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150字跨文化交际英语作文150字跨文化交际英语作文 The differences in gifts culture between Chinese and the western Chinese and western have the custom of gifts, gift of east and west have paid great attention, and that it should be reciprocity, back and forth. However, the western culture and...

150字跨文化交际英语作文 The differences in gifts culture between Chinese and the western Chinese and western have the custom of gifts, gift of east and west have paid great attention, and that it should be reciprocity, back and forth. However, the western culture and eastern culture gifts behavior or have very big difference. If we do not pay attention to these gifts cultural differences, and maybe one day when we and the western friends, we would be in trouble. Living in California town of Chinese childrens king Michael reading grade five, he particularly clever, study is also very hard, because this result also is very good. In the school year ended and the result was not announced before, mike parents will give teachers a small gift certificates and a thank you card thanks teacher in a year to mikes help. After a few days, year-end results announced, mike without a surprisingly high class, the result is far far 1 higher than other students. A few of the students with lower scores of parents in heard that mike parents have to the teacher very angry after gifts, they think mikes result was the parents to the teacher bribes paid it. Because Chinas gift in it is quite common, in order to pay homage to express gratitude, for friendship, want to people, and so on, can choose to give gifts, even civilians and officials, junior and superior, parents and teachers gifts between is normal things. But in the United States to have the public interest relationship between each other between the imagination of gifts to each other is more sensitive. Although mike parents just out of gratitude teacher kindness and give gifts, but the teacher and mike announced results directly related, this time cant really give gifts is the American potential consciousness, if choose announced results in gifts before, then, yeah, it would involve the suspicion of bribery. So, some parents misunderstanding to doubt the result of the hard to avoid is mike. Another example:An American woman living in Wisconsin volunteered to tutor English to a Chinese woman who had moved into the same community. “Before each lesson, and on each and every visit,” the American reported, 2 “the Chinese lady brought me a gift — a book, some paper sculpture, flowers, or candy. It was embarrassing。” Unknowingly, this American was experiencing a vestige of protocol rooted centuries deep in the Chinese culture。 In America, lavish, extravagant gifts are definitely out. An appropriate alternate to a gift is to take the deserving person to dinner, or to an entertainment or sporting event. On the contrary, gift giving is an institution and a revered custom in China. “gift giving is a necessity, not merely a nicety as in the West。” In China the proper gift is thought to express the givers true friendship, gratitude, and respect far better than words can. Of course, the western culture and eastern culture gifts or have many other behavior very big difference. First is gift ideas for the difference. The Chinese tend to pay attention to the present the essential meaning, namely its practical value, but dont like useless things. For new couples give gifts, the past is often feel, bed sheet, antependium, ZhuSheng for newborns, often sent packing elegant small clothes, are very inexpensive. Chinese New Year holiday even directly red envelopes, and the more money on behalf of the more you have the sincerity. 3 While the westerners often pay attention to the gift of value. Exactly speaking, the Chinese to is gifts, and send the westerners is a souvenir. I was invited to western home.purchasing them, can give the hostess send a bouquet of flowers, male master to send in a bottle of wine. Still can take its own characteristics of small handicraft, an or each other like books, or a CD, or a wrote the book myself. I often buy some folk music in China folk songs or CD send westerners, the price is not expensive, general a CD in 20 yuan or so, but very popular. In addition, in accepting gifts, Chinese and western reactions are completely different. In China, people accept gifts are often not jubilant, and do not open gifts face to face, that this would be very rude, but also to make money, greedy impression, or let a person feel to accept gifts too seriously. Often in customer left, or back home quietly open gifts. And in the west, people accept a gift, think of first is to thank. Therefore, in order to show my appreciation, they often can present carefully opened the gift, to praise at some kind of, excited when still hug you, and you also share happy. Sometimes in the wedding celebration, master will also send gift show a guest, to increase the effect of the festival. 4 Although China and the west on the gift be so cultural differences, but not that western culture must be superior in Chinese culture, also cannot say that Chinese culture show is a note of hypocrisy, western culture show frank side. Since the world has various culture, the distinction between different culture is obivious, too. Such cross- cultural communication sometimes can be difficult. They are originated from misunderstanding, discrimination, or merely unfamiliar with other culture. The influences of such misunderstanding are usually negative. For instance, negotiation with foreign partners may be prevented due to lacking of relevant knowledge of their culture.Then what can we do to decrease, if can not eliminate such misunderstanding? First and foremost, it is fundermental to get in touch with different culture so as to know more. We can take advantage of network, as well as magzines and other materials to master more knowledge of other cultures.In this age, cross- cultural communication is inevitable. Thus, it is important and necessary to take part in such trend and communicate effectively. 