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中国医科大学2014年7月考试《传染病护理学》考查课试题中国医科大学2014年7月考试《传染病护理学》考查课试题 Examination questions of infectious diseases nursing examination, China Medical University, July 2014 Total score: 100 test time: - Radio examination Short Answer Questions Exposition Subjective cloze test Radio examination ...

中国医科大学2014年7月考试《传染病护理学》考查课试题 Examination questions of infectious diseases nursing examination, China Medical University, July 2014 Total score: 100 test time: - Radio examination Short Answer Questions Exposition Subjective cloze test Radio examination questions (20 questions, 20 points) 1., the key measure to reduce the fatality rate of JE is A. intensive care to prevent complications B. maintain water, electrolyte, and acid-base balance C. corrects the hypoxic state D. controls high fever, convulsions, and respiratory failure E. maintains circulation and controls heart failure Full marks: 1 Answer: D 2. the main route of transmission of malaria is A. digestive tract transmission B. respiratory tract transmission C. blood and body fluid transmission Insect borne D. E. contact propagation Full marks: 1 Answer: D 3. when the high fever of varicella patients is not applicable, the cooling method is A. ice pack B. small dose of antipyretic C. alcohol bath D. warm water bath E. small dose of hormone Full marks: 1 Answer: C 4. 'refers to the course more chronic bacillary dysentery bacillary dysentery A. 1 months B. 2 months C. 3 months D. 4 months E. 6 months Full marks: 1 Answer: B 5.. The main organ of Schistosoma japonicum is A. brain and kidney B. liver and colon C. lungs and heart D. spleen and liver E. lymph node Full marks: 1 Answer: B 6. which one of the features of diarrhea in cholera is wrong? A. diarrhea is frequent and severe B. stool characteristics are mud like, fecal matter C. is the stool meters hogwash water or wash water meat The main manifestation of D. is abdominal pain, followed by diarrhea E. diarrhea first, vomiting later Full marks: 1 Answer: D 7.. The most common cause of death from epidemic encephalitis B is A. renal failure B. hepatic failure C. heart failure D. respiratory failure E. shock Full marks: 1 Answer: D 8. the key to cholera treatment is A. pathogen treatment to shorten the period of bacterial elimination B. fluid replacement therapy C. corrects ion disturbances D. corrects acidosis E. prevents complications Full marks: 1 Answer: B 9., the most prominent feature of routine blood test for acute schistosomiasis is The number of neutrophils in A. increased significantly B. eosinophils increased significantly C. basophils increased significantly D. mast cells increased significantly E. platelet count increased significantly Full marks: 1 Answer: B 10. after infection with HBV, the serum appears first A. anti HBs B. HBsAg C. HBeAg D. anti HBe E. anti HBcIgG Full marks: 1 Answer: B 11., "drunken appearance" can be seen in which of the following diseases? A. measles B. epidemic hemorrhagic fever C. varicella D. viral hepatitis E. scarlet fever Full marks: 1 Answer: B 12. which of the following does not belong to the complications of leptospirosis Fever after A. B.'s iris ciliary body inflammation C. reactive meningitis D. renal damage E. obliterans cerebral arteritis Full marks: 1 Answer: D 13. dietary principles for patients with acute viral hepatitis are A. high calorie and high protein B. high protein, low fat C. low salt and high protein D. Low salt and low protein E. light, easy to digest, vitamin rich diet Full marks: 1 Answer: E 14.. The organ frequently involved in the heterotopic damage of Schistosoma japonicum is A. colon B. liver C. small intestine Spleen D. E. lung Full marks: 1 Answer: E 15., "pregnant women are seriously infected and have a high mortality rate of hepatitis." A. hepatitis A B. hepatitis B C. hepatitis C D. hepatitis D E. hepatitis E Full marks: 1 Answer: E 16., the nursing of bacillary dysentery is incorrect A. acute phase of poor appetite, can eat fruit supplement nutrition B. when hot, drink more water and cool the body C. abdominal pain, give abdominal hot compress D. diarrhea for a long time, defecation after cleansing perianal E. for the acute phase of high calorie, low residue, easy to digest food Full marks: 1 Answer: E 17., the five manifestation of the infection process is, in general, the most common A. clears pathogens B. latent infection C. pathogen carrying status D. dominant infection E. latent infection Full marks: 1 Answer: B 18. which of the following is not a common complication of mumps? A. meningitis B. orchitis C. pancreatitis D. myocarditis E. ovarian inflammation Full marks: 1 Answer: A 19. 'for most epidemic encephalitis B and differential diagnosis value of signs A. the extent of consciousness disorders B. degree of fever C. the degree of increased intracranial pressure D. skin petechia and ecchymosis Does E. have pathological reflexes? Full marks: 1 Answer: C 20. the basic features of infectious diseases are A. is contagious, endemic, endemic and seasonal B. has pathogens, infectious, epidemiological features, and immunity C. has the sources of infection, the route of transmission, susceptibility and immunity D. has pathogens, infectious agents, epidemic and immunity E. is infectious, endemic, local, and immunological Full marks: 1 Answer: B Examination questions of infectious diseases nursing examination, China Medical University, July 2014 Total score: 100 test time: - Radio examination Short Answer Questions Exposition Subjective cloze test Simple answer (5 questions, 20 points) 1. 