首页 [教学设计]2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(



[教学设计]2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲([教学设计]2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲( 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲( 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(1) 1(Will you please(能否请您...) call my husband(丈夫) as soon as possible(尽可能快地)? A) connect(联系,连接) B) consult(商量,商议) C) phone(电话, 给„打电话) D) visit(访问,参观) 1(C(call是多义词, 其常见词义为“叫喊, 打电话, 拜访(...

[教学设计]2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲( 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲( 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(1) 1(Will you please(能否请您...) call my husband(丈夫) as soon as possible(尽可能快地)? A) connect(联系,连接) B) consult(商量,商议) C) phone(电话, 给„打电话) D) visit(访问,参观) 1(C(call是多义词, 其常见词义为“叫喊, 打电话, 拜访(call at a place/call on sb.),起名 ”, 在句子中的含义是“打电话”, 相当于call up。 Phone或phone up: 打电话。 call是常见动词, 与其相关的短语结构也是常见考察点: give (someone) a call 给某人打电话 I gave the headmaster(校长) a call but he was out(在外). 我给校长打了个电话,但他出去了。 call off 取消 The meeting has been called off. 会议取消了。(完成时态的被动语态结构) call on 拜访 I'll call on him tomorrow(明天). 明天我去拜访他。 职称英语词汇选项练习部分出现了关于“call off”的练习题: 2(The workers finally(最终) called off the strike(罢工). A) put off B) ended (结束) C) participated in(参加) D) cancelled 取消 2. D. call off的含义为“取消”, 因此D(取消)是 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。put off是“推迟”,由off组成的短语结构在复习中需要关注的有(off的基本含义为“离开, 中断”): take off 脱衣, 起飞 set off 出发, 动身, 使爆炸 turn off 关掉 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: participate in – take part in – join in 参加 end – cease - close – finish- stop – terminate 结束, 停止 3. We’ll give every(每个的) teacher(老师) space to develop (发展, 研制, 生长). A) chance (机会) B) employment(雇用,使用, 工作) C) room(房间, 空间) D) opportunity (机会) 3(C(space的基本含义是“空间”, 因此C(空间)是答案。room是多义词,常见的词义为“房间, 空间, 余地”。选项A和选项D词义均为“机会” , 彼此排除掉,employment是“雇用,使用,职业”。 employ(雇用,使用) – employment – employer (雇主, 老板) - employee(雇员) 比较: She can't go to school (上学)because(因为) she is ill. 她不能上学了,因为她病了。 I'm ill prepared for (为...做好准备)the occasion(场合, 时机). 对这种情况我没有什么准备。 The children(孩子们) followed their mother into the room (房间). 孩子们跟着母亲进了房间。 I didn't follow him.我不理解他所说的话语。 Please follow the instructions(用法说明, 教育,直到) on the packet(包装) when you take the drug(吃药). 吃药时请按照包装上的说明去服用。 相关短语补充: take one's time 从容不迫 take medicine 吃药 take one’s temperature 测量体温 take courses 选课 take/have a walk 散步 4. The herb(草本植物) medicine eventually cured(治愈, 治疗) her diseases(疾病). A) nicely(精细地,美好地,和蔼地) B) apparently (明显地) C) finally (最后地) D) naturally(自然地) 4(C( eventually是派生词, 其词义为“最终, 终于”, 所以C(最终)是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: cure –treat – remedy(B级) 治疗 apparent – obvious – evident - clear 明显的 eventually – finally – at last – in the end – ultimately 最终 5. The policeman(警察) asked him to identify (识别, 