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差异化营销策略外文翻译差异化营销策略外文翻译 外文翻译 差异化营销策略 原文来源:.[U.S.]Philip Kotler was, Mei Qinghao translation. Marketing Management [M]. Century Publishing Group, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2003 p256?p259 更多原创经管论文及英文文献与翻译请访问:////0>. ,并提供定制服务 译文正文:实施差异化营销策略,首先把科学、缜密的市场调查、市场细...

差异化营销策略外文翻译 外文翻译 差异化营销策略 原文来源:.[U.S.]Philip Kotler was, Mei Qinghao translation. Marketing Management [M]. Century Publishing Group, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2003 p256?p259 更多原创经管论文及英文文献与翻译请访问:////0>. ,并提供定制服务 译文正文:实施差异化营销策略,首先把科学、缜密的市场调查、市场细分和市场定位作为基础。这是因为,市场调查、市场细分和市场定位能够为企业决策者提供顾客在物质需要和精神需要的差异,准确地把握“顾客需要什么?”在此基础上,分析满足顾客差异需要的条件,要根据企业现实和未来的内外状况,研究是否具有相应的实力,目的是明确“本企业能为顾客提供什么?”这一主题材。如果是耐用消费品,应以产品差异和服务差异为主攻方向;如果是目用消费品、食品饮料则应以建立形象差异为重点。 差异化策略是一个动态的过程。任何差异都有不是一成不变的。随着社会经济和科学技术的发展,顾客的需要也会随之发生变化,昨天的差异化会变成今天的一般化。例如人们以前对手表的选择,走时准确被视为第一 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,而如今在石英技术应用之后,“准”已有成为问题,于是人们又把目光集中在款式上;手机一 度被视为高收入阶层的独享之物,今天早已进入寻常百姓的手中。如果手表生产企业再把走时准确作为追求的战略目标,显然是不宜的。手机厂家再把目光瞄准款哥、款姐也断不能取胜。其次,竞争对手也是在变化的,尤其是一些价格、广告、售后服务、包装等方面,是很容易被那些实施跟进策略的企业模仿。任何差异都不会永久保持,要想使用权本企业的差异化战略成为长效药,出路只有不断创新,用创新去适应顾客需要的变化,用创新去战胜对手的“跟进”。 差异化策略是一个系统。以上谈到的各种差异化策略只是在形容问题中的人为分类。在具体操作中,经营者不仅要根据行业内竞争态势,企业产品的生命周期,产品的类型实施相应的差异化策略。更有必要的是要使差异化策略形成一个系统,全面实施。实施产品差异化,要为顾客提供独具一格产品,为对手所不能为。慧中而秀外,还应该从包装到产品的宣传都显示出明显的差异,在顾客中建立难以忘怀的形象。如果是耐用消费品,提供周到的服务,让顾客处处感到方便、安全,更是不可或缺的。值得指出的是,任何一种差异化策略的实施都要会出一定的代价,如增加售后服务项目就要加大销售成本,加大宣传力度就要支出一大笔广告费用,但只要顺利达到预想的差异化效果,或者能为企业带来长远的利益,这种选择就是值得的 进入二十一世纪,带给我们的是信息时代到注意力时代的转变,有了更多更广更纷繁复杂的信息,信息以爆炸方式激增,而人们有限的注意力,怎样才能吸引人们的注意力保证企业的竞争优势呢?激烈的市场竞争使得企业为了出售其产品,不惜在营销手段和方式上不断出新、出奇,花样百变,夺人耳目。但是,过犹不及也适用于营销,营销手段用的过度也会产生副作用。各种战术轮番轰炸,让人在初感新奇之后,就会产生疲劳与厌恶感。 如何合理的运用营销策略在注意力经 济的环境下显得尤为重要。怎样才能在吸引消费者的眼球,引起注意力的同时又不让人感觉到乏味无聊,甚至是反感,因此我们要合理的运用营销手段。 1?基于注意力经济下的营销策略状况分析 1.1?注意力经济的提出 “注意力经济”这一观点最早见于美国加州大学学者Richard?A.Lawbam在1994年发表一篇题为《注意力的经济学》(The?Economics?of?Attention)的文章。 最早正式提出“注意力经济”这一概念的是美国的迈克尔?戈德海伯(Michael?H.Goldhaber)1997年在美国发表了一篇题为《注意力购买者》的文章。他在这篇文章中指出,目前有关信息经济的提法是不妥当的,因为按照经济学的理论,其研究的主要课题应该是如何利用稀缺资源。对于信息社会中的稀缺资源,他认为,当今社会是一个信息极大丰富甚至泛滥的社会,而互联网的出现,加快了这一进程,信息非但不是稀缺资源,相反是过剩的。而相对于过剩的信息,只有一种资源是稀缺的,那就是人们的注意力。 “随着互联网的发展,有价值的不再是信息,而是你的注意力。” 这是诺贝尔经济奖获得者赫伯特?西蒙说过的。的确在这个信息爆炸的时代,如何使自己的信息有效的传达给目标群体就是注意力经济所要研究的问题,同时又要做到适时的切合消费者的心智模式,找到情感上的共鸣。 1.2?营销手段在注意力经济下的例证分析 1.2.1?2008年奥运的超级营销 2008年的夏天,让亿万人铭记,我们国家成功举办了第29夏季奥运会,全世界的目光都集中在了中国北京。在这里是各国体育健儿友谊竞争的舞台,也是我们国家展示国家实力的舞台,更是各个商机蕴含的源泉。不难发现很多企业都用这个舞台实现了企业飞腾。 可口可乐、联想、GE、韩国三星电子等都成为了北京奥运会的全球合作伙伴,这些品牌遍及了全球范围,让各个品牌利用奥运会宣传自己的同时,也让北京奥运会走进了全世界千家万户,让更多的人关注了解 北京奥运。不能成为全球的合作伙伴,阿迪达斯、中国石化、海尔、中国网通、搜狐、中国银行等品牌择其次成为了合作伙伴、独家供应商、赞助商,也借奥运这股风,将品牌影响力带到了各个角落。 1.2.2?过度营销 “送礼就送脑白金”这句话,大家依然熟悉,我们不可忽视它当时带来的轰动效应,大家送礼都送脑白金。铺天盖地的广告,脑白金带了了保养品的销售高潮。脑白金也成功的将消费者的眼球吸引住,成功的达到了注意力经济的目标点。然而,时隔不久,观众对“脑白金”的“今年过节不收礼,收礼只收脑白金”和“黄金搭档”的“送老师、送亲友、送领导”广告很反感,这就是过度营销带来的后果,太多的广告,太多的观念灌输,缺乏新的吸引点导致了陈旧带来的不良影响,给企业的形象带来弊端。 2?营销手段的合理运用 2.1?建立有竞争力的企业品牌 一个企业保持竞争优势首先在于创立起企业的文化,品牌价值,当企业的文化,品牌价值较高的时候,企业的品牌已是吸引顾客的注意力的有效手段,不再需要过多的广告来进行轰炸式宣传。像我们熟悉的宜家就带展示了经济、环保、方便的家居用品,直接吸引了广大消费之的注意力;在运动品牌里,我们大家会很自然的想到耐克、阿迪达斯这样的国际品牌,因为它们的品牌文化向我们提供了运动的美与健康,吸引着我们的注意力。可见,要在注意力经济下得到消费者的青睐,要长期的保持这样的竞争力,首先就要有强势的企业品牌,文化底蕴。 2.2?差异化的营销 当产品的同质性越来越强的时候,企业要引起大家的注意力,必然就要体现自己的不同。差异化意味着与众不同、独树一帜、独一无二。差异化策略凸现了产品的优势,差异化才能引起大众的关注,才能掠夺大众的注意力。差异化有多种实现方法,不管是产品包装、功能、价格、广告甚至精神文化理念等,我们都有可能找到差异化的突破点。 比如我 们所熟悉的饮料“王老吉”,既是在功能上的创新,也是品牌个性上的创新,一般 饮料的功能是解渴,王老吉在其中加入“预防上火”的功能,除了解渴,还能防止 上火。王老吉作为第一个预防上火的饮料推向市场,打破了长期以来人们对饮料 的观念,新功能的增加,受到了大部分人的认同和喜爱。 