首页 广东建设职业技术学院南校区图书馆新书展策划书



广东建设职业技术学院南校区图书馆新书展策划书广东建设职业技术学院南校区图书馆新书展策划书 策划者,陶土杰 主办:广东建设职业技术学院图书馆 their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand val...

广东建设职业技术学院南校区图书馆新书展策划书 策划者,陶土杰 主办:广东建设职业技术学院图书馆 their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win-win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of state-owned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-quality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structure optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development. 协办:南校区图书馆协管会 一、 活动背景 冬天来临,风虽凛冽,但是书香四溢,让心温暖满怀。现在网络的盛行,让很多大学生逐渐远离了书本,而在学校学到的专业课知识是远远不够的,为了鼓励同学们在学校学习的课余时间里,充分利用图书馆,多读书,读好书,养成阅读好习惯,学好知识,充实自己。图书馆组织开展“新书展览”活动。 二、 活动目的 图书馆方面:1.降低了拒绝率,增加了流通量; 2.了解读者实际需求,便于辅导阅读,促进主动服务。 读者方面:1.方便读者; 2.为了加强读者对图书馆图书的了解,更好的促进 读者养成阅读的好习惯。 三、 活动主题 与书为友,知识相伴 四、 活动目标 繁荣校园文化,充分发挥图书在教学、科研和教育中的作用,提高图书资源的使用价值,树立为师生服务的意识。 五、 活动对象 广东建设职业技术学院全体师生 六、 活动地点 南校区图书馆大楼一楼自修室 七、 活动时间 ve to build a highquality management management personnel, and stri-ording to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, accrgencyiness, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of ustruction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing busowned assets.(five) to strengthen the con-the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of staten, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultatio-g winresources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seekin ion ofvelopment of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integratompetitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and dethe c licity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and pube the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand valuetheir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promot2.x policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog developmentand tahe country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy x) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in tre optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(siquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu- 2013年12月2日---2013年12月4日(9:00到11:30,16:00到20:00) 八、 活动策划 流程 快递问题件怎么处理流程河南自建厂房流程下载关于规范招聘需求审批流程制作流程表下载邮件下载流程设计 (一)活动第一阶段: 宣传 免费孕前优生健康检查孕期保健知识宣传1冬季预防流感知识宣传手足口病防知识宣传森林防火宣传内容 、前期准备 【以下为宣传和前期准备阶段具体事宜,宣传工作在11月25至12月1日内完成,布置工作在11月30和12月1日两天内完成,】 ? 活动海报制作 ? 提前贴出 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 告知读者新书展活动的需知事项(详见附表1:提前 通知) ? 宣传单制作以及宿舍宣传(宿舍宣传人员包括全体成员)(详见附表 2:宣传单) ? 广播稿制作(详见附表3:广播稿) ? 星愿书墙的制作(准备便利贴和笔)(详见附表4:预算清单表) ? 图书馆门前的横幅制作(详见附表4:预算清单表) ? 抽奖箱以及抽奖票的制作(抽奖票可打印剪切) ? 南校区图书馆官方微博内容的编写(附上宣传单) ? 活动奖品的准备以及抽奖凭证的制作(详见附表5:奖品清单) ? 所需设备的准备(详见附表6:设备准备清单以及借还清单) ? 场地前期准备(详见附表7:一楼自修室布置图) ? 人员的安排,包括:协管会成员、图书馆管理员、志愿者(详见附 表8:人员安排表) 每个部门负责内容如下表: of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept ofowned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training -ing the development, ensure that the value of stateveragdures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leof national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval proce win principle, in the framework-city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win ote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, theo prominess road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) tnfluence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking busket ienhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, mar y promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance,their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorousl3cy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.ly the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policialpolicy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, espe upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for re optimization andquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-opment, vigorously the introduction of highdevelto market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond 策划部 宣传部 秘书部 外联部 ??? ??? ??? ? 注:最后两项,策划部负责画出场地布置图,以及调配各成员完成人员安排表,场地现场布置由各个部门共同完成。 (二)活动第二阶段:活动举办届时安排 九、奖品奖励办法每抽到电脑显示到馆人数是:10的倍数(门口贴公告)的那一个读者可到服务台抽奖一次,每天只能抽一次,想知道一天内重不重复可以从电脑那里显示知道(不同颜色),管理员要负责好 十、各岗位人员要尽职尽力,有问题请及时联系各岗位负责人(详见 附表8:人员安排表) (三)活动第三阶段:活动结束 一、副会长整理心愿墙的新书推荐,完成读者荐购表(拿书库的读者荐购表去打印并装订成册),并上交于图书馆采编部采购 二、秘书部负责完成 活动总结 关于勤俭节约活动总结初中家长会活动总结防范电信网络诈骗活动总结防校园欺凌活动总结阳光体育活动总结 并上交于会长 三、场地还原(于12月4日20:00活动结束后,全体协管会成员到场,负责把场地还原) 四、图书馆门口的还原 五、贴纸,气球,拉线等的拆除(可回收与不可回收,分开放置,节省以后活动的预算开支) 六、植物盆栽摆放回原位 七、所借设备由借回来的人还回去 八、最后,由一楼自修室的负责人清点原有桌椅的数目,检查完室内原有设 ve to build a highquality management management personnel, and stri-ording to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, accrgencyiness, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of ustruction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing busowned assets.(five) to strengthen the con-the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of staten, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultatio-g winresources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seekin ion ofvelopment of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integratompetitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and dethe c licity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and pube the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand valuetheir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promot4.x policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog developmentand tahe country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy x) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in tre optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(siquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu- 备是否有损坏以及还原情况方可全体离场,活动结束 注意事项 1、 防水:注意自修室一楼右边的窗户,下雨时要关好,(门口 放置纸箱皮用作吸水和擦鞋。)门口要有桌子给读者放置物 品。 2、 安全防盗:不能带包进书展区,门口要有桌子给读者放置物 品(通知贴出)(详见附表6:门口通知)。每次工作结束时 要关好门窗才能离开。 3、 防火:在室内放置两个灭火器。