首页 小学班主任日常工作心得体会



小学班主任日常工作心得体会小学班主任日常工作心得体会 班主任工作心得体会 作为一名小学班主任的我,内心最大的感受就是:班主任不好当~新时期下的小学生,由于大多数都是独生子女,在家里被父母,亲人宠爱惯了,容易形成强烈的自我意识,比较孤僻。他们观察事物往往只注意整体,比较笼统,不够精确,以自己的喜好为出发点,很少顾及到他人的感受。另一方面,他们的神经系统较脆弱,爱抚的需要迫切。作为班主任,根据小学生的这些特点,既给予学生充足的关怀和爱,又让学生在集体中感受朋友的快乐,同时培养学生正确的价值取向是最需要研究的。下面就简单谈几点自己的体会: ...

小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 班主任日常工作心得体会 班主任工作心得体会 作为一名小学班主任的我,内心最大的感受就是:班主任不好当~新时期下的小学生,由于大多数都是独生子女,在家里被父母,亲人宠爱惯了,容易形成强烈的自我意识,比较孤僻。他们观察事物往往只注意整体,比较笼统,不够精确,以自己的喜好为出发点,很少顾及到他人的感受。另一方面,他们的神经系统较脆弱,爱抚的需要迫切。作为班主任,根据小学生的这些特点,既给予学生充足的关怀和爱,又让学生在集体中感受朋友的快乐,同时培养学生正确的价值取向是最需要研究的。下面就简单谈几点自己的体会: 一、班主任要热爱本职工作,以身作则,为人师表。 首先作为一名合格的人民教师,首先得热爱本职工作,忠诚党的教育方针,只有这样才能全身心地投入到教育事业之中,以校为家,爱生如子。作为班主任,要作好自己的工作,就必须善于研究小学生的生理特点、心理特征和行为习惯,善于了解学生、热爱学生、关心和帮助学生,和学生打成一片,学生才能亲其师,信其道。 其次必须以身作则,为人师表,从我做起。小学生正处在一个生理成长期和世界观、价值观逐步形成的一个特殊的时期,作为老师,特别是班主任,你的一举一动都会直接影响学生的思想行为和道德行为。因此,作为班主任,更应严格 要求 对教师党员的评价套管和固井爆破片与爆破装置仓库管理基本要求三甲医院都需要复审吗 自己,提高自己的文化和道德修养,以感染和教育学生。例如,要求学生知错就改,当你在工作中出现了失误时,更要真诚地对学生说:“对不起,这件事是我没查清楚,错怪你了。”这样学生在生活和学习中做错了,能够主动地找到跟你认错。 二、针对学生特点因材施教,发掘他们身上的闪光点。 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 首先书上说:学生是教育的主体,一点不错,学生好比一个铁盒子,不是要你去一拳砸扁它,而是要你细细地去找到那把对号的钥匙,去开启他们的心扉。你先得把学生研究透,各个年龄段,各个层次的学生生理、心理特点都不一样,你要知道他做些啥、想些啥,怎么让他接受你的教导。军法有云:知已知彼,百战不殆。要针对学生的特点,设身处地的以他能够接受的方式进行启发引导。其实,学生到学校来,谁都想成为好学生,他们对老师充满了尊敬和依赖。只不过因为智力的差异和自制力水平的不同,导致学生良莠不齐,我们就要区别对待,好比有的人,他是种田能手,你非要让他去钻研高尖新技术,怎么可能呢,不要高尖新技术没研究成,搞成个心理不健康就麻烦了,所以要因材施教,教师的心态要放宽一些,任意拔高要求无异于拔苗助长,得不偿失。小孩子小,在严格要求的同时,尽量多鼓励他们,多表扬他们,这就要求班主任在批评和表扬的时候掌握好火候,并尽可能多地让学生爱到赞扬,让他们感受到成功、感受到学习的乐趣,形成良性循环。 其次每个学生的背后,都有不少言行隐藏着许多可贵的闪光点。班主任的责任就是要用爱心去发掘出言行中的闪光点,让学生在教师的种种善意的期待和爱中,增强自信并走向成功。我班里有这样一个男生,他平日里默默无闻,学习成绩一般,基本老师都不会注意他,但他的字写得不错。我们班第一次办班板报时,发愁没人会写板头。我就找到他,说他的字写得挺好,让他试试,结果他写得不错。通过这件事他也知道自己还有很大的潜力,极大地增强了自信心。在接下来的摸底考试中成绩有很大的进步,在刚刚结束的期中考试中,他进到了班级的第六名。每个学生都有值得津津称道的优点,班主任应及时发现学生的具体优点,公开赞美。这样,赞美将会成为激励学生奋发向上、刻苦求学的巨大动力。 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 三、班主任要与各科教师密切配合,并积极与家长沟通。 在学校里,对学生教育直接有影响的,除了班主任以外,各科教师也很关健。班主任与各科教师共同对学生进行教育,班主任是核心,起着协调、组织和领导的作用。要带好一个班集体,就必须和每一位任课教师密切配合,这样,才能全面了解和把握每一位学生的具体情况。俗话说得好,众人拾柴火焰高。各科老师和班主任配合得好,班主任工作才能收到事半功倍的效果。 与此同时,家庭教育是学校教育的必要补充,作为班主任要及时同家长沟通联系,根据不同学生做好家访工作,全面了解每位学生的性格、爱好和特长,对症下药,为每位学生创造一个良好的学习发展环境。 四、改变工作方式,培养优良班风,增强班级凝聚力。 要培养班风,首先要确定班级奋斗目标,它是一个班级的努力方向,班主任要把全班学生的心凝聚起来,靠的就是目标,经常开展活动,创造良好的氛围,给学生以荣誉感,从小培养学生良好的行为习惯。 本学期我们学校开展了一次第九套广播体操比赛。我们班的孩子个性好动活泼,思维敏捷聪明,但做广播操总是不认真对待。虽然我早有准备,并且尝试了许多方法,如对不认真同学进行批评教育,大力表扬表现好的同学等,但情况仍不见有大的好转,孩子们还是比较懒散。有时真想体罚体罚他们,但是一看到学生们灿烂的笑脸,就心软了。经过认真思考,我调整了一下方法,给学生的要求开始尽可能做到简洁、有力、明确。然后,在活动过程中注意落实。严格检查学生是否按要求做到,并树立榜样进行大力表扬。每次操做完我都要同学们整队留下进行简短的小结,肯定学生做得好和进步的地方,同时提出不足及下次的期望。如此几次下来,学生的精神面貌有了很大的飞跃。