在注意力经济时代,企 业需要想方设法吸引消费者的眼球,在成功吸引眼球的同时不能引起大众的反感, 企业就要合理的运用营销手段,恰如其分运用好各种营销的战略战术,才能使企 业获得企业竞争优势。同时社会是不断发展的,市场环境也不断变化,消费者、竞 争对手也都在不断地变化调整着,自己的差异化竞争优势也可能明天就被人模仿, 那么企业自身一地要不断的变化,求实创新,保持差异化。? 原文正文: Implementation of differentiated marketing strategy, first of all the scientific, careful market research, market segmentation and market positioning as a basis. This is because market research, market segmentation and market positioning can provide customers with enterprise decision-makers in material differences between the needs and spiritual needs, and accurately grasp the "customer needs what?" On this basis, analysis to meet customer needs Tiaojian difference , according to the present and future business conditions inside and outside, whether the corresponding strength of purpose is clear, "the company can provide customers with what?" the subject material. If consumer durables, and services should be based on product differentiation between the main direction; If it is present with the consumer goods, food and beverage to create the image difference should be the focus Differentiation strategy is a dynamic process. Any differences are not static. With the socio-economic and scientific and technological development, the needs of customers can be changed, the difference yesterday, of today will become generalized. For example, people watch previous choices, and take the accuracy Pi Shiwei first standards, now in quartz Jishu applications once and "associate" has become a question, so people focus more on style, on again; phone once regarded as high Shouru exclusive class of objects, and today well into the hands of ordinary people. If the watch manufacturer as the pursuit of accurate time and then the strategic objectives, is clearly inappropriate. Sights on mobile phone manufacturers shall then brother, sister models also can never win. Second, competition is also changing, especially some of the price, advertising, service, packaging and so it is very easy to follow up the implementation of strategies that companies imitate. Any differences will not be permanently maintained, in order to use the power of the company's differentiation strategy as long-acting drugs, the solution is only continuous innovation to meet customer needs with innovative changes, using innovation to beat the "follow-up." Differentiation strategy is a system. The differences in the above mentioned strategy was describing the problem of human classification. In actual operation, the operator not only according to industry competition, and enterprise product life cycle, the implementation of the appropriate type of product differentiation strategy. More necessary to make the differentiation strategy is a systematic and comprehensive implementation. Implementation of product differentiation, to provide customers with a unique style products, rivals can not. Hui in the show, it also should promote the product from the packaging to show significant differences are in the customer create an unforgettable image. If consumer durables, to provide good service for customers everywhere are convenient, safe, it is indispensable. It is worth noting that any differences in the implementation strategy must be a certain price, such as increasing the service project would increase the cost of sales and step up publicity to pay for the cost of a large amount of advertising, but as long as progress was the desired effect of differentiation, or to bring long-term benefits for the enterprise, this