首页 2012年哈尔滨中考调研物理试卷及答案



2012年哈尔滨中考调研物理试卷及答案2012年哈尔滨中考调研物理试卷及答案 哈尔滨市2012初中毕业调研测试 (综合试卷物理部分) 一、选择题:(每题2分,共24分) 16(下列关于测量仪器的说法,正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(刻度尺和游标卡尺都可以直接用来测量学生课桌的高度 B(电流表和电压表在使用时,都允许直接与电源的两端相连接 C(量筒和量杯都可用来测液体的体积 D(实验室用温度计与常用体温计,测温后都可以离开被测物体读数 17(下列关于“声现象”的说法正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) ...

2012年哈尔滨中考调研物理试卷及 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 哈尔滨市2012初中毕业调研测试 (综合试卷物理部分) 一、选择题:(每题2分,共24分) 16(下列关于测量仪器的说法,正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(刻度尺和游标卡尺都可以直接用来测量学生课桌的高度 B(电流表和电压表在使用时,都允许直接与电源的两端相连接 C(量筒和量杯都可用来测液体的体积 D(实验室用温度计与常用体温计,测温后都可以离开被测物体读数 17(下列关于“声现象”的说法正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(“禁止鸣笛”是为了阻断噪声的接收 B(“隔墙有耳”说明声音能在固体中传播 C(“闻其声而知其人”主要是依据声音传播速度来判断的 D(“不敢高声语,恐惊天上人”中的“高”是指声音的音调高 18(对下列四幅图所描述的物理现象解释正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(“凝重的霜”的形成是凝华现象,放热 B(“飘渺的雾”的形成是液化现象,吸热 C(“晶莹的露”的形成是熔化现象,放热 D(“洁白的雪”的形成是凝华现象,吸热 19(下列四个说法中,正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(用等质量的煤油和水研究物质吸热本领时,升温快的比热容大 B(用煤气灶烧开水是利用热传递的方式改变物体的内能 C(用高压锅煮饭是为了降低气压,提高水的沸点 D(在干旱地区,农业灌溉中用管道输水代替沟渠输水只是为了约束水的流向 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 20(下列光学现象及其解释正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(投影仪是利用凸透镜成像的原理工作的(在屏幕上成的是正立、放大的虚像 B(早在2000多年前《墨经》中记载的小孔成像实验可以用光的折射来解释 C(利用激光可以在钢板上打孔,说明光可以传递能量 D(夜晚用手电筒照射放置在白纸上的镜子,看起来镜子很暗,是因为镜于发生了漫反射 21(小琴同学在厨房帮妈妈做饭时观察到了一些现象,用所学物理知识进行了解释,其中解释正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(轻推案板,案板不动,是因为推力小于摩擦力 B(用刀切较硬食品前先磨刀,是为了减小受力面积,增大压强 C(夹菜时使用的筷子属于省力杠杆 D(微波炉是利用电流热效应工作的 22(哈尔滨市近来城市面貌发生了很大变化,增加了许多绿地,在道路两旁栽种了大量树木,改善了城市环境,下列关于它对城市绿化作用的说法不正确的是„„„„( ) A(增加许多绿地、绿树,有利于人眼的健康 B(城市绿地面积的增加可以改善空气质量 C(大量树木可以减小噪声对居民的影响 D(植物的蒸腾作用,可以加快“热岛效应” 23(如图是某同学家中的部分电路,开始时各部分工作正常,将电饭煲的插头插入电源的三孔插座后,正在烧水的电热壶突然不能工作,但电灯仍正常发)拔出电饭煲的插头,电热壶仍不能工作,把测电笔分别插入插座的左、右孔,氖管均能发光。则可以判断出电路的故障是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(电热壶所在电路的B、D两点间断路 B(插座的接地线断路 C(电路的C、D两点间导线断路 D(电路的A、B两点间导线断路 24(某小区最近一段时间由于楼道灯的供电系统电压偏高,使得所用“220V40W”灯的灯r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 丝经常熔断,在电压暂时无法改变的情况下,为了延长楼道灯的使用寿命,小明所采取的下列方法切实可行的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(换用一只“220V 60W”的灯泡替换原来的灯泡接入原电路中使用 B(换用一只“220V 15W”的灯泡替换原来的灯泡接入原电路中使用 C(换用两只“220V 40W”的灯泡串联后替换原来的灯泡接入原电路中使用 D(换用两只“220V 40W”的灯泡并联后替换原来的灯泡接入原电路中使用 25(如图所示的实验现象所揭示的物列原理或规律,与对应的技术应用或现象不正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) 26(如图所示,在铝质空易拉罐中放入少量的水,然后用酒精灯加热。待罐口出现白雾时,用橡皮泥堵住罐口,把酒精灯撤去,让易拉罐自然冷却,发现易拉罐变瘪。