in sports in your class? Who can do better in maths in your class? Who can do better in English in your class? Who can do better in Chinese in your class? Who can do better in P.E. in your class? Who can do better in music in your class? Who can do better in drawing in your class? 带着学生练习一些基本句子以后~教师让学生看书并用‚Who can do better ??这个句型进行比较。 Closure 单元教学活动8 Read and tick. 第八部分主要检查学生阅读和理解句子的能力~主要是让学生根据句子做出选择。选择之前~教师需要带领学生反复朗读这些句子~其目的是让学生能比较熟练地说出这些句子~形成良好的语感~建立信心。选择哪道题并不十分重要~重要的是理解每个句子的意思及表达方式。 Homework 教师可以鼓励学生回家后用第五部分的问题采访自己的爸爸和妈妈~看他们是否能用英语回答这些问题。也可以让父母提问~由学生回答这些问题。
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