're combustion Answer: when the disease into remission, the temperature has not yet returned to normal, because lurking in the blood or tissue pathogen again reproduction, make the temperature rise again, the early signs and symptoms of the disease appear again, known as Reburning Full marks: 4 2. 'chicken pox A: acute infectious disease caused by the initial infection of varicella zoster virus. The rate of infection is high. Mainly in infants and young children, characterized by fever and mass appearance of systemic red spots, papules, herpes, and scab. Full marks: 4 3. 'reaction Answer: first discovered by the Austria dermatologist Jarisch Adolf Herxheimer Karl Herxheimer, the two brothers in the application of mercury, arsenic and bismuth in the process of treatment of syphilis, patients showed fever, sweating, sweating, nausea and vomiting, skin lesion enlargement, deterioration, with the treatment process of the reaction to disappear, relieve, Manifested as a transient, temporary deterioration, named after the discoverer. Full marks: 4 4. 'mumps Answer: Mumps referred to as mumps, commonly known as mumps. Four seasons are popular, in winter and spring common. It is a common respiratory infectious disease in children and adolescents. It is an acute and systemic infection caused by mumps virus. It is characterized by the swelling and swelling of the parotid gland and sometimes involves other salivary glands. The common complications and viral encephalitis, orchitis, pancreatitis and ovarian inflammation. Mumps viruses. Full marks: 4 5. 'complications of leptospirosis Answer: by pathogenic Leptospira various types (Leptospira, leptopira) caused by an acute systemic infectious diseases, is a natural focal disease. Rats and pigs are the two main sources of infection. Full marks: 4 Examination questions of infectious diseases nursing examination, China Medical University, July 2014 Total score: 100 test time: - Radio examination Short Answer Questions Exposition Subjective cloze test Discussion questions (6 questions, 30 points) 1.. Briefly describe the effective indications for anti shock treatment. Answer: 1, mental recovery; 2, the skin and mucous membranes from pale to rosy, the body surface temperature warming, and a bed of ruddy, surface blood vessels visible; 3, blood pressure recovery is basically normal; 4, heartbeat, pulse in normal range; 5, metabolic acidosis index, power quality index is normal; 6, normal blood oxygen index; 7. Restore urinary tract; Full marks: 5 2. 'Mr. Lee, 46 years old, in 1 days after eating out in fever, general malaise, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea 2 times, more than 10 times, began to turn to the watery stool, mucous stool, tenesmus with paroxysmal severe abdominal pain. Physical examination: 38.6 C T, P 92 Bp / min, 120/80mmHg, heart and lung abnormalities, the abdomen is soft, left lower abdominal tenderness. Testing: blood WBC 19.9 * 109/L, then routine microscopic examination showed that WBC = 15 / HP, RBC / HP 10 ~ 15. Please answer: (1) make correct diagnosis of the patient by using the knowledge you have learned. (2) what is the first choice for the treatment of the patient's pathogen? (3) please give the main nursing diagnosis according to the condition of the disease Answer: (1) make correct diagnosis of the patient by using the knowledge. (2) the patient what pathogenic therapy is the drug of choice? (3) please put forward the main nursing diagnosis according to the condition (1) this might be a common type of acute diarrhea caused by eating unclean food, so increased body temperature, blood visible white blood cells increased significantly, then conventional visible red cells, transmission for food type of communication; (2) treatment with oral norfloxacin, smecta, diet with liquid (3) due to heavy diarrhea, fluid and electrolyte supplement to prevent electrolyte disorder. Full marks: 5 3.. Briefly describe the clinical classification of viral hepatitis. Answer: the acute anicteric hepatitis, which is the most common type of viral hepatitis, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D to see more, generally such hepatitis clinical symptoms less elevated transaminase levels are relatively low, the histological changes of light The mortality rate is low, But in the course may be a long time, there are "three slow" characteristics, the pathogenesis of slow, slow recovery, protracted slow (slow finger length mean); acute jaundice hepatitis, than nonicteric hepatitis is relatively small, often self limiting disease, the prognosis is good, but few can develop into severe hepatitis 3; chronic hepatitis: diagnosis of chronic hepatitis since 1968 in accordance with the basic characteristics of organization will be divided into chronic persistent hepatitis (Chronic persistent, hepatitis, CPH) and chronic active hepatitis (Chronic active, hepatitis, CAH). This type of program was originally intended to