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职业篮球类游戏《NBA 2K13》攻略指南


职业篮球类游戏《NBA 2K13》攻略指南职业篮球类游戏《NBA 2K13》攻略指南 NBA 2K13是一款由2K Sports发布的最新篮球手机游戏。 游戏中首次加入了全新的NBA全明星每周竞赛,其中还包括三分球投篮大赛和扣篮大赛等,全新的NBA 2K13中还引用了全新的一键式控制,玩家可以通过这一虚拟按键实现各种动作。 NBA 2K13支持蓝牙和互联网联机游戏,玩家可以和朋友们进行PK,最后还会升级,游戏还有成就系统,总共有30个成就供玩家朋友们来挑战。 下面小编就来为大家介绍一下NBA 2K13成就获取方法。希望小编的NBA 2K13成就获...

职业篮球类游戏《NBA 2K13》攻略指南
职业篮球类游戏《NBA 2K13》攻略指南 NBA 2K13是一款由2K Sports发布的最新篮球手机游戏。 游戏中首次加入了全新的NBA全明星每周竞赛,其中还包括三分球投篮大赛和扣篮大赛等,全新的NBA 2K13中还引用了全新的一键式控制,玩家可以通过这一虚拟按键实现各种动作。 NBA 2K13支持蓝牙和互联网联机游戏,玩家可以和朋友们进行PK,最后还会升级,游戏还有成就系统,总共有30个成就供玩家朋友们来挑战。 下面小编就来为大家介绍一下NBA 2K13成就获取方法。希望小编的NBA 2K13成就获取方法能帮到各位玩家朋友们。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 NBA2K13 总共有30个成就供玩家挑战,下面是具体成就名称以及获取方法: 1、Getting Your Feet Wet Play the game for one hour。 游戏时间超过1小时(任意模式都行)。 2、First Victory Win a game in any mode。 赢一场比赛(任意模式都行)。 3、Open Season Begin a new Multiseason。 开始新的赛季模式。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 4、Wheel and Deal Make a trade in Multiseason。 在赛季模式中完成1笔球员交易。 5、Brush With Greatness Complete all goals in one of the Greatest Games。 在传奇模式中,完成任意球星的一个挑战。 6、Just A Little Clutch Make the final shot of a game that gives your team the lead in the last minute of the 4th quarter。 第四节绝杀对手。 最速获得方法是调到简单难度,第4节结束前得分不要超过对方,时间结束前(最 投中制胜球即可。 好只剩1秒左右出手) 7、Doule Down Get 5 double-doules with one player。 己方5名球员一场比赛同时得到两双。 最速获得方法是:时间最好每节8分钟以上,进游戏先在教练设置中设置不自动 换人,5名球员得分和助攻刷到2位数即可。难度越低越容易。可以在拿True Commitment这个成就过程中获得。 8、Filling The Stat Sheet Get a triple-double with any player。 任意球员拿到一次三双。 9、On A Roll Get 5 wins in a row in Multiseason。 赛季模式连续赢得5场比赛。 要注意的是虚拟比赛不包括在内。 drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--. (3) in the formula: C......end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)..........................lein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for lphtha.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenodvance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0ake aoling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said tdistilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and co ter as/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, wantification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1molsample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative ide--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--A2843 10、It's A Blowout Win a game by more than 20 points。 一场比赛赢20分以上。 可以和在拿True Commitment这个成就过程中获得。 11、Reaching Out Play a Multiplayer game。 联机对战1次。 12、Approaching Greatness Complete all the goals in 5 different Greatest Games。 完成传奇模式5个不同的挑战。 先完成乔丹的4个挑战吧,几乎没难度,多用乔丹突破即可。剩下1个随便找一个容易的挑战即可。 13、Team Player Get 30 assists as a team in a game。 一场比赛中,球队超过30次助攻。 可以在拿True Commitment这个成就过程中获得。 14、Sharpshooter Shoot higher than 60% from the field as a team in a game。 一场比赛中,球队投篮命中率超过60%。 简单难度完全没压力,随便投即可。高难度多突破,多打内线也没有压力。 15、Owning The Glass Get 40 rebounds as a team in a game。 一场比赛中,球队超过40个篮板。 可以在拿True Commitment这个成就过程中获得。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 16、True Commitment Play 5 full 12-minute quarter games。 玩5场12分钟一节的比赛。 累计成就,很费神。建议赛季模式中拿。拿这个成就前最好关闭其他应用程序,不要中断。以免程序跳出。 17、Embracing Greatness Complete all the goals in 10 different Greatest Games。 完成传奇模式10个不同的挑战。 参照Approaching Greatness。我完成了乔丹全部4个挑战;奥尼尔:骑士vs雷霆22分,6板,3助攻/凯尔特人vs网25分11板这2个挑战;诺维斯基:小牛vs 雄鹿29分10板12助攻挑战;艾佛森:掘金vs勇士33分9助攻挑战;科比:湖人vs小牛50%命中率,前3节62分,前3节领先小牛/湖人vs猛龙 81分,50% 3分命中;50% 2分命中这2个挑战。 18、No Mercy Win a game by 50 points。 一场比赛赢50分以上。 可以在拿True Commitment这个成就过程中获得。难度越低越容易。 19、Hail Mary Make a desperation shot from the back court。 在后场投中一个压哨球。 时间调到1分钟一节,随便在后场投吧。 20、The Punisher Foul out an opposing player in any mode。 让对方球员罚下。 时间越长越容易,最好是用内线队员,内线得球后轻点投篮,骗得对方内线球员跳起,然后再投篮造犯规;或是明星球员强攻对位球员造犯规。 end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)..........................drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--. (3) in the formula: C......lein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for lphtha.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenodvance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0ake aoling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said tdistilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and co ter as/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, wantification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1molsample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative ide--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--A2845 21、Showing Off Your Skills Win 5 Multiplayer games。 