真正触动学生的往往是集体的舆论,学生最不愿意的就是他在班级集体心目中的形象受dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 损。我掌握了这种组织方法后,经常变换着对孩子的奖励和激励手段,变戏法似地刺激着孩子,使他们总有动力驱使自己在各方面做得更好。学生在进步,我也在成长,相信只要坚持把自己取得到所收所获不断积累下来,吸取失败的教训,学会分析解决问题,总结做得好的经验,就能使自己有更大的收获~ 五、充分发挥班干部的积极作用。 班干部是老师的小助手,也是同学们的好朋友,能用好班级骨干是形成优秀集体的一个重要条件,使集体有一个“控制中心”,保证在统一的指挥下,能协调实现共同的目标,更重要的是通过班级工作实践提高学生交际能力,组织能力和独立工作能力。如班长全面负责班级工作;学习委员专项负责组织每天和双休日后作业的收发;文体委员主持班级各项的文体活动;生活委员坚持每周的生活。组长管好本组的事。在班上发生问题,班干部能主动解决纠纷,化解矛盾。班级的班干部和小组长在每周的周一聚在一起开班务会,对上个周班级中出现的情况进行总结,或者提出自己对小组管理的方法和困惑,并对本周的工作进行安排布署。在每天的晚饭时班长与值日班长开个碰头会,交流一下当天的情况,然后由班长在班级进行晚点。这样从班长到组长责任分明、各司其责。增强了他们的责任心,调动了他们的积极性,发挥了他们的主动性、创造性,使他们的潜能得到最大的发掘,使全班的常规工作有条不紊地进行着。 六、充分利用学校组织的各项活动,培养学生全面发展。 教育是教师与学生、学生与学生之间的互动。班主任老师应带领班级的学生积极、踊跃参加学校组织形式多样的大型集体活动,如运动会、歌咏比赛、课外活动等。通过集体活动,开阔视野,陶冶情操,将德育思想和目标,转化为学生的行动,培养他们热爱集体、关心他人的思想美德,做到入身入脑入心,不甘落后、团结拼搏的精神。用中华民族传统美德武装学生,培育高尚的思想dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose 道德素质。对于参加的活动,无论是取得了成绩还是以失败告终,有活动就有 总结,学生自己要总结,班主任要总结,使学生总结经验,吸取教训,明辨是 非,好的表扬,差的批评,这样正气会得到弘扬,歪风习气会有效的遏制,对 全班学生树立正确的人生观、世界观、价值观有很大的促进作用。 第一小学 dependence on diagnostics and prognosis is poor and so on. Therefore, the Neurology residents must have a solid theoretical foundation and strong ability in clinical practice. These rules only Neurology residency training standards. , Training objectives through a comprehensive, formal, rigorous training, and was trained in to complete the training content is reached after neurological specialist level, more accurate diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases and emergencies, and has some medical teaching and research capacities. Training and specialist training in neurology for 3 years, Department of Neurology and clinical rotations. (A) clinical Rotary Department and the time arrangements Rotary Department name time (months) Rotary Department name time (months) Neural medical 18 neuropathy acting 1 endocrine section 2 neural electric physiological 2 breathing medical 2 medical image 2 heart medical 2 spirit section 2 neural medical N-ICU or emergency room 4 neural surgical 1 (ii) theory training content and requirements training project participate in requirements (? hours) neuropathy learn 120 within science 60 medical image learn (including CT And the MRI, SPECT, PET, and TCD etc) 40 neurophysiology (including EMG, EEG, evoked potentials) 20 40 neuropathology 20 case discussion note: theoretical training should be a combination of two forms of learning and teaching. Three, training contents and requirements (a) Neurology (18 month) 1. purpose
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