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雅思口语题库,15年9-15月雅思口语题库,15年9-15月 Part1 个人信息类 Work or studies Your Work 1. What work do you do? 2. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or. that job)? 3. Do you like your job? 4. Is it very interesting? 5. (Possibly) Do you miss being a student? Your Studies 1....

雅思口语题库,15年9-15月 Part1 个人信息类 Work or studies Your Work 1. What work do you do? 2. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or. that job)? 3. Do you like your job? 4. Is it very interesting? 5. (Possibly) Do you miss being a student? Your Studies 1. What subject(s) are you studying? 2. Why did you choose to study that subject? 3. Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?) 4. Is it very interesting? 5. (Possibly) Are you looking forward to working? 6. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon? Teachers 1. Do you have a favorite teacher? 2. Do you want to be a teacher in the future? 3. What kinds of teachers do you like? 4. Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not? 5. Do you like strict teachers? 6. What's the different between young and old teachers? 7. Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently? 8. What’s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates? Hometown 1. What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)? 2. Is that a big city or a small place? 3. Please describe your hometown a little. 4. How long have you been living there? 5. Do you like your hometown? 6. (Possibly) Do you like living there? * 7. What do you like (most) about your hometown? 8. Is there anything you dislike about it? 9. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? Accommodation 1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 2.Do you live in a house or a flat? 3.Who do you live with? 4.How long have you lived there? 5.Do you plan to live there for a long time? 6.(If you answer you haven't lived there long) What's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 7.Can you describe the place where you live? 8.Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 9.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 10.Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 11.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 12.Please describe the room you live in. 13.What part of your home do you like the most? 个人爱好 Vegetables and fruits 1. What's your favorite vegetable and fruit? 2. How often do you eat fruits? 3. Are there any special fruits in your hometown? 4. Should we eat vegetables every day? Snacks (New) 1. What kinds of snacks do you like to eat? 2. Is it healthy to eat snacks? 3. Do your parents allow you to eat snacks? 4. What was the most popular snack when you were young? 5. What kinds of snacks do children in your country like to eat nowadays? Trees 1. Do you like trees? 2. (Similar to above) Do you like (to go to) the forest (or, a forest)? 3. Is there a forest near your hometown? 4. Would you like to live in a place that has lots of trees? 5. Where can one find trees (or forests) in your country? 6. Do you think places with trees attract more visitors than places with few trees? 7. Did you ever (like to) climb trees when you were a child? 8. Have you ever planted a tree? 9. Do you think more people should plant trees? 10.(Similar to above) Do you think we should plant more trees? 11.Do you think trees are important? 12.What would you say are the benefits of having trees? 13.Do you think we need to protect trees? Television (New) 1. How much TV do you (usually) watch? 2. What's your favorite TV program? 3. Did you watch much TV when you were a child? (How much?) 4. What (types of) programs did you watch when you were a child? 5. Do you think television has changed in the past few decades? 6. (Possibly) Do you think television has changed since you were a child? 7. Has television changed your life in any way? Film 1. Do you like to watch films? 2. Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films? 3. How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie? 4. Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film? 5. What kinds of movies do you like best? 6. What was the first film that you watched? Swimming (New) ,Sports 1. Do you like swimming? 2. Is it difficult to learn how to swim? 3. Where do Chinese like to go swimming? 4. What’s the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea? 5. Do you like to watch sports on TV? 6. Do you play any sports? 7. Do you have a favorite sports star? 8. What’s the most popular sports in China? 9. What kinds of sports would you like to try in the future? 10.Have you ever tried any dangerous sports? Clothes 1. What clothes do you usually like to wear? 2. Do / did you wear the same clothes at school and at home? 3. Will you change your clothes when you go home today? 4. Did you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child? 5. Did you like them? Reading books 1. What kinds of books did you like to read when you were young? 2. Do you still keep these books? 3. Have you ever given others books as gifts? 4. What’s your favorite kind of books? Music 1. Do you often (like to) listen to music? 2. When do you listen to music? 3. How much time do you spend listening to music every day? 4. What kinds of music do you like to listen to? 5. What's your favorite kind of music? 6. Have you ever been to a concert before? 7. Do you like to listen to live music? 8. When did you start listening to this type of music? 9. Where do you listen to it? 10.How do you feel when you listen to this music? 11.Do you like listening to songs? 12.Have you ever been to a musical performance? 13.Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument? 14.Is music an important subject at school in China? 15.Did you often listen to music when you were a child? (If yes, give details.) What kinds of music are (most) popular in China? Museums 1. Are there many (or, any) museums in your hometown? 2. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country? 3. Do you often visit a museum? 4. Did you go to any museums when you were a child? 5. When was the last time you visited a museum? 6. Do you think museums are important? 