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高中信息技术考试题高中信息技术考试题 (选择、判断) 一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意。) 1.下列不属于信息的是( c ) A.报纸上刊登的新闻 B.书本中的知识 C.存有程序的软盘 D.电视里播放的足球比赛实况 2.下列有关信息的描述正确的是( c ) A.只有以书本的形式才能长期保存信息 B.数字信号比模拟信号易受干扰而导致失真 C.计算机以数字化的方式对各种信息进行处理 D.信息的数字化技术已逐步被模拟化技术所取代 3.下面哪些不是说信息的价值(d ) A.读书以明理 B.知已知彼,百战百胜C...

高中信息技术考试 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 (选择、判断) 一、选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意。) 1.下列不属于信息的是( c ) A.报纸上刊登的新闻 B.书本中的知识 C.存有程序的软盘 D.电视里播放的足球比赛实况 2.下列有关信息的描述正确的是( c ) A.只有以书本的形式才能长期保存信息 B.数字信号比模拟信号易受干扰而导致失真 C.计算机以数字化的方式对各种信息进行处理 D.信息的数字化技术已逐步被模拟化技术所取代 3.下面哪些不是说信息的价值(d ) A.读书以明理 B.知已知彼,百战百胜C.书中自有黄金屋 D.春雨贵如油 4.IT是指( b) A.Internet B.Information Technology C.Inter Teacher D.In Technology 5.第一次信息革命的标志是( c ) A.文字的创造 B.电报、电话的发明使用 C.语言的使用 D.造纸术、印刷术的发明和应用 6。、期中考试后小明准备 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 了一个小程序,具体要求是这样的:当输入姓名和语文成绩后,计算机马上显示这个同学的成绩情况,如果及格(大于等于60)计算机显示一朵小红花,如果语文成绩不及格,则显示“不及格”,请你根据要求在横线处完成此程序,(A)如图: A: (1)不及格 (2)6 (3)显示小红花 B:(1)显示小红花 (2)2 (3)不及格 C:(1)不及格 (2)2 (3)不及格 D:(1)显示小红花 (2) 6 (3)不及格 7、(1)2005年10月12日,我国自行研制的神舟6号成功发射,标志着我国航天技术更上一层楼,有专家预测,通过网 行数 程序语句 1 语文成绩yw=60 2 重复第3行至第5行,直至程序中断 3 请输入语文成绩 4 语文成绩大于等于60吗,否则显示 (1) ,转至第 (2) 行 5 (3) 6 结束 络、电视和其他途径观看此次“神六”发射直播的人数将超过,亿,从信息的一般特征来说,以下说法不正确的是(D) A、信息不能独立存在,需要依附于一定的载体。 B、信息可以转换成不同的载体形式而被存储和传播 C、信息可以被多个信息接受者接受并且多次使用 D、同一个信息不可以依附于不同的载体。 8、某同学通过网上搜索“东方红”这首歌曲,发现搜索出很多不同文件格式的文件(如图1所示),他想全部下载下来,较好的方法是(C) A、在每首歌曲的超级连接上点鼠标右键,选“目标另存为”。 B、使用网站下载工具例如:Teleport Pro,WebZIP等,将此页面类容全部下载下来 C、使用断点续传、多线程的工具,例如:网络蚂蚁、网际快车等将需要的文件下载下来 D、使用FTP下载工具例如:CuteFTP等下载工具下载 Pu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks debris on the surface of the rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after entering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3--5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after masonry between the upper plate beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transparent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in-situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column, 12. 图1 9、学校开运动会,某同学是成绩统计组成员,那么比较快捷方便的统计成绩的软件是(B) A、选用Microsoft Word设计表格统计成绩 B、选用Microsoft Execl设计表格统计成绩 C、选用Microsoft Powerpoint设计表格统计成绩 D、选用金山公司的WPS设计表格统计成绩 10.如果你只需要保存一个软件的序列号或仅保存一段文本(如软件说明书),使用方便且占用空间小的应用软件是D A.WPS B.Word C.永中Office D.记事本 11.在下载一个较大文件时,根据你的经验,更为高效的方法是C A.浏览器自身的文件下载功能进行下载 B.WebZip工具 C.FlashGet、NetAnts等工具 D.流媒体下载工具 图2 硬盘上现有资源结构如图2所示,某位同学完成了以下操作: (1)将 school\sx 文件夹下的文件 good.txt 移动到 text\book 文件夹下; (2)将 home文件夹下的文件 new1.doc 复制到school 文件夹下; (3)在 school文件夹下建立新的文件夹 myfile。 问题:现在C盘的结构如何,(C ) beam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian sonry between the upper plate 5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after ma--n, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3ectioPi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the corr prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin,s to ntering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blockthe rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after e ris on the surface