首页 劳保用品和特种劳保用品具体包括哪些用品



劳保用品和特种劳保用品具体包括哪些用品劳保用品和特种劳保用品具体包括哪些用品 劳保用品和特种劳保用品具体包括哪些用品, 头眼面部防护用品系列: 铝箔隔热防火帽、头盔海绵衬安全帽、面屏头盔、V字型塑料帽、小沿塑料安全帽、玻璃钢安全帽、阻燃竹钢安全帽、塑料工程帽、草帽、头戴式电焊面罩、带顶防酸有机面罩、不带顶防酸有机面罩、手式电焊面罩、光控电焊面罩、太阳能光控电焊面罩、头戴翻盖不粘渣面罩、全塑手持面罩、翻盖安全帽式面罩、双防电焊片、金盔太阳镜、金老光镜、防冲击眼镜、摩托镜、四折风镜、黑架双防镜色托平、平光镜、德式风镜、日式风镜、电脑镜、进口防冲击眼镜...

劳保用品和特种劳保用品具体包括哪些用品 劳保用品和特种劳保用品具体包括哪些用品, 头眼面部防护用品系列: 铝箔隔热防火帽、头盔海绵衬安全帽、面屏头盔、V字型塑料帽、小沿塑料安全帽、玻璃钢安全帽、阻燃竹钢安全帽、塑料工程帽、草帽、头戴式电焊面罩、带顶防酸有机面罩、不带顶防酸有机面罩、手式电焊面罩、光控电焊面罩、太阳能光控电焊面罩、头戴翻盖不粘渣面罩、全塑手持面罩、翻盖安全帽式面罩、双防电焊片、金盔太阳镜、金老光镜、防冲击眼镜、摩托镜、四折风镜、黑架双防镜色托平、平光镜、德式风镜、日式风镜、电脑镜、进口防冲击眼镜、进口防雾眼镜、夜视镜、呼吸防毒听力防护用品、防毒面罩、滤毒罐、导气管、背包、单罐防毒口罩、活性炭、纱布口罩、小型整布口罩、301防尘口罩、303、745防尘口罩、一次性口罩、发泡无线耳塞、HB-25护耳罩、滤纸、滤布、噪音阻抗器等 护手部防护用品系列: 12KV绝缘手套、5KV绝缘手套、橡胶耐酸手套、乳胶耐酸手套、耐油橡胶手套、 医用手套、家用手套、乳胶指头、浸塑棉毛手套、全皮电焊手套、半皮电焊手套、 高档花皮手套、普档花皮手套、海员皮手套、长帆布电焊手套、帆布手套、全棉帆布手套、双帆布手套、单帆布手套、双胶水采服、黑色二层皮长手套、全棉线手套、CT手套、混纺手套、一次性手套、石棉、并指、五指手套、耐切割手套、 特种耐油手套、开背浸胶手套、防滑橡胶手套、耐溶剂手套、耐高温隔热手套、耐化学品手套、高科技手套、摩托车皮手套、摩托车人革手套、海员牛皮手套、 PVC防化手套、PVC防寒手套、加长PVC防化塞手套、PVC耐酸碱手套、各式涂塑丁晴手套、铝箔隔热防火手套等 aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity-building of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, and 呼吸防护用品系列: 带阀防尘口罩、活性炭防尘口罩、移动供气源、自给式正压空气呼吸器、各式系列气体 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 仪、长管呼吸器、移动空气净化器、通风头罩、喷砂头罩、各式过滤式呼吸装备、过滤式强制送风呼吸器等 护体防护用品系列: 特制单胶雨衣服、普通单胶雨衣服、夹胶雨服、高级休闲透气雨服、反光PVC防雨服、迷彩服PVC、单胶自行车雨披、PVC雨披、单胶雨上衣、双胶下水裤、耐酸碱服、阻燃服、防尘服、防静电服等 防足部防护用品系列: 耐酸长统靴、耐酸半统靴、三防工矿靴、强力耐油靴、三防迷彩靴、彩色钢头、钢底工矿靴、耐油长统靴、6KV绝缘工矿靴、20KV绝缘工矿靴、30KV绝缘工矿靴、特制工矿长统靴、特制工矿半统靴、申钱长统靴、申钱半统靴、女式彩靴、5KV绝缘布胶鞋、15KV白色回力绝缘鞋、普通解放鞋、三防反毛皮鞋、上线头层皮劳保皮鞋、模压反毛劳保皮鞋、绝缘反毛劳保皮鞋、防砸正面皮鞋、线缝三防皮鞋、反带正面黑色皮鞋、轮胎底反毛皮鞋、布鞋、耐油布胶鞋等。 高空安全防护用品系列: 高空悬挂安全带、单背、双背安全带、电工安全带、安全绳、踩板、密目网、3*6安全网、五眼钳套、腰带、帆布工具包、电工包、帆布脚带盖、防坠连接绳、 可调节连接绳、水上救生用品、救生衣、救生圈等。 adres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, andcontribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members c make and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, rs. