首页 12月份监理月报内容



12月份监理月报内容12月份监理月报内容 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司(129部) 霸州市胜芳镇家具博览城二期A栋2月监理月报 目 录 一、工程基本情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1 二、本月工程概况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 三、本月工程形象进度„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 四、工程进度情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 五、工程质量情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 六、本月安全工作情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 七、构配件与设备„„...

12月份监理月报内容 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司(129部) 霸州市胜芳镇家具博览城二期A栋2月监理月报 目 录 一、工程基本情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„1 二、本月工程概况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 三、本月工程形象进度„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 四、工程进度情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„2 五、工程质量情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„3 六、本月安全工作情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„5 七、构配件与设备„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 八、工程计量与工程款支付„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 九、 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 其他事项的处理情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 十、气象对施工影响的情况„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 十一、项目监理部组成与监理工作统计„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 十二、本期监理工作小结„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 9 dry conditions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are non-corrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (4) station anti-floating, and anti-infiltration design level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-floating, and anti-infiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filling has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should timely processing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loose structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to this survey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility loess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chapter two supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of deep mixing cement-soil deep mixing cement-soil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soil-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-soil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司,197,监理部 波马雁栖新建厂房工程2009年8月监理月报 一、工程基本情况: 1、参建单位 工程名称:霸州市胜芳镇家具博览城二期A栋 建设地点:河北省廊坊霸州市胜芳镇 建设单位:廊坊八达家具有限公司 监理单位:建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司 勘察单位:河北裕融地球物理勘察有限公司 设计单位:中国建筑技术集团有限公司 承建单位:北京天润建设工程有限公司 2、工程规模:总建筑面积117058.13? 3、工程概况:(工程概况不全,未反映建筑装修及安装工程概况) 本工程总建筑面积为117058.3平方米,占地面积为58578.32平方米,地 上建筑面积为115858.91平方米,结构形式为混泥土框架结构,抗震裂度7度, 合理使用年限50年,消防通廊19000平方米,绿化面积3480平方米,绿化率 3.97%,立面布置为地上两层局部地下一层建筑高度14.7米(室外地坪至女儿 建 墙顶)室内外高差0.3米,非承重外围护外墙为250厚加细混泥土块墙,地下 筑 室防水等级为二级,设防做法为350mm抗渗混凝土,抗渗等级为S8,3+3厚 SBS改性沥青防水卷材。屋面防水等级为二级,防水层采用3mm厚改性沥青防 概 水卷材+3mm厚聚酯胎改性沥青防水卷材,楼梯间、卫生间采用高聚物改性沥 况 青防水涂料。外墙幕墙为显框玻璃幕墙,采用断桥铝合金框,施工需经二次施 工图设计。外墙外保温为250mm厚加气混凝土砌块,屋顶外保温为60mm厚挤 塑聚苯板,外窗为中空双层玻璃。屋面网架钢结构构件(含檩条)部分刷薄型 防火涂料。 结 -floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-itions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nondry condsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly -soil deep mixing cement-deep mixing cementwo supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of pter tloess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chaey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility surv se structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to thisprocessing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loo timelyng has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filliinfiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-ign level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line antiinfiltration des1 构 钢筋为HPB235级、HRB335级、HRB400级。焊条E43系列用于HPB235,概 焊条E50系列用于HRB335、HRB400级。