首页 学校常见传染病防治知识培训



学校常见传染病防治知识培训学校常见传染病防治知识培训 风 疹 风疹是由风疹病毒通过呼吸道和直接接触传播引起的急性病毒性传染病。一年四季均可发病,以冬春季节为主,一般间隔3,5年,呈周期性流行。风疹最大的危害是母亲在怀孕早期特别是头三个月感染风疹,造成流产、死产和新生儿先天性风疹综合征。 潜伏期10-23天, 风疹传染性不如麻疹,症状比麻疹轻。 典型的风疹,主要表现发热、出疹、淋巴结肿大和结膜炎,病程短。 本病的特点为小的淡红色斑丘疹,先面部而后颈部,再躯干后四肢,通常24小时全身疹子出齐,2,5天疹退,不留色素。出疹严重者热度一般为38?...

学校常见传染病防治知识 培训 焊锡培训资料ppt免费下载焊接培训教程 ppt 下载特设培训下载班长管理培训下载培训时间表下载 风 疹 风疹是由风疹病毒通过呼吸道和直接接触传播引起的急性病毒性传染病。一年四季均可发病,以冬春季节为主,一般间隔3,5年,呈周期性流行。风疹最大的危害是母亲在怀孕早期特别是头三个月感染风疹,造成流产、死产和新生儿先天性风疹综合征。 潜伏期10-23天, 风疹传染性不如麻疹,症状比麻疹轻。 典型的风疹,主要表现发热、出疹、淋巴结肿大和结膜炎,病程短。 本病的特点为小的淡红色斑丘疹,先面部而后颈部,再躯干后四肢,通常24小时全身疹子出齐,2,5天疹退,不留色素。出疹严重者热度一般为38?左右,也有39?以上的风疹流行报告,疹退后热退,有耳后、枕部、颈下和颈部淋巴结肿大。 急性出血性结膜炎 急性出血性结膜炎,也称为流行性出血性结膜炎,是主要由肠道病毒引起的,以结膜高度充血,常见结膜下出血及角膜上皮点状剥脱为主要临床特征的传染病。一般可在2,3周痊愈,属于自限性疾病,预后良好。该病全年均可发病,多见于夏秋季,各年龄组人群均可发病。主要通过接触传播,传染性极强,传播速度快,人群普遍易感,易导致流行或暴发。 * 常州市疾病预防控制中心 * 常州市疾病预防控制中心 学校常见传染病防治知识培训 常州市疾病预防控制中心 陈聪 2010年9月27日 学 校 常见传 染 病 三 二 一 流行特点 病种介绍 采取措施 流行特点 (一)极易发生 学校是人群高度集中的地方,一个班40-50个左右的学生,集中在Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 50平方左右的教室里,整天在一起生活学习,相互之间密切接触; 如果卫生设施不好,卫生制度不健全,卫生习惯不好,这就具备了传染病在学校里发生与流行的条件。 流行特点 (二)学校是传染病的集散场所 学校是社会一个特殊的组成人群。年龄构成从儿童、少年到青年。学生每天从四面八方,一家一户汇集到学校里来,又从学校分散到千家万户里去,传染源从社会的每个角落进入学校,又从每个学校分散到每个家庭和社会上各个角落,所以说学校是传染病的集散场所。 流行特点 (三)学校极易造成传染病的爆发和流行 传染源,传播途径和易感人群是传染病流行的基本条件,缺一不可。而流行的强度大小则取决于传染源的多少,易感者的密度,传播途径实现机率大小和病原微生物致病力的强弱。学校易感者密度高,传染源又容易进入学校;传染机制极易实现。所以学校极易造成传染病的爆发和流行。 流行特点 (四)季节性 ??? 学校传染病的流行与社会上传染病流行一样,具有明显的季节性变化。冬春季呼吸道传染病多发;夏秋季则以肠道传染病为主。除此以外,学校传染病的发生还与学校寒暑假及开学有密切关系。 流行特点 (五)年龄特点 学校里的在校学生,其年龄可以从6岁到20岁左右。学校传染病的发生与流行,可因年龄不同而有所不同。小学由于学生基础免疫水平低,而易发生呼吸道传染病流行。中学生正处于青春期,呼吸道和肠道传染病均可以爆发,流行。 传染病常见症状 1.发热,由感染性的原因引起,可分为三个阶段 Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 1)体温上升期,可骤然上升至39 ?以上,通常伴有寒战;也可缓慢上升,呈梯形曲线。 2)极期,体温上升至一定高度,然后持续数天到数周。 3)体温下降期,体温可缓慢下降,几天后降至正常,也可在一天内降至正常,此时多伴有大出汗。 传染病常见症状 2.发疹,许多传染病在发热的时候伴有发疹 时间,疹子出现的时间因病种而异,水痘、风疹最早,伤寒最迟; 分布,疹子的分布也因病种不同而有所差异,水痘 的疹子主要分布于躯干;麻疹有科氏斑,皮疹由耳后向四肢躯干蔓延 形态,分4种 ?斑丘疹:多见于麻疹、风疹、猩红热等 ?疱疹或脓疱疹:多见于水痘、手足口病等 ?出血疹:多见于流行性出血热等 ?荨麻疹:多见于血清病、病毒性肝炎等 传播途径 1.空气、飞沫、尘埃,以呼吸道为进入门户的传 染病,如麻疹、流感、水痘等 2.