首页 关于本教程中记忆方法的说明(英语学习)



关于本教程中记忆方法的说明(英语学习)关于本教程中记忆方法的说明(英语学习) 关于本教程中记忆方法的说明 本教程主要采用语音对比法、词根词缀法、语境举例法、谐音记忆法、分类 意群法。贯穿始终的是语音对比法。下面先解释一下这个方法:我们知道,绝大部 分英语的词汇是来自于日耳曼语(英语就是日耳曼语的支系)、拉丁语和希腊语, 而这三种语言又恰巧源自于同一祖先:古印欧语,因而它们之间就存在着语音上的 联系。这种语音上的联系主要指辅音之间的联系,而元音之间的相互联系就更常见 了。举例而言,英语中某些不规则动词的变位就反映了这一点,如:sing (CET4),...

关于本教程中记忆方法的说明(英语学习) 关于本教程中记忆方法的说明 本教程主要采用语音对比法、词根词缀法、语境举例法、谐音记忆法、分类 意群法。贯穿始终的是语音对比法。下面先解释一下这个方法:我们知道,绝大部 分英语的词汇是来自于日耳曼语(英语就是日耳曼语的支系)、拉丁语和希腊语, 而这三种语言又恰巧源自于同一祖先:古印欧语,因而它们之间就存在着语音上的 联系。这种语音上的联系主要指辅音之间的联系,而元音之间的相互联系就更常见 了。举例而言,英语中某些不规则动词的变位就反映了这一点,如:sing (CET4), sang, sung; 再如:band (CET4) (TEM4), bend (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), bind (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), binder (TEM4), binding (TEM4), bond (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bundle (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), ribbon (CET4) (TEM4)这些词都含有 弯曲、缠绕、约束这样的共同意思,它们实际上是源自于一个共同的原始词。再举 辅音的例子。辅音之间的对应关系相对复杂一些,但也很有规律。简而言之,就是 发音器官相近的辅音往往有意义上的关联(具体的对应关系参见下一页的 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 )。 bher-是古印欧语词根,意为bear, 携带、生育,与它对应的日耳曼语词、拉 丁语词(根)、希腊语词(根)分别是bear, fer-, phor. 由bher-这个词根经过漫长 的演变在英语中扎根的词有许多,其中GRE词汇(俞敏洪编)就有37个。 bher-. 1. To carry; also to bear children. 37 Germanic bear (CET4), forbear (DEE) (TEM8) (endure), forbearance, forebear (DEE) (TEM4), bore 3 (wave, billow), barrow (TEM8)(basket, wheelbarrow), burden (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), burdensome (TEM4), birth (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), birthday (CET4), birthrate (TEM4), bring (CET4) (TEM4), upbring (MEE+), inborn (MEE+) (TEM8), unbearable (DEE). 3 Latin ferre, to carry: -fer, fertile (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fertility (DEE) (TEM4), fertilize (TEM4), fertilizer (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), infertile (TEM4), infertility; afferent, aquifer, circumference (DEE), confer ? (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), conference (CET4) (TEM4), conifer, defer (TEM8), 1,2, deference (TEM8) (1050), deferential, deferrable, differ (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), difference (CET4) (TEM4), different (CET4), differential (DEE) (TEM4), differentiate ? (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM8), efferent, indifferent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), indifference (TEM4), infer (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), inference (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interfere (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interference (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), odoriferous, offer (CET4), prefer (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), preferable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), preference (CET4) (MEE), proffer, proliferate ? (MEE+), proliferation (TEM8), prolific (TEM8), refer (CET4) (DEE), reference (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), referee ?, saliferous, suffer (MEE), transfer (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE), vociferate, vociferous (1050). 25 Latin probrum, a reproach (< "something brought before one") opprobrious, opprobrium. 2 Latin fur, thief: ferret (TEM8) 1, furtive (TEM8), furtively. 3 Greek pherein, to carry: 1 -phore, -phorous, amphora, anaphora, euphoria (1050), metaphor ? (MEE) (TEM8) (1050), periphery (TEM8), peripheral (1050), semaphore, Christopher. Jean Christophe. 4 Greek pherne, dowry ("something brought by a bride"): Paraphernalia 2 Consonant Changes in Some Indo-European Languages This table summarizes how the consonants of Indo-European (I-E) changed in Common Germanic (CG), Latin (L), and Greek (Gk) – the three languages that are the direct or indirect sources of most of our English words. The changes are very consistent for consonants at the beginning of a sore, less so for those in the middles or at the end (Vowel changes – even less consistent- have been omitted.) Note however, that in a few cases a sound changed differently in the same language. For example, BH in Indo- European usually became F in Latin – but sometimes B Similarly, GW in Indo- European become B, D, or G in Greek. The changes are sometimes obscured by spelling conventions. For example, in Latin both W and U were spelled V (see note 3 below). In all cases, the table gives the actual sound first, follower by the spelling, if it differs. (For both Indo-European and Common Germanic the spelling is that of modern scholars, neither language was ever written down.) I-E CG L Gk B P B B 1BH B F (sometimes B) F (spelled PH) D T D D 1DH D F (sometimes D) TH 2G K G G 1GH G H KH GW KW or K GW (spelled GV) or B, D, or G 3W/V 1GWH G or B F TH, KH, or F (spelled PH) 4K H K (spelled C) K 5KW HW KW (spelled QU) P, T, or K L unchanged in all M unchanged in all N unchanged in all P F P P R unchanged in all 6S S S H T TH T T 37W W W/V or U (spelled V) (lost) Y Y (spelled J) Y (spelled I/J) H or Z 1. Greek PH, TH, and KH are English transliterations of the Greek letters phi (,), theta (,), and chi (,), the last pronounced something like the CH in Scottish “loch” or Yiddish “chutzpah.” 2. Common Germanic K was spelled C in Old English, in many words its sound shifted to CH, and is now so spelled. 3. Latin V originally stood for both U and W ; later the W sound became V. 4. In Latin the pronunciation of K (spelled C) later shifted to CH or S before I or E, as in modern Italian and French respectively. 5. Spelled WH in modern English. 6. Indo-European SK was unchanged in Common Germanic (and remained so in Old Norse), but became SH in the western Germanic tongue, including Old English. 7. Indo-European W is found in the very early Greek of the Linear B documents, and occasionally in Homer, in Classical Greek it simply vanished. 3 abacus (DEE) (TEM4) 谐音记忆 "阿爸酷死": 阿爸是个accountant (TEM4),他打abacus的时候,只见abacus珠上下翻飞,简直酷死了。Abacus 是由frame, rod (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) or wire, bead ? (DEE) (TEM4)和 decimal place构成的,其作用是 calculate. abandon (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (TEM4) 谐音记忆 "饿半顿":最新的科学研究结果 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明,人们只需吃平时饭量的70%就完全可以维持身体的需要,另外的30%不仅无用,还会使身体产生更多的free radicals(自由基),对人们的身体健康造成危害,但没有人为此就少吃饭,因为人们无法克服没有吃饱时肠胃产生的饥饿感。如果不信,你可以试试,"饿半顿",你就“放弃”了。在本书的开头,有一句话:Abandon all misgivings, you who enter! I'll lead you to the zenith (1050)! 这是我对通过本书学习GRE词汇的各位Gter的鼓励,同时如果大家坚持用我介绍给大家的方法进行词汇记忆,相信大家很快就会看见成效。(by the way, 大家有没有觉得gter 都很jitter,紧张兮兮的)当然上面那句话是根据意大利作家Dante(但丁)的Inferno(地狱)中出现的一句话改编的,原话是:Abandon all hope, you who enter! 是Inscription at the entrance to Hell,作用是告诫在inferno中受煎熬的souls,没希望啦。Inferno是Dante 的名著Divine Comedy (CET4)(神曲)中的一部,另外两部的名字分别是Purgatory(炼狱)和Paradise (TEM4)(天堂)。根据Roman Catholic doctrine(罗马天主教的教义),Christians死去后,他们的灵魂会到这三处地方之一:专干坏事的十恶不赦的罪人下到Inferno,在此受罪,永世不得超升,专干好事的各位模范则上到Paradise尽情享受,至于又干过好事又干了些坏事的人,则先到Purgatory报到,Purgatory的作用是purge (1050), or purify, or make one pure,表现好的就再升到Paradise。另外,03年初在各地上映的《无间道》是一部非常不错的电影,它的名字源于佛经,指地狱,而它的英文名字就是“Infernal Affairs”,译得很贴切。这个infernal就是inferno的形容词形式,而inferno本身的意思是the low region,因此,从词源上讲,inferno和inferior (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)是同源词。当然,也可以这样来记这个词,它的读音象“阴火炉”(阴间的火炉),让人想象到了an inferno of flames,一片火海,同时,从词形上看,可以认为inferno是由in和 furnace构成,furnace的意思就是锅炉。大家肯定对California非常向往,但却不知道它的名字是什么意思,California是西班牙语,意思就是“hot furnace”,这个词的前半部分cali-的意思就是hot“热”,GRE词汇中的caldron(大锅)和calorie(卡路里)以及calorimeter(热量计)都与它有关。 abase (MEE+) (DEE) (5000) 4 basis (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), basement (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), base (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), basic (CET4) (TEM4), basically (CET4) (TEM4). base (CET4) (TEM4) 低贱的,卑鄙的 baseball (CET4) (TEM4) bass ? (TEM4) = basso 男低音 baseboard, 脚板,护壁板 bassoon 低音管,巴松 abase (MEE+) (DEE) (5000) 贬抑,使卑下 bas-relief debase (MEE+) (TEM8) 贬低,贬损 abash cf: bashful (TEM8) 害羞的,羞怯的,unabashed, abase abate (DEE) (TEM4) (BK) 6 "beat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4)", 减轻,减少, bat (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), bate, baton (TEM8), 指挥棒,警棍 batter 1 ? (TEM4), battery (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), battle (CET4) (TEM4), battlefield (TEM4), battalion; abate (DEE) (TEM4), combat (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 格斗,搏斗,combatant (TEM4), debate (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 正式的辩论,讨论 debatable, 可争议的,embattled (TEM8), rebate (TEM8),打折,折扣,回扣 6 abbey (TEM4) (5000) cf. abbess (5000), abbot (5000). abbreviate (DEE) (TEM8) brief (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE), briefcase (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), briefing (TEM4), brevity (TEM8) (1050), abbreviate (DEE), abbreviation ? (TEM8), abridge(DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), abridgement (5000), unabridged. 4 有两句拉丁谚语: 1(Ira furor brevi est (Anger is brief madness) Horace. ire, 愤怒,激怒 irate (TEM8), 发怒的 irascible (1050), 易发怒的 furor, 轰动,狂怒 2(Ars longa, vita brevis. 也许有些同学可以隐约地猜出它的意思。 对~它的意思就是Art is long, (while) life is short. 庄子有一句话,正 好与之对应:吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。Brevi-这个词根的意思就是 short,因此abbreviate的意思就是 to make short。与此有关的词汇有 brief, debrief(向…询问情况), abridge(DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), abridgement (5000), brevity (TEM8) (1050). 莎士比亚在他著名的悲剧 Hamlet中有一句名言Brevity is the soul of wit,译成汉语就是“言贵 简洁”。 abdicate (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000) 5 deik-. To show, pronounce solemnly; also in derivatives referring to the directing of words or objects. 38 Germanic teach (to show, instruct), token (MEE) (DEE) (sign, mark), betoken (to signify). 1 Latin digitus, finger (CET4) (< "pointer," "indicator"): digit ?(TEM4), digital (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Germanic toe (DEE). Latin dicere, to say, tell: dictate (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), dictation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dictator (TEM4), dictatorship (TEM4), diction (TEM4), dictionary (CET4), dictum (TEM8), ditto (TEM8), ditty (TEM8), addict ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), addicted ?, addiction (TEM4), addictive (TEM8), benediction (TEM8), condition (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), recondition (DEE) (TEM4), conditional (DEE) (TEM4), conditioner (TEM4), contradict ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contradiction (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contradictory (TEM4), edict (TEM8), indict ? (TEM8) (1050), indictment (1050), indite, interdict, jurisdiction ? (TEM8), maledict, malediction, predicate (TEM4), predict (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), unpredictable (DEE), valediction, verdict (MEE) (DEE). 16 Latin dicare, to proclaim: abdicate (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), 让位,辞职,放弃dedicate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dedicated, 专心致志的,dedication, 对事业或目 的的忠诚,奉献preach (MEE) (TEM4), 传教,讲道predicate. 4 Latin index, indicator, forefinger index (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), indices, 指数,索引, indicate (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), indication (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), indicative ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4),暗示的, indicator (TEM4). 2 Latin judex, judge, "one who shows or pronounces the law". (jus, law): judge (CET4) (TEM4), judgement (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), judicial ? (MEE) (TEM4), 法庭的,法官的,judicious (TEM8) (1050), 有判断力的,明智的,judiciousness, adjudge (5000), prejudice (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 偏见,成见,prejudiced, prejudicial,有害的, 引起偏见的. 6 Latin vindex (first element obscure), claimant, avenger: vendetta (1050), 世仇,宿怨,vindicate (1050), 为。。平反,证明。。 正确,vindication, 洗冤,证实,vindictive (1050), 报复性的, vengeance, 报仇,报复,vengeful, avenge ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), 为。。复仇,为。。报仇,revenge ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4),报复, 报仇. 7 Greek deiknunai, to show: 6 deictic; paradigm (AWL7) (TEM8) (1050). 范例,事例, paradigmatic. 1 Greek dikein, to throw (< "to direct an object"): disk (CET4) abdomen (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) cf. abdominal (5000) 假如让大家把abdomen中包含的词找出来,大家能找出几个,有do, dome ? (MEE) (TEM4), 圆屋顶,omen (TEM4), 预兆,征兆(ominous (1050),预兆的,不祥的), men, 还有一个前缀 ab-, 意思是away, 这几 个词就可以连成一句话:The dome-like abdomen is an omen. Men, do away with it. (圆滚滚的大肚子可不是个好兆头,伙计们,得做掉 它~) abduct (DEE) (TEM8) 绑架,拐走。 deuk-. To lead. 29 Germanic tug (MEE) (DEE), tug-of-war, tugboat, 拖船,wanton (1050), 无节制 的,放纵的,tow (MEE) (DEE), tie, team (AWL9), teem (DEE),充 满,到处都是,倾盆大雨, untie (DEE). 3 Latin ducere, to lead: dock ? (TEM4), dockyard (TEM4), duchess (TEM4), duchy, duct (TEM8), 管道,槽, ductile, 易拉长的,易变形的,ductility, 延展性, 可锻性,duke ? (DEE) (TEM4), abduct (DEE), 绑架,拐走,abduction (5000), adduce (5000), 给予(理由),举出(例证),conduce, 有助 于,有益于,conducive ? (TEM4) (1050), 有助于。。的,conduct (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 品德,行为;领导,引导, conductor (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), 领导者,指挥家,conductivity (DEE), conduit, 渠道,引水道,水管,(cf.: fructify, fruit), deduce ? (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 演绎,推断,deduct (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), 减去,扣除,deductible (TEM8), deduction (DEE) (TEM4), deductive, 推理的 ,演绎的, endue, 赋予(才能),induce (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 诱导,引起,inducement (TEM4), 引 诱物,刺激物, induct (TEM8), 使。。就职,使。。入伍,induction (DEE) (TEM8), 就职,入伍仪式,归纳,introduce (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), introduction (CET4) (TEM4), misconduct (TEM8), produce (CET4) (TEM4), 产品,农产品,product (CET4) (MEE), production (CET4), productive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), 多产的,生产的, productivity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), 生产力,生产率, byproduct (DEE) (TEM4), reduce (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), reduction (CET4) (DEE), irreducible (TEM8), reproduce (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), semiconductor (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), superconduct (DEE), superconductor (DEE), seduce ? (TEM8), 勾引,诱惑,seduction (TEM8), seductive (TEM8), 诱人的,subdue (MEE+), 征服,压制,减 轻,subdued, (光和声)柔和的,缓和的,traduce, 中伤,诽谤. 26 7 Latin educare, to lead out, bring up: educate (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), education (CET4) (TEM4), educational (TEM4), educationist (TEM4), educationalist (TEM4), educator (TEM4), coed (TEM8) aberrant (DEE) (TEM8) 越轨的,异常的,它的词根是err-,意思是to wander, > to be deceived, 走弯路,引申为犯错误,因此errand (TEM4)(差使)保留了原义, 而 err ? (DEE) (TEM4)(犯错误,出错), errant(错误的,脱离正 途的), erratic (TEM8)(反复无常的,古怪的), erroneous ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050)(不正确的,错误的), error (CET4) (AWL4) (DEE) (TEM4), erratum((书写或印刷中的)错误)都与犯错误这一 引申义有关。Aberrant (DEE)从构词上讲意为to wander away (from what is right or normal), 而与它相关的名词是aberration (1050) (5000)。18世纪英国诗人Alexander Pope曾有一句名言To err is human; to forgive divine(凡人皆舛误,唯神能见宥)。 abet (5000) 如果我对你说:“我打赌你不敢抢银行”(I put a bet (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) on your not daring to rob the bank),而你真就去抢了银行, 那么我就有教唆(abet)的嫌疑。法律上的教唆在英文中是aid and abet, 之所以这样用是为了避免产生歧义,另外,听上去也顺耳,这 是因为这一短语中含有英语中的一种修辞手法,alliteration,汉语叫 头韵,指几个词的词首均为相同的音(尤其是辅音)。汉语中押头韵 的情况不很常见,但若是让福建人来读“粉红凤凰飞”,他们就会读 成“哄(上声)红哄(去声)黄灰”,形成很有趣的头韵现象。abet (5000)这个词与bait (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)有关,都是从 bite (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4)引申过来,bait作为名词,指让鱼“咬”的钓饵,作为 动词,指唆使狗或人去骚扰别人,逗弄,激怒,其意思已经与abet 很接近了。另外,几个常见的词如:biting(刺痛的,尖锐的), bitter (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (=biting), bitterness (DEE), bit (CET4) (TEM4) (“咬”下来的一点东西), beetle ? (TEM4)(“咬啮”植物的甲 虫)都与bite (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4)有关。 abeyance (5000) 谐音记忆:“又被摁死”,指某些行动处于暂时的中止或搁置状态。 甲A因非典暂停,就可以说Chinese Soccer League was in abeyance due to the influence of SARS. 数月后重燃战火,可以说It is revived after an abeyance of several months。在此期间,众球迷一直翘首以 盼,其实abeyance这个词的原义就是expectation,它与bay有关,都 来自一个表示“张开”意思的词,bay的意思是狗“张开”嘴巴汪汪 乱叫,也可表示海湾,是陆地“张开”了嘴巴;而abeyance形象地 刻画了一个人“张开”嘴巴痴痴等待的模样(周星弛)。 abhor (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) cf. abhorrent (5000), abhorrence (5000) 8 憎恨,嫌恶,最基本的意思是to feel horror at or towards,来自于拉丁 动词horrere, 意为to bristle (DEE) (TEM4), especially with fear. If something makes your hair stands on end, you abhor it,我们汉语中经常 说“吓得寒毛都竖了起来”,可见中外表达方式有许多相同的地方。 与它有关的词除了horror (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), horrible (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), horrid (TEM8), horrendous, 可怕的,令人惊惧 的,horrific (TEM8),可怕的,horrify ? (TEM8), 以及下面的 abhorrent (5000)和abhorrence (5000)之外,还有一个hirsute, 意为 hairy, shaggy (TEM8), bristly,多毛的。 2003/9/29 a tales of two quacks. Quack (TEM4) (1050) (快克), mountebank, nostrum, ambrosia, nectar (TEM8), charlatan (1050), assistant, adjutant (5000), ad, aid (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM4) (cf. unaided (DEE)), aide (CET4), toad, tadpole, toad-eater, flattering follower, toady, sycophant (1050). A fictitious story. abide ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) cf. abidance (5000) abide(容忍,忍受)与后面的abiding(永久的,持久的)(TEM8)和 abode (TEM4)(住所)来自相同的词源,英语中有一个词是bide,意 为to wait, stay。Abide的前缀是a-, 是ad-的变体,用在词前,可以加 强意义。 可以用墨西哥人建国的传说将abide (TEM8), abiding (TEM8), abode (TEM4), bode, ode (TEM8), forebode, foreboding等词串起来。墨西哥 人的祖先曾得到神兆(bode),见到鹰叼蛇立于仙人掌上之地,即为他 们永久(abiding)的居所(abode),于是,族长(patriarch (TEM8), cf.: matrix, matriarch)率众人迁徙,寻觅这样的地方,经过长时间的跋 涉,仍未见其踪影。有人口出怨言,我再也不能忍受(abide)这样的生 活了。于是族长对他们说,I have a dream (CET4), 我有一种预感 (foreboding),我预感到(forebode)明天我们就会见到神赐之地了,大 家要遵守(abide by)纪律,明天一定会有结果。果然,他们在第二天见 到了一只鹰叼着一条蛇站在一棵硕大的仙人掌之上。于是,大家把此 地作为家园(abode),然后向天神献祭,大唱颂歌(ode). 与abide相关的印欧语词根是bheidh-,从该词根得到的拉丁语词根 fid-意为trust, confide, 参见affidavit。 abject (DEE) (1050) (5000) 20 来自于Latin jacere, to throw, lay, and jacere, to lie down (< "to be thrown"), and jaculum, dart。与该词相关的词见下面: jet (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) (Jet Lee), abject (DEE) (1050) (5000), adjacent ? (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), adjacency (5000), adjective (CET4) (DEE), conjecture (TEM8) (1050), deject, dejected, dejection, ejaculate (TEM8), ejaculation, eject ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), gist (TEM4), inject ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), injection (CET4) (TEM4), interject (TEM8), interjection (TEM8), jettison, object (CET4) (DEE) 9 (TEM4) 1, objection (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), objectionable, objective (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (1050), project (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), projection (DEE), projectile, projector (MEE), reject (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rejection (DEE) (TEM4), subjacent, subject, subjection, subjective (MEE) (DEE) (1050), superjacent, traject, trajectory, unobjectionable. 20 abjure (5000) 把abjure和adjure放在一起进行谐音记忆,《动物庄园》中,动物们 造反成功之后,“发誓戒绝”人类的住所(abode),它们都说:“我不 住哦”(abjure);但是到后来,它们都“郑重敦促”对方:“快去住 哦~你要是不住,我住哦”(adjure)。下面是与之有关的其他同源词 yewes-. Law. 16 Latin jus, law, and its derivative jurare, "to pronounce a ritual formula," swear: jural, jurist, jury (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, juror (TEM8), abjure (5000), adjure, adjuration (5000), conjure (TEM8), injure (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), injury (CET4) (TEM4), juridical, jurisconsult, jurisdiction ? (TEM8), jurisprudence, nonjuror, objurgate, perjure, perjury (TEM8) (1050). 7 Compound form *yewes-dik-, "one who shows or pronounces the law," in Latin judex, judge: judge (TEM4), judgement (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), judicial (TEM4), judicious (TEM8) (1050), judiciousness, adjudge (5000), adjudicate (TEM8) (1050), prejudice (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prejudiced, prejudicial. 7 Latin justus, just: just (CET4) (TEM4) 1, justice (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), injustice (DEE) (TEM4), justify (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), justification (CET4), justifiable, unjust (DEE), unjustifiable, unjustified. 4 ablution (5000) ablution指宗教上的净礼,后来也可以指普通的沐浴。它来自于一个 表示“冲刷,冲洗”的词根。与它相关的词有以下一些: leu(H)-. To wash. 9 Latin lavere, to wash, with its derivative -luere, to wash: lotion ? (TEM4), abluent, ablution (5000), alluvion (5000), alluvial, deluge (TEM8), dilute ? (MEE) (TEM8), antediluvian (1050) (5000). 4 Latin lavare, to wash: lava (TEM4), lave, lavish ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), lavishly, lavatory (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), launder (money laundering), laundry (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), launderette (TEM8), lavender. 5 其中,deluge最初指的是圣经中的那场大洪水,后来,法王路易十五 的情妇Madame de Pompadour说过一句非常经典的话:"Apres nous, le deluge." (After us, the flood) 我死后哪怕洪水滔天~还有一个词,虽 非GRE单词,但很浪漫,lavender(薰衣草)的名字来源于古时人们 将其放在刚洗净的衣服中以使衣服充满芳香(fragrant)的做法,它在地 10 中海(Mediterranean)附近广为种植,人们用它制造香水(perfume)和化 妆品(cosmetics. Cf. cosmos)。 abnegate (5000) ne. Not. 18 Latin ne-, not and nullus, none (ne- + ullus, any): annul (TEM4) (1050), nefarious (1050), nescience, neuter, neutral (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), neutralize, neutron, null, nullify (1050). 5 Latin nihilum, nothing (CET4) (< *nehilum, "not a whit, nothing at all"; hilum, a thing, trifle), contracted to nihil, nil, nothing: nihilism (1050), nil ?, annihilate (TEM8) (5000). 3 Latin non, not: non- Latin prefix neg-, not: neglect (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), negligence (DEE), negligent (DEE) (TEM8), negligible (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), negotiable (TEM8), negotiate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), negotiation (DEE) (TEM4). 4 Latin negare, to deny: negate (AWL3) (TEM8), negative (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), abnegate (5000), deny (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), denial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), renegade (TEM8), renege (1050), undeniable. 6 Germanic un- 1 Latin in-, not: in- 1 Greek a-, an-, not: a-1, an-. abnormal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) 它是normal的反义词,normal来自于Latin norma, 意为carpenter's square, rule, pattern (CET4) (TEM4), precept;与其相关的词有:norm (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), normal (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4), normally (CET4) (TEM4), normalization (MEE), abnormal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), abnormality (DEE) (TEM8), enormity (TEM8), enormous (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). Norm意为规范,准则,normal意为合乎规范的,正常的; abnormal 意为不正常的;enormity意为超出规范的行为,暴行;enormous意为 大小超出正常范围的,巨大的。 aboard (CET4) (TEM4) cf. board (CET4), aboveboard, baseboard, keyboard (CET4), starboard. abode (TEM4) 见abide abolition (MEE+) (TEM4) al-. 3. To grow, nourish. 14 Germanic 11 alderman (5000), aldermanship (5000), old (CET4), elder (DEE) (TEM4), elderly (TEM4), eldest Latin altus, high, deep: alto (5000), haughty (TEM4) (1050), hauteur, hawser; altitude (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), enhance (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), enhancement, exalt (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), exaltation (TEM8), exalted (TEM8). 7 Latin alere, to nourish: adolescent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), adolescence ?, adult (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM4), adulthood (TEM4), aliment (5000), alimentary, alimony, alumnus (TEM4), alumna (TEM4); coalesce (1050), coalition ? (MEE) (TEM4) (1050). 4 Latin abolere, to retard the growth of, abolish: abolish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), abolition (MEE+) (DEE). 1 Latin proles, offspring: proletarian (TEM4), proletariat (1050), proliferate ? (MEE+) (1050), proliferation (TEM8), prolific (DEE) (TEM8) (1050). 2 abominate (5000) 来自于omen (TEM4), omen的意思是an augury, 指占卜中出现的征 兆,其形容词是ominous (1050), 尤指不祥的(预兆),abominate (5000)的意思是 to reject or repel as a bad omen, 其名词是abomination, 形容词为abominable (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), 传说中喜玛拉雅山 中有雪人出没,它的英文名称就是Abominable Snowman. aboriginal (TEM4) (5000) 来自于Latin oriri, 意为to rise, appear, be born: 同源词有下面几个: orient ? (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), oriental ? (MEE) (DEE), orientation ? (MEE) (DEE), origin (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), original (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), originality (DEE), originate ? (MEE) (DEE), aboriginal (TEM4) (5000), aborigines (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), abort (TEM8), abortive, abortion (CET4) (DEE), disorientation, disoriented, reorient (TEM4). 8 在Mission: Impossible《碟中谍》第一集中,男主角的同事在执行任 务的过程中遭到伏击,他的上司告诉他们:Abort! Abort!(行动失 败,取消行动) abortive 见aboriginal. Abound ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 来自于Latin unda, 意为wave,其同根词有:undulate, abound ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), abundance ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), abundant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), inundate (TEM8) (1050), redundant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), redundancy. Dear bells! How sweet the sound of village bells When on the undulating air they swim! 12 aboveboard (TEM4) (5000) Originally a gambling term. 原为赌博用语,指将手置于赌桌之上,以 表明手段光明正大。 abrade (5000) red-. To scrape, scratch, gnaw. Latin rodere, to gnaw: rodent (TEM8), corrode ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), corrosion (TEM8), corrosive, erode (AWL9) (DEE) (TEM4), erosion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 5 Latin rostrum, beak, ship's bow: rostrum (TEM8). 1 Latin radere, to scrape: rash 2, abrade (5000), abrasion (5000), abrasive (DEE), erase ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), erasability, eraser (TEM4). erasure (TEM8). 4 abreast ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) cf: amazon. 太平公主 abridge (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000) see abbreviate. abridgement (5000) see abbreviate. abrogate (5000) 10 来自于Latin rogare, 意为to ask (<"stretch out the hand"),同根词有: abrogate (5000), arrogant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), arrogate (5000), derogate, derogatory (TEM8) (1050), interrogate (TEM8), interrogation (TEM8), interrogative, prerogative (1050), prorogue, surrogate (1050). 10 abruptly (DEE) (TEM4) Latin root rupt- (break): rout 1, route (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (TEM4), routine (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rut ? (TEM8), rupture ? (DEE) (TEM4), abrupt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), abruptly (DEE) (TEM4), bankrupt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), corrupt ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), corruption (CET4) (TEM4), disrupt ? (MEE) (TEM4), disruptive, erupt ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), eruption (TEM4), interrupt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), irruption (TEM8). 10 abscission (5000) kaH-id-. To strike. 18 Latin caedere, to cut, strike: cement (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), chisel (TEM8), -cide, fungicide, herbicide, homicide (MEE+) (TEM8), insecticide (TEM4), pesticide ?, suicide (MEE); abscise, abscissa, abscission (5000), circumcise, concise ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), concision, decide (CET4) (TEM4), decided (TEM4), decidedly (DEE) (TEM4), decision (CET4) (TEM4), indecision (TEM8), decisive ? (DEE) (TEM4), excise (TEM8) 2, excision, incise (TEM8), incision, incisive (TEM8) (1050), incisor, precis, precise (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), precision (CET4) 13 (MEE), imprecision; rescind (1050), scissors (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), scion. 18 abscond (5000) (BK) 5 Latin condere, to put together, establish, preserve > store, hide: condiment (TEM8), abscond (5000), recondite, scoundrel (TEM8), ensconce (TEM8). 5 absentmindedness absent (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) <> present (TEM4), absentminded professor. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. --- Thomas Haynes Bayly, Isle of Beauty. Wives in their husbands' absence grow subtler, And daughters sometimes run off with the butler (TEM4). (cf. bottle (CET4) (TEM4), bottleneck (TEM4)) --- Byron, Don Juan (cf. don) Ever absent, ever near; Still I see thee, still I hear; Yet I cannot reach thee, dear! --- Francis Kazinczy, Separation absolute (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) ` Latin solvere, to loosen, untie: 15 soluble (MEE) (DEE), insoluble (TEM8), solute, solution (MEE) (DEE), solve (MEE) (DEE), solvent (DEE) (1050), solvency, insolvent (1050), insolvency, absolute (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), absolutely (TEM4), absolve (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), absolution (5000), aerosol (TEM8) = air spray, dissolve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dissolute, dissolution (TEM4), resolve (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (TEM4), resolute (TEM4) (MEE) (1050), irresolute (TEM4), resolution (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). absolute monarchy 君主专制(政体) absolve (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000) see absolute. absorb (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) cf. absorption (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) The bumper ? (TEM4) absorbs the shock (CET4) (TEM4) of impact (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). abstain ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000) ten-. To stretch. 73 I. derivatives with the basic meaning. Latin tendere, to stretch, extend: tend (MEE) (DEE) 1, tendency (DEE), tendentious, tender (MEE) (DEE) 2, tendon, tense (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) 1, tensile (DEE), tension (MEE) (DEE), tent 1, attend (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), attendance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), attendant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), attention (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), attentive (DEE) (TEM4), attentively (MEE+), contend ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), content (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), contented ? (TEM4), contention ? (MEE+) (TEM4), contentious (1050), detente 14 (1050), discontent (DEE) (TEM4), discontented, discontentment, distend, distension, extend (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extension (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), extensive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intend (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intense (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intensity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intensive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intensify (CET4) (TEM4), intent ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), intention (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intentional (DEE) (TEM4), malcontent, ostensible (TEM8) (1050), ostentation, ostentatious (TEM8) (1050), pretend (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pretence, pretense (1050), pretension, pretentious ? (1050), unpretentious. 29 Latin portendere, "to stretch out before" (por-, variant of pro-, before), a technical term in augury, to indicate, presage, foretell": portend, portent (1050), portentous. 3 Greek teinein, to stretch: hypotenuse. 1 Latin tenere, to hold, keep, maintain (< "to cause to endure or continue, hold on to"): tenable, tenacious (1050), tenacity, tenant (MEE) (DEE), tenement, tenet (1050), tenor, tenure, abstain ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), abstention (TEM8), abstinence (TEM8) (1050) (5000), contain (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), container (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), containerize (TEM4), containment, continent (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), continental (TEM4), continue (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), continual (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), continuation, continuity (CET4) (TEM8), continuous (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), countenance (TEM8), detain ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), discontinue (TEM4), discontinuous, discountenance, entertain (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), entertainer (TEM4), entertainment (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), entertaining (TEM4), incontinent, intercontinental (TEM4), lieutenant ? (TEM4), maintain (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), maintenance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), obtain (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), obtainable, pertain ? (TEM8), appertain (5000), pertinacious (TEM8), pertinent ? (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), retain (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), retainer, retention ? (MEE) (TEM8), retentive, retinue, sustain (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE), sustained, sustenance (MEE+), unsustainable (DEE), untenable. 34 II. derivatives meaning "stretched," hence "thin." Germanic thin Latin tenuis, thin, rare, fine: tenuous (1050), attenuate, extenuate. 3 Latin tener, tender, delicate: tender (MEE) (DEE) 1, tendril Greek tonos, string, hence sound, pitch: 15 tone (MEE) (DEE), atonal, intonation (TEM4), monotonous (MEE), monotony, tune (MEE) (DEE), attune. 4 abstemious (5000) (BK) 可认为与abstain有关 abstinence (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see abstain. abstract (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) tragh-. To draw, drag, move. 34 Latin trahere, to pull, draw: tract (DEE), tractable, tractability, traction, tractor (MEE) (DEE), trail (MEE) (DEE), trailer, trace (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE), traceable, train, trait (MEE) (DEE), trAWL, treat (DEE), treatise, treaty (MEE) (DEE), trek, track (DEE), abstract (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), abstracted, abstraction (DEE), attract (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), attraction (CET4) (TEM4), attractive (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), contract (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contraction (TEM4), contractor (TEM4), detract (TEM8), detraction, detractor, distract (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), distraction (TEM4), distracted, distrait, distraught (TEM8), entreat (MEE+) (TEM8), entreaty, extract ? (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extractor (TEM4), extraction (TEM4), intractable (1050), maltreat (DEE), portray ? (MEE) (DEE), portrait (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), portraiture, protract (1050), protracted (TEM8), retrace, retract, retreat (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), subtract (MEE) (DEE). 34 abstruse (1050) (5000) treud-. To squeeze. 9 Germanic threat (MEE) (DEE) (oppression, use of force), threaten (MEE) (DEE), nonthreatening, thrust (MEE) (DEE) (to squeeze, compress), unthreatening. 3 Latin trudere, to thrust, push: abstruse (1050) (5000), extrude, intrude ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intruder (TEM4), intrusion (DEE), intrusive (TEM4), obtrude, obtrusive, protrude (TEM8), unobtrusive. 7 absurd (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) To brand man with infamy, and let him free, is an absurdity that peoples our forests with assassins. -- Diderot abundance ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see abound abuse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin uti-, to use, employ. Its derivatives include: use (DEE), usage (DEE), used (DEE), usual, usurer, usury, utensil (DEE), utilitarian (1050), utility (DEE), utilize (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE), abuse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), abusive (TEM8) (5000), disabuse, disuse (TEM8), misuse (MEE+), peruse (1050), usurp (1050), underutilized. 10 abut (5000) cf.: abreast ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8), see butt (TEM4) abysmal abysm, abyss (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), 请用最简短的语言描述一个人掉 下深渊时的情景。 16 academician (5000) < academic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), academy (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (TEM4) (5000) academy, Greek (it's Greek/GRE to me) mythology: Theseus abducted Helen. Her brothers, Castor and Pollux (the constellation Gemini: twins), Academus, grove ? , Plato, platonic (1050), symposium (MEE) (DEE). accede (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) ked-. To go, yield. 30 Latin cedere, to go, withdraw, yield: cease (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cede (TEM8), cession, abscess (5000), accede (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), access (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), accessible (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), accession (5000), accessory ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), ancestor (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ancestral (TEM4), ancestry ? (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), antecede (5000), antecedence, antecedent (TEM4) (1050) (5000), concede (CET4) (MEE) (TEM8), concession (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decease (DEE) (TEM4), deceased (TEM4), exceed (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exceedingly (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), excess (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), excessive (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), inaccessible (DEE) (TEM4), intercede (TEM8), intercessor, precede ? (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), precedence (DEE) (1050), precedent ? (MEE) (DEE) (1050), preceding (CET4) (MEE), predecessor ? (MEE) (DEE), proceed (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proceeding ? (MEE), proceeds, procedure (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), process (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), microprocessor (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), procession (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), recede ? (MEE) (TEM4), recess (DEE) (TEM4), recession (TEM4), recessive, retrocede, secede (1050), secession (TEM8), succeed (DEE), succession (MEE) (DEE), successive (MEE) (DEE), successor (AWL7) (MEE), successively, unprecedented (DEE). 28 Latin necesse, "from which one cannot draw back," (*ne-, not), inevitable, unavoidable: necessary (CET4) (TEM4), necessarily (CET4), necessity (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), necessitate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), necessitous. 2 accelerate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) kel-. 3. To drive, set in swift motion. Hypothetical base of various loosely connected derivatives. Latin celer, swift: celerity, accelerate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), acceleration (DEE), accelerator (DEE), decelerate (TEM8), Celeron. Latin celeber, (of a place) much frequented, hence famous: celebrate (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), celebrated (TEM4), celebration (DEE) (TEM4), celebrity ?(MEE) (TEM4), cause celebre (1050). accentuate < accent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) kan-. To sing. 11 17 Germanic hen (CET4) (TEM4), henpecked (TEM8). Latin canere, to sing (cantare, to sing): cant 2, cantata, canto, chant ? (TEM8), chantey, accent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), accentuate, descant, enchant ? (TEM4), enchanting, disenchant (TEM8), incantation (TEM8), incentive ? (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disincentive (DEE), recant (1050), recantation. 11 Latin carmen, song, poem: charm (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, charming (TEM4). access (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) see accessible (5000) see accessory ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) see accidental (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. Occident, New Oriental, kad-. To fall. Latin cadere, to fall, die: cadaver, cadaverous, cadence, cascade (TEM4) (cf. cataract (MEE+)), case (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, casual (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), casualty ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), chance (CET4) (TEM4), chute, parachute ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (cf. parasol), accident (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), accidental (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decay (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decadence, decadent (TEM8) (1050), deciduous, escheat, > cheat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), incidence (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), incident (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), incidental (DEE) (TEM4), incidentally ? (MEE) (TEM4), coincide ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), coincidence ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), occasion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), occasional (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), occident, occidental (TEM8), recidivism. 14 acclaim ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) kelH-. 2. To shout (CET4). 23 Latin clamare, to call, cry out: claim (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), clamor (TEM4), clamorous, acclaim ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), declaim (TEM8), declamation, disclaim (TEM8), disclaimer (1050), exclaim (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), exclamation (DEE), proclaim (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proclamation (DEE), reclaim ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 10 Latin concilium, a meeting (CET4), gathering ( < "a calling together"): conciliate (TEM8), conciliation (DEE), conciliatory (1050), reconcile (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), reconciliation ? (DEE) (TEM8), council (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), councillor (TEM4), counsel (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), counsellor (TEM4), irreconcilable (TEM8). 5 18 Latin kalendae, the calends, the first day of the month, when it was publicly announced on which days the nones and ides of that month would fall: calendar (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), calends. Latin calare, to call, call out: nomenclature. 1 Germanic: haul (CET4) (TEM4), haulage (TEM8), overhaul (DEE) Latin clarus, bright, clear: clarify (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), clarion, clarity ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), clear (CET4) (TEM4), clearance ? (DEE) (TEM4), chiaroscuro, clairvoyance, clairvoyant (1050), declare (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), declaration (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 7 acclimate (1050) klei-. To lean. 16 Latin -clinare, to lean, bend: decline (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), declination, incline (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inclination (DEE) (TEM4), inclined, disinclination (TEM4), disinclined (TEM4), recline (TEM8). 7 Latin clivus, a slope (CET4) (TEM4): acclivity, declivity, proclivity. 3 Germanic lean (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin cliens, dependent, follower: client (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), clientele. 1 Greek kline, bed: clinic (CET4) (TEM4), clinical (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Greek klimax, ladder (CET4) (TEM4): climax ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), climactic (TEM8), anticlimax (5000). 2 Greek klima, sloping surface of the earth: climate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), acclimate (1050), clime. 1 acclivity see acclimate. accolade (1050) cf.: collar (CET4) (TEM4), decollete. accommodate ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) med-. To take appropriate measures. 27 Germanic mete 1 (to measure (out)), meet 2 ("commensurate", fit). 1 Latin mederi, to look after, heal, cure: medical (CET4) (AWL5) (TEM4), Medicaid (TEM8), medicare (MEE+), medicate, medication (MEE+) (TEM8), medicine (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), remedy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), remedial (TEM8), remediable, irremediable (TEM4). 2 Latin meditari, to think about, consider, reflect: meditate (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), meditation ?, meditative, premeditated, unpremeditated. 4 19 Latin modestus, "keeping of the appropriate measure," moderate: modest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), modestly (TEM4), immodest. 2 Latin moderare, "to keep within measure," to moderate, control: moderate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), moderation, moderator, modem (CET4) (MEE+) (TEM8) < moderator-demoderator, immoderate. 4 Latin modus, measure, size (CET4), limit, manner, harmony, melody: modal, mode (CET4) (AWL7) (TEM4), outmoded, modish, model (CET4) (TEM4), modern (CET4) (TEM4), modernism (TEM8), modernize (CET4) (TEM4), modernization (TEM4), modicum, modify (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), modification (DEE), modulate (MEE+), modulation (DEE), module ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), modulus, modular (TEM8), mold (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, mood (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) 2, moody, accommodate ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), accommodating, accommodation(s) (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commode, commodious, commodity ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), discommode, incommodious, remodel, remould (TEM4). 14 accompany (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) L panis, bread. company (CET4) (DEE), companion (CET4), pantry, accompany (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), accompaniment (TEM4) (5000), accompanist (TEM8) (5000). 3 accomplice ? (TEM8) (1050) (5000) plek-. To plait. 39 Germanic flax (TEM8), flaxen (TEM8). 1 Latin -plex, -fold (in compounds such as duplex, twofold; and supplex, "with legs folded under one," kneeling, entreating): duplicity (TEM8) (1050), duplicate ? (MEE) (DEE), duplication, duplicitous, multiple (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), multiply (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), quadruple (MEE+) (TEM8), quintuple (cf. quintet (TEM8)), reduplicate (TEM8), supple, triple (MEE) (DEE). 7 Latin plicare, to fold: plait, pliable, pliant, plight ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) 1, pliers, ply (TEM4), apply (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), appliance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), applicable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), applicant (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), application (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), compliant, compliance (TEM4) = compliancy (TEM4), complicate (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), complicated (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), complication ? (MEE) (DEE), complicity (TEM4) (1050), accomplice ? (TEM8) (1050) (5000), deploy ? (TEM4), display (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), employ (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), employer (CET4) (TEM4), employee (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), employment (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), explicate, explicable (TEM8), inexplicable (TEM8), explicit (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (1050), inexplicit, exploit (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (TEM8) (1050), exploitation (DEE), implicate (AWL4) (TEM4), implication (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 20 implicit (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), imply (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), redeploy (TEM8), replica (TEM8), replicate (TEM8), supplicate, supplicant, unemployment (DEE). 27 Latin plectere (past participle plexus), to weave, plait, entwine: complex (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), complexion ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8), complexity (TEM4), perplex ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), perplexed, perplexity. 4 accomplish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) pelH-. 1. To fill, with derivatives referring to abundance and multitude. 27 Germanic full (CET4) (TEM4), fully (TEM4), fill (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), filling (TEM4), fulfil (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fulfilment (TEM4), full- blown (TEM8), full-bodied, full-fledged, full-length (TEM8), full-time (TEM4), refill (TEM4). 4 Latin plenus, full: plenary (TEM4), plenitude, plenty (CET4) (TEM4), plentiful (CET4) (MEE), plenipotentiary (TEM8), replenish (TEM8). 3 Latin plus, more: plural (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), plus (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE), nonplus, surplus (MEE) (DEE). 2 Greek polus, much, many: poly-, polyandry, polyester ? (TEM8), polygamy, polyglot, polymath, polytechnic (TEM4). 4 Latin plere, plet-, to fill: accomplish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), accomplished (TEM4), accomplishment (TEM4), fait accompli (1050), complete (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), completely (TEM4), incomplete (MEE+), complement ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), complementary (MEE) (TEM8), compliment ?(MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), complimentary (TEM4), comply ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), deplete ? (TEM8), depletion (MEE+) (DEE), expletive, implement (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), replete (1050), repletion, supplement (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE), supplementary, supply. 11 Latin plebs, plebes, the people, multitude: plebeian. 1 Greek plethos, great number: plethora (1050). 1 Greek pleon, pleion, more: pleo-, pleonasm, pleonastic. 1 accomplished see. accord (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) kerd-. 1. Heart. 28 Germanic 21 heart (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), heartache (TEM4), heartbeat (TEM4), heartbreak (TEM4), hearten (TEM8), heartening (TEM4), heartfelt (TEM4), heartland (TEM8), heartrending, heartsick (TEM8), heartstrings (TEM8), heartwarming (TEM8), hearty (TEM4), dishearten (TEM4), fainthearted (TEM8). 3 Latin cor (stem cord-), heart: cordial ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cordially, core (CET4) (AWL3) (DEE) (TEM4), courage (CET4) (TEM4), courageous (TEM4), discourage (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), encourage (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), encouragement (CET4) (TEM4), accord (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), accordance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), according to (CET4) (TEM4), accordingly (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), accordion (TEM4) (5000) (cf. clarion, melodion), concord (DEE) (TEM8), concordant, cordiform, discord ? (TEM4) (1050), discordant, record (CET4) (TEM4), recorder (CET4) (TEM4), recording (TEM4). 9 Greek kardia, heart, stomach, orifice: cardiac (TEM8), cardiologist. 1 *kred-dhH-, "to place trust" (an old religious term; *dhH-, to do, place), in Latin credere, to believe: credence (1050), credential ? (MEE) (TEM8), credible ? (MEE+) (TEM4), credibility (TEM8), credit (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), creditor (TEM4), creditable, credo, credulity, credulous (DEE) (TEM4), creed ? (TEM4), grant (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), accredit (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), discredit (TEM8), incredible (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), incredulous (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), miscreant, recreant. 