option is worth it. Into the twenty-first century is the information age has brought us to the attention of the times change, broader and more complex with more information, the information explosion means to surge, and people with limited attention, how can we attract people attention to ensure the competitive advantage? Intense competition in the market allows companies to sell their products at the way in marketing and constantly new, surprising and amazing tricks, won for them. But too far also applies to marketing, marketing will also have side-effects of excessive use. Bombarded with a variety of tactics, people feel strange at first before we can produce a sense of fatigue and disgust The reasonable use of marketing strategies in the attention economy of the environment is very important. How to attract the attention of consumers, causing people to feel that attention without boring, even offensive, so we have to a reasonable use of marketing 1 Based on marketing strategy in Attention Economy Analysis The proposed 1.1 Attention Economy "Attention Economy" This view was first seen in the University of California scholar Richard A. Lawbam published in 1994 entitled "attention economics" The Economics of Attention article The first official presentation of the "attention economy" concept is the United States, MichaelGedehaibo Michael H. Goldhaber 1997 in the United States published a paper entitled "Attention buyers," the article. In this article he pointed out, the current information economy was not appropriate, because according to economic theory, the main topics of their research should be how to use scarce resources. For scarce resources in the information society, he believes that today's society is a great wealth of information and even run rampant, and the Internet, to speed up this process, information not only not the scarce resource, the opposite is the surplus. The relative excess of information, only one resource is scarce, it is the people's attention"With the development of the Internet is not valuable information, but your attention." This is the Nobel Prize-winning economist HerbertSimon said. Indeed, in this era of information explosion, how to effectively communicate their message to the target group is the attention economy to study the issue, at the same time to achieve timely mental models to meet consumers find the emotional resonance 1.2 marketing in the example of Attention Economy 1.2.1 The 2008 Olympic super-marketing The summer of 2008, hundreds of millions of people in mind, our country successfully hosted the 29th Summer Olympic Games, the world's eyes are on China's Beijing. Here is the friendship between athletes competing national stage, but also show our country's national power stage, it is the source of all business opportunities contain. Is not difficult to find a lot of companies are using this stage to achieve the business soar Coca-Cola, Lenovo, GE, Samsung and so become a global partner of the Beijing Olympic Games, these brands across the global scope, use the Olympics to promote their various brands, but also for the Beijing Olympics into thousands of households around the world, so that more people are concerned about the Beijing Olympics. Can not become a global partner, adidas, Sinopec, Haier, China Netcom, Sohu, followed by the Bank of China and other brands to become the partner selection, exclusive suppliers, sponsors, and the Olympic Games that shares the