ofPu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks deb2relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column,situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to -design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in parent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, thetransng should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewi d, butof gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm aroun 图3显示了某市2005年11月20-25日气温情况, 13、、请问上图中的图表类型( D ) A、柱形图 B、饼图 C、气泡图 D、折线图 14、在图3中这六天中最高气温和最低气温之差约为( A ) A、13? B、12? C、10? D、14? 一家亚洲餐馆使用电子数据表记录销售情况,表一是数据表的一部分。请完成15至20题。 表 4-1 15、此表的行数是 ,,, 行 此表的列数是 ,, 列 ( B) A、 4 5 B、 7 4 C、 5 5 D、 4 4 16、 此数据表中的单元格中包含着不同的信息类型。如,A3单元格中包含的是文本信息。 则:单元格C4包含的是,,,,, 单元格D3包含的是,,,,, ( B ) 3t standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column,situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevan-requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the designrent ld be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transpaless than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing shou not iswith mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but d used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap sonry between the upper plate beam an5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after ma--ing Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3fillcontrol elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila reventg varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to par handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after enterinris on the surface of the rePu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks deb A、文本 数字 B、数字 公式 C、模块 日期 D、菜单 公式 17、 在表4-2中选出单元格B2的格式( A )A、货币 B、数字 C、常规 D百分数 表 4-2 表 4-3 货 币 AVERAGE(D2:D5) 1 数 字 D2,D3,D4,D5 2 常 规 D1,D2,D3,D4,D5 3 百 分 数 SUM(B2:B5) 4 SUM(D2:D5) 5 18、在表4-3中选出两个可能是单元格D7的公式( C ) A、1 2 B、1 3 C、2 5 D、2 4 Vegetable Curry 的价格涨到了,4.00。则: 19、出必须被编辑的单元格,,( A ) A、B5 B、C5 C、B4 D、D5 20、上面的单元格编辑之后,哪两个单元格的值会自动变化,( B) A、B5 和C5 B、D5和D7 C、C5 和D7 D、 D2 和D7 21、下列应用程序不是字处理软件的是D A.word B.wps C.notepad D.IE 22、如何 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 牛顿,某综合网站做了一次调查。其中,84%的人认为牛顿理论是经典物理学的核心;53%的人认为牛顿思想方法的影响远远超出了物理学和天文学;42%的人认为牛顿理论给自己的学习带来了麻烦;23%的人认为牛顿理论已经过时。若用图表来表示上述调查结果,比较合理的是(A )A、柱形图 B、饼形图 C、折线图 D、面积图 23、在图5中CPU是( )应插入哪个位置(B )。A、5 3 B、6 2 C、7 1 D、8 4 24、在图5中内存条是( )应插入哪个位置(A )。A、5 3 B、6 2 C、7 1 D、8 4 25、要实现图6中所示的标题效果,请选择实现标题效果的最佳按钮组合 ( C ) A、1 4 8 B、2 4 8 C、1 2 8 D、1 2 9 26、将下列表格第一列的信息与其表达的信息的特征对应起来,正确的是:( B) of gap with mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm arounbeam and used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian sonry between the upper plate 5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after ma--n, filling Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3ectioPi Pila control elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the corr prevent rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin,s to ntering varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blockthe rear handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after e ris on