下列说法正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(罐口出现的白雾是熔化形成的 B(易拉罐变瘪,是由于罐体冷却收缩形成的 C(易拉罐变瘪,是由于大气压的作用而至 D(易拉罐变瘪后,过一段时间又自动恢复原状,是罐内内气体做功而至 27(为了测定潜水艇的下潜深度,科技人员设计了深度测定仪,测定仪的原理图如图所示,R为定值电阻;F是传感器,其电阻R与潜水艇在海水中的深度h成反比。0 (电源电压不变)下列说法中正确的是„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„( ) A(电流表示数与潜水艇所在的深度成反比 B(电流表示数与潜水艇所在的深度成正比 C(潜水艇缓慢上浮时,电流表示数变小 D(潜水艇水平航行时,电流表示数变大 二、非选择题(共46分) 38((2分)暑假期间小红和同学们到太阳岛公园游玩。一走进公园,她们就闻到了阵阵的花香,这是 现象,气温越高香气越浓,是因为花分子 。 39((2分)把5kg的水从20?加热到70?,水吸收 J的热量(生活中 - 3 - r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 我们经常看到司机往汽车发动机水箱里灌水降温,这主要是因为 3 。[水的比热容C水=4(2×10J,(kg??)] 40((2分)某同学用干燥的手将撕成条状的塑料膜摩擦几下,发现越捋越蓬松,如图所示,出现这种现象是因为 。 41((2分)有一种“舂米对”的古代简单机械,其示意图如图,使用这个装置时,人在A端用力把它踩下后立即松脚。B端就会下落,打在容器内谷物上,从而把谷物打碎。在B端下落的过程中,舂自身的重力是 (填“动力”或“阻力”)。这是—个 (填“省力”或“费力”)杠杆。 42((2分)如图所示,拉力F=125N,在10s内将重物匀速提升4m,滑轮组的机械效率是80,。则物体重是 N,拉力的功率是 W。 43((2分)物理与你的学习生活息息相关。请你从体育课上选取运动项目,说明该项目中的某状态或某过程与物理知识的对应关系。模仿示例例举两例填于空格处。(物理知识不能重复)。 44((2分)班级物理实验小组的同学们,利用注射器进行探究 实验,如图所示。甲乙两同学分别用注射器抽取半筒水,用手 指封闭注射器开口。甲同学较用力推压注射器的活塞,发现水 很难被压缩,这表明 ; 乙同学迅速用力向外拉活塞,发现水在常温下沸腾了,出现此 现象的原因是: 。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 45((2分)如图所示,图A是小亮画 的照相机成像原理示意图。请指出作 图不 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 之处有 。 小亮用一焦距可调的照相机在同一位 置给防洪纪念塔拍摄了甲、乙两张照片(如图B所示),则拍摄照片 时,镜头焦距调的较小。 46((2分)某校师生自制了一台电烘箱。电烘箱的电阻丝通过5A的电流时,2min可产生 51.32× 10J的热量。则电阻丝的电阻为 Ω,此时电阻丝的工作电压为 。 47((2分)如图所示,电源电压不变,R=10Ω(R=15Ω,当S、S都闭合,甲、乙都是1212 电压表时,则U:U= ;当S闭合,S断开,甲、乙都是电流表时,电路消甲乙12 耗的总功率与R消耗功率之比为 。 2 48((1分)铡刀铡草时的示意图如图所示。请画出动力F的力臂L,并画出草对刀的弹力N的示意图。 49((2分)根据图中小磁针的指向,判断并标出通电螺线管中电流的方向,及通电螺线管两端的磁极性。 50((5分)在“测量小灯泡电功率的实验”中,小灯 泡的额定电压为3(8V,电阻大约为10Ω,电源电压 为6V且保持不变,其它器材如图所示(实验中小明发 现电压表的0—15V量程损坏,但0—3V的量程还可使 用。(计算结果保留小数点后两位) (1)小明仍利用这些器材进行上面的实验,设计并连接 了如图所示的实物图,但有一根导线连错了,请帮他在连错的导线上画“×”,并连上正确的导线。实验中有两个可供选择的滑动变阻器,分别为“5Ω 1A”和“10Ω 1A”,为了能顺利完成实验,应选择 的滑动变阻器合适。 (2)小东测出了如下表的三组实验数据,请你(帮助计算出小灯泡的额定电功率并填入表 - 5 - r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 格内。 (3)请回答,本实验中,在调节滑动变阻器时,应该注意的事项及理由。 51((5分)同学们在探究“水对物体的浮力”的实验(用弹簧测力计吊着一只装满水的小塑料袋(袋内不留空气,袋的质量不计。)在空气中称其重如图甲所 示。之后再把这袋水逐渐浸没水中(不碰容器壁),发现测力计的示 数逐渐减小为零。则: (1)浸没在水中的水袋受到的浮力是 N。可初步得物体受 到的浮力 物体排开液体的重力的结论(填“大 于”、“等于”或“小于”) (2)显然下面的结论有特殊性,为使结论比较具有普遍性,同学们用—个弹簧测力计、—个金属块、两个相同的烧杯(分别装有相同体积的水和酒精),又进行了如乙图所示的实验。 请你按图说明他们的探究思路(在说明过程中,需数据支持,请写出必要的计算过程)。 3333(ρ=1.0×l0kg,kg,ρ=0.8×10kg,m,g=10N,kg)(图中所标序号不代表实验顺水酒精 序) r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 52((6分)课上同学们在进行“探究平面镜成的像与物的大小关系”的实验,如图甲,A为已燃蜡烛,L为玻璃板。 (1)小明从L中看见小华摸到烛火了,可小华 却说没有,请你解释其原因。 (2)小明和小华在取器材时,拿了长短不—的两根蜡烛,其它器材一样。请写出探究像和物大小的关系的办法。 (3)小华提出这样的问题:为何用平面镜进行实验,不易确定像的位置呢,请你按照图乙所示的光路图加以解释。(图中00′为平面镜,AB为物体,A′B′为AB经平面镜成的像) - 7 - r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. 53((6分)小明和同学们在“社会调查实践”活动中得知,目前混合动力汽车已在许多城市投入使用。 (1)该混合动力汽车启动时,若驱动电机两端的电压为250V,通过的电流为80A,则驱动电机在3min内做的功为多大, (2)若该车在平直路面上,以72km/h匀速行驶10min,其内燃机消耗汽油1(2kg,动力 6.2×10J。汽车行驶时所受的阻力与速度的关系如图所示试计算电池储存的电能增加了7 该车内燃机的效率(不计内燃机外机械传动及充电过程中的能量损失)(汽油的热值q=4(6 7×10J,kg) (3)此次“社会调查实践”活动,大家收获很大。请淡谈你对混合动力汽车的了解。 r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. - 9 - r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment. r included in the County, with the right of abode overseas natural persons; (2) expand the scope of borrower type of occupation; (3) to apply for a loan for business borrowers, as well as the business unit controller or major shareholders. 2, the maximum loan amount (1) to cancel "a maximum loan amount of RMB 300,000" requirement; (2) both for personal consumption and business purposes, different methods were used to determine the loan amount. 3, the loan terms (1) the loan terms with borrowers and not more than 60 years of age; (2) lending operation, should be based on the borrower's production cycle and the anticipated income situation, scientifically and rationally determine the loan period. (E) loans: the three rejected. (F) receive and investigate: 1, defines the principles and requirements of pre-loan investigation, focusing on investigating first source of repayment, and a double investigation. 2, the provision of customer information: (1) "available on request" information, customer reference case where the account manager deciding whether to request; (2) proof of income can refer to the approach in annex format or other format to meet the Bank's requirements; (3) loan operation shall provide the information management unit; (4) copy of the account manager shall verify the information and sign it to confirm. 3, provided for a borrower, guarantor and main contents of units operated by pre-loan investigation. 4, loans for business and apply for amounts in excess of 500,000 yuan, account managers should refer to the measurement limit estimates demand for working capital loans. (G) loans: the loan origination process, provides lenders responsible for review. (H) loans to pay: defined the trustee payments and autonomous operational requirements for payment.
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