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物流英语基本概念物流英语基本概念 一、物流基本概念: 1. Logistics is referred to the article flow, but not including the flow of the people. 物流是指物品流动,但不包括人流。 2. The concept of article in logistics includes tangible goods and intangible service, such as customer service, freight agents an...

物流英语基本概念 一、物流基本概念: 1. Logistics is referred to the article flow, but not including the flow of the people. 物流是指物品流动,但不包括人流。 2. The concept of article in logistics includes tangible goods and intangible service, such as customer service, freight agents and logistics network design. 物流中,物品的概念包括有形的货物和无形的服务,如客户 服务、货运代理及物流网络设计。 3. Logistics documents generally refer to documentations required to complete all processes of logistics, such as contracts, bills, and notes. 物流单证一般是指完成整个物流过程所需的文件,如 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 、 票据、签单。 4. The external logistics is about the macro economic activities, like international trade and global investment. 社会物流主要关于宏观经济活动,如国际贸易和全球投资。 5. The four key procedures in the internal logistics are supply, production, distribution and reverse. 企业物流的四个关键步骤是:供应、生产、销售和回收。 6. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a system applied to maximize profits for all parties in the whole logistic system and other economic systems. 供应链管理(SCM)是一个系统,应用于将整个物流系统与 其他经济体系的所有各方的利益最大化。 7. A standarized logistic system ensures better time management, location choices and distribution capacities. 一个 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 化的物流管理系统应确保更好的时间管理、地点选 择和分配能力。 8. Distribution capacity is value added in the logistic system. 配送能力是物流系统的增值(服务)。 9. Logistics system includes customer service, packaging, transportation, storage, distribution processing and information control. 物流系统包括客户服务,包装,运输,仓储,流通加工和信 息控制。 10. Market share is the proportion of sales of a good or service provided by one company to the industry sales of such good or service. 市场份额是指一家公司提供的商品或服务等占行业销售的 该商品或服务的比例。 11. The need for outsourcing creates Third Party Logistics.(3PL) 外包需求催生第三方物流。 12. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is software to manage the relationship and communication between customers and suppliers. 客户关系管理(CRM)是管理软件,用于管理客户及供应商 之间的沟通与关系。 13. Exclusive distribution refers to the fact that there is only one wholesaler or retailer who selling a product or providing a certain service. 专业配送是指,只有一个批发商或零售商销售某种产品或提 供某种服务。 14. A logistic model is a standardized module that is used to regulate the cargo transportation, manage logistics facilities and equipments. 物流模型(模数)是一个标准化的模块,用于调节货物运输、 管理物流设施和设备。 15(Letter of credit (L/C) is used exclusively by the buyer. It is a letter issued by the bank employed by the buyer which authorizes the bearer (the supplier or seller) to draw a stated amount of money from the issuing bank. 信用证(L/C)使用时完全由买方承担。它是由受雇于买方的银 行发行的一封信,授权信用证的持有者从发信银行提取指定 额度的资金。 16. A logistics center consists of a series of integrated logistic activities, processes, equipments, and information network. 物流中心由一系列的综合物流活动,过程,设备,信息网络 组成。 17. Third Party Logistics refers to specialized logistics service providers that provide specific services for suppliers and customers. 第三方物流是指专业化的物流服务提供商,为供应商和客户 提供具体服务。 18. Customized logistics refer to a logistic system or process specifically designed to cater to an individual customer’s requirements and needs. 定制物流是指一个专门设计的物流系统或过程,可迎合个别 客户的要求和需要。 