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高中英语阅读教案高中英语阅读教案 高中英语阅读课教案 Book5 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns 设计教师:广东省韶关市第二中学 何吉红 教学年级:高中二年级 课题名称:Book5 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns--- Reading 教材版本:NSEFC BOOK5 授课时间:40分钟 一、Introduction 1. There are 3 reading passages in each unit, this lesson is the first one, As...

高中英语阅读MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1714138089144_0 高中英语阅读课教案 Book5 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 教师:广东省韶关市第二中学 何吉红 教学 年级 六年级体育公开课教案九年级家长会课件PPT下载六年级家长会PPT课件一年级上册汉语拼音练习题六年级上册道德与法治课件 :高中二年级 课题名称:Book5 Unit 5 First Aid for Burns--- Reading 教材版本:NSEFC BOOK5 授课时间:40分钟 一、Introduction 1. There are 3 reading passages in each unit, this lesson is the first one, As usual, it plays a very important role in English teaching of each unit because we should lay particular emphasis on the students’ reading ability in senior English teaching. By studying it, students can improve their reading abilities and learn more about first aid and its treatment, at the same time, the students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. 2. In this period, after the warming up, students will first be encouraged to talk about their comprehension of first aid knowledge. Then they will be helped to read an article entitled First Aid for Burns, to find out the detailed first aid for burns, and some reading skills as well. 二、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: (1) Get the students to learn some useful words and expressions in the passage; Focus: Words variety, temporary, essential, organ, layer, poison, ray, treatment, liquid, radiation, mild, iron, heal, tissue, electric, swell, swollen, blister, watery, char, nerve, damage, bandage, process, unbearable, jewellery. Expressions first aid, fall ill, electric shock, squeeze out, over and over again, in place. Patterns First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending on which layers of the skin are burned. For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad. (2) Enable the students to get some first aid knowledge; 2. Ability aims: (1) Enable the students to learn how to use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly; (2) Let the students learn the reading skills of getting the main idea of each para & part; (3) Train the students’ reading abilities, such as skimming and scanning; (4) To develop the students’ ability to get the text information through reading practice; (5) To develop the students’ speaking skills; (6) To challenge the students to express a real-life even and share experiences with others in the topic. 3. Morality aims: (1) Enable the students to be brave, calm when facing such accidents and know how to give first aid in different situations; (2)Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning and their abilities of discovery; (3)To motivate the students to concern about others and their safeties 三、Key points and difficult points Key points: (1). Get the students to imitate the pronunciation and the intonation. (2). To arouse their interest in the lesson. (3). Improve the Ss’ reading abilities and develop their reading skills. (4). To develop students’ speaking skills in describing a specific situation where they make stories with the first aid treatment they have learnt in this lesson. Difficult points: (1).To improve the Ss’ reading abilities and develop their reading skills; . (2). To help the Ss use what they’ve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly. (3). To develop students’ speaking skill in describing a specific situation where they make stories with first aid treatment in this lesson. 四、The teaching methods (1) Generally speaking, the task-based language teaching, situational approach and communicative approach are being carried out the whole class. The Communicative Approach: This lesson contains activities where learners communicate and where tasks are completed by means of interaction with other learners. There is extensive use of pair, group and mingling activities, with the emphasis on completing the task successfully through communicating with others. The Task- based Approach: offer the students opportunities to do something—to acquire information and knowledge, to process information and to apply knowledge to solve problems. In this lesson the teacher create a need to learn and use language. Students are assigned several tasks to complete in order to achieve a specific outcome. (2) Taking the students as the host and the teacher subordinate, the teacher should encourage and help them to read, think and find out information by themselves most time. Since the main objective of reading course is to improve the students’ reading ability, the teacher should train their ability of identifying the general idea in the fast reading. In intensive reading their ability of information-gathering and summarizing is developed. The whole class is for students to develop their reading skills as scanning, information-gathering, and summarizing. Students will discover some reading methods through independent reading, discussing and cooperating. (3) Get the students to have a competition to develop their quick response. Besides computer and blackboard, the teacher will make full use of modern equipment such as the multi-media and tape recorder to make the class more lively and interesting. (4) Get the students to read a similar passage to make them understand some reading skills and how to use them. 