7. Do you think it's suitable for museums to sell things to visitors? Photography 1. Do you like to take photographs? (Why?) 2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take photos? (Why?) 3. How long have you liked taking photographs? 4. How (why) did you become interested in photography? 5. How often do you take photographs? 6. In what situations do you take photographs? 7. What kind of photos do you like to take? (Why?) 8. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery? 9. Who do you take photos of? 10.How do you keep your photos? 11.Do you keep your photographs on your computer? 12.Are there any photos on the walls of your home? 13.Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes, which? & why?) 14.Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?) 生活休闲 Weekends 1. What do you do in your spare time? 2. When do you spend time with your family? 3. What do you usually do on weekends? 4. What did you do last weekend? 5. What do other people in your hometown (or, in your country) usually do on weekends? 6. What are you going to do next weekend? 7. Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend? 8. Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child? Public holidays 1. What public holidays do you have in your country? 2. Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals? 3. What do you usually do during public holidays? 4. What did you do during the last public holiday? 5. Do you think public holidays are important? 6. Why do we need public holidays? Transportation 1. What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? 2. How often do you take buses? 3. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains? 4. Is driving to work popular in your country? 5. Do you think people will drive more in the future? 6. Would you ride bikes to work in the future? 7. What will become the most popular means of transportation in China? 8. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation? Newspapers,News 1. Do you often read newspapers? 2. Which do you prefer reading, magazines or newspapers? 3. What kinds of (types of) newspapers (or magazines) do you usually read? 4. How old were you when you first started to read newspapers? 5. Do you think it’s important to read newspapers? (Why?/Why not?) 6. Why do (you think) people read newspapers? 7. What different types of newspaper are there in China? 8. Do you care about the news? 9. Is the news important (to you)? 10.What kinds of news do Chinese people read in newspapers? 11.Do you prefer to read about domestic (or local) news or international news? (Why?) 12.What are some methods that newspapers use to attract readers? 13.What influence do you think newspapers have on society? 14.Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news? 抽象话题 Text messages/phone calls (New) 1. Do you text someone if he doesn’t answer your phone? 2. Is there any chance when texting someone is better than calling him? 3. Have you ever had difficulty replying? 4. How often do you send text messages? 5. How often do you make phone calls? 6. Do you like to call your parents or send text messages to them? Social network (New) 1. What kinds of social networking websites do you like to use? 2. Are you a social person? 3. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites? 4. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking website? 5. What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese like to use? Time management 1. Are you good at organizing time? 2. How do you usually organize time? 3. Do you think planning is important for time management? 4. Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans? 5. How would you teach your children time management? Teamwork(New) 1. When was the last time you worked with a team? 2. Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself? 3. What’s the most important thing for teamwork? 4. Do you like to be a leader? Sleeping 1. How many hours are you asleep for every day? 2. Is it necessary to take a nap every day? 3. Do old people sleep a lot? Why? 4. What time do you usually go to bed? 5. Do you always have a good sleep? Sky 1. Do you like to watch the sky? 2. What is the sky like at night in your hometown? 3. Do you like to watch stars? 4. Have you ever taken a course about stars? 5. What's your favorite star? Being in a hurry (New) 1. When was the last time you did something in a hurry? 2. Do you like to finish things quickly? 3. What kinds of things will you never do in a hurry? 4. Why do people make mistakes more easily when they are in a hurry? Being alone 1. Do you like to be alone? 2. What do you like to do when you are alone? 3. Do you like to spend time with your friends or just stay at home on your own? 4. When was the last time you were being alone? Mathematics 1. When did you start learning math? 2. Do you like math? 3. Who taught you math? 4. Who’s your favorite teacher so far? 5. Is math difficult for you to learn? 6. Do you like to use a calculator? History (New) 1. Do you like (to learn about) history? 2. What historical event do you find most interesting? 3. Do you think history is important? 4. Do you like to watch programs on TV about history? 5. Do you think you (= one) can (really) learn history from films and/or TV programs? 6. Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history? 7. Can you name a person from history whom you would like to learn more about? 8. Why would you like to learn more about him/her? Forget about things/memory (New) 1. What do you remember to do every day? 2. What helps people to remember things? 3. Why do old people forget about things easily? 4. Have you ever forgotten something important? Helping others (New) 1. When was the last time you helped others? 2. Do you like to help strangers? 3. Did your parents teach you the importance of helping others when you were young? 4. Have you ever refused to help others? 5. Would you keep helping people in the future? 6. Hanging out with friends 7. How often do you like to hang out with friends? 8. Who do you usually like to hang out with? 9. Where do you like to go when you hang out with your friends? 10.Do you like to go out with a big group or just few friends? Handwriting 1. Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer(typewriter or word-processor)? 2. Nowadays, how do most people write things? 3. Do you think computers might one day replace handwriting? 4. When do children begin to write in your country? 5. How did you learn to write? 6. Do you think handwriting is very important (nowadays)? 7. How can children today improve (or, practice) their handwriting? 8. What impression does a person's handwriting have on other people? Emails and Letters 1. Do you write many letters or emails? 2. Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer? 3.Which do you more often write, emails or letters? 4. How often do you write an email or a letter? 5.What are the differences between emails and letters? 6.What do you usually write about? 7.Who do you usually write to? 8. Is it hard to think of what to write? 9. What kind(s) of letter/email do you think is (are) the hardest to write? 10.How do you feel when you receive a letter or email? 11.What kinds of emails (or letters) do you receive that make you feel happy? 12.Do you think people will still write letters in the future? Colors (New) 1. What colors do you like? 2. What’s the most popular color in China? 3. Do you like to wear clothes or bright colors? 4. What’s the different between men and women’s preference on colors? 5. Do colors affect your mood? Countryside (New) 1. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future? 2. What do people living in the countryside like to do? 3. What are the benefits of living in rural areas? 4. What’s the different between living in the city and living the countryside? Part2 + Part3 人物 想见的新闻人物(New) Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet. You should say: , Who he or she is; , What did this person show up on TV; , How you know this person; , and explain why you want to meet them. 长时间相处的家人(New) Describe a family member that you have spent the most time with. You should say: , Who this person is , What do you like to do together , When do you usually spend time together , and why do you spend so much time together. 喜欢飞机旅行的人 (New) Describe a person who likes to travel by plane. You should say: , Who this person is , How you know this person , Where this person travels to 工作优秀的人(New) Describe a person who can do well in work. You should say: , Who this person is , How do you know this person , What kinds of work this person does , and explain why this person can do well 擅长外语的人 Describe a person who can use/speak a second language. You should say: , Who this person is , What language this person can use , How often this person uses this language , and explain why this person can master this language. 搞笑的小孩 Describe a time that a child did something that made you laugh. You should say: , When this happened , Who the child was , What the child did , and explain why it was funny. 穿着时尚的人 Describe a person you know who dresses well/ a person who is fashionable. You should say: , Who this person is , What kinds of clothes this person likes to wear , How you know this person , and explain why you think this person dresses well. 物品 期待的环境保护相关法规(New) Describe a law about environment you would like to see in the future. You should say: , What this law would be about , How this law will take effects , Why it is important to have this law , and what changes will happen because of this law. 艺术品(New) Describe a painting or a work of art in your school You should say: , When you (first) saw this work of art , Where you saw it , What it looked like and explain your feelings about this work of art when you saw it 借的有用的东西(New) Describe a useful thing that you once borrowed. You should say: , What you borrowed; , Who lent this thing to you; , What kinds of features this thing has; , and explain why you think it is useful. 对社会有用的工作 (New) Describe a person whose job is important to the society You should say: , Who this person is , What job does he or she have , How you know this person , and explain why his/her job is important to the society 难忘的广告(New) Describe an unforgettable advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked). You should say: , Where you saw or heard it , What kind of advertisement it was , What the contents of the advertisement were (or, what product or service was advertised) , and explain how you felt when you saw or heard this advertisement/ why you liked it. 特别的歌(New) Describe a song that means something special to you. You should say: , What this song is about , When you listened to this song for the first time , How often do you listen to this song , and explain why you think it is special to you. Part3 1. When do people in China sing songs together? 2. Is there a special occasion that people would sing songs together? 3. What types of songs do young children like to listen to? 4. What are some singers so popular in the world? 5. Do people in China listen to songs from other countries? 6. Where do Chinese people go singing? 7. Is music an important subject in school? 一个团队 Describe a team you have been part of. You should say: , When this team was formed , Who was on the team , What you did together , and explain why you became part of the team. 关于健康的文章(New) Describe an article that you read from a magazine or from the Internet about healthy life. You should say: , Who this person is , What job does he or she have , How you know this person , and explain why his/her job is important to the society 有偿工作 Describe a paid job you ever did or someone you know ever did. You should say: , What the job was , How did you/ this person find this job , How long did you or this person keep this job , and how you feel about this job. 儿时室内游戏 Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child. You should say: , What the game was , When, where and with whom you usually played it , How you played it , and explain why you still remember this game or you liked this game. 想深入学习的东西 Describe something that you want to learn more. You should say: , What it is , How would learn it , Where you can learn it , and explain why you want to keep learning it. 家庭照片 Describe a picture or photograph in your family. You should say: , What is in the picture , Where this picture is in your home , How this picture was taken , and explain why you think this picture is meaningful. 