19. Logistics alliance refers to the long term cooperation and business relationship between logistics supplier and customers. 物流联盟是指物流供应商和客户之间的长期合作和业务关 系。 20. Bridge transport refers to containers transported by railway using the bridges that link both ends separated by river or oceans. 桥运输是指借助于链接被河流或海洋隔开的两端的桥梁,通 过铁路运输的集装箱。 21. International logistics is a result of international commercial activities, cross border investment, and importing and exporting activities. 国际物流是国际商业活动、跨境投资、进口和出口活动的结 果。 22. Time value in logistics refers to the differences in value of the same goods at different time. 物流的时间价值是指同一商品在不同时间的价值差异。 23. Location value in logistics refers to the differences in value of the same goods in different locations. 物流的空间价值是指同一商品在不同地点的价值差异。 24. Logistics vehicles include ships, trucks, trains and aircrafts used in the logistics process. 物流运输工具包括在物流过程中使用的船只、卡车、火车和 飞机。 25. The main differences between the traditional and modern logistic systems are the usage of containers and information technologies. 传统与现代物流系统的主要区别是对集装箱和信息技术的 使用。 26. Integrated logistics management was the early stage of Supply Chain Management (SCM). (一体化)物流管理是供应链管理(SCM)的早期阶段。 27. International transport is the major part in international logistics. 国际运输是国际物流的重要组成部分。 28. Third Party Logistics assist the execution of logistic activities. 第三方物流协助物流活动的执行。 29. Fourth Party Logistics is the planner and manager for logistics network, while Third Party Logistics is the supplier of logistics service, like transport and storage. 第四方物流是物流网络策划者和管理者,而第三方物流是物 流服务供应商,如运输和储存。 30. Supply Chain is the relationship between suppliers and customers. In the supply chain, suppliers rank before buyer, seller and customers. 供应链是供应商与客户的关系。在供应链中,供应商排名在 买方、卖方和客户之前。 31. Logistics activities, especially transportation have a major impact on the environment. 物流活动,特别是运输对环境有重大影响。 32. Logistics is a combination of applied technology and business management. 物流是应用技术和业务管理的结合。 33. Insurance is very important to logistics because of the potential hazards and dangers in the process, such as fire, theft, handling damage and even the natural disasters. 对物流而言,保险非常重要,因为物流过程中有潜在危害和 危险,如火灾、盗窃、损坏,甚至自然灾害。 34. Costs for logistics are similar to all other businesses and include fixed cost, variable cost and management cost. 物流成本与所有其他商业活动类似,包括固定成本、可变成 本和管理成本。 35. The process to handle export and import with the international customs is the customs declaration. 与国际海关处理出口和进口的过程即报关。 36. Customer services link all logistics activities effectively. 客户服务有效地连接所有的物流活动。 37. The bank is a third party in the payment process between the buyers and sellers. 银行是在买家和卖家之间付款过程的第三方。 38. Letter of Credit is issued by the buyer’s bank for the importer’s benefits. 信用证由买方银行以进口商的名义签发。 39. Industry competition leads to more efforts to improve customer service. 行业竞争导致了更多努力,以改善客户服务。 40. For small and medium-sized companies, logistics management is still largely decentralized. 对于小型和中型公司,物流管理在很大程度上仍是分散的。 41. Customer service is specially set up to provide services to handle and inquiry and respond to demands from customers. 客户服务是专门设立提供服务,以处理、询问和响应来自客 户的需求。 42. Safety is always the top concern for warehouses to handle goods. 安全始终是仓库货物处理最关心的问题。 43. Logistics information refers general logistics knowledge, materials, images, data and documentation. 物流信息是指一般的物流知识、资料、图像、数据和文件。 44. Most large companies locate in the Central Business District of a city. 大多数大型公司位于一个城市的中央商务区。 45. In a bull market, market prices for most goods will continuously go up. 