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《名人传》 《童年》阅读题及答案


《名人传》 《童年》阅读题及答案《名人传》 《童年》阅读题及答案 1、《童年》是前苏联作家高尔基自传体三部曲中的第一部,主要描写阿廖沙的童年,三部曲中的另外两部《在人间》、《我的大学》主要叙述阿廖沙的青少年经历。 2、高尔基(1868―1936年)前苏联伟大的无产阶级作家,“无产阶级艺术最伟大的代表者”(列宁语),社会主义、现实主义文学奠基人,无产阶级革命文学导师,苏联文学的创始人。代表作有散文诗《海燕之歌》长篇小说《母亲》。 3、《童年》讲述的是阿廖沙三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活。生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况,反...

《名人传》 《童年》阅读题及答案
《名人传》 《童年》阅读题及 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 1、《童年》是前苏联作家高尔基自传体三部曲中的第一部,主要描写阿廖沙的童年,三部曲中的另外两部《在人间》、《我的大学》主要叙述阿廖沙的青少年经历。 2、高尔基(1868―1936年)前苏联伟大的无产阶级作家,“无产阶级艺术最伟大的代表者”(列宁语),社会主义、现实主义文学奠基人,无产阶级革命文学导师,苏联文学的创始人。代表作有散文诗《海燕之歌》长篇小说《母亲》。 3、《童年》讲述的是阿廖沙三岁到十岁这一时期的童年生活。生动地再现了19世纪七八十年代俄罗斯下层人民的生活状况,反映了作家童年时代的艰难生活及对光明与真理的不懈追求。小说从“我”随母亲投奔外祖父写起,到外祖父让我去“人间”混饭吃结束。 4、《童年》的思想内容 作品中描写了许多目不忍睹的惨事与丑事,但整部作品仍然象阳 光透过云层 一样放射出了乐观主义的思想光辉。这是因为主人公阿廖沙,他没有被艰辛、痛苦和屈辱的生活所压倒,他满怀信心,奋斗拼搏,冲破种种障碍与不幸,不断探索新生活,这种乐观主义精神使作品在思想内容上带上了积极的色彩。 高尔基写童年的悲惨经历,目的不是为了向人显示他是多么值的同情与可怜,也不仅仅是简单的回忆童年生活,而是用自己童年的亲身经历,告诉读者,无论环境多么恶劣,生活多么艰难,总有一些善良美好的人,只要怀着一颗向上的心,在龌龊的环境下也能培养出健hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 康、正直的心灵。因此,我们说全 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 的思想内容表现上是积极向上而非颓废委靡的。 5、人物性格 外祖母:慈祥善良、聪明能干、热爱生活。对谁都很忍让,有着圣徒一般的宽大胸怀。 外祖父:吝啬、贪婪专横、残暴、经常毒打外祖母和孩子们,狠心地剥削手下的工人,暗放高利贷,怂恿帮工偷东西。 阿廖沙:在黑暗污浊的环境中仍保持着生活的勇气和信心,并逐渐成长为一个坚强、勇敢、正直和充满爱心的人。 两个舅舅:粗野、自私; 小茨冈(伊凡):乐观纯朴 格里戈里:正直的老工人; 好事情:献身科学的知识分子 二、 检测 工程第三方检测合同工程防雷检测合同植筋拉拔检测方案传感器技术课后答案检测机构通用要求培训 题 (一)填空题 1、《童年》是高尔基 自传体三部曲中的第一部,另外两部是《在人间》、《我的大学》。 2、《童年》主人公是阿廖沙 ,讲述他从 三 岁至 十 岁的童年生活,表现了当时整个社会 的腐败与没落。 3、雅科夫舅舅毫无人性,打死了自己的妻子 。 4、徒工小茨冈是怎么死的, 被橡木十字架压死的 。 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 5、阿廖沙遇到的第一个优秀人物是好事情 ,这个绰号是因为每次叫他吃饭或喝茶时,他总是回答一句好事情 而得来的。 6、《童年》真实的记载了主人公儿时在外祖父家中的所见所闻,对他优秀性格的形成起关键作用的人是 外祖母 。 7、《童年》刻画了许多性格鲜明的人物形象,比如,勇敢正直的阿廖沙,善良乐观的__外祖母________,自私残暴的外祖父、,贪婪恶毒的舅舅们,以及快乐的“小茨冈”和执着的“好事情”。 7、在污浊环境下,阿廖沙身边也有一些好人,多次舍身用自己的胳膊挡住外祖父薯条子的小茨冈,对主人公心灵产生极大影响的房客是好事情 。 (一) 她的声音很低,脸紧紧挨着我的脸,神秘地盯着我的眼睛,似乎从那里往我的眼睛里灌进了令人兴奋的力量。 她讲得流畅自然,非常好听,每次她讲完了,我总会说: “再讲一个!”“好,好,再讲一个!” “有一个灶神爷,坐在炉灶里,面条儿扎进了他的脚心,他哎哟哎哟地直叫: “‘哎哟,疼啊,我受不了了,小老鼠!’” 讲着,外祖母抬起一只脚,晃来晃去,假装非常痛苦,好像她就是那个面条儿扎进了脚心的灶神。 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 和我一起听故事的还有船上的水手们,都是些留着胡子的高大的男人。 他们夸赞外祖母讲得好,要求: “再讲一个,老太太!” 