五、Teaching procedures: Step 1:Watching and thinking 1. I will begin the lesson by playing a video and help the students to find out “What happened to the boy? What did the man do before a doctor can be found?”, which is to lead in the topic: “First Aid”, and get the students ready for the further discussion “What is first aid?”. Help the students to get the answer “First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found”, and explain the new word “temporary---lasting or serving for a time only, not permanent”. (2) While helping the students finish all the exercises, I will carry out a competition: divide the students into four groups, and the one who stand up fast and give the right answer can get 1 mark for his\her group, the group which gets the highest mark will get a present. Step 2:Fast reading 1. Give the students a minute and some tips to help them divide the passage into 5 parts and find out the main idea of each part. Questions: 1. How many parts can the passage be divided into? 2. What is the main idea of each part? Part 1 A. the characteristics of three kinds of burns Part 2 B. the three types of burns Part 3 C. different first aid treatment for different burns Part 4 D. the functions of the skin Part 5 E. how we get burned Step 3:Careful Reading 1. Get the students finish some comprehensive exercises, and help them to get the key information of each part. Try to make the students finish these exercises creatively and actively; 1). Listen to the tape of Part1 and find out: the functions of skin 1. Protect you against , poisons and the sun’s harmful rays; 2. Keep you or ; 3. Prevent your body from losing . 4. Give you . 2). Listen to the tape of Part2 and find out the causes of burns 3). Listen to the tape of Part3 and find out: types of burns There are three types of burns depending on which layers are burned. First degree burns affect only the _____ layer and should feel better within _______________. Second degree burns affect both the top and the_______ layer. These burns are serious and take ______________ to heal. Third degree burns affect all three layers and any ______ and organs under the skin. They are very severe injuries and the victim must get to hospital at once. 4). Listen to the tape of Part 4 and find out the characteristics of burns 5). Listen to the tape of Part 5 and find out the treatment for first aid 1. ________ clothing and jewelry near the burns. 2. ______ the burns with cool but not icy water. 3. ______ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns. 4. ______ the burned area gently. 5. ______ the burned area with a dry clean bandage. 6. ______ the burned area higher than the heart, if possible. 7. ______ the victim to the doctor or hospital, if the injuries are second or third degree burns. 2. Get the students to read the passage aloud while they are listening to the tape, ask the students to pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation; 3. Guide the students if necessary, and always encourage them, encouragement can build their confidences. Step 4:Post reading: 1. To practise the use of group and pair activities, with the emphasis on communicating with their partners and the cooperation of teams. 2. Guide the students to find out the correct answer and remind them of paying attention to the key words. (1). The passage is mainly about __________. A. the function of the three layers of the skin B. the characteristics of burns C. burns and the first aid D. steps of treatment for different burns (2). You can get burns by various things, except __________. A. the sun or hot liquids B. steam or radiation C. fire or the light D. electricity or chemicals (3). When you get the second degree burns, you can carry out the following first aid EXCEPT _______. A. cool the burns immediately with the icy water B. get a doctor to help you at once C. place cool cloths on the burned area repeatedly D. dry the burned area gently 3. Help the students summarize some useful reading skills. 4. To process information and to apply knowledge to solve a problem. Step5: Conclusion of Reading Skills 1.Help the students discover some reading skills through reading a similar passage. 2. Develop the students’ Learning-by-doing abilities Step6. Comprehending 1. Provide a similar passage for the students to practise the reading skills they have learnt. 