型钢、钢板采用Q235B级钢。地基处况 理采用CFG桩处理,地基承载力特征值为240KPA。混凝土垫层强度等级为C15、 基础混凝土强度等级为C30,梁、楼板混凝土强度等级为C30,柱混凝土强度 等级为C40。 1、给水系统 ?、建筑给水、消防用水均由市政自来水为水源,市政供水压力位 0.25MPa,生活给水由室外给水管直接供水。 ?、生活给水管:采用衬塑钢管,管件连接;管道上阀门D>50采用蝶阀, ?50采用铜体截止阀。 建 2、排水系统 筑 ?、雨水排水系统:屋面雨水采用虹吸式雨水排水系统。 水 ?、室内排水管采用机制柔性铸铁管,卡箍连接。与潜污泵连接的管道采暖 用焊接钢管,焊接或法兰连接。 及 ?、敷设于吊顶内的排水管道采用10mm厚橡塑海绵管壳做防结露处理。 消 3、消防给水系统 防 ?、室外消火栓用水量为30L/S;室内消火栓用水量为20L/S。 概 ?、室外消防用水由地下一层水泵房内的消火栓给水泵供给,室外消防环况 管上设地下式室外消火栓。 ?、室内消防用水由地下一层水泵房内的消火栓给水泵供给。消火栓给水 泵由消火栓箱内按钮,消防控制室,消防水位直接启动。设屋顶消防水箱,水 箱底标高12.00M,系统由屋顶消防水箱及系统稳压设备维持压力,水泵皆为 双电源供电。 ?、消火栓采用组合式消火栓(19mm水枪,L=25M水龙带,带消防启泵按) abandoned dry, dry in the may filling has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground el elevation respectively for 391.00m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distributioninfiltration design lev-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-infiltration design level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-dry conditions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nonsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixer in place and entered forcibly mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep -soil deep mixing cement-characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of deep mixing cement ss collapsibility problem. Chapter two supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and itsof loest results, depth of collapsibility loess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless ity of loess: according to this survey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil tepsibiltremely uneven, soil differences, loose structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collacture real, hard real, should timely processing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is exstru2 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司,197,监理部 波马雁栖新建厂房工程2009年8月监理月报 和DN25的消防卷盘(6mm水嘴,L=30M的胶管),内配2具4Kg装磷酸铵盐贮 压式干粉灭火器。 ?、消火栓给水管材:采用焊接钢管,焊接;自动喷水管采用内外壁热浸 镀锌钢管,丝扣或沟槽式机械接口。 ?、本建筑采用湿式自动喷水灭火系统,按中危险?级,喷水强度 8L/min.m2。 4、采暖系统 ?、热源采用小区市政管网热水,一次水温为80/60?,用于本工程首层 热水空气幕机屋顶水箱间采暖;换热后的二次水温度为60/50?,用于工程分 机盘管及空调机组冬季采暖,换热器设置于地下室制冷机房内。 ?、钢管采用镀锌钢管,DN?100时采用焊接钢管,DN>100采用无缝钢管。 阀门:管径?50采用蝶阀,<50用截止阀。 ?、本工程空调水系统采用一次泵变流量双管制系统;空调通风系统采用 风机盘管系统,并使用带表冷器的新风换气机,对室内进行送排风处理。 ?、空调送、回风管,空调冷冻水管、冷却水管(屋面部分)、冷凝水管 及采暖管均要求保温。保温材料选用难燃B1级聚乙烯管壳。空调送回风管道 保温厚度为20mm,空调冷热水及采暖管道保温厚度为:管径?DN100时,用 30mm;DN125?管径?DN250mm时,用40mm;管径?DN300时,用50mm。空调 冷凝水管保温厚度为15mm。屋面上的空调冷热水管、冷却水管及空调送回风 管道保温完成后应用0.5mm的镀锌钢板做保护外壳。 电 ?、工程负荷等级:消防水泵、排烟风机、应急照明、火灾报警及联动控气 制设备、弱电机房通信及网络设备属于二级负荷;一般照明、送排风机、制冷概 机房水泵、空调机组、制冷机组等属于三级负荷。 况 ?、工程引入一路市政V电源,能为100%负荷供电且有一定发展余量。 infiltration des-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-itions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nondry condsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly -soil deep mixing cement-deep mixing cementwo supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of pter tloess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chaey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility surv se structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to thisprocessing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loo timelyng has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filliinfiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-ign level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti3 一层设置一台1000KW柴油发电机组作为第二路电源,当失去市电时,15s内自动启动柴油发电机为照明和消防设备提供应急备用电源。 ?、火灾报警及联动控制设备主机自备直流专用蓄电池。监控和电话网络主机设备采用成套提供JPS不间断电源。 ?、变配电室:本工程在一层设一座高压配电室,面积108平方米,内设高600mm的防静电地板,高压电缆在地板下沿金属线槽敷设;在地下室设一座变配电室,面积155平方米,内设2台1250Kva变压器,主要为制冷设备提供电源,电力电缆在金属线槽内沿顶板敷设;屋顶设一座变配电室,面积116平方米,内设2台1250Kva变压器,主要为地上部分的照明和动力提供电源,内设600mm的防静电地板,电力电缆在地板下沿金属线槽敷设。 ?、本工程建筑按第三类防雷设计,屋顶避雷带采用Ф10镀锌圆钢,将屋面划分成小于20M*20M或24M*16M的网格,避雷带沿女儿墙和构架明敷设,屋面暗敷设;用Ф10镀锌圆钢将屋面突出金属物及金属构架与避雷带或避雷网相连接;屋顶突出非金属物体装避雷带,并用Ф10镀锌扁钢和避雷带相连接。利用图示位置各柱内四根主筋作为防雷引下线,四根主筋上下焊接连接,并且上下分别与避雷网和接地网可靠连接;在图示引下线位置设置连接板,供测量接地、接人工接地体和等电位连接用。 ?、本工程弱电机房设在首层,面积58.8平方米;电话系统程控交换机和有线电视系统的前端设备均放在本机房内。 ?、消防系统由火灾报警系统;消防联动控制系统;紧急广播系统;消防直通对讲电话系统;电梯监视控制系统组成。 ?、本楼火灾自动报警保护等级为一级,消防控制中心设在一层东侧,面积约56.7平方米。楼内设置火灾报警和联动控制系统,火灾自动报警系统为全面保护方式,,火灾探测器采用总体保护方式设置。 characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of deep mixing cement ss collapsibility problem. Chapter two supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and itsof loest results, depth of collapsibility loess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless ity of loess: according to this survey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil tepsibiltremely uneven, soil differences, loose structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collacture real, hard real, should timely processing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is exstru abandoned dry, dry in the may filling has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground el elevation respectively for 391.00m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distributioninfiltration design lev-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-infiltration design level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-dry conditions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nonsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixer in place and entered forcibly mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep -soil deep mixing cement-4 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司,197,监理部 波马雁栖新建厂房工程2009年8月监理月报 建筑本工程货运电梯按建设单位提供的EXPRESS公司产品样本设计,型号为 电梯JES-LJE302。 及扶本工程自动扶梯按建设单位提供的JES-LJE302公司产品样本设计,型号 梯概为JES-LJE302。 况 4、工程造价:以合同价格为依据。 5、工期要求:本工程拟于2009年12月08 日开工,2010年 08月31日结束,工期 267 天。工程质量目标为合格工程。 二、本月工程概况: 本月施工时间为:2010年2月05日,2月25日,现将本月工程概况汇报如下: 1、2010年2月5日起,施工主要进行以下几个项目:12-19轴CFG桩测量放线施工,2月6日,组织CFG桩工程质量验收,验收后,进行补桩工作,准备进入褥垫层施工,此项工作2月10日暂停,春节过后,2月21日进行施工,25日,仍进行桩头补桩及褥垫层施工工作。总包单位2月5日,已完成1-10轴基础承台工作,春节期间进行回填土工作,截止2010年2月25日,1-10轴/A-K轴回填土已完成。截止2010年2月25日,桩基单位已滞后工期17天,我项目监理部在施工过程中,严格把关,对质量、进度、严格控制,并积极对现场进行协调。 2、工程预付款的拨付按照合同执行,总包单位签发七百五十万监理费。 3、本月未发生工程安全事故。 4、本月监理下发罚单两次,安全事项2000元,进度事项10000元。 三、本月工程形象进度: 本期监理时间为:2009年2月5日,2月25日,现将本月工程形象进度情况汇报如下: 1、本月主要进行CFG桩褥垫层施工,本月2月05日至2月25日期间桩基单 infiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-ign level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line antiinfiltration des-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-itions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nondry condsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly -soil deep mixing cement-deep mixing cementwo supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of pter tloess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chaey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility surv se structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to thisprocessing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loo timelyng has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filli5 位已完成1-11轴CFG桩褥垫层施工工作。 2、深基坑土钉墙施工,自2010年2月5日开挖,截止2010年2月25日,土钉墙已施工完毕。 3(总包单位已完成1-10轴独立基础承台砼工作,并完成相关回填土工作。 四、工程进度情况: 原2010年1月15日监理例会,确定工期1月25日完工,但到2月25日只完成1-10轴褥垫层工作,原计划12-19轴应该完成的工作量及深基坑褥垫层工作未完成。因桩基单位将工作面交与总包单位日期不能确定,总包工期无法控制。 (一)截止2010年2月25日,CFG桩施工(含褥垫层)本期进度实际完成情况与本期进度计划比较,经对比,本期实际进度比计划进度经数据计算,延迟30个日历日(其中春节期间休假18天)。 实际进度与计划进度对比图:见附件1 (进度描述不直观,不能反映具体延误桩数量及仍需施工工期) (二)对工程进度完成情况的分析: 本期实际进度比计划进度滞后约30天: CFG桩工程进度与计划进度滞后,分析原因主要是,(1)12-19轴CFG桩质量缺陷较多,施工单位处理工作反复(2)施工人员严重不足,工作效率低下(3)基坑内有冻土,清理速度缓慢。(4)春节期间放假。(5)春节后,气温升高,基坑土方塌方,清理工作增加。 (三)对进度采取的措施及效果分析: 1、采取的监理措施: 1)加速对基坑CFG桩缺陷检查,留下影像资料,制定罚款规定,促进分包单位整改效率。 2)积极与总包单位协调,对桩基单位提出总包单位交接要求,并提供技术帮助。 