还说:“走,跟我们一起去吃晚饭!” 餐桌上,他们请外祖母喝伏特加,让我吃西瓜,还有香瓜。 不过,这一切都是偷偷进行的,因为船上有一个人,禁止所有的人吃水果,他看见了会毫不犹豫地夺过水果来给你扔到河里去的。 这个人穿的衣服有点像警察的制服,上面钉着铜扣子,整天像喝得醉乎乎的,人们都躲着他。 1、上面文字选自《童年》 ,作者是 高尔基 。 2、文段中的“我”是指谁? 阿廖沙 3、从哪些地方可以看出外祖母讲故事非常精彩? 外祖母每次讲故事时,手 足蹈、声情并茂;每次她讲完一个故 事,“我”总是说“再来一个~”;和我一齐听故事的水手听完 故事后请外祖母喝伏特加,让“我”吃西瓜还有香瓜 4、这一情节中,可以看出外祖母怎样的生活态度? 有着乐观的热爱生活的态度 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 1(《名人传》的作者是(罗曼?罗兰),他是20世纪享誉国际文坛的(法国)(现实主义)作家。是一位伟大的民主主义者和人道主义者,有 “(欧洲的良心)” ,之称,他们另外一部长篇小说(《约翰•克利斯朵夫》)获1915年度诺贝尔文学奖。 2(《贝多芬》是一部人物传记,紧紧围绕(贝多芬)一生中取得的音乐成就,记叙了贝多芬的一生,表现了他(战胜不幸、战胜痛苦的顽强意志),被公认为有史以来最伟大的作曲家,贝多芬是(德)国人。 3(贝多芬的音乐天赋是他的父亲发现的,当年贝多芬只有(4)岁。 4(1796年开始,贝多芬得了一种永远治不好的病(失聪),他极度伤心,(1802)年开始,他写了封信给他的弟弟,世称(《海利根遗嘱》)。 5((1804)年,贝多芬完成了一首大器乐曲(《第三交响乐》)(《英雄交响乐》),他借此度过了生命的危机。 6(贝多芬终生未娶,他的第一个恋爱对象是(伯爵小姐朱列塔?圭恰迪尔)。当时贝多芬耳疾正在加重,极有失去听觉的可能。他内心充满(矛盾和痛苦)。于是(1801)年贝多芬写下了著名的(《月光奏鸣曲》)献给她。 7(贝多芬失聪的原因的猜测有四种:(肠炎、冷水浴、伤寒、仰面跌倒)。 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 8(罗曼?罗兰总结贝多芬的一生,可以成为一切英勇心灵的箴言是(“用痛苦换来的欢乐”)。 9(米开朗琪是(意大利)人,被人们称为(“在艺术上最有毅力和雄伟气魄的人”)。 10(青春时期的米开朗罗雕塑了(《微笑的牧神面具》)一作,赢得(洛朗?特梅迭西斯)亲王的友谊和赏识。 11(使米开朗其罗(25)岁一举成名的作品是(《哀悼基督》)(《耶稣死像》),这件作品用3年雕成,表现了他爱国主义精神。 12((1501)年,米开朗琪罗接手了一向没人敢雕刻,中止了四十年的先知者像,这便是我们今天看到的(《大卫像》)。 13((1505)年(3)月,米开朗琪罗被教皇(尤利乌斯二世)召开赴(罗马)。开始了他生涯中的英雄时代。 14(在重建(圣彼得大教堂)事件中,建筑家布拉曼特利用尤利乌斯二世的迷信战胜了米开朗琪罗。 15((1508,1512)年,米开朗琪罗完成了(西斯廷)的英雄作品(教堂天顶画)和(墙壁画),作品中充满了(生杀一切)的神精神。 16(使米开朗琪罗感到(幻灭、绝望、意志破裂)的情绪反映在(梅迪契陵墓和尤利乌斯二世)纪念物的新雕像中。 17(米开朗琪罗一生中惟一的一张别人的画像是(卡瓦列里),是他使米开朗琪罗决定完成(圣彼得大教堂穹窿)的木雕模型。 18(佛罗伦萨教堂没有建成,连木型也遗失了是米开朗琪罗在艺术上最后的失望。 19(托尔斯泰是(俄)国著名的文学巨匠,(《童年》)是他的成名hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 作。 20(发刊于(1863)年的中篇小说(《哥萨克》)是高加索的颂诗,也是托尔泰第一创作期最高的一座山峰。 21(被称为近代的(《伊里亚特》)的作品是(《战争与和平》)。 22((《安娜?卡列尼娜》)写于(1873)年(3)月。 23((1879,1882)年,托尔斯泰写成的(《忏悔录》)是他(宗教狂乱)的表白。 24((《复活》)是他艺术上的一种遗嘱,是他整个创作生涯中最后的也是最高的一峰。 25(托尔斯泰在(1900,1910)年间发表了关于社会论战的含有攻击性和神秘的文字,包括(《战争与和平》、《大罪恶》和《世纪末》)。 二、简答题。 1(《名人传》是一本怎样的书,作者是谁, 答:《名人传》是罗曼•罗兰最早享誉文坛的人物传记,它真实的记述了贝多芬、米开朗基罗、托尔斯泰三位艺术大师坎坷的生活和艰辛的创造,展现了艺术大师们伟大的心灵。 2(《名人传》主要揭示了怎样的主题, 答:伟大的天才必须向庸俗而且充满敌意的社会进行不屈的斗争,就能获得胜利,完成天才的创造事业。 3(贝多芬一生中最大的痛苦是什么,是最大的幸福又是什么, 答:贝多芬一生中最大的痛苦是作为音乐家、作曲家却耳朵失聪;最大的hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 幸福是他战胜痛苦,创造出拥抱欢乐的《第九交响乐》。 4(在《贝多芬》传后,作者附了“海利根遗嘱”的目的是什么, 答:增加传记“引文”的真实性,同时也是贝多芬痛苦生活和读者心灵的一次撞击。 5(《贝多芬》在立意和构思上扣住什么主题选材, 答:作者紧扣“打开窗子吧~让自由的空气重新进来~呼吸一下英雄气息。” 