2. Get the students to apply some reading skills through Learning-by-doing principle. There is a passage given and finish it with the skills mentioned above: The work in this Revision Part will help you to practice the essential skills you need to use when writing about poetry in your exam, and hopefully give some ideas about how to deal with exam questions on poetry ? Key words and phrases Not all exam questions will be phrased in the same way, so look carefully at the key words to help you work out what you need to write about in your answers. For example: ? Comment on the ideas and attitudes in… ? How do particular words and phrases bring out the poets’ ideas? ? What are the effects of the poems on you and why? ? What are the poets’ intentions in writing these poems and how do you know? ? How do the poets use words to catch feelings such as sound, smell, sight and touch? ? Getting to know the poems What? Where? When? What are the stories of the poems? Answering these questions is a good starting point to help you make sense of the poems, and it can usually be done fairly easily. ?Form You should try to understand the forms of the poems. Look at the number and the length of the lines---are they regular(有规律的)? Do the lines have a similar length, or do they look informal? ? Languages and sound There are certain features of language that you should look out for in poetry and write about in your exam. Try to find examples of them in the text and think about what effect they have. Why do the poets use that particular feature or rhythm and rhyme? What are they trying to express? 1. This passage may be taken from . A. a book of poetry B. a language notebook C. a pre-exam instruction D. a language lab direction 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a good preparation for understanding the poem according to the passage? A. To find out the time reflected in the poem. B. To find out the place described in the poem. C. To get to know the biography of the poet. D. To get the stories of the story of the poem. 3. If a student prepares a poetry exam following this Revision Part, he\she may . A. get high marks in exams B. know how to deal with the poetry exam C. be interested in the poets and poems D. know how to write a very good poem Step 7:Oral Composition: 1. The teacher will provide the students a situation out of which they can make stories, where they naturally acquire speaking skills. To make sure that they can talk something about a certain topic in a proper way. Try to describe these pictures in Oral Compositionyour own words. What first aid did cook a mealburn his fingershe do for himself? One day, Tony wanted to cook a meal for ….., then himself, when One possible version: One day, Tony wanted to cook a meal for himself, when he put the oil into the pot, he was too careless to drop some on the fire. Then the fire jumped and burnt his fingers, how painful it was. His fingers became red and mildly swollen. Tony cooled his fingers immediately with running water about 10 minutes and placed a piece of cool, wet cloth on them. Fortunately, he knew some first aid knowledge which helped him a lot. Step 8: Reflection 1. Help the students sum up what they have learnt from this class. 2. Sum up the class. Step 9: Homework: 1. This is the assignment, it includes 2 parts: reviewing and writing. 2. Arrange homework: Write a composition; Writing: 上周星期天你在王芳家参加聚会,王芳做饭时锅起了火,她被烧伤 了左手,我及时给她做了一次急救。 Please write a composition to describe what happened and your treatment in 5 sentences 六、Flow charting for instructional design Fast Reading Make the Find out the main idea of structure clear each part OutListen to the put2 tape and L read the Watching and epassage Input Input3 thinking: Watch aloud a1 Learning Careful and video and dfind out subject---the Reading Detailed Outp-What is first aid? students information ut3 Out iof the put1 passage n Output4 Post Reading & Oral Composition & Comprehending Reflection Make the best Conclusion of choices reading skills 七、 Students’ worksheet Task one: Watching and Thinking 1. What happened to the boy? 2. What did the man do before a doctor can be found? 3. What is first aid? Task Two: Fast Reading: Skim the title and the headings The passage can be divided into ____ parts Part 1 A. the characteristics of three kinds of burns Part 2 B. the three types of burns Part 3 C. different first aid treatments for different burns Part 4 D. the functions of the skin Part 5 E. how we get burned Task Three: Careful Reading 1). Listen to the tape of Part1 and find out: the functions of skin 1. Protect you against , poisons and the sun’s harmful rays 2. Keep you or ; 3. Prevent your body from losing . 4. Give you . 2). Listen to the tape of Part2 and find out the causes of burns 3). Listen to the tape of Part3 and find out: types of burns There are three types of burns depending on which layers are burned. First degree burns affect only the _____ layer and should feel better within _______________. Second degree burns affect both the top and the_______ layer. These burns are serious and take ______________ to heal. Third degree burns affect all three layers and any ______ and organs under the skin. They are very severe injuries and the victim must get to hospital at once. 4). Listen to the tape of Part 4 and find out the characteristics of burns 5). Listen to the tape of Part 5 and find out the treatment for first aid 8. ________ clothing and jewelry near the burns. 