鉴别)the thief(小偷). A) name(名字, 命名,指定) B) distinguish(区别, 辨别) C) capture(捕获, 夺取) D) separate(分开, 分开的, 分 离的) 5(A/B( identify的基本词义为“识别, 鉴别”, 因此A(认出, 说出)是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: distinguish – tell – discriminate 区分,分辨 separate – divide分开 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(2) 1(America’s emphasis on (重视...,强调...)the importance(重要性) of education() for everyone(每个人) has spurred scientific(科学的) research(研究, 调查). A) encouraged(鼓励) B) endangered(危及,危害) C) prevented(防止, 预防) D) enlarged(扩大, 放大) 1(A( spur的基本词义为“激励;鞭策”,因此A(鼓励)是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义短语结构: prevent...from.../keep...from...防止.../阻止... 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: encourage – urge – inspire – spur 激励 2. Some of the stories(故事) were mildly amusing(有趣的). A) slightly(稍微) B) hardly(几乎不) C) faintly(模糊地,暗淡地) D) sufficiently(充分地) 2(A(mildly的基本词义为“温和地, 稍微”,mildly在句中修饰 amusing(有趣的) 因此mildly在句中的词义为“稍微”, 因此A是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: mildly – gently 温和地 mildly – slightly – a little - somewhat稍微地 hardly – rarely – scarcely - seldom 几乎不 faintly – dimly 微弱地 amusing – funny – interesting 有趣的 sufficiently – adequately - enough 充分地 sufficiently 是高频词汇,职称英语词汇选项练习部分出现了关于“sufficiently”的练习题: 3. Human facial(面部的) expressions(表情,表达) differ from (与...不同)those of animals in the degree to which they can be deliberately controlled(控制) and modified(更改, 修改). A) sufficiently(充分地) B) noticeably(值得注意地, 显而易见地) C) intentionally(有意地,故意地) D) absolutely(完全地,绝对地) 3(C. deliberately是单义词, 其基本词义为“故意地”, 因此C是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: deliberately– intentionally – on purpose 故意地 modify – adjust – alter – change 改变 noticeable – remarkable – unusual – striking – extraordinary 值得注意的, 非同寻常的 noticeable 在职称英语词汇选项题中出现频率较高: 4(It was a question of (是...的问题)making sure (确保)that certain(某些) needs were addressed(写姓名地址, 处理), notably in the pensions(养老金) area. A) noticeably(值得注意地) B) remarkably(值得注意地,显著地) C) particularly (尤其, 特别) D) significantly(显著地) 4(C( notably的基本词义为“显著地,尤其”, notably在句中修饰介词短语结构“in the pensions area(在养老金这个方面)”, 由此可见notably在句子中的含义为“尤其”, 因此C是答案。 A, B和D互为近义词, 均可表示“显著地”。 5. Academic records (学习成绩单)from other institutions(机构,协会) often become a part of a university’s official (官方的) file(文件) and can neither be returned(返回, 归还) to a student nor (既不能...也不能...)duplicated. A) borrowed (借入) B) purchased(购买) C) copied(复制) D) lost(丢失) 5. C. duplicate在句中充当动词,其词义为“复制, 使加倍”, 因此C(复制)是答案。 需要掌握的近义词词组 purchase – buy 购买 lost – missing – absent 失去的, 不见的 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(3) 1(Why can’t you stop(停止) your eternal complaining(抱怨)! A) everlasting(永久的, 持久的) B)long(长的, 长期的, 渴望) C) boring (令人厌烦的) D) detailed(详细的) 1(A( eternal词义单一, 其基本词义为“永久的”, 因此A(永久的)是答案。 