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning abuilding of party membe-aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity2 消防器材系列 干粉灭火器、二氧化碳型灭火器、泡沫型灭火器、消防栓、消防箱、消防水带、消防水枪、消防接扣、消防警铃、报警按钮、消防疏散指示灯、消防照明应急灯、安全标志牌等 其它防护用品系列: 毛巾、披肩帽、人革袖套、人革围腰、耐酸袖套、耐酸围腰、兰布围腰、公路服、厨师服、石棉工作服、围裙、防护太阳伞、消防避火服、全封闭式消防防化服、半封闭式消防防化服、消防员灭火防护服、耐酸碱服、杜邦各式化学防护服、护士帽、护士全棉白大褂、医生全棉白大褂、实验服、手术服、鞋套、 各式无纺口罩、净化口罩、蓝色清洁大褂工作服、各类布工作服、劳保服装加工、洗涤保洁用品、办公文化用品、清洁布、各式清洁卫生桶等 特种劳动防护用品目录 一、头部护具类 安全帽 二、呼吸护具类 防尘口罩 过滤式防毒面具 自给式空气呼吸器 长管面具 三、眼(面)护具类 ty on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, andd paron improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improve s and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focusby practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party memberbuilding of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning -pects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacityas3 焊接眼面防护具 防冲击眼护具 四、防护服类 阻燃防护服 防酸工作服 防静电工作服 五、防护鞋类 保护足趾安全鞋 防静电鞋、导电鞋 防刺穿鞋 胶面防砸安全靴 电绝缘鞋 耐酸碱皮鞋 耐酸碱胶靴 耐酸碱塑料模压靴 六、防坠落护具类 安全带 安全网 密目式安全立网 ,头眼面部防护用品系列: ,铝箔隔热防火帽、头盔海绵衬安全帽、面屏头盔、V字型塑料帽、小沿塑料 安全帽、玻璃钢安全帽、阻燃竹钢安全帽、塑料工程帽、草帽、头戴式电焊面 罩、带顶防酸有机面罩、不带顶防酸有机面罩、手式电焊面罩、光控电焊面罩、 adres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, andcontribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members c make and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, rs. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning abuilding of party membe-aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity4 太阳能光控电焊面罩、头戴翻盖不粘渣面罩、全塑手持面罩、翻盖安全帽式面罩、双防电焊片、金盔太阳镜、金老光镜、防冲击眼镜、摩托镜、四折风镜、黑架双防镜色托平、平光镜、德式风镜、日式风镜、电脑镜、进口防冲击眼镜、进口防雾眼镜、夜视镜、呼吸防毒听力防护用品、防毒面罩、滤毒罐、导气管、背包、单罐防毒口罩、活性炭、纱布口罩、小型整布口罩、301防尘口罩、303、745防尘口罩、一次性口罩、发泡无线耳塞、HB-25护耳罩、滤纸、滤布、噪音阻抗器等 , ,护手部防护用品系列: ,12KV绝缘手套、5KV绝缘手套、橡胶耐酸手套、乳胶耐酸手套、耐油橡胶手套、 医用手套、家用手套、乳胶指头、浸塑棉毛手套、全皮电焊手套、半皮电焊手套、 高档花皮手套、普档花皮手套、海员皮手套、长帆布电焊手套、帆布手套、全棉帆布手套、双帆布手套、单帆布手套、双胶水采服、黑色二层皮长手套、全棉线手套、CT手套、混纺手套、一次性手套、石棉、并指、五指手套、耐切割手套、 特种耐油手套、开背浸胶手套、防滑橡胶手套、耐溶剂手套、耐高温隔热手套、耐化学品手套、高科技手套、摩托车皮手套、摩托车人革手套、海员牛皮手套、 