首页 双联行动五年规划



双联行动五年规划双联行动五年规划 史家庙学校 “联村联户、为民富民”行动五年帮扶规划 ,2013——2017年, 开展“联村联户、为民富民”行动是省委根据形势的变化~坚持科学发展、履行执政为民、实现富民兴陇的一项重大决策,是强化“三农”工作、推进扶贫开发、实现我省与全国同步进入全面小康社会目标的一个重大举措,是密切党群干群关系、改进机关干部作风、锻炼培养干部的一次重大探索,是夯实基层基础、加强和创新社会管理、推动农村和谐稳定发展的一项重大实践。为深入贯彻落实县委《关于开展“联村联户、为民富民”行动的实施方案》精神~全面落实“...

双联行动五年规划 史家庙学校 “联村联户、为民富民”行动五年帮扶规划 ,2013——2017年, 开展“联村联户、为民富民”行动是省委根据形势的变化~坚持科学发展、履行执政为民、实现富民兴陇的一项重大决策,是强化“三农”工作、推进扶贫开发、实现我省与全国同步进入全面小康社会目标的一个重大举措,是密切党群干群关系、改进机关干部作风、锻炼培养干部的一次重大探索,是夯实基层基础、加强和创新社会管理、推动农村和谐稳定发展的一项重大实践。为深入贯彻落实县委《关于开展“联村联户、为民富民”行动的实施 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 》精神~全面落实“联村联户、为民富民”行动单位联村、干部联户任务~进一步深化“联村联户、为民富民”行动~切实推动各项事业发展~围绕《史家庙学校五年发展规划》确定的发展蓝图及工作重点~结合我校实际~制定“联村联户、为民富民”行动五年规划。 一、基本情况 史家庙学校有教师44人~党员8名。过去五年~在上级部门的正确领导下~我校坚持以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想为指导~以践行科学发展观、建设美好新农村为动力~立足跨越发展、和谐发展的目标要求~团结带领广大教师~解放思想~抢抓机遇~务实创新~克难求进~突出富民will not cause land subsidence, so the advantage of surrounding buildings without affecting, in the resolution of this issue has the absolute advantage. Furthermore, underground continuous wall as this pit of excavation support nursing programme, it in visit infiltration performance good opposite also has quite of role, according to geological exploration report, 3-7 in the sand layer exists upper delay water, and continuous wall as excavation support nursing programme on in the sand layer of delay water has is good of anti-infiltration capacity, also on built Hou of station has waterproof anti-infiltration aspects of protection. Construction method of underground continuous wall in many respects meet the requirements of the surrounding environment, so by comparison the second excavation support scheme, which uses the method of underground continuous wall as the excavation of Foundation pit support scheme. Third chapter soil pressure calculation 3.1 ground load contains of determine date Park station around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road main road to xianyang in XI ' an city, roads with heavy traffic, traffic is big. Therefore the load of 20kpa. Because of the depth in jujube Orchard station 17.4m, and groundwater buried deep 24.70~26.80m, has little influence on 强镇、改革创新、社会稳定等重点~扎实推进新农村建设和小康社会进程~把目标向特色兴校上锁定~努力打造高效廉洁、勤政为民的教育形象~圆满完成了各项目标任务。呈现出政治民主和谐、社会各项事业稳步推进、人民安居乐业的良好局面。 二、指导思想 坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导~深入贯彻落实科学发展观~紧紧围绕县委“两抓整推、攻坚克难~实现我省与全国同步进入全面小康社会目标”的发展战略~坚持“科学发展增动力~和谐稳定促发展~创先争优建强校”的工作理念~以联村联户为载体~以为民富民为目的~强基础~抓重点~树形象~办实事~不断加快社会主义新农村建设步伐~推进全镇各项事业健康快速发展。 三、规划范围和期限 史家庙学校“联村联户、为民富民”行动五年规划范围是榜罗镇先锋行政村。规划年限为2013年至2017年。 四、参与范围和联系方式 ,一,参与范围。史家庙学校联系榜罗镇先锋行政村~在我校党支部的统一组织安排下实施~具体工作按照县上的安排部署推进。 ,二,帮扶对象。以帮扶村特困户和部分致富带富能力强的示范户为重点。 will not cause land subsidence, so the advantage of surrounding buildings without affecting, in the resolution of this issue has the absolute advantage. Furthermore, underground continuous wall as this pit of excavation support nursing programme, it in visit infiltration performance good opposite also has quite of role, according to geological exploration report, 3-7 in the sand layer exists upper delay water, and continuous wall as excavation support nursing programme on in the sand layer of delay water has is good of anti-infiltration capacity, also on built Hou of station has waterproof anti-infiltration aspects of protection. Construction method of underground continuous wall in many respects meet the requirements of the surrounding environment, so by comparison the second excavation support scheme, which uses the method of underground continuous wall as the excavation of Foundation pit support scheme. Third chapter soil pressure calculation 3.1 ground load contains of determine date Park station around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road main road to xianyang in XI ' an city, roads with heavy traffic, traffic is big. Therefore the load of 20kpa. Because of the depth in jujube Orchard station 17.4m, and groundwater buried deep 24.70~26.80m, has little influence on ,三,联系方式。