需要掌握的近义词词组 eternal – permanent – lasting – everlasting 永久的,持久的 boring – dull – uninteresting 令人厌烦的,乏味的 2. We have to (不得不)put up with her behavior(行为). A)tolerate (忍受) B. accept (接受,同意) C)understand(理解) D)ignore (忽视) 2(A( 短语put up with的基本含义为“忍受”, 因此A是答案。 复习中需要掌握的近义词词组: put up with - bear – tolerate - stand 忍受 accept – agree to – consent of – approve 同意, 赞成 understand – follow 理解 ignore – avoid 不理睬 neglect – omit – overlook 忽视 复习中需要掌握的类似短语结构: put up with 忍受 come up with想出( 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 、回答), 提供 keep up with 跟上 3. Charges for (收取...的费用) local telephone calls (市内电话)are outrageous. A) unheard of (从未听到的) B) unacceptable (不能接收的) C) unbelievable (难以置信的) D) ridiculous (荒谬的, 可笑的) 3.B( outrageous的基本词义为“残暴的, 令人不能接受的”, 因此B(不能接收的)是答案。 复习中需要掌握的近义词词组: unbelievable – incredible 难以置信的 4. Many economists(经济学家) have given in to (对...屈服)the fatal(致命的) lure of mathematics(数学). A) error(错误, 误差) B) function(功能, 作用,运行) C) attraction(吸引, 吸引力) D) miracle(奇迹) 4(C( lure是单义词, 其基本词义为“吸引”, 因此C(吸引)是答案。 复习中需要掌握的近义词词组: error – mistake 错误 (To err is human. 人非圣人,孰能无过。) miracle – wonder 奇迹 [www.yingyukaoshi.com] attraction – lure – temptation 诱惑 5(In their productions(产品, 作品), choreographers(武术指导) of modern dance(现代舞) have introduced(介绍,引入) humor(幽默), protested(抗议) social(社会的) injustice(不公平) and probed psychological(心理的) problems. A)solved (解决, 解答) B) explored(探险, 探索, 研究) C) involved(包括,涉及到) D) disputed(争议) 5(B. probe的基本词义为“探索, 调查”, 因此B是答案。 复习中需要掌握的近义词词组: solve – settle 解决 explore – probe – investigate – research into 调查, 研究 involve – include 包括, 涉及到 dispute – argue – debate 争论 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(4) 1. We were all there when(在...的时候) the accident(事故) occurred. A) happened(发生) B) broke (打破, 不遵守, 折断) C) spread(伸展, 传播) D) appeared(出现,看起来) 1(A. occur是单义词, 其基本词义为“发生”。因此A(发生)是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: happen – occur – take place – break out 发生 appear – seem – look 看起来 That dog looks/seems/appears dangerous.那只狗看起来很危险。 break是高频动词,与其相关的短语结构是常见考察点: break away (from) 逃走;逃脱 break down(机器)损坏 break into 闯入 break out 突然发生 break up分裂, 结束 break into pieces 成为碎片 break record 打破纪录 2. It took me exactly(正好, 精确地) a week to complete the work. A) do (做,尽力, 制作) B) achieve (获得, 实现) C) improve(改善,改进) D) finish(完成, 结束) 2(D( complete作为动词使用时, 其词义为“完成”, 因此D(完成)是答案。Do是多义词,其常见词义为“做, 尽力, 制作”。 重要句型(it句型): It takes/took sb./sth. time/ money to do sth. 某人/某物花了时间/金钱做„ It takes me an hour to go to school (上学) by bus(公共汽车). 我乘公共汽车去学校要花一个小时的时间。