赢得5场联机胜利。 22、5*5 Get 5 points,5 rebounds,5 assists,5 steals,and 5 blocks in game with one player。 一名球员在一场比赛中拿到5分,5篮板,5助攻,5抢断,5盖帽。 可以在拿True Commitment这个成就过程中获得。难度越低越容易。唯一要注意的是控制盖帽时不要犯规了。 23、Achieving Greatness Complete all the goals for every game for any one player in Greatest Games。 完成传奇模式一个球员的所有挑战。 用乔丹吧。其他的会让你喷血的。 24、Show Your Versatility With the championship with 10 different teams in Multiseason。 用10支不同球队夺得赛季模式冠军。 累计成就,很操蛋。最简单的方法是选29场常规赛,季后赛1局决胜,模拟比赛,进季后赛了注意存档,输球读档。决赛不能模拟。还有,10支不同球队。 25、The Essence Of Cluth Make the final shot of a game that gives your team the lead in the last minute of the 4th quarter 10 times。 第四节绝杀对手10次。 见Just A Little Clutch,十次即可。 26、MVP!MVP!MVP! Win the MVP award with a player on your team in Multiseason。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204 在赛季模式中己方球员拿到MVP(最有价值球员)。 快速拿到方法,选29场常规赛,模拟比赛时间调1分钟,轮到自己球队时时间调到最高,可以和True Commitment这个成就一起玩。 27、Building A Dynasty Play through 5 seasons with one team in Multiseason。 在赛季模式中,同一球队通过第5个赛季。最简单的方法是选29场常规赛,季后赛1局决胜,一直模拟比赛即可。 28、Two-Headed Monster Score 40 points with two different players in a game。 在一场比赛中,己方两名球员拿到40分。 可以在拿True Commitment这个成就过程中获得。 29、Complete The Three-peat Win 3 championships in a row in Multiseason。 赛季模式连续得到3次冠军。 累计成就。最简单的方法是选29场常规赛,季后赛1局决胜,模拟比赛,进季后赛了注意存档,输球读档。决赛不能模拟。连续3赛季夺冠即可。 30、Eclipsing Greatness Complete all the goals for every game for all players in Greatest Games。 完成传奇模式所有球员的所有挑战。 potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; Vdrops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204----standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--. (3) in the formula: C......end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)..........................lein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for lphtha.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenodvance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0ake aoling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said tdistilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and co ter as/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, wantification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1molsample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative ide--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--A2847 在NBA 2K13的30个成就之中,除了最后一个非常难,其余的都比较简单,希望 小编的NBA 2K13成就获取指南能帮到各位玩家朋友们。 如果您对攻略 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 有新的看法,或者没有找到您想要的攻略,欢迎拿起手机,开启微信, 扫描上面的微信二维码添加“手机世界”为您的微信好友,也可以在微信里搜 “www3533com”,或关注新浪官方微博:私信联系我们。 A284--284nm wavelength measured with absorbance; A386--336nm wavelength measured with absorbance; M--sample quality, g. Note: If there is a dispute, an ultraviolet spectrophotometry for arbitration law. the qualitative identification see Appendix a (Appendix to the standard) needed to neutralize acidity refers to acidity per 100 g of sample 1mol/L number of ml of sodium hydroxide solution. 1 reagents and materials, except as otherwise provided, the reagent is pure, water as distilled water. 1.1 0.1mol/L sodium hydroxide standard solution dissolve 4 g of sodium hydroxide in 1L by the boiling and cooling water, potassium hydrogen phthalate (reference sample) according to its rules of play calibration concentration. Said take advance in 125 0C Shi dry had of o benzene II carboxylic acid hydrogen potassium (benchmark reagents 0.8 g~0.9 g (precise to 0.000 2 g), placed 350mL tapered bottle in the, with 50mL by boiling Hou cooling of water dissolved, joined 2~3 drops 1% phenolphthalein indicates agent, with hydrogen oxidation sodium solution titration to solution is pink, to in 10 s within not faded for end. by type (3) calculation sodium hydroxide standard solution of concentration: C=m ? (Vx0.204 2)................................. (3) in the formula: C--standard solution of sodium hydroxide concentration, mol/l; The quality of m--potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V--drops of time consumed by the volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL; 0.204
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