15 accost (1050) (5000) Latin costa, rib, side. accost (1050) (5000), coast(CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), coastal (TEM4), coastline (TEM4), roller-coaster, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico. accountability see amputate. accrete ker-. 3. To grow. 10 Latin Ceres, goddess of agriculture, especially the growth of grain: cereal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Ceres. 1 Latin creare, to bring forth, create, produce ("to cause to grow"): create (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE) (TEM4), creation (CET4) (TEM4), creative (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), creativity (TEM4), creator (TEM4), creature (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), Creole, procreate, recreate (TEM4), recreation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin crescere, to grow, increase: crescendo (1050), crescent ? (TEM8), crew (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, accrete, accretion, accrue (DEE) (TEM8), concrescence, concrete (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decrease (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), excrescence, increase (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), increasingly (CET4) (TEM4), increment, recruit (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 8 accretion see accrue see 22 accumulate (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) keuH-. 2. To swell; vault hole. 9 Latin cavus, hollow, and cavea, a hollow: cage (CET4) (TEM4), cave (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cavern ? (TEM8), cavity ? (DEE) (TEM8), gaol (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) / jail (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), gaoler (TEM4) = jailer (TEM4), concave, decoy (TEM8), excavate (MEE+) (TEM8), excavation (MEE+). 6 Latin cumulus, heap, mass: cumulate, cumulative ? (TEM8), cumulus, accumulate (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), accumulation (DEE). 3 accuracy (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) (5000) cura. Care. 17 Latin curare, to care for. curator, cure (CET4) (TEM4), curable (TEM4), curious (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), curiosity (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), accurate (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (TEM4) (5000), accuracy (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) (5000), assure (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), assurance ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), assured, assuredly (TEM4), ensure (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), incurable (TEM4), insecure (TEM4), insure (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), insurance (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), insurer (TEM4), manicure, pedicure, proctor, procurator, procure (MEE+) (TEM8), proxy, reassurance, reassure ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reassuring, scour ? (TEM4) 1, secure (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), security (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), securities, sinecure, sure (CET4) (DEE). 17 accuse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) Latin causa, cause, reason, judicial process, lawsuit, case. cause (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cause celebre (1050), causal (MEE+) (TEM8), accuse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), accusation (TEM4) (5000), accusatory (5000), accused, because (CET4) (TEM4), excuse (CET4) (TEM4), excusable (TEM4), inexcusable. 3 Zola, J’accuse! ace ? (TEM4) “A厮” ache (CET4) (TEM4) (5000) cf. toothache, stomachache. acerbic ak-. Sharp. 17 Germanic edge (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (sharp side), cutting edge (1050), edgy (TEM8), egg (TEM4) 2 (to incite, goad), ear (CET4) (TEM4) (of grain), acrospire Latin acus, needle: acuity, acumen (TEM8) (1050) (5000), acupuncture (TEM4), acute (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), cute (CET4) (DEE) (TEM8). 3 Latin acer, sharp, bitter: 23 acrid (1050) (5000), acrimony (DEE) (5000), acrimonious (5000), eager (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), eagerness (TEM4); vinegar (MEE) (DEE), vinegared. 3 Latin acerbus, bitter, sharp, tart: acerbic, acerbity (5000), acetate (5000), acetic (5000), exacerbate (TEM8) (1050). 2 Latin acere, to be sharp: acid (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), acid test (1050), acidity, acidify (5000), acidulous. 2 Greek akme, point: acme (5000), acne. 1 Greek akros, topmost: acro-, acrobat (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), acrobatics (TEM4) (cf. aerobatics (TEM8)), acronym (DEE) (TEM8), acrophobia. 3 Greek oxus, sharp, sour: oxygen (CET4) (TEM4), oxide ? (MEE) (TEM4), monoxide, dioxide ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), oxidize (DEE), oxymoron, paroxysm. 3 acidity see acidulous see acknowledge (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) cf. acknowledgement (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) acme (5000) see acolyte acorn < oak corn acoustic ? (5000) "sharp-eared", cf. auricular, acoustics (DEE) (TEM8). acquaintance (TEM4) acquainted acquiesce (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000) kweiH-. 2. To rest, be quiet. 17 Latin tranquillus, tranquil (trans-, across, beyond): tranquil, tranquility, tranquilizer. 3 Latin quies, quiet (> quietus, calm, retiring), and in requies, rest, and requiescere, to rest: coy (TEM8) (1050), quiescence, quiescent, quiet (CET4) (TEM4), quietly (TEM4), quietude, quite (CET4) (TEM4), quit (CET4) (TEM4), acquiesce (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), acquiescence (5000), acquit ? (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), acquittal (TEM8) (5000), acquittance (5000), disquiet, inquietude, requiem (TEM8), requital, requite, unrequited. 14 acquired see acquisition (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) second language acquisition. acquisitive see acquittal (5000) see acrid (1050) see acrimony see acrobat see 24 acronym see acrophobia see activate actuarial adage (1050) adamant (TEM8) (1050) (5000) cf. diamond (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) adaptable (TEM4) ap-. 1. To take, reach. 7 Latin apere, to attach, join, tie to: apt ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), adapt (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), adaptable (TEM4), adaptability (DEE), adaptation (DEE) (TEM4), adapter/adaptor (TEM4), aptitude ? (DEE) (TEM4), attitude (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inept (TEM8) (1050), ineptly (MEE+), ineptitude. 5 Latin apisci, to attain: adept (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050). 1 Latin apex, top, summit (<"something reached") apex (TEM8) (5000). 1 Prefixed form *co-ap- (co-, together) in Latin copula, bond, tie, link (AWL3): copula, copulate, couple (CET4) (AWL7) (DEE) (TEM4) addition additive (MEE+) see anecdote. addle (5000) 阿斗 adduce (5000) see adept (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) see adaptable adequate (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) adhere ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) Latin her-, hes-, to stick to, to cleave. 7 hesitate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hesitant (TEM4), adhere ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), adherence (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), adherent (1050) (5000), adhesive ? (TEM8), adhesion (5000), cohere, coherence, coherent ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), cohesive ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), cohesion, incoherent, inhere, inherence, inherent (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), inherently (DEE). 7 adjacent ? (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) see adjourn ? (TEM8) deiw-. To shine (and in many derivatives, "sky (CET4), heaven (CET4), god"). 12 Germanic Tiu (god of war and sky), Tuesday (CET4) Latin deus, god: deism, deify (TEM8), deification, deity (TEM8), adieu (5000), deicide, deific. 3 Latin divus, divine, god diva, divine ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) 1,2, divinity (TEM8). 2 25 Latin dives, rich (<"fortunate, blessed, divine"): Dives Latin Diana Latin Jovis, Jupiter Jove, jovial. 1 Latin Julius, "descended from Jupiter" (name of a Roman gens): July (CET4) Latin Jupiter (TEM4) (father Jove) Latin dies, day ( > Late Latin diurnum, day): dial (CET4) (DEE), diary (CET4) (TEM4), diet (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dietary (TEM4), dietetics, dietician (TEM8), dismal ? (TEM4), diurnal, adjourn ? (TEM8), circadian, journal (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), journalist (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), journey (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), meridian, quotidian, antemeridian (5000), postmeridian, redial (TEM4), sojourn (1050). 7 adjudicate (TEM8) (1050) see adjust (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (TEM4) cf. readjust (TEM4) adjutant (5000) ad-lib (1050) cf. Libido, Ich liebe dich. Cf. ad hoc (1050), ad infinitum (1050), ad nauseam (1050). administer ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. miniature ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), minibus ? (TEM4), minimize ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE), minimum (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), minimal ? (AWL9), minister (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), ministry (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (TEM4), minor (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), minority (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), minus (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), minute (CET4) (TEM4), minutiae (1050), administrate (AWL2) (DEE), administration (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), administrative (TEM4), administrator (TEM4) (5000), maladministration (TEM8), diminish ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). admirable (TEM4) admire (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), admiration (TEM4), mirage (TEM8), miracle (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), miraculous ? (TEM4), mirror (CET4) (TEM4), marvel ? (DEE) (TEM4), marvellous (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). admiral ? cf. emir (TEM8). admissible (TEM4) (5000) see commit admonish (DEE) (1050) (5000) men-. 1. To think; with derivatives referring to various qualities and states of mind and thought. 31 Germanic 26 mind (CET4) (TEM4), remind (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), reminder (TEM4), small-minded (MEE+). 1 Latin mens (stem ment-), mind: mental (CET4) (AWL5) (DEE) (TEM4), mentality ? (TEM4), ament 2, dement, demented (TEM8). 1 Latin mentio, remembrance, mention: mention (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). Greek -matos, "willing": automatic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), automation ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin meminisse, to remember: memento (TEM8). 1 Latin comminisci (com-, intensive prefix), to contrive by thought: comment (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commentary ? (TEM4), commentator (TEM4). 2 Latin reminisci (re-, again, back), to recall, recollect: reminisce, reminiscent ? (TEM8), reminiscence (TEM4). 1 Latin Minerva, name of the goddess of wisdom: Minerva . Greek Mentor, man's name (probably meaning "advise"): mentor (1050) . 1 Greek mania, madness: mania (TEM8), maniac (TEM8), maniacal, monomania. 3 Greek mantis, seer (<"he who is mad"): -mancy. Latin monere, to remind, warn, advise (with probable derivative moneta, an epithet of Juno): mint (CET4) (TEM4) 1, money (CET4), monetary ? (MEE) (TEM4), monitor (CET4) (AWL5) (DEE) (TEM4), monster (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), monstrous (TEM4), monument (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), monumental (TEM8), muster (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8), admonish (DEE) (1050) (5000), admonition (5000), demo (TEM8), demonstrate (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), demonstrable (TEM8), demonstration (DEE) (TEM4), demonstrative (TEM4), premonition (TEM8) (1050), remonstrate, summon (MEE) (DEE). 13 Greek mousa, a muse: mosaic (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), Muse, muse (TEM8), amuse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), amusement (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), amusing (CET4), museum (CET4) (TEM4), music (CET4) (TEM4), musical (CET4) (TEM4), musician (CET4) (TEM4), musicologist. 4 Greek mimneskein, to remember (> amnesia, forgetfulness, and amnestos, forgotten): Mnemosyne, amnesia (TEM8), amnesty (TEM8) (1050). 2 Greek mnemon, mindful: mnemonic, mnemonics. 1 adobe tope, > Fr. dobe, > adobe. Cf. daub. 27 adolescent (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see adopt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) op-. 2. To choose. 4 Latin optio, choice (from *opere, to choose): option (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), optional (CET4) (DEE). 1 Latin optare (frequentative of *opere), to choose: opt ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), adopt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), adoption (TEM4), co-opt. 1 Latin opinari, to be of an opinion: opine, opinion (CET4) (TEM4), opinionated. 2 adore ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) or-. To pronounce a ritual formula. Latin orare, to speak, plead, pray: oracle (TEM8), oracular, oral (CET4) (TEM4), oration, orator (TEM8), oratorio, oratory 1, 2, orifice, orotund (< ore rotundo, with a round mouth (CET4), cf. rotund), adore ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), adoration (5000), adorable, inexorable (MEE+) (1050), perorate. 12 adorable see adorn ? (TEM8) Latin ornare, to adorn: ornament (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ornamental (DEE), ornate; adorn ? (TEM8), suborn, unadorned. 4 adroit (TEM8) (1050) (5000) Fr. a droit, rightly. Cf. maladroit. See rectitude. adulate a dog wagging its tail as it approaches. adulterate (TEM8) (1050) (5000) (BK) al-.1. Beyond. 25 Latin ille (feminine illa); "yonder," that: alert (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin uls, *ulter, ultra; beyond: outrage ? (MEE) (TEM4), outrageous, ulterior (1050), ultimate (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE), ultimatum (1050), ultra-, penultimate, ultramundane, ultraviolet (MEE) (DEE), utterance 2, utmost (MEE) (DEE), utter (MEE) (DEE), utterly (DEE). 6 Latin alter, other, other of two: alter (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), alteration (TEM4) (5000), alter ego (1050), altercate (5000), altercation, alternate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), alternative (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), altruism (1050) (5000), altruist (5000), unalterable. 5 Latin adulter, "one who approaches another (unlawfully), an adulterer", hence adulterare, to commit adultery with, pollute (CET4): adulterate (TEM8) (1050) (5000) (BK), unadulterated, adulterant (5000), adultery (TEM8). 2 Germanic else (CET4), elsewhere (CET4) (TEM4) 28 Latin alius, other of more than two: alias (TEM8) (5000), alien ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), alienable (5000), alienate ? (TEM4) (1050) (5000), alienation (5000); alibi (TEM8), inalienable. 4 Greek allos, other: allo-,; allegory (TEM8) (5000), allergy (TEM8), allergic (MEE+) (TEM8), allopathy, parallel (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) l. 5 adumbrate (5000) andho-. Blind, dark. 3 Latin umbra, shadow: umbra, umbrage, umbrella (cf. Cinderella); adumbrate (5000), penumbra, somber (subumbra). 4 advent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) Veni, vidi, vici. gwa-. also gwem-. To go, come. 22 Germanic come (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), become (CET4) (TEM4), income (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE) (TEM4), incoming (TEM4), oncoming (TEM8), outcome (CET4) (AWL3) (DEE), overcome (MEE) (DEE), welcome. Latin venire, to come: venue, venture (MEE) (DEE), venturesome (1050), advent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), adventitious, adventure (CET4) (TEM4), adventurous (TEM4), avenue (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), circumvent (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), contravene, contravention, convene ? (AWL3) (TEM8), reconvene, convenience (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), convenient (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), inconvenience (DEE) (TEM4), inconvenient (TEM4), convent ?, convention (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conventional (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conventionality, coven, covenant (1050), event (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), eventful (TEM4), eventual (AWL8) (TEM4), eventuality (TEM4), eventually (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), intervene ? (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intervention ? (TEM4), invent (CET4) (TEM4), invention (CET4) (TEM4), inventive (MEE+) (TEM4), inventor (TEM4), inventory ? (MEE) (TEM4), misadventure, parvenu, prevent (CET4) (TEM4), preventive, provenance, revenue (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), souvenir, subvention, supervene, unconventional, unconventionality. 23 Greek bainein, to go, walk, step, with basis, a stepping, tread, base, and - bates, agential suffix, "one that goes or treads, one that is based": base (TEM4) 1, basis (TEM4), acrobat, diabetes (TEM8). 1 adversary ? (TEM4) (1050) wer-. 3. Conventional base of various Indo-European roots; to turn, bend. 76 Germanic -ward, inward (CET4), onward (DEE), outward (CET4) (DEE), worth 1, 2, worthwhile (MEE) (DEE), worthy (MEE) (DEE), stalwart (1050) 29 (firmly based < worthy in its base or foundation), weird (MEE) (DEE) (weird sister (CET4): one of the Fates or the witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth). 2 Latin vertere, to turn, with its frequentative versare, to turn, and passive versari, to stay, behave (<"to move around a place, frequent"): versatile (MEE) (DEE), verse (MEE) 1, versed, versemonger, version (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE), versus (MEE) (DEE), vertebra, vertebrate, vertex, vertical (MEE) (DEE), vertigo, vertiginous, vortex, adverse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), adversary ? (TEM8) (1050), adversity (TEM8) (1050) (5000), advert (5000), advertise (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), advertiser (5000), advertisement (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), anniversary (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), avert ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), averse, aversion (TEM8) (1050), controvert, controversy (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), controversial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), converse ? (AWL9) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, conversation (CET4), conversely (CET4) (MEE), conversant, convert (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conversion ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), convertible (TEM8), divert ? (MEE) (TEM4), diverse (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), diversify ? (MEE+) (TEM4), diversification, diversion ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), diversity (DEE) (TEM4), divorce (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extroversion, extrovert (TEM8) (1050) inadvertent (TEM8), inadvertence, incontrovertible (TEM8), introvert (TEM8), invert ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inverse (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), invertebrate, obvert, obverse, pervert (TEM8), perverse, perversion (1050), prose ? (MEE) (TEM4) (< proversus), prosaic (1050), revert (TEM8), reverse (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reversal (TEM4), reversion (DEE) (TEM8), reversible (TEM4), irreversible (TEM8), subvert, subversive (1050), tergiversate, transverse (DEE), traverse (MEE+), universe, university, unversed, vice versa. 51 Germanic wreath (MEE) (DEE) (that which is wound around), wreathe, writhe (to twist, torture), wrath (MEE+) (angry, <"tormented, twisted"), wroth, worry (to strangle), wring (to twist), wrong (DEE), wrongdoing, wrongheaded, wrangle, wrangler, wrench (MEE) (DEE), wrinkle (MEE) (DEE). 8 Latin vergere, to turn, tend toward: verge (MEE) (DEE) 2, converge ?, convergent, diverge (MEE+) (TEM8), divergent (TEM8), divergence. 4 Germanic wry (to turn, bend, go), awry, wriggle, wrist (MEE) (DEE), wrest, wrestle (DEE), ribald (cf. rub (CET4)), wrap (MEE) (DEE), warp, warble, wharf (MEE+) (DEE), whirl (MEE) (DEE), whirlpool, whirlwind (MEE+), swirl. 8 Latin verber, whip, rod: reverberate (TEM8) (1050). 1 Greek rhaptein, to sew (> raphe, suture): 30 rhapsody, rhapsodize (1050). 1 Germanic worm Latin vermis, worm: vermeil, vermi-, vermicelli, vermicide, vermicular, vermin. 1 adverse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see adversity (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see advert (5000) see advisable (TEM4) weid-. To see. 35 Germanic guide (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), guidance (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), guideline (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (TEM4), misguided (MEE+), wise (DEE) 1, unwise, wizard, wizardry, wisdom (MEE), wise 2 (manner), -wise, clockwise(CET4) (MEE), counterclockwise, otherwise (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), guise (TEM4), disguise (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 3 Greek eidos, form, shape: eidetic, idol ? (TEM4), idolater, idolatrous, idolatry, idolize (TEM8), idyll (form, shape, picture, picturesque) , idyllic (1050) (TEM8), -oid, kaleidoscope (TEM4). 7 Germanic wit (MEE) (DEE) 1, wit 2 (to know), witness (MEE) (DEE), witty (DEE), unwitting. 3 Latin videre (past participle visus), to see, look: video (DEE), view (MEE) (DEE), viewpoint (MEE), visa (MEE) (DEE), visage, visible (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE), vision (AWL9) (DEE), visionary, vista, visit (DEE), visor, visual (AWL8) (MEE), visualize (DEE), voyeur, advice (CET4) (TEM4), advise (CET4) (TEM4), advisable (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), adviser/advisor (TEM4), advisory (TEM4) (5000), belvedere, clairvoyance, clairvoyant (1050), envy (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), enviable (TEM8), envious (TEM4), envisage ? (MEE) (TEM4), invidious (TEM8), evidence (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), evident (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), evidently (CET4), improvident, improvise (DEE) (TEM8), imprudent (TEM8), interview (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), invisible (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overview (DEE), previse, prevision, preview ?, provide (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), provided (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), provident (TEM8), providential, provision (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), prudence, prudent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), purvey, purveyance, purveyor, revise (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), revision ? (DEE) (TEM4), review (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), supervise (MEE) (DEE), supervision (DEE), survey (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE), surveyor (cf. surveillance), television, unadvised, deja vu (1050), au revoir, vis-a-vis, voila, Montevideo. 22 Greek idea, appearance, form, idea: 31 idea (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), ideal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), idealism (TEM4), idealist (TEM4), idealize (TEM4), ideo-, ideology ? (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ideological (DEE) (TEM4). advocate (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000) “埃德沃卡特” wekw-. To speak. 25 Latin vox (stem voc-), voice: vocal ? (MEE), vocalist, vocabulary (CET4) (DEE), vociferous (1050), voice (CET4) (DEE), vowel (MEE) (DEE), equivocal, equivocate (1050), univocal, unequivocal (1050). 7 Greek ops, voice: Calliope (the Muse of epic poetry) Latin vocare, to call: vocation (MEE) (DEE), vocational ?, vouch, advocate (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), devil’s advocate (1050), advocacy (TEM8) (5000), avocation, avouch, avow, convoke, convocation, disavowal, evoke ? (MEE) (TEM8), evocative (DEE) (TEM8), invoke (AWL10) (TEM8), provoke (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), provocation, provocative ? (1050), revoke ? (TEM8), irrevocable (1050), unprovoked. 17 Greek epos, song, word: epic ? (TEM4) (1050), epos. 1 aerate wer-. 2. To raise, lift, hold suspended. 10 Greek aeirein, to raise, and greek arteria, windpipe, artery: aorta, arteriole, artery ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 2 Greek aer (latin aer > Italian aria), air: aerate, aerial ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), aero-, aerobatics (TEM8), aerobics (TEM8), aerodrome, aerodynamics (TEM8), aeronaut (5000), aeronautics (MEE+) (TEM4) (5000), aerosol (DEE) (TEM8) = air spray, aerospace (TEM4), aerostat (5000), aerostatics (5000), air (CET4) (TEM4), airborne (MEE+) (TEM8), air-conditioning (CET4), air- conditioned (TEM4), aircraft (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), airfield (TEM4), air force (TEM4), air hostess ? (TEM4), airlift (TEM8), airline (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) = aeroplane (CET4), airliner (TEM4), airmail (TEM4), airport (CET4) (TEM4), airstrip (TEM8), airtight (TEM4), airy (TEM8) (5000), airily (TEM8), aria, anaerobic, malaria (TEM4). 8 Greek aura, breath, vapor: Aura, aura (TEM4) (the story of Cephalus and Procris). aesthete au-. 5. To perceive. 8 Latin audire, to hear: audible (DEE) (TEM8), audience (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), audio-, audio (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), audiovisual (TEM4), audit ? (MEE) (TEM4), audition (TEM8), auditor ? (TEM4), auditorium ? (MEE) (TEM4), auditory?; inaudible; obedience (MEE) (TEM4), obedient ? (MEE) 32 (DEE), obeisance (DEE), obeisant, obey (CET4) (TEM4); disobedient (TEM4), disobedience (TEM4), disobey (TEM4). 6 Greek aisthanesthai, to feel: aesthetic ? (MEE) (DEE) (1050), aesthetics (TEM4), aesthete; anesthesia (TEM8), anesthetize (TEM8), anesthetic (5000). 2 affable (TEM8) (5000) bha-. 2. To speak. 30 Latin fari, to speak: fate (CET4) (TEM4), fated (TEM8), fateful (TEM8), fable ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fabulous ? (MEE) (TEM4), fatal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fatalism (TEM8), fatality (TEM8), affable (TEM8) (5000), ineffable, infant (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), infancy (DEE) (TEM4), infantile (TEM8), infantry ? (TEM8), preface (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prefatory, Les enphants. 8 Greek phanai, to speak: -phasia, aphasia, apophasis, prophecy ? (DEE), prophesy (TEM8), prophet ? (MEE). 4 suffixed form in Germanic *banwan, *bannan, to speak publicly (used of particular kinds of proclamation in feudal or prefeudal custom; "to proclaim under penalty, summon to the levy, declare outlaw"), in Old English ban (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bandit ? (TEM4). Old French ban, feudal jurisdiction, summons to military service, proclamation, Old French bandon, power banal (TEM8) (1050), banality, banns, abandon (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (TEM4), contraband. 4 Old French banish ? (DEE) (TEM8). 1 Latin fama, talk, reputation, fame: fame (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), famous (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4); defame (TEM8) (1050), defamation, defamatory, infamous ? (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), infamy. 5 Greek pheme, saying (CET4), speech: euphemism (TEM8) (1050), euphemistic (TEM8). 1 Greek phone, voice, sound, and phonein, to speak: phone, -phone, phonetic (TEM4), phono-, -phony, phonology (TEM8), phonogram, gramophone (TEM4), antiphon (5000) > anthem (TEM4), antiphony (5000), aphonia, cacophonous (1050), cacophony, euphonious, euphony, microphone (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), saxophone (TEM4), symphony (MEE) (DEE). 5 Latin fateri, to acknowledge, admit: confess (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), confession (DEE) (TEM4), profess ? (MEE+) (TEM8), profession (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), professional (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE), professor (CET4) (TEM4). 1 33 Greek blasphemos, evil-speaking, blasphemous (first element obscure): blame (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), blaspheme, blasphemous, blasphemy (1050). 1 affect (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) dhe-. 1. To set, put. 110 Germanic do (CET4) (TEM4), ado (5000), deed (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), misdeed, doom ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (judgement < "thing set or put down"), doomsday (TEM8), -dom ( abstract suffix indicating state, condition, or power), Duma (Russian), deem ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (to judge), undo (MEE) (DEE). 2 Latin condere, to put together, establish, preserve: condiment (TEM8), abscond (5000), recondite, sconce 2, scoundrel (TEM8), ensconce (TEM8). 5 Latin facere, to do, make (> French faire, to do), and Latin combining form -fex, "maker": -facient, facetious (1050), fact (CET4) (TEM4), faction ? (TEM8) (1050), factious, factional, factionalism, factitious (TEM8), factor (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (TEM4), factorable, factory (CET4), factotom, factual ? (DEE) (TEM4), fait accompli (1050), fashion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fashionable (CET4) (TEM4), old-fashioned (TEM4), feasible (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), feasibility (TEM4), feat ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, feature (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fetish (TEM8), -fic, -fy, affair (CET4) (TEM4), affect (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), affectation (1050) (5000), affected, affection (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), affectionate (TEM4), amplify, artifact, artifice (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), beatific, beatitude, benefaction, benefactor, benefic, benefice, beneficence, beneficent, beneficial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), beneficiary (TEM8), benefit (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), chafe, comfit, confect, confection, confectionery (TEM4), counterfeit (TEM8), defeat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), defeatist, defect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), defection, defective, deficient (TEM4), deficiency (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), deficit ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disaffect, disaffected (1050), disaffection, discomfit (TEM8), discomfited, discomfiture, edifice (TEM8), edify, effect (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), effective (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), effectiveness (DEE), feckless (TEM8) (< effectless), efficacy (TEM8) (1050), efficacious, efficiency (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), efficient (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), coefficient (DEE), facsimile (DEE) (TEM4) > fax (CET4) (DEE), forfeit ? (DEE), forfeiture, infect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), infection ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), infectious ? (DEE) (TEM4), disinfect (TEM4), disinfectant (TEM4), ineffective (TEM4), ineffectual (TEM8) (1050), inefficacious, inefficient (DEE) (TEM4), insufficient (TEM4), justify (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), justifiable, malefactor, maleficent, malfeasance, manufacture (TEM4), modify (AWL5) (MEE) 34 (DEE) (TEM4), mollify (1050), mollification, notify, nullify (1050), perfect (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), perfection (CET4) (DEE), perfectionist, petrify, petrifaction, pontifex, pontifical, pontificate (1050), prefect, proficient (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), proficiency ? (MEE) (DEE), profit (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), profitable ? (MEE) (DEE), profiteer, putrefy, qualify (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), qualification (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), qualified (TEM4), rarefy, rarefaction, rectify, refectory (TEM8), rubefacient, sacrifice (CET4), suffice (MEE) (DEE), sufficient (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE), surfeit, unaffected, vilify (1050). 83 Latin derivative facies, shape, face (< "form imposed on something"): facade (TEM8) (1050), face (CET4) (TEM4), facet ? (TEM8), facial (MEE+) (TEM4), facing (TEM8), deface (TEM8), efface (TEM8), ineffaceable, interface ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), superficial (MEE) (DEE) (1050), surface (MEE). 5 Latin compound officium (< *opi-fici-om), service, duty, business, performance of work ( *opi-, work): office (CET4) (TEM4), officer (CET4), official (CET4), officious (1050), hoffice (TEM4). 1 Latin facilis (< Old Latin facul), feasible, easy: facile (TEM8), facilitate (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), facility (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), facilities (MEE), faculty (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), difficult (CET4) (TEM4), difficulty (CET4) (TEM4). 3 Latin fas, divine law, right: nefarious (1050). 1 Latin -farius, -doing: multifarious, omnifarious. 1 Greek tithenai, to put: thesis (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE), thetic, anathema (5000), antithesis (1050), apothecary (5000), boutique (TEM8), epithet (MEE+), hypothesis ? (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hypothetical (1050), hypothesize (DEE), metathesis, parenthesis (TEM4), synthesis (MEE) (DEE) (1050), synthetic (MEE) (DEE), photosynthesis. 9 Greek thema, "thing placed," proposition: thematic, theme (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) affectation (1050) (5000) see affected see affection see affectionate see affidavit (1050) 指法律上的宣誓书。它的同根词有: bheidh-. To persuade, compel, confide. 20 Germanic *bidan, to await (>"to await trustingly, expect, trust"), in Old English bidan, to wait, stay: bide; abide ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), abiding (TEM8), abode (TEM4). 3 Latin fidere, to trust, confide, and fidus, faithful: 35 fiance, fiancee, affidavit (1050), confidant (TEM8), confide ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), confidence (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), confident (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), confidential ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), defiance ? (DEE) (TEM4), defiant (TEM4), defy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), diffidence (TEM4), diffident (TEM4). 9 Latin foedus (stem foeder-), treaty, league: federal (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), federalism (TEM8), federalist (TEM8), federate (TEM8), federation ? (MEE+) (TEM4); confederate (TEM8), confederacy (TEM8). 1 Latin fides, faith, trust: faith (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), faithful (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), faithfully (MEE) (TEM4), faithfulness, fealty, fidelity ? (TEM4) (1050); infidel, infidelity (TEM8), perfidious, perfidy. 7 affiliate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) dhe(i)-. To suck. 14 Latin femina, woman (< "she who suckles"): female (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), feminine ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), femininity (TEM8), feminism (TEM4), feminist ? (MEE+) (TEM4), effeminate (1050). 2 Latin fetus, pregnancy, childbearing, offspring: fawn 2, fetal, fetus (TEM8), effete, feticide. 3 Latin fecundus, fruitful: fecund, fecundity. 2 Latin filius, son, and filia, daughter: filial, affiliate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000). 2 Latin felix, fruitful, fertile, lucky (CET4), happy: felicitate, felicitous, felicity (TEM8), felicific, infelicitous, infelicity. Felix the Cat (cf. feline), Felixstowe. 5 affinity (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050) Latin finis, border, end. 18 final (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4), finally (CET4), finale (TEM4), finalist (TEM4), finality, finance (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (TEM4), financial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), financier (TEM4), fine (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), finable, finely (TEM8), finery (TEM8), finesse (TEM8) (1050), finial, finical, finicky (TEM8), finish (CET4) (TEM4), finite ? (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), finitude, affinity (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050), confine (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), confinement (TEM8), define (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), defined, definite (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), definitely (CET4) (TEM4), definition (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), definitive ? (TEM4) (1050), infinite (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), infinitesimal (1050), infinitude, infinitive (TEM4), infinity (DEE) (TEM4), ad infinitum (1050), refine (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), refined, refinery (DEE) (TEM4), refinish, transfinite, indefinable, indefinite ? (TEM4), undefined. 18 affirm ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 36 dher-. 2. To hold firmly, support. Latin firmus, firm, strong: farm (CET4) (TEM4), farmer (CET4), farmhand (TEM4), farmhouse (TEM4), farming (TEM4), farmyard (TEM4), firm (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), firmament, affirm ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), affirmative (TEM4) (5000), confirm (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), infirm (TEM8), infirmary (TEM8), infirmity (TEM8), reaffirm (TEM8), terra firma. 4 affix (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) cf. fix (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), fixed (DEE) (TEM4), fixate, fixation (1050), fixer (TEM8), fixture ? (MEE) (TEM8), affix (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), crucify, prefix ? (DEE) (TEM4), suffix (DEE), transfix. 2 afflict ? (TEM8) bhlig-. To strike. 6 Latin fligere, to strike: afflict ? (TEM8), conflict (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inflict ? (DEE) (TEM4), infliction, profligate (1050), profligacy. 6 affluent ? (MEE) (TEM4) (1050) bhleu-. To swell, well up, overflow. 16 Germanic bloat, bloated. 1 Latin fluere, to flow, and -fluus, flowing: fluctuate (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fluctuation, fluent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fluency (TEM4), fluid (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fluidity (TEM8), fluoro-, fluorescent ? (DEE) (TEM4), flush ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, fluvial, flux (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), affluent ? (MEE) (TEM4) (1050), affluence (DEE) (5000), confluence, confluent, effluent (TEM8), effluvia, effluvium, efflux, influence (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), influential (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), influenza (TEM4), > flu ? (MEE) (TEM4), influx (TEM8), mellifluous, reflux, superfluity, superfluous (MEE) (1050). 15 affordable (TEM4) afford (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) < forth (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (th > d, cf. burden, murder) affront (TEM8) (1050) (5000) cf. front (CET4) (TEM4), frontage (TEM8), frontal (TEM8), frontbench (TEM8), affront (TEM8) (1050) (5000), confront (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), confrontation (DEE) (TEM4), effrontery, frontier (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), upfront. 4 afraid (CET4) (TEM4) aftermath ? (TEM8) cf. after (CET4) (TEM4), aftereffect (TEM4), aftermath ? (TEM4), afternoon (CET4) (TEM4), afterward (CET4), afterwards (CET4) (TEM4). agenda (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) 37 ag-. To drive 48 Latin agere, to do, act, drive, conduct, lead: act (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), acting (TEM4), action (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), actionable (5000), active (TEM4), activate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), activity (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), activism (1050), activist (TEM4), actor (CET4) (TEM4), actress (CET4) (TEM4), actual (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), actually (TEM4), actuality (TEM8) (5000), actuary (5000), actuarial, actuate (5000), agendum, agency (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), agenda (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), agent (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), agile (TEM8) (1050) (5000), agitate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), agitation (DEE) (TEM4), agitated; ambiguous ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), assay (5000), cache (1050), coagulum, coagulant, coagulate, coagulation, cogent (1050), deactivate, enact ? (TEM4), enactment, essay (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), essayist (TEM4), exact (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), exacting (1050), exactly (TEM4), exaction, exactitude, examine (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), examination (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), exam (CET4) (TEM4), exigence, exigency, exigent, exiguous, fumigate, inactive, interact (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interaction (CET4), interactive (TEM4), intransigence, intransigent (TEM8) (1050), levigate, litigate (TEM4) (1050), litigant, litigious (1050), navigate (MEE+), objurgate, prodigal, prodigality, react (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reactant, reaction (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), reactionary (TEM4), reactivate, reactor (TEM4), reagent, reenact, re-examine (TEM8), retroactive, squat (MEE+), transact, transaction (MEE) (DEE), unambiguous. 41 Greek agein, to drive, lead: -agogue, agony (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), agonize (DEE), agonizing (TEM8), anagoge, antagonize, demagogue (TEM8) (1050), demagogy (TEM8), pedagogue, pedagogy, protagonist (DEE) (TEM8), stratagem, synagogue. 7 Latin ambactus, servant > Medieval Latin ambactia, office: ambassador (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), embassy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). agape cf. gap (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), gape (TEM8). agglomerate (5000) gel-. 1. To form into a ball; conventional base of loosely connected derivatives referring to a compact mass or coagulated lump, and to the qualities of viscosity and adhesiveness. 14 I. words meaning a mass or lump. Germanic clump (TEM4) (compact group of trees), club(CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1 (a lump of wood), clew 1, clue(CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (a ball, ball of wool), cloud(CET4) (TEM4) (rock, hill), cloudy(CET4) (TEM4), cloudburst, clod (lump), clog ? (TEM4), clot (TEM8), clutter (TEM8), clout (TEM4) (lump, piece of stuff, piece of cloth). 4 38 Latin globus, ball, globe: globe (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), global (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), globule. Latin glomus (stem glomer-), ball: glomerate, agglomerate (5000), conglomerate. 2 II. words meaning to stick, cling. Germanic clip (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 2 (to embrace, fasten), climb (CET4) (TEM4) (to hold fast, hold on in climbing), climber (TEM4), clam (TEM4) 1, 2 (bond, fetter), clamber (TEM8), clammy (stickiness), clamp ? (DEE) (metal clasp ? (DEE) (TEM4)), cleave 2 (to stick), cling (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), clench ? (DEE) (TEM4) (to hold fast), clinch ? (TEM8), clutch ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, claw (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 6 III. words meaning "sticky material." Germanic clay (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin gluten, glue: glue (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), gluten, glutinous, agglutinate, conglutinate, deglutinate. 1 aggrandize (5000) Latin grandis, great, large. grand (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), grandchild (TEM4), granddaughter (TEM4), grandeur ? (TEM8), grandfather (CET4) (TEM4), grandiloquent (1050), grandiose (TEM8), grandmother (CET4) (TEM4), grandparent (TEM4), Grand Prix (TEM4), grandson (TEM4), grandstand (TEM4), grannie = granny (TEM4), aggrandize (5000), grand monde, grand prix, grand jury. aggravate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) gwerH-. 2. Heavy. Latin gravis, heavy, weighty: grave (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) 2, gravid, gravitate (TEM8), gravitational, gravity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), grief (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), grievance (DEE) (TEM4), grieve ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), grievous (TEM4), aggravate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), aggravation (5000), aggrieve (5000), aggrieved (TEM8). 10 aggregate ? (AWL6) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) ger-. 1. To gather (CET4). 12 Germanic cram ? (MEE+) (TEM8). 1 Latin grex (stem greg-), herd, flock: gregarious (1050), gregariousness, aggregate ? (AWL6) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), congregate ? (TEM4), congregation (TEM4), disaggregate, 39 egregious (1050), segregate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), segregation (TEM8), desegregate (TEM8). 7 Greek ageirein, to assemble, and aguris, agora, marketplace (> agoreuein, to speak): agora, agoraphobia, allegory (TEM8) (5000), category (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), categorize (TEM4), categorical, panegyric. 4 aggression (TEM4) (5000) ghredh-. To walk, go. 14 Latin gradi (past participle gressus), to walk, go: aggress (5000), aggression (TEM4) (5000), aggressive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), aggressor (TEM4), congress (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), degression, digress (TEM8), digressive, egress, ingress, progress (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), progression (DEE), progressive (CET4), regress (TEM8) (1050), regression (TEM8), regressive (TEM8), retrogress, transgress, transgression (1050). 9 Latin gradus, step, stage, degree, rank: grade (CET4) (AWL7) (DEE) (TEM4), gradation (TEM4), gradient, gradual (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), graduate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), centigrade (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), degrade ? (DEE) (TEM8), degree (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), ingredient (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), retrograde, undergraduate (MEE) (DEE), upgrade (MEE) (DEE). 5 aggressive (CET4) (TEM4) see aggrieve see aggrieved (TEM8) see aghast (5000) cf. ghost (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), ghostly (TEM4), ghastly (TEM8). agile (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see agitated see agnostic (TEM8) (1050) gno-. To know. 39 Germanic know (CET4) (TEM4), know-how, knowledge (CET4), knowledgeable, acknowledge (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), acknowledgement (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), can (CET4) (TEM4) 1 (to know, know how to, be able to), canny (TEM8), uncanny (1050), cunning ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ken (DEE), kenning, keen (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), couth (known, well-known, usual, excellent, familiar), uncouth, kith (knowledge, acquaintance, friendship, kinfolk), well-known (DEE). 9 Latin (g)noscere, cognoscere, to get to know, get acquainted with: note (CET4) (TEM4), notebook (CET4) (TEM4), noted (TEM4), keynote (DEE) (TEM4), notable ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), notability, notary (TEM8), notation ? (TEM8), notarize (DEE), notice (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), noticeable (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), noticeably (DEE), notify (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), notification (TEM8), notion (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), notorious ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), notoriety (TEM8), noteworthy (DEE), acquaint (CET4) (MEE) 40 (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), acquaintance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), acquainted, cognition (DEE) (TEM4), cognitive ? (MEE) (TEM8), cognizant, congizance, connoisseur (TEM8) (1050), incognito, precognition, quaint ? (DEE) (TEM8), recognize (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), recognition (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), reconnaissance (TEM4), unnoticed. 14 Latin ignorare, not to know, to disregard (i-, for in-, not): ignorant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ignorance (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ignoramus, ignore (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). 3 Latin nobilis, knowable, known, famous, noble: noble (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), nobility (TEM4), nobleman (TEM4), ennoble (TEM8), ignoble. 1 Greek gignoskein, to know, think, judge (and *gno- in gnomon, a judge, interpreter): gnome 2, gnomic, gnosis, agnosia, agnostic (TEM8) (1050), diagnose (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), diagnosis ? (DEE) (TEM4), diagnostic (TEM4), physiognomy, prognosis, prognosticate. 5 Latin gnarus, knowing, expert, whence narrare (<*gnarrare), to tell, relate: narrate (TEM4), narration (TEM4), narrative (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), narrator (TEM4). Latin nota, a mark, note, sign, cipher, shorthand (MEE) character: note, annotate (1050) (5000), connote (TEM8), connotation (MEE+) (TEM8), denote ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 3 Latin norma, carpenter's square, rule, pattern (TEM4), precept: norm (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), normal (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4), normally (CET4) (TEM4), normalization (MEE), abnormal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), abnormality (DEE) (TEM8), enormity, enormous (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 4 agog agony (CET4) (TEM4) see agenda. 爱过你,爱割你。 agrarian (5000) agro-. Field. Derivative of ag-, "to drive" < "place to which cattle are driven" 5 Germanic acre (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), acreage (5000) Latin ager (genitive agri), district, property, field: agrarian (5000), agriculture (CET4) (TEM4), agricultural (DEE) (TEM4), agronomy, peregrine, peregrination, pilgrim ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pilgrimage. 5 agreeable (MEE) (TEM4) gwerH-. 3. To praise (aloud). 