有教育意义的电视节目 Describe an educational TV program that you have seen. You should say: , what the program is about , what the program is , how often you watch or listen to this program , what type of people enjoy this program and explain , why this program is educational 保持健康的运动 Describe an activity you do to keep fit. You should say: , What the activity is , When and where you usually do it , How you do it , and explain why it can keep you fit. 想买的电子产品 Describe an electronic machine you want to buy. You should say: , What it is; , When you know this machine; , What specific features you want; , and explain why you want this machine. 费劲心思的礼物 Describe a gift for others that took you long time to choose. You should say: , What it was , Who you gave it to , How you chose it , and explain why you spent a long time on choosing it. 成功的小公司 Describe a small and successful company you know. , You should say: , What is the company called; , How did you know this company; , What kind of business this company does; , and explain why you think this company is successful 地点 一条喜欢的街道(New) Describe a street that you like to visit. You should say: , Where it is , How often you go there , What you like to do there , and explain why you like it. 未来想去的国家 (New) Describe a foreign country you want to visit but haven't been to. You should say: , Where this place is; , What it is like; , What you can do in this country; , and explain why you want to visit the country. 理想的家 (New) Describe a house or apartment you want to live in. You should say: , Where this place is , What it is like , When you want to live in there , and explain why you want to live in such a place. 放松之地 Describe a place that can be good to relax (not home). You should say: , where this place is ; , what it is like; , how do you spend time there; , and explain why you think it is a good place for relaxation. 读书写字的地方 Describe a place where you can read and write. You should say: , Where this place is , How do you know this place , What do you do there , and explain why you think its a good place for reading and writing. 历史建筑 Describe a historical building in your country/ hometown. You should say: , Where this building is , How do you know this building , What it Is like , and explain why it is important to your hometown/country. 公园 Describe a part you have been to You should say: , Where it was , What it looked like , What people did (or. Were doing) there , And explain how you felt about this garden. 喜欢的小餐馆 Describe a cafe or restaurant you like to visit? You should say: , Where the cafe/restaurant is , What kinds of food and drink this place serves , How often you visit this place , And why you like to visit this place. , 临水之地 Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting. You should say: , Where this place was , What you did at this place , Who you went there with , And explain why you liked this place. 事件 最近一件开心的事 (New) Describe a recent happy event that you had. You should say: , When this happened , What the event was , Who was with you , and explain why you felt happy about it 有意义的谈话(New) Describe an important conversation that influenced you You should say: , When this happened , Who you were talking with , What you talked about , and how this conversation Influenced you. 长途自驾游(New) Describe a long car journey you went on. You should say: , Where you went , What you did at this place , Who you went there with , and explain why you went on that journey by car. 长时间步行(New) Describe a long walk you ever had. You should say: , When this happened , Where you walked , Who you were with , and explain how you felt about the walk. 噪声(New) Describe a time someone or something made noise. You should say: , When this happened , Who this person was/what this thing was , What kinds of noise was , and explain what you did when you heard the noise. 遗忘 (New) Describe a time that you forgot something important. You should say: , When this happened; , What you forgot to do; , Who you were with; , and what consequences you faced. 休假一天想怎么过 (New) Describe something you would like to do if you were given a day off. You should say: , What you would like to do , Who would you like to be with , Where you would like to do it , and explain how you would feel at the end of the day 在校做的艺术活动(New) Describe an art or craft activity you did at school. You should say: , When this happened , What you did in the activity , Who you did it with , and explain how you felt about this activity. 人生中的成功(New) Describe a success in your life. , You should say: , When and where this happened , Who you were with , What you did , and how you felt about the success. 等待(New) Describe a situation you waited for something. You should say: , Where this place was , When this happened , Who you were with , and explain why you had to wait for it. 和朋友有分歧 Describe a time that you and your friend had a disagreement You should say: , When this happened , Who you disagreed with , What you and your friend argued about , and if you two solved the disagreement in the end. 早起经历 Describe an occasion you got up extremely early. You should say: , When this happened , What you needed to do that day , Who you were with , and how you felt about getting up that early on that day. 不期而遇 Describe a time when you feel surprised to meet someone. You should say: , When this happened , Who this person was , What did you do together on that day , and explain why you thought it was a surprise to meet this person. 享受的人生阶段 Describe an age/stage you enjoyed mostly in your life. You should say: , What the age/stage was , What did you like to do back then , Who you enjoyed mostly back then , and explain why you really like that age/stage. 特殊的旅行 Describe a special trip you would like to go on in the future. You should say: , Where this place is , Who you would like to go with , What would you do there , and explain why this would be a special trip. 当地好的改变 Describe a change that will improve your local area. You should say: , What the change is , How the change works , What kinds of problems the change will solve , and how you feel about the change.
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