the surface ofPu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks deb4relevant standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column,situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to -design requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in parent sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, thetransng should be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared not is less than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewi d, but A、1-4 2-6 3-5 4-7 B、1-5 2-4 3-7 4-6 C、1-7 2-4 3-5 4-6 1、盲人摸象 4、信息价值的相对性 2、一千个读者,一千个哈姆雷特 5、信息的不完全性 3、孙膑“减灶退敌”,诸葛亮“空城计”吓退司马懿 6、信息的传递性 4、刘翔取得奥运冠军的消息已广为人知 7、信息的真伪性 27、张华利用电子表格对校运会中的各项比赛成绩进行汇总并排名。请问,这属于信息加工一般过程的( B)阶段。 A、记录信息 B、加工信息 C、发布信息 D、存储信息 28、利用因特网传输文件前,将文件进行压缩的目的是(A )。 A、缩减文件的大小 B、降低病毒感染的风险 C、防止未经授权人读取文件 29、星期五,张涛参加了校运会上的1500米项目的比赛,并获得了冠军。回家后,他把这一喜讯告诉父母。请问,描述的 这段内容用到了信息来源的( B)类型。 1、 文献型 2、口头型 3、电子型4、实物型 A、1 2 B、2 4 C、2 3 D、2 1 30、专用于因特网上文件传送的协议,特别适合于大数据量、多个文件的批量交流,是下列的(D )协议。 A、WWW B、HTTP C、TCP/IP D、FTP 二、判断题,正确的选择A,错误的选择B 31、信息是不可以增值的。( B) 32、压缩的文件必须解压缩才可阅读。(A ) 33、主频越高,CPU的速度就越快,整机的性能也越高。( A) 34、google这个网站采用的是目录索引类搜索引擎。( B) 35、信息如果没有价值性,那么也就没有了时效性。( A) 36、隐藏的文件不能够再显示出来。( B) 37.文件的扩展名决定着文件的不同属性和用途。( A ) 38.文本信息的加工不需要考虑文本信息的结构化和形象化。( B ) 39.不同的字处理软件的操作规则是完全不同的。( B ) 40、所谓“信息技术”指的就是“计算机技术”。( B ) rent ld be control in 20mm around, but not is less than 15mm, not is greater than 25mm, vertical sewing shall not appeared transpaless than 10MM, not is greater than 20mm, level gray sewing of full degrees shall not below 80%, vertical to gray sewing shou not iswith mortar fill, and squeeze real, gray sewing cross flat vertical, level gray sewing should be control in 15mm around, but d used ordinary clay bricks to tight filling, mortar full tilt of about 60 ?. Masonry body and cut force wall Zhijian of gap sonry between the upper plate beam an5mm. When masonry masonry adjacent to the near boards, beams, masonry is heavy (about 7 days) with sliced work lower after ma--ing Vertical joints with mortar, followed by joint seam (puree jointing), depth of General 3fillcontrol elevation of masonry and wall flatness. Vertical filling mortar: each building block, in place after the correction, rain. When each layer of masonry, from the corner or anchor blocks, starting at the crane masonry skin, correct skin, Pi Pila reventg varieties and specifications, respectively a tidy, stacking height should not be more than 2m. Aerated concrete blocks to par handle. During handling and transport of aerated concrete blocks, throws and dumping is strictly prohibited, after enterinris on the surface of the rePu ash must not exceed 1500mm. Block in place and more are: block, should be watered before rushing to dust, clear blocks deb5t standard specification for anchorage. By design requirements set structure column,situ construction, concrete shear walls, according to relevan-requirements, when the hole close to the shear walls, beams using in sewing. Infilled beams according to the building plans of opening hole in lintel Universal Atlas use. Load levels, the design
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