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图书及印刷行业专用词汇.doc图书及印刷行业专用词汇.doc 十六本开开32-mo 三十二本开开64-mo 六十四本开开acredited journalist n. 开开特派者advertisment n,广告, advance n,消息,写消息开开开开开开开开开affair(e) n,桃色新,开开开开anecdote n,趣事开开开assignment n,采写任开attribution n. 开开开开开开消息出,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n,新背景开开开Bad news t...

关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 及印刷行业专用词汇.doc 十六本开开
32-mo 三十二本开开
64-mo 六十四本开开
acredited journalist n. 开开特派者
advertisment n,广告,
advance n,消息,写消息开开开开开开开开开
affair(e) n,桃色新,开开开开
anecdote n,趣事开开开
assignment n,采写任开
attribution n. 开开开开开开消息出,消息来源
back alley news n. 小道消息
backgrounding n,新背景开开开
Bad news travels quickly. 坏事千里。开开开开
banner n,通开开开
beat n,采写范
blank vt. 开 "开天窗"
body n. 新正文开开开
boil vt,开开(篇幅)
box n. 花新开开开
brief n. 开开
bulletin n,新开开开
byline n. 署名文章
caption n,片明开开开开
caricature n,漫画
carry vt,刊登
cartoon n,漫画
censor vt. 开开(新稿件开开开),新开开开
chart n,周流行音排行版每开开开开
clipping n,剪开
column n,,目开开开开开
columnist n,作家开开开开
continued story 开开故事;开开开小
contributing editor 开开开特
contribution n,(投刊的开开开开)稿件;投稿
contributor n,投稿人
copy desk n,新部开开开开
copy editor n,文字开开
correction n,更正(启事)
correspondence column开开开者来信
correspondent n.开开开开开开开开开开外者,常外埠者
cover vt,采开;采写
covergirl n. 封面女郎
covert coverage 开开性采;秘密采
crop vt开,剪开(开片)
crusade n,宣攻开开开
cut n,插开 vt,减开开(字数)
cutline n,插明开开开
daily n,日开
dateline n,新开开开
deadline n,截稿开开
dig vt,深入采,追踪开开开开(新索开开开),"挖"(新开)
digest n,文摘
editorial n,社开
editorial office 开开部
editor's notes 开者按
exclusive n,独家新开
expose n,丑新,新曝光揭开开开开开开
extra n,号外
eye-account n,目开开;开开开者
faxed photo 开 真照片
feature n,特写,稿开开
feedback n,信息反开
file n,送消息,稿开开开开开开开
filler n,开白
First Amendment (美国法开开)第一修正案(内容有新、出版自由等开开开开开开开开开)
five "W's" of news 新五要素开开开开
flag n,开开;开名
folo (=follow-up) n,道开开开开
Fourth Estate 开第四等(新界的称开开开开开)
freedom of the Press 新自由开开开
free-lancer n,自由撰稿人
full position 醒目位置
Good news comes on crutches. 好事不出。开开
grapevine n,小道消息
gutter n,中开
hard news 硬新开;开消息
headline n,新,内容提要开开开开开开开开
hearsay n,小道消息
highlights n. 要开
hot news 开开 点新
human interest 人情味
ib-depth reporting 深度道开开
insert n.& vt,插段落开开开;插稿
interpretative reporting 解性道开开开开
invasion of privacy 开开侵犯私(开)
inverted pyramid 倒金字塔(写作构开开)
investigative reporting 开开开开性道
journaslism n,新开开;新学开开
Journalism is literature in a hurry 开开开开开开开新是急就文学,
journalist n,新者开开开
kill vt,退弃(稿件),开开(稿件)
layout n,版面排,版面开开开开开开开
lead n,开开
libel n. 开开(罪)
makeup n. 版面开开
man of the year 年度新人物,年度云人物开开开开开开开开开开
mass communication 大众播开开(学)
mass media 开开开开大众播媒介
masterhead n,开开;开名
media n.媒介,媒体
Mere report is not enough to go upon,是不足凭,开开开开开开开开开
morgue n,刊料室开开开开开
news agency 通社开开
news clue 开开开新索
news peg 新索,新开开开开开开开开
newsprint n,新开开
news value 新价开开开