在牛市中(买方),大多数商品市场价格将不断上升。 46. The payment of most global transactions is carried out in the form of letter of credit. 大多数全球交易的付款采用信用证的形式。 47. Distribution processing value is the value added by changing the length, thickness and package of goods. 流通加工价值是通过改变货物的长度、厚度和包装产生的增 值。 48. Communication links the entire logistics process with customers. 通信将整个物流过程与客户连接。 49. Demand forecasting helps managers to use their resources effectively. 需求预测可以帮助管理者有效地利用其资源。 50. The process to operate and manage logistics is logistics control activities. 操作和管理物流的过程就是物流控制活动。 51. Supply logistics is the procedure in which orders are taken from customers and purchases are delivered to the warehouse belonged of the customers. 供应物流是一种程序,在其中,订单从客户获取,购买的物 品则被配送到客户所属的仓库。 52. Distribution processing is different from a manufacturing process. 流通加工不同于制造过程。 53. Distribution logistics is the delivery of process in which final products are delivered from sellers to buyers. 配送物流是最终产品从卖方交付给买家的运送过程。 二、储存功能: 1. Storage is a process in which goods are stored, protected and managed. 存储是货物的储存,保护和管理过程。 2. Every manufacturer and wholesaler need inventory. 每个制造商和批发商都需要存货。 3. Fixed Quantity System (FQS) is more accurate and convenient than Fixed Interval System (FIS). 定量订货方式比定期订货方式更准确、更方便。 4. "Twenty-Eighty " analysis method is the same as ABC classification. “20--80”分析法与ABC分类法相同。 5. Zero Inventory is guaranteed by the full market supply and Just-In-Time (JIT). 充分的市场供应和JIT管理可以保证零库存。 6. Procurement is the process in which materials for production are ordered from customers. 采购是客户订购生产资料的过程。 7. Supply chain links all suppliers and customers along a system in which products and services are delivered. 供应链通过一个产品和服务交付系统,连接所有供应商和客 户。 8. Cycle stock is the maximum inventory based on the maximum needs. 周转库存是基于最大需求的最大库存。 9. Safe stock refers to minimum inventory level given the forecasted market demand. 安全库存是指基于预测市场需求的最低库存水平。 10. The average time when the goods is moved in and out of warehouse is inventory cycle time. 物品移入和移出仓库的平均时间是库存周转时间。 11. Inventory control is the method to keep the best inventory level and position with the minimum cost to satisfy the demand. 库存控制是保持最佳库存水平和位置的方法,以最低成本满 足需求。 12. When the inventory is reduced to a specific level, purchase for new parts and material will start. It is called the Order Point System. 当库存减少到一个特定水平,新零部件和原材料采购将启 动。这就是所谓的订货点制度。 13. Zero stock is means zero inventory. 零库存是指零存货。 14. Inspection is the operation to check the quantity, quality and package of the goods according to the contract and specific standards. 检验是按合同和具体标准,检查货物的数量、质量和包装。 15. Goods that are stored in warehouses for distribution and sales are called inventory. 存放在仓库待配送和销售的货物被称为库存。 16. Warehouse rental represent a very significant proportion of total warehouse cost. 仓库租金占总仓储成本的一个非常重要的比例。 17. The size of warehouses are determined by the needs of the customer groups, such as their inventory level planning. 仓库大小取决于客户群体的需要,如他们的库存水平规划。 18. Commodity inspection is the process in which exported and imported goods are examined for their quantity, quality, package, place of production, safety and hygiene conditions. 商检是检查进出口商品的数量、质量、包装、生产、安全和 卫生条件的过程。 19. Electronic Order System (EOS) is responsible for taking customer orders and the information sharing between companies connected to the transactions. 电子订货系统(EOS)负责获取客户订单、负责交易有关的 公司之间的信息交流。 20. The purpose of Just-In-Time (JIT) is to meet demand instantly, with perfect quality and punctuality. JIT的目的是及时满足需求,并质量完善和守时。 