16 Latin gratus, pleasing ,beloved (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), agreeable, favorable, thankful: 41 grace (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), gracious ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), graceful (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), gracefully, grateful (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), gratify (MEE+) (TEM4), gratification, gratis, gratitude (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), gratuity, gratuitous (TEM8) (1050), agree (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), agreeable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), agreement (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), congratulate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), congratulation (CET4) (TEM4), disagree (CET4) (TEM4), disagreement (DEE) (TEM4), disagreeable (TEM4), disgrace ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disgraceful (TEM4), ingrate, ingratiate (TEM4) (1050), ingratiating. 16 agronomy see agrarian. ailment ? (TEM8) (5000) cf. ail (TEM8), ailment ? (TEM8) (5000), ill (CET4) (TEM4), illness (CET4), ill-omened, malinger. airborne (MEE+) (TEM8) see aerate. airtight (TEM4) see aerate. airy (TEM8) (5000) see aerate. aisle ? (TEM4) ajar (TEM8) When is a door not a door? alabaster (5000) “阿拉白死了”。 alacrity (5000) “阿拉可乐意”。 albeit (AWL10) (5000) all be it. "let it entirely be (that)". alchemy (TEM8) (1050) (5000) “金”, kin, kim, > chem, al chemy, alchemy (TEM8) (1050) (5000), chemist (CET4) (TEM4), chemistry (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), chemical (CET4) (AWL7) (TEM4), biochemistry ? (TEM4). alcohol (CET4) (TEM4) (5000) cf. alcoholism (5000), alcoholic ? (TEM4), workaholic. alcove (5000) < al cove, < cave (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). "爱抠窝" alert (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see adulterate. alias (TEM8) (5000) see adulterate. alibi (TEM8) see adulterate. alienate ? (TEM4) (1050) (5000) see adulterate. alight (DEE) (TEM8) “点着”马车,车上的人“从车上下来”。 align (TEM8) lino-. Flax. 9 Latin linum, flax, linen: line (CET4) (TEM4) 1, 2, lineage (TEM8), lineal, lineaments, linear ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), linen ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), liner ? (MEE) (TEM4), linesman (TEM8), lingerie, linoleum, airline (CET4) (TEM4), airliner (TEM4), align, alignment (DEE), borderline (TEM4), delineate (TEM8), online (CET4) (MEE+) (TEM4), outline (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), pipeline (DEE), realign, underline (MEE) (DEE). 9 alimentary see abolition. 42 alkali (5000) Al, K, Li, 都可生成碱。 Allah (TEM8) allay (TEM8) (5000) 背单词的工作进行得怎么样啊,“啊累~”,要求“减轻”工作量。 Cf. . all-consuming see assume. allege ? (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000) leg-. 1. To collect; with derivatives meaning "to speak." 51 Latin legere, to gather, choose, pluck, read (CET4): lectern, lecture (CET4) (AWL6) (DEE) (TEM4), lecturer (TEM4), legend ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), legendary (TEM4), legible (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), legion (TEM4), legume, lesson (CET4) (TEM4), collect (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), collected, collection (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), collective (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), collector (TEM4), diligent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), diligence (TEM4), elect (CET4) (TEM4), election (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), electioneering (TEM8), elector (TEM4), electorate ?(TEM8), elegant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), elegance (TEM4), eligible ? (MEE) (TEM8), elite ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), elitism, illegible (DEE) (TEM8), ineligible, intelligence (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (TEM4), intelligent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intellect ? (DEE) (TEM4), intellectual (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intelligible ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), neglect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), negligence ? (DEE), negligent (DEE), negligible ? (MEE) (DEE), predilection, prelect, recollect (MEE) (TEM4), recollection (TEM4), sacrilege (1050), select (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE), selection (CET4) (MEE), selective (MEE+), sortilege. 22 Greek legein, to gather, speak: lexicon (DEE) (TEM8), lexical (TEM8), lexis (TEM8), lexicographer, alexia, analects, catalog (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dialect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dialectic (TEM8), dialogue (CET4) (TEM4), dyslexia, eclectic (1050), eclecticism, epilogue (TEM8), monologue ?. 10 Latin lignum, wood, firewood (< "that which is gathered"): ligneous, ligni-. 1 Latin lex, law (? < "collection of rules"): legal (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), illegal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), legalize (TEM4), legitimate ? (MEE) (TEM4), legitimatize (TEM4), illegitimate (TEM8), lex, loyal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), loyalty (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disloyal (TEM4), disloyalty (TEM4), legislate (AWL1) (TEM4), legislation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), legislative (TEM4), legislator, legislature (TEM4), privilege (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 5 Latin denominative legare, to depute, commission, charge (< "to engage by contract") 43 legacy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), legate, allege ? (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), allegedly (TEM4), allegation (MEE+), colleague (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), college (CET4) (TEM4), collegiate (TEM4), intercollegiate (TEM4), collegiality, delegate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), delegation (TEM4), relegate ? (TEM8) (1050). 4 Greek logos, speech, word, reason: logic (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (TEM4), logical (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), illogical (DEE) (TEM4), logistics (TEM8) (1050), logo-, logo (TEM8), Logos, -logy, analogue (MEE) (TEM8), analogy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), analogous (TEM8) (5000), apology (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), apologize (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), apologetic (TEM4), apologist, Decalogue (cf. Decameron), eulogy (TEM8), eulogistic, eulogize, homologous, logarithm, neologism, prologue (TEM8), syllogism, unapologetic. 10 allegiance (TEM8) Latin ligare, to bind: ligament (TEM8), ligature, league (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, liable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), liability ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), liaison (TEM4), liege, lien, allegiance (TEM8), alliance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), alloy ? (MEE) (TEM4), ally (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), allied (DEE), oblige (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), obligate, obligation (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), obligatory, obliging, rally (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rely (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (TEM4), reliable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reliability (DEE), reliance ? (MEE) (TEM4), reliant (TEM8), religion (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), religious (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), unalloyed. 13 allegory (TEM8) (5000) see adulterate. allergy see adulterate. allergic (MEE+) (DEE) see adulterate. alleviate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) legwh-. Light, having little weight. 14 Germanic light (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, lighten (TEM4), lighthearted, lighter 2. 1 Latin levis (Old French leger), light, with its derivative levare, to lighten, raise: leaven, levee (TEM8), lever ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), leverage ? (TEM4), levitate, levity (TEM8) (1050), levy ? (AWL10) (MEE) (TEM4), alleviate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), carnival (TEM4), elevate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), elevation (DEE) (TEM4), elevator (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), legerdemain, relieve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), relief (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), relevant (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), relevance (DEE), irrelevant (DEE) (TEM4) (1050). 13 alley ? (TEM4) (5000) Fr. aller, go. Go, go, go! Allez, allez, allez. 44 alligator as headstrong as an allegory on the bank of Nile. alliteration Latin littera, letter: letter (CET4) (TEM4), lettering, literal ? (DEE) (TEM4), literally (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), literary (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), literate ? (TEM8), literacy (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), literature (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), literati (1050), literatim, alliterate, alliteration, illiterate (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), illiteracy (TEM4), newsletter (MEE+), obliterate (DEE), transliterate, unlettered. 9 allocate ? (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin locus, place. 11 local (CET4) (TEM4), locale, locality ?(MEE) (TEM4), localize, locate (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), location (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), locus, allocate ? (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), allocation (DEE) (TEM4), allow (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), allowance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), collocate, dislocate (TEM8), relocate, locomotion, locomotive (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), couch (CET4) (< collocate) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), lieu, lieutenant ? (TEM4), milieu (1050), perlieu. 11 allopathy see adulterate and antipathy. allowance see allocate. alloy see allegiance. allude ? (TEM8) (5000) Latin ludus, game, play, with its derivative ludere, to play: ludicrous (TEM8) (1050), allude ? (TEM8) (5000), allusion (TEM8) (1050) (5000), collude (TEM8), collusion (TEM8) (1050), delude (TEM8) (1050), delusion ? (TEM4) (1050), elude (TEM8), elusive (DEE) (TEM8), illusion (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), illusive, illusory, disillusion ? (DEE) (TEM4), disillusioned (TEM4) (1050), interlude (TEM8), postlude, prelude (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4). 11 alluring allure ? (TEM8) all ure, 全是诱饵. Cf. lure ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), allurement. alluvial see ablution. ally (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) see . allegiance. almanac (TEM8) (5000) almond (TEM4) alms (TEM8) pronounced as arms. Cut down one's arms to offer to the eagle (CET4) (TEM4) as alms. aloft cf. loft (TEM4), lofty ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), lift (CET4) (TEM4), airlift (TEM4), shoplift, Lufthansa. along (CET4) (TEM4) cf. long (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), longevity ? (TEM8), longitude ? (DEE) (TEM4), linger ? (DEE) (TEM4), alongside (CET4), headlong, prolong ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), length (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), lengthen (TEM4), lengthy (TEM4), elongate, oblong (TEM4), wavelength (DEE). aloof (TEM4) (1050) (5000) 45 alphabetical (TEM4) 论语的第一篇。alpha + beta > alphabet (CET4) (TEM4) altar (TEM4) (5000) cf. altitude (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000). alter (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) see adulterate. alternative (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) see adulterate. altercation see adulterate. altitude (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) see abolition. altruism (1050) (5000) see adulterate. aluminium (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) = aluminum. amalgam (5000) amalgamate (TEM8) (5000) am-, + gam-, amass ? (TEM8) mag-. Also mak-. To knead, fashion. 9 Germanic make (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), making (TEM4), make-believe (TEM8), makeshift (TEM8), makeup (MEE+) (TEM4), mason (TEM4), match (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), mingle ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commingle, intermingle (TEM8), among (CET4), amongst (CET4), mongrel (TEM8). 6 Greek massein (aorist stem mag-), to knead, hence magma, unguent: magma Greek maza, a (kneaded) lump, barley cake: mass (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), massive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), amass ? (TEM8). 2 Latin macerare, to tenderize, to soften (food) by steeping: macerate. 1 amateurish amma. Various nursery words. Latin root. 8 Latin amare, to love: amateur (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), amateurish, amative, amatory (5000), amour (5000), amorous (5000), enamor, enamored (1050), paramour. 3 Latin amicus, friend (CET4): amiable ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), amicable (TEM8) (1050) (5000), amigo, amity (5000); enemy (CET4), enmity (TEM8), inimical. 5 ambidextrous (5000) ambhi, also mbhi. Around. 45 Reduced form *bhi in Germanic *bi, *bi- (intensive prefix) in: Old English: by, be- (on all sides, also intensive prefix), bedeck, bedizen, bedraggled, befuddlement, beget, begrudge, beguile (1050), behold, beholden, belabor, belated, beleaguer (1050), belie (TEM8), belittle, bemoan (TEM8), bemused (TEM8), bequeath (TEM8), bequest (TEM8), berate, bereave, beseech, beset (TEM8), besiege ? (MEE+) (TEM4), besmirch, bespeak, bestow ? (TEM4), betoken, betray (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 46 betrayal, betroth, bewail, bewilder ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bewildering, bewitch (TEM8), bivouac. 35 Latin ambi-, around, about: ambi-, ambidextrous (5000), ambience (TEM8), ambient (DEE), ambiguous ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), ambiguity (TEM4), ambition (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ambitious (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), ambivalent (1050), amble, ambulance (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) (5000), ambulate (5000), ambulatory, amputate (5000), exile (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), preamble, ramble (DEE) (TEM8) (< re-, amble), rambler (TEM8). 9 Greek amphi, around, about: amphi-, amphibian (MEE+), amphitheater (5000). 1 ambience (TEM8) see ambiguous ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000) see ambivalent (1050) see amble ambrosia cf. ambrosial (5000), nectar (TEM8). See amortize. ambulatory see ambidextrous. ambush (TEM8) (5000) cf. bush (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), bushy (TEM4) ameliorate (5000) cf. meliorism. 社会改良论. Amelie. amenable (TEM4) (1050) (5000) men-. 2. To project. 16 Latin minae, projecting points, threats (> minari, to threaten): menace ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), minaret, minatory, amenable (TEM4) (1050) (5000), amenity (TEM8), demean 1, demeanor (TEM8), mien, misdemeanor, promenade. 9 Latin minere, to project, jut, threaten: eminent ? (MEE) (TEM4) (1050), eminence (DEE) (TEM4), imminent ? (DEE) (TEM4), preeminent (TEM8) (1050), prominent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 4 Latin mons (stem mont-), moutain: mount (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, mountain (CET4) (TEM4), mountainous (TEM4), mountebank, amount (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), paramount (TEM8), ultramontane. 3 amendment (TEM4) mend-. Physical defect, fault. 6 Latin mendum, menda, defect, fault: mendicant, amend ? (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), amendment (DEE) (TEM4), amends, emend (TEM8), mend (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (aphetic of amend). 4 Latin mendax, lying, liar: mendacious, mendacity. 2 amenity see amenable. amethyst A cherished jewel (CET4) (TEM4), a pale blue or violet variety or quartz ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), the amethyst was considered a symbol of 47 modesty, peace of mind, and piety, but was also associated with powers of mental healing. In ancient times it was thought to protect against drunkenness; similarly, Eduard Morike wrote in 1853 that the amethyst "quickly drives the heavy fog (CET4) of wine from the head, indeed checks tipsiness even in a serious drinker; for this reason it is often used to adorn the fingers of laymen and clergy." amiable ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) see amateurish. amicable (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see amateurish. amity (5000) see amateurish. amnesia (TEM8) see admonish. amnesty (TEM8) (1050) see admonish. amoral Latin mos, custom, habit. 8 moral (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), morality (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), moralistic, morale ? (TEM4), mores (TEM8), amoral, demoralize (TEM8) (1050), immoral (TEM4), immorality, mood (MEE) (DEE), moody, morose (mnemonics). 8 amorous (5000) see amateurish. amorphous (1050) (5000) amortize mer-. 2. To rub away, harm. 15 Germanic nightmare (MEE) (DEE). 1 Latin mortarium, "ground down," mortar: mortar. 1 Latin mordere (past participle morsus), to bite: mordacious, mordant, morsel, remorse ? (TEM8). 3 Latin morbus, disease: morbid (TEM8) (1050). 1 Germanic murder (CET4) (TEM4). Latin mors (stem mort-), death: mortal ?(MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mortality (TEM8), mortuary (TEM8), amortize, immortal ? (TEM4), mortgage ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mortify (MEE+), mortification, postmortem. 7 Latin mori, to die: moribund (TEM8) (1050). 1 Greek ambrotos, immortal, divine: ambrosia, ambrosial (5000). 1 amphibian (MEE+) (TEM8) see ambidextrous and convivial. ample ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. amply (5000), amplify ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), amplifier (MEE) (TEM4), amplitude (5000). amplify ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) amplitude (5000) amputate (5000) peu-. To cut, strike, stamp. 22 48 Latin putare, to prune, clean, settle an account, think over, reflect, consider: putative, account (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), accountable ?, accountant (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), accountability, amputate (5000), compute (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (TEM4), > count (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, counter (CET4) (CET4) (TEM4), countable (TEM4), countless (DEE) (TEM4), computational (DEE), depute, deputation (TEM8), deputize, deputy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), discount (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), dispute (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disputable (TEM4), disputant, disputatious, impute, imputation, indisputable (TEM8), recount (TEM8), recount (TEM8), raconteur, repute (TEM8), reputable (TEM8), reputation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reputed, disreputale (TEM8), disrepute. 22 amulet mule (TEM4) > mulet > a mulet > amulet. Wear a small mule as amulet. amuse (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) see admonish. ana- an- before vowel, meaning: on, up, upwards, above (CET4), back, backwards, again, throughout > very much, excessively. anachronism (1050) (5000) (BK) an. On. 10 Germanic on, aloft, onslaught. 2 Greek ana, on, up, at the rate of: ana, ana-, anachronism (1050) (5000), anachronistic, anagram (5000), analogue, analogous (TEM8) (5000), analogy ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), analyze (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), analysis (CET4) (MEE), analyst ? (DEE) (5000), analytical ? (MEE), anathema (5000), anatomical. 8 anachronism (1050) (5000) (BK) Greek chronos, time. 10 chronic ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), chronicle (TEM4), chronology (TEM8), chronological (TEM4), chronometer, crony, (cf. Longfellow), cronyism, anachronism (1050) (5000) (BK), anachronistic, diachronic, synchronic, synchronize (DEE), (synchronized diving), synchronous, asynchronous. 10 anachronistic see anachronism. anaerobic see aerate. anagram (5000) see anachronism. analgesic cf. nostalgia (TEM8) (1050), neuralgia, algophobia. analogue see allege analogy ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) see allege analysis (CET4) (MEE) leu-. 1. To loosen, divide, cut apart. 22 Germanic forlorn (TEM8) (1050), -less, nevertheless (CET4) (AWL10), nonetheless (AWL10), lose (CET4) (TEM4), loss (CET4) (TEM4), lost (TEM4), 49 loose (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), loosen (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), footloose. 3 Greek luein, to loosen, release, untie: analyse (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (5000), analysis (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), anlytical ? (MEE) (TEM8), analyst ? (DEE) (5000), analyze (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), catalysis, catalyst (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), catalyze (MEE+), dialysis, paralysis, paralyze ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Lysol. 5 Prefixed form *se-lu- (se-, apart) in Latin solvere, to loosen, untie: soluble (MEE) (DEE), insoluble, solute, solution (MEE) (DEE), solve (MEE) (DEE), solvent (DEE), solvency, insolvent (1050), insolvency, absolute (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), absolutely (TEM4), absolve (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), absolution (5000), dissolve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dissolute, dissolution (TEM4), resolve (CET4) (AWL4) (DEE) (TEM4), resolute (TEM4) (1050), resolution (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 14 anarchist ? see archaeology. anarchy (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see archaeology. anathema (5000) see affect. anatomical tem-. Also temH-. To cut. 6 Greek temnein, to cut: tome, -tome, -tomy, anatomy (MEE+) (TEM4) (5000), anatomical, atom (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), atomic (CET4) (TEM4), dichotomy (1050), entomo-, entomology, epitome (TEM8) (1050), epitomize (TEM8). 4 Latin templum, temple, shrine, open place for observation (augury term < "place reserved or cut out"), small piece of timber: temple (DEE) 1, 2, contemplate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin tondere, to share, shave: tonsure, tonsorial. 1 ancestor (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see accede. anchorite cf. anchor (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), -ite, "pertaining to or connected with", "member of", "follower, devotee, or admirer". ancillary an 希拉里。 anecdote ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) do-. To give. 27 Latin dare, to give: date (CET4) (TEM4), dated (TEM8), antedate (5000), outdated (MEE+), postdate, update (MEE) (DEE), up-to-date (MEE) (DEE), datum (DEE), data (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), database (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), die (CET4) (TEM8) 2 (pl. dice ? (TEM8)), add (CET4) (TEM4), addendum (5000), addition (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), additional (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), additionally (TEM4), additive ? (MEE+) (TEM8), betray (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), betrayal, (demand), edit (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), edition (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), 50 editor (CET4) (TEM4), editorial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), outdated, perdition, render (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rendering, rendezvous (TEM8), rendition (TEM8), rent (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, rental (TEM4), surrender (MEE) (DEE), tradition (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE), extradite (TEM8), extradition, nontraditional, traitor (MEE), treason (MEE), vend (cf. venal), vendor (MEE+). 18 Render (CET4) unto Ceasar the things that are Caesar's. I love treason (MEE), but hate (CET4) a traitor (MEE). Latin donum, gift (> donare, to present, forgive): donate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), donation (CET4) (TEM4), donator (TEM4), donor (TEM4), condone (1050) (cf. forgive), pardon (CET4) (TEM4). 3 Latin dos (genitive dotis), dowry: dowager (TEM8), dower, dowry (TEM8), endow ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 2 Greek didonai, to give: dose (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dosage (TEM8), overdose (TEM8), anecdote ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), anecdotage, antidote (TEM8) (5000), Pandora, Pandora’s box (1050), Dorothy, Theodore. 4 anemia (TEM8) (5000) an-, not, without; hem-, -em, blood; -ia, denoting conditions, qualities, and entities. Cf. hemophile, hemorrhage (TEM8), hemostat, anemia (TEM8) (5000), anemic (5000), leukemia (TEM8). 4 anaesthetic (5000) see aesthete. angel ? (TEM4) “messenger”, cf. angelic (5000), evangelism, evangelist (TEM4). anguish ? (MEE) (TEM8) cf. angst (1050), anxious (TEM4) (5000), anxiety (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). angular (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) ank-. Also ang-. To bend. 5 Germanic ankle (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), angle (TEM4) (fishhook), Angle (the Angles). 1 Greek anchor (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), anchorman (TEM4). Latin angulus, angle, corner: angle (DEE) (TEM4), angular (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), quadrangle (TEM8), rectangle ? (MEE) (TEM4), rectangular ? (DEE), triangle (MEE) (DEE). 4 anhydrous (5000) Greek hudor, water: hydrant (TEM8), hydrate, hydro-, hydrogen (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hydroelectric (MEE+) (TEM4), hydraulic (DEE) (TEM8), hydrocarbon (TEM8), hydrous, anhydrous (5000), carbohydrate ?, dehydrate (TEM8). 6 animate (TEM8) AnH-. To breathe. 9 Latin animus, reason, mind, and anima, soul (DEE), spirit, life, breath: 51 anima, animadvert (5000), animadversion (5000), animal (CET4), animalcule (5000), animate (TEM8) (5000), animated (1050), animation (DEE) (TEM8), animosity (TEM8) (1050) (5000), animus; equanimity (1050), inanimate (TEM4) (1050), magnanimous (1050), pusillanimous, unanimity, unanimous (MEE) (DEE). 9 ankle (CET4) (TEM4) see angular. animosity (TEM8) (1050) (5000) 有爱就有恨;爱之深,恨之切;“爱你莫再提” see animate. animus see animate. annals (TEM4) (5000) Latin annus, year: annals (TEM4) (5000), annalist (5000), annual (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), annuity (TEM8) (5000); anniversary (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), biennial, centenary (TEM8), millennium (MEE+) (TEM4), perennial (1050), superannuated. 5 annexation ned-. to bind, tie. 5 Germanic net (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), internet (CET4) (TEM4), network (CET4) (AWL5) (DEE) (TEM4), nettle (nettles or plants of closely related genera such as hemp (TEM4) were used as a source of fiber (CET4)). 1 Latin nodus, a knot: Node (TEM8), nodule, denouement. 1 Latin nectere (past participle nexus), to tie, bind, connect: nexus, annex ? (MEE+) (TEM4) (5000), annexation, connect (CET4) (TEM4), connection (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disconnect (TEM4), disconnected, interconnect (TEM4). 3 annihilate (TEM8) (5000) see abnegate. annotate (1050) (5000) see agnostic. announce (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin nuntius, "announcing," hence a messenger, also a message, and nuntium, message: nuncio, announce (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), announcement (TEM4), annunciation (5000), announcer (TEM4), denounce ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), denunciation, enunciate (1050), enunciation, pronounce (CET4) (TEM4), pronunciation (CET4), pronounced, renounce ? (MEE+) (TEM4) (1050), renunciation (TEM8). 7 annoy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin odi, I hate and odium, hatred (CET4): annoy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), annoyance (DEE) (TEM4), annoying, ennui (1050), noisome, odium, odious. 6 [ A noisy noise annoys an oyster (DEE)] annoying see annoy. annul (TEM4) (1050) see abnegate. anodyne ed-. To eat; original meaning "to bite." 8 Germanic 52 eat (CET4) (TEM4), etch (TEM8), etching, fret ? (DEE) (TEM8) 1 (to eat up, devour), fretful (TEM8). 4 Latin edere, to eat: edible ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), comestible, inedible, obese (TEM4). 3 Greek odune, pain (< "gnawing care"): anodyne. 1 anomaly (1050) an-, not + homo-, same. anonymous ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) no-men-. Name. 15 Germanic name (CET4) (TEM4), namely (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), namesake (TEM8). Latin nomen, name, reputation: nominal ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), nominate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), nomination (DEE) (TEM4), nominee (TEM8), noun (CET4) (TEM4), cognomen, denominate (TEM8), denomination (TEM4), denominator (TEM4), ignominy (1050), ignomious, misnomer, nomenclature, pronoun (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), renown ? (DEE) (TEM4), renowned. 11 Greek onoma, onuma, name: -onym, -onymy, acronym, anonymous ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), anonymity (TEM8), antonym (TEM4) (5000), eponym, eponymous, metonymy, onomatopoeia (TEM8), pseudonym, synonym (DEE), synonymous (1050). 4 anorexia see rectitude. antagonize (TEM8) ant-. Front, forehead. 21 Inflected form *anti, "against," with derivatives meaning in front of, before; also end. Germanic un- (indicating opposition), along, end (CET4) (TEM4), ending (CET4) (TEM4), endless (CET4). Latin ante, before, in front of, against: ancient 1 (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), ante (5000), ante-, antecede (5000), antecedence, antecedent (TEM4) (1050) (5000), antechamber (5000), antedate (5000), antediluvian (1050) (5000), anterior (5000), anteroom (5000); anticipate (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), anticipation (TEM4), advance (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), advanced (CET4) (TEM4), unanticipated. 7 Greek anti, against anti-, antagonize (TEM8), antagonism ? (TEM4) (5000), antagonist (MEE+) (TEM4), Antarctic (TEM4) (5000), antibiotic (DEE) (TEM4), antibody (DEE) (TEM8), anticlimax (5000), antidote (TEM8) (5000), antigen, antihistamine, antilogy (5000), antipathy (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (BK), antipathize (5000), antiphon (5000), antiphony (5000), 53 antiseptic (TEM4) (5000), antithesis (1050), antitoxic, antivirus (DEE), antonym (TEM4) (5000). 12 Latin antiquus, former, antique: antic (5000), antique (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), antiquate (5000), antiquated (1050), antiquary (5000), antiquity (TEM4). 2 Germanic until Probable inflected form *antbhi, "on both sides of," whence *ambhi. Antarctic (TEM4) (5000) anti-, + arctic (DEE) (TEM4). See antagonize. antecedence see accede and antagonize. antecedent (TEM4) (1050) (5000) see accede and antagonize. antedate see anecdote and antagonize. antediluvian (1050) (5000) see ablution and antagonize. antenna ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. ante-, antlers. anterior (5000) see antagonize, ante-. + -ior, comparative. Cf. senior (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), junior (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), superior (MEE) (DEE), interior (CET4) (TEM4). anthem (TEM4) see affable. anthology (TEM8) (5000) Greek anthos, flower. anther, anthesis, anthology (TEM8) (5000), chrysanthemum ? = mum. anthropoid ner-. 2. Also Hner-. Man; basic sense "vigorous, vital, strong." Greek aner (stem andr-), man: andro-, -androus, -andry, androgen, androgynous (1050), philander. 1 Greek anthropos, man. anthropoid, anthropology (MEE+) (TEM8) (5000), anthropologist?, anthropomorphous (5000), misanthrope (1050), philanthropic (TEM8), philanthropist, philanthropy (1050). 6 anthropology (MEE+) (TEM8) (5000) see anthropoid. antibiotic (DEE) (TEM4) see antagonize. antibody (TEM8) see antagonize. antic see antagonize. anticipate (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see antagonize. kap-. To grasp. 61 Germanic haft (handle), have (CET4) (TEM4) (hold), heavy (CET4) ("containing something," having weight), heavyweight (TEM8), haven (TEM8) ("place that holds ships"), heavy-handedness, hawk ? (DEE) (TEM4) 1, hawker (TEM4), heave (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (to lift), hefty (TEM8), upheaval (DEE). 6 Latin capere, to take, seize, catch: cable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), capable (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), capability (DEE) (TEM4), capacious, capacity (CET4) (AWL5) (DEE) (TEM4), caption ? (MEE+) (TEM4), captious, captivate (DEE) (TEM8), captive ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), captivity (DEE) 54 (TEM8), captor, capture (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), catch (CET4) (TEM4), catch-22 (1050), catchword (TEM8), catchy (TEM8), chase (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, purchase (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), accept (CET4) (TEM4) (5000), acceptable (CET4) (TEM4), acceptance (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), anticipate (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), anticipation (TEM4), conceive ? (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conceivable (TEM4), conceit (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), conceited (TEM4), concept (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conception ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conceptual, contraception (TEM8), contraceptive (TEM8), deceive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), deceit ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), deceitful (TEM4), deception (DEE) (TEM4), deceptive ? (TEM4), emancipate (MEE+) (TEM4) (1050), except (CET4) (TEM4), exception (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exceptionable, exceptional ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), forceps (TEM8), incapable (DEE) (TEM4), incapacitate (TEM8), incapacity, inception (TEM8), incipient (DEE) (TEM8), inconceivable, intercept ? (TEM8), municipal ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), municipality (TEM8), occupy (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), occupation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), occupancy ?; occupant (DEE), participate (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), participant (MEE) (DEE), perceive (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), perceiving, perceptible (DEE), perception (CET4) (DEE), perceptive (DEE), percipient, precept, preconception, preoccupy ? (TEM4), preoccupation, preoccupied, prince (CET4) (TEM4), princess (CET4), principal (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), principle (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), recapture (TEM4), receive (CET4) (TEM4), receiver (CET4) (TEM4), receipt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reception (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), receptionist (CET4), receptacle (DEE), receptive ? (TEM4), recipe ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), recipient ? (MEE) (TEM8), recover (CET4) (AWL6) (DEE) (TEM4), recovery (CET4) (MEE), irrecoverable (TEM4), recuperate (TEM8), Rx, susceptible (MEE), susceptibility, unexceptionable, unprincipled. 48 Latin capsa, repository, case: capsule ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), case (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, cassette (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), chalet (TEM8), suitcase, caisson, chase 2, chase 3, chassis, chess (CET4) 3, encapsulate, encase (TEM8), enchase, purchase. 7 anticlimax (5000) see acclimate and antagonize. antidote (TEM8) see anecdote and antagonize. antigen see antagonize. antihistamine see antagonize. antipathy (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (BK) see antagonize. Greek pathos, feeling, disease. pathetic (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pathos (1050), pathogen, pathology, apathy (TEM8) (1050) (5000) (BK), apathetic (DEE), antipathy (DEE) 55 (TEM8) (1050) (BK), empathy (TEM8) (1050), sympathy (MEE) (DEE), sympathetic (MEE) (DEE), sympathize (MEE), telepathy, allopathy, homeopathy. 10 antiquated (1050) see antagonize. antiseptic (TEM4) (5000) see antagonize. antithesis (1050) see affect and antagonize. antitoxic see antagonize. Cf. toxic (MEE) (DEE), toxin, antitoxic, antitoxin (5000), detoxicate, detoxify, detoxification, intoxicate ? (TEM8), intoxicant. 8 anvil see appeal. Zeus hangs an anvil around Hera's ankle (CET4). Cf. an-, on, + felt. aorta see aerate. apathy (TEM8) (1050) (5000) (BK) see antipathy. aperture (5000) wer-. 5. To cover. 13 Compound form *ap-wer-yo- (*ap-, off, away) in Latin aperire, to open (CET4), uncover: aperient, aperitif, aperture (5000), April (CET4), overt (TEM8), overture (TEM8), pert (an elision of aperture, opening (CET4); thus, open, bold, impudent (1050) in speech or behavior, saucy; also, chic (TEM8), jaunty). 4 Latin operire, to cover: cover (CET4) (TEM4), coverage ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8), covert (TEM8) (1050), discover (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), discovery (CET4) (TEM4), uncover (DEE). 3 Germanic warn (to take heed (TEM8)), guaranty, guarantee (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), warrant (MEE) (DEE), warranted, unwarranted, warrantee, warranty (MEE+) (DEE), garage (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (to guard, protect), garret, garrison ? (TEM4), garment ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), garnish. 6 apex (TEM8) (5000) cf. APECs, apeak. aphasia see affable. aphorism (5000) apo-, horizon, "separate from" > define > definition > pithy saying. cf. horizon (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), horizontal (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). apiary (5000) cf. apiculture, < Latin apis, bee. bee (CET4) (TEM4) (b for p, aphesis). aplomb (1050) plumbum. Lead (CET4), Pb. Latin noun. 5 plumb (DEE) (TEM8), plumber ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), plumbism, plummet (TEM8), plunge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), aplomb (1050). 5 apo- before a vowel ap-, before h aph-, prefix representing Greek apo-, combining form of preposition apo, away, off, in many words adopted 56 ultimately form Greek and denoting removal, departure, completion, cessation (DEE), return, or reversion. apocalyptic kel-. 2. To cover, conceal, save. 17 Germanic hell (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), hall (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), hallmark (TEM8) (1050), hull (DEE) (TEM4) (husk, pod, "that which covers"), hulk (TEM8), hulking (TEM8), hold (of a ship), household (MEE) (DEE), hole (CET4) (TEM4), sinkhole, hollow (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), holster (TEM8) (<" that which covers"), housing 2 (protective covering), upholstery. 7 Latin clam, in secret: clandestine (TEM8) (1050). 1 Greek kaluptein, to cover, conceal: Calypso, apocalypse (1050), apocalyptic, eucalyptus. 2 Germanic helm 2 (protection, covering), helmet ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin occulere (past participle occultus), to cover over (ob-, over): occult. 1 Latin color, color, hue (< "that which covers"): color (CET4) (TEM4), colorful (DEE) (TEM4), colorless (TEM4), coloration, Rio Colorado (reddish). 1 Latin cella, storeroom, chamber: cell (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cellular (TEM4), celluloid (TEM4), cellar (CET4) (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin cilium, lower eyelid: cilium, ciliate, supercilious, superciliousness, supercilium. 3 Latin celare, to hide: conceal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), concealment (DEE). 1 apocrypha krau-. Also kru-. To conceal, hide. 5 Greek kruptein, to hide: crypt (TEM8), cryptic (TEM8) (1050), crypto-, cryptogram, krypton, Apocrypha, apocryphal (1050), encrypt, grotto, grotesque ? (TEM8). 5 apogee (5000) apo-, away from + ge-, earth. Cf. perigee. apolitical a-, not, + political. apologize see apo- and allege. apologist see apo- and allege. apophasis see apo- and affable. apoplectic plak-. 2. To strike. 7 Latin plaga, a blow, stroke: plague (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Greek plessein, to beat, strike: apoplexy, apoplectic. 1 Nasalized forms *pla-n-k-, *pla-n-g- in Germanic 57 fling (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). Latin plangere, to strike (one's breast), lament: plaint, plangent, complain (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), complaint (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), plaintiff (TEM8), plaintive (1050). 3 Greek plazein, to drive away, turn aside: plankton, planet (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), (Greek asteres planetai, wandering star), planetary. 2 apostasy (5000) (BK) sta-. To stand; with derivatives meaning "place or thing that is standing." 98 Germanic steed (stallion, studhorse < "place for breeding horses"), stool (MEE) (DEE). Latin stare (third person singular present subjunctive stet), to stand, with its past participle status and derivatives statura, height (TEM4), stature, and statuere, to set up, erect, cause to stand: stage (DEE), stagnant, stagnation (1050), stagy, staid (1050), stale (MEE) (DEE), stalemate (1050), stance, stanch, staunch (1050), stadium (MEE) (DEE), stanza, stator, , statuary, statue (MEE) (DEE), statuette, stature (MEE+), statute (MEE), statutory, stay (DEE) 1, stet, arrest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), arresting, circumstance (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), circumstantial (1050), constant (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), constancy (TEM8), constitute (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), constituent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), constitution (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), constitutional (TEM4), contrast (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cost (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), costly (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), destitute (TEM8) (1050), destitution, distant (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), distance (CET4) (TEM4), extant, inconstancy, instance (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), instant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), instantly (TEM4), instantaneous ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), institute (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), institution (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), institutionalized, obstacle (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), obstetric, oust ? (TEM8), prostitute (TEM4), reconstitute (TEM4), rest (CET4) (TEM4) 2, restful (TEM4), restless (CET4) (TEM4), restitute, restitution (TEM8), restive, restiveness, substance (MEE) (DEE), substantial (MEE) (DEE), insubstantial, substantiate (1050), unsubstantiated, substantive, substitute (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE), superstition (MEE) (DEE), upstage. 44 Latin stamen, thread of the warp (a technical term): stamen, stamina (pl., thread spun by one of the Fates). 1 Germanic stand, standpoint (MEE) (DEE), standstill (MEE+), outstanding (CET4) (DEE), understand, standard (DEE), standardize (DEE), stem (MEE) (DEE) 1 (tree trunk), stead (MEE+), instead (CET4) (TEM4), steady (MEE) (DEE), steadfast (1050), withstand (MEE) (DEE), notwithstanding ? (AWL10) (DEE). 4 58 Latin statio, a standing still: station, stationary (MEE) (DEE), stationery (MEE) (DEE) . 2 Latin -stitium, a stoppage: armistice, solstice. 1 Greek statos, placed, standing: stasis, static (MEE) (DEE), stato-. 2 Latin destinare, to make firm, establish (de-, throughtly): destine (DEE) (TEM4), destined ? (TEM4), destiny ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), destination (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), predestine. 1 Latin obstinare, to set one's mind on, persist (ob-, on): obstinate (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin status, manner, position, condition, attitude: state (MEE) (DEE), statement (MEE), statesman (MEE), statistic (AWL4), statistics (DEE), statistical (MEE), status (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE), status quo (1050), estate (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), instate, reinstate (TEM8), restate, understated, understatement. 7 Latin stabulum, standing place: stable 2, stall (MEE) (DEE), forestall, install (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), installation (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), installment ? (MEE) (TEM4). 3 Latin stabilis, standing firm: establish (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), establishment (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), stable (AWL5) (MEE) 1, stability (MEE) (DEE), stabilize, stabilization (DEE), destabilize, instability (MEE), well-established. 5 Reduplicated form *si-st(H)- in Latin sistere, to set, place, stop, stand: assist (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), assistance (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), assistant (CET4), consist (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), consistency (TEM4), consistent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), desist, exist (CET4) (TEM4), existence (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), existent (TEM4), existential (TEM4), existentialist (TEM4), coexist (TEM8), coexistence, inconsistency, inconsistent (DEE) (TEM4), insist (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), insistent (TEM4), insistence, interstice, persist (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), persistent ? (DEE), resist (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), irresistable (DEE) (TEM4), resistant (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), resistance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), resistor (TEM4), subsist, subsistence (DEE), transistor (MEE) (DEE). 11 Greek histanai, to set, place: apostasy (5000) (BK), apostate (5000), ecstasy ? (TEM8), ecstatic (TEM8), epistemology, prostate, system (MEE), systematic (MEE), systematically (DEE), systematize. 7 Greek histos, web, tissue (< "that which is set up"): histo-, histocompatibility, histogram (TEM4), histology. 2 Latin postis (< *por-st-i, "that which stands before" < *por-, before, forth), post: post (CET4) (TEM4) 1. 59 Germanic stow (MEE+) ( place ), bestow ? (TEM4), stowaway, Felixstowe ? 2 Greek stoa, porch: stoa, stoic (1050)“死都亦可”. 1 Latin instaurare, to restore, set upright again (in-, on): store, storage (DEE), instauration. Latin restaurare, to restore, rebuild (re-, anew, again): restore (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (TEM4), restoration (DEE), restorative, restored, restaurant (CET4) (TEM4) ? 2 Germanic starboard, steer (MEE) (DEE) 1, stern (MEE) (DEE) 2, steer 2. 2 apostrophe (TEM8) Greek strophos, turn, twist. apostrophe (TEM8), antistrophe (5000), catastrophe ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), catastrophic, strap (MEE) (DEE). 3 apothecary (5000) see affect. apothegm apotheosis (5000) dhes-. Root of words in religious concepts. 12 Latin feriae (Old English fesiae), holidays: fair (CET4) (TEM4) 2, fairly (CET4), fairground (TEM8). Latin festus, festive: feast ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), the Feast of Lanterns (DEE), -fest, festal, festival (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), festive (TEM8), festivity (TEM8), festoon (TEM8), fete (TEM8), fiesta, Oktoberfest. 2 Latin fanum, temple: fanatic ? (MEE+) (TEM4), fanatical (1050), fan (CET4) (TEM4), profane (1050)圣殿“泼粪”. 3 Greek theos, god: theo-, theism, theocracy, theologian, theology, theological (DEE), apotheosis (5000), atheism (1050), enthusiasm (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), enthusiast (TEM4), enthuisiastic ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), monotheism, pantheon, polytheism, polytheist (DEE). Theodore, Theodora. 7 appall ? (MEE) (5000) pel-. 2. Pale. 5 Latin pallere, to be pale: pale (CET4) (TEM4) 3, pall, pallid, pallor, appall ? (MEE) (5000), appalling (DEE) (TEM4). 4 Latin falco, falcon: falcon (TEM8). 1 Greek polios, gray (CET4): poliomyelitis,> polio (TEM8). apparatus ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) perH-. 1. To produce, procure. 16 Latin parare, to try to get, prepare, equip (AWL7), ward off: 60 parade (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pare (TEM8), parry, apparatus ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), apparel (TEM8), disparate (TEM8), disparity (TEM8) (1050), emperor (CET4) (TEM4), empress (TEM4), empire (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), imperative ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), imperial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), imperialism (TEM4), imperialist (TEM4), imperious (TEM8), parachute ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), parasol, prepare (CET4) (TEM4), preparation (CET4) (MEE), rampart (TEM8), repair (CET4) (TEM4) 1, reparable, irreparable (TEM8), reparation (TEM8), disrepair (TEM4), separate (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), separation (MEE+) (DEE), sever (TEM4), several (CET4). 14 Latin parere, parire, to get, beget, give birth (> partus, accusative partum, birth): -para, parent (CET4) (TEM4), parturition, -parous, oviparous, viviparous, viper, repertoire ? (MEE) (TEM8), repertory (TEM4). 2 apparition (5000) Latin parere, to show, appear. 3 apparent (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), apparently (TEM4), appear (CET4) (TEM4), appearance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), apparition (5000), disappear (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), inapparent, reappear (TEM4), transparent (MEE) (DEE), transparency. 3 appeal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) pel-. 5. To thrust, strike, drive. 29 Germanic anvil ("something beaten on"), felt 1 (compressed wool). 1 Latin filtrum, filter, piece of felt: filter (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), felt (TEM8), infiltrate (TEM8). 1 Latin pellere (past participle pulsus), to push, drive, strike: pulsate, pulsating, pulse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, push (CET4) (DEE), compel (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), compelling, compulsion (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), compulsive, compulsory ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), dispel (TEM4), expel (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), expulsion (DEE) (TEM8), impel (TEM8), impulse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), impulsive (TEM4), propel ? (MEE) (DEE), propeller, propulsion (DEE), repel ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), repeal ? (DEE) (TEM4), repellent (TEM8), repulse (TEM8), repulsion (TEM8), repulsive. 22 Latin polire, to make smooth, polish (<" to full cloth"): polish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), polished. 2 Latin appellare, "to drive to," address, entreat, appeal, call (ad-, to): appeal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), appealing (TEM4), appellate (5000), appellation (5000). 3 appealing (TEM4) see appeal. appease ? (TEM8) (1050) (5000) pag-. Also pak-. To fasten. 