PVC防化手套、PVC防寒手套、加长PVC防化塞手套、PVC耐酸碱手套、各式涂塑丁晴手套、铝箔隔热防火手套等 , ,呼吸防护用品系列: ,带阀防尘口罩、活性炭防尘口罩、移动供气源、自给式正压空气呼吸器、各式系列气体检测仪、长管呼吸器、移动空气净化器、通风头罩、喷砂头罩、各式过滤式呼吸装备、过滤式强制送风呼吸器等 ,,, 护体防护用品系列: ,特制单胶雨衣服、普通单胶雨衣服、夹胶雨服、高级休闲透气雨服、反光PVC防雨服、迷彩服PVC、单胶自行车雨披、PVC雨披、单胶雨上衣、双胶下水裤、 ty on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, andd paron improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improve s and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focusby practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party memberbuilding of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning -pects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacityas5 耐酸碱服、阻燃服、防尘服、防静电服等 ,,防足部防护用品系列: ,耐酸长统靴、耐酸半统靴、三防工矿靴、强力耐油靴、三防迷彩靴、彩色钢头、钢底工矿靴、耐油长统靴、6KV绝缘工矿靴、20KV绝缘工矿靴、30KV绝缘工矿靴、特制工矿长统靴、特制工矿半统靴、申钱长统靴、申钱半统靴、女式彩靴、5KV绝缘布胶鞋、15KV白色回力绝缘鞋、普通解放鞋、三防反毛皮鞋、上线头层皮劳保皮鞋、模压反毛劳保皮鞋、绝缘反毛劳保皮鞋、防砸正面皮鞋、线缝三防皮鞋、反带正面黑色皮鞋、轮胎底反毛皮鞋、布鞋、耐油布胶鞋等。 ,,高空安全防护用品系列: ,高空悬挂安全带、单背、双背安全带、电工安全带、安全绳、踩板、密目网、3*6安全网、五眼钳套、腰带、帆布工具包、电工包、帆布脚带盖、防坠连接绳、 可调节连接绳、水上救生用品、救生衣、救生圈等。 ,,消防器材系列 ,干粉灭火器、二氧化碳型灭火器、泡沫型灭火器、消防栓、消防箱、消防水带、消防水枪、消防接扣、消防警铃、报警按钮、消防疏散指示灯、消防照明应急灯、安全标志牌等 , ,其它防护用品系列: ,毛巾、披肩帽、人革袖套、人革围腰、耐酸袖套、耐酸围腰、兰布围腰、公路服、厨师服、石棉工作服、围裙、防护太阳伞、消防避火服、全封闭式消防防化服、半封闭式消防防化服、消防员灭火防护服、耐酸碱服、杜邦各式化学防护服、护士帽、护士全棉白大褂、医生全棉白大褂、实验服、手术服、鞋套、 各式无纺口罩、净化口罩、蓝色清洁大褂工作服、各类布工作服、劳保服装加工、洗涤保洁用品、办公文化用品、清洁布、各式清洁卫生桶等 ,, 特种劳动防护用品目录 ,一、头部护具类 ,安全帽 , adres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, andcontribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members c make and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, rs. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning abuilding of party membe-aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity6 二、呼吸护具类 ,防尘口罩 ,过滤式防毒面具 ,自给式空气呼吸器 ,长管面具 , 三、眼(面)护具类 ,焊接眼面防护具 ,防冲击眼护具 , 四、防护服类 ,阻燃防护服 ,防酸工作服 ,防静电工作服 , 五、防护鞋类 ,保护足趾安全鞋 ,防静电鞋、导电鞋 ,防刺穿鞋 ,胶面防砸安全靴 ,电绝缘鞋 ,耐酸碱皮鞋 ,耐酸碱胶靴 ,耐酸碱塑料模压靴 , 六、防坠落护具类 ,安全带 ,安全网 ,密目式安全立网,, 1、防静电服 为了防止衣服的静电积聚,用防静电织物为面料而缝制的工作服为防静电服。 