cture real, hard real, should timely processing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is exstru abandoned dry, dry in the may filling has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground el elevation respectively for 391.00m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distributioninfiltration design lev-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-infiltration design level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-dry conditions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nonsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixer in place and entered forcibly mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep -soil deep mixing cement-characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of deep mixing cement ss collapsibility problem. Chapter two supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and itsof loest results, depth of collapsibility loess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless ity of loess: according to this survey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil tepsibiltremely uneven, soil differences, loose structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the colla6 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司,197,监理部 波马雁栖新建厂房工程2009年8月监理月报 2、措施的效果: 工程进度比以前有提高,但工期仍没有赶回,主要工期延误在基础坑内土方塌方,清理工作反复,不能给总包完整工作面。 3(向甲方提出建议,制定交接要求及时限,由甲方与总包单位,桩基单位深入沟通。 五、工程质量情况: (一)本期工程质量情况分析: 本期工程质量缺陷如下:少量基础承台砼有“亏方”现象,设计院已出具整改方案,已督促施工单位执行。 (二)本期采取的工程质量措施及效果: (1)采取的质量控制措施有: 1、严把材料关,原材料进场后要求施工单位进行报验,规范要求复试的进行见证取样,第一批钢筋取样五十四组,总计七十四吨。对商品砼厂家资质检查,商品砼开盘鉴定十七组。(复试数量,见证取样数量无描述) 2、对关键工序进行旁站监理,有1-10轴/A-K轴基础承台砼,深基坑土钉墙,12-19轴褥垫层等施工部位,见证留置试块及试件39组,褥垫层密实度检测报三份;(应描述具体旁站部位工序等) 3、进行日常监理巡视,将发现的质量问题及时通知施工单位,要求其进行整改; 4、通过口头通知,下发监理通知、监理工作联系单,工地例会上进行通报及要求等形式进行质量管理。本月下发监理通知7份,监理联系单8份,召开监理例会二次。(应描述下发监理通知份数,联系单份数,召开例会次数) 5、对完成的CFG桩褥垫层厚度,密实度等项目进行检查。 6、检查独立柱钢筋质量,施工工艺。 timelyng has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filliinfiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-ign level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line antiinfiltration des-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-itions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nondry condsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly -soil deep mixing cement-deep mixing cementwo supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of pter tloess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chaey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility surv se structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to thisprocessing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loo 7 7(检查基础承台砼坍落度,柱模板保护层等项目 (2)效果: 1、抽查的12-19轴桩直径不足的缺陷桩很多,已督促施工单位整改。 2、独立基础承台砼质量缺陷已要求整改。年前整改效果较好。 (三)主要试验检测情况: 试验(取序号 材料名称 规格、型号 试验结果 备注 样)日期 1 合格 合格 2 3 合格 4 合格 5 合格 6 合格 7 合格 8 合格 9 合格 10 合格 11 合格 12 合格 13 合格 14 合格 (四)、分部、分项工程验收情况: 序 分项工程名称 验收日期 验收结论 备注 号 1 2010-2-6 10-19轴/F-L轴CFG桩 合格 缺陷整改 ss collapsibility problem. Chapter two supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and itsof loest results, depth of collapsibility loess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless ity of loess: according to this survey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil tepsibiltremely uneven, soil differences, loose structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collacture real, hard real, should timely processing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is exstru abandoned dry, dry in the may filling has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground el elevation respectively for 391.00m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distributioninfiltration design lev-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-infiltration design level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-dry conditions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nonsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixer in place and entered forcibly mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep -soil deep mixing cement-characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of deep mixing cement8 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司,197,监理部 波马雁栖新建厂房工程2009年8月监理月报 2 2010-2-6 1-10轴/F-L基础承台 合格 3 2010-2-25 1-10/基础回填土 2 六、本月安全工作情况: 1、本月安全施工概况: 本月安全施工正常,未发生安全事故; 2、本月安全技术措施及专项施工方案审查情况; 本月审批的施工方案有:总包单位《脚手架施工方案》《模板施工方案》。 