17 Germanic fang. 1 61 Latin pangere, to fasten: compact (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, impact (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), impinge (TEM8) (1050). 3 Latin pax, peace (<" a binding together by treaty or agreement"): peace (CET4) (TEM4), peaceful (CET4), appease ? (TEM8) (1050) (5000), pacific (DEE) (TEM4), pacifist (1050), pacify (TEM8). 2 Latin pacisci, to agree: pact ? (MEE) (TEM4), compact (CET4) (TEM8) 2. 2 Latin pallus, stake (fixed in the ground): pale 1, palings, palisade, pole (TEM4) 2, impale (TEM8), travail, travel, travelogue. 3 Latin pala, spade: palette (TEM8). 1 Latin pagus, "boundary staked out on the ground," district, village, country: pagan (TEM8), peasant (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin pagina, "trellis to which a row of vines is fixed," hence (by metaphor) column of writing, page: page (CET4) 2, pageant (TEM8). 1 Latin propages (pro-, before, in front), layer of vine, offspring ( <" a fixing before"): propagate ? (DEE) (TEM8), prop ? (TEM4), propagation, propaganda ? (MEE) (DEE). 3 Latin phrase: Si vis pacem, para bellum. (If you want peace, prepare for war.) appellation (5000) see appeal. appendage (s)pen-. To draw, stretch, spin. 43 Germanic spin (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), spinster, spider (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), spindle (DEE), spindly. 2 Latin pendere, to hang (intransitive), and pendere, to cause to hang, weigh, with its frequentative pensare, to weigh: pansy, penchant (1050), pendant (TEM8), pendentive, pending ? (TEM8), pendulous, pendulum ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pension (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, pensive (1050), peso, poise ? (TEM4) 1, poised, append (AWL8) (TEM8) (5000), appendage, appendix ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), compendium, compendious, compensate (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), compensation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), depend (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), dependable, dependence (DEE) (TEM4), dependency, dependant (TEM4), dependent (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), dispense ? (DEE) (TEM4), dispensable (TEM4), dispensary (TEM4), dispensation (TEM8), equipoise, expend ? (TEM4), expendable, expenditure ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), expense (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), expensive (CET4) (DEE), impend, impending (TEM8), independence (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), independent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), indispensable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 62 interdependent (TEM8), perpend, perpendicular (TEM4), prepense, propensity (1050), propend, recompense (TEM8), stipend, suspend (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE), suspended, suspense ? (MEE+), suspension ? (MEE+). 31 Greek penia, lack, poverty (<"a strain, exhaustion") -penia. Germanic span 2 (to bind), spanner, span (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) 1 (distance), spangle (clasp) (Star-spangled Banner). 2 Latin pondo, by weight: pound (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1. Latin pondus (stem ponder-), weight, and its denominative ponderare, to weigh: ponder ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ponderable, ponderous, equiponderate, imponderable, preponderate, preponderance. 5 Latin sponte, of one's own accord, spontaneously: spontaneous (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), spontaneity. 2 appendix see appendage. appetizer pet-. Also petH-. To rush (CET4), fly. 24 Germanic feather (CET4) (TEM4), featherbrained (TEM8). Latin petere, to go toward, seek: -petal, petition ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), petitioner, petulant (1050), appetite (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), appetizer, centripetal, compete (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), competence ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), competent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), competition (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), competitive (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), competitor (TEM4), impetus ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), impetuous (1050) (TEM8), incompetence, incompetent (TEM4), perpetual ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetuity, repeat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), repeatedly (CET4) (TEM4), repetition (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 16 Suffixed form *pet-na in Latin penna, pinna, feather, wing: panache (1050), pen (CET4) 1, pennon, pennant, pinnacle. 3 Latin propitius, favorable, gracious, originally a religious term meaning "falling or rushing forward," hence "eager," "well-disposed" (said of the gods, pro-, forward): propitiate, propitiatory, propitious (1050). 3 Greek pteron, feather, wing and pterux, wing: -pter, helicopter (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), heliport (TEM4). Greek piptein, to fall: symptom (MEE) (DEE), asymptomatic. 1 Greek potamos, "rushing water," water: hippopotamus (TEM4), Mesopotamia. 1 applaud (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin plaudere, to clap, strike, praise. 7 63 plaudit, plausible (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (deserving applause), applaud (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), applause (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), explode (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), explosion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), explosive (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), implausible (1050), implode, implosion. 7 applicable see applicant see appoint (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) peuk-. Also peug-. To prick. 20 Latin pugil, pugilist, and pugnus, fist, with denominative pugnare, to fight with the fist: poniard, pugilism, pugilist, pugnacious, impugn (1050), repugn, repugnant (TEM8), repugnance. 7 Nasalized form in Latin pungere, to prick: poignant ? (TEM8) (1050), point (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pointless, pounce (TEM8) 1, 3, pun (TEM8) (cf. blending of puzzle + conundrum), punch (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), punctilious, punctuate (DEE), punctual (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), punctuation (TEM4), puncture (TEM4), pungent (TEM8) (1050), pungency, acupuncture (TEM4), appoint (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), appointment (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), compunction (1050), disappoint (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), disappointing (CET4), disappointment (TEM4), expunge (TEM8). 12 Greek pugme, fist: pygmy, Pygmalion. 1 apposite (5000) Latin ponere, to put, place, from *po-sinere (sinere, to leave, let; of obscure origin): 48 apposite (5000), apposition (5000), apropos (1050), component (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), compose (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), composed, composer (TEM4), composite ? (MEE) (TEM8), composition (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), compost, composure (TEM8), compound (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decompose (DEE) (TEM8), decomposition, depone, depose (TEM8) (1050), deposit (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), deposition, depository (DEE) (TEM8), depot ?, discompose, dispose (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disposable (TEM4), disposal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disposed (TEM8), disposition ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exponent ? (DEE) (TEM4), exponentially, expose (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exposure (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exposition ? (DEE) (TEM4), expository, expound (TEM8) (1050), impose (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), imposing (TEM4) (1050), imposition (TEM4), impost, impostor (TEM8), indisposed (TEM8), interpose (TEM8), opponent (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), oppose (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), opposite (CET4) (DEE), opposition (DEE), pose (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Rose Pose, poseur, posit, position (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), positive (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), positiveness, post 64 (CET4) (TEM4) 2, 3, postage (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), postcard (CET4), poster (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), postman (CET4), postpone (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), posture ? (MEE) (TEM8), entrepot (TEM8), predisposition, preposition (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), presupposition, proponent (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), propose (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proposal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), proposition ? (MEE) (DEE), propound, provost, purpose (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), purposively, repose, repository (TEM8), suppose (DEE), supposition (DEE), presuppose (TEM8), transpose. 48 apposition see apposite. appraise (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) per-. 6. To traffic in, sell (< "to hand over," "distribute"). 5 Latin compound inter-pres (stem inter-pret-), go-between, negotiator: interpret (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interpretation (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), interpreter (TEM4). Latin pretium, price: praise (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), precious (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), price (CET4) (TEM4), priceless (DEE), prize (CET4) (TEM4), appraise (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), appraisal ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), appreciate (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), appreciation (DEE) (TEM4), appreciative (DEE) (TEM4), appreciable (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), depreciate (MEE+) (TEM8), depreciation (DEE) (TEM4). 5 Greek porne, prostitute: pornography (TEM4). apprehend ? (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) ghend-. Also ghed-. To seize, take. 19 Germanic get (CET4) (TEM4), get-together (TEM4), beget, forget (CET4) (TEM4) (to lose one's hold), forgetful (TEM4), guess (CET4). 1 Latin prendere, prehendere (pre-, prae-, before), to get hold of, seize, grasp: prehensile, prison (CET4) (TEM4), prisoner (CET4), prize (TEM4) 2, 3, pry ? 2, apprehend ? (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), apprehension (TEM8), apprehensive (MEE+) (DEE) (1050), apprehensible (5000), apprentice ? (DEE) (TEM4), apprise, comprehend ? (MEE) (TEM4), comprehensible (TEM4), comprehension (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), comprehensive (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), comprise (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM4), enterprise (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), entrepreneur ? (MEE) (TEM4) (1050), impregnable (1050), imprison (MEE+) (TEM4), imprisonment (TEM4), incomprehensible (TEM4), misapprehend (TEM8), misapprehension (TEM8), pregnable, reprehend, reprehensible (TEM8) (1050), reprieve, reprisal ? (TEM8) (1050), reprise, surprise. 15 Latin praeda, booty (prai-heda, "something seized before"): 65 predator, predatory (TEM8), prey ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), depredate, depredation. 3 apprentice see apprehend. apprise see apprehend. approach (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) per. 1. Base of prepositions and preverbs with the basic meanings of "forward," "through," and a wide range of extended senses such as "in front of," "before," "early," "first," "chief," "toward," "against," "near," "at," "around." 364 Latin per, through, for, by, thoroughly, completely, intensive: per (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), per-, paramount (TEM8), paramour, parvenu, perambulate, perambulator > pram (TEM4), perceive (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), perceiving, perceptible (DEE), perception (CET4) (DEE), perceptive (DEE), percent (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE), percentage (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), percolate, percussion (TEM8), percussionist, perdition, peregrination, peremptory, perennial (1050), perfect (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), perfection (CET4) (DEE), perfectionist, perfervid, perfidious, perfidy, perforate, perform (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), performance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), perfume ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), perfunctory (TEM8) (1050), perfuse, perhaps (CET4) (TEM4), perish ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), perishable, perishing, perjure, perjury (TEM8) (1050), permanent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), permeable, permeate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), permissive, permit (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), permission (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), permissible ?, permutation, pernicious (TEM8) (1050), peroration, perpendicular (TEM4), perpetrate (TEM8), perpetual ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), perpetuate, perpetuation, perpetuity, perplex ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), perplexed, perplexity, perquisite (1050) > perk (TEM8), persecute ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), persecution (DEE), perseverance, persevere ? (MEE) (TEM4), persevering, persiflage, persist (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), persistent ? (DEE), perspective (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), perspicacious, perspicacity, perspicuous, perspire, persuade (CET4) (TEM4), persuasion (CET4) (MEE), persuasive, pertain ? (TEM8), appertain (5000), pertinacious (TEM8), pertinent ? (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), perturb (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), perturbation (DEE), peruse (1050), pervade (TEM8) (1050), pervasive (MEE+) (1050), perverse, pervert (TEM8), perversion (1050), imperceptible (TEM8), imperfect (TEM4), imperfection, impermanent, impermeability, impertinence, impertinent (TEM8), imperturbable, impervious. 75 Greek peri, around, near, beyond: peri-, perigee, perimeter (DEE) (TEM8), period (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE) (TEM4), periodic ?, periodical (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), peripatetic, peripheral (1050), periphery (TEM8), periphrastic, periscope. 9 Germanic *fur, before, in 66 for (CET4) (before, instead of, on account of), for- (prefix denoting destruction, pejoration, exclusion, or completion), forbearance, forbid (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), forbidden (DEE) (TEM4), forbidding (TEM8), foreclose, foreclosure, forfeit (DEE) (TEM8), forfeiture, forget (CET4) (TEM4), forgetful (TEM4), forgo (TEM8) = forego (TEM8), forlorn (TEM8) (1050), forsake ? (DEE) (TEM8), forswear, forth (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), forthcoming ? (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), forthright ? (TEM8), forthrightly, afford (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), affordable, further (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), furthermore (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (TEM4), foremost ? (MEE) (DEE), former (MEE) (DEE) 2, first (CET4) (TEM4), firstborn (TEM4), first-hand (TEM4). 14 Greek proira, forward part of a ship: prow. Greek protos, first, foremost: proto-, protagonist (DEE) (TEM8), protein (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), protocol (AWL9) (TEM8) (1050), prototype ? (MEE) (TEM8) (1050), proton (DEE), protozoa. 3 Germanic fore ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fore-, aforesaid (5000), forearm (TEM4), forebear (DEE) (TEM4), forebode (TEM8), foreboding (TEM8), forecast (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), forecourt (TEM8), forefather (DEE) (TEM4), forefinger (TEM4), forefront (TEM8), foregoing (TEM4), foreground ? (TEM8), forehead (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), foreknowledge (TEM8), foreland (TEM8), foreleg (TEM4), foreman (TEM4), foremost ? (TEM4), forename (TEM4), = first name, forerunner ? (TEM8), foresee ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), foreshadow (TEM8), foreshore (TEM8), foresight (TEM4), forestall (TEM8), foretell (TEM4), forethought (TEM4) (cf. Premetheus, afterthought, Epimetheus), forewarn (TEM8), foreword (TEM4), forward (CET4) (TEM4), forwardness, forwards (TEM4), straightforward (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE), before (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), beforehand ? (DEE) (TEM4), fro (DEE) (TEM4), froward, from (CET4) (TEM4), furnish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (to further), furnishings (TEM8), furniture (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), veneer (1050). 12 Greek para, beside, alongside of, beyond, resembling: para- 1, parable (TEM8), parabola, paradigm (AWL7) (TEM8) (1050), paradox ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), paragon (1050), paragraph (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE), parallel (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), paralyze ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), parameter ? (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), paranoia (1050) (TEM8), paranoid, paraphrase (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), parasite ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), parenthesis (TEM4), parody (TEM8) (1050). 13 Latin pro, pro-, before, for, instead of: pro (TEM8) 1, pro- 1, prod- before vowel, procedure (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proceed (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proceeding ? (MEE), proceeds, procession (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), 67 process (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proclaim (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proclamation (DEE), proclivity, procrastinate, procrastination, procreate, procure (MEE+) (TEM8), procurator, proctor, produce (CET4) (TEM4), product (CET4) (MEE), production (CET4), byproduct (DEE) (TEM4), productive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), productivity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), profane (1050), profess ? (MEE+) (TEM8), profession (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), professional (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE), > pro (TEM8), professor (CET4) (TEM4), proffer, proficient (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), proficiency ? (MEE) (DEE), profile (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), profit (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), profitable ? (MEE) (DEE), profiteer, profligate (1050), profligacy, profound ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), profundity, profuse (MEE+) (1050), profusion (1050), progenitor, progeny, progress (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), progression (DEE), progressive (CET4), prohibit (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prohibitive, project (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), projection (DEE), projectile, projector (MEE), prolix, prolixity, prolong ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), promenade, prominent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), promiscuous (1050), promise (CET4) (TEM4), promote (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prompt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), promulgate, pronounced, propel ? (MEE) (DEE), propeller, propensity (1050), propitiate, propitiatory, propitious (1050), proponent (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), proportion (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proportional (CET4), propose (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), proposal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), proposition ? (MEE) (DEE), propound, propulsion (DEE), prorogue, proscribe (1050), prose ? (MEE) (TEM4), prosaic (1050), prosecute ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prospect (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prospective ? (MEE) (DEE), prosper ? (MEE) (DEE), prosperity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), prosperous (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prostitute (TEM4), prostrate, protect (CET4) (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), protest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Protestant ? (MEE+) (TEM4), protract (1050), protracted (TEM8), protrude (TEM8), protuberant, provenance, provender, proverb ? (DEE) (TEM4), proverbially, provide (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), provided (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), provident (TEM8), providential, province (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), provincial (1050), provision (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), provisional, provisory, provocation, provocative ? (1050), provoke (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), prodigal (TEM8), prodigality, prodigious (1050), prodigy ? (TEM8) (1050), prudence, prudent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), reproduction, purchase (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), unprovoked. 83 Latin pronus, leaning forward: prone ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8). 1 Latin compound reciprocus, alternating, "backward and forward" 68 reciprocal ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reciprocate (DEE) (TEM8), reciprocating, reciprocity (TEM8). 4 Latin prope, near: approach (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rapprochement, reproach ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), irreproachable. 4 Latin propinquus, near: propinquity. 1 Latin proximus, nearest: proximate (MEE) (DEE), proximity ? (TEM8), approximate (CET4) (AWL4) (DEE) (TEM4) (TEM8), approximately (CET4) (DEE). 3 Latin probus, upright, good, virtuous: probable (CET4) (TEM4), probably (CET4), probability ? (MEE) (DEE), probe (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), probation ? (TEM8), probity, proof (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), proofread (TEM4), prove (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), approbation (5000), approbatory, approve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), approval (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), disapprobation, disapprove (TEM4), disapproval (TEM4), disproof, disprove (TEM8), improbity, improve (CET4) (TEM4), reprove (TEM8) (1050), reproof, reprobate. 15 Greek pro, before, in front, forward: pro- 2, problem (CET4) (TEM4), proboscis, prognosticate, program (CET4) (TEM4), prologue (TEM4), prophecy ? (DEE), prophesy (TEM8), prophet ? (MEE), proselyte, proselytize (1050), proselytizer. 8 Latin prae, before: pre-, preamble, precede ? (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), precedence (DEE) (1050), precedent ? (MEE) (DEE) (1050), preceding (CET4) (MEE), precept, precipice (DEE), precipitant, precipitant, precipitate ? (TEM8) (1050), precipitation, precipitous, precis (TEM4), precise (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), precision (CET4), preclude ? (MEE) (TEM8) (1050), precocious (1050), precognition, preconception, precursor (1050), precursory, predecessor ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), predestine, predetermined, predicament (TEM8), predicate (TEM4), predict (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), predilection, predisposition, predominant ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), predominate (DEE), preeminent (TEM8) (1050), preempt (1050), preface (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prefatory, prefigure, pregnant (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prehistoric (DEE) (TEM4), prejudice (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), prejudiced, prejudicial, prelate, preliterate, prelude (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), premature ? (DEE) (TEM4), premeditated, premise ? (DEE) (TEM4), premium ? (MEE) (TEM8), premonition (TEM8) (1050), preoccupy ? (TEM4), preoccupation, preoccupied, preponderate, preponderance, prepossessing, preposition (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), preposterous (TEM8), cf. 卡prerequisite (TEM8) (1050), prerogative (1050), presage, prescient, prescribe (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prescribed, prescript, 69 prescription ? (DEE), present (TEM4), presentation, presenter, preservation (DEE), preserve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), preservative (MEE+), preside ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), president (CET4) (TEM4), presidency (DEE), presidium (TEM8), prestigious, presumable, presumption, presumptuous (1050), presupposition, pretence, pretend (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pretension, pretentious ? (1050), pretext ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prevail (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prevailing, prevalent ? (MEE) (DEE), prevaricate, prevarication, preventive, prevision, preview ?, previous (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 85 Latin prior, former, higher, superior: prior (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, priority (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE). 1 Latin privus, single, alone (<"standing in front," "isolated from others"): private (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), privacy ? (MEE) (DEE), privation, privilege (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), privity, privy, deprive ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), deprivation. 4 Latin proprius, one's own, particular (< pro privo, in particular, from the ablative of privus, single): proper (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), property (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proprietary, propriety (1050), proprietor (DEE) (TEM4), appropriate (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (TEM8) (5000), expropriate (TEM8), improper (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), impropriety, inappropriate (TEM4), malapropism, misappropriate (TEM8). 8 Latin primus, first, foremost: premier ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), premiere (TEM8), prim, primacy, primary (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), primarily (CET4), primate, prime (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (TEM4), primer, primeval, primitive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), primipara, primogenitor, primogeniture, primordial (1050), prima donna (1050). 10 Latin compound princeps, "he who takes first place" (-ceps, "-taker), leader (CET4), chief, emperor: prince (CET4) (TEM4), princess (CET4), principal (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), principle (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 2 Latin pristinus, former, earlier, original: pristine (TEM8) (1050). 1 Greek pros, against, toward, near, at: pros-, prosody. approbation (5000) see approbatory see appropriate (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (TEM8) (5000) see approve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see approximate (CET4) (AWL4) (DEE) (TEM4) (TEM8) see apron ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. napkin (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). 70 apropos (1050) French a propos, to the purpose. See apposite. apt ? (DEE) (TEM4) see adaptable. aquatic (MEE+) akwa-. Water. 4 Latin aqua, water: aqua, aquarium (TEM4), Aquarius, aquatic (MEE+) (TEM4), aqueduct (5000), aqueous (5000), aqui-, aquifer, ewer; sewer (TEM4), sewerage (TEM4), sewage (DEE) (TEM4). 4 aquiline cf. eagle (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). arabesque arable (TEM4) cf. hectare ? (MEE+) (TEM4). arachnid < Greek Arachne, a famous weaver. arbiter (TEM8) (1050) (5000) Latin arbiter, to consider, judge. arbiter (TEM8) (1050) (5000), arbitrary (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), arbitrate (TEM8) (1050) (5000), arbitrator (DEE). arbitrary see arbitrate see arbor (DEE) (5000) cf. arbor (DEE) (5000), arboreal (5000), arborescent (5000), arboretum (5000), arboriculture (5000), National Arbor Day, herb ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), herbaceous, herbicide, herbivore (TEM8), herbivorous. 5 arcade (TEM8) (5000) cf. arc ? (DEE) (TEM4), arch ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), arcade (TEM8) (5000), archer (TEM8), archway (TEM4). 2 arcane (1050) arek-. To hold, contain, guard. 2 Latin arca, chest, box: arcane (1050), ark (TEM8). 1 Latin arcere, to enclose, confine, contain, ward off: coerce (TEM8) (1050), coercion (TEM8), exercise (CET4) (TEM4). 1 archaeology ? (TEM4) (5000) arkhein. To begin, rule, command. Greek verb of unknown origin; with derivatives arkhe, rule, beginning, and arkhos, ruler: 13 arch-, -arch, archaeo-, archaeology ? (TEM4) (5000), archaeologist (MEE+) (TEM4), archaic (TEM8) (1050) (5000), archaism (5000), archangel (5000), archbishop (TEM4) (5000), archdeacon (5000), archi-, archetype (TEM8) (5000), archipelago (TEM8) (5000), architect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), architecture (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), architectural (DEE), archive (TEM4), -archy, anarchy (TEM8) (1050) (5000), anarchic (TEM8), anarchist?, hierarchy ? (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), matriarchy, matriarch (1050), patriarchy, patriarch (TEM8) (1050), monarch, monarhy (MEE+), oligarchy. 13 archaic (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see archaism (5000) see archer (TEM8) see 71 archetype (TEM8) (5000) see archipelago (5000) see architect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) see archive see arctic (DEE) (TEM4) ardent ? (TEM8) (1050) (5000) as-. To burn, glow. 4 Germanic ash (CET4) (TEM4), ashen (5000), ashtray (TEM4) Latin arere, to be dry, hence aridus, dry, parched: arid (TEM4) (5000), Arizona (< Sp. arida zona), cf: California. 1 Latin ardere, to burn, be on fire, from aridus, parched: ardent ? (TEM8) (1050) (5000), ardor (TEM8) (5000), arson ? (TEM8), arsonist. 3 ardor see arduous (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050) cf. French Ardennes. 阿登高地。 area (CET4) (AWL1) arena ? (DEE) (TEM4) Greek arena, sand, to soak the blood. argot 阿狗 argumentation cf. argue (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), argument (CET4) (TEM4), argumentative (TEM8), argumentation. arid see aria see aristocrat ? (TEM4) (1050) (5000) Greek aristos, best. Cf. aristocracy (5000), aristocratic (DEE), Aristotle, Aristophanes (one who shows the best), Aryan "noble". arithmetic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. algebra ? (TEM4), mathematics (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), maths (TEM4), mathematical (CET4) (TEM4), mathematician (TEM4). armada (TEM8) (5000) ar-. Also arH-. To fit together. 43 Germanic arm (CET4) (TEM4), armful (5000), armchair (TEM4), armchair general (1050). Latin arma, tools, arms: arm (CET4) (TEM4) 2, armada (TEM8) (5000), armadillo, armament (DEE) (TEM4), armature, armistice, armor ? (DEE) (TEM4), armory (TEM8) (5000), army (CET4) (TEM4); alarm (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), alarmist (1050), disarm (TEM4), disarming (1050), disarmament (TEM4), rearm (TEM8). 4 Greek harmos, joint, shoulder: harmony (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), harmonious (TEM4), harmonica (TEM8). 2 Latin ars (stem art-), art, skill, craft: 72 art (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), artful (5000), artifact (TEM4), artifice (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), artificial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), artisan (TEM8), artist (CET4), artistic (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), artistry, artless (5000); inert (TEM4) (1050), inertia ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 9 Latin artus, joint: article (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), articulate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), inarticulate (TEM8), unarticulated. 2 Greek arthron, joint: arthro-, arthritis (TEM8). 1 Greek aristos, best: aristocracy (TEM4) (5000), aristocrat ? (TEM4) (1050) (5000), aristocratic (TEM4), Aristotle, Aryan ? 1 Possibly suffixed variant form (or separate root) *or-dh- Latin ordo, order (originally a row (CET4) of threads in a loom): ordain (TEM8), order (CET4) (TEM4), orderly (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), ordinance, ordinary (CET4) (TEM4), ordinate, ordination, ordinal (TEM8), ordnance; coordinate (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), coordination, disorder (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extraordinary (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inordinate (TEM8), subordinate ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (1050), insubordinate (TEM4). 10 Latin ordiri, to begin to weave: primordial (1050). 1 Latin ornare, to adorn: ornament (CET4), ornate; adorn ?, suborn. 3 Variant or separate root *re- Latin reri (past participle ratus), to consider, confirm, ratify: rate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rateable (TEM4), ratepayer (TEM4), rating ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), ratify ? (TEM4) (1050), ratification, ratio (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (TEM4), ratiocination, ration ? (TEM4), rational (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rationale (TEM8), rationality, rationalize (TEM8) (1050), reason (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), reasonable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reasoning (TEM4); arraign (1050) (5000), irrational (TEM4), underrate. 11 armistice see armada and apostasy. armory (TEM8) (5000) see armada. aroma (TEM8) (5000) "啊, 罗马", 你是多么的芬芳! Hofman proposes that it comes from Greek aromenai, to plough (Latin arare, cf. arable), presumably from the smell of good earth upturned. Cf. aromatic (TEM8) arouse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. raise (CET4) (TEM4), raiser (TEM8), rise (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), arise (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), arouse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rear (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rouse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). arraign (1050) (5000) see armada. arrangement (5000) 73 sker-. 3. Also ker-. To turn, bend. Presumed base of a number of distantly related derivatives. 28 Germanic shrink (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), shrinkage (TEM8), ring (CET4) (TEM4) 1, ringlet, ranch ? (MEE+) (TEM4), range (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ranger ? (TEM8), rank (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)1, rink (TEM8), arrange (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), arrangement (CET4) (TEM4) (5000), derange, rearrange (TEM4), ridge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rickety (TEM8) (< rickets (TEM8) < rachitis < rachi-, spine), (ruck,) rucksack. 11 Latin curvus, bent, curved: curb (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), curvature, curve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), curvaceous. 2 Latin crista, tuft, crest: crest ?, crestfallen. 2 Latin crispus (metathesized from *cripsus), curly: crepe, crisp (DEE) (TEM4). Greek krikos, a ring (>Latin circus, ring, circle): circa (abbreviated as ca.), circle (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), circlet, circum-, circuit (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), circuitous (1050), circular (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), circulate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), circulation ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), circumference (DEE) (TEM4), circumlocution, circumscribe, circumspect (1050), circumstance (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), circumstantial (1050), circumvent (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), circus ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), encircle (DEE) (TEM4), search (CET4) (TEM4), research (CET4) (AWL1) (TEM4), researcher (TEM4). 11 Greek koronos, curved: corona, coronation (TEM8), coroner (TEM8), crown (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), coronoid. 2 array ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin arredare, to arrange (cf. ready), cf. array ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disarray (TEM8), raiment (aphetic of arrayment), curry, curry favor (1050). arrest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see apostasy. arresting see apostasy. arrhythmic sreu-. To flow. 7 Germanic stream (MEE), streamline (MEE) (DEE), maelstrom. 2 Greek rhein, to flow: rheo-, -rrhea, diarrhea (TEM8), hemorrhage (TEM8). 1 Greek rheuma, stream, humor of the body: rheum, rheumatism (TEM4). Greek rhuthmos, measure, recurring motion, rhythm: rhyme ? (TEM4), rhythm (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rhythmic, rhythmical (MEE+), arrythmic, eurhythmic. 4 arrogant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) see abrogate. 74 arrogate (5000) see abrogate. arroyo cf. arrive (CET4) (TEM4), arrival (CET4) (TEM4) (5000), river. arsenal (TEM8) 阿森纳, 兵工厂. Cf. arson ? (TEM8). arson ? (TEM8) see ardent. artery ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see aerate. artful (5000) see armada. arthritis see armada. articulate (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) see armada. artifact see armada. artifice (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see armada. artificial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see armada. artillery (CET4) (MEE+) (TEM4) < Fr. artillerie, < OF. artiller, to equip, deriving -- influenced by OF. art, skill -- from atillier, to arrange, to equip, cf. attire. artisan see armada. artistry see armada. artless (5000) see armada. ascend ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) skand-. Also skend-. To leap, climb. 15 Latin scandere, to climb: scan (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), scanner (TEM4), ascend ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ascendancy, ascendant (TEM8) (5000), ascension (5000), ascent (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), condescend (TEM8) (1050), descend (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), descendant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), descent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), transcend (MEE) (1050), transcendental (1050). 9 Greek skandalon, a snare, trap, stumbling block: scandal (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), scandalous (TEM4). 2 Latin scalae, steps, ladder (CET4) (TEM4): echelon (1050), escalate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), escalation, scale (CET4) 2, escalator (TEM4). 4 ascertain ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) krei-. To sieve, discriminate, distinguish. 31 Latin crimen, judgment, crime: crime (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), criminal (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), criminality, incriminate (TEM8), recriminate. 3 Latin discrimen, distinction (dis-, apart.): discriminate ? (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), discrimination ? (DEE) (TEM4), discriminating, discriminatory, indiscriminate (TEM8). 3 Latin cernere (past participle certus), to sift, separate, decide: certain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), ascertain ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), certainly (CET4) (DEE), certainty (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), certify ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), certificate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), certification, certitude (TEM8), concern (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 75 concerning (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decree ? (TEM4), discern ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), discernible (TEM8), discerning (TEM8) (1050), discernment, discreet ? (MEE) (TEM8) (1050), discretion (TEM8), discretionary, discrete ? (AWL5), excrement, excrete, incertitude, indescernible, indiscreet (TEM8), indiscretion, secret (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), secrecy (DEE) (TEM4), secretarial (TEM4), secretariat (TEM4), secretary (CET4) (TEM4), secrete (TEM8), secretive (DEE) (TEM8), unascertained, uncertain (DEE), uncertainty (DEE), unconcerned. 18 Greek krinein, to separate, decide, judge (> krinesthai, to explain): crisis (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), critic (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), critical (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), critical mass (1050), criticism (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), criticize (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), criterion ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), criteria (AWL3), critique (TEM8), endocrine, exocrine, hypocrisy ? (MEE) (TEM4), hypocrite (TEM4), hypocritical. 6 ascetic (5000) ascribe ? (DEE) (TEM8) (5000) Latin scribere, to scratch, incise, write: scribble (TEM4), scribe, script (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), scriptwriter (TEM4), scriptorium, scripture (TEM8), Scripture, ascribe ? (DEE) (TEM8) (5000), circumscribe, conscript, describe (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), description (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), descriptive (DEE) (TEM4), indescribable, inscribe (TEM4), inscription ? (TEM4), manuscript (TEM4), nondescript, postscript ? (DEE) (TEM4), prescribe (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prescribed, prescript, prescription ? (DEE), proscribe (1050), rescript, subscribe (MEE) (DEE), subscription (DEE), transcribe, transcript (DEE). 19 aseptic cf. septic, antiseptic (TEM4) (5000). 3 asinine cf. ass ? (TEM4), easel. askance (5000) cf. ad-, sconce. askew cf. skew, askew, eschew (TEM8) (1050), shun ? (TEM8), shunt (DEE) (TEM8), shy (CET4) (TEM4). 5 asparagus < a sparrow grass. asperity (5000) cf. exasperate (DEE) (TEM8) (1050). asperse (s)preg-. To jerk, scatter. Germanic sprinkle (MEE) (DEE), sprinkler, sprinkling, freckle (TEM8) (<"that which is scattered on the skin"), spray (MEE) (DEE), spry (1050) (brisk, active). 3 Latin spargere, to strew, scatter: spark (MEE) (DEE), sparkle (MEE) (DEE), sparse (MEE+), asperse, aspersion, disperse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intersperse (TEM8). 6 asphyxia asphyxiate aspirant (5000) 76 spirare. To breathe. Latin word of unknown origin, with its derivative spiritus, breath, breath of a god, inspiration: 14 spirit (CET4) (DEE), spiritual (CET4) (MEE), esprit de corps (1050), Sprite, sprightly, aspire ? (MEE) (TEM8) (5000), aspirant (5000), aspiration (CET4) (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), aspirate, conspire ? (TEM8), conspiracy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), dispirit, dispirited (TEM8), expire ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), expiration (TEM8) = expiry (TEM8), inspire (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inspiration (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inspired, perspire, respire (TEM4), respiration (DEE) (TEM4), respiratory (TEM4), suspire, transpire. 14 Addison: genius = 1% inspiration + 99% perspiration. aspiration (CET4) (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) see aspirant. aspirin (TEM4) an analgesic and febrifuge. assail (TEM8) sel-. 4. To jump (CET4). 11 Latin salire, to leap: salacious, salient (TEM8) (1050), sally, saute, assail (TEM8), assailant (TEM8) (5000), assault ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), (consult (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)?, consultant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)), desultory, exult (TEM8), exultant (1050), insolent (TEM8), insult (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), resile (DEE), resilient (TEM8) (1050), resilience (TEM8), result (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), resultant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), somersault, unassailable. 11 Latin salmo, salmon (< "the leaping fish"): salmon ? (TEM4). assassin (TEM4) (5000) ass ass in, cf. assassinate (TEM4) (5000), assassination ? (5000). assault ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see assail. assay (5000) see agenda. assemble (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (TEM4) sem-. 1. One; also adverbially "as one," together with. 31 Latin simul, at the same time: simultaneous ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), assemble (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (TEM4), assembly (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), ensemble ? (TEM8), reassemble (TEM4). 3 Latin singulus, alone, single: single (CET4) (TEM4), singlehood (TEM4), singular (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), singularity. 1 Latin semper, always, ever (<"once for all"): sempre, sempiternal. Germanic same (CET4) (TEM4) Greek homos, same: 77 homeo-, homeopathy, homo-, homogeneity, homogeneous ? (MEE) (DEE) (1050) (TEM4), homogenize, homograph, homosexual (TEM8), anomaly (1050), anomalous (1050). 6 Greek homilos, crowd: homily (TEM4), homiletics. 1 Germanic seem (CET4) (TEM4), seeming (TEM4), seemingly (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), seemly, some, somewhat (AWL7), -some 1 (like), unseemly. 2 Greek compound haplous, simple (-plous, -ploos, -fold) haploid Latin similis, of the same kind, like: similar (CET4) (AWL1) (TEM4), similarly (CET4) (MEE+) (TEM4), (simian), similarity, simile (TEM4), simulate ? (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), simulation, semblance (TEM8), assimilate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000), facsimile (DEE) (TEM4), dissemble, dissimilar (TEM4), dissimulate, resemble (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), resemblance ? (MEE) (DEE), verisimilar, verisimilitude. 13 Latin simplex, simple: semplice, simplex, simplicity (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). Latin simplus, simple: simple (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), simply (CET4) (TEM4), simpleton, simplify (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). 2 Russian Soviet (assembly) assent (MEE+) (TEM8) (5000) Latin sentire, to feel (<"to go mentally"): scent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sense (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), senseless (TEM4), sensation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sensational (DEE) (TEM4), sensible (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sensibility (TEM4), sensibleness, sensitive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sensitivity (DEE) (TEM4), sensitization, sensor (TEM4), sensory (TEM4), sensual (TEM8), sensuous (TEM8), sentence (CET4) (TEM4), sententious, sentient, sentiment ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sentimental (TEM4), sentinel (TEM8), sentry ? (TEM8), assent (MEE+) (TEM8) (5000), commonsense, commonsensical, consensus (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), consent (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dissent ? (TEM4), dissension (TEM8) (1050), dissenter, insensate, insensibility, insensible (TEM4), insensitive (TEM4), insensitivity, insentient, nonsense (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), nonsensical, presentiment, resent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), unscented. 30 assert (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) ser-. 3. To line up. 19 Latin serere, to arrange, attach, join (in speech), discuss: 78 series (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), serial ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), assert (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), assertion (TEM4), assertive (TEM8), desert (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 3, deserted, deserter, desertification, desertion, dissertate, dissertation ? (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), exert (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exertion, insert (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE), insertion. 11 Latin sermo (stem sermon-), speech, discourse: sermon ? (TEM4) (a series of words), sermonize. 1 Latin sera, a lock (CET4), bolt, bar (?< "that which aligns"): serried. 1 Latin sors (stem sort-), lot, fortune (probably from the lining up of lots before drawing): sorcerer, sorcery, sort (DEE), assort (MEE+), assorted ? (TEM8), assortment (TEM8), consort, consortium (TEM8), exorcise (TEM8), resort (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 1, 2, sortilege. 6 assess (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) sed-. 1. To sit. 38 Germanic sit (CET4) (TEM4), sitting ?, sitting-room (TEM4), set (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, setter (TEM8), setting (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), beset (TEM8), nest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), nestle (TEM8), nestling, ersatz, outset (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), parasite ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), setback ? (MEE) (TEM4), settle (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), settler (TEM4), settled, settlement (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), saddle (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), soot, seat (CET4) (TEM4), seatbelt (TEM4), unsettled, upset (DEE). 10 Latin sedere, to sit: seance, sedan (TEM4), sedentary (1050), sediment ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8), sedulous, sedulity, session (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), siege (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), site (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE+) (TEM4), situate (DEE) (TEM4), situation (CET4) (TEM4), situated (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), assess (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), assessment (DEE) (TEM4), assessor (5000), assiduous (TEM8) (1050) (5000), assize, besiege ? (MEE+) (TEM4), dissident (TEM4) (1050), hostage, insidious (MEE+) (1050), obsess (TEM8) (MEE+), obsession ? (MEE), possess (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), possession (CET4) (DEE), possessed, dispossessed, prepossess, prepossessing, preside ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), president (CET4) (TEM4), presidium (TEM8), presidency (DEE), reassessment (TEM4), repossess, reside ? (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4), resident (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), residence (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), residential ? (TEM4), residual (DEE) (TEM4), residue (MEE+), subsidy (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE), subsidiary (DEE), subsidize, supersede, unprepossessing. 24 Latin sidere, to sit down, settle: subside (DEE). 1 79 Latin sedes, seat, residence: see 2 Latin sedare, to settle, calm down: sedate 1, sedative. 2 Greek hedra, seat, chair, face of a geometric solid: -hedron, cathedra, cathedral ? (MEE) (TEM4), chair (CET4) (TEM4), chairman (CET4) (TEM4), tetrahedron. 1 asset (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000) sa-. To satisfy. 