篇二:跨文化交际英文版 1. Communication is a dynamic, systematic process in 5 which meanings are created and reflected in hum an interaction with symbols. 2. Culture: The deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, actions, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. 3. Acculturations: occurs when a society undergoes drastic culture change under the influence of a more dominant culture and society with which it has come in contact. 4. Intercultural communication: It is communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbols are distinct enough to alter the communication event. 5. co-culture: when talking about groups or social communities exhibiting communication characteristics, perceptions, values, beliefs, and practices that are significantly different enough to distinguish them from the other groups, communities, and the dominant culture. 6. Language is an organized, generally agreed on, learned 6 symbol system used to represent the experiences within a cultural community. 7. Perception: the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and information to create a meaningful picture of the world. 8. Value: is an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to another. 9. Culture patterns: refers to both the conditions that contribute to the way in which a people perceive and think about the world, and the manner in which they live that world. 10. Collectivism: is characterized by a rigid social framework that distinguishes between in-groups and out-groups. 11. Masculinity: is the extent to which the dominant values in a society are male oriented and associated with ambitions, differentiated sex roles, achievements, acquisition of money and signs of manliness. 12. A high-context (HC) communication or message is one in which most of the information is either in the physical context or internalized in the person, while 7 very little is in the coded, explicit, transmitted part of the massage. A low-context (LC) communication is just the opposite; i.e., the mass of information is vested in the explicit code. 13. Context: the information that surrounds an event; it is inextricably bound up with the meaning of that event. 14. World view is a culture’s orientation toward God, humanity, nature, questions of existence, the universe and cosmos, life, moral and ethical reasoning, suffering, death, and other philosophical issues that influence how its members perceive their world. 15. Argot is a more or less private vocabulary peculiar to a co-cultural group, and a group must have an argot if it is to be considered a co-culture. 16. Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communication setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source or receiver. 17. A learning style is a particular way that an individual receives and processes information. 8 18. Stereotyping is a complex form of categorization that mentally organizes our experiences and guides our behavior toward a group of people. 19. Culture shock: when we are thrust into another culture and experience psychological and physical discomfort from this contact we have become victims of culture shock. 20. Ethnocentrism: the belief that one’s culture is primary to all explanations of reality. 21. Seven characteristics of culture affect communication: learned, transmitted from generation to generation, based on symbols, dynamic, integrated, ethnocentric, adaptive. 22. Belief: our conviction in the truth of something. Learned and subject to cultural interpretation and cultural diversity. 23. Individualism: refers to the doctrine, spelled out in detail by the seventeenth. The single most important pattern in the US. 24. Hofstede’s Value Dimensions: four parts: individualism-collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, and masculinity and femininity. 9 25. Culture differs in their attitudes toward: individualism and collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculinity and femininity, human nature, the perception of nature, time, activity, relationships, context, formality and informality, assertiveness and interpersonal harmony. 26. Religious Similarities: sacred writings, authority, traditional rituals, speculation, ethics. 27. Five religious orientations: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. 28. the family we are born into the family of orientation and take a spouse the family of procreation. 29. problems of translation and equivalence:vocabulary or lexical equivalence, idiomatic and slang equivalence, grammatical-syntactical equivalence, experiential-cultural equivalence, conceptual equivalence. 30. The use of argot reflects a co-culture’s need to have a language that permits them to 1.share membership,2. participate in their social and cultural communities,3. identify themselves and their place in the universe, 4. communicate with one another about their own social realities. 10 31. Functions of communication: repeating, complementing, substituting, regulating, contradicting. 32. The study of how movement communicates is called kinesics. Kinesic cues are those visible body shifts and movements that can send messages about 1.our attitude toward the other person 2. our emotional state 3. our desire to control our environment. 