No news is good news,没有消息就是好消息,不凶便是吉。开开开开开开开
nose for news 新开敏感
obituary n,告开开
objectivity n,客性开开
off the record 不宜公道开开开
opinion poll 开开民意
periodical n,期刊
pipeline n,匿名消息来源
popular paper 大众化开开开开 ,通俗
press n,界,新界开开开开开开
press conference 新布会开开开开;开者招待台
press law 开开新法
press release 新公告开开开;新开开开
PR man 公先生开开开
profile n. 开开开开开开开人物,人物特写
proofreader n,校开开
pseudo event 假新开
quality paper 开开开开开开开开高,
quarterly n,季刊
readability n,可性开开
reader's interest 开开开者越
reject vt,退弃(稿件)
remuneration n. 稿开;稿酬
reporter n,者开开
rewrite vt. 改写(稿件),改稿
round-up n,合消息开开开开
scandal n,丑开
scoop vt."开"(新开) n,独家新开
sensational a,人听的,具有效的开开开开开开开开开开开开开
*** scandal 开桃色新
sidebar n,花絮新开
slant n,主道,片面道开开开开开开开开
slink ink "爬格子"
softnews 开开新
source n,新来源,消息灵通人士开开开开开开开开开开
spike vt,退弃(稿件),"开开"(稿件)
stone vt,拼版
story n,消息;稿件;文章
stringer n,特者开开开;通开开
subhead n,小,副开开开开开开
supplement n,号外;副刊;增刊
suspended interest 开念
thumbnail n,"豆腐干"(文章)
timeliness n,效性开开开;开新性
tip n,内幕新,秘密消息开开开开开开
trim n. 开改(稿件)
update n,更新(新内容开开开),增强(开效性)
watchdog n.&vt.开开开督
weekly n,周开
wire service n,通社开开
advertisement, ad 广告
annual 年刊
anthology 文集, 文开
back number 开开开期志
banner headline 通开开开
best seller 开开开
bimonthly 双月刊
booklet, pamphlet 小册子, 小开
cheap edition, paperback 廉价本
circulation 开行量
commentator 开开开
complete works 全集
copyright 版开
daily 日开
daily paper 日开
deluxe edition 精装本
document, paper 公文
editing 开开,工作,
edition 版本
editor 开开,者,
editorial, leading article 社开
editor's note 开者按
encyclopaedia, encyclopedia 百科全
evening paper 开开开
extra issue 开开开开开,,号外
feature, feature article 特写
folio 开开本
fortnightly 半月刊
headline 开开
home news 国内新开
index 索引
magazine 开志
manual, handbook 手册
memorial volume 开念刊
monthly 月刊
morning paper 开晨
new edition 新版
news agency 新社开开
news report, news story, news coverage 新开开开
octavo 八本开开
original edition 原版,,开开
paperback 平装本
periodical 期刊
pictorial magazine 画开
pocket edition 袖珍本
popular edition 普及版
pre-dated 提前出版的
press communique 开开开新公
press conference 开者招待会
printing 印刷
printing machine 印刷机
proof-reader 校,者,开开开开
proof-reading 校工作开开开
publication 出版
publisher 开行者
publishing house, press 出版社
quarterly 季刊
quarto 四本开开
reader 开本
reference book 参考开
reporter, correspondent, journalist 开者
reprint 重印, 翻印
resident correspondent 开开开常者
revised edition 修版开开
royalty 版税
scientific literature 科学文献
selected works, selections 开集
serial story 小开开开
serial, to serialize 开开
special correspondent 特派者开开
special issue 特刊
Sunday newspaper 星期日
textbook 开教科开
the first edition 初版
the first impression 第一次印刷
the second edition 再版
the second impression 第二次印刷
the third edition 第三版
type-setter, compositor 排字工人
type-setting, composition 排版
weekly 周刊
world news 开开开国新
year-book 年开
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