(在办公室拿) 4、 卫生:除了外联部,每个部门负责一天的卫生以及保洁,安排表如下: 12月2日 12月3日 12月4日 秘书部 宣传部 策划部 注:部门卫生由每个部门部长具体安排人员保洁 附表 目录 工贸企业有限空间作业目录特种设备作业人员作业种类与目录特种设备作业人员目录1类医疗器械目录高值医用耗材参考目录 : 附表1:提前通知 --------------------------------------------------- 第6页 附表2:宣传单 ------------------------------------------------------ 第7页 附表3:广播稿 ------------------------------------------------------ 第8页 附表4:预算清单表 ------------------------------------------------ 第9页 附表5:奖品清单 ---------------------------------------------------- 第10页 附表6:设备准备清单以及借还清单 ------------------------------ 第11页 附表7:一楼自修室布置图 -------------------------------------- 第12页 veragdures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leof national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval proce win principle, in the framework-city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win ote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, theo prominess road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) tnfluence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking busket ienhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, mar y promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance,their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorousl5cy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.ly the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policialpolicy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, espe upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for re optimization andquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-opment, vigorously the introduction of highdevelto market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept ofowned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training -ing the development, ensure that the value of state 附表8:人员安排表 ------------------------------------------------- 第13页 附表1:提前通知 the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of staten, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultatio-g winresources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seekin ion ofvelopment of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integratompetitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and dethe c licity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and pube the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand valuetheir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promot6.x policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog developmentand tahe country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy x) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in tre optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(siquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-ve to build a highquality management management personnel, and stri-ording to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, accrgencyiness, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of ustruction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing busowned assets.(five) to strengthen the con- 附表2:宣传单 win principle, in the framework-city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win ote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, theo prominess road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) tnfluence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking busket ienhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, mar y promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance,their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorousl7cy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.ly the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policialpolicy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, espe upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for re optimization andquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-opment, vigorously the introduction of highdevelto market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept ofowned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training -ing the development, ensure that the value of stateveragdures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leof national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval proce 附表3:广播稿 x) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in tre optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(siquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-ve to build a highquality management management personnel, and stri-ording to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, accrgencyiness, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of ustruction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing busowned assets.(five) to strengthen the con-the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of staten, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultatio-g winresources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seekin ion ofvelopment of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integratompetitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and dethe c licity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and pube the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand valuetheir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promot8.x policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog developmentand tahe country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy 附表4:预算清单表 win principle, in the framework-city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win ote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, theo prominess road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) tnfluence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking busket ienhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, mar y promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance,their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorousl9cy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.ly the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policialpolicy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, espe upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for re optimization andquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-opment, vigorously the introduction of highdevelto market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept ofowned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training -ing the development, ensure that the value of stateveragdures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leof national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval proce 附表5:奖品清单 x) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in tre optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(siquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-ve to build a highquality management management personnel, and stri-ording to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, accrgencyiness, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of ustruction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing busowned assets.