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: finish – accomplish – complete – fulfill 完成 achieve是高频词汇,职称英语词汇选项练习部分出现了关于“achieve”的练习题: 3. He achieved success(成功) through hard work(辛苦的工作). A) reached(达到, 伸出,范围) B) reaped(收割 ) C) attained(到达, 获得) D) took (拿走, 占领, 接受) 3(C( achieve的基本词义为“实现(目标), 获得(成功)”, 因此C(获得)是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: achieve – attain – gain – obtain 获得 reach – arrive at – get to 到达 4(They have made up their mind to give up (放弃)smoking(吸烟). A) tried(试图, 努力) B) attempted(试图, 努力) C) agreed(同意) D) decided(决定) 4(D( make up one’s mind是固定搭配结构, 其含义为“决心, 决定”, 因此D是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: make up one’s mind – decide – be determined 决心 (to do „) agree – consent(B 级) 同意 (to do„) try – attempt 试图 短语give up出现频率也较高,职称英语词汇选项练习部分出现了关于“give up”的练习题: 5. They have given up the hope(希望) to save(救,节约) their friends(朋友) from drowning(淹死). A) ended(结束) B) abandoned(放弃) C) built(建筑;建造) D) strengthened(加强, 巩固) 5. B. give up是“放弃”, 因此B(放弃)是答案。 save ...from...拯救...使免予遭受到... 类似结构: prevent ...from...防止... 使免予遭受到... protect...from...保护...使免予遭受到... 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(5) 1. It is said that (据说...)the house(房子) along(沿着) the street(街道) will be demolished. A)pulled down(拆毁, 使降低) B) rebuilt(重建) C) renovated (修复,革新) D) constructed (建造,构造) 1(A. demolish的基本词义为“毁坏, 拆毁, 推翻”。在句子中该词以被动语态的形式出现, 其宾语是句子的主语结构(the house along the street/街道两旁的房子), 因此 demolish在句中的词义为“拆毁”, 因此A是答案。 语法结构补充(It句型): It is said/reported/required that„据说/据报道/据要求... 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: build – put up – construct 建造 (A级难度)2. The staff(全体职员) of the company(公司) are always courteous and helpful(乐于助人的, 有用的). A) efficient (有效率的, 能干的) B) respectable (值得尊敬的) C) well-informed(消息灵通的, 见闻广博的) D) respectful (尊重人的, 有礼貌的) 2. D. Courteous词义单一,其基本词义为“有礼貌的”, 因此D是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: efficient – able – capable 能干的 (A级难度)3(The construction(修建) of the railway(铁路) is said to(据说)have been terminated. A) resumed (重新开始) B) ended(结束,终点) C) suspended(暂停, 暂缓,悬挂) D) cancelled (取消) 3(B. terminate的词义较单一, 其基本词义为“结束” , 因此B是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: cease – complete – end – finish – stop – terminate(A级) 结束 (A级难度) 4. It is postulated that population(人口) trends(趋势) have an effect on(对...有影响)economic(经济的) fluctuations(波动). A) challenged(挑战, 向...挑战, 质疑) B) assumed(认为, 假定) C) accepted(接受,承认) D) doubted (怀疑) 4. B. postulate的基本词义为“要求, 假定”,因此B是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: Have an effect on„- have an impact on„- influence – affect 影响 (B级难度) 5(When Jack eventually(最终) overtook the last(最 后的,持续) truck(卡车) he pulled over to (把车开到...)the inside lane(里面的车道). A) skipped (跳,跳跃, 跳读) B) passed(通过, 超过, 传递) C) reached (到达, 伸出, 范围) D) led (领导, 致使,铅) 5(B( overtake的基本词义为“赶上;超过”,因此B是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: reach – get to – arrive at 到达 cause – create – bring about – lead to 造成,导致 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(6) (B级难度)1. A deadly disease(疾病) has affected(影响) these animals(动物). A) contagious (传染性的) B) serious(严肃的,严重的,认真的) C) fatal(致命的) D) worrying(焦虑的, 令人担心的) 1(C( deadly是单义词, 其基本词义为“致命的”, 因此C(致命的)是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: contagious – infectious 传染性的 fatal – deadly – killing 致命的 (B级难度)2(With immense relief(轻松,(痛苦)减轻, 救济), I stopped(停止) running(奔跑). A) much(许多的,大量的) B)enormous(巨大的,极大的) C) little (少许, 很少的,小的, 很少) D) extensive(广大的,广阔的)playground 2(B( immense的基本含义为“极大的”, 因此B是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: much – abundant – a lot of – plenty of – a large amount of 大量的 little – small – tiny 小的 little – slightly – somewhat 稍微, 少许 (A级难度)3. Contact(联系) your doctor(医生) if the cough(咳嗽) persists. A) insists (坚持, 强调) B) perseveres (坚持) C) continues(继续,连续) D)resists (反抗,抵抗) 3(C( persist 的基本含义为“坚持, 持续”。persist 在句子中充当条件状语从句中的谓语,主语是cough, 因此persist 在句子中的词义为“持续”, 因此C(持续)是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: insist on – demand – require – request – ask 要求 (B级难度)4(Because of (因为)the popularity(普及,流行) of the region(区域), it is advisable to book(预定) hotels in advance(预先). A) possible(可能的) B) profitable (有利的) C) easy(容易的,舒适的) D)wise(明智的) yingyukaoshi.com 4(D( advisable词义单一, 其基本词义为“明智的”, 因此D是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: because of – due to – owing to – thanks to 由于 advisable - wise – clever – sensible - bright 明智的, 聪明的 book – reserve 预定 possible – likely – probable 可能的 easy – comfortable 舒适的 beneficial – profitable – favorable 有利的 (A级难度)5( We also(也) want to (想...)use the water to irrigate(灌溉) barren(荒芜的,沙漠的) land(陆地, 国家, 土地). desert A) hairless(秃头的) B) bare (无遮盖的, 空的) 空的, 空虚的) D)bald(秃头的, 秃顶的)C) empty( 5(B(barren属于多义词, 其常见词义为“荒芜的, 单调的, 无聊的”, 在句子中修饰land(土地), 由此可见barren在句中的词义为“贫瘠的”, 因此B是答案。 需要掌握的相关近义词词组: empty – vacant - bare空的 use – employ – utilize(A级) – harness(A级) 利用 desert – abandon – give up – discard(A级)抛弃, 丢弃 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(7) 1( Smoking is inhibited (A级)in public places. A) instructed B)inquired C) forbidden D) strived 1. C. 借助句意(吸烟在公共场合被..)判断C是答案。instruct vt. 教, 命令, 指示;inquire v.询问, 问明, 查究;forbid vt.禁止, 不 许;strive v.努力, 奋斗。 2. His illness was diagnosed as terminal (B级)cancer. A) acute B)chronic C) final D) fatal 2. D. 根据搭配结构含义(..癌症)判断D(致命的)最合适。acute adj.敏锐的, [医]急性的; chronic adj.慢性的, 延续很长的;final adj. 最后的, 最终的; terminal n.终点站, 终端adj.末期的,致 命的。该句句意为“他被诊断患有晚期癌症” 3.I felt impelled (A级)to tell the truth. A) promoted B)induced C) compelled D) improved 3. C. 该句的大意是“我不得不说出事情的真相。”impel vt.推动, 驱使; compel vt.强迫, 迫使; promote vt.促进, 发扬, 提升; induce vt.劝诱, 促使, 导致。 4. It's prudent (A级)to take a thick coat in cold weather when you go out. A) controversial B)reasonable C) sensible D) sensitive 4. C. 借助句意(在寒冷的天气下外出时带上件厚外套是„)判断C (明智的)是答案。controversial adj.争论的, 争议的; reasonable adj.合理的, 有道理的; sensitive adj.敏感的, 灵敏 的。 5. Are you positive that there’s been no mistake? A) rational B)reasonable C) certain D) bound (A 级) 5( C.划线词positive是多义词, 其常见的词义为“肯定的,积极的, 绝对的, 确实的,正极的”。根据句子大意“你„你没有犯错误,”判断划线词在句中的词义为“肯定的”, 因此C(确定的,肯定的, 必然的)是答案。这个句子的大意是“你确信你没有犯错误吗,” bound是“有责任的,必定的,肯定的”, 这个词后面常带不定式结构, 如:It's bound to happen. 