21. Goods handling may account for only 50% of the direct labor cost in warehouse and 70% in distribution center. 在仓库,搬运货物只占50,的直接劳动力成本,在配送中心, 则占70,。 22. Zero stock is the best way for inventory control. 零库存是库存控制的最佳途径。 三、运输功能: 1. Liner transport has three specific components: fixed ports, fixed routes and announcing shipping time in advance. 班轮运输有三个具体内容:固定港口,固定航线,并提前宣 布发船时间。 2. Shipping by chartering is used for transporting low value goods. 租船航运用于输送低价值货物。 3. The broker company in ocean transportation is called shipping agency. 在海洋运输中,经纪公司被称为船务代理。 4. Air freight costs 5 times more than transportation by trucks and 20 times more than by rail. But it is more reliable, punctual and predictable under normal operating condition. 空运费用是卡车运输的5倍以上,是铁路的20倍,但在正 常作业条件下,更可靠、准时和可预测。 5. Bulk container is used to load bulk cargo. 散货集装箱用于装载散装货物。 6. Cargo is freight carried by a ship, an aircraft, or another vehicle, upon the agreement for the delivery of goods. 货物是根据配送协议采用船只、飞机或其他工具运送的货 品。 7. Tanker container is mainly used to transport oil and gas. 油轮集装箱主要用于运输石油和天然气。 8. Deadhead means a vehicle, such as an aircraft and truck that transports no passengers or freight during a single trip. 空回头车(空驶)指如飞机和卡车的交通工具在单程中没有运 输乘客或货物。 9. Back haul is the distance traveled from the delivery destination point back to the departure point. 回程是从交货目的地回到出发点的距离。 10. Bill of Lading is a document title. 提单是一个物权凭证。 11. Ocean Bill of Lading is a receipt for goods Ioaded in the ship. 海运提单是船上装载货物的收据。 12. Shipper and carrier are two parties in a shipping contract. 托运人和承运人是运输合同中的两方。 13. Usually, the buyer in the trading contract is consignee. 通常,交易合约中的买方是收货人。 14. Liner sails in the fixed route between fixed ports and sends sailing information in advance. 班轮在固定港口之间按固定航线航行,并提前发送信息。 15. Brokers are agents who coordinate shippers and carriers by providing timely information about rates, routes and service capabilities. 经纪是代理,通过提供有关费率、路线和服务能力的及时信 息,撮合托运人和承运人。 16. TEU and FEU both are containers which are used in ocean transportation frequently. TEU和FEU都是在海洋运输是经常使用的容器。 17. Bill of Lading is the evidence of the contract of carriage between carrier and shipper. 提单是承运人和托运人之间运输合同的证据。 18. Seaway Bill is different from Ocean B/L. The Iatter is negotiable but the former is not. Seaway Bill与Ocean B/L不同,后者是可以转让的,前者 不可。 19. Transport agencies include air and surface freight forwarders, shippers’ associations and transport brokers. 运输代理,包括空中和地面货运代理,船运协会和运输经纪 人。 20. Freight forwarders purchase long distance service from water, rail, air even and truck carriers. 货运代理购买水路、铁路、航空甚至和卡车的长途服务。 21. International Railway Bill can be used in land bridge transport. 国际铁路法案可以用在陆桥运输。 22. Transportation using multiple transportation means is also called combined transport. 使用多种运输方式的运输也被称为联运。 23. NVOCC is also a carrier because it can open B/L. 无船承运人,也是一个承运人,因为它可以开立B/L。 24. Transportation creates location value in logistics. 运输创造物流的位置(空间)价值。 25. Transport does not need to change packages of goods or stop in any place between the departure point and destination location. 运输并不需要改变货物包装或停止在出发点和目的地之间 的任何地方。 26. Door-to-door delivery refers to carrier picking up the goods from the shipper’s warehouse and delivers it to consignee’s warehouse. 送货上门,是指承运人从托运人的仓库获取货物并把它送到 收货人的仓库。 27. Containerization can speed up the logistics process, such as handling, loading and unloading, storing and transport. 集装箱化可以加快物流过程,如搬运,装卸,贮存和运输。 28. Domestic intercity truck is the motor carrier service between the different cities domestically. 