穿用要求: (1)气体爆炸危险场所的区域等级属0区、1区且可燃物的最不点火能量在0.25MJ以下,应穿用防静电服。 (2)禁止在易燃易爆场所穿脱。 (3)禁止在防静电服上附加或佩戴任何金属物件。 (4)穿用防静电服时,必须与防静电鞋配套穿用。 2、防静电胶鞋 能及时消除人体静电积聚、又能防止250V以下电源电击的防护鞋为防静电鞋。 穿用要求: (1)在因人体带有静电而可能引起燃烧、爆炸的场所和在250v以下电气设备能偶然引起对人体的电击及火灾的场所要穿用防静电胶鞋。 (2)为确保消除人体静电的效果,穿用防静电胶鞋时,所处地面的电阻应不大于1.0*108欧姆。 (3)在鞋的穿用过程中,防静电胶鞋的底部不得沾有绝缘性的杂质。 ty on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, andd paron improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members cadres accurate grasp strengthening and improve s and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, make a contribution according to positions. To focusby practice, learning and promote, promote the broad masses of party memberbuilding of party members. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning -pects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacityas7 (4)在鞋的穿用过程中,不能同时穿绝缘性强或毛制的厚袜子以及绝缘性的鞋垫等。 3、安全帽 对人体头部受外力伤害起防护作用的帽子为安全帽,它由帽壳、帽衬、下颏带、后箍等组成。 戴用要求: (1)在高空作业现场、检修 施工 文明施工目标施工进度表下载283施工进度表下载施工现场晴雨表下载施工日志模板免费下载 现场或交叉作业现场,工作人员进入必须戴用安全帽。 (2)危险场所戴用安全帽必须结好带子防止脱落。 (3)若帽壳、帽衬老化或损坏,降低了耐冲击和耐穿透性能,不得继续使用,要更换新帽。 4、安全带 高处作业劳动者佩扎预防坠落伤亡的防护用品为安全带。它是由带子、绳子、和金属配件组成。 (1)高处作业人员必须扎好安全带方可工作。 (2)安全带应高挂低用,注意防止摆动碰撞,使用3M以上长绳应加缓冲器。 (3)缓冲器、速差式装置和自锁钩可串联使用。 (4)不准将绳打结使用,也不准将钩直接挂在安全绳上使用,应挂在连接环上用。 (5)安全带上各种部件不得任意拆掉,更换新绳时要注意加绳套。 adres accurate grasp strengthening and improved party on economic work led of new requirements, deep understand, andcontribution according to positions. To focus on improving the ability to carry out five new idea. Education guide members c make and promote, promote the broad masses of party members and cadres to actively respond to new situations, to learn new skills, rs. "Two" and end in "." But to do well, not only has "mind", the key to "force". Insist on learning by practice, learning abuilding of party membe-aspects of work and life. (E) strengthening the capacity8
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