9. ______ the burns with cool but not icy water. 10. ______ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns. 11. ______ the burned area gently. 12. ______ the burned area with a dry clean bandage. 13. ______ the burned area higher than the heart, if possible. 14. ______ the victim to the doctor or hospital, if the injuries are second or third degree burns. Task Four: Post reading 1. The passage is mainly about __________. A. the function of the three layers of the skin B. the characteristics of burns C. burns and the first aid D. steps of treatment for different burns 2. You can get burns by various things, except __________. A. the sun or hot liquids B. steam or radiation C. fire or the light D. electricity or chemicals 3. When you get the second degree burns, you can carry out the following first aid EXCEPT _______. A. cool the burns immediately with the icy water B. get a doctor to help you at once C. place cool cloths on the burned area repeatedly D. dry the burned area gently Task Five: Comprehending There is a passage given and finish it with the skills mentioned above: The work in this Revision Part will help you to practice the essential skills you need to use when writing about poetry in your exam, and hopefully give some ideas about how to deal with exam questions on poetry ? Key words and phrases Not all exam questions will be phrased in the same way, so look carefully at the key words to help you work out what you need to write about in your answers. For example: ? Comment on the ideas and attitudes in… ? How do particular words and phrases bring out the poets’ ideas? ? What are the effects of the poems on you and why? ? What are the poets’ intentions in writing these poems and how do you know? ? How do the poets use words to catch feelings such as sound, smell, sight and touch? ? Getting to know the poems What? Where? When? What are the stories of the poems? Answering these questions is a good starting point to help you make sense of the poems, and it can usually be done fairly easily. ?Form You should try to understand the forms of the poems. Look at the number and the length of the lines---are they regular(有规律的)? Do the lines have a similar length, or do they look informal? ? Languages and sound There are certain features of language that you should look out for in poetry and write about in your exam. Try to find examples of them in the text and think about what effect they have. Why do the poets use that particular feature or rhythm and rhyme? What are they trying to express? 1. This passage may be taken from . A. a book of poetry B. a language notebook C. a pre-exam instruction D. a language lab direction 2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a good preparation for understanding the poem according to the passage? A. To find out the time reflected in the poem. B. To find out the place described in the poem. C. To get to know the biography of the poet. D. To get the stories of the story of the poem. 3. If a student prepares a poetry exam following this Revision Part, he\she may . A. get high marks in exams B. know how to deal with the poetry exam C. be interested in the poets and poems D. know how to write a very good poem Task Six: Oral Composition In this part, you are required to watch some pictures and then have an oral talk on the basis of the pictures and the situation described on the pictures. Task Seven: Reflection Discuss the question in groups of 4: What have you learned in this class? Task Eight: Homework Writing: 上周星期天你在王芳家参加聚会,王芳做饭时锅起了火,她被烧伤了左 手,我及时给她做了一次急救。 Please write a composition to describe what happened and your treatment in 5 sentences 八、 Reflection 1. The design of tasks is a sequence that leads the students gently into complex tasks, especially, it is not so difficult at the beginning. Under the teacher’s guidance, most of the students will take an active part in those activities. Don’t be worried about the mistakes they have made, the most important thing is to make them open their mouths to say something. 2. While dealing with the detailed information of the passage, I pay more attention to students’ participation and response. The information showed by the courseware and guidance of teacher help the students not only reflect the relevant vocabulary and expression, and there is a strong expression of desire for the whole class to create a good atmosphere. 3. All these reading tasks expose the students’ poor reading skills, oral skills and limited vocabularies. When they are discussing, reporting and answering questions, they made a lot of mistakes. We should practice oral skills more in our class.
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