10 Germanic sad (CET4) (TEM4), sadden (DEE) (TEM4), sadness (TEM4), sate 2 Latin satis, enough (CET4), sufficient: satiate (TEM4), satiety, insatiable (TEM8), asset (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), satisfy (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), satisfied (CET4) (TEM4), satisfaction (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), satisfactory (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dissatisfy (DEE) (TEM4), dissatisfaction (DEE) (TEM4), unsatisfactory (DEE). 4 Latin satur, full (of food), sated: satire ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), satirist (TEM4), satirical (1050), satirize (TEM4), saturate ? (MEE) (TEM4), saturation (DEE). 4 assiduous (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see assess assimilate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (5000) see assemble assist (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4) see apostasy associate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) sekw-. 1. To follow (CET4). 32 Latin sequi, to follow: sect (TEM4), sectarian (TEM4), sequacious, sequel (TEM4), sequence (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sequential, sue (MEE) (DEE), suitor, consecutive ? (MEE) (TEM4), consequence (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), consequent ? (AWL2) (MEE+) (TEM4), consequently (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ensue ? (TEM8), execute (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), execution ? (DEE) (TEM4), executioner (TEM4), executive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), executor (TEM4), inconsequential, obsequies, obsequious (1050), persecute ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), persecution (DEE), prosecute ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prosecution (DEE), pursue (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pursuit ? (MEE) (DEE), subsequent (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE). 16 Latin sequester, "follower," mediator, depositary: sequester (1050), sequestrate. 2 Latin secundus, following (CET4), coming next (CET4), second: second (CET4) (TEM4) 2, secondhand (TEM4), secondary (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) Latin secus, along, alongside of: intrinsic ? (AWL10) (MEE) (TEM8) (1050). 1 80 Latin signum, identifying mark, sign (< "standard that one follows"): seal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, sign (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), signet (TEM8), signal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), signature (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), signatory, signify ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), significance (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), significant (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), insignificant (TEM4), signpost (TEM4), assign (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), assignee (5000), assignment (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), consign, consignment (TEM8), design (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4), designate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), designation (TEM4), designer (DEE), ensign, insignia, resign (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), resignation (DEE) (TEM4), resigned (TEM4) (1050). 11 Latin socius, ally, companion (< "follower"): soccer (CET4) (TEM4), sociable ? (MEE) (TEM4), social (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), socialism (CET4) (TEM4), socialist (CET4) (TEM4), society (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), socio-, sociology (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), sociological (TEM4), sociologist (TEM4), sociopath, associate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), association (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), consociate, disassociate (TEM8) = dissociate (TEM8), dissociation. 2 assorted ? (TEM8) see assert assuage swad-. Sweet, pleasant. 5 Germanic sweet. Latin suadere, to advise, urge (< "recommend as good"): suasion, assuasive, dissuade (TEM8) (1050), persuade (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), persuasion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), persuasive (DEE). 3 Latin suavis, delightful: suave (1050), assuage. 1 Greek hedone, pleasure: hedonic, hedonism (TEM8), hedonist (1050). 1 assume (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) em-. To take, distribute. 27 Latin emere, to obtain, buy (> demere, to take away): example (CET4) (TEM4), exemplar (TEM8), exemplary (1050), exemplify (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), exempt ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exemption, impromptu (TEM8), peremptory, preempt (1050), preemption, premium ? (MEE) (TEM8), prompt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ransom ? (TEM4), redeem ? (TEM4), redemption (TEM8), redemptive (TEM8), sample (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sampler, irredeemable. 15 Latin sumere (< *sus(e)m-), to take, obtain, buy (sus-, variant of sub-, up from under): sumptuary, sumptuous, assume (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), assumed, assumption (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), consume (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), consumer (CET4), consumerism (MEE), comsumption (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), presume ? (AWL6) (MEE) 81 (DEE) (TEM8), presumable, presumably (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), presumption (DEE), presumptuous (1050), resume (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), resumption, subsume, unassuming (1050). 12 assumed see assume assure (CET4) (AWL9) (DEE) (TEM4) see accuracy assured see accuracy asteroid ster-. 3. Star. 10 Germanic star, star-crossed. 1 Latin stella, star: stellar, stellate, constellation (TEM4). 2 Greek aster, star, with its derivative astron, star: aster, asterisk (TEM8), Astraea, astral (TEM8), astro-, asteroid, astraphobia, astrolabe, astronaut ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (cf. cosmonaut, taikonaut), astrology (TEM4), astronomy ? (MEE) (TEM4), astronomer (TEM4), astronomical (TEM4), astrophysicist (MEE+), disaster (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disastrous ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Sterope. 7 asthma ? (TEM8) 阿诗玛 astigmatic steig-. To stick; pointed. Germanic 23 stitch (MEE) (DEE), stick (DEE), sticky (MEE), stickler, sting (MEE) (DEE), stinginess, stingy, etiquette ? (TEM8), stiletto, style (AWL5) (MEE), stylus, ticket. 8 Latin stinguere, to quench, perhaps originally to prick, and its apparent derivative distinguere, to separate (semantic transition obscure): distinguish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), distinguishable (TEM4), indistinguishable (TEM8), distinguished (TEM4), distinct (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), indistinct (MEE+), distinction (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), distinctive (DEE) (TEM4), extinguish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extinguisher (TEM4), extinct ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extinction (TEM4), instinct (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), instinctive (TEM4), undistinguished. 9 Greek stizein, to prick, tattoo: stigma (1050), stigmatize (1050), stimulate (MEE) (DEE), stimulant, stimulus (MEE+) (DEE), astigmatism, astigmatic. 5 Latin instigare, to urge: instigate (TEM8) (1050), instigator. 2 Germanic steak (MEE) (to roast (CET4) (on a spit)), beefsteak (TEM4) astound (s)tenH-. To thunder. 6 Germanic thunder (MEE) (DEE), thunderbolt, Thursday, Thor (thunder god) Latin tonare, to thunder: tornado (MEE+), astonish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), astonishment (TEM4), astound (DEE) (TEM4), astounding, detonate, stun (MEE) (DEE), stunning. 6 82 astounding see astound astral see asteroid astray see construct astringent streig-. To stroke, rub (CET4), press. 20 Germanic strike (DEE), striking (MEE), streak, stroke (MEE) (DEE). 3 Nasalized form in Latin stringere, to draw tight, press together: strain (MEE) (DEE) 1, strenuous (MEE) (DEE), strait (MEE+), straits (MEE+), strict, stricture, stringent (1050), astringe, astringent, constrain ? (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), constraint ? (DEE) (TEM8), constrict ?, distress (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), stress (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE), stressful, district (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prestige ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prestigious, restrain (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), restrained, restraint (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), restrict (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), restricted, restriction (TEM4), unrestrained. 17 cf. Strenk-. Tight, narrow (CET4). 3 Germanic string (MEE) (DEE), strand (MEE+), strong, strength (DEE), strengthen (MEE) (DEE). 2 Greek strangale, halter: strangle, strangulate. 1 astrolabe see asteroid astrology see asteroid astronomy see asteroid astute (1050) as tutor (MEE) (DEE) asunder sunder, sundry. 3 asylum ? (TEM8) a sanctuary, "inviolable." asymmetric(al) (TEM8) (1050) me-. 2. To measure. 21 Germanic mael, "measure, mark, appointed time, time for eating, meal": meal (CET4) (TEM4) 2, piecemeal. 1 Latin metiri, to measure: measure (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), measurable (DEE) (TEM8), measurement (CET4) (TEM4), immeasurable (TEM4), measured, commensurate (TEM8), dimension (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dimensional (DEE) (TEM4), immense (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (茵梦湖,银麦啤酒), immensity, incommensurate, unidimensional. 8 Greek metron, measure, rule, length, proportion, poetic meter: meter (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, 3. -meter, metric (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), metrical, -metry, barometer ? (TEM4), calorimeter, chronometer, diameter (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), diametrically (TEM8), geometry (MEE) (DEE), geometrician, isometric, micrometer 83 (DEE), millimeter (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), odometer, parameter ? (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), perimeter (DEE) (TEM8), symmetry (MEE) (1050), asymmetrical (TEM8) (1050), tachometer, thermometer (cf. Thermopylae, pylon), trigonometry (MEE+). 12 Germanic moon (CET4) (TEM4), moonlight (TEM4), moonlighting (TEM4), Monday (CET4), month (CET4), monthly (CET4) (TEM4). Greek men, mene, month: menopause (TEM8). Latin mensis, month: menstrual (TEM8), menstruate, semester (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), trimester. asymptomatic see appetizer asynchronous see anachronism atheism (1050) see apotheosis athletics (TEM4) athletic (DEE) (TEM4), athlete (CET4) (TEM4), pentathlon (TEM8) atlas ? (TEM4) < Atlas, Atlantic (TEM4), Atlantis. atonal a-, + tone. See abstain atone (1050) < at one (with god), in harmony atrocious (TEM8) 啊都射死~ atrocity ? (TEM8) (1050) see atrocious (TEM8) atrophy attach (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) steg-. Pole, stick. 11 Germanic stake (MEE) (DEE), stack (MEE) (DEE), stagger (MEE) (DEE) (cause to stumble (as with a stick)), staggering, attack (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), counter-attack (TEM4), stockade, stocky. 5 ? Old French tache, a fastening, a nail (CET4) (TEM4), buckle, clasp ? (DEE) (TEM4) tach, tache, tack (MEE+), tackiness, tackle (MEE) (DEE), attach (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), attache, attachment (TEM4), detach ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), detachable (TEM8), detached (TEM4), detachment (TEM4), staccato (< distach). 6 attain (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see abstain attempt (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) attentive see abstain attenuate see abstain attest (TEM8) trei-. Three. 17 Germanic three, thrice, thirty, thirteen. Laitn tres, three: trio, trammel (tres-macula), triumvir. 2 84 Germanic third Latin tertius (neuter tertium), third: tertiary. Latin tri-, three: tri-, trident, triangle (MEE) (DEE), trillion (MEE+), triple (MEE) (DEE), triplex, trinity, trivia, trivial (MEE) (DEE). 3 Greek tri-, three: tri-, triad, trichotomy, trigonometry (MEE+), tripod. 1 Compound form *tri-st-i-, "third person standing by" in Latin testis, a witness: testament (1050), testator, testify (MEE) (DEE), testimonial, testimony (MEE) (DEE), testis, attest (TEM8), contest (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), contestant ? (TEM4), detest (TEM8), incontestable, intestate, obtest, protest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Protestant ? (MEE+) (TEM4). 12 Russian troika attic ? (DEE) (TEM4) Athena, Athens, Attica, Attic. Gotta write a classic. Gotta write it in an attic. attire cf. tier, tire (DEE). attorney (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) terH-. 1. To rub, turn; with some derivatives referring to twisting, boring, drilling, and piercing; and others referring to the rubbing of cereal grain to remove the husks, and thence to the process of threshing either by the trampling of oxen or by flailing with flails. 21 Latin terere (past participle tritus), to rub away, thresh, tread, wear out: trite (1050), attrition, contrite (1050), contrition, detriment (TEM4), detrimental ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), detritus. 7 Germanic thrash, thresh, threshold (MEE) (DEE) (sill of a door, over which one treads). 2 Greek tornos, tool for drawing a circle, circle, lathe (> Latin tornus, lathe): turn (DEE), turncoat, turnover (MEE) (DEE), turnip (DEE), attorney (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), tour (DEE), tournament, tourniquet, contour (TEM8), detour ? (TEM8), entourage, return (CET4) (TEM4). 6 Germanic drill (CET4) (DEE) 1, throw (DEE), thread (DEE), threadbare. 2 Latin tribulum, a threshing sledge: tribulation. 1 Greek trauma, hurt, wound: trauma, traumatic (1050). 2 Greek tribein, to rub, thresh, pound (TEM4), wear out (> tripsis, a rubbing): diatribe (1050), triboelectricity, tribology. 1 attraction (TEM4) see abstract 85 attribute (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) Latin tribus, allot, give, pay (CET4). 10 tribe ? (MEE), tribal (DEE), tribune, tribunal, tribute ? (MEE) (DEE), tributary, attribute (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), attributive (TEM4), contribute (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contribution (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contributor (TEM4), distribute (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), distribution (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), distributor (TEM4), redistribute (TEM4), redistribution, retribution (TEM8), retributive. 10 attrition see attorney attune see abstain atypical atypical pneumonia ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) = SARS (s)teu-. To push, stick, knock, beat; with derivatives referring to projecting objects, fragments, and certain related expressive notions and qualities. 25 Germanic steep (MEE) (DEE) 1, steeple, stoop (MEE), stub, stubborn (MEE) (DEE), stint, stunt, stutter, stock (MEE) (DEE), stocking (MEE), stockpile (MEE+), stoker, stoke, unstinting. 9 Germanic step-, "bereft", ("pushed out") step-. Latin stupere, to be stunned: stupendous, stupid, stupefy, stupor. 3 Latin studere, to be diligent (< "to be pressing forward"): student, study, studio (MEE) (DEE), studied, understudy. 2 Greek stux, the river Styx (< "hatred (CET4)"): Styx, stygian. 1 Latin tundere, to beat: contuse, obtund, obtuse, pierce (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (< pertusus, < pertundere, bore through), piercing. 3 Greek tupos, a blow, mold, die: type, typical (MEE) (DEE), typography, typographical, typo, archetype (TEM8) (5000), atypical, daguerrotype, prototype ? (MEE) (TEM8) (1050), stereotype (MEE) (DEE) (1050). 7 auction (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) aug-. 1. To increase. 13 Germanic eke, nickname ? (MEE) (DEE), wax 2. 1 Latin augere, to increase: auction (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), augment ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), author (CET4) (AWL6), authoritarian (TEM8), authoritative ? (DEE) (TEM4), authority (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), authorize ? (MEE+) (TEM4). 6 Latin augur, divine (<"he who obtains favorable presage"< "divine favor, increase"): 86 augur, augury, inaugural (TEM4), inaugurate ? (DEE) (TEM4) (1050). 4 Latin augustus, majestic, august: august (CET4) (TEM8), August, Augustine, Augustus. 1 Latin auxilium, aid, support, assistance: auxiliary (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Greek auxein, to increase: auxin audacious (TEM8) (1050) audacity audible (DEE) (TEM8) see aesthete audition (TEM8) see aesthete audit (TEM4) see aesthete auger augment ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) see auction augur see auction augury see auction august (CET4) (TEM8) see auction aureole cf. aurum, Au. Gold (CET4). Cf. aurora auricular cf. ear (CET4) (TEM4), eardrum (TEM4), earmark (TEM8), earphone (TEM4), earplug (TEM4), earring ? (TEM4), aural (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), auscultation, scout (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). aurora see aureole auspices < Latin auspicium < avis bird, + specere, to watch. Cf. aviary, aviation ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), auspicious (TEM8) (1050). auspicious (TEM8) (1050) see auspices austere ? (TEM8) (1050) austerity (TEM8) authentic (CET4) (TEM4) see autobiography authenticate see autobiography authoritarian (TEM8) see auction authoritative (DEE) (TEM4) see authority (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see authorize (MEE+) (TEM4) see autobiography ? (DEE) see biography (MEE), Greek autos, self. 7 authentic (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), authenticate, autobiography ? (DEE) (TEM4), autobiographical (TEM4), autocrat (TEM8), autocratic (TEM8), autograph (TEM8), automate (AWL8) (TEM4), automation ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), automatic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), automobile (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), autonomy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), autonomous ? (TEM4) (1050), autopsy (TEM8).7 autocrat (TEM8) see automation (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see 87 autonomy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see autopsy (TEM8) see auxiliary (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see auction available (AWL1) (MEE) (TEM4) wal-. To be strong. 22 Latin valere, to be strong: valence, valetudinarian, valiant, valid (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE), valor, valorous, validate (DEE), validity (DEE), value (DEE), revalue (TEM4), valuable (DEE), avail ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), available (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), availability (TEM4), ambivalent (1050), convalesce, convalescence, convalescent, countervail, devalue (MEE+), devaluate, equivalent (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), evaluate (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), evaluation (DEE) (TEM4), invalid ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, invalidate (TEM8), invaluable ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prevail (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prevailing, prevalent ? (MEE) (DEE), unavailable, unavailing, valediction (Latin Vale, Be strong, be well, used in saying goodbye). 20 Germanic wield (MEE+) (DEE), unwieldy. 2 avalanche (TEM4) 啊我冷死~cf. valley, vale, vaudeville (French Vau (for val) de Vire, a district in Calvados, France > vaudevire, a topical song of the region > vaudeville (after ville, city)). avant-garde (1050) Fr. avant < Latin abante, ab-, ante-, before. Cf. advantage (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), advantageous (TEM4), disadvantage (TEM4), disadvantaged (TEM4), disadvantageous (TEM4), avant-garde (1050), vanguard (1050), van (MEE) (DEE), vamp, revamp (TEM8), vantage, advance (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), Fr. En avant! avarice (1050) 硕鼠贪婪,老鼠爱大米,“爱我rice(大米)”in 1168, Moliere wrote L'Avare, the Miser, the hero is Harpagon, cf. harpoon (TEM4), harp ? (TEM4), harpsichord, Harpy. avaricious avenge ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) see abdicate aver wero-. True. Latin verus, true, with its derivative verax, truth: veracious, veracity (1050), verity, very (CET4), aver, verdict ? (MEE) (DEE), veridical, verify (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), verification, verified, verisimilar, verisimilitude, veritable; University mottoes: Lux et Veritas (Light and Truth, Yale), Veritas vos liberabit (the truth shall (CET4) make you free, Johns Hopkins). 10 Latin severus, grave, serious: severe (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), severity (TEM8), asseverate, persevere ?(MEE) (TEM4), perseverance, persevering. 5 averse see adversary aversion (TEM8) (1050) see 88 avert ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) see aviary see auspices avid (TEM8) cf. avaricious, audacity. avocation see advocate avoid (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) eu-. 2. Lacking, empty (CET4). 17 Germanic wane (to lessen (DEE) (TEM4)), wan, want (CET4) (to lack). 2 Latin vanus, empty: vain (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), vainglorious, vanity ? (MEE) (DEE), vaunt, vaunting, evanesce, evanescent (TEM8), inane (1050) (< in-vani), vanish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE). 6 Latin vacare (variant vocare), to be empty: vacant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), vacancy (DEE), vacate, vacation (CET4), vacuity, vacuous, vacuum (CET4) (MEE), void ? (MEE) (DEE), avoid (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), devoid (DEE) (TEM8), evacuate ? (MEE) (TEM8), unavoidable. 6 Latin vastus, empty, waste (> vastare, to make desolate): waste (CET4), wasteland, wastrel, vast (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), devastate (TEM8), devastating ?. 3 avow see advocate avulse wel-. 4. To tear, pull. 5 Latin vellere, to tear, pull: avulse, convulse (TEM8), convulsion (DEE), revulsion (TEM8), svelte (1050). 5 Latin vullis, shaggy hair, wool: velvet (MEE) (DEE). avuncular Latin avus, grandfather, cf. atavism. awash wash, whitewash (DEE) awe ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. awful (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), awfully (TEM4), awesome ? (TEM8), awe-inspiring. awe-inspiring see awe awkward (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. awkwardly (TEM4) AWL awning awry see adversary axiom axiomatic axis ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. axle (TEM4), axillary. axle (TEM4) azure French, Cote d'Azure. B Babble (TEM8) 89 baba-. Root imitative of unarticulated or indistinct speech; also a child's nursery word for a baby and for various relatives. 2 Middle English babble (TEM8), babe, babe in the woods (1050), baby (CET4), baby-sit (TEM4), baby-sitter (TEM4). cf: the tower of Babel, Babylon, babel, "Gate (CET4) of God." 1 Greek barbaros, non-Greek, foreign, rude (<"one who speaks incomprehensibly"): barbarian (TEM4), barbaric (TEM4), barbarism, barbarous (DEE) (TEM4). 1 bacchanal "白啃哪", < Bacchus, Dionysus bachelor (CET4) 大学四年,只混了个“学士”,还是个“单身汉”,真是“白 吃了” backdrop (TEM8) cf. back (CET4) (TEM4), backbite (TEM8), backbone (MEE+) (DEE), backdate (TEM8), backdrop (TEM8), backfire (TEM8), background (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), backlash (1050), backside (TEM8), backup (TEM4), backward (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), backwards (CET4) (TEM4), cf. bacon (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). backhanded backset < set back, to slow down the progress of, hinder backslide backwater badge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) badger (TEM8) (1050) an animal with a white badge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) on its forehead, 白褶儿 badinage baffle ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) 拜服了 baggy (TEM4) 眼袋的形状,cf. bag (CET4) (TEM4), baggage (CET4) (TEM4) bail ? (TEM4) bait ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see abet balance (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) bald ? (TEM4) bale ? (TEM8) bhel-. 2. To blow, swell; with derivatives referring to various round objects and to the notion of tumescent masculinity. 7 Germanic bowl (CET4) (TEM4), bowler (TEM4), bowling (CET4) (TEM4), bole 1 (tree trunk), bulk (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), bulky (TEM8), boulevard (TEM4) (boule, beam, plank), bulwark, boulder (rounded stone), ball (CET4) (TEM4), balloon (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), ballot ? (MEE) (TEM4); pall-mall, bale 1 ? (TEM8) (rolled-up bundle), bold (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), boldness (TEM4), bawd, bawdy. 7 为了养家糊口,去背“大包”,“点儿背,不怨社会” baleful (TEM8) 90 balk (TEM8) bhelg-. Also bhelk-. A plank, beam. 3 Germanic balk (TEM8), debauch, balcony (scaffold) (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). 2 Latin fulcire, to prop up, support: fulcrum. 1 ballad (TEM8) gwelH-. 1. To throw, reach. 14 Greek ballein, to throw: ballistic (TEM4), ballistics (TEM8), anabolism (MEE+), catabolism, devil (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), devil’s advocate (1050), devilish (TEM4), diabolical (1050), discobolus (a discus thrower), emblem (DEE) (TEM8), emblematic, hyperbola, hyperbole (1050), hyperbolic, metabolism (TEM8), palaver, parable (TEM8), parabola, parley, parlance, parliament (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), parlor ? (TEM4), parole (TEM8), problem (CET4) (TEM4), problematic, symbol (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE), symbolize (MEE+). 11 Greek ballizein, to dance: ball 2 (CET4) (TEM4), ballad (TEM8), ballet ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ballerina, ballroom. 3 ballast < barlast < bar, bare, + last, load (DEE) ballerina see ballad balloon (TEM4) see bale ballot (TEM4) see bale ballroom see ballad balm (TEM8) cf. balmy (TEM8), embalm balmy (TEM8) banal (TEM8) (1050) see affable banality see affable bandage (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) bhendh-. To bind. 7 Germanic bind (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), binder (TEM4), binding (TEM4), bend (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), bent (DEE), band (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), bandage (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bandy, bond (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bondage ? (DEE) (TEM4), bound (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), boundless (TEM4), boundary (CET4) (TEM4), Bund, bundle (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), bin ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (tied structure, as of wicker) (MEE), disband (TEM8), ribbon (CET4) (TEM4), unbend. 7 bandy see bane (TEM8) (1050) cf. pain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). gwhen-. 1. To strike, kill. 11 Germanic bane (TEM8) (1050), baneful. 2 91 Latin defendere, to ward off: defend (CET4) (DEE), (TEM4) defendant ? (DEE) (TEM4), defense (CET4) (TEM4), defensible (TEM4), defensive (DEE) (TEM4), indefensible (TEM4), fend ? (TEM8), fender (TEM8), fence (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), fencing ?. 4 Latin offendere, to strike against, be offensive, offend (ob-, against): offend (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), offense / offence (CET4) (DEE), offensive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), inoffensive. 5 baneful see bane banish ? (DEE) (TEM8) see affable banister (TEM4) < baluster, balustrade. bankrupt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see abruptly. Cf. bank (CET4) (TEM4), banker (TEM4), banking (TEM4), bankrupt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bankruptcy (TEM4), embankment (TEM4), banquet (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bench (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), benchmark (1050), mountebank. 5 banquet see bankrupt banter (TEM8) 以“开玩笑”的口吻说“办他~” baptism (TEM4) cf. baptize (TEM4), baptist, baptism of fire (1050). barb barber (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), beard (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), beard the lion (CET4) (1050), barbecue ? (MEE) (TEM4), BBQ, halberd (an ax to split a helm, a beard-shaped ax). barbarous (DEE) (TEM4) see babble barbecue ? (MEE) (TEM4) barbecue 是American Indian的做法。由于烤肉时经常是将整只动物放 在烤架上烤 (cf. holocaust), 有些幽默的法国人将其解释为barbe a queue ("beard to tail") bard Celtic minstrel poet bare (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. barely (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), barefaced. barefaced bargain (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) barge ? cf. bark (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), barge ?, debark, embark ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disembark (TEM4). 4 bark (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1. echoic; 2. cf. birch (TEM4). barn (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) barley ? (TEM4) + -ern, a closed place, cf. beer (CET4) barometer ? (TEM4) see asymmetrical baron (TEM4) cf. duke ? (DEE) (TEM4), marquis (TEM8) / marquess, count (TEM8) / earl (TEM8) / countess (TEM4), viscount, baron. baroque (TEM8) barrier (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin barra, bar, impede. 10 bar (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), barrack(s) ? (TEM4), barrage, barricade ?(TEM8), barrier (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), barrister (TEM8), debar, disbar, disbarment, embarrass (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) 92 (TEM4), embarrassing (TEM4), embarrassment (TEM4), embargo ? (TEM4) (1050). 10 barren ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 败人 barricade ? (TEM8) see barrage barrier (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) see barrage barrister (TEM8) see barrage barter (MEE+) (TEM8) 巴特尔 base (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) see abase baseboard see abase bash (TEM8) a blend of bang (CET4) (TEM4), dash (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) and smash (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). bashful (TEM8) see abash bask (TEM8) cf. bathe (CET4) (TEM4), bath (CET4) (TEM4), bathroom (CET4) (TEM4), Basque, (Bay of) Biscay bassoon see abase baste cf. basin (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) bathetic cf. bathos(突降法;假悲伤), bathos : bathetic = pathos (1050) : pathetic baton see abate bauble French beau, belle, reduplicated belbel (a plaything)> bauble. Cf. bonbon, babble. bauxite bawdy see bale. Cf. body language, bawdy language. bAWL (TEM8) echoic, cf. bow-vow bazaar (TEM8) < Persian (TEM4) bazar, a public market or a street of shops. beacon (TEM4) bha- 1. To shine. 11 Germanic beacon (TEM4), beckon ? (TEM8) (to make a sign), berry (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) (bright-colored fruit), raspberry (TEM4), banner (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (identifying sign, banner, standard, sash, also "company united under a particular banner). 1 Greek phos (stem phot-), light: phos-, photo-; phosphorus, photocopy (DEE) (TEM4), photograph (CET4) (TEM4), photography (DEE), photosynthesis. 1 Greek phainein, phaninein, "to bring to light," cause to appear, show, and phainesthai (passive), "to be brought to light", appear: fantasia, fantasy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fantastic (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), fantasize (TEM8), fancy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fanciful (TEM8), fancier, pant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), phantom (TEM8), phase (CET4) (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pheno-, phenomenon (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), phenomenal, phenomenology; diaphanous, emphasis (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), emphasize (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), emphatic ? (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), sycophant. 9 beam (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) beat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) see butt 93 beatific see affect and benediction beatitude see affect and benediction beaver (TEM4) cf. bear (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), (If I bear you, you should bear with me.) brown (CET4), bearish (1050) bedeck be-, + deck (CET4) = decorate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) bedlam Bethlehem (Hebrew (TEM4), the house of food) > Bethlem > Bedlam, denoted the London hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem, used from c1400 for lunatics; hence, a lunatic; then a lunatic asylum; finally, a madhouse, or the confusion and noise associated with one. bedizen cf. dizzy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), dazzle ? (MEE) (DEE) bedraggled cf. draw (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), drawback ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), drawbridge, drawer (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), drawing (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), drawl (TEM8), draft (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), draftsman (TEM8), draftsmanship, draught (CET4) (TEM8), draughty (TEM8), draughtsman (DEE), drag (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), draggle, bedraggled, dray, dredge, overdraft (DEE), withdraw (MEE) (DEE), withdrawal, withdrawn, drawing-room. 9 beet (TEM4) befuddlement cf. fuzzle, fuzzy beget see ambidextrous and apprehend begrudge cf. grudge ? (TEM4), grudging, begrudge, grouch, grouchy, grouse, ungrudging. 6 beguile (TEM8) (1050) cf. guile (1050), guileful, guileless, guilelessness, wile, wily (1050), witch (MEE), bewitch (TEM8). 6 behold behold this man beholden belabor leb-. 1. Base of loosely related derivatives meaning "hanging loosely." 14 Germanic lap (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) 1 (flap of garment), laptop (MEE) (TEM4), limp (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (lame), lump (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) 1, slump ? (TEM8), slob, slobber, slap (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), slapdash, slaver 1, label (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE). 5 Latin labi (past participle lapsus), to fall, slip: labile, lapse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), collapse (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), elapse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), relapse (TEM8). 5 Latin labor, labor, toil, exertion: labor (CET4) (AWL1) (TEM4), laborer (TEM4), laboratory (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) > lab (CET4) (TEM4), laborious (TEM4), labored, labyrinth (TEM4), belabor, collaborate (MEE) (TEM4), collaboration ? (DEE) (TEM4), elaborate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 4 belated cf. late (CET4) (TEM4), lately (TEM4), later (CET4) (TEM4), latest (TEM4), latter (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), last (CET4) (TEM4), lasting (TEM4), lastly (CET4) (TEM4), belated, everlasting (TEM4), lassitude, alas (TEM4). 3 94 belch cf. belly ? (MEE) (TEM4), bellow ? (TEM4), bellows, bell (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). beleaguer (1050) legh-. To lie, lay. 4 Germanic lie (CET4) (TEM4), lay (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), layer (CET4) (AWL3) (TEM4), layoff ? (TEM4), layout (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), ledge ? (TEM4), ledger (TEM4), belay (surround, < be-, over), lair, leaguer 1, beleaguer (1050), fellow (TEM4), inlay (TEM4), inlaid (TEM8), underlie (AWL6) (MEE), underlying (DEE). 4 belie (TEM8) lie (CET4), liar (TEM4), lawyer (CET4) belittle bellicose (1050) duellum. War. Latin noun (later form bellum) of unknown origin. 5 bellicose (1050), Bellona (wife or sister of Mars, the Roman god of war), duel (TEM4); antebellum, belligerent (1050), postbellum, rebel (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rebellion ? (MEE) (DEE), rebellious (DEE), revel (TEM8), revelry. 5 cf. belle, 我的野蛮女友 belligerent (1050) see bellicose bellwether (1050) wet-. 2. Year. 3 Germanic wether, bellwether (1050). 1 Latin vetus, old (<"having many years"): veteran (MEE) (DEE), inveterate. 1 Latin veterinus, of beasts of burden, of cattle (perhaps chiefly old cattle): veterinary, veterinarian. 1 Latin vitulus, calf ?, yearling: ] veal belongings (TEM4) cf. belong (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) bemoan (TEM8) cf. moan (CET4) (TEM4) bemused (TEM8) muse bench (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) see bankrupt benediction (TEM8) see abdicate deu-. 2. To do, perform, show favor, revere. 18 Latin bonus (Old French bon, feminine bonne), good (< "useful, efficient, working"): bonanza, bonbon, bonfire (TEM8), bon vivant (1050), bonus (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), boon, bounty ? (TEM8), bounteous (TEM8), debonair (1050). 3 Latin bene, well: benediction (TEM8), benefaction, benefactor, benefic, beneficence, beneficent, beneficial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), beneficiary (TEM8), 95 benefit (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), benevolent ? (TEM8) (1050), benevolence (TEM8), benign ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), benison. 8 Latin bellus (> Italian bello, feminine bella), handsome, pretty (CET4) (TEM4), fine: beau, beauty (CET4) (TEM4), beautiful (CET4) (TEM4), beautify (TEM8), belle, embellish (TEM8) (1050), embellishment. 2 Latin beare, to make blessed: beatitude, beatific, beatify, Beatrix. 2 Greek dunasthai, to be able: dynamic (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM4) (1050), dynamics (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8), aerodynamics (TEM8), dynamite ? (TEM4), dynamo, dynast, dynasty ? (MEE) (TEM4), aerodyne. 3 benefactor see affect and benediction beneficent beneficial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) beneficiary (TEM8) benevolent ? (TEM8) (1050) see benediction wel-. 2. To wish, will. 8 Germanic well (DEE) 2 (< "according to one's wish"), weal 1, wealth (DEE) (well- being, riches), wealthy (MEE), commonwealth ? (MEE) (DEE), will 2, willful, nill, gallop ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), wallop, unwilling (DEE). 3 Latin velle (present stem vol-), to wish, will: volition (1050), voluntary (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE), voluntarily (DEE), volunteer (MEE) (DEE), involuntary (TEM8), benevolent ? (TEM8) (1050), benevolence (TEM8), malevolent (1050). 4 Latin voluptas, (the daughter (CET4) of Cupid and Psyche, the personification of) pleasure: voluptuary, voluptuous. 1 benign ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) genH-. Also gen-. To give birth, beget; with derivatives referring to aspects and results of procreation and to familial and tribal groups. 60 Germanic kin ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), akin (MEE+) (TEM4) (5000), kindred (TEM8), king (CET4) (TEM4), kingdom (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), kind (CET4) (TEM4) 1, 2, kindly (TEM4), kindness (CET4), kindergarten (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). 2 Latin gens (stem gent-), race, clan (> French gens, men): gens, genteel (TEM8) (1050), gentile, gentility (TEM8), gentle (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), gentleman (CET4) (TEM4), gendarme, gentry. 4 Latin genus (stem gener-), race, kind: gender ? (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), general (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), generally (CET4), armchair general (1050), generality, 96 generalize ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), generalization (TEM4), generate (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), generator (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), generation (CET4) (AWL5) (TEM4), generative (TEM8), generic (TEM8), generous (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), generosity (DEE) (TEM4), genre ? (TEM4) (1050), genuine (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), genus, congener, congenial (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), degenerate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), engender (TEM8) (1050), miscegenation, regenerate (TEM4), regenerative (DEE), unregenerate. 15 Greek genos and genea, race, family: genealogy, gene (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), genetic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), genetics (MEE) (TEM4), geneticist, genocide (1050), genome, genotype, eugenic, eugenics (1050), heterogeneous (1050) (TEM8), homogeneous ? (MEE) (DEE) (1050) (TEM4), homogeneity, homogenize. 11 Greek suffix -genes, "-born": -gen, -geny, hydrogen (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), nitrogen (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). Latin genius, procreative divinity, inborn tutelary spirit, innate quality: genial (TEM8) 1, genius (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), genie out of the bottle (1050). 1 Latin ingenium, inborn character: engine (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), engineer (CET4), engineering (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), ingenious ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ingenuity ? (DEE) (TEM4). 2 Latin indigena (indu-, within), born in (a place), indigenous: indigen, indigenous (TEM8) (1050). 1 Latin ingenuus, born in (a place), native, natural, freeborn: ingenuous (TEM4), ingenue, disingenuous. 3 *gen-men dissimilated in Latin germen, shoot, bud, embryo, germ: germ (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), german 2, germane (1050), germicide, germinal, germinate (TEM8). 4 Greek genesis, birth, beginning: genesis (TEM8), -genesis. 1 Latin gignere (past participle genitus), to beget: genital, genitive, genitor, gent 1, gingerly, congenital (TEM8) (1050), primogeniture, progenitor, progeny. 4 Latin benign ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), malign (TEM8), malignant ? (MEE) (TEM8) (1050), malignancy (TEM8), pregnant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pregnancy ?. 4 Latin gnasci, nasci (present participle nascens, past participle gnatus, natus), to be born: naive ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), naivete (1050) = naivety, nascent, natal, nation (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), national (CET4) (TEM4), international (CET4) (TEM4), internationalize (TEM4), nationality (CET4) (MEE) 97 (TEM4), nationwide (DEE) (TEM4), native (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), nature (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), natural (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), naturally (CET4), naturalize (TEM4), nee, agnate, antenatal (5000), cognate, innate ? (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050), multinational (TEM4), neonate, prenatal (DEE) (TEM8), puisne, puny, renaissance ? (MEE) (TEM4) (1050), renascent, supernatural (DEE). 8 Greek gonos (combining form -gonos), child, procreation, seed: gonad, gono- benison see benediction swen-. To sound. 11 Germanic swan (MEE) (singer), swan song (1050) Latin sonus, a sound: sonic, sonnet, sound (DEE) 1, benison, subsonic (DEE), supersonic (MEE), unison. 3 Latin sonare, to sound: sonant, sonar, sonorant, sonata, sonorous, assonance (5000), consonant (TEM4), dissonant, dissonance (TEM8), inconsonant, resonate (1050), resonant (TEM4), resonance ? (DEE) (TEM4), resound (TEM8). 8 bent (DEE) see bandage bequeath (TEM8) bequest (TEM8) berate be + rate bereave reup-. Also reub-. To snatch. 16 Germanic rip (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) 1, reave, bereave, bereaved (TEM8), bereft, rover, rob (CET4) (TEM4), robber (TEM4), robbery (DEE) (TEM4), robe ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disrobe, enrobe, wardrobe. 4 Latin usurpare (<*usu-rup-; usus, use, usage, form uti, to use), originally "to interrupt the orderly acquisition of something by the act of using," whence to take into use, usurp: usurp (1050). 1 Nasalized form in Latin rumpere, to break (> rupes, rock): rout 1, route (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (TEM4), routine (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rupture ? (DEE) (TEM4), abrupt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), abruptly, bankrupt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), corrupt ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), corruption (CET4) (TEM4), disrupt ? (TEM4), disruptive, erupt ? (MEE) (DEE), incorruptible, interrupt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 11 berserk bear-coat beseech sag-. To seek out. 7 Germanic seek (CET4) (AWL2) (TEM4), beseech, seize (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), seizure (TEM4), forsake ? (DEE), ransack. 2 Latin sagire, to perceive, "seek to know": 98 presage. 1 Latin sagax, of keen perception: sagacious, sagacity, sage. 3 Greek hegeisthai, to lead (<" to track down"): exegesis, hegemony (DEE) (TEM8). 1 beset (TEM8) besiege ? (MEE+) (TEM4) see assess besmirch smirch bespeak cf. speak, speech, spokesman (DEE), loudspeaker ?. bestial beast (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), beastly (TEM4) bestow ? (TEM4) see apostasy betoken see abdicate betray (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see anecdote betrayal see betroth deru. Also dreu-. To be firm, solid, steadfast; hence specialized senses "wood," "tree," and derivatives referring to objects made of wood. 16 Germanic tree, truce (pledge), true (firm), truism, troth (faith, loyalty), truth, truthfulness, betroth, trust (DEE) (confidence, firmness), distrust (TEM4), entrust (MEE+) (TEM4), trustworthy, tryst (1050) (waiting place < "place where one waits trustingly"), tray (MEE) (DEE) (wooden board), ashtray (TEM4), trough (wooden vessel, tray), trim (MEE) (DEE), tar (MEE). 8 Latin durus, hard (of whose English derivatives many represent a semantic cross with Latin durare, to last long): dour (1050), durable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), durability, duration (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (TEM4), during (CET4), duress, dura mater, endure (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), endurance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), enduring, indurate, obdurate (TEM8).8 bevy see bibulous. 一群少女在喝酒-- 什么酒,百威~originally "a drinking company". Cf. beverage ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) bewail wail, woe (呜), woeful, woe me, woo me (woo woo ye ye, I love you more than I can say) bewilder ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) wild (DEE), wildlife (DEE), wilderness, bewilder ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), biwilderment (DEE). bewildering bewitch (TEM8) see beguile bias ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. biased (MEE), unbiased. bibliography ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Greek bibilion, book. cf. Bible (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), bibliography ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bibliolatry, bibliomancy, bibliomania, bibliophile bibulous po(i)-. To drink. 11 Latin potus, drunk (> potare, to drink): 99 poison (CET4) (TEM4), poisonous (CET4) (DEE), potable, potation, potion, pot (CET4) (TEM4), potluck (TEM8), poupourri, potshot, pottery ? (DEE) (TEM4), potash, potassium, hodgepodge (< hotchpotch < hotchpot). 7 Latin bibere, to drink: beverage ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), beer (CET4), bevy, bib, bibulous, imbibe. 3 Greek posis, drink, drinking: symposium (MEE) (DEE). 1 bicker (TEM8) pik-, variant pek-, to pierce or prick, to clear of unwanted matter, to pluck or gather (especially fruit), hence to choose, to separate as desirable. 16 Germanic beak ? (TEM4), beaker (TEM4), bicker (TEM8), peak (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, peaky, peck ? (DEE) (TEM4), henpecked (TEM8), woodpecker, pick (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pickup, picklock, pickpocket (TEM4), (spike (DEE), spine (MEE), spineless, spiny, spire, spoke). 9 Latin pica, a magpie pie (CET4) (TEM4) 1, 2, pied, magpie (< Margaret, Newcastle United). 2 Latin pique, piquant (1050), piquancy, picket ? (TEM8), picnic (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pike (TEM8), turnpike, pickerel. 3 French pinch (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), pincers. 2 Germanic pitch (CET4), pitcher (TEM4), pitchfork, pickle (DEE) (TEM8). Cf. first pitch. bid (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. forbid (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), forbidden (DEE) (TEM4), forbidding (TEM8), outbid, unbidden, underbid. 4 biennial see annals bifurcate fork (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) bigot (1050) < by god, cf. bigotry (1050), god (CET4) (TEM4), goddess (TEM4), godfather (TEM4), godless (TEM4), godmother (TEM4), gospel ? (TEM8) (god-spell), gossip ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (< god-sib) bigotry (1050) bile (TEM8) bilious bilingual (TEM4) Latin lingua, tongue language (CET4) (TEM4), lingua franca, lingual, bilingual (TEM4), linguist (TEM4), linguistic ? (MEE) (TEM4), linguistics (TEM4), cf. tongue, tang, tongs. 4 bilk (1050) cf. balk billow ? (TEM8) cf. bellows, see bolster billowing 100 bin ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see bandage biography ? (MEE) (TEM4) gerbh-. To scratch. 14 Germanic carve ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), crawl (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1 Greek graphein, to scratch, draw, write, and gramma, a picture, written letter, piece of writing, and gramme, a line: graffito (TEM4), graft ? (TEM8), gram (CET4) 1, -gram, grammar (CET4), grammatical (TEM4), gramophone (TEM4), glamor ? (MEE) (TEM4), glamorous (TEM4), graph (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), - graph, -grapher, graphic ? (MEE) (TEM4), -graphy, anagram (5000), biography ? (MEE) (TEM4), biographer (DEE), biographical (TEM4), autobiography ? (DEE), calligraphy, cryptograph, diagram (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), epigram (TEM8), epigraph, graphite, histogram (TEM4), holograph, iconography, lithograph, monograph, monogram, paragraph (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE), photograph (CET4) (TEM4), photography (DEE), program (CET4) (TEM4), telegram, topography. 13 biosphere bio- + sphere (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE), cf. atmosphere (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), atmospheric (TEM4), hemisphere ? (TEM4), stratosphere. biped ped-. birch (TEM4) The bitch (TEM4) give birth to a doggie by the birch. Cf. bark (TEM4) bivouac weg-. 2. To be strong, be lively. 14 Germanic wake 1, awake (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), awaken (TEM4), waken (MEE), watch, bivouac, wait, await (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), wait-and-see (MEE+), waft. 2 Latin vegere, to be lively: vegetable (DEE), vegetate, vegetation (MEE). 2 Latin vigere, to be lively: vigor (DEE), vigorous (MEE) (DEE), vigorously, invigorate (TEM8), invigorating, invigoration. 5 Latin vigil, watchful, awake (> vigilare, to watch, be awake): vedette, vigil, vigilant, vigilance (MEE+) (1050), vigilante, invigilate (TEM8), reveille, surveillance (MEE+). 4 Latin velox, fast, "lively": velocity (MEE) (DEE). 