3、各专项施工方案均得到了落实; 4、安全隐患处理情况: (1)施工现场一级配电箱无金属外壳保护,没有上锁,电源线外漏,建设单位已负责进行重新更换,配电箱围护建设单位已要求总包单位制作。 (2)总包单位吊车已安装六台,已上报安拆方案,安拆资质,安装人员上岗证,塔吊出厂检测 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 ,已要求施工单位不得使用于工程,应立即申请准用证。 5、下月安全监理工作的重点: (1)近入施工现场人员安全防护用品佩戴控制(安全帽); (2)施工现场施工用电及临建生活用电安全控制; (3)施工单位塔群安装安全控制。 (4)木具加工场地,机械控制 (5)安全防火控制。 七、构配件与设备: 现场施工机械一览表 序号 设备名称 生产厂家 规格型号 数量 是否正常运 ign level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line antiinfiltration des-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-itions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nondry condsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly -soil deep mixing cement-deep mixing cementwo supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of pter tloess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chaey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility surv se structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to thisprocessing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loo timelyng has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filliinfiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-9 行 1 5 塔吊 山东 JZB60桩机 是 1 HBT-60 5 塔吊 山东 是 2 PLD800 5 塔吊 山东 是 3 JS500 5 塔吊 山东 是 4 DSZ3-2 1 塔吊 是 5 DJD2-GH 1 塔吊 是 八、工程计量与工程款支付 1、量审批情况:无 2、款审批与支付情况:总包单位预付款750万 3、款支付情况分析:按总包施工合同约定,达到支付条件 4、采取的措施及效果:无 九、合同其他事项的处理情况: (一)更洽商情况: 名称 图纸会审 技术洽商 其他 数量 0 0 0 (二)工程延期情况: 本期无索赔要求发生 。 (三)费用索赔情况: 本期无索赔要求发生 。 十、天气对施工影响的情况 白天温度(?) 夜间温度(?) 日历 雨雪 大风 天数 最高 最低 最高 最低 天数 天数 of loest results, depth of collapsibility loess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless ity of loess: according to this survey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil tepsibiltremely uneven, soil differences, loose structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collacture real, hard real, should timely processing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is exstru abandoned dry, dry in the may filling has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground el elevation respectively for 391.00m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distributioninfiltration design lev-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-infiltration design level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-dry conditions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nonsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixer in place and entered forcibly mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep -soil deep mixing cement-characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of deep mixing cement ss collapsibility problem. Chapter two supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its10 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司,197,监理部 波马雁栖新建厂房工程2009年8月监理月报 0 -4 -3 -11 10 0 0 十一、项目监理部组成与监理工作统计: (一)项目监理部人员及组织框图: 职 务 职 称 姓 名 监理工程师资格 总 监 工程师 彭铁玉 国家注册 总监代表 工程师 赵中英 国家注册 土建监理工程师 工程师 尤宝军 通过 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 电气监理工程师 工程师 金有良 国家注册 电气监理工程师 工程师 廖旭琼 通过培训 水暖监理工程师 工程师 宗景杰 国家注册 监理员 助理工程师 郭富民 通过培训 监理员 肖东 监理员 相永明 总监理工程师 结构工程监理组 水、暖监理组 电气工程监理组 (二) 监理工作统计: 本年度 开工以 序号 项目名称 单位 来总计 本月 累计 1 2 2 2 监理会议 次 审批施工组织设计(方案) 次 6 6 12 2 提出建议和意见 条 20 20 20 ng has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filliinfiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-ign level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line antiinfiltration des-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-itions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nondry condsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly -soil deep mixing cement-deep mixing cementwo supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of pter tloess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chaey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility surv se structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to thisprocessing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loo timely11 1 1 5 审批施工进度计划(年、季、月) 次 3 提出建议和意见 条 1 1 1 审核施工图纸 次 6 6 6 4 提出建议和意见 条 5 5 5 7 11 12 发出监理通知 次 5 4 11 15 内容含 条 6 审批分包单位 家 3 3 5 7 原材料审批 件 5 5 67 8 构配件审批 件 0 0 0 9 5 5 11 设备审批 件 10 5 5 15 分项(检验批)工程质量验收 项 11 分部(子分部)工程质量验收 项 1 3 3 12 不合格工程质量验收 项 2 2 2 13 监理抽查复试 项 2 2 5 十二、本月监理工作小结: (一)对本期工程进度、质量、安全文明施工等方面的综合评价: 霸州市胜芳镇家具博览城二期A栋工程本月施工中,在建设单位的大力支持下,我项目监理部本着为建设单位服务好的宗旨,在保证安全生产和文明施工的前提下,认真履行监理委托合同约定的各项监理义务,完成了合同中承诺的各项服务。