国内城际卡车提供在国内不同城市的汽车运输服务。 29. A fleet is group of vehicles or ships owned or operated as a unit. 船队是作为一个单位被拥有或操作的一组车辆或船。 30. Transportation is usually the biggest logistic costs for most companies. 运输通常是大多数企业最大的物流成本。 31. Truck enjoys the great advantages in the transit time and frequency compared to other transportation means. 与其他运输方式相比,卡车在中转时间和频率方面有很大优 势。 32. The railroad represents the biggest usage in the land transport in China. 在中国,铁路是陆路运输的最大使用形式。 33. There are three kinds of freight in transport: full-car load, Less-than-truck load and Container. 有三种货物运输形式:整车运输,零担运输和集装箱。 34. Water transport can carry the greatest amount of goods for the longest distance with the lowest cost. 水路运输可以最低的成本运送最大量的商品至最远距离。 35. Air transport has the distinct advantage in the terms of fast delivery and enjoy the lowest ratio of loss and damage. 在快速配送、最低的损失和破坏比例方面,航空运输具有明 显优势。 36. The most economic feasible products transported by pipeline are crude oil, natural gas and refined petroleum one. 通过管道运输的最经济可行的产品是原油、天然气和成品 油。 37. International transport is dominated by water carriers. It is used to transport more than 70% of the total trading volume in value and 95% by weight. 国际运输以水运为主体,它运送总交易价值的70,和总重量 的95,。 38. International transportation by trucks is limited between the joint border countries like US and Mexico or closely located WTO members like mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao. 采用卡车进行国际运输限于联合边境国家之间,如美国和墨 西哥;或者位置紧密的WTO成员之间,如中国大陆、香港 和澳门。 39. Grouping small shipment into large ones is the primary method to lower cost per unit of weight in transportation. 将小型运输组合成大型运输,是降低单位运输重量成本的主 要方法。 40. Transportation decision is referred to the transportation models and carriers selected for delivery,vehicle routing, scheduling, and freight grouping. 运输决策是指为配送、路线、调度和货运分组选择的运输模 式和承运人。 41. Container logistics management is becoming a core strategy for large shipping company for its fast loading and unloading process, safe transportation and goods storage. 集装箱物流管理正在成为大型航运企业的快速装卸过程、货 物安全运输和储存的核心战略。 42. The primary factor to influence transport cost is distance and competition. 影响运输成本的主要因素是距离和竞争。 43. Containerization ensures quick transit between ships and other transport vehicles such as trucks and freight rail cars. 集装箱化保证了货物在船舶和其他运输车辆如卡车和火车 之间的快速中转。 四、物流信息管理: 1. Automated warehouse must be managed by information system. 自动化立体仓库必须由信息系统管理。 2. The application of bar code is of primary importance in the Bar Code System. 条码的应用在条码系统是至关重要的。 3. Bar code scanner is called bar code reader. 条形码扫描仪被称为条码阅读器。 4. Firewall in the computer system is not a physical wall, but is a computer language to protect the network from invasion and damage. 电脑系统的防火墙不是一个实体的墙,而是一个计算机语 言,可防止网络入侵和破坏。 5. VI logistics is the management by computer technology and Internet. 虚拟物流是利用计算机技术和网络管理。 6. Data Warehousing is virtual data system in computer technology( 数据仓库是计算机技术中的虚拟数据系统。 7. Using 13 digits, the bar code store the information of goods. 条码使用13位数字存储商品信息。 8. Global Positioning System(GPS) directs the mobile equipments, like trucks, ships and aircrafts by satellite tracking. 全球定位系统通过卫星跟踪,指示移动设备如卡车、船舶和 飞机。 9. The main application of E-selling is in B2B and B2C. 电子商务的主要应用是B2B 和 B2C. 10. B2E refers to Business to Employee and Business to Executives. B2E是指企业对员工和企业对管理人员。 11. In the logistics information system, EDI plays the most important role. 在物流信息系统,电子数据交换起着至关重要的作用。 12. The logistics network is virtual network. 