33. Eyes serve six communication functions: 1. indicates degree of attentiveness, interest, and arousal 2. help intiate and sustain intimate relationships 3. influence attitude change and persuasion 4. regulate interaction 5. communicate emotions 6. define power and status relationships 7. assume a central role in impression management. 34. kinds of vocalizations: vocal characterizers, vocal qualifiers, vocal segregates. 篇三:跨文化交际 (英文版) The differences in body language between China and the United States like verbal language, is also a part of culture .Different culture shavedifferent body languages except some world known ones. And in intercultural communication, the same 11 body language may mean different things. There I will introduce some basic examples, emphasizes the significance of body languages in interculturalcommunication by comparing the body languages in the United States and China. ?.Action is the same, Meaning is different ? Index finger banging on the temples Chinese meaning:Said people are trying to think, meditate. American meaning:Said the man crazy, spirit is not normal. ?Prick up middlMiddle finger up Chinese meaning: Dont have any special meaning.e finger American meaning: Is a very rude behavior ?Make a fist Chinese meaning: Show power or to try to do something. American meaning:Said Angry ?Stamping feet Chinese meaning: Angry; Angry; Lose heart; regret American meaning: Impatient ?. Meaning is the same, Action is different ?Come here Chinas body language: Reach out to called people,and 12 Palm down, a few fingers bend several times at the same time. Body language in the u.s. : To called people, palm up, clench fist with the index finger back and forth. (Chinese antipathy to this). ?A shame , “unabashed” (a joke) Chinas body language: Stretched out index finger, with your fingertips on his face a few strokes, like itching, but the fingers are straight Body language in the u.s. : Stretched out his hands index finger, palms down, wipe with a forefinger index finger on the back of another. ?Im full. (after dinner) Chinas body language: With one hand or both hands gently patted his belly Body language in the u.s. : Place one hand on your throat, palms down, often say here at the same time. Not all of the examples here, but can explain the difference of body language, also understand the importance of body language in another language. In a sense, all body language should be put in specific situations to understand, otherwise,Ignoring the whole situation will happen 13 misunderstanding. 篇四:跨文化交际论文英文版 The film, through performing Vianne and her daughter who bore family mission came to a strange closed village. Due to the difference between the conservative small town and the openness of Vianne, Vianne was boycotted by some conservatives, especially the count. But finally, with using the human freedom and self, Vianneopened the door to the desire and pursuit of the people in the town. Of course, there are many cultural conflicts in the film. But what impressed me most wasthe cultural conflict of Vianne. This was her characters own contradictions, but these contradictions also made the character more real. At the same time, seemingly contradictory belonged to Vianne herself, but also reflected the conflict between values and cultural differences. In the film, when the wind came, with the familys mission and responsibility, Vianne prepared to leave the village to go to the next place. Before her leaving, Josephine stopped her by asking her,“Do you believe anything you told me? Do you believe I can be 14 better?”Vianne did not answer her, in fact, this question was also what she always asked herself. Can I break through the family tradition? Do I have the ability to be better?Factually, she told everyone should follow the feeling, but she only followed the north wind. Here the culture conflict is mainly about whether we should restrain ourselves in order to rite things or follow the heart and do what we want to do. Though this conflict was on Vianne herself, it was the common point of the all cultural conflictsin the whole movie. At the same time, it wasthe reason why intercultural communication was relatively easy to cause culture conflict. From the perspective of theory, intercultural communication refers to any one of the worlds people or cultural groups, without regarding to the extent of their civilization, have a fixed pattern of cultureas their own standardsto determine whether other cultural groups are scientific and reasonable, and insist their own cultural values are correct. Therefore, people from different cultures in the world, due to their own cultural values and ways of doing things, are easy to lead to the same behavior in different cultures have different meanings. 15 The cultural conflict is a very common phenomenon in intercultural communication, and it also has its rationality and necessity. The so-called cultural conflictmainly refers to the different cultural subjectshave the relationship of opposing or denying each other in the political and legal thoughts, moral religion, philosophy, values, social psychology, traditional habits, customs, and other aspects. In other words, it is the conflict of the social subjects in the spiritual disposition and ideology. Here are some characteristics of cultural conflicts. Firstly, cultural conflicts are nonlinear. It means that inhomogeneous cultures like different waters, and a few or many waters of the conflict is often complex. Secondly, cultural conflicts are indirect. It means that cultural conflicts are in the psychological, emotional, ideological and other spiritual areas. So the result is that people unknowingly chang(出自:WwW.zaiDian.com 在点 网:150字跨文化交际英语作文)ed, and this change takes a long time to show. Thirdly, cultural conflicts are internal. It means that concept is the core of the culture, and cultural conflictsare