这件事必然要发生; rational(有理性的,合理的)与reasonable(合理的;明白道理的)是近义词。 6. He has a passionate (B级)interest in music. A) enthusiastic B) perfect C) practical D)funny 6 A.划线词修饰的词语是“interest(兴趣)”,从这个搭配语义上看, A(强烈的, 热烈的)是最合适的选项。该句的大意是“他对音乐有着强烈的兴趣。”passionate是“热烈的, 强烈的, 多情的”, perfect是“完全的,完美的”, practical是“事实上的,实际上的”, funny是“有趣的,好笑的”。 7. He has a very outgoing personality (B级)and makes friends very easily. A)capacity B) character C) reality D)attitude 7(B(修饰划线词的形容词是outgoing(开朗的), 借助这个搭配结构判断B(性格, 特征) 是最合适的选项。该句的大意是“他的性格很开朗, 很容易与人交朋友。”personality是“人格,品格, (有名)人物”, capacity是“能力,才干,容积 ”, reality是“现实”, attitude是“态度”。 2010年职称英语(卫生类AB级)词汇精讲(8) 1. The substance can be added to gasoline to accelerate (B 级)the speed of automobiles. A) quicken B)shorten C) loosen D) enlarge 1. A. accelerate v.加速, 促进, 所以A(加快)是答案。shorten v.缩短, (使)变短;loosen v.解开, 放松, 松开; enlarge v.扩大, 放大; 词缀-en通常加在某些形容词的前面或后面,使其变成相应 的动词,该词缀的含义是“使变得更加..”, 如:enlarge就是“使 变得更大/扩大”。 2( We should never content (B级)ourselves with only a little knowledge. A) convince B)satisfy C) comfort D) benefit 2. B. 根据句意(我们切不可„仅仅有一点点知识。)判断B(使满 足)是答案。convince vt.使确信, 使信服; benefit n.利益, 好 处vt.有益于, 有助于; comfort n.安慰, 舒适vt.安慰, 使(痛苦 等)缓和。 3( We should contemplated (B级)the problem from all sides. A) deliberated B)thought C) described D) designed 3. A. 借助搭配结构“„问题”排除B(think后通常带宾语从句或 带介词)和D(D的词义为“设计”, 因此D与“问题”搭配不合理)。 根据句意(我们应该„问题的各个方面)判断A(仔细考虑)最合适。 4( His health had deteriorated (B级)while he was in prison. A) became better B)became worse C) became stronger D) became weaker 4. B. 借助搭配“健康„”,排除C和D(strong(强)和 weak(弱) 都不能与“health/健康”搭配使用,只有“身体”才说强弱),再 借助句意(在监狱服刑期间他的健康„)判断B(变得更糟糕)最合 理。deteriorate v.(使)恶化 。 5. How can we reduce the risk of cancer? A) cut in B) cut down C) cut off D) cut out 5(B. 划线词是基本词汇, 其含义是“减少”,被选项是由同一动 词组成的短语结构(提示:可以借助短语结构中某个单词的词义来推 测短语可能具有的含义),从“减少”这个词义来看, B最可能是 答案(down 有“向下”的含义)。该句的大意是“我们怎样才能降 低癌症的风险,”。cut in是“插话”;cut down是“减少,削减”; cut off是“中断, 切断”; cut out是“切去, 删除”。 6. The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost of shipping cargo by water. A) continuously B) quickly C) excessively D) exceptionally 6( A.划线词steadily是“稳定地;不断地”,该词与A(不断地, 连续地)是近义词。excessively是“过度地”; exceptionally 是“例外地,异常地”,quickly是“很快地” 。该句的大意是“劳 动力成本的持续上升已经大大地增加了通过水路运输货物的费用。” 7. His new girlfriend had omitted (B级)to tell him that she was married. A)failed B) deleted C) refused D) rejected 7( A. 借助划线词的搭配结构特点—带不定式结构, 判断A(fail to do sth./没有„)和 C(refuse to do sth./拒绝做„)可能成为答案。从句意义上看“他新交的女友没有告诉他她结婚了。”更通顺, 所以A是答案。omit是“遗漏,忽略,忘记”, delete(删去)和reject(拒绝,抵制)都是及物动词, 后面必须带宾语。 8( If you want my advice, you should revise (B级)your plan for the trip to Beijing. A) change B)exchange C) enlarge D) encourage 8( A. 借助划线词所在的搭配结构“„你的计划” 判断A(改变)最合适。 该句句意是“如果你接受我的建议,你应该改变你北京之行的计划。” exchange是“互换,交流,兑换”;enlarge是“扩大,扩充”;encourage是“鼓励”,revise“修订, 改变”。
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