1 bizarre ? (MEE) (TEM8) blackball cf. black (CET4), blackboard (CET4), blackmail ? blackmail ? (MEE) blade (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) blanch (MEE+) (TEM8) blank (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Mont Blanc, carte blanche (1050). bland ? (MEE+) (TEM4) 101 blandishments blare (TEM8) echoic blase (1050) 不来赛 blasphemy (1050) see affable blast (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) bhle-. 2. Also bhla-. To blow. 11 Germanic blow (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), blowhard, bladder ? (TEM4), blather, blatter, blatant (TEM8) (1050) (Spencer's "the Blatant Beast", a bellowing monster), blast (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), blush ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bluster. 5 Latin flare, to blow (> flabellum, fan): flatulence, flatus, flavor (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), flavoring (TEM8); afflatus, conflate (TEM8), deflate (TEM8), deflated, deflation (TEM4), inflate ? (TEM4), inflation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inflated. 6 blatant (TEM8) (1050) see blast blazon bhel-. 1. To shine, flash, burn; shining white and various bright colors. 27 Germanic blue (CET4) (TEM4), blueprint ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bleach ? (DEE) (TEM4), bleachers, bleak ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), blight ?, blighted, blitzkrieg, blaze ? (DEE) (TEM4) 1 (torch, bright fire) (MEE), ablaze (DEE) (TEM8), blazon, emblazon, blemish (TEM8) (to make pale), blind (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), blinds (TEM4), blindfold, purblind, blend (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), blunder ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8); blond (DEE) (TEM4), blonde ? (TEM4), blanch (MEE+) (TEM8), blank (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), blanket (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Blanc, black (CET4) (TEM4), blackboard (CET4), blacken (TEM4), blackmail ? (DEE) (TEM8), black market (1050), blackout (TEM8), blacksmith ? (TEM4), unblemished. 13 Latin fulgere, to flash, shine: fulgent, effulgent, effulgence, refulgent. 3 Latin fulmen, lighting, thunderbolt: fulminate, fulmination. 2 Latin flamma (< *flag-ma), a flame: flamboyant (TEM8) (1050), flame (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), flamingo, flammable (TEM8); enflame, inflame (TEM8), inflamed (TEM8), inflammble (TEM8), inflammation (TEM8), inflammatory (TEM8), nonflammable. 8 Greek phlegein, to burn: phlegm, phlegmatic. 1 bleach ? (DEE) (TEM4) see blazon 102 bleachers see blazon bleak ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see blazon blemish (TEM8) see blazon bless ? (DEE) (TEM4) to sanctify or consecrate with blood, blessed (TEM4), blessing (TEM4). cf. bloody (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), bloodstream (DEE), bleed (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) vs. blood (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), feed (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) vs. food (CET4), bleeding heart (1050) blessing blinds (TEM4) see blazon blight ? see blazon blighted see blazon blissful cf. bliss ? (TEM8), "Ignorance is bliss" (Matrix) blithe (1050) cf. blissful blizzard (TEM4) < blizz, a storm < blaze ? (DEE) (TEM4), a bright flame, the hiss of rain (CET4) being likened to that of a blazing fire. bloated see affluent blockade (MEE+) (TEM4) < block (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), a felled tree-trunk, cf. balk blockage (MEE+) (DEE) see blockade blooming bhel-. 3. To thrive, bloom. 12 Latin folium, leaf: foil ? (DEE), foliage ? (TEM4), folio, defoliate (TEM8), defoliator, portfolio (TEM8). 4 Greek phullon, leaf: -phyll, phyllo-, -phyllous. Germanic blow (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (to flower), bloom (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), blooming, blossom (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 2 Latin flos (stem flor-), flower: flora, Flora, floral ? (TEM8), florescence, floriated, florid (TEM8), floridness, Florida, Florence, florist (TEM8), -florous, flour (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), flourish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), flower (CET4), flower bed (TEM4), flowerpot (TEM4); cauliflower ? (TEM4), deflower, effloresce. 5 Germanic blade (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 blossom (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see blooming blotch cf. blot ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), blotter (TEM8), blister ? (TEM4), blast (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) blouse (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) blowhard see blast bludgeon cf. bulge (TEM4), blood-gen, 一棒下去,头上见血 blueprint ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) blue (CET4) (TEM4) Love is blue. Cf. blues (TEM8) 103 bluff ? (MEE+) (TEM4) cf. blow (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) blunder ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) see blazon blunt ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) blur (CET4) (MEE) (TEM8) blurb perhaps a blend of "bloody absurd" blush ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see blast bluster see blast boastful beu- 1. Also bheu-. Appears in words loosely associated with the notion "to swell." 7 Old French poke, bag: poach (TEM8) 1, pocket (CET4) (TEM4), poke 3, pouch (TEM8), pucker. 1 Old English puff ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (to blow out), bosom ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (Soft Bosom), boast (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), boastful. 1 Latin bulla, bubble, round object, amulet bullet (CET4) (TEM4), bulletin (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). Latin bullire, to bubble, boil: boil (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, boiler (TEM4), bullion, ebullience, ebullient. 3 Latin bucca, (inflated cheek): buccal, buckle ? (TEM4); debouch. 2 bode cf. forebode (TEM8), foreboding (TEM8). bodyguard (TEM4) cf. body (CET4) (TEM4), bodily (TEM4), embody ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), embodiment, disembodied. bog ? (TEM8) boggle (TEM8) cf. bugbear, bugaboo bogus bohemian < Bohemia, bobo = bourgeois + bohemian, bobo in Spanish means fool. boisterous (TEM8) bolster bhelgh-. To swell. 5 Germanic bellows, belly ?, billow ?, billowing, bolster. 3 Latin bulga, leather sack: budget (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bulge (TEM4). 2 bolt (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) a shaft (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) or arrow (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cf. thunderbolt. bolted bombardment (DEE) < bomb (CET4) (TEM4), echoic, cf. H-bomb (TEM4), bomber (TEM4), bombard (TEM8), bombast, bombastic (1050), bombshell (TEM8), boom (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bumble. bombast bondage (DEE) (TEM4) see bandage 104 bonnet (TEM8) < bon net bookcase (TEM4) cf. book (CET4) (TEM4), bookish (TEM4), bookkeeping (TEM4), booklet (CET4) (TEM4), bookmark (TEM4), bookshelf (TEM4), bookshop (TEM4), bookstall (TEM4), bookstore (TEM4). boom (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see bombardment boon see benediction boor < Dutch boer, a farmer, hence the country lout. the Dutch farmers, hence all Dutchmen there, became known as Boers. Cf. bower, neighbour (CET4) (TEM4) (< neigh = nigh (TEM8) = near (CET4) (TEM4)), neighbourhood (CET4) (TEM4), bheuH-, also bheu-. To be exist, grow. 8 Latin fieri, to become: fiat. (fiat lux: let there be light) 1 Greek phuein, to bring forth, make grow, phutos, a plant, and phusis, growth, nature: physic, physical (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), physics (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), physician (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), physicist (CET4), physiology (MEE) (TEM4), phisiological ? (DEE), physio-, physique (TEM8), -phyte, phyto-, imp, neophyte (1050). 2 Germanic bower (dwelling place), neighbor (CET4) (DEE), neighborhood (CET4), Boer, boor, boorish. 3 Greek phylon, tribe, class, race, and phule, tribe, clan: phylum, phylogeny. 2 boorish see boor boost (CET4) (MEE) (TEM8) echoic, cf. booster (DEE) bootless cf. better (CET4). A boot (CET4) (TEM4) is bootless when you cannot find (CET4) another one. bore (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) All drills turn round and round, to bore. bher-. 2. To cut, pierce, bore. 2 Germanic bore (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, bored (TEM4), boredom (DEE) (TEM4), boring (CET4) (TEM4) Latin forare, to pierce, bore foramen, perforate. 1 Greek pharynx boredom (DEE) < bore (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) boring (CET4) (TEM4) botany ? (TEM4) cf. botanical ? (DEE) (TEM4), botanist (TEM4). botch 白痴,cf. bungle, 笨狗 bough (DEE) (TEM4) trunk (MEE) (DEE) > bough (DEE) (TEM4) > branch (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) > twig > leaf (CET4) (TEM4) >leaflet ? (DEE) (TEM4) boudoir < French bouder (to pout), expressive of the grimace: a room (CET4) to which a woman can retire, not only to pout. Cf. pout 105 boulder boulder > 200mm > cobble > 50mm > pebble ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) > 10mm > gravel ? (MEE+) (TEM4) > 2mm > sand (CET4) (TEM4) > 0.1mm > silt (MEE+) > 0.01mm > clay (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dust (CET4) (TEM4) bounteous see benediction bouquet ? (TEM4) bush (CET4) (DEE) > Fr. boschet > bouquet ? (TEM4), nosegay bout ? (TEM8) cf. bow (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bend (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), about (CET4) (TEM4), rainbow (CET4). bovine gwou-. Ox (CET4), bull, cow. 2 Germanic cow (CET4) 1 Latin bos (stem bov-), ox, bull, cow: beef (CET4) (TEM4), beefsteak (TEM4), bovine, bugle (TEM4) (bos > buculus > bugle, "bull" > bugle-horn > bugle), 1. 1 Greek bous, ox, bull, cow: bucolic (bous > buculus > bucolic) , butter (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), butterfly (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). Bosporus. (Io, Ionian) 1 bowdlerize < Bowdler bower see boor boycott ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) cf. girlcott brace ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) mregh-u-. Short. 10 Latin brevis, short: brief (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), brevity (TEM8) (1050), abbreviate, abridge (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) (5000), abridgement (5000), unabridged. 4 Germanic merry (CET4) (TEM4) (so many brevities are agreeable), merry-go-round (TEM8), merrymaking (MEE+), mirth (TEM8). 1 Greek comparative brakhion, shorter, hence also "upper arm" (as opposed to the longer forearm): brace ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), bracing, bracelet ? (DEE) (TEM4), bracket ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), brachium, brassiere, bra (TEM4), embrace (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 5 bracing see brace. The bracing air of the seashore is rich in ozone ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). bracelet (DEE) (TEM4) see brace bracket ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see brace brackish cf. brine brag ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. bray, brawl ?, braggadocio, braggart, bruit. Let's pray (TEM4) / bray braid (TEM8) cf. bridle, unbridled, upbraid (1050), bride (CET4) (MEE) (DEE). brainwash (TEM8) cf. brain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), brainless (TEM4), brainstorm (TEM4), brainstorming (TEM4), brainwash (TEM4) brake (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see breach 106 brand (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) gwher-. To heat, warm. 7 Germanic burn (CET4) (TEM4) 1, brand (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (piece of burning wood, sword) (MEE), brindled, brandy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (to burn, distill), brandish (sword), firebrand. 4 Greek thermos, warm, hot (> therme, heat): thermo-, thermal (MEE) (DEE), thermometer (MEE), thermos (DEE), hypothermia, Thermopylae. 2 Latin fornus, fornax, oven (CET4): furnace (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), California. 1 brash a blend, either of bold (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) + rash, or of brassy + rash brassy < brass (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cf. braze, brazen (1050), bronze ? (DEE) (TEM4) brat 布拉特 bravado (TEM8) cf. brave (CET4) (TEM4), bravery (MEE+) (TEM4), bravo, bravura, O brave new world bravura see bravado brawl ? see brag brawny "不劳你", a triumph (DEE) of brain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) over brawn brazen (1050) see brassy breach ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) bhreg-. To break. 21 Germanic break (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), broke (TEM8), broken (CET4) (TEM4), breakdown ? (MEE) (DEE), breakfast (CET4), brunch (TEM4), breakout (MEE+), outbreak ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), breach ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), breakthrough (CET4) (MEE+) (TEM4), brake (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), brook (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 4 Nasalized form in Latin frangere, to break: fracas, fraction (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fractional (TEM4), fractious (TEM8), fracture ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), fragile ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fragility, fragment (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fragmentary (TEM4), fragmentation, frail ? (DEE) (TEM4), frailty, frangible, fritter (TEM8), diffraction, infract, infraction, infrangible, infringe (DEE) (TEM8), refract, refraction, refractory, refrain ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 16 Laitn suffragari, to vote for (? < "to use a broken piece of tile as a ballot"), hence suffragium, the right to vote: suffrage. 1 breadth (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) broad (CET4) (TEM4) + -th, broad, abroad (CET4) (TEM4), broadcast (CET4) (TEM4), broaden (DEE) (TEM4) breakthrough (CET4) (YGC) (TEM4) see breach 107 breeder cf. breed (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ill-bred, low-breed, brood ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4). brevity (TEM8) (1050) see abbreviate and brace bribe (CET4) (DEE) bribery, cf. bride (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) bricklayer cf. brick (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) bridle cf. braid brilliant (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) cf. brilliance (DEE) (TEM4) brim ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. brink ? (TEM4), break (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), rim ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) brink ? (TEM4) brindled see brand brisk ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. brusque (TEM8) (1050), break (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) bristle ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. broom (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) brittle ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. break (CET4) (TEM4), fragile broach (1050) "pointed head of weapon or tool"> cf. brooch (TEM4), broach (1050), brocade, brochure ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), broker (DEE) (TEM8) (broacher of wine casks > retailer of wine > ) , pawnbroker. 5 brocade see broach broil bring oil bromide < bromine, "bad smell" brooch see broach brood ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) brood : breed (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) = food (CET4) : feed (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) = blood (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) : bleed (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) brook ? bhrug-. Agricultural produce; also to enjoy (results, produce). 5 Germanic brook ? (enjoy, use; hence to endure) 1 Latin frux (stem frug-), fruit: frugal (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), frugality. 2 Latin frui, to enjoy (CET4), and fructus, enjoyment, produce, results: fruit (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), fruitful (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), fruition (TEM8) (1050), fruitless (TEM4), fructify. 2 brook ? (MEE) (DEE) a small stream, see breach browse ? (MEE) (TEM4) I-E bhreus-, to swell, to sprout (MEE) > a sprout (MEE), a shoot. Cf. browser (TEM8), breast (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) browbeat cf. brow (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) bruise ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) bhrei-. Also bhri-. To cut, break. 5 Latin fricare, to rub: fray (TEM8) 2, fricative, friction ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), affricate. 2 Latin friare, to crumble: friable. 1 108 Latin brisare, to break debris (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8), bruise ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 2 bruit see bray brunt (TEM8) cf. brand brushwork brush (CET4) (TEM4), cf. broom (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) brusque (TEM8) (1050) see brisk brute brutal ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. brute (TEM4), brutish (TEM8), brutality. bubble (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) echoic buck ? 不可 bucket (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 圆桶,“扒开它”,雨倾盆而下 buckle ? (TEM4) see boastful bucolic see bovine bud (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. Budweisser. budge "拔之" budget (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see bolster buffoon = clown ? (DEE) (TEM4), 貌似疯狂,其实 “不疯”cf. puff ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rebuff (TEM8). bugaboo 头上长了“八个包”,吓人的东西。 buggy bulb (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) bulge ? (TEM4) see bolster, bulging disk bulk (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see bale bullion see boastful bully ? (MEE) (TEM4) 公牛很“牛”bull (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4),母牛一样牛cf. bulldozer (TEM4), bullheaded (TEM8), cow (CET4), coward ? (DEE), cowboy (DEE) (cf. cowgirl), cf. boycott vs. girlcott bulwark < bole-work, see bale bumble see bombardment bump (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) echoic, cf. bumper ? (TEM8) (cf. buff > buffer ? (DEE) (TEM4)), thump, bumptious < a blend of bump + presumptious < presumptuous (1050) bumper ? (TEM8) see bump bumptious see bump bungle 笨狗 buoy (DEE) (TEM8) cf. buoyance (TEM8), buoyant (DEE) (TEM8). why do we use "she" to refer to a ship? Because she (CET4) has many a buoys (boys) in every (CET4) harbor buoyant (DEE) (TEM8) bureaucracy ? (MEE) (TEM4) (1050) cf. bureaucrat (TEM4), bureaucratic ? < French bureau (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), a desk, hence, an office burgeon (1050) 暴涨, related to bear 109 burglar ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) bhergh-. 2. High; with derivatives referring to hills and hill-forts. 14 Germanic iceberg (MEE+) (TEM4), borough ? (fortified town), burrow ? (TEM8), burg, burgher. 1 Latin burgus, fortified place (> burgensis, city dweller): bourg, bourgeois ? (TEM4) (1050) (cf: bobo, bohemian), bourgeoisie (TEM4), burgess, burglar ? (MEE) (DEE), burglary (TEM4). 1 Latin fortis, strong: force (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), forceful (TEM4), forcible (TEM8), fort ? (TEM4), forte (TEM8) (1050), fortify ? (TEM8), fortitude (TEM4) (1050), fortress ? (TEM4), fortresslike, fortuitous (TEM8) (1050), fortunate (CET4) (TEM4), fortunately (CET4) (TEM4), fortune (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4); comfort (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), comfortable (CET4) (TEM4), discomfort (TEM8), effort (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), effortless, enforce (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), misfortune ? (MEE) (DEE), pianoforte, reinforce (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reinforcement (DEE), unfortunate (DEE), unfortunately (CET4). 12 burlesque 不如乐死去 burnish cf. burn (CET4), brand (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), brown (CET4) burrow ? (TEM8) see burglar, cf. borough ? bust ? (MEE+) (TEM8) busybody cf. cf. busy (CET4) (TEM4), business (CET4) (TEM4) butt ? (TEM4) bhau-. To strike. 11 Germanic beat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (TEM4), beating (TEM4). 1 Old French bouter, boter, to strike, push (with the thicker end)(> French bouton, button): butt ? (TEM4) 1, (butte, buttock (TEM8), button (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4)), buttress, abut (5000), rebut (TEM8), rebuttal (1050), debut ? (TEM4), debutante.6 Latin refutare, to drive back, rebut: refute ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), refutable, refutation, irrefutable. 4 buttress see butt buxom < bow-some byline by-, "near", "beyond" bygone bypass ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) petH-. To spread. 19 Germanic 110 fathom (length of two arms stretched out) (TEM4), fathomable, fathomless, unfathomed. 4 Latin patere, to be open: patent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), patently, patio (TEM8). 3 Nasalized form in Latin pandere (past participle passum), to spread out: pace (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), apace (TEM8), pass (CET4) (TEM4), passage (CET4), passenger (CET4), past (CET4), bypass ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), passerby (MEE) (TEM4), passport (CET4) (MEE), compass (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (pace > measure), encompass (MEE+) (TEM8), faux pas (1050) (literally, false step; a social blunder), impasse (TEM8), pastime ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), surpass (MEE) (DEE), trespass, expand (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), expansion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), expanse (TEM4), expansive (TEM8), spawn (< expand). 10 Greek petalon, leaf: petal ? (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Greek patane, platter, "thing spread out": patina. 1 byproduct (DEE) (TEM4) bystander byzantine < Latin Byzantium < Greek Buzantion, "the Close-Pressed (City)", compactly built cabal 叩拜儿 cache (1050) see agenda cacophony see affable cactus (TEM4) cadaver see accidental cadaverous see accidental cadence see accidental cadet see cape ? (TEM4). cadet < French cadet, a younger son, a young officer < capdet, officer < a diminutive of caput-, head. Cf. cad, caddie "杆弟" cadge 揩之,揩油。Cf. cage (CET4) (TEM4), 背着筐子乞讨。 caisson see anticipate, case > a chest for explosives cajole (TEM8) (1050) < French cajoler, to babble like a jay in a cage < cage calamity ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) calcify Latin calcis, lime, or Greek chalix, pebble ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) > limestone calculus (MEE+) (TEM4), calculate (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), calculated, calculating (TEM8), calculation (DEE) (TEM4), calculator (CET4) (TEM4), calcium ? (MEE) (TEM4), calcify, calcification, chalk (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), miscalculate (TEM4). 5 calcification see calculated see calculating see 111 calculus see caldron kelH-. 1. Warm. 7 Latin calere, to be warm: chafe (< Latin calefacere), chauffeur ? (TEM4), chowder, nonchalant (TEM8) (1050). 2 Latin derivative adjective calidus, warm (French chaud, warm): caldron, scald, scalding. 3 Latin calor, heat: caloric, calorie ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) = calory, calorific, calorimeter, California. 2 calibre (TEM4) "卡里边", 量口径。Cf. calibrate (1050), calipers, recalibration. 4 calligraphy (TEM4) kal-. 2. Beautiful. 2 Greek kalos, beautiful: Callisto, kaleidoscope (TEM4), kaleidoscopic. 1 Greek kallos, beauty: calligraphy (TEM4), calisthenics (beauty and strength), Calliope (the Muse of epic poetry), callipygian (< Greek Kallipygos). 1 callous (TEM8) (1050) kal-. 3. Hard. Latin callum, hard skin: callous (TEM8) (1050), callus. Celtic Excalibur. callow (1050) call low, 叫声低的小鸟 > 未生羽毛的 calorie ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see caldron calorimeter see calumny 揩了么你,诽谤 calumniate calumniator. Cf. challenge (CET4) (AWL5) (TEM4), challenging (TEM8), challenger. The very best (CET4) have had their calumniators, the very worst their panegyrists. camaraderie (1050) Greek kamara, a vault: camera (CET4) (TEM4), chamber (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), antechamber (5000), comrade (CET4) (TEM4), camaraderie (1050), bicameral. cameo (TEM8) camouflage (TEM8) campaign (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin campus, field, plain. camp (CET4) (TEM4), aide-de-camp (5000), campaign (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), smear campaign (1050), campus (CET4) (MEE), champagne ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), champion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), championship (MEE+) (TEM4), champaign, champignon (Latin fungus campaniolus, fungus growing in the field), decamp, encampment (TEM8), scamper (< ex-camper). 4 112 canard French duck, vendre un canard a moitie, "half-sell a duck" > to coax ? (TEM8) canary (TEM4) kwon-. Dog. 7 Greek kuon, dog: cynic (TEM8), cynical (CET4) (TEM4) (1050), cynicism (TEM8), cynosure (dog's tail). 4 Germanic hound ? (MEE) (TEM4), greyhound (TEM4) Latin canis, dog: canary (TEM4), the Canaries, canine (TEM4), kennel (TEM8) 1. 3 canine see candid (TEM8) kand-. To shine. 8 Latin candere, to shine: candid (TEM8), candidate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), candidacy, candle (CET4) (TEM4), candor (1050), chandler, chandelier, incandesce, incandescence, incandescent. 6 Latin incendere, to set fire to, kindle: incendiary (TEM8), incense ? (DEE) (TEM8), incensed (TEM8). 2 cane (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin canna, a reed or rod (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) > rule > moral rule > code, so canon (TEM8), cf. reed ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) > tube (MEE) (DEE) > cannon ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), canyon ? (TEM4), canal (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), channel (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) canker cf. cancer (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). See carcinogen cannibal "啃你吧” canny (TEM8) cf. can (CET4) (TEM4), cunning ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), uncanny (1050). See agnostic canon (TEM8) canon (TEM8) can be taught by a cane (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), or by a cannon ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). Cannon ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cf. ordinance, ordnance. Order can be maintained by ordinance, or by ordnance canonical see canon (TEM8), Canon 佳能 canopy (TEM8) cant cf. decant cant see accentuate cantankerous a blending of cant and rancorous. cantata see accentuate canter (TEM8) short for Canterbury gallop, pace, trot, a pace such as mounted pilgrims to Canterbury were supposed to have ridden. Cf. gallop ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) / wallop, canter (TEM8), trot (MEE+) canto see accentuate canvas ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 113 Latin cannabis, hemp (TEM4), hence canvass (TEM8), to sift through canvas ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), to sift thoroughly, hence to examine thoroughly. canvass (TEM8) see canvas canyon ? (TEM4) see cane capability see anticipate capacious see capacity (CET4) (AWL5) (DEE) (TEM4) see cape ? (MEE) (TEM4) kaput. Head. 20 Germanic head (CET4) (TEM4), heady (TEM8), forehead (CET4) (TEM4), ahead (CET4) (TEM4), behead (TEM8), beachhead (1050), headache (CET4) (TEM4), headdress (TEM8), headgear (TEM8), headhunter (TEM8), heading (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), headlamp (TEM4), headline (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), headlong (TEM4), headman (TEM4), headmaster (CET4) (TEM4), head-on (TEM4), head-phone (TEM8), headquarters (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), headrest (TEM8), headroom (TEM4), headship (TEM8), headstone (TEM8), headstrong (TEM8), headway (TEM8), headwind (TEM4). 3 Latin caput, head (> Italian capo, head): cadet, cap (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cape ? (MEE) (TEM4) 2, capillary (TEM8) (Latin pillus, hair), capital (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, capital (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, capitalism ? (MEE) (TEM4) (1050), capitalist (TEM4), capitalize (TEM4), capitol, capitation, capitulate (1050), captain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), capsize (TEM8), cattle (CET4) (DEE), chattel, chapel ? (TEM4) (法国的St. Chapel教堂原为放置St. Martin de Tours 衣冠之地), chaplain (TEM8), chapter (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4), chef ? (MEE) (TEM4), chief (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), chiefly (TEM4), chieftain (TEM8), biceps, decapitate, escape (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), escapee (TEM4), escapism, kerchief, handkerchief (TEM4), mischief ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mischievous (TEM4), precipice (DEE) (headlong, headforemost), precipitant, precipitate ? (TEM8) (1050), precipitation, precipitous, recapitulate, triceps, achieve (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4), achievement (CET4) (TEM4), per capita, scapegoat (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (coined by William Tyndale (English translators of the Bible) to designate the goat (CET4) on which the high priest (CET4) (TEM4) of the ancient Jews (TEM4) confessed the sins of the people on the day of Atonement, after which it was allowed to escape into the wilderness bearing those sins). 17 caper kapro-. He-goat, buck. 4 Latin caper, he-goat (> capra, she-goat): caper, chevron, caprice (TEM8), capricious (TEM8) (1050), Capricorn. 4 capillary (TEM8) see anticipate capitation see 114 capitulate (1050) see caprice (TEM8) see caper capricious (TEM8) (1050) see capsize (TEM8) see cape ? (MEE) (TEM4), size < seize, "seize the head downwards" capsule ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see anticipate caption ? (MEE+) (TEM4) see captious see captivate (DEE) (TEM8) see capture (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. recapture (TEM4) carafe carapace carat (TEM8) carbohydrate ? ker-. 4. Heat, fire. 3 Germanic hearth ?. Latin carbo, charcoal ? (DEE) (TEM4), ember: carbon (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), carbohydrate ? (MEE) (TEM8), carbonated, carbonate, bicarbonate (DEE). 2 Latin cremare, to burn: cremate (TEM8), crematorium (TEM8). Greek keramos, potter's clay, earthenware: ceramic ? (DEE) (TEM4), ceramics. 1 carbonated see carbonated carcinogen kar-. 1. Hard. 11 Germanic hard (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), hardback (TEM4), hardball (TEM8), hardboard (TEM8), hardbitten (TEM8), hard-boiled (TEM8), hardcore (TEM8), harden (CET4) (TEM4), hardheaded (TEM8), hardly (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), hard-nosed, hardship (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), hardtop (TEM8), hardware (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), hardwood (TEM8), hardworking (TEM4), hardy ? (TEM4), hardihood, standard (DEE), foolhardy, diehard (TEM8), Leonardo. 8 Greek kratos, strength, might, power: -cracy. Basic form *kar- in derivatives referring to things with hard shells. Latin carina, keel (TEM8) of a ship, nutshell: careen (to incline (a ship) well over to one side, in order to cleanse it). 1 Reduplicated form *kar-kr-o dissimilated to Latin cancer, crab: cancer (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), canker, chancre. 1 Greek karkinos, cancer, crab: carcino-, carcinoma, carcinogen, carcinogenic (1050). 1 cardinal ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin cardo, a hinge, a pivot, > cardinalis, a key man. cardiologist see accord 115 careen see carcinogen caress ? (MEE) (TEM8) ka-. To like, desire. 4 Germanic whore Latin carus, dear: caress ? (MEE) (TEM8), charity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), charitable (TEM4), uncharitableness, cherish ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 4 caret see caste careworn caricature (TEM8) (1050) to over-load, see concurrent carillon carnage (TEM8) (1050) sker-. 1. Also ker-. To cut. 27 Germanic shear ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), share (CET4) (TEM4) 1, 2, shareholder (TEM4), shears, scabbard, score (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (notch, tally, twenty), scoring (TEM4), scar ?(MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, shard, shore (CET4) (TEM4), ashore ?, short (CET4) (TEM4), shortage (CET4) (TEM4), shortchange (TEM8), short-circuit (TEM4), shortcoming (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), shortcut (DEE) (TEM4), shorten (TEM4), shorthand ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), shortly (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), shortlist (MEE+), short-range, shorts (TEM4), shortsighted (TEM4), short-term (TEM4), short-wave (TEM4), shirt (CET4) (TEM4), skirt (CET4) (TEM4), skirmish (TEM4) (to fight with a sword, fence), screen (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), screenplay (TEM4), underscore. 9 Latn caro (stem carn-), flesh (CET4): carnage (TEM8) (1050), carnal (TEM8) (1050), carnation (TEM8), carnival (TEM4), carrion, charnel, crone, carnivore (TEM8), carnivorous (DEE) (1050), incarnate (TEM8), reincarnate, reincarnation. 9 Latin corium, leather (CET4) (originally "piece of hide"): excoriate. 1 Latin cortex, bark (<"that which can be cut off"): cortex, decorticate Germanic sharp (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), sharpen ? (TEM4), sharpener (TEM4), scrap ?(MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, scrape (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), scrappy, scrabble, scramble ? (MEE) (TEM4), shambles, scrub ? (DEE) (TEM4) 1, shrub ? (TEM4) 1, skyscraper ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 7 Latin screw (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), screwdriver (TEM4). 1 carnal (TEM8) (1050) see carnation see 116 carnival (TEM4) see carnivorous (DEE) (1050) see carol (TEM4) see choreography carouse "可闹死,可乐死" carp kerp-. To gather, pluck, harvest. 3 Germanic harvest (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin carpere, to pluck: carp, carpet (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), excerpt ? (MEE) (TEM8), scarce (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), scarcely (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), scarcity (DEE) (TEM4). 3 carpenter (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see concurrent carrion see carnage cartographer Greek chartes, map (CET4), chart carton ? (TEM4), cartoon (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), chart (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), charter (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cartography, cartographer, card (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cardboard ? (TEM4), carte blanche (1050), cartel (1050), cartridge ? (DEE) (TEM8), discard (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), uncharted. 5 cartoon (DEE) see carve ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see biography cascade (TEM4) see accidental cast (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. downcast (TEM4), outcast (TEM8), recast, telecast (DEE). caste kes-. 2. To cut. Variant kas-. 7 Latin castrare, to castrate: castrate. Latin castrum, fortified place, camp (perhaps "separated place"): castle (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), castles in the air / Spain (1050), Castro. Latin castus, chaste, pure (< "cut off from, free of, faults"): caste, castigate, chaste (TEM8) (1050), chastity (TEM8), chasten, chastise (1050), incest, incestuous. 5 Latin carere, "to be cut off from," lack: caret. 1 Latin cassus, empty: quash (TEM8). 1 castigate see casual (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see accidental casualty ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see cata- before an unaspirated vowel, cat-; before an aspirated vowel, hence before h, cath-; and cato-, variant of cata-. In combination, the principal senses are: down, downwards; hence, according to -- but also, against, contrary to; back, back again; and often as a mere (CET4) intensive. cataclysm the Biblical flood, "wash down" 117 catalog (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see allege catalyst (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) see analysis catalysis see catalyze see catapult pol-. To touch, feel, shake. 6 Germanic feel (CET4) (TEM4), feeling (CET4) (TEM4) Latin palpari, palpare, to stroke gently, touch: palm (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), palmy, palpable (TEM8) (1050), palpate 1, palpitate, impalpable. 4 Greek pallein, to sway, brandish: catapult. 1 Greek psallein, to pluck, play the harp: psalm, psaltery. 1 cataract (MEE+) catastrophe ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see apostrophe catastrophic see categorical see aggregate category (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)see caterpillar (TEM4) hairy cat cater ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) catharsis (1050) cathartic cathedral ? (MEE) (TEM4) see assess catholic ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) sol-. Also solH-. Whole. 20 Latin solidus, solid: solid (CET4) (DEE), solid-colored, solidarity ? (MEE), solder, consolidate ?(MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 4 Greek holos, whole: holo-, catholic ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), catholicism (TEM8), holistic (TEM8) (1050), holocaust (TEM8), holograph. 3 Latin sollus, whole, entire, unbroken: solicit ?, solicitor ?, solicitous (1050), solicitude. 4 Latin sollemnis (second element obscure), celebrated at fixed dates (said of religious rites), established, religious, solemn: solemn (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (1050), solemnity. 1 Latin salus, health, a whole or sound condition: salubrious, salutary (TEM8), salute ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), insalubrity. 4 Latin salvus, whole, saft, healthy, uninjured: safe (CET4) (TEM4), safeguard ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), safety (CET4) (TEM4), sage 2, salvage ? (TEM8), salvation ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), salve, salvo 1, save (CET4) (TEM4) 1, 2, savings (CET4) (TEM4), savior (TEM4). 4 118 caucus (1050) “高阁”,高级内阁会议 caulk Latin calx, heel (CET4) (TEM4), > calcare, to kick, tread on. caulk, kick (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), kickoff (TEM8), inculcate (TEM8), recalcitrant. 3 causal (TEM8) see accuse caustic (1050) keu-. To burn. 3 Greek kaiein, to burn: caustic (1050), cauterize, encaustic, holocaust (TEM8). 3 cauterize "烤他",《追捕》 cavalcade Latin cavallo, horse (CET4). cavalcade, cavalier (1050), cavalry ? (TEM4), chivalrous, chivalry (TEM8). 5 caveat (1050) cf. caveat emptor (1050), caution ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cautionary tale (1050), cautious (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), precaution (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cavern (TEM8) see accumulate cavity (DEE) (TEM8) see cavil cavort cf. curve (CET4), curvaceous, curvet cede (TEM8) see accede centaur cession see accede celebrated see accelerate celerity see celestial (TEM8) cf. ceil, ceiling (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). Celestial body, nudist camp celibate (1050) celebrated celibate cellar (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see apocalyptic cello (TEM4) crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Yo-yo Ma. cement (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) see abscission cemetery ? (MEE) (TEM4) a sleeping-place, cf. coma (DEE) (TEM4) censor (MEE+) (TEM8) Latin censere, to declare formally, hence to describe officially, to evaluate, to tax, to judge, to condemn (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cf. censorious (TEM8), censorship (TEM8), censure (TEM8). censorship (TEM8) see censorious (TEM8) see censure (TEM8) see census ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) centrifugal bheug-. 1. To flee. 4 Latin fugere, to flee: fugacious, fugitive ? (TEM8); centrifugal (cf: centripetal), centrifuge, refuge ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), refugee (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), subterfuge (1050). 4 119 Latin fuga, flight (> fugare, to drive away): -fuge, fugue, febrifuge. centrifuge see centralization (MEE+) centripetal see appetizer centurion cf. cent (CET4) (TEM4), centenary (TEM8), century (CET4) (TEM4), centigrade (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), centimeter (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), percent (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE), percentage (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cephalic cf. encephalitis ceramics cf. ceramic ? (DEE) (TEM4), see carbohydrate cereal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see accrete cerebral (TEM8) (1050) ker-. 1. Horn, head; with derivatives referring to horned animals, horn- shaped objects and projecting parts. 8 Germanic horn (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hornet. Latin cornu, horn: corn (CET4) (TEM4) 2, cornea (TEM4), corner (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cornerstone (TEM4) (1050), cornet (TEM8), cornucopia, corny; bicorn, Capricorn, tricorn, unicorn. 4 Greek kranion, skull, upper part of the head: cranium, migraine (TEM8). Latin cervix, neck (CET4): cervix Greek keras, horn: carat (TEM8), keratin, rhinoceros (TEM8) = rhino (TEM8). 1 Latin cerebrum, brain: cerebellum, cerebrum, cerebral (TEM8) (1050), cerebration. 3 cerebration see cerebrum see ceremonious (TEM8) ceremony (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. ceremonial (TEM4), ceremonious (TEM8). certainty (TEM4) see ascertain certification see certitude (TEM8) see cessation (DEE) < cease (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), incessant ? (TEM4) (1050). 2 chafe see affect and caldron chaff 擦麸 chagrin (1050) cf. grim (MEE) (DEE) chalice chameleon (1050) camel (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) + lion (CET4) (TEM4) champion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) see campaign chancellor ? (MEE) (TEM4) 120 carcer. Enclosure, prison, barrier. 2 Latin carcer incarcerate. 1 Latin cancer (representing a dissimilated form), lattice: cancel (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), chancel, chancellor ? (MEE) (TEM4). 1 chandelier see candid chant ? (TEM8) see accentuate chantey see chaos (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 吵死, cf. chaotic (TEM4), chasm (TEM4), gas (CET4) (TEM4), gaseous (TEM4), gasoline (CET4) (TEM4). chaotic (TEM4) chapel ? (TEM4) see cape ? (MEE) (TEM4) char 渣 characteristic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) < character (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) characterization characterize (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) charade cf. chatter ? (DEE) (TEM4), chat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), chatterbox (TEM4) charisma (TEM8) (1050) cf. charm (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) charismatic (TEM8) charity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see caress charitable (TEM4) see charlatan (1050) 注意发音,不是“查了他”,而是“杀了他”。 charter (MEE) (DEE) see cartographer chary cf. care (CET4) (TEM4), carefree (MEE+) (TEM4), careless (CET4) (TEM4), careful (CET4) (TEM4), caretaker ? (TEM4), cur, currish, garrulous, garrulity. 3 chase (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see anticipate chasm see chaos chassis see anticipate chaste (TEM8) (1050) see caste chasten see chastise (1050) see chauvinism (TEM8) (1050) < Chauvin, eponym chauvinist check (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. chess (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), check (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), checkup (MEE+), checklist (TEM4), checkmate (TEM8), checkout (TEM4), checker (黑白相间), checkered, cheque (CET4) (TEM4), exchequer (a royal game > a royal, (later) governmental, treasury), shah (Ou es le Shah / chat?), unchecked. checkered see cheetah 骑它 121 cherubic < cherub, pl. cherubim. The cherubim know most, the seraphim love most. chevron see caper chiaroscuro "clear and obscure", see acclaim chicanery (1050) < chic (TEM8), cf. shit (CET4) (TEM4) chide chide a child (CET4) chimera (1050) "(one-year-old) she-goat", a monster with the front part of a lion, the middle part of a goat, and the rear (CET4) (TEM4) quarters and tail of a snake. slain by Bellerophon, whose great feat was taming Pegasus. Cf. Himalaya (snow (CET4) residence), hibernate (TEM8), hibernal, cf. estivate, estuary (TEM8) chimerical chip (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) cf. microchip (TEM4), chop (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), choppy (TEM8), chopsticks (TEM4). chipmunk chiromancy Greek cheir, hand chiromancy, chiropodist, chirurgeon > cirurgeon > surgeon (MEE) (DEE), one who works with his or her hands Greek mantis, seer (<"he who is mad"): -mancy, chiromancy, necromancy, mantis. chirp (TEM8) echoic chisel (TEM8) see abscission chivalrous see cavalcade chivalry (TEM8) see choleric ghel-. 2. To shine; with derivatives referring to colors, bright materials (probably "yellow metal"), and bile or gall. 27 I. words denoting colors. Germanic yellow, yellowish (MEE+) Greek khloros, green, greenish yellow: chloro-, chlorite 1 II. words denoting gold. Germanic gold (CET4) (TEM4), golden (CET4) (TEM4), goldfish (TEM4), gild (DEE) (TEM4). 2 III. words denoting bile. Germanic gall. 1 Greek khole, bile: chole-, choler, choleric, cholera (TEM8); cholesterol ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8), melancholy ? (DEE) (TEM4). 2 IV. a range of Germanic words Germanic gleam ? (DEE) (TEM4) (bright light), glimpse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), glint (TEM4), glimmer (TEM4), glitter ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), glisten ? (TEM4), glister, glass (CET4) (TEM4), glasshouse 122 (TEM4), glaze ? (TEM4), glare ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), glaring (TEM4), gloss (TEM4) 1, glossy (TEM4), gloss-over, glance (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, glad (CET4) (TEM4) (shining, joyful), glee (TEM8) (sport, merriment), gleeful, glow (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), glowing, glower (to gleam, stare), gloat (to smile (CET4) (scornfully)), gloaming (twilight), glide ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), glider (TEM4), glib (1050). 21 chord ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. cord (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (cf. cord-, heart, 心 弦), cordon chore ? (DEE) (TEM8) 吵,cf. char choreography gher-. 1. To grasp, enclose; with derivatives meaning "enclosure." 17 Germanic gird, girder (TEM8), girdle (TEM8), girth, yard (DEE) 2, churchyard (TEM4), orchard ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), kindergarten (TEM4), garden (CET4) (TEM4), gardener (CET4) (TEM4), gardenia, undergird. 6 Latin hortus, garden: horticulture (TEM8), orchard ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin cohors (stem cohort-), enclosed yard, company of soldiers, multitude: cohort, court (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), courtroom, courteous ? (DEE) (TEM4), courtesan, courtesy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), courtier, courtship (TEM8), courtyard (CET4) (MEE), curtain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), curtsy, discourteous. 5 Greek khoros, dancing ground (? perhaps originally a special enclosure for dancing), dance, dramatic chorus: choreography, choir ? (TEM4), choral (TEM8), chorus ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Terpsichore, terpsichorean, carol (TEM4). 5 chortle coined in 1872 by Lewis Carroll, a blend of chuckle ? + snort ?, cf. snore ? choir ? (TEM4) see choreography chorus ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see chromatic cf. chromium (DEE), chromatic, achromatic (5000), chromosome (MEE+), monochrome, monochromatic. 3 chromosome (MEE+) see chronic ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) see anachronism chronicle (TEM4) see chronological (TEM4) see chronometer see chrysanthemum ? see anthology chuckle ? (TEM4) "揸口"而笑, cf. chuck ? (DEE) (TEM8), "母鸡唤小鸡的咕咕声", chick (TEM4), chicken (CET4) (TEM4) chunk ? (MEE+) (TEM4) churl carl, man, lowest-ranked freeman > peasant (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), serf (TEM8), bondman, > Karl, Carl, Charles, Caroline, Carolina, churl, churlish ciliate see apocalyptic 123 cinder (TEM8) incinerate (TEM8), Cinderella, the girl (CET4) living among cinder (TEM8). cipher (TEM8) ciphero > cero > zero, cf. decipher (TEM8), encipher, indecipherable. 4 encomium cf. comedy (CET4) (MEE), "revel" circlet see arrangement circuitous (1050) see arrangement ei-. 1. To go. 23 Latin ire, to go: ambient (DEE), ambience (TEM8), ambition (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ambitious (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), circuit (CET4) (MEE), circuitous (1050), coitus, exit (CET4) (TEM4), introit, issue (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), obituary, perish ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), perishable, perishing, sedition, seditious, sudden, trance, entrance (TEM4), entrancing, transience, transient (MEE) (DEE) (1050), transit (AWL5), transition (MEE) (DEE), transitory, transitive, intransitive (TEM8). 14 Greek ienai, to go: ion (DEE), anion, cation. Latin initium, entrance, beginning (in-, in): commence (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commencement ?, initial (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), initially (TEM4), initiate ? (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), initiative (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), uninitiated. 6 Latin comes (stem comit-), companion ("one who goes with another"): count (TEM4) 2, countess (TEM4), concomitant, constable, viscount. 1 Latin iter, journey (Late Latin itinerare, to travel): errant > arrant (5000), eyre, itinerant (TEM8), itinerary (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050). 2 Latin janus, archway, and Janus, god of doors and of the beginning of a year: janitor (TEM4), January (CET4), Janus circulate see arrangement circumference (DEE) see arrangement bher-. 1. To carry; also to bear children. 37 Germanic bear (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), bearing (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), born (CET4) (TEM4), firstborn (TEM4), forbear (DEE) (TEM8) (endure), forbearance, forebear, bore 3 (wave, billow), barrow (TEM8) (basket, wheelbarrow), burden (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), burdensome (TEM4), birth (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), birthday (CET4), birthrate (TEM4), bring (CET4) (TEM4), inborn (MEE+) (TEM8), berth (DEE) (TEM4), rebirth (TEM4), unbearable (DEE). 3 124 Latin ferre, to carry: -fer, fertile (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), fertility (DEE), fertilize, fertilizer (CET4), infertile (TEM4), infertility; afferent, aquifer, circumference (DEE), confer ?(AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), conference (CET4) (MEE), conifer, defer ? (DEE) (TEM8), 1,2, deference (TEM4) (1050), deferential, deferrable, differ (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), difference (CET4) (TEM4), different (CET4), differential (DEE) (TEM4), differentiate ? (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM8), efferent, indifferent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), indifference (TEM4), infer (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), inference (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interfere (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interference (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), odoriferous, offer (CET4) (TEM4), prefer (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), preferable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), preference (CET4) (MEE), proffer, proliferate ? (MEE+) (1050), proliferation (TEM8), prolific (TEM8), refer (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), reference (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), referendum (TEM8), referee ? (TEM4), saliferous, suffer (MEE) (DEE), transfer (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE), vociferate, vociferous. 25 Latin probrum, a reproach (< "something brought before one") opprobrious, opprobrium. 2 Latin fur, thief: ferret 1, furtive (TEM8) (1050), furtively. 3 Greek pherein, to carry: -phore, -phorous, amphora, anaphora, euphoria (1050), metaphor ? (MEE) (TEM8) (1050), periphery (TEM8), peripheral (1050), semaphore, Christopher. Jean Christophe. 4 Greek pherne, dowry ("something brought by a bride"): Paraphernalia circumlocution see arrangement tolkw-. To speak. Metathesized form *tlokw- in Latin loqui, to speak: 14 locution, loquacious (1050), allocution, circumlocution, colloquium, colloquial (TEM4), colloquialism, colloquy, elocution, eloquent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), eloquence (DEE) (TEM4), grandiloquent (1050), interlocutor (TEM8), interlocution, magniloquent, obloquy, prolocutor, soliloquy, ventriloquist. circumscribe see arrangement and ascribe circumspect (1050) see arrangement spek-. To observe. 43 Germanic espy, spy (DEE), espionage ? (MEE+) (TEM8). 2 Latin specere, to look at: specimen (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), specious (1050), spectacle ? (MEE) (DEE), spectacular (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), ? spectator (MEE) (DEE), specter, spectral, spectrum ? (MEE) (DEE), speculate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), speculation (DEE), speculative, aspect (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (TEM4), auspices, auspicious (TEM8) (1050), circumspect (1050), 125 conspectus, conspicuous ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), inconspicuous (1050), despise ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), despicable (TEM8), expect (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), expectation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), expectancy (TEM8), expectant (TEM8), unexpected (MEE) (DEE), frontispiece, inspect (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inspection (DEE) (TEM4), inspector (TEM4), introspect, introspection (TEM8), introspective (1050), perspective (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), perspicacious, perspicacity, perspicuous, prospect (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prospective ? (MEE) (DEE), respect (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), respectable (DEE), respectful (DEE), disrespect (TEM8), irrespective ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), respective (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), respectively (CET4), respite (TEM8) (1050), retrospect ? (MEE) (TEM8), retrospection (TEM4), retrospective (TEM8), spite (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (1050) (aphetic of despite (CET4) (AWL4) (DEE) (TEM4) < despise), suspect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), suspicion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), suspicious ? (MEE) (DEE). 35 Latin species, a seeing, sight, form: species (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), special (CET4) (DEE), specialist (MEE), specialize (MEE), speciality (MEE) (DEE), specialized, specific (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE), specifically (CET4), specification ? (MEE) (DEE), specifics, specify (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE), especial (TEM4), especially (CET4) (TEM4). Greek skeptesthai, to examine, consider: skeptic, skeptical ? (MEE), skepticism. 3 *spoko- metathesized in Greek skopos, one who watches, also object of attention, goal (CET4) (AWL4), and its denominative skopein, to see: scope (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), -scope, -scopy, bishop ? (TEM4), episcopal, horoscope, microscope (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), microscopic, macroscopic (DEE), telescope (CET4) (MEE) (DEE). 3 circumstance (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see apostasy and arrangement circumstantial (1050) see circumvent (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) see advent and arrangement cistern cf. chest (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), chestnut (TEM4), cyst cite (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) kei-. 3. To set in motion. 14 Latin ciere (past participle citus), with its frequentative citare, to set in motion, summon: cite (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), excite (CET4) (TEM4), excitement (CET4), exciting (CET4) (DEE), excitability, excitable (TEM4), incite ? (DEE) (TEM8), recite ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), recitation, recital (TEM4), resuscitate (TEM8), solicit ?, solicitor ?, solicitous (1050), solicitude, insouciance, insouciant. 13 Greek kinein, to move (> kinesis, motion): 126 kinematics, kinetic (DEE) (1050), cinematograph, cinema (CET4) (DEE). 1 civilian (CET4) (MEE) Latin civis, people, community. civic (TEM4), civil (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), civilian (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), civility, civilize (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), civilization (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), incivility, citadel, city (CET4), citizen (CET4) (TEM4), citizenship (TEM4). claim (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see acclaim clairvoyance see acclaim and advisable clam (TEM4) see agglomerate clamor (TEM4) see acclaim clamorous see clamp ? (DEE) see agglomerate clandestine (TEM8) (1050) see apocalyptic clannish clan ? (TEM4), see flatter (TEM4) clapper clap (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), echoic, claptrap (1050). clarify (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see acclaim clarion see clarity ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see clash (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) echoic, cf. crash (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), smash (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), splash (MEE) (DEE), splashy. clasp ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. clap (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), clip (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) classify (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. class (CET4) (TEM4), classmate (CET4), classroom (CET4), classic (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM4), classical (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), classification (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), classify (CET4) (TEM4), classified (TEM4), declassify, neoclassicism (TEM8), neoclassical (TEM8). clause (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) kleu-. 3. Possibly hook (CET4), peg ? (DEE) (TEM4). 22 Extend form *klud- possibly in Germanic *hluta-, a lot, portion (semantic development obscure): lot (CET4) (TEM4), lottery ? (MEE) (TEM4), lotto, allot ? (MEE+) (TEM4) (5000), allotment (5000). 1 Latin claudere, to close (< "to lock with a hook, bolt"): clause (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (Latin sententia clausa, "a thought closed"), claustrophobia, cloister, cloistered (1050), close(CET4) (TEM4), closely (TEM4), closet(CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), closure (TEM4), cloture, cloze, conclude (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (TEM4), conclusion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conclusive (TEM4), disclose ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disclosure (TEM4), enclose (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), enclosure ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exclude (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), excluding (TEM4), exclusion (TEM4), exclusive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exclusively 127 (TEM4), include (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), inclusion (TEM4), inclusive ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), occlude, preclude ? (MEE) (TEM8) (1050), recluse, reclusive, seclude (TEM8), secluded (TEM4), seclusion. 19 Latin clavis, key: clavicle, clef, clavichord, conclave, enclave (TEM8). 2 claustrophobia see clay (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see agglomerate cleanse ? (DEE) (TEM8) clean (CET4) (TEM4), cleaner (TEM4) cleave (TEM8) cf. cleaver, cleavage (TEM8), cleft clement cf. inclement, clemency (TEM4) (1050). Pope (CET4) (TEM4) Clement VIII, 1600, coffee (CET4) clench ? (DEE) (TEM4) see agglomerate cliche ? (TEM8) cf. click (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), clique (1050) 喧闹的一群人 clientele see acclimate climax ? (MEE) (DEE) see clinch ? (TEM8) see agglomerate cling (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see clinical (DEE) see acclimate clip (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see agglomerate clipper Los Angeles Clippers clog ? (TEM4) see agglomerate clown ? (DEE) (TEM4) originally a farmer cloy cloying clumsy(CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. clam cluster ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. clod coach(CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) coarse(CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) course (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) > vulgar (MEE) > coarse(CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) coarsen coax ? (DEE) (TEM8) cf. hoax (TEM8) cob cf. a lump, cf. cobble (TEM8), cobbler (to mend with a cobble) cobbler cocoon cf. coco, "shell" coda cf. caudal coddle (TEM8) cf. mollycoddle, “毛驴烤豆”, cf. cuddle (TEM8), huddle ? (MEE) (TEM8). code (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. codicil, codify, decode ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) coexistence coffer put coffee (CET4) into the coffer under a coffin (MEE+) (TEM4), and get scoffed cogent (1050) see agenda cogitate cf. excogitate, incogitant, cogito, ergo sum ( I think, therefore I am) 128 cohabit ghabh-. Also ghebh-. To give or receive. 17 Germanic give (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), given (CET4) (TEM4), forgive (CET4) (TEM4), gift (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), gifted (TEM4). Latin habere, to hold, possess, have, handle (> habitare, to dwell): able (CET4) (TEM4), ably (TEM8), ability (CET4) (TEM4), inability (TEM4), able-bodied (5000), disable ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disabled (CET4) (TEM4), disability ? (TEM4), enable (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE), habile, habit (CET4) (TEM4), habitual (TEM4), habituate (TEM4), habitue (TEM8), habitable (TEM4), habitant, habitat ? (MEE) (TEM4), habitation (DEE) (TEM4), behave (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), behaviour (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cohabit, exhibit (CET4) (AWL8) (DEE) (TEM4), exhibition (CET4) (TEM4), exhibitor (TEM4), exhibitionism, exhibitionist, inhabit ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inhabitant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inhibit ? (AWL6) (MEE) (TEM8), inhibited, inhibition, inhibitor, prohibit (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), prohibitive, provender, rehabilitate ? (TEM8), uninhabitable. 16 Latin debere (de-, away from; third person plural present passive debentur), to owe (CET4): debenture, debit (TEM8), debt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), debtor (TEM4), due (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), duly (TEM4), duty (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), duty-free (TEM4), dutiful (TEM4), endeavor ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), indebted ? (TEM4), undue (MEE+). 2 colander kagh-. To catch, seize; wickerwork, fence. 7 Germanic haggard (TEM4) (1050) (wild, wild hawk < "raptor"), haw 2, hedge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hedgehog (TEM4), quay ? (TEM4). 4 Latin cohum, strap from yoke to harness: inchoate. 1 Latin colum, sieve (< wickerwork), and its derivative colare, to filter: colander, percolate. 2 cold-blooded collage cf. colloid, protocol (AWL9) (TEM8) (1050) collar (CET4) (TEM4) cf. accolade (1050) collate telH-. To lift, support, weigh; with derivatives referring to measured weights and thence to money and payment (CET4). 20 Greek telos, tax, charge: toll (MEE) 1, philately, philatelist. 2 Latin tolerare, to bear, endure: tolerate (MEE) (DEE), tolerance (MEE) (DEE), tolerant (MEE) (DEE), intolerant (TEM4), intolerable (DEE) (TEM4). 2 Latin talio, reciprocal punishment in kind, "something paid out": talion, retaliate ? (TEM8). 1 129 Greek Tantalos, name of a legendary king, "the sufferer": tantalize, Tantalus. 1 Greek Atlas (stem Atlant-), name of the Titan supporting the world: Atlantic, atlas ? (TEM4). 1 Latin latus, "carried, borne," used as the suppletive past participle of ferre, to bear, with its compounds: ablation, collate, correlate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), correlation (DEE), dilate (TEM8), dilatory, elate, elated (TEM8), elation, interrelate, legislate (AWL1) (TEM4), oblate 1, oblation, prelate, prolate, relate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), related (CET4), relation (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), relationship (CET4) (TEM4), relative (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), relativity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), superlative, translate. 12 Latin tollere, to lift: extol (TEM8) (1050). 1 collateral Latin latus, side, wide. 4 lateral (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), latitude ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), latitudinarian, collateral 1, 2, dilate (TEM8), bilateral ? (DEE) (TEM8), equilateral, multilateral (TEM8), quadrilateral (TEM8), unilateral, unilateralism (MEE+). 4 collide ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin laedere, to damage, strike. cf. collision (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), elide, lesion. 3 colon ? (TEM8) cf. semicolon (TEM4) colonnade kel-. 6. To be prominent; hill. 3 Germanic hill (CET4), hillock (TEM8), hillside (TEM4), holm Latin excellere, to raise up to, elevate, also to be eminent (ex-, up out of): excel ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), excellent (CET4), excellence (TEM4), Excellency (TEM8), Van Exel. Greek kolophon, summit: colophon. Latin culmen, top, summit: culminate ? (TEM8), culmination. 2 Latin columna, a projecting object, column: colonel ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), colonnade, column (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), columnist ? (TEM4). 1 colonize kwel-. 1. To revolve, move around, sojourn, dwell. 17 Latin colore, to till, cultivate, inhabit: colony (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), colonial (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), colonialist (TEM4), colonize (TEM8), cult ?, cultivate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cultivated (TEM4), cultivation, culture (CET4) (AWL2) (DEE) (TEM4), cultural (TEM4), incult. 5 Greek telos, "completion of a cycle," consummation, perfection, end, result (teleos, perfect, complete): talisman, teleology. 1 130 Germanic wheel. Greek kuklos, circle, wheel: cycle (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (TEM4), cyclical (TEM8), cyclist (TEM4), cyclo-, cycloid, cyclone (TEM4), anticyclone (5000), bicycle (CET4), encyclical, encyclopedia ? (DEE), encyclopedic, recycle (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). 4 Latin collom, neck: collar (CET4) (TEM4), accolade (1050), decollete,. 2 Latin -cola, and incola, inhabitant: -colous. Latin anculus, "he who bustles about," servant (an-, short for ambi-, around, about): ancillary. 1 Greek polos, axis of a sphere: pole (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, polar ? (MEE), polarity, polarize (DEE) (1050), polarization, pulley (DEE). 3 Greek -kolos, herdsman, in boukolos, cowherd: bucolic. 1 colossal ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) colossus (TEM8) 太阳神雕像 colt cf. child (CET4), childhood (CET4) (TEM4), childish (TEM4). coltish coma (DEE) (TEM4) cf. cemetery (MEE) (TEM4), comatose combustible (DEE) (TEM8) cf. burn (r-s), combustion (TEM4) comedienne wed-. 2. To speak. 8 Greek oide, song, ode: ode (TEM8), comedy (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), comedian (TEM4), comedienne, comic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hymnody, melody ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), parody (TEM8) (1050), rhapsody, tragedy (MEE) (DEE), tragic (MEE) (DEE), tragedian, tragedienne. 8 comely comet ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) long-haired comity comma ? (TEM4) command (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) man-. 2. Hand. 26 Latin manus, hand: manacle (TEM8), manage (CET4) (TEM4), manageable (TEM8), management (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), manager (CET4) (TEM4), managerial (DEE) (TEM8), manner (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mannered, mannerism, manual (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), maintain (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), maintenance (CET4) (MEE), maneuver (MEE) (TEM8), outmaneuver ?, manicure (TEM8), manicurist (MEE+), manifest ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), 131 manifestation (TEM8), manifesto (TEM8) (1050), manipulate (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), manipulative, manipulation, manufacture (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), manufacturer (CET4), manumit, manure (TEM8), manuscript ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 14 Latin compound manceps, "he who takes by the hand" (-ceps, agential suffix, "taker"), purchaser: emancipate (MEE+) (TEM4) (1050). 1 Latin compound mandare, "to give into someone's hand" (dare, to give), entrust, order: mandate (TEM8) (1050), mandatory (TEM8), mandarin (TEM8), command (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commandant (TEM8), commander (CET4) (TEM4), commandeer, commandment, commando, commend ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commendable, commendation (TEM4), countermand, demand (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), demanding (TEM4), recommend (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), recommendation (CET4) (TEM4), undemanding. 11 commemorate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (s)mer-. 1. To remember. 6 Germanic mourn ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (to remember sorrowfully), mournful (TEM4). 2 Latin memor, mindful: memorable (TEM4), memorandum (TEM8), > memo ? (MEE) (TEM4), memoir ? (TEM4), memory (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), memorize ? (DEE) (TEM4), memorial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commemorate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), immemorial, remember (CET4) (TEM4), remembrance (TEM8). 4 commerce (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) merk-. 2. Italic root, referring to aspects of commerce. 6 Latin merx (stem merc-), merchandise (> mercari, to trade): market (TEM4), marketing (TEM8), black market (1050), mart (TEM8), mercantile, mercer, merchandise ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), merchant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commerce (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commercial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 4 Latin merces, pay, reward, price mercenary (TEM8) (1050), mercy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), merciful (DEE) (TEM8), merciless. 1 Latin Mercurius, the god of (inter alia) commerce: Mercury, mercury ? (MEE) (TEM4), mercurial. 1 commingle see amass commiserate (1050) miser. Wretched, unfortunate. Latin adjective of unknown origin. miser (TEM4), miserly, miserable (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), misery ? (DEE) (TEM4), commiserate (1050). 4 132 commit (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (s)meit(H)-. To throw. 31 Latin mittere, to let go, send (CET4) off, throw: mass (CET4) (TEM4), mess (CET4) (TEM4), message (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), messenger (CET4) (TEM4), missile (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), mission (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), missionary ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), missive, admit (CET4) (TEM4), admittance (5000), admittedly (TEM4), admission (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), admissible (TEM8) (5000), commit (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commission (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commissioner (TEM4), commitment (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), commited, committee (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), compromise (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), demise, dismiss (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dismissal (TEM4), emit (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), emission (DEE) (TEM4), emissary (TEM8), intermit, intermission (DEE), intermittent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), manumit, noncommital, omit (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), omission (DEE), permit (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), permission (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), permissible ?, permissive, premise ? (DEE) (TEM4), promise (CET4) (TEM4), promising (CET4), remit, remiss (TEM8) (1050), remission (TEM8), remittance (TEM8), remittence, remittent, submit (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE), submission, submissive, surmise (MEE+), transmit (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE), transmission (MEE) (DEE), uncommitted, unremitting. 31 commonplace ? (MEE) (TEM4) commonsensical see assent commotion ?meuH-. To push away. Latin movere, to move ( > mobilis, neuter mobile, fickle, changeable): 23 mob ? (MEE) (TEM4), mobile (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), mobility (TEM4), mobilize ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), moment (CET4) (TEM4), momentary (TEM8), momentous ? (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), momentum ? (MEE) (TEM8), motif (TEM8) (1050), motility, motion (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), motionless (TEM4), motive (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), motivate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), motivation (TEM4), motivatioal, motor (CET4) (TEM4), motorcycle ?, motorist (MEE+) (TEM4), motorway (MEE+) (TEM4), move (CET4) (TEM4), moveable (TEM4), movement (CET4) (TEM4), movie (CET4), moving (TEM4), automobile (CET4), commotion ?, demobilize (TEM8), demote (TEM8), emote, emotion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), emotional (CET4) (TEM4), immobile (TEM8), immobility, immobilize, locomotion, locomotive ?, promote (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), remote (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), remove (CET4) (AWL3) (DEE) (TEM4), removal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), unmoved. 23 communal ? (DEE) 133 mei-. 1. To change, to, move; with derivatives referring to the exchange of goods and services within a society as regulated by custom or law. 58 Latin meare, to go, pass: permeate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), permeable, impermeable (1050). 2 Latin mutare, to change: molt, mutate, mutant (TEM8), mutable, mutability (MEE+), mutation, commute (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), commuter, immutable (1050), permute, permutation, transmute. 9 Latin mutuus, "done in exchange," borrowed, reciprocal, mutual: mutual (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). Germanic *missa-, "in a changed manner," abnormally, wrongly: mis- 1, misapprehension (TEM8), misbehave (TEM8), misbehavior (TEM4), miscalculate (TEM4), mischief ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mischievous (TEM4), misconception, misconduct (TEM8), misconstrue, miscreant, misdeed, misdemeanor, misdirect, misfit (TEM8), misfortune ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), misgiving ? (TEM8), misguide, misguided (MEE+), mishap, misinform, misinterpret, misjudge, mislead (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), misleading, misnomer, misperceive, misplace (TEM8), misprint (DEE), misread, misrepresent, misshapen, mistimed, misunderstand (CET4) (TEM4), misunderstanding (TEM4), misuse (MEE+), amiss (TEM4), mistake (CET4) (TEM4), mistaken (TEM4), miss (CET4) (to go wrong) (TEM4), missing (CET4) (TEM4), mean (CET4) (TEM4) 2 (common, public), demean (TEM8). 30 Latin communis, common, public, general: common (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), commonplace ? (MEE) (TEM4), commonwealth ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), commune (TEM4), communal ? (DEE), communicable (TEM8), communicate (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), communication (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), communicative (TEM4), communion (TEM8), communique (TEM8), community (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (TEM4), communism (CET4) (TEM4), communist (CET4) (TEM4), incommunicative, intercommuncate (TEM4), intercom (TEM4), uncommon, uncommunicative. 6 Latin munus, "service performed for the community," duty, work, "public spectacle paid for by a magistrate," gift: municipal ? (TEM4), minicipality (TEM8), munificent, munificence, remunerate (TEM8), remunarative. 5 Latin immunis (in-, negative prefix), exempt from public service: immune (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), immunity, immunize (TEM8). 3 Latin migrare, to change one's place of living: migrate (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), migrant ? (TEM4), migration (TEM4), emigrate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), emigrant (DEE) (TEM4), emigration (TEM4), immigrate (AWL3) (TEM4), immigrant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), immigration (DEE) (TEM4). 3 134 compartment ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) perH-. 2. To grant, allot ( reciprocally, to get in return). 20 Latin pars (stem part-), a share, part: parcel (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), parse, part (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), partly (CET4), partial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), partiality, participant ? (MEE) (DEE), participate (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), participle (TEM4), particle (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), particular (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), particularly (CET4), particularize, partisan ? (TEM8) (1050), partition ? (TEM4), partner (CET4) (AWL3) (TEM4), partnership ?, part-time (TEM4), party (CET4) (TEM4), apart (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), apartheid (TEM8) (1050), apartment (MEE) (TEM4), bipartisan (TEM8), bipartite, compart, compartment ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), counterpart ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), depart (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), departure (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), department (CET4) (TEM4), impart ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), impartial (DEE) (1050) (TEM8), repartee (1050). 11 Latin portio, a part (first attested in the phrase pro portione, in proportion, according to each part, perhaps assimilated from *pro partione): portion (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proportion (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), proportional (CET4) (DEE), proportionate (DEE), disproportion, disproportionate (MEE+). 3 Latin par, equal (> French pari, wager): pair (CET4), par (TEM8), parity 2, parlay, peer (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) 2, peerless, compare (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), comparable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), incomparable (TEM4), comparative (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), comparatively (TEM4), comparison (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disparage (1050), disparaging (MEE+), imparity, nonpareil, umpire (< an ompire < a nonpire). 6 compassion ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) pe(i)-. Also pe-, pi-. To hurt (CET4). 18 Germanic fiend (TEM8) (enemy, devil), fiendish (TEM8). 2 Latin pati, to suffer: passion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), passionate ? (MEE+), passive (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE), passivity, pathetic ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pathology (TEM8), pathos (1050), patient (CET4) (TEM4), patience (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), compassion ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), compassionate (TEM8), compatible (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), dispassionate, impassioned (TEM8), impassive (TEM8), impassiveness, impatience (TEM4), impatient (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inpatient (TEM8), incompatible (TEM8), unimpassioned. 16 compatriot (TEM8) pHter-. Father. 10 Germanic 135 father (CET4), father-in-law (DEE), forefather (DEE) (TEM4) Latin pater, father (> patrare, to bring about): padre, pater, paternal, patri-, patrician, patrimony, patron ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), patronage, patronize ? (1050), expatriate, perpetrate (TEM8), repatriate (TEM8). 7 Greek pater, father: patriot ? (DEE) (TEM4), patriotic ? (MEE) (DEE), patriotism, patriarch (TEM8) (1050), patriarchal (MEE+), patriarchy, compatriot (TEM8). 3 compile ? (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. pile (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pillar (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), stockpile (MEE+). complacent ? (TEM4) (1050) plak-. 1. To be flat. 13 Germanic floe, fluke 1 (flatfish), 2, flake ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, flag (CET4) 4, flaw ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, flawless (TEM8). 3 *plak-e-, to be calm (as of the flat sea), in Latin placere, to please, be agreeable: placebo, placid (TEM4) (1050), (Lake Placid), plea ? (MEE) (TEM8), plead ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pleasant (CET4) (DEE), please (CET4) (TEM4), pleasure (CET4) (DEE), complacent ? (TEM4) (1050), complacence (TEM4) = complacency (TEM4), complaisant, displease (DEE) (TEM4), displeasure (TEM4). 5 Latin placare, to calm: placable, placate (1050), implacable. 2 Nasalized form in Latin plancus, flat, flat-footed, whence planca, board: plank ? (MEE+) (TEM8). 1 Latin plaga, net (?< "something extended"): plagiary, plagiarize (MEE+), plagiarism. 1 Greek plax, flat, flat land, surface: plancenta Greek pelagos, sea: pelagic, archipelago. 1 complexity (TEM4) see accomplice complicate (CET4) (TEM4) see comport per-. 2. To lead, pass over. 21 Germanic firth, fjord, fare (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), farewell (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), seafaring, warfare (DEE), wayfarer, wayfaring, welfare (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE), ferry ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ferryboat (TEM4), fuhrer, ford ? (TEM4), fordable, Oxford. 5 Latin portus, harbor (<"passage"): port (CET4) (TEM4) 1, airport (CET4) (TEM4), importune, opportune, opportunity (CET4) (TEM4), opportunist (1050), passport (CET4) (MEE). 2 136 Latin porta, gate: porch ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), port 3, portal, porter 2. Latin portare, to carry: port 5, portable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), portage, porter (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) 1, comport, deport ? (TEM4), deportation, deportment, disport, export (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exporter (TEM4), import (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), important (CET4) (TEM4), importance (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), importer (TEM4), portfolio, purport (TEM8), rapport (TEM8), report (CET4) (TEM4), reporter (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), reportorial, sport (aphetic of disport), support (DEE), transport (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE). 12 compress (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) per-. 5. To strike. 20 Latin premere (past participle pressus), to press: press (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, pressing (TEM4), pressure (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), print (CET4) (TEM4), fingerprint (TEM4), footprint (TEM4), compress (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), compressor (TEM4), depress (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), depressed (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), depressing (TEM4), depression (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), express (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), expression (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), expressive (TEM4), expressly (TEM4), expressway (TEM4), impress (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) 1, impression (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), impressive (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), impressed, impressionable (TEM8) (1050), imprint (MEE+) (TEM8), misprint (DEE), oppress ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), oppression (DEE) (1050), oppressive, repress (DEE) (TEM8), repression ? (MEE) (DEE), irrepressible (TEM8), reprimand (TEM8), reprint (TEM4), suppress (MEE) (DEE), unimpressive, unrepressed. 20 concatenate cf. chain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), enchain concentrate (CET4) (AWL4) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. center (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), central (CET4) (TEM4), centrifugal, centrifuge, centralize (TEM8), centralization (MEE+), centripetal, concentrate (CET4) (AWL4) (DEE) (TEM4), concentration (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), concentric (TEM8), eccentric ? (MEE) (TEM8), eccentricity (TEM8), egocentric (TEM8) (1050). 9 concerted ? acted together, in agreement, cf. concert (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), concerted ?, concerto ? (TEM4), disconcert (TEM8), disconcerted (1050). 3 concoct pekw-. To cook, ripen. 7 Latin coquere, to cook: cook (CET4) (TEM4), cooker ? (TEM4), cookery (TEM4), cookie ? (TEM4)曲奇, cuisine ? (TEM4), culinary, kiln, kitchen (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), apricot (TEM4) (cf. precocious), biscuit (CET4) (TEM4), concoct, precocious (1050), terra cotta. 4 Greek peptein, to cook, ripen, digest (> peptos, cooked): 137 peptic, Pepsi-Cola, eupeptic, pepsin, pumpkin ? (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Greek -pepsia, digestion: dyspepsia, dispetic. 2 concurrent (AWL9) kers-. 2. To run. 19 Latin currere (past participle cursus), to run: corridor (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), courier (TEM8), course (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), current (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), currently (DEE) (TEM4), currency (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), curriculum (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), curriculum vitae (course of life), cursive, cursor (TEM4), cursory (TEM8) (1050), au courant (1050), concourse, concur (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (I came, I saw, I concur), concurrent (AWL9), discourse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), discursive, excursion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), excursive, extracurricular (TEM4), incur ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), incursion, intercourse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), occur (CET4) (AWL1) (TEM4), occurrence (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), precursor (1050), precursory, racecourse (TEM4), recourse (TEM8), recur ? (MEE) (TEM8), recurrence (TEM4), recurrent (TEM8), succor. 16 Latin carrus, a two-wheeled wagon: car (CET4), career (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cargo (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), caricature (TEM8) (1050), carry (CET4) (TEM4), carriage (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), carrier (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), charge (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), chargeable (MEE+) (TEM4), chariot, discharge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), miscarriage (TEM8), recharge (TEM4). 2 Latin carpentum, a two-wheeled carriage: carpenter (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 concussion Latin quatere, cutere, cudere, to shake, strike. 6 concuss, concussion, discuss (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), discussion (CET4) (TEM4), percussion (TEM8), percussionist, repercussion ? (TEM8) (1050), quash, squash. 6 condemn (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 来自于Latin damnum, 意为damage entailing liability (for reparation), harm (CET4)。同根词有:damage (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), damn (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), condemn (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), damnify, indemnify, indemnity. condense (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. dense (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), density (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). condign dek-. 1. To take, accept. 35 Latin decere, to be fitting ? ( < "to be acceptable"): decent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decency (TEM8), indecent (TEM4). 2 Latin docere, to teach (< "to cause to accept"): docile (TEM8) (1050), doctor (CET4), doctorate ? (TEM8), doctrine ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), doctrinaire, document (CET4) 138 (AWL3) (DEE) (TEM4), documentary ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), documentation, indocile, indoctrinate (1050). 6 Greek dokein, to appear, seem, think (< "to cause to accept or be accepted"): dogma (TEM8) (1050), dogmatic (TEM8) (1050), dogmatism, heterodox (TEM8), orthodox ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), orthodoxy, paradox ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), unorthodox (1050), unorthodoxy. 8 Latin decus, grace, ornament: decor, decorate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decoration (CET4) (TEM4), decorative (TEM4), decorator (TEM4). 2 Latin decor, seemliness, elegance, beauty: decorous (TEM8), decorum (TEM8) (1050), indecorous. 3 Latin dignus, worthy, deserving, fitting: dainty (TEM8), deign, dignity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dignitary, condign, dignify (TEM4), dignified (TEM4), disdain ? (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), disdainful (TEM4), indign, indignant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), indignation ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), indignity (TEM4). 10 Latin discere, to learn: disciple (TEM4), discipline (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disciplinary (TEM4), disciplinarian, interdisciplinary (TEM4), undisciplined. 4 condole cf. condolence (TEM4), dole ? (TEM8), doleful (TEM4), dolorous, indolent (TEM8) (1050). condor El Condor Passa cone ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. conic (TEM4), conifer configuration ? (DEE) dheigh-. To form, build. 14 Latin figura, form, shape (< "result of kneading"): figure (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), figurative (TEM8) (1050), figurehead (TEM8) (1050), figurine, configuration ? (DEE), disfigure, prefigure, transfigure. 7 Nasalized form in Latin fingere, to shape: faint (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), fainthearted (TEM8), feign (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), feigned, feint (TEM8), fiction (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fictitious (DEE) (TEM8), figment, effigy, unfeigned. 7 confiscate ? (TEM4) cf. fiscal ? (TEM8) conflagration cf. flagrant (TEM8) (1050), deflagrate. Cf. phlegmatic, see blazon conform ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) merph-. Form. Greek root of unknown origin. 18 Greek morphe, form, beauty, outward appearance: -morph, amorphous (1050) (5000), anthropomorphous (5000), metamorphose, metamorphosis (1050), morpheme, morphine (MEE+) (TEM8), Morpheus, morpho-. 3 Latin forma, form, shape, contour, appearance, beauty: 139 form (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), formal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), formality (TEM4), formalize (TEM4), format (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), formation (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), formative (TEM8), former (CET4) (TEM4), formerly (TEM4), formula (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), formulate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), formulation (TEM8), conform ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conformity (TEM4), deform (DEE) (TEM8), deformity (TEM8), inform (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), informal (DEE) (TEM4), informant (TEM4), information (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), informative (TEM4), informality, informed (TEM4), informer (TEM4), nonconformist, nonconformity, perform (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), performance (MEE) (DEE), platform (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), reform (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reformer (TEM4), reformation (DEE) (TEM4), reformative (TEM4), reformulate, transform (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE), well-informed. 15 confound (MEE+) (DEE) gheu-. To pour (CET4), pour a libation. 17 Germanic gut. Nasalized form in Latin fundere, to pour: found 2, funnel (TEM4), fuse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, fusion ? (TEM4), confound (MEE+) (DEE), confuse (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), confusion (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), diffuse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), diffusion, effuse, effusion, effusive (TEM8) (1050), infuse (TEM8), perfuse, profuse (MEE+) (1050), profusion (1050), refund ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), refuse (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, refusal (CET4) (MEE), suffuse (DEE), transfuse, transfusion (MEE+). 12 Germanic gust ? (TEM4) (a cold blast of wind), gusty (TEM4), gush ? (TEM8), gusher, geyser. 4 Latin futilis, "(of a vessel) easily emptied, leaky," hence untrustworthy, useless: futile ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), futility (TEM8). 1 confront (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) see affront congeal gel-. 3. Cold; to freeze (CET4). 3 Germanic chill (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), chilly (TEM4), cold (CET4) (TEM4), cool (CET4) (TEM4), cooler (TEM4). Latin gelare, to freeze: gelatin, gelation, jelly (TEM4), jellyfish (TEM8), congeal. 1 Latin glacies, ice (CET4): glacial (TEM4), glacier ? (MEE+) (TEM4). 2 congest (DEE) gerere. To carry, carry on, act, do. Latin verb of unknown origin. Oldest form ges-, past participle gestus: 14 140 gerund (TEM4), gest, gestate, gestation, gesticulate (TEM8), gesture (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), jest (TEM8), jesting, belligerent, congest (DEE), congested (TEM8), congestion (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), digest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), digestion (TEM4), digestive (TEM4), exaggerate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exaggeration, indigestion (TEM8), ingest, ingestion, register (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), registration (DEE) (TEM4), registry (TEM8), suggest, suggestible, suggestive. 14 congruent (TEM4) cf. congruence = congruency (TEM4), congruous, incongruous (1050). conjoin yeug-. To join. 17 Germanic yoke, (yokel). 2 Latin jugum, yoke: jugular, conjugate, subjugate (1050). 1 Greek zugon, yoke, and zugoun, to join: zygo-, zygote Latin juxta, close by: joust, adjust (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (TEM4), adjustment (DEE) (TEM4), maladjusted (TEM8), juxtapose (1050), juxtaposition. 2 Nasalized form *yu-n-g in Latin jungere, to join: join (CET4) (TEM4), joint (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), jointly (DEE), junction ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), juncture (DEE) (TEM8), junta, adjoin ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (BK), adjunct (5000), conjoin, conjugal, conjunct, conjunction (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disjoin, disjoined, disjointed (TEM8), disjunction, disjuctive, enjoin, injunction (TEM8), rejoin, rejoinder, subjoin. 12 Greek zeugma, a bond: zeugma Sanskrit yogah, union: yoga connive (1050) connubial sneubh-. To marry (CET4). 4 Latin nubere, to marry, take a husband: nubile, nuptial, connubial. 3 Greek numphe, nymph, bride: nymph (TEM8). 1 conquer (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) quaerere. To seek. Latin verb of unknown origin. 18 quaestor, querist, querulous (TEM8), query ? (TEM4), quest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), question (CET4) (TEM4), questionable (DEE) (TEM4), questionnaire ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), acquire (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), acquired, acquisition (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), acquisitive (DEE), conquer (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conqueror (TEM4), conquest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) 141 (TEM4), disquisition, exquisite ? (MEE) (TEM4), inquest (TEM4) (1050), inquire (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) = enquire (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), inquiry (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) (TEM4), inquisition (TEM8), inquisitive (DEE) (TEM8), perquisite (1050), prerequisite (TEM8) (1050), request (CET4) (TEM4), require (CET4) (AWL1) (TEM4), requirement (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), requisite (DEE) (TEM8), requisition (TEM8). 18 consanguinity Latin sanguis, blood. sanguine (TEM8) (1050), sanguinary (TEM8), sangfroid (1050), consanguinity. 3 conscience (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin scire, to know (<"to separate one thing form another," "discern"): science (CET4) (TEM4), scientific (CET4) (TEM4), scientist (CET4) (TEM4), sciolism, conscience (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conscientious ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conscious (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), consciousness (DEE) (TEM4), nescience, nice (CET4) (TEM4), nicely (TEM8), nicety (MEE+), omniscient (TEM8), prescient, unconscionable, unconscious. 8 consecrate (TEM4) (1050) sak-. To sanctify. 14 Latin sacer, holy, sacred, dedicated: sacred (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sacred cow (1050), sacrament (TEM8), sacrifice (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sacrilege (1050), sacrelegious (TEM8), sacrosanct (1050), consecrate (TEM4) (1050), desecrate (1050), execrate, execrable (TEM8), Sacromento. 9 Nasalized form in Latin sancire (past participle sanctus), to make sacred, consecrate: saint (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), saintly, sanctum, sacrosanct (1050), sanctify (TEM8), sanctification (TEM8), sanction (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), sanctimonious (1050), sanctuary (TEM4), sanctum (TEM4). 5 conservation (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) ser-. 1. To protect. 16 Latin servare, to keep, preserve: conserve ? (MEE+) (TEM4), conservation (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), conservative (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), conservatism, conservatory, observe (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), observer (CET4), observable, observance (TEM8), observant (TEM8), observatory (TEM4), nonobservance, observation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), observatory, preserve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), preservation, preservative (MEE+), reserve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reservation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reserved (TEM4), reservist (TEM8), reservoir (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), unobservable, unreserved. 16 Greek heros, "protector," hero: hero (CET4) (TEM4), heroic (CET4) (MEE), heroin (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), heroine ? (MEE), Hera. 142 considerable (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin sidera, the stars. 8 sidereal, consider (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (to examine carefully), considerable (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), considerate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), consideration (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), considering (CET4) (TEM4), inconsiderable, inconsiderate, desiderate (to feel the lack and desire for), desideratum, desire (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), desirable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), desirous (TEM8), reconsider (TEM4), undesirable (MEE) (DEE). 8 console ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) "看,瘦了~" sel-. 2. Also selH-. Of good mood; to favor. 7 Germanic silly (CET4) (TEM4) (happy) Latin solari, to comfort, console: solace (1050), console ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) 1, disconsolate, inconsolable. 3 Greek hilaros, gay: hilarity, hilarious (TEM4), exhilarate (TEM4), exhilarating (TEM4), exhilaration. 4 consternation see construct construct (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) ster-. 2. Also sterH-. To spread. 24 Germanic strain 2 (something gained, offspring), strew, straw (MEE) (DEE) (that which is scattered), strawberry (MEE). 1 Latin struere, to pile up, construct: structure (AWL1) (MEE), structural (DEE), construct (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), construction (CET4) (TEM4), constructive (TEM4), construe, destroy (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), destroyer (TEM4), destruction (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), destructible, destructive (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), infrastructure ? (AWL8) (MEE) (TEM8), instruct (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), instruction (CET4) (TEM4), instructive (TEM4), instructor (TEM4), instrument (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), instrumental ? (MEE) (TEM4), instrumentalist, microstructure (DEE), obstruct ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), obstruction (MEE), reconstruct (TEM4), reconstruction (DEE), restructure (TEM8), substruction, superstructure, unobstructed. 11 Latin industria, diligence, activity (endo-, within): industry (CET4) (TEM4), industrial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), industrialist (TEM4), industrialize (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), industrious (DEE) (TEM4), industriousness. 