物流网络是虚拟的网络。 五、配送: 1. Delivery refers to sending goods to the destination specified by buyers and collection of the transportation costs. 发送货物交付,是指将货物运送至买方指定目的地并征收运 输成本。 2. Joint Distribution refers to delivering goods for different shippers using the same vehicle by the most economic route. 联合配送是指使用最经济的路线,同车交付不同托运人的货 物。 3. Distribution is one of functions in logistics, which deliver goods to customers directly according to the order in the most economic way. 配送是物流的职能之一,根据订单以最经济的方式将货物交 付客户。 4. Distribution includes logistics activities related to the sales and delivery of goods. 配送包括与销售和交付货物有关的物流活动。 5. Distribution center is a short-term storage center located close to a major market to facilitate the rapid processing of orders and shipment of goods to customers. 配送中心是一个短期的仓储中心,位于靠近主要市场的位 置,以便于向客户提供订单快速处理和货物装运。 6. The national distribution center is linked to the metropolitan’s outer expressway, providing easy access to and from key ports, roads and other distribution channels for importers. 全国配送中心与大都市的外围高速公路连接在一起,为进口 商提供主要港口、道路及其他分销渠道的方便进出通道。 7. The regional distribution center provides customized solution for supply chain management, warehousing and sea, air freight transport in the international logistics market. 区域配送中心,提供个性化的供应链管理、仓储和国际物流 市场的船运空运的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 8. The distribution centers focus on maximizing the profit impact of fulfilling customer delivery requirement and distribution processing. 配送中心的重点在通过满足客户的交付需求和配送加工,使 利益最大化。 六、包装功能: 1. Packaging performs two basic functions, marketing and delivery in logistics. 包装执行两个基本功能,市场营销和物流配送。 2. The purpose of sales package is for sales and convenient use. 销售包装的目的是为销售和使用带来方便。 3. In logistic and transportation process, it is very important to package the goods appropriately for protection and safety purposes. 在物流和运输过程中,对货物进行适当包装以达到保护和安 全目的非常重要。 4. Vacuum packaging is used to protect goods from deterioration or contamination, like food and medicine. 真空包装是用来保护如食品和药品之类的货物免于变质或 污染。 5. Palletizing refers to the process of loading goods in pallet. 码垛是指在托盘装载货物的过程。 6. Palletizing is to load goods onto a pallet and wrap to form a handling and loading unit. 码垛是将货物加载到一个托盘上并包装,以形成一个处理和 运载单位。 7. The No. 1 function of packaging is to protect goods. 包装的第一位的功能是保护货物。 8. In marketing, the package also aims for promoting and advertising the attractiveness of goods to be sold. 在市场营销中,包装的目的还在于提高和广告待售商品的吸 引力。 七、物流设施、物流工具、物流操作: 1. The area for unloading goods in warehouse is receiving space. 仓库中卸载货物的区域是收货区。 2. Forklift truck is very convenient equipment for loading and unloading goods. 叉车是非常方便的装卸货物的设备。 3. Container is a large packaging box. 集装箱是一个大包装箱。 4. A twenty-foot Unit is called a standard container. 一个二十英尺单位称为一个标准集装箱。 5. Yard is a warehouse without roof and wall for containers storage. 堆场是一个没有屋顶和墙壁的集装箱存储仓库。 6. Stereoscopic warehouse has three parts: warehouse, high store shelf and stacker. 立体仓库有三个部分:仓库,高货架和堆垛机。 7. Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) can move goods to a specific location without the help of rail. 自动导引车(AGV)可以无需铁轨帮助移动货物到特定位置。 8. Conveyor can move the solid goods fluidly. 输送带可以流畅地移动固体货物。 9. Full container ship is only used for goods to be transported in container. 全集装箱船仅用于用集装箱运输的货物。 10. Customs broker is a company representing the customers to declare and store the goods. 海关经纪公司(报关行)是一家代表客户申报和储存货物的 公司。 11. Cargo inspection is not only to examine the goods quantity, but also quality. 