做到了遵守职业道德,讲究职业信誉,公正独立自主的开展工作。 1、质量方面: 监理过程中,我们严格控制了原材料的进场。每种材料都经过了监理验收,取样复试合格后才允许使用,保证了工程质量。对各道工序,我们严格按照设计图纸和国家的规范认真验收,不放过每一个细节,不留隐患。对于较重要的分项 characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of deep mixing cement ss collapsibility problem. Chapter two supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and itsof loest results, depth of collapsibility loess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless ity of loess: according to this survey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil tepsibiltremely uneven, soil differences, loose structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collacture real, hard real, should timely processing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is exstru abandoned dry, dry in the may filling has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground el elevation respectively for 391.00m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distributioninfiltration design lev-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-infiltration design level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-dry conditions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nonsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixer in place and entered forcibly mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep -soil deep mixing cement-12 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司,197,监理部 波马雁栖新建厂房工程2009年8月监理月报 工程,除抽检控制以外,还做了全面检查,如CFG桩的验桩项目,基础承台砼的砼几何尺寸等几个方面。对施工单位严格要求,要求做到详细交底,样板引路。 2、进度方面: 本工程的工期比较紧,二月份春节期间放假,对工程工期有影响,但经与甲方协商,春节期间,各施工单位也做了力所能及的工作,为春节后施工做准备。本月进度计划仍是滞后,但计划监理例会后,根据总包单位现有工程状态,确定总工期,并审核月进度计划,周进度计划,指导工作的开恨。也将积极与总包单位沟通,提出宝贵意见,进度控制工作做到前面。避免工作反复。 3、在安全生产和文明施工方面: 我监理部将 安全生产文明施工作为工作重点,编制了安全监理方案,工作中认真执行。本工程地下室土钉墙支护工程及现场十台塔吊都属于重大危险源,我监理部对施工单位下发了《安全工作联系单》、《监理通知》要求做好安全防护等工作。要求施工人员上岗前进行三级教育培训,增加工人安全意识,并对施工过程中应采取的安全防范措施进行要求,要求在施工过程中应注意施工人员的人身安全。要求吊车使用必须有准用证, 经验 班主任工作经验交流宣传工作经验交流材料优秀班主任经验交流小学课改经验典型材料房地产总经理管理经验 测调试合格,并对使用过程进行监控。对深基坑也会进行密切观测,防患于未然。, (二)下期的工作重点: 1、加强工程现场监理管理职能,制定相关制度,并严格执行。 2、对施工单位的施工工艺,提前论证效果,提出指导意见。 3、审查施工单位上报月进度计划,周进度计划,人机料控制计划,切实可行的指导施工单位按计划施工。 4、认真审核施工单位工程档案,做到管理有据。 5、加强安全、文明施工的管理,杜绝各种不安全因素,督促施工单位进行安全管理; floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-ign level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line antiinfiltration des-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-itions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nondry condsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly -soil deep mixing cement-deep mixing cementwo supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of pter tloess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chaey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility surv se structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to thisprocessing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loo timelyng has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filliinfiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00-13 6、加强监理资料的整理工作,督促施工单位的资料收集及整理; 7、考察施工单位实验室,材料加工厂,现场搅拌站等设施,督促施工单位向实验室索要试验试验报告单; 8、加强与业主及施工单位的沟通工作,将工程中发生的事项及时向业主汇报。 