“双联”行动按照确定的联系帮扶对象、分期分批进村入户的办法进行~我校根据实际情况统筹安排工作~确保各项工作的连续性。 五、基本原则 ,一,注重协调~上下联动。我校党支部要协助村党组织加强与县直联系部门的沟通协调~科学合理确定具体的目标任务~及早明确干部包抓联系的贫困户~认真详细的制定帮扶 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。在活动中要注重沟通~加强联系~充分利用各联系单位在政策、项目、人才、信息等方面的资源优势~争取为群众多办实事、办好事~形成上下联动、整体推进的工作格局。 ,二,示范引领~综合带动。要切实发挥好党员干部的示范引领作用~发挥农村致富能手和产业示范户的模范带头作用。同时~要强化对贫困农户产业发展、基础设施改善的扶持力度~坚持抓两头促中间~形成先进带后进、后进争先进的良好格局。 ,三,重点明确~统筹兼顾。在“联村联户、为民富民”行动中我校党员、教师要按照乡党委的统一部署~与县联系干部并肩看齐~比着帮、比着干。重点突出贫困户帮扶~兼顾做好业务工作和包抓重点工作~拓宽“双联”活动的广度和深度。 will not cause land subsidence, so the advantage of surrounding buildings without affecting, in the resolution of this issue has the absolute advantage. Furthermore, underground continuous wall as this pit of excavation support nursing programme, it in visit infiltration performance good opposite also has quite of role, according to geological exploration report, 3-7 in the sand layer exists upper delay water, and continuous wall as excavation support nursing programme on in the sand layer of delay water has is good of anti-infiltration capacity, also on built Hou of station has waterproof anti-infiltration aspects of protection. Construction method of underground continuous wall in many respects meet the requirements of the surrounding environment, so by comparison the second excavation support scheme, which uses the method of underground continuous wall as the excavation of Foundation pit support scheme. Third chapter soil pressure calculation 3.1 ground load contains of determine date Park station around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road main road to xianyang in XI ' an city, roads with heavy traffic, traffic is big. Therefore the load of 20kpa. Because of the depth in jujube Orchard station 17.4m, and groundwater buried deep 24.70~26.80m, has little influence on ,四,真抓实干、务求实效。要注重向实践学习、向群众学习~认真倾听群众呼声~主动关心群众疾苦~千方百计帮助群众解决生产发展中遇到的实际困难~坚决防止和克服形式主义~确保活动不走过场。真正把这一活动打造成干部作风教育的形象提升工程、造福人民群众的德政民心工程。 ,五,结合实际、长期坚持。立足“十二五”规划和加快扶贫攻坚、全面建设小康社会的目标~建立长效工作机制~坚持不懈、持之以恒地开展工作。做到特困户不脱贫干部联系不脱钩。 六、总体目标 以建设社会主义新农村为目标~不断改善农民生活条件、提高农民生活水平、增强农民致富能力~围绕“多种经营”建设目标~不断壮大经济总量~提高人民生活水平~发展社会事业~全面加强党的建设~力争到2017年~特困户脱贫率达到100%,义务教育普及率达到100%,村、校服务体系基本健全,社会治安和安全生产状况良好~人与自然和谐发展,民主法制建设全面推进~群众素质明显提高,教师自身建设全面提升~职能进一步转变~服务型学校建设效果明显。 七、方法步骤 开展“双联”行动从2013年启动~具体步骤是: ,一,宣传动员。组织召开“联村联户、为民富民”行动动员大会~安排部署全镇“联村联户、为民富民”工作。对“联 will not cause land subsidence, so the advantage of surrounding buildings without affecting, in the resolution of this issue has the absolute advantage. Furthermore, underground continuous wall as this pit of excavation support nursing programme, it in visit infiltration performance good opposite also has quite of role, according to geological exploration report, 3-7 in the sand layer exists upper delay water, and continuous wall as excavation support nursing programme on in the sand layer of delay water has is good of anti-infiltration capacity, also on built Hou of station has waterproof anti-infiltration aspects of protection. Construction method of underground continuous wall in many respects meet the requirements of the surrounding environment, so by comparison the second excavation support scheme, which uses the method of underground continuous wall as the excavation of Foundation pit support scheme. Third chapter soil pressure calculation 3.1 ground load contains of determine date Park station around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road main road to xianyang in XI ' an city, roads with heavy traffic, traffic is big. Therefore the load of 20kpa. Because of the depth in jujube Orchard station 17.4m, and groundwater buried deep 24.70~26.80m, has little influence on 村联户、为民富民”行动做出具体安排~深入宣传“联村联户、为民富民”行动的目的、意义和目标任务~发动党员、教师积极投身到此项活动中来。 ,二,制定方案。结合全乡实际~在前期调研摸底的基础上~针对村组、群众当前最急需解决的难点问题~全面掌握实际情况~做到底数清、情况明~确定示范户和特困户~研究制定“联村联户、为民富民”行动方案~并报县“联村联户、为民富民”行动协调推进领导小组办公室备案。积极协调~认真分配联系村组和联系户~让村组、贫困户、示范户与联系干部建立一一对应的联系~并建立“联村联户、为民富民”行动联系卡。 ,三,组织实施。建立健全台账资料,包括会议、活动 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 、文件 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 、简报信息、宣传资料、各种表格等,。制定详细的行动方案~合理安排~统筹兼顾~正确处理好日常教学工作与开展联系活动之间的关系。统筹业务~合理安排时间到联系村、农户开展活动。史家庙学校党支部经常性督促检查~及时发现和解决活动中遇到的困难和问题。 ,四,年度考核。我校要根据上级部门的安排~认真抓好各阶段工作落实。活动开展过程中~由我校“联村联户、为民富民”行动领导小组进行定期检查~每半年进行一次总结~每年年底统一进行考核~通报考核结果。 八、工作任务 will not cause land subsidence, so the advantage of surrounding buildings without affecting, in the resolution of this issue has the absolute advantage. Furthermore, underground continuous wall as this pit of excavation support nursing programme, it in visit infiltration performance good opposite also has quite of role, according to geological exploration report, 3-7 in the sand layer exists upper delay water, and continuous wall as excavation support nursing programme on in the sand layer of delay water has is good of anti-infiltration capacity, also on built Hou of station has waterproof anti-infiltration aspects of protection. Construction method of underground continuous wall in many respects meet the requirements of the surrounding environment, so by comparison the second excavation support scheme, which uses the method of underground continuous wall as the excavation of Foundation pit support scheme. Third chapter soil pressure calculation 3.1 ground load contains of determine date Park station around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road main road to xianyang in XI ' an city, roads with heavy traffic, traffic is big. Therefore the load of 20kpa. Because of the depth in jujube Orchard station 17.4m, and groundwater buried deep 24.70~26.80m, has little influence on 1.加强设施建设~提升承载能力。 2. 协助村委会发展特色产业~增加农民收入。 3. 协助村委会落实惠民政策~积极改善民生。 4. 协助村委会保护生态资源~创建宜居环境。 九、工作方法 ,一,宣传政策。扎实开展“富民政策进农家”宣讲活动~深入宣传党的农村各项方针政策~让政策深入基层~充分保护和调动农民发展农业生产的积极性。广泛开展“四送四帮”活动:送政策、帮助抢抓致富机遇~送信息、帮助确定致富项目~送技术、帮助提升致富本领~送关怀、帮助解决实际困难。 ,二,反映民意。扎实开展“进百家门、访百家情、问百家需、暖百家心、解百家难”五百主题实践活动~深入贫困户家中~发现问题~ 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 矛盾~体察民情~了解民情~收集民意~真心诚意的解民难、济民困、帮民富。 ,三,促进发展。把加快发展作为“联村联户、为民富民”行动的重中之重~突出兴产业、促增收~强基础、增后劲~解难题、惠民生~办实事、求实效。 ,四,疏导情绪。扎实开展“矛盾纠纷集中排查调处”和“社会热点问题集中化解”活动~搭建诉求平台~畅通社情民意~化解社会矛盾~提高社会管理能力~促进农村和谐。 will not cause land subsidence, so the advantage of surrounding buildings without affecting, in the resolution of this issue has the absolute advantage. Furthermore, underground continuous wall as this pit of excavation support nursing programme, it in visit infiltration performance good opposite also has quite of role, according to geological exploration report, 3-7 in the sand layer exists upper delay water, and continuous wall as excavation support nursing programme on in the sand layer of delay water has is good of anti-infiltration capacity, also on built Hou of station has waterproof anti-infiltration aspects of protection. Construction method of underground continuous wall in many respects meet the requirements of the surrounding environment, so by comparison the second excavation support scheme, which uses the method of underground continuous wall as the excavation of Foundation pit support scheme. Third chapter soil pressure calculation 3.1 ground load contains of determine date Park station around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road main road to xianyang in XI ' an city, roads with heavy traffic, traffic is big. Therefore the load of 20kpa. Because of the depth in jujube Orchard station 17.4m, and groundwater buried deep 24.70~26.80m, has little influence on ,五,强基固本。