水、食物、苍蝇,以肠道为进入门户的传染病,如菌痢、伤寒等 3.手、用具、玩具 ,又称日常生活接触传播,如手足口病 4.虫媒传播 ,蚊子、跳蚤等,如乙脑等 5.血液/体液/血制品 ,见于乙肝、艾滋病等 6.土壤,被虫卵、芽孢等污染时,成为传播途径 常见传染病种类 流行性感冒 流行性腮腺炎 麻疹 风疹 水痘 手足口病 急性出血性结膜炎 肺结核 二 病种 介绍 流行性感冒 传染源:病人和带菌者 传播途径:空气飞沫传播 潜伏期:1,3天 临床表现: 症状较普通感冒重,表现为突然起病的高热、寒颤、头痛、肌痛、全身不适 流行性腮腺炎 腮腺炎患者和健康带毒者是本病的传染源。 腮腺炎主要在儿童和青少年中发生,尤以5―15岁Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 患者较为多见 ,由患者和健康带毒者的唾液或呼吸道分泌液飞沫经空气传播。被患者和健康带毒者唾液污染的食具或玩具,在短时间内接触到易感者的口腔亦可引起感染。 本病潜伏期14―21天,平均18天。 临床表现: 1、腮腺肿大:为该病的特征性病变,75,患者表现为双侧腮腺肿大,疼痛明显 2、起病急,有发热、怕冷、头痛等类似感冒症状 麻 疹 由于近年来麻疹疫苗的应用,使麻疹的临床症状变得不十分规律。 典型麻疹有潜伏期,前驱期,出疹期和恢复期,典型症状是高热、皮疹及呼吸道卡他等炎症。潜伏期:平均为10,14天。前驱期:2,4天,发热上呼吸道卡他结膜炎等,此期后期可见到颊粘膜周围有红晕的0.5-1mm灰白色小点,称柯氏斑,是早期诊断麻疹的标志。出疹期:多在发热4,5天后出现,持续2,5日不等,皮疹为玫瑰色丘疹,自耳后、发际、前额、面、颈部开始逐渐波及躯干和四肢手掌足底,出疹时体温达到高峰,皮疹出齐后体温开始下降。恢复期:皮疹色变暗,有色素沉着及糠皮样脱落。如不出现并发症,病情自愈。 水 痘 传染源:病人为唯一传染源 传播途径:密切接触及空气飞沫传播 潜伏期:12,21天,平均14天 临床表现: 1,发热:低热或中等发热及头痛、全身不适 2,疱疹:初期为红斑疹,经数小时发展为疱 疹,形似露珠水滴,3,5mm大小,疱液透明,后转为混浊。先出现于躯干和四肢靠近心脏一端,四肢远端较少。曾接种过疫苗者表现不典型。 手足口病 传染源:患者和隐性感染者 传播途径:密切接触传播,多发生5岁以下幼儿 潜伏期:3,7天 临床表现: 1,发热:约半数病人于发Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 病前1~2天或发病的同时有发热,多在38?左右 2,出疹:主要侵犯手、足、口、臀四个部位;因为疹子不像蚊虫咬、不像药物疹、不像口唇牙龈疱疹、不像水痘所以又称四不像;而且临床上更有不痛、不痒、不结痂、不结疤的四不特征 肺结核 结核是一种由结核分枝杆菌造成的细菌传染病,通常影响肺部。此病通过活动性呼吸道疾病患者咽喉和肺部产生的飞沫在人际传播。 在健康人身上,结核分枝杆菌感染通常不引发症状,因为其免疫系统会发挥作用阻挡细菌。活动性肺结核的症状是咳嗽,有时有痰或血,胸痛,虚弱、体重减轻,发烧和盗汗。结核可以通过六个月抗生素疗程得到治疗。 发现病例 报告社区卫生服务中心、 疾控中心等机构 登记密切接触者 做好医学观察 对物体表面、食具、 空气等进行消毒 经过一个潜伏期,无续发 病例可解除医学观察 做好卫生宣教工作 解除管理、个别病 种需返校 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 ,符 合返校条件者凭 返校证明返校 保健老师督促及时复检 病例报告及管理 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 病人离校 就诊 切断传播途径 控制传染源 保护易感者 培训 采取措施 控制传染源 不少传染病在开始发病以前就已经具有了传染性,当发病初期表现出传染病症状的时候,传染性最强。因此,对传染病人要尽可能做到早发现、早诊断、早报告、早治疗、早隔离,防止传染病蔓延。患传染病的动物也是传染源,也要及时地处理。这是预防传染病的一项重要措施。 切断传播途径 切断传播途径,主要是讲究个人卫生和环境卫生。消灭传播疾病的媒介生物,进行一些必要的消毒工作等等,可以Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 使病原体丧失感染健康人的机会。 保护易感者 在传染病流行期间应该注意保护易感者,不要让易感者与传染源接触,并且进行预防接种,提高易感人群的抵抗力。对易感者本人来说,应该积极参加体育运动,锻炼身体,增强抗病能力。 中小学校发生传染病疫情暴发后需严格开展晨检,发现可疑或疑似病例离校隔离治疗。