often reflected in the conflict of concepts. Fourthly, cultural conflicts are blending. It means that 16 cultural conflicts and cultural blending are always accompanying with each other. At present, there are two main reasons for the culturalconflict. Firstly, the specifications of behaviorsare different. The specific meaning of the behavioral criterion is the moral standard and the code of conduct which is shared by the society. It is simply to tell people what shall do and what shall not do. When people in different cultural backgrounds in communication, a phenomenon often occurs is using their own social norms to determine the behavior of the others is reasonable. Therefore, differences of behaviorsare often misunderstood, and even worse. Secondly, the value orientation is different. Peoples communicative ability is produced in the process of socialization, which is bound to be linked with the value. Each culture has its own unique value system which can help people to distinguish between beauty and ugliness, kindness and evil.This is peoples philosophy of life, moral standards and norms of behavior. But it can not be separated from the specific culture. Because each culture is different, for example, we think something is good, while another culture maybe considers 17 not. But they havetheir rationalityin their own cultural system. So we can’t say that this is a advanced value, or another value standard behind. The contradiction about Vianne in the filmembodied the theory of intercultural communication and cultural conflicts. Firstly, Vianne burdened with the habit, mission and responsibility of the family. In fact, they tramped is because of the fear of stability brings the mediocrity, and they unwilling to fixed compromise their own personality. So even if Vianne’s heart did not want to leave, she had to be ready for departure. Here reflectscultural conflicts are internal. The fear and unwilling to compromise were Vianne and her family’s inner thoughts and ideas, and external performance was they must leftfollowing the north wind. Seemingly the reason of leaving was just to spread the secret of cocoa powder, but factually this was only an excuse. Secondly, as she said to her daughter, it was not easy to be a different person. So they choose to stray, every place to stay for some time, and left before people began to understand them.So they can not care about “people talk”, and did not care about or escaped the peoples expectations 18 and requirements. In fact, Vianne had started to care about the opinions of othersin this town. She could be happy because her friends were happy sad becauseof Amandas departure. She was no longer the one could come and go without a trace, but she was still pretending that she was. Here reflects cultural conflicts are indirect. When Vianne came to the town, she did not influenced by others. But in the process of dealing with people, she gradually began to care about her friends. Finally, she stayed because of friends’ detention and changed the tradition of straying. Thirdly, Vianne strayed to many places appears to be constantly changing, but when she and her ancestors do not want to stay in a place for more than a year, it became a rut. Therefore, if Vianne let your life was tied to a mission and tradition, then she and people of the village did not have any differences. People of the village were public opinion and religious kidnapping, while Vianne was kidnapped by her own heart. People adhered to the conservative and religious ideas, while Vianneadhered to the tradition of her family. Here reflects cultural conflicts are blending. the conflict of the stability and straying appeared alternately. Also, straying as a kind of 19 habit and straying itself were in constant conflict. The reasons for these cultural conflicts were also reflected in the film. On the one hand, Vianne family’s tradition as a code of conduct was to posterity strayed on and on. Therefore, Vianne also strictly followed the traditional and kept moving. As for Vianne herself, her own requirements were just following feelings, enjoying life and living with happiness. So conflicts of Vianne’s own requirements and Vianne family’s tradition turned out to be Vianne’s inner entanglement andleaving uncertain. On the other hand, the value orientation of the Vianne family wasusing straying to refuse to be mediocre and through spreading the secret of cocoa powder to help others and to realize their own value. While Viannes own value was treasuring happiness in every minutes and seeking the freedominstead of being external things bounded. Therefore, the contradiction between tradition and Vianne’s own pursuit turned out to be that she was willing to help others and taking unusual ways, and also she did not want to stray. 20 Cultural conflicts in the film ultimately had a trend of integration.That is to say, cultural conflicts can be reduced or avoided through using some measures. Firstly, we should use effective, appropriate, flexible and creative way to communicate. Viannepersuadedherself to solve her own contradictions. She communicated with her heart softly, and tried to change and create. So finally,she let herself no longer to conflict and had a happy life. Secondly, we should have a wide range of knowledge and respect for different world views and ways to resolve conflicts. Vianne was a connotational woman, and her heart was extremely powerful, so she was also able to respect different existences. Vianne family’sused straying to avoid mediocrity, while Vianne decided to use stability, integration and changing others to realize her own value. Therefore, Vianne chose a gentle way to solve the conflict. Thirdly, we should pay close attention to the