show the severity of liver disease, but after years of often mistakenly believe that it distinguishes two kinds of type of disease or disease, between CPH and CAH in two types of boundaries are clear, and sometimes not consistent with clinical histological histology, it is difficult to predict to cirrhosis the transition, CAH and cirrhosis on histological distinction often encounter difficulties, the biopsy materials due to different parts and different performance etc.. In 1994, experts also proposed naming and suggestions for chronic hepatitis CPH, CAH, advocated the abolition of division, and to determine the pathogenic diagnosis of chronic hepatitis foundation named, according to the severity of liver inflammation and necrosis of book classification standard, and according to the degree of liver fibrosis staging criteria formulated; the severe hepatitis, and can be divided into acute severe and severe subacute and chronic severe cholestatic hepatitis; 5. Full marks: 5 4. 'cause what are the causes of chronic bacterial dysentery? Answer: Shigella is a facultative Gram-negative bacteria, all Shigella can produce enterotoxin, endotoxin, cytotoxin (exotoxin), Shigella dysenteriae can produce neurotoxins. No power, the most suitable temperature is 37 degrees, the direct sunlight has the killing effect, heating 60 DEG C, 10 minutes is dead, general disinfectant can kill it. It grows well in common medium and can live for about 10 days in fruits, vegetables and pickles; live in milk for 24 days; live in dark, moist and frozen conditions for several weeks. Full marks: 5 5.. Brief description of the acute dietary principle of bacillary dysentery. Answer: the purpose of dietary therapy is to reduce intestinal irritation, relieve diarrhea symptoms, and prevent and correct water electrolyte balance. In the fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea obvious, should be fasting, when symptoms are slightly reduced, you can eat light, nutritious, easy to digest, less fat liquid diet. Such as lotus root starch, rice soup, fruit juice, vegetable juice, drink milk, Soybean Milk and gas prone diet to ensure adequate rest of the gut, to supplement water and electrolytes. It can be cured by traditional Chinese Medicine - Liangxue Decoction of bacillary dysentery. Full marks: 5 Seizures or convulsions may occur which 6. 'epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis convulsion aura. Answer: right. Refers to the systemic or local twitch skeletal muscle group and abnormal involuntary contraction, causing joint movement, for the whole body, symmetry, the synonym for spasm (spasm), if accompanied by loss of consciousness and are called seizures (convulsion), the form can be tonic (sustained muscle contraction), clonus (of intermittent muscle contraction) and mixed (has a tonic and clonic muscle contraction). Full marks: 5 Examination questions of infectious diseases nursing examination, China Medical University, July 2014 Total score: 100 test time: - Radio examination Short Answer Questions Exposition Subjective cloze test Fill in the blanks (a total of 7 questions, 30 points) The 1. is the main source of infection of leptospirosis and. Full Score: 2 First empty sum: 1 points Second empty sum: 1 points Answer: rodents and pigs 2. infectious diseases prevention measures are,,. Full Score: 3 First empty sum: 1 points Second empty sum: 1 points Third empty sum: 1 points (isolation therapy) (fostering good personal hygiene); (prevention) 3., China adopts the infectious diseases of class A, adopts the infectious diseases of type B, and adopts the infectious diseases of the category C. Full Score: 3 First empty sum: 1 points Second empty sum: 1 points Third empty sum: 1 points Answer: (isolation treatment), (prevention, control), (supervision, monitoring) 4., heavy hepatitis should pay attention to observe the patient has, no, etc, hypoglycemia symptoms, standing candy, biscuits. Full Score: 4 First empty sum: 1 points Second empty sum: 1 points Third empty sum: 1 points Fourth empty sum: 1 points Answer: palpitation, dizziness, sweating, hunger 5. advanced schistosomiasis can be divided into,, and four. Full Score: 4 First empty sum: 1 points Second empty sum: 1 points Third empty sum: 1 points Fourth empty sum: 1 points Answer: splenomegaly, ascites, colon hyperplasia, and dwarfism 6. of the complications of leptospirosis, and. Full Score: 4 First empty sum: 1 points Second empty sum: 1 points Third empty sum: 1 points Fourth empty sum: 1 points (after fever), (reactive meningitis), (posterior ocular disease), and (occlusive cerebral arteritis) 7. the main pathological changes of bacillary dysentery are inflammation and ulcer. The main manifestations are,, and so on, can be accompanied by, and severe can occur and (or). Full Score: 10 First empty sum: 1 points Second empty sum: 1 points Third empty sum: 1 points Fourth empty sum: 1 points Fifth empty sum: 1 points Sixth empty sum: 1 points Seventh empty sum: 1 points Eighth empty sum: 1 points Ninth empty sum: 1 points Tenth empty sum: 1 points Answer: the rectum, sigmoid colon, abdominal pain, diarrhea, tenesmus, bloody purulent stool, fever, shock, sepsis, systemic toxic encephalopathy
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