结合创先争优和基层组织建设年活动~以“建班子、抓队伍、建机制、促发展”为目标~推行找准一条发展路子、制定一套脱贫计划、扶持一个增收产业、落实一个民生项目~培育一批新型农民。 ,六,推广典型。注重发现和推广农村改革发展稳定中的好做法~注重发现和推广联系联系干部在为民富民中涌现的好典型~注重发现和推广群众脱贫致富奔小康的好经验好做法~用先进的力量鼓舞人~用先进的事迹感化人~促进社会和谐发展。 十、保障措施 ,一,加强组织领导。中心小学要把这次行动作为一项重大的政治任务~成立由校长挂帅的领导小组~专人专项负责摸底调查、方案制定、信息报道、督查检查等工作机制。 ,二,统筹协调推进。把“联村联户~为民富民”行动与促进农民增收、改善民计民生结合起来~正确处理好尽心竭力帮扶与尊重群众意愿的关系~正确处理好当前与长远的关系~正确处理好务虚与务实的关系~正确处理好开展行动与做好中心工作的关系~做到科学统筹、合理安排、共同推进、协调发展。 ,三,强化宣传引导。加大宣传力度~创新宣传方式~注重培育典型~总结推广工作中涌现出的好做法、好经验~发挥典型的引领、示范和带动作用。 will not cause land subsidence, so the advantage of surrounding buildings without affecting, in the resolution of this issue has the absolute advantage. Furthermore, underground continuous wall as this pit of excavation support nursing programme, it in visit infiltration performance good opposite also has quite of role, according to geological exploration report, 3-7 in the sand layer exists upper delay water, and continuous wall as excavation support nursing programme on in the sand layer of delay water has is good of anti-infiltration capacity, also on built Hou of station has waterproof anti-infiltration aspects of protection. Construction method of underground continuous wall in many respects meet the requirements of the surrounding environment, so by comparison the second excavation support scheme, which uses the method of underground continuous wall as the excavation of Foundation pit support scheme. Third chapter soil pressure calculation 3.1 ground load contains of determine date Park station around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road main road to xianyang in XI ' an city, roads with heavy traffic, traffic is big. Therefore the load of 20kpa. Because of the depth in jujube Orchard station 17.4m, and groundwater buried deep 24.70~26.80m, has little influence on ,四,严明工作纪律。联系干部下到村组期间~要模范遵守工作纪律~要真心实意地为群众办实事、解难题~圆满完成联系农户的各项任务。要模范遵守组织纪律~联户干部要记好民情日记~填好《联户手册》。要严格遵守 “八个严禁”~进村入户不得在村上就餐~不得增加群众负担。 ,五,强化督查考核。史家庙学校“双联”行动领导小组要建立督查工作制度~把“双联”行动作为我校督查工作的重点~保证各项工作有序推进。要强化督促检查~对帮扶工作中有计划无行动、有挂钩无对接、有帮扶无进展等情况进行严查严管~及时发现问题、解决问题。要制定“双联”行动考核办法~将开展“双联”行动纳入综合目标管理责任书进行考核~干部“双联”考核情况占到年终绩效考核的10%~严格兑现奖罚。 史家庙学校 2013.8.24 will not cause land subsidence, so the advantage of surrounding buildings without affecting, in the resolution of this issue has the absolute advantage. Furthermore, underground continuous wall as this pit of excavation support nursing programme, it in visit infiltration performance good opposite also has quite of role, according to geological exploration report, 3-7 in the sand layer exists upper delay water, and continuous wall as excavation support nursing programme on in the sand layer of delay water has is good of anti-infiltration capacity, also on built Hou of station has waterproof anti-infiltration aspects of protection. Construction method of underground continuous wall in many respects meet the requirements of the surrounding environment, so by comparison the second excavation support scheme, which uses the method of underground continuous wall as the excavation of Foundation pit support scheme. Third chapter soil pressure calculation 3.1 ground load contains of determine date Park station around of status and planning are to live mainly, station West North for construction in the of universal real estate Universal City, northeast side for big road village of construction with to, planning for senior business live floor, West South for Xian Lishan car factory of 3402 community, East South for big Park community and love Chrysanthemum better Park, residential community. West zaoyuan road main road to xianyang in XI ' an city, roads with heavy traffic, traffic is big. Therefore the load of 20kpa. Because of the depth in jujube Orchard station 17.4m, and groundwater buried deep 24.70~26.80m, has little influence on
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