similarities and differences between high context and low context. Vianne family’s tradition had gone through many generations, so it was hard to be changed, but Vianne was unwilling to wrong herself. So 21 she sought the similarities and differences between family tradition and her own will. Gradually, she found that both were unwilling to be mediocre and pursuing freedom, only in different ways. So she tried to use a more comfortable way to achieve the ultimate goal. Finally, she chose to let her mothers ashes go with the wind and settled down in this village. Here was cultural conflicts transformed into the cultural blending. Vianne no longer had contradiction, and she finally can also pursue her own freedom. At the end of the film, the north wind wasleaving alone and spring was coming. All the ueasonable self restraints would be the same as the winter snow faded away with the arrival of spring. So, why not enjoy pleasure in a good time? Follow your heart and enjoy yourself. 马润艺 2014301160 6班 Follow your heart and enjoy yourself 国经1404 马润艺 2014301160 22 谢芹跨文化交际06班 篇五:跨文化交际英语论文 大学生跨文化交际中的障碍和能力的培养 A brief analysis of the application of body language in cross-cultural Communication Specialty: Name: Student ID:Advisor: College of Foreign Languages Nov , 2013 Acknowledgements In writing this paper, I want to thank all my teachers ,for their teaching and kind support, their continuous encouragement and massive help during these years. To the my twenty six classmates who helped me with my research, for their enthusiastic participation;To my friends in shijiazhuang, beijing, Liverpool, Western Ontario encouragement and great support. Second, I would like to express my heartfe lt gratitude to professors Fu Tianjun, my advisor who spent much of his precious time discussing with me and helping me to narrow the topic at the initial stages, as well as showing great concern for my progress. I am deeply indebted for his 23 assistance in helping me to accomplish this study. Without his encouragement and specific guidance, the completion of this thesis would have been impossible. In addition, he has been very kind to me whenever I confronted problems during the project. Also, I hereby express my sincere gratitude to my classmates and roommates, who helped me to do the data collection I needed for this project. They have generously offered their help at the preparatory stage during this study. Finally, I thank the subjects whose cooperation and participation contributed to the very basis for this research work. Abstract In the 21st century, as the economic and cultural exchanging of all countries becomes more and more frequent, there appear more obstacles caused by the differences of language and culture. In intercultural communication, one of the most useful ways to deal with the obstacles is to master the meaning of body language. However, even if we understand the meaning of some general body language, there are also some difficulties to master because even the same body language has great differences in different 24 culture background and have different social functions. This article devotes to a comparison and contrast of body language in different cultures in terms of eye language, gestures, postures, facial expressions and touch. Using body languages wrongly makes you fail in interpersonal communications, which would cause conflict in international communication. So what are the differences of the same body language in different country? How to apply body language correctly? In this essay, after borrowing and studying the experience of the forefathers, the author analyzes the various usages and functions of body language in different culture background. It aims to illustrate the differences and similarities of body language and put forward the principles of reducing barriers in communication so as to achieve efficient communication and to avoid misunderstanding. Key Words: intercultural communication; cultural difference;body language; 摘 要 21世纪, 随着国际经济文化交流的加深,由于语言, 文化的差异而产生的障碍随时都可能存在,在跨文化交际 中,消除障碍的最有效的方法就是了解身势语的含义。然而 25 即使我们对常用的身势语有所了解,我们仍然面临着一些困难,身势语含义千变万化,即使同一身势语在不同的文化背景都有不同的含义,行使着不同的社会功能。本文致力于从目光语,手势语,身体姿态,面部 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 情,体触语方面对不同文化的身势语进行对比。错误地用身势语不仅会使我们在跨文化交际中失败,而且会造成和外国朋友之间的冲突,所以怎样正确地使用身势语,怎样理解身势语的差异都非常重要,该篇论文中作者在借鉴前人成果的基础上分析了各种身势语在不同文化背景下的用法和功能。目的在于通过列举身势语的文化差异与共性,并提出交际中遵循的原则,从而促进有效交流,避免误解。 关键词:跨文化交际;文化差异;身体语言 Table of contents Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………………………… i Abstract in English ………………………………………………………………………………ii Abstract in Chinese ……………………………………………………………………………iii Chapter oneIntroduction……………………………………………………………………3 26 1.1 Significance of study 1.2 Structure of this paper Chapter Two Literature Review………………………………………… 3 2.1. Concept of Body Language……………………………………………………… …3 2.2. Classification and Functions of Body Language………………….4 2.3. Examples of Body Language………………………………………………………..6 2.4. Necessities of Body Language in Intercultural Communication………………….8 Chapter Three The Differences of Body Language in Various Countries.10 3.1. Eye Contact………………………………………………………… ………........10 3.2. Smile…………………………………………………………… …………….....12 3.3. Body 27 Distance…………………………………………………………………....13 3.4. Touch……………………………………………………………………………..14 3.5. Gestures…………………………………………………………………………..16 Chapter Four The Similarities of Body Language and Their Reasons..…19 4.1. The Similarities of Body Language………………………………………………..19 4.2. The Causes Resulting in the Similarities of Body Language ……………….........20 4.3. The Principles of Reducing Barriers in Communication………………………….20 Chapter Five Conclusion…………………………………….......21 References………………………………………………………………………….. .21 28 29
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