(five) to strengthen the con-the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of staten, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultatio-g winresources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seekin ion ofvelopment of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integratompetitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and dethe c licity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and pube the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand valuetheir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promot10.x policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog developmentand tahe country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy 附表6:设备准备清单以及借还清单 win principle, in the framework-city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win ote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, theo prominess road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) tnfluence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking busket ienhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, mar y promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance,their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorousl11cy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.ly the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policialpolicy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, espe upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for re optimization andquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-opment, vigorously the introduction of highdevelto market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept ofowned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training -ing the development, ensure that the value of stateveragdures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leof national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval proce 附表7:一楼自修室布置图 x) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in tre optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(siquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-ve to build a highquality management management personnel, and stri-ording to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high, improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, accrgencyiness, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of ustruction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing busowned assets.(five) to strengthen the con-the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of staten, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultatio-g winresources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seekin ion ofvelopment of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integratompetitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and dethe c licity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and pube the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand valuetheir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promot12.x policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog developmentand tahe country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy 附表8:人员安排表 win principle, in the framework-city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seeking win ote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integration of resources within the group, theo prominess road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and development of the market.(four) tnfluence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance the competitive strength, walking busket ienhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and publicity of a number of unique, mar y promote the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand value, brand acquisition performance,their own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorousl13cy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog development.ly the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy and tax policy, and actively seek policialpolicy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in the country and the XX policy, espe upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(six) seriously study the policy for re optimization andquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-quality management management personnel, and strive to build a high-opment, vigorously the introduction of highdevelto market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, according to the need of industrial the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of urgency, improve the ability to respond of cadres and workers of the existing business, firmly establish the concept ofowned assets.(five) to strengthen the construction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training -ing the development, ensure that the value of stateveragdures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to the industry group, to achieve leof national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultation, examination and approval proce 图书馆协管会策划部 2013年11月24日 , improve the ability to respond to market competition, improve management and operation of the market. At the same time, accrgencyiness, firmly establish the concept of the market, enhance the sense of crisis to adapt to market competition, the sense of ustruction management personnel. Strengthen the management of education and training of cadres and workers of the existing busowned assets.(five) to strengthen the con-the industry group, to achieve leveraging the development, ensure that the value of staten, examination and approval procedures, strict regulation of economic activities, attract injection the social investment to win principle, in the framework of national policies and regulations, strict inspection and argumentation, legal consultatio-g winresources within the group, the city resources, other industries and regional resources, mutual trust, mutual benefit, seekin ion ofvelopment of the market.(four) to promote the integration of resources. To further broaden their horizons, effective integratompetitive strength, walking business road the competition of alienation and characteristics, the pursuit of stability and dethe c licity of a number of unique, market influence and coverage of the brand, the implementation of key breakthroughs, to enhance, brand acquisition performance, enhance the competitive strength. Concentrated manpower, careful planning, packaging and pube the brand. To establish brand awareness, awareness of the use of brand, brand valuetheir own conditions to develop the correct road, the maximum to avoid investment risk, gain profit.(three) vigorously promot14.x policy, and actively seek policy, projects and funds, enterprise and industry group mission to promote leapfrog developmentand tahe country and the XX policy, especially the policy of industrial development, financial investment policy, financial policy x) seriously study the policy for policy. Serious research about social support the development of cultural undertakings in tre optimization and upgrading ability, enhance core competitiveness, adapt to the need of market competition.(siquality professional management team, hard work, and promote the entire workforce knowledge structure, age structure, structu-ve to build a highquality management management personnel, and stri-ording to the need of industrial development, vigorously the introduction of high
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