6(在《米开朗琪罗传》中,作者为什么把人物的痛苦作为重要情节,这痛苦是作者凭空虚构的吗, 答:不是凭空虚构,而是从历史事实中吸收来的,为了使人物的英雄主义精神的全部伟大之处得以显示出来,其感染力在于克服痛苦,战胜痛苦,这是以痛苦为情节的目的所在。 7(《米开朗琪罗传》中,作者写到雕塑家完成的许多雕塑,可看出米开朗琪罗的雕塑有怎样的与众不同的特征, 答:米开朗基罗的作品表现了与众不同的男性的雄伟和戏剧性的结构,形式上也具有超越时代的新鲜感,因而备受世人的尊崇。 8(罗曼?罗兰在《米开朗琪罗传》中探索了这位艺术巨匠哪两方面的内容, 答:一是痛苦和磨难——时代与社会给他带来的种种苦痛;二是他的艺术创作带给他的短暂的狂欢。 9(请结合《托尔斯泰传》谈一谈托尔泰的艺术观。 答:托尔斯泰认为艺术不是一个阶级的所有物;不是一种技艺,它是真实情操的表白;艺术应当铲除强暴,它的使命是要用爱来统治一切;只有为了团结而工作的才是真正的艺术。 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel 10(请结合《托尔斯泰传》谈一谈托尔斯泰的妇女观。 答:他反对现代的女权主义,称赞贤妻良母,认为勇敢的妻子应该是丈夫的助手而不是他的工作障碍。 11(《托尔斯泰传》的立意是什么,作者的着眼点在哪儿, 答:立意是歌颂英雄主义;着眼于评论托尔斯泰的思想和创作,是一部文学创作评传。 12(结合《托尔斯泰传》谈谈你对托尔斯泰的伟大之处的看法。 答:托尔斯泰一生向善,追求真诚的、博大的爱,厌恶痛苦的民众生活,因此他的许多作品都是他爱的信仰、精神道德的再现,托尔斯泰的伟大在于他有一颗真诚、善良、博爱的心。 hydroxide (GB 629), soluble in 100mL. 2.6 1% phenolphthalein alcohol: weighing 1g phenolphthalein solution, 60mL 95% alcohol (GB 679 ... Number of ml of solution. 5.2 pH below 6.5 testing solution: take AmL solution (5) so that it contains 25~50mg sodium chloride, 250mL an Erlenmeyer flask. Added 50mL and 0.2mL 1% phenolphthalein solution (2.6), with 0.1% solution of sodium hydroxide (2.5) Titrate reddish. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). In accordance with article 5.1 of the following actions, record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 5.3 blank tests instead of AmL solution with 50 mL water. Add 1 mL of 5% potassium chromate solution (2.4). According to article 6.1 of the following actions. Record number of ml consumed 0.1mol/L titration with silver nitrate standard solution. 6 the analysis of sodium chloride in foods to the quality expressed by formula (2) calculated as follows:s V2--0.1mol/L when blank standard titration solution of silver nitrate volume, mL; K--dilution; M--sample quality, g; The actual concentration of c--titration with silver nitrate standard solution, mol/L. Results accurate to the second decimal point. Poor 7 allows determination of the difference between the same sample twice, each 100g sample does not exceed 0.2G. Three samples, water cut into fine particles, according to the GB/t 14769 regulations. Four, aquatic inclusions weighing 100 g (to 0.5 g) specimen in white enamel
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