减少集聚性活动,加强房间通风和消毒; 开展健康教育,用健康教育课、告知书以及板报、墙报等形式宣传了解传染病的危害与防制知识,同时坚持正面宣传,避免发生不必要的恐慌情绪。 * 中学生、大学生等青壮年群体已成为结核病高发人群。而导致他们患结核病的原因主要有三个方面:一是因为不少青少年生理发育较快但营养缺乏。学生正处于发育阶段,各种营养需求大量增加,如果营养跟不上就会给结核病菌提供侵入机会;二是自身抵抗力下降导致病毒入侵。学生因学习、考试等因素造成思想压力过重,课外活动减少,自身抵抗力减退,此时也极易感染结核病;三是由于频繁活动于卫生条件较差的场所。不少学生经常沉溺于网吧、迪厅、舞厅等封闭场所,或者经常在卫生条件较差的小饭店吃喝,这也很容易造成结核菌的感染。 15岁到35岁的青少年是结核病高发年龄。结核菌主要传播途径是通过呼吸道,传染源是正在排菌的肺结核患者。人体感染结核菌后不一定发病,潜伏期为4,8周,仅于抵抗力低落时方始发病。解放军254医院传染病控制科主任郑伟介绍,当低烧、慢性咳嗽、咳痰超过2周以上时应警惕患肺结核的可能性,应及时就Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from 诊。 防治肺结核注意六大要素:一、人应选择空气流通,阳光充足的房间。也可单独睡一床,经常开窗通风,有排菌者应住院治疗。 二、病人用的被服要经常用日光暴晒消毒,痊愈后房间要彻底消毒。 三、病人应减少与他人(经常咳嗽等)接触,尽量不要到公共场所去。 四、病人的用品食具、痰液、呕吐物都要消毒,最简单的杀菌方法是将痰吐在纸上直接烧掉,或吐在痰盂里,进行消毒后才能倒掉。 五、治疗务遵医嘱,药物必须每天服用,肺结核要早期治疗,要足量、足疗程、规律、全程用药,不能间断,争取一次治愈。 六、结核病人隔离最好方法是去肺结核专科医院住院隔离,减少传染他人的机会。 * Safety Supervision Bureau of the party's mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the "four winds" there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the party's eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinping's important speech series, in strict accordance with the "look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of "focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the party's mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragmatic, four is to adhere to guidance, adhere to the leadership. The five is 2, combined with the actual work of the unit, one is to adhere to the leadership. The one responsible, start from the party and a member of the team to take the lead, the first change quickly, really change real change, under the above rate, establish a benchmark. The two is to insist on focusing on the "four winds". In general the rectification at the same time, focusing on remediation four winds problem is not to let go, to seize the people most objectionable, reflect the most intense focus on solving a problem, a renovation, a crucial one. The three is to adhere strictly from
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