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司 霸州市胜芳镇家具博览城二期A栋工程监理项目部 2010年03月05日 abandoned dry, dry in the may filling has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground el elevation respectively for 391.00m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distributioninfiltration design lev-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-infiltration design level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-dry conditions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nonsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixer in place and entered forcibly mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep -soil deep mixing cement-characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of deep mixing cement ss collapsibility problem. Chapter two supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and itsof loest results, depth of collapsibility loess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless ity of loess: according to this survey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil tepsibiltremely uneven, soil differences, loose structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collacture real, hard real, should timely processing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is exstru 14 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司,197,监理部 波马雁栖新建厂房工程2009年8月监理月报 附件1: 胜芳国际家具博览城二期A栋cfg桩计划进度与实际进度对比表 日期 2009年2月份 22222211122222项目 1 2 3 4 5 25 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 设备进场 设备组装 测量放线 桩基施工 截桩头 打褥垫层 设备撤场 计划工期: 实际工期: (表中日期改成单行排列, 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 按上次现场要求格式进行编制) -floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-itions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nondry condsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly -soil deep mixing cement-deep mixing cementwo supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of pter tloess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chaey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility surv se structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to thisprocessing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loo timelyng has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filliinfiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-ign level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line antiinfiltration des11 建研凯勃建设工程咨询有限公司,197,监理部 波马雁栖新建厂房工程2009年8月监理月报 附件2: 抽查保护桩长 深基坑第一步开挖 检测基坑土受冻情况 地下室深基坑第二步开挖 (图片应能充分反映施工情况及存在问题,缺少桩基施工图片) infiltration des-floating, and anti-4) station anticorrosive to concrete structures, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures with weak corrosive. (-itions with low corrosion of steel with low corrosion. Foundation soils are nondry condsoil retaining wall: due to the pits without support to facilitate mechanized rapid-cement column reinforced retaining wall. Advantages of cement-mixing cement to form a continuous overlapping of soilsoil retaining wall is the retaining wall with deep mixer in place and entered forcibly -soil deep mixing cement-deep mixing cementwo supporting programme selection and compare 2.1 types of Foundation pit support and its characteristics and scope 2.1.1 of pter tloess 6.50~11.50m, station main, flat wind Pavilion, air shafts and channels, regardless of loess collapsibility problem. Chaey and exploration wells (exploration wells in the total completed 7) soil sample soil test results, depth of collapsibility surv se structure, excavation is easy to collapse and cause ground deformation. (3) the collapsibility of loess: according to thisprocessing. (2) fill: the composition of the soil materials complex, particle size is extremely uneven, soil differences, loo timelyng has block stone, construction in the also may encountered not identified of underground structure real, hard real, should m and 389.00m 1.2.3 special geological conditions (1) intends built site may distribution abandoned dry, dry in the may filliinfiltration design level elevation respectively for 391.00-floating, and anti-floating level (2008.7.16) results, intends built date Park Station anti-ign level: according to Shaanxi Province engineering survey Institute provides of Metro Line 1 line anti11
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