wind, the brand brought to all corners of the force 1.2.2 Over Marketing "Gifts would send melatonin", that is, we still know, we can not ignore it caused a great sensation, then we have to send a gift melatonin. Omnipresent advertising, melatonin brought an upsurge in sales of skin care products. Melatonin has also successfully attracted the attention of consumers, the success of reaching the goal point attention economy. However, long after that, the audience, "melatonin" and "does not receive this year's festive, gifts received only melatonin" and the "golden couple" of "sending teachers to send friends and relatives, sent to lead" ads are offensive, and this is over the consequences of marketing, too many ads, too many ideas indoctrination, lack of new attractions has led to the adverse effects of old, to bring the image of corporate malpractice 2, proper use of marketing tools 2.1 The establishment of a competitive brand First of all, a company maintain a competitive edge is created from the corporate culture, brand value, when the corporate culture, when a high brand value, corporate branding is to attract the attention of customers an effective means of advertising is no longer required too much bombing-style propaganda. IKEA as we are familiar with shows on the economic, environmental, and convenient household items, large consumption of directly attracting attention; in the sports brand, we thought we would be very natural for Nike, Adidas such international brand, because their brand culture provides us with the beauty and health campaign to attract our attention. Can be seen in the attention economy to get consumers to maintain such long-term competitiveness, we must first have a strong corporate brand and culture Differentiated marketing 2.2 When the growing homogeneity of the product when the market will have everyone's attention, certainly must reflect their different. Differentiation means that different, unique, unique. Product differentiation strategy highlights the advantages of differentiation can lead to public concern, to plunder the public's attention. Differentiation has a variety of ways, whether it is product packaging, features, price, advertising and even spiritual and cultural ideas, and we are likely to find differences in the breakthrough pointFor example we are familiar with drink, "Wong Lo Kat", both in functional innovation, innovation is the brand personality, the general function is to drink thirst, which joined the Wong Lo Kat "prevention lit" function, in addition to thirst, but also to prevent the fire. Wong Lo Kat lit prevention as the first beverage market, breaking the long-standing notion people drink, the increase of new features, by most people's recognition and love In the attention economy of the times, companies need to strive to attract the attention of consumers, while at attracting eyeballs can not arouse public resentment, enterprises must use reasonable marketing tool, appropriately good use of various marketing strategies and tactics to enable enterprises to competitive advantage. At the same time continuous development of society, and the changing market environment, consumers, competitors are also constantly changing to adjust with, their differentiation competitive advantage may be one tomorrow, imitation, then the business itself to be a constant change , realistic and innovative, to maintain differentiation.
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