货物检验不仅检验货物的数量,也检验质量。 12. Deconsolidation center is a logistics center where most inbound goods are in truck loads and most outbound goods are in small pieces. 分货中心是一个物流中心,其中,大部分入境货物以整卡车 装载,大部分出境货物一小块一小块的。 13. Deliver cycle is the time between acceptance of the order and delivery of the goods. 交付周期是接受订单和交货之间的时间。 14. Factory price does not contain the cost of freight or distribution. 工厂价格不包含运费或配送成本。 15. Less-than Container is the mode which can be used to ship goods for more than one shippers and consignees. (拼箱)零担集装箱是可用于为不止一个托运人和收货人运送 货物的模式。 16. The station to transfer goods from one carrier to another is gateway. 将货物从一个承运者转移至另一个承运者的站点称为门户。 17. Boned warehouse is the place to store the goods imported or in transit, without paying duty under custom’s supervision. 保税仓库是在海关监管下,无需付费存储进口或过境货物的 地方。 18. Conveyors are used widely in the operations of warehouse and distribution center and form the basic handling device for a number of selection systems. 输送机广泛用于仓库和配送中心的运作,并是形成大量选择 系统的基本处理设备。 19. Dispatch area is the place where goods are stored and ready to be delivered. 调度区是货物存放并随时可以交付的地方。 20. Rack is the same as goods shelves which are used to place stored goods in high density area. Rack货架与goods shelves货架一样,用于在高密度区域放 置存货。 2l. Standardized containers are storage and transportation equipments that may load the cargo of 16 to 26 tons or in 30 to 60 cubic meters. 标准化集装箱是储存和运输设备,可装载16至26吨或者 30至60立方米的货物。 八、逆向物流(Reverse Logistics ) 1. Recycle logistics is the part of reverse logistics. 回收物流是逆向物流的一部分。 2. Reverse logistics is the process to handle returned goods, recycle useful materials and dispose waste goods. 逆向物流是处理退货、回收有用材料和处置废物的流程。 3. When the non-qualified goods are returned or from buyer to seller, we call it reverse logistics. 当不合格品被退回或由买方给卖方,我们称之为逆向物流。 4. Green logistics is very important to the environmental protection. 绿色物流对环境保护非常重要。 5. Scrap disposal is the part of reverse logistics. 废料处理是逆向物流的一部分。 6. Recycle logistics is the process to sort, treat and collect the valuable parts from used products. 回收物流是从使用过的产品中搜寻、处理和收集有用零件的 过程。 7. Reverse logistics makes goods flow from customers to suppliers. 逆向物流使货物从客户向供应商流动。 8. Averagely, retailers and manufacturers predict approximately 5,-10% of their merchandise will be returned. 平均而言,零售商和制造商预测约5,-10,的商品将被退 回。 九、其他 1. Saving or reducing expenditure in business operations is called cost control. 储蓄或减少经营开支是所谓的成本控制。 2. If the goods is damaged or lost in the process of logistics, the shipper may claim to carrier. 如果货物损坏或在物流过程中丢失,托运人可以向承运人索 赔。 3. Tally is to count and inspect goods in logistics. 理货即在物流中计数和检验货物。 4. Handling or carrying is the operation to move the goods horizontally. 搬运是指水平移动货物的操作。 5. Loading and unloading may be the most frequent activities in logistics, but its related costs are hard to estimate. 装卸是物流中最频繁的活动,但其相关成本很难估计。 6. Loading and unloading is the operation moving the goods by labor or equipment to the transported vehicles, storage places or other locations in the logistic process. 装卸作业是由工人或设备将货物移动到运输车辆、贮存场所 或物流过程中的其他地点。 7. CIF and FOB are two major terms in the international trade. CIF和FOB是国际贸易中的两个重要条款。 8. Virtual logistics is based on logistics network, but more computerized and systematized than logistics operation. 虚拟物流基于物流网络,但比物流运作更计算机化、系统化。 9. MRP (Material Requirement Planning) is the management system to control the amount of material consumed and to reduce inventory in the manufacturing company. MRP(物料需求计划)是管理系统,用以控制消耗材料的数 量和减少制造公司的库存。 10. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) is the management system to distribute all resources economically, while satisfying the demand of the market. ERP(企业资源计划)是管理系统,用以经济地分配所有资 源,同时满足市场需求。 11. MRPll (Manufacturing Resouree Planning) is the system to control all elements, including inventory and procurement, cost and working capital, sales order and personnel level. MRPll是一个系统,用来控制所有元素,包括库存和采购, 成本和周转资金,销售秩序和人员的水平。 12. Performance monitoring system is essential to the warehouse management. 绩效监测系统对仓库管理是必不可少的。 13. The advantage of crane on a forklift truck is to lift and move heavy materials, but is can be rather inflexible. 与叉车相比,起重机的优点是可以抬起和移动沉重的材料, 但相对不太灵活。 14. The revolution of information started with the introduction of the personal computer, followed by the optical fiber network, the explosion of the Internet and the World Wide Web. 信息革命来源于个人计算机的普及,及其后的光纤网络,因 特网和万维网的爆炸性发展。 15. Internet assists market development, operational planning and management decisions in the logistics industry. 互联网有助于物流业的市场发展,业务规划和管理决策。 16. Handling/carrying and loading/unloading are the most frequent activities in the logistics. 搬运和装卸是物流中最频繁的活动。 17. Parts and service support are components of after sales service. 零部件和服务支持是售后服务的组成部分。 18. Logistics information system can be made up by three parts: inputs by terminal, data managed by CPU, the outputs managed by optical fiber. 物流信息系统可以由三个部分组成:终端输入,CPU管理的 数据,光纤管理的输出。 19. Electronic commerce (EC) is the tool to be used to make deal between the seller and buyer by Internet in a paperless environment. 电子商务(EC)是一种工具,用于使卖方和买方在无纸化环 境下通过互联网络形成交易。 20. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) refer to a computer-to-computer information sharing of business documents in a standard format. 电子数据交换(EDI)是指商业文件的计算机到计算机信息 交流的标准 格式 pdf格式笔记格式下载页码格式下载公文格式下载简报格式下载 。 21. Virtual warehousing is not real logistics network but an information network based on warehouse management. 虚拟仓储不是真正的物流网络,而是基于仓库管理的信息网 络。 22. EDI is widely applied in the field of commerce with the legal effect. EDI广泛应用于商业领域,具有法律效力。 23. Data warehouse is a consolidated database maintained separately from different organizations’ production system databases. 数据仓库是一个综合数据库,由不同组织的生产系统数据库 分别维护。 24. Intranet is the internal network within an organization that promotes sharing of internal company related information, using similar technology as the Internet. 内联网是指一个组织的内部网络,利用类似互联网的技术, 旨在促进公司内部相关信息的共享。 25. The World Wide Web is the Internet system to allow users to browse from one Internet site to another and to inspect the information available without using complicated commands and protocols. 万维网是互联网系统,使用户能够从一个互联网网站浏览到 另一个,无需使用复杂的命令和协议检阅可得到的信息。 26. Container terminal connects sea and land, transfers container to and from ships. 集装箱码头连接大海和陆地,转移集装箱上下船舶。 27. Distribution center is a large and highly automated multi-store building destined to receive goods from various suppliers, take orders, fill them in container efficiently, deliver goods to the customer as quickly and satisfyingly as possible. 配送中心是一个庞大而高度自动化的多库建筑,定位于接受 来自不同供应商的商品,接受订单,将商品高效地放入集装 箱,将货物尽快和尽可能令人满意地送到客户。 28. B2C is the Internet commerce designed for direct communications and commercial relationship between a firm and its end customer. B2B is to managed to the communication and relationship between business entities. B2C是互联网电子商务,为企业和它的最终客户之间的直接 沟通和商业关系而设计。 B2B则是为业务实体之间的沟通 和关系而设计。
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