2 Nasalized form in Latin sternere (past participle stratus), to stretch, extend: 143 stratus, stratum (MEE+), stratify, stratosphere, stretch (MEE) (DEE), street, stray (DEE), astray, consternate (lay prostrate), consternation, prostrate, substratum. 9 Greek stratos, multitude, army, expedition: stratagem, strategy (AWL2) (MEE), strategic (DEE), stratocracy. 1 consul ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) one who is consulted, cf. consulate ? (TEM4), consult (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), consultant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), consultation (DEE) (TEM4), consultative (DEE). consummate (TEM8) (1050) uper. Over. Germanic over (CET4), overall (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overact, overbearing, overboard (TEM8), overcast (TEM4), overcharge (DEE), overcoat (CET4) (TEM4), overcome (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overcrowd (TEM4), overdo (TEM4), overdose (TEM8), overdraft (DEE) (TEM8), overdraw (TEM4), overdue ? (TEM8), overemphasize, overestimate (DEE) (TEM4), overexposure, overflow ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overgrown (TEM8), overhaul (DEE), overhead (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overhear ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overjoy (TEM4), overlap ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overlook (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overnight (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overpass ? (MEE) (DEE), overpower, overpowering, overreach, override ? (TEM8), overriding, overrule (TEM8), overseas (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), oversee (MEE+), overshadow (TEM8), oversight (TEM8), overstate (TEM8), overtake (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overthrow ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overtime (TEM4), overturn ? (MEE) (TEM4), overview (DEE) (TEM8), overweening, overweight (TEM4), overwhelm (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overwhelming ? (MEE) (DEE), overwork (DEE), overwrought. 26 Latin super, super-, above, over: sovereign (MEE) (DEE) (1050), sovereignty, super-, super (DEE), superable, insuperable (TEM8), superior (MEE) (DEE), superiority (MEE) (DEE), supreme (MEE) (DEE), supremacy, supercilious, superciliousness, superconduct (DEE), superconductor (DEE), superficial (MEE) (DEE) (1050), superficiality, superfluity, superfluous (MEE) (1050), superimpose, superintend, superlative, supernatural (DEE), supernova, supersede, supersonic (MEE), superstition (MEE) (DEE), superstructure, supervise (MEE) (DEE), supervision (DEE), sur-, surcharge, surface (MEE), surfeit, surmount, insurmountable (TEM8), surpass (MEE) (DEE), surplus (MEE) (DEE), surreal (1050), surrealism, surrender (MEE) (DEE), surveillance (MEE+), surveyor, survive (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE), survival (MEE) (DEE), sirloin (TEM8). 31 Latin supernus, above, upper, top: supernal 144 Latin superbus, superior, excellent, arrogant: superb (MEE) (DEE). 1 Latin summus, highest, topmost: sum (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE), summary (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE), summarily, summarize (MEE), summation, summit (MEE) (DEE), consummate (TEM8) (1050). 5 Latin supra, above, beyond: soprano, supra-, somersault. Greek huper, over: hyper-, hyperactivity, hyperbole (1050), hyperbolic, hypercritical (TEM8), hypersensitive, hypertension (TEM8). 6 contact (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) tag-. To touch, handle. 30 Nasalized form *ta-n-g in Latin tangere, to touch (taxare, to touch, assess, and tactus, touch): tact, tactful (1050), tactless, tactic, tactics (MEE) (DEE), tactile, taint, tainted, tangent, tangential, tangible (MEE+) (DEE) (1050), taste, tasty, distaste (TEM4), tax (DEE), taxation (DEE), taxing, attain (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contact (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), (contact lens (DEE) (TEM4)), contagion, contagious ? (DEE) (TEM4), contiguous, contingent ? (TEM8) (1050), contingency (TEM8), intact (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intangible (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), intangibility. 22 Latin integer, intact, whole, complete, perfect, honest: entire (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), entirety, integer (TEM8), integral ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), integrate (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), integrity (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), disintegrate (TEM4), disintegration (TEM4). 5 Latin contaminare, to corrupt by mixing or contact: contaminate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contamination (DEE), contaminated, decontaminate. 3 contempt ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin contemnere, to slight or despise. contemn, contempt ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contemptible, contemptuous (TEM4) context (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE) (TEM4) teks-. To weave; also to fabricate, especially with an ax; also to make wicker or wattle fabric for (mud-covered) house walls. 9 Latin texere, to weave, fabricate: text (AWL2), textile (MEE) (DEE), texture (MEE) (DEE), tissue (MEE) (DEE), context (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE) (TEM4), pretext ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 5 Latin subtilis, thin, fine, precise, subtle (< *sub-tela, "thread passing under the warp," the finest thread): subtle (MEE) (DEE), subtlety. 2 145 Greek tekton, carpenter, builder: tectonic, architect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), architecture (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), architectural (DEE). 1 Greek tekhne, art, craft, skill, < "craft of weaving or fabricating": technical (AWL3) (DEE), technique (AWL3), technician (MEE), technocrat, biotech (TEM4), polytechnic (TEM4), technology (AWL3) (DEE). 1 contort (TEM8) terkw-. To twist. 12 Germanic thwart. 1 Latin torquere, to twist: torch (DEE), torment (MEE) (DEE), torque 1, 2, tort (MEE+), tortuous (MEE+), torture (MEE) (DEE), contort (TEM8), distort ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), distorted, distortion, extort (TEM8), extortion (1050), extortionate (TEM8), extortionist, retort ? (MEE) (TEM4)1. 11 contraband kom. Beside, near, by, with. Latin com, with (collective and intensive prefix): co-, com-. Latin contra, against, opposite: con (TEM4) 1, contra-, contraband, contradict ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contradiction (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contradictory (TEM4), contrary (CET4) (AWL7) (DEE) (TEM4), contrast (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contravene, contravention, control (CET4) (DEE), controversial (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), controversy (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), controvert, counter (MEE) (TEM4) 1, counter-, counteract ? (TEM8), counter-attack (TEM4), counterbalance, counterfeit (TEM8), countermand, counterpart ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), counterproductive, country (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), countryside (CET4) (TEM4), encounter (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 17 contrive ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) trep-. 2. To turn. 5 Greek tropos, a turn, way, manner: trope, tropo-, contrive ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), contrived (1050), contrivance, entropy (1050), retrieve ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), retrievable (TEM8), retrieval (TEM8), irretrievable (TEM8), treasure- trove. 3 Greek trope, a turning, change: trophy, tropic (MEE) (DEE), tropical (MEE), entropy, heliptrope, Atropos (one of the three Fates, thus, inexorable, inflexible). 2 contumacy teuH-. Also teu-. To swell. 11 Germanic 146 thigh (MEE) (the swollen or fat part of the leg (CET4)), thumb (MEE) (DEE) (the thick finger), thimble Latin tumere, to swell, be swollen, be proud: tumescent, tumid, tumor (MEE) (DEE), contumacy, contumely, detumescence, intumesce, intumescence, tumefacient, tumefy, turgid. 5 Latin tumulus, raised heap of earth, mound ? (TEM8): tumulus, tumult, tumultuous (1050). 1 Latin tuber, lump, swelling: tuber, tuberculosis, protuberate, protuberant. 2 Greek, soma, body (< "a swelling," "stocky form"): soma, somato-, somatic, -some 2, chromosome (MEE+), prosoma. 2 Greek tomb (MEE) (DEE), tombstone. 1 conundrum (1050) 可难琢磨 convex (TEM4) wegh-. To go, transport in a vehicle. 28 Germanic weigh 1 (to carry, balance in a scale), weight, weightless (DEE), way (DEE), always (CET4), away (CET4), wagon (MEE) (DEE), wag 1, waggish, (to move about), vogue (1050), wiggle. 4 Latin vehere (past participle vectus), to carry: vector, vehement (1050), vehicle (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE), vein (MEE) (DEE), convect (DEE), convection, invective, inveigh. 4 Latin via, way, road: foy, via (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE), viable (1050), nonviable, viability, voyage (DEE), convey (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conveyance, convoy (TEM8), deviate ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), deviation (TEM8), deviant (TEM8), devious ? (DEE) (TEM8), deviousness, envoi, envoy (TEM4) (1050) 1, impervious, obviate, obvious (CET4) (AWL4) (DEE) (TEM4), pervious, previous (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), trivial (MEE) (DEE), triva, trivium, viaduct. 17 Latin vexare, to agitate (<"to set in motion"): vex, vexation. 2 Latin convexus, "carried or drawn together (to a point)," convex: convex (TEM4). 1 convict (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) weik-. 5. To fight (CET4), conquer. 10 Latin vincere (past participle victus), to conquer: vanquish, victor, victory (DEE), vincible, convict (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), conviction (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), convince (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), convinced, convincing (TEM4), evict (TEM8), eviction (TEM8), evince, invincible (TEM8), unconvincing. 11 convivial (1050) gwei-. Also gweiH-. To live. 21 Germanic 147 quick (CET4) (TEM4) (TEM8), quickly (TEM4), quicksilver, quicksand (TEM8) Latin vivus, living, alive (CET4): vivify, viviparous, viper. Latin denominative vivere, to live: viands, victual, viva, vivacious (1050), vivid (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), convivial (1050), conviviality, revive ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), revivify (TEM4), survive (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE), survival (CET4) (MEE) (DEE). 6 Latin vita, life: viable (1050), nonviable, viability, vital (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), vitality, vitalize, vitamin (CET4) (DEE), revitalize (TEM8), curriculum vitae, c’est la vie (1050). 7 Greek bios, life (biote, way of life): bio-, biochemistry ? (TEM4), biography ? (MEE) (TEM4), biographer (DEE), biographical (TEM4), biology (CET4) (TEM4), biological (DEE) (TEM4), biologist (TEM4), biomedical (MEE+), biosphere, biota, biotic, biotech (TEM4), aerobe, aerobics (TEM8), amphibian (MEE+) (TEM8), amphibious (TEM8) (5000), anaerobic, microbe (DEE), symbiosis, symbiotic (1050). 6 Greek zoon, zoion, living being, animal: -zoa, -zoic, zoo-, zoology (DEE), zoo (CET4), zoon, -zoon. 1 Greek hugies, healthy: Hygeia, hygiene ? (DEE) (TEM4). 1 convoluted wel-. 3. To turn, roll; with derivatives referring to curved, enclosing objects. 14 Germanic waltz, welter, willow (DEE) (with flexible twigs), willowy, walk, well (DEE) 1 ("rolling or bubbling water", "spring"), wallow (to roll in mud). 4 Latin volvere, to roll: vault 1, 2, voluble, volubility, volume (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE), voluminous, volute, circumvolve, convolve, convoluted, devolve, evolve (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), evolution (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), evolutionary (DEE) (TEM8), involve (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), involved (TEM4), revolve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), revolver (TEM4), revolution (CET4) (AWL9) (TEM4), revolutionary (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), revolutionize (TEM4), revolt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Volvo. 8 Latin valva, leaf of a door (< "that which turns"): valve (DEE). 1 Latin valles, vallis, valley (< "that which is surrounded by hills"): vale 1, valley, avalanche. 1 Greek helix, spiral object: helix (MEE+), helicopter (CET4) (MEE) (H, symbol) coop (TEM4) cf. hoop, loop (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), noop > noose, roop > rope (CET4) (TEM4), ropeway (TEM4) 148 cf. coup d'etat. 鸡在鸡笼发动政变。 cooperate (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) op-. 1. To work, produce in abundance. 17 Latin opus (stem oper-), work, with its denominative verb operari, to work, and secondary noun opera, work: opera 1 (CET4), operate (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), operation (CET4) (DEE), operational (CET4) (MEE), operator (CET4) (MEE), operative, operetta, opus, magnum opus (1050), cooperate (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cooperation (TEM4), cooperative ? (MEE) (TEM4), inure, inured, maneuver (TEM8), manure (TEM8). 9 Latin opulentus, rich, wealthy: opulent, opulence (1050). 1 Suffixed form *op-ni- in Latin omnis, all (<"abundant"): omni-, omnibus, omnipotent (1050), omniscient, omnivorous. 3 Latin optimus, best (< "wealthiest"): optimum (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), optimal (DEE) (TEM4), optimism (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), optimistic (MEE) (DEE), optimize (TEM8). 2 Prefixed Latin form *co-op- (co-, collective and intensive prefix) in Latin copia, profusion, plenty: copious (TEM4) (1050), copy (CET4) (TEM4), copier (TEM4), copyright (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), cornucopia, photocopy (DEE) (TEM4). 2 coquette cock (CET4), 鸡, cocky (TEM4), cockpit ?, cocktail ? (DEE) (TEM4) cornice < corona corporal ? (TEM4) Latin corpus, body, substance: corporal ? (TEM4) 1, 3, corporate ? (AWL3) (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), corporation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), corporeal, corps (CET4) (TEM8), corpse ? (MEE+) (TEM4), corpulence, corpulent (TEM8), corpus, corpuscle, esprit de corps, incorporate ? (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), incorporeal. 9 corral Spanish, a yard, < Latin currere, run. correspondent (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) spend-. To make an offering, perform a rite, hence to engage oneself by a ritual act. 8 Latin spondere, to make a solemn promise, pledge, betroth: sponsor (MEE) (DEE), spouse (MEE), despond, despondent (1050), espouse, espousal, respond (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), response (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), respondent (TEM4), responsibility (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), responsible (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), irresponsible (TEM4), responsive (TEM4), correspond (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), correspondent (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), correspondence (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), corresponding (CET4) (MEE), correspondingly, unresponsive. 8 corroborate (1050) 149 reudh-. 1. Red, ruddy. 7 Germanic red (CET4) (TEM4), redden (TEM4), reddish (TEM4), red-handed (TEM4), red-hot (MEE+) (TEM4), ruddy (TEM8), russet (TEM8), rust (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rusty (TEM4), infrared ? (DEE) (TEM8) vs ultraviolet. 1 Latin robur, robus, red, oak, hardness, and robustus, strong: roborant, robust ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), corroborate (1050), corroboration, corroborative, rambunctious (1050). 5 Latin rubeus, red: rouge ? (TEM4), ruby ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin rubicundus, red, ruddy: rubicund. 1 Latin rubidus, red: rubidium corrugate ruk-. 2. Rough. Germanic rough (DEE) (TEM4), roughen (TEM8), rug (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rugged (TEM4). 1 Latin ruga, wrinkle: rugose, corrugate, corrugated (TEM8). 2 coruscate cosmopolitansim see cosmos cosmos kes-. 3. To order. Greek kosmos, order: cosmos, cosmic ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cosmonaut, cosmopolitan ? (TEM4), cosmopolitanism, macrocosm, microcosm (1050), cosmetic ? (TEM4), cosmetics. cosset a cot sitter costume (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. custom (DEE) (TEM4) cosy / cozy ? (TEM4) coterie cf. cot (TEM4), cottage (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) coterminous ter-. Base of derivatives meaning peg ? (DEE) (TEM4), post, boundary marker, goal (AWL4). 8 Latin terminus, boundary, limit: term (DEE), terminal (MEE) (DEE), terminate (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE), termination (DEE), terminable, terminology, terminus, coterminous, determine (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), determination (CET4), determiner (TEM8), determinant, exterminate (DEE) (TEM8), indeterminate (TEM8), interminable (TEM8). 8 cougar 酷哥 countenance (TEM8) cf. contain (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), see abstain 150 coup ? (TEM8) (1050) coup d'etat (1050), coup de grace, cope (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), recoup (TEM8). covet (TEM8) Latin cupere, to desire. Cupid, cupidity, covet (TEM8), covetous. cow (CET4) (TEM4) cowboy (TEM4) coward ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin cauda, a tail caudal, coda, coward ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cowardice, cowardly (TEM4) (with tail between legs), cower. 5 cozen cf. cousin (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) crab ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) crabbed craft (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) craftsman (TEM4), crafty (TEM4) crag (TEM4) Red Crag craggy cramp ? (TEM8) ger-. 2. Curving, crooked; hypothetical Indo-European base for a variety of Germanic words with initial kr-. 21 I. words meaning to bend, curl; bent, crooked, hooked; something bent or crooked: Germanic *krappon-, a hook, especially one used in harvesting grapes, in Old French graper, to harvest grapes, hence (back-formation) grape, vine, grape: grape (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), grapevine (TEM4), grapple (TEM8) Germanic crumple ?, cramp ? (TEM8) 1, 2, cramped, cripple (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), creep (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cringe (TEM8), cringing, crinkle (TEM8), creek ? (TEM4), crook (DEE) (TEM8), crooked ? (DEE) (TEM8), crotch (TEM8), crochet, crotchety, crouch ? (DEE) (TEM4), encroach (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050), crutch ? (DEE) (TEM4), curl (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), crank? (DEE) (TEM8) 1, cranky. 17 II. words meaning " a rounded mass, collection; a round object, vessel, container." Germanic crumb ? (TEM4), crumble ? (TEM4), group (CET4), cradle ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), crate ?, cart (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). 4 crass (1050) see engross crater ?(MEE+) (TEM8) cravat (TEM8) < Croatian crave ? (TEM8) cf. craft (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), craving craven Craven A crayon ? (TEM4) The child depicts with a crayon a beam of colorful ray on the canyon, < Latin creta, chalk (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) crease ? cf. crest ? (TEM4) 151 crepuscular 黎明刚刚creep (CET4)上山冈。Cf. twilight (DEE) crevice ker-. 2. Echoic root, base of various derivatives indicating loud (CET4) noises or birds. Latin crepare, to crack, burst, creak: crepitate, crevice, decrepit. Germanic cricket ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), screak, screech ? (TEM4), scream (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). croak (TEM8) cf. creak ? (TEM8), cricket ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), crow ? (DEE) (TEM4). crockery (TEM8) croon cf. groan ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) gerH-. 2. To cry hoarsely; also the name of the crane. 3 I. words meaning " to cry hoarsely"; also words denoting the crow. Germanic crow ? (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, crack (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), cracker ? (DEE) (TEM4), crackle (TEM8), cricket ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), croon, cur (to growl), currish. 2 II. Words denoting a crane: Germanic crane (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cranberry Latin grus, crane: Grus, pedigree (< foot of grane). 1 cross (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin crux, cross. 5 crucial (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), crux (TEM8), excruciate, crucifix, crucify (TEM8), crusade (TEM4), cruise (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cruiser ? (TEM4), cross (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), crosscheck (TEM4), cross-examine (TEM8), crossfire, crossing (CET4) (TEM4), crossroads (TEM4), crossword (TEM4), across (CET4) (TEM4), cross the Rubicon (1050). 5 crude (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) “粗鲁的”. Cf. crude (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), crudity, cruel (CET4) (DEE), cruelty (CET4) (TEM4), rude (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). crush (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. crash (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) crustacean cf. crust (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), incrustation cryogenic cf. crystal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), crust (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cub ? (TEM8) cubicle keu-. 2. Base of various loosely related derivatives with assumed basic meaning "to bend," whence "a round or hollow object." 10 Germanic heap (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hip (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) 1, hive (TEM8). 1 Latin 152 cup (CET4) Greek cube (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cubic (TEM4) Latin cubare, to lie down on (< "to bend down, prostrate"): cubicle (DEE), covey (DEE), concubine (TEM4), incubate, incubation (TEM8), incubator (TEM8), incubus, succubus. 4 Latin cubitum, elbow (CET4): cubit. Latin -cumbere, to lie down, recline: incumbent ? (TEM8), procumbent, recumbent, succumb. 3 Germanic hawker (TEM4), huckster. 2 cuff ? (TEM4) handcuffs (TEM4), off-the-cuff (MEE+) culpable Latin culpa, blame, guilt. culpable, culprit ? (TEM8) (short for culpable, prit (a averer nostre bille), guilty, ready (to prove our case), said by the Roman prosecutor in opening the case to the jury), exculpate, exculpatory, inculpate, mea culpa (1050) = my fault. 5 cumber originally felled trees used in fortification, cf. cumber, cumbersome (TEM8), encumber (TEM8), encumbrance, disencumber, unencumbered. 6 curd (TEM8) cf. curdle, crowd (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), crowded (TEM4). curfew (TEM8) cover-fire, cf. fuel (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), focus (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), bifocals (TEM8) curmudgeon 可骂阵 curt (1050) < French court, short, cf. curtail ? (TEM8) (cut tail) cushion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) custody ? (TEM4) custodian customary ? (MEE) (DEE) cf. accustom (TEM4) (5000), accustomed (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), custom (CET4) (TEM4), customs, customary ? (TEM4), customer (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), costume (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cuticle cf. hide (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), hut (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cutlery ? (TEM8) cf. cut (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), shortcut (DEE), undercut. cygnet cylinder ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cypress cf. Cyprus. cytology dabble dab (TEM8), dabster daft (TEM8) cf. deft (TEM8) (1050) dagger ? (TEM4) daguerreotype < Daguerre dais Latin discus, disc, dish. discus (TEM8), disc (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), discography, discotheque = disco ? (TEM4), disk (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), dish (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), dishwasher (TEM4), desk (CET4), desktop (TEM4), dais 153 dally cf. dilly-dally, dalliance damp (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) damped, dampen (TEM8), damper (TEM8), dim (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) dandy (TEM8) < Dandy, a pet-form of Andrew, especially as the term was first used on the Scottish border and St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. It can also be regarded as coming from dandelion, “a dandy with a dandelion in his hair” dangle (TEM8) 荡了 dank (TEM8) 阴湿的“蛋壳”. Cf. damp (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dingy (TEM8), dungeon (TEM8) dapper (TEM8) 打扑 dappled (TEM8) apple (CET4) daredevil (TEM8) cf. dare (CET4) (TEM4), daring (TEM4). darn (TEM8) dart ? (TEM4) dashing cf. dash (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) daub < de-alb, cf. albatross (1050), album (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) (5000), albino (5000), Albion, Alps, daubster daunt ? (TEM8) demH-. 2. To constrain, force, especially to break in (horses). 5 Germanic tame (MEE) (DEE). 1 Latin domare, to tame, subdue: daunt ? (TEM8), dauntless (TEM8) (1050), indomitable, undaunted. 4 Greek daman, to tame (> adamas, unconquerable): adamant (TEM8) (1050) (5000), diamond (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 戴梦得. 1 dauntless (TEM8) (1050) 挡者立死 dawdle (TEM8) 倒走,cf. toddle, toddler day (CET4) (TEM4) cf. daily (CET4) (TEM4), daybreak (TEM4), daydream (TEM4), daylight (CET4) (TEM4), daytime (TEM4), everyday (CET4) (TEM4). daze (TEM4) cf. dazzle ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dizzy (MEE) (DEE) deaden (TEM8) cf. die (CET4) (TEM4), dying, death (CET4) (TEM4), deathly (TEM4), dead (CET4) (TEM4), deadlock ? (TEM8), deadly (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), deadline (CET4) (TEM4), deadpan, deadweight (TEM4). dealing (TEM4) cf. deal (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), dealer ? (MEE) (TEM4), ordeal ? (TEM4) dearth cf. dear (CET4) (TEM4), endearing, endearment, darling (CET4) (DEE), a dear cat debacle (1050) 堤坝垮了。 bak-. Staff used for support. 3 Middle English peg ? (DEE) (TEM4) Latin baculum, rod, walking stick: 154 bacillus, baguette; debacle (1050), imbecile, embezzle (TEM8) (1050) (to enfeeble financially, cf. imbecile). 3 Greek baktron, staff: bacterium (MEE) (DEE), bacteria (CET4) (TEM4), antibacterial (MEE+). debility cf. debilitate (TEM8) (1050), < de-, + ability (CET4) (TEM4) debunk de- + bunk ? 蚌壳 decibel (DEE) cf. decade (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decimal ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), decimate (TEM8), December (CET4), dean (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) decry (TEM8) cry (CET4) down defalcate cf. falcon (TEM8), falc-, sickle (TEM4) default ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin fallere, to deceive, escape from. 12 fail (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), failing (TEM8), failure (CET4) (TEM4), fallacious (TEM8) (1050), fallacy (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050), fallible (TEM8) (1050), fallibility, infallible (TEM8), false (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), falsehood (TEM4), falsetto (TEM8), falsify (TEM8), falsification, falsity (TEM8), fault (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), faultless (DEE), faulty (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), faultfinder, faux pax, default ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), unfailing. 12 defile (TEM8) pu-. 2. To rot ?, decay. 7 Germanic foul ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), fulmar, filth ? (TEM4), filthy (TEM4), file 3, defile (TEM8) 1, fuzz (TEM8), fuzzy (TEM8). 4 Latin puter (stem putri-), rotten (CET4): putrescent, putrid, potpourri, putrefy. 3 Latin pus, pus: purulent, pus, suppurate gwhi-. Thread, tendon. 5 Latin filum, thread: filament (TEM4), file (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, fillet (TEM8), defile 2, filigree, profile (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 5 deflect ? (DEE) (TEM4) Latin flectere, to bend, flect-, flex- flex, flexible (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), flexibility (TEM4), flexitime (TEM8), deflect ? (DEE) (TEM4), genuflect, inflect, inflection (TEM8), inflexible (TEM8), reflect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), reflection (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), reflective, reflex (TEM4), reflexive (TEM4). 8 deforestation dhwer-. Door, doorway (usually in plural). 7 Germanic 155 door (CET4) (TEM4), doorstep (TEM4), doorway (TEM4), indoor (CET4) (TEM4), indoors (TEM4), outdoor (CET4) (TEM4), outdoors (CET4). Latin foras, (toward) out of doors, outside: foreign (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), foreigner (CET4). Latin foris, (being) out of doors: forest (CET4), forester (TEM8), forestry (TEM4), deforestation, foreclose, foreclosure, forfeit ? (DEE) (TEM8) (to do beyond, outside (what is right) > sin (CET4) (TEM4) > lose the right to), forfeiture. 5 Latin forum, marketplace (originally the enclosed space around a home (CET4)): forensic (TEM8), forum (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 2 defraud (TEM8) cf. fraud (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fraudulent (TEM8) (1050), cf. frustrate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), frustration (DEE) (TEM4). defray defunct(TEM8) (1050) Latin fungi, to perform, serve, funct- function (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), functionary, fungible, defunct (TEM8) (1050), dysfunction, disfunctional, malfunction (DEE), perfunctory (TEM8) (1050). 5 defuse cf. fuse ? (MEE) (DEE) dehumanize dhghem-. Earth. 8 Latin humus, earth: humble (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), humiliate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), humility (1050) (TEM8), humus, exhume, inhume. 4 Latin homo, human being, man (< "earthling"): homage ? (1050) (TEM8), hominid, homo 1, homicide (MEE+) (TEM8). 1 Latin humanus, human, kind, humane: human (CET4) (TEM4), human being (CET4), humane (TEM4), humanism (TEM4), humanitarian (TEM4), humanity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), humankind (TEM4), dehumanize, inhuman (DEE) (TEM4), inhumanity (TEM4), inhumane (TEM4). 3 delectable Latin laqueus, a noose, or snare, a cord, a lace; lacere, to entice, lactere, to seduce, to charm or to delight. delicacy (TEM4), delicate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), delicatessen (TEM4), delicious (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), delight (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), delightful (DEE) (TEM4), dilettante (TEM8) (1050), delectable, delectation, elicit ? (TEM8) (1050), lace ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), lash ? (TEM4), backlash (1050), lasso, latch (TEM8), interlace, necklace ? (MEE) (TEM4). 11 delete (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. delete (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), deleterious (1050), indelible (TEM8) (1050), indelibility. 4 156 deliberate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) lithra. A scale. Mediterranean word. 4 Latin libra, a pound, balance: level (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), levelheaded, libra, lira, deliberate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), deliberation (TEM4), deliberately, equilibrium (TEM8) (1050). 4 Greek litra, unit of weight, pound: liter (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). delimit Latin limes, a boundary, hence a limit; limen, threshold. limit (TEM4), limitation (MEE) (TEM4), limited (MEE) (TEM4), delimit (TEM8), illimitable, limen, liminal, eliminate (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), elimination (TEM4), oblique (DEE), preliminary (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE), sublime (1050), sublimate, subliminal (1050), unlimited (DEE). 7 delinquent leikw-. To leave (CET4). 10 Greek leipein, to leave: eclipse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ellipse (TEM4), ellipsis, elliptical (DEE) (TEM4). 4 Germanic lend (CET4) (TEM4), loan (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), twelve. Nasalized form in Latin linquere, to leave: delinquent (TEM4), delinquency (MEE+) (TEM4), derelict (TEM8), dereliction, relinquish (TEM8) (1050), relic ? (DEE) (TEM4), relict. 6 delirium cf. delirious (TEM8) delve demagogue (TEM8) (1050) Greek demos, people. demotic, democracy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), democrat ? (TEM4), democratic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), demagogue (TEM8) (1050), demogogy (TEM8), demographic, demography (TEM8), demographer (MEE+) (DEE), endemic (TEM8) (1050), epidemic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pandemic (TEM8). 7 demarcate cf. mark (TEM4), marked (TEM4), marking (TEM8), margin (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), marginal (CET4) (DEE) (TEM8), demarcate, benchmark (1050), hallmark (TEM8) (1050), remark (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), remarkable (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), trademark (MEE). 3 demolish ? mo-. To exert oneself: Latin moles, heavy bulk, mass, massive structure: mole 3, molecule (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), molecular (DEE), demolish ? (TEM8), demolition. 2 Latin molestus, labored, difficult, troublesome: molest (TEM8). 1 demur Latin mora, a delay: moratorium (1050), moratory, demur, remora. 2 157 demure (1050) cf. mature (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), maturity (DEE), immature (TEM4), premature ? (DEE) (TEM4). demystify den ? (TEM4) cf. down (CET4) (TEM4), downfall ?, downgrade ?, download (CET4), downside (DEE), downstairs (CET4), downtown (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), downward (CET4) denigrate cf. negro (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), nigger (TEM8). denizen dent dent-. Tooth. 8 Germanic tooth, tusk. 1 Latin dens, (stem dent-), tooth: dent (TEM8), dental (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), dentist (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dentistry (TEM8), denti-, denture (TEM4), dandelion (TEM8), indent (TEM8), indentation, indenture, trident. 6 Greek odon, odous, tooth: -odon, -odont, odonto-, orthodontics. 1 denude cf. nude ? (TEM8), nudity (TEM8). depict (CET4) (DEE) eig-. 1. Also peik-. To cut, mark (by incision) Germanic file (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 2 (cutting tool), filings. 2 Latin pingere, to embroider, tattoo, paint, picture: paint (CET4), painter (CET4), painting (CET4), picture (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pictorial, picturesque ?, pigment (DEE), depict (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pictorgraph, pixel. 3 deplore ? Latin plorare, to cry out, to wail. cf. deplore ? (TEM8), deplorable (1050), explore (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), exploration (TEM4), exploratory (TEM4), explorer (TEM4), implore (DEE) (TEM8). 3 deprave depravity deprecate prek-. To ask, entreat. 5 Latin precari, to entreat, pray: pray (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), prayer (CET4) (MEE) 2, precarious ? (TEM8), deprecate, imprecate, imprecation. 3 Latin postulare, to ask, request: postulate (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), expostulate. 2 deracinate wrad-. Branch, root. 4 Germanic wort Latin radix, root: race (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 3, racial (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), racism ? (TEM4), racist (TEM4), radix (DEE), radical (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), radicalism (TEM4), radish (TEM8), deracinate, eradicate (TEM4), irradicable. 3 Latin ramus, branch: 158 ramify (DEE), ramification (TEM8) (1050). 1 Greek rhiza, root: rhizo-, rhizome, licorice. deride (TEM8) (1050) Latin ridere, to laugh at ridicule (DEE) (TEM4), ridiculous (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), risible, deride (TEM8) (1050), derision (TEM8) (1050), derisive. 6 derivation Latin rivus, stream: rival (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rivalry ? (TEM4), river (CET4) (TEM4), riverbed (TEM4), riverside (TEM4), rivulet, derive (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), derivation (TEM4), derivative ? (TEM4) (1050). 5 dermatologist cf. dermatology, epidermis, hypodermic, pachyderm. 5 desalinize sal-. 1. Salt. 4 Germanic salt (CET4) (TEM4), salty (DEE) (TEM4), souse, silt (MEE+). 2 Latin sallere (past participle salsus), to salt: sauce (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), saucepan (CET4) (TEM4), saucer (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sausage (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). Latin sal (genitive salis), salt: sal, salad (CET4) (TEM4), salami, salary (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sali-, saliferous, saline (TEM8), desalinize, saltcellar, saltpeter. 2 Greek hals, salt, sea: halo-. descry to cry down, shouting one's discovery of an enemy, of game, and of land. Cf. decry (TEM8) deserts what someone deserves desiccant cf. desiccate, desiccated, siccative, seche desolate ? (MEE) (DEE) s(w)e-. Pronoun of the third person and reflexive (referring back to the subject of the sentence); further appearing in various forms referring to the social group as an entity, "we, ourselves." 46 Germanic self (CET4), selfish (CET4) (TEM4), selfless (TEM4), self-assertion, self-assurance, self-assured (TEM4), self-centered, self-confident, self- conscious (TEM4), self-contained (TEM4), self-contradictory (TEM4), self-control (DEE) (TEM4), self-criticism (TEM4), self-deprecation, self- determination (TEM4), self-education (TEM4), self-effacing (TEM8), self-employed (TEM4), self-evident (TEM4), self-evidently, self- explanatory, self-fulfilling (TEM8), self-government (TEM4), self-interest (TEM4), self-made (TEM8), self-opinionated (TEM8), self-pity (TEM4), self-possessed (TEM8), self-possession, self-preservation (TEM4), self- reliant (TEM4), self-respect (TEM4), self-restraint (TEM8), self- righteousness, self-satisfaction, self-service (TEM4), self-styled (TEM8), self-sufficient (TEM4), self-willed (TEM8), self-taught (TEM4), sib (one's own, blood relation, relative), gossip ? (MEE) (DEE). 14 159 Latin sui (genitive), of oneself: suicide (MEE) (DEE) Latin sed, se, without apart (<"on one's own"): secede (1050), secern, seclude (TEM8), secluded (TEM4), seclusion, secret (CET4), secrete, secretive, secure (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), security (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), securities, sedition, seditious, seduce ? (TEM8), seduction (TEM8), seductive (TEM8), segregate ? (MEE) (TEM8), select (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), selection (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), selective (MEE+) (TEM4), separate (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), seperation (MEE+), inseparable (TEM4), sure. 15 Latin compound sobrius, not drunk (ebrius, drunk): sober ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sobriety (TEM8). (cf. inebriate) 3 Latin solus, by oneself alone: sole (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) 2, solitary (MEE) (DEE), solitude (DEE), solo (MEE), sullen (DEE), desolate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), desolation (TEM4), soliloquy, solitaire. 6 Latin suescere, to get accustomed: consuetude, custom (DEE), customary (DEE), customer (DEE), desuetude, mansuetude. 2 Greek ethos, custom, disposition, trait: ethic ? (AWL9) (MEE+) (TEM8), ethical (TEM8), ethics, ethos, cacoethes. 2 Greek ethnos, band of people living together, nation, people (<"people of one's own kind"): ethnic (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (TEM4), ethno-, ethnography. 1 Greek idios, personal, private (particular to oneself): idio-, idiom (CET4) (TEM4), idiomatic (DEE) (TEM4), idiot ? (DEE) (TEM4), idiocy, idiosyncrasy. 3 desperado Latin spes, hope (CET4), sper- despair (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), desperate (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), desperation (TEM4), desperado, prosper ? (MEE) (DEE), prosperity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), prosperous (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), Esperanto (TEM4). 4 despoil (TEM8) cf. spoil (MEE) (DEE), unspoiled. detection (CET4) (DEE) (s)teg-. To cover. Germanic thatch, deck (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Thatcher. 1 Latin toga Latin tegere, to cover, and tegula, tile: tegument, tile (MEE) (DEE), detect (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), detection (CET4) (DEE), detective (CET4) (TEM4), detector 160 (MEE) (TEM4), integument, protect (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), protection (CET4), protective (CET4). 2 deter tres-. To tremble. Latin terrere, to frighten (CET4) (<"to cause to tremble"): terrible (DEE), terror, terrorist (DEE), terrify (MEE) (DEE), terrific (MEE) (DEE), deter (TEM4), deterrent (TEM8) (1050). 2 detergent ? cf. terse (1050) deteriorate ? (MEE) (DEE) device (CET4) (AWL9) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. devise (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), divide (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), dividend ? (TEM8), divisible (TEM4), division (CET4) (TEM4), individual (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE) (TEM4), individualism (TEM4), individuality (TEM4), subdivide (DEE), widow (DEE) devoted Latin vovere, to make a vow, to vow, pp votus vote (MEE) (DEE), votary, voting, votive, vow (DEE), devote (CET4) (AWL9) (DEE) (TEM4), devoted (TEM4), devotion (DEE) (TEM4), devotional, devout (TEM8), woo. 6 devour ? (MEE+) gwerH-. 4. To swallow. 11 Latin vorare, to swallow up: voracious (1050), -vorous, carnivore (TEM8), carnivorous (DEE) (1050), folivore (TEM8), herbivorous, omnivorous, devour ? (MEE+) (TEM4). 5 Latin gurges, throat, also gulf, whirlpool: gorge (TEM4), gorgeous ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), gargantuan, gargoyle, gurgle (TEM8), disgorge, ingurgitate, jargon ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), regurgitate. 6 diagonal genu-. 1. Knee; also angle. 3 Germanic knee (CET4) (TEM4), kneel (CET4) (TEM4). Latin genu, knee: geniculate, genuflect. 1 Greek gonia, angle, corner: -gon, hexagon (TEM4), pentagon (DEE) (TEM4), diagonal, orthogonal, trigonometry (MEE+). 2 didactic (TEM8) (1050) didactics dilapidated (TEM8) (1050) cf. dilapidation, lapidary dilemma (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) "的,来马", 一边是爱情,一边是友情 dimple (TEM8) cf. dip (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) din (TEM8) echoic dinghy (TEM8) dingy (TEM8) cf. dung (TEM4), dung beetle (TEM4), dungeon (TEM8) (关押任 我行之处) diplomatic (CET4) (TEM4) diplomat ? (TEM4), "two-fold" 161 dipsomania dip so mania dire (TEM8) dinosaur ? (TEM4), Dire Strait disbelief (TEM4) cf. believe (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), belief (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), disbelief (TEM4). discombobulated 法国人讲 disco populated > in a state of confusion discomfit (TEM8) discrepancy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. creak ? (TEM8) disengage (TEM4) wadh-. 1. A pledge; to pledge. 5 Germanic wed, wedding (DEE), gage 1, engage (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), engage, engaged (TEM4), engagement ? (DEE) (TEM4), engaging, mortgage ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), wage (MEE) (DEE), wager, disengage (TEM4), disengaged. 5 disfavor (TEM8) The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling. disfranchise Frankish franc, free. franc (TEM4), frank (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), frankly (TEM4), frankness (DEE), franchise (TEM8), disfranchise, enfranchise, lingua franca, Francis, Franklin, Frankfurt. disgruntle cf. grunt ? (TEM4), groan ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) disgust (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) geus-. To taste, choose. 4 Germanic choose (CET4) (TEM4), choice (CET4) (TEM4). Latin gustus, taste: gust 2, gustation, gustatory, gusto, gusty (TEM4), disgust (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disgusting (CET4) (TEM4), ragout. 4 Latin gustare, to taste: degust. disheveled < dis-capill, cf. capillary (TEM8) disinter ters-. To dry. 10 Germanic thirst (MEE) (DEE) Latin terra, "dry land," earth: terrace, terrain, terrapin, terrestrial (MEE+), extraterrestrial (DEE) (TEM8), terrier, territory (MEE) (DEE), inter, disinter, mediterranean, subterranean, terre-verte, terricolous, terrigenous. 7 Latin torrere, to dry, parch, burn: toast (MEE) 1, torrent (MEE) (DEE), torrential, torrid (1050), torridness. 3 disinterest es-. To be. 15 Latin esse, to be: entity ? (AWL5) (MEE) (TEM8), essence ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), essential (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), absent (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), 162 absentee (TEM4), absent-minded (TEM4) (5000), absent-mindedness, absence (CET4) (TEM4) (5000), improve (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), improvement (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interest (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), interested (TEM4), interesting (CET4) (TEM4), disinterest, disinterested (TEM4), nonentity, present (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, presence (CET4) (MEE), presently (CET4) (DEE), presentation (CET4) (DEE), presenter, proud (CET4), prude, prudery, prudish, prowess (TEM8), quintessence (TEM8), represent (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), representation (DEE), representative (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) > rep (TEM8). 14 Greek einai (present participle ont-, being), to be: -ont, onto-, ontology. 1 dislike (CET4) (TEM4) dislodge (TEM8) lodge (CET4) (MEE) dismantle ? (TEM8) cf. mantle (TEM8), 蒙头 dismay ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) magh-. 1. To be able, have power. Germanic may (CET4) (TEM4), maybe (CET4) (TEM4), dismay ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), might (CET4) (TEM4) 1, mighty (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), almighty ? (DEE) (TEM4), main (CET4) (TEM4) 1, 2, mainland (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), mainspring (TEM8), mainstay (TEM8), mainstream (TEM8). Greek mekhane, makhana, device, (< " that which enables"): machine (CET4) (TEM4), machinery (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), machination (1050), cf. Machiavellian (1050), mechanic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mechanical (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mechanics (TEM4), mechanize (TEM4), mechanism (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mechano-. 3 Old Persian (TEM4) magus, member of a priestly caste (< "mighty one"): magi, magic (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), magical (DEE) (TEM8), magician (DEE) (TEM4), magus. dismember member (CET4), membership (CET4) (TEM4). dispatch ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) = despatch, see expediency displace ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) plat-. To spread. 20 Germanic flat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, flatcar, flatten (TEM4), flatter ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, flatterer, flattering, flattery (TEM4), flat (DEE) (TEM4) 2 (dwelling), flounder (TEM8) 2. 7 Nasalized form in Latin planta, sole of the foot, and denominative plantare, to drive in with the sole of the foot, plant, whence planta, a plant: clan ? (TEM4), clannish, plan (CET4), plant (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), plantation (CET4) (MEE), plantigrade, implant (TEM8), supplant, transplant (MEE) (DEE), transplantation. 6 163 Greek platus, flat, broad: piazza, place (CET4) (TEM4), displace ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), displacement (MEE) (TEM4), replace (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), replacement (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), irreplaceable (TEM4), plane 4, plate (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), plateau ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), platform (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), platitude (1050), platy-, platypus, plaza (TEM4). 7 disregard ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. regard (CET4) (DEE), regarding (CET4) (MEE), regardless (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) dissect (TEM4) sek-. To cut. 9 Germanic scythe, saw (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, sawdust, sawmill (TEM4), sedge, Saxon ("warrior with knives"), skin (CET4) (DEE) (TEM8), skinflint. 3 Latin secare, to cut: secant, -sect, section (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sector (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (TEM4), segment (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), sex (CET4) (AWL3) (TEM4), sexism (TEM8), sexist (TEM8), sexual (CET4) (TEM4), sexuality (TEM4), sexually (MEE+), sexy (TEM4), asexual (5000), bisect (TEM8), dissect (TEM4), dissection, insect (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), insecticide (TEM4), intersect, intersection ? (MEE), notch, resect, transect. 6 Latin secula, sickle: sickle (TEM4) disseminate ? (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050) se-. 1. To sow. Germanic sow (MEE) 1, seed (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), seedling (TEM4), seedy (TEM8). 3 Latin serere, to sow: season (CET4) (TEM4), seasoned, seasoning (TEM4), insert (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM4). Latin semen, seed: semen, seminal (1050), seminary, seminar (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), semination, disseminate ? (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050). 3 dissipate ? (MEE) (DEE) (1050) dissipated (TEM4), dissipation distill ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) still, to cause to drip. Cf. distillation (TEM4), instill (DEE) (TEM4) disturb (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) twer-. 1. To turn, whirl. 9 Germanic storm (DEE) (< "whirlwind"), snowstorm (MEE), stir (MEE) (DEE) 1 (to move, agitate) 164 Greek turbe, tumult, disorder (> Latin turba, disorder, turbo, spinning top, and turbare, to confuse, disorder): trouble, turbid, turbulence, turbulent (MEE) (DEE), turbine (MEE) (DEE), disturb (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disturbance ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disturbing, perturb (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), perturbation (DEE), imperturbable. 9 ditch (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. dig (CET4) (TEM4), dike (TEM4). divagate Latin vagus, wandering (nerve). 6 vagabond, vagary, vagrant, vagrancy, vague (MEE) (DEE), vagus, divagate, extravagant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extravagance (TEM4). diver (TEM4) cf. dive (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) divest (1050) wes-. 4. To clothe. 6 Germanic wear (DEE) 1 Latin vestis, garment: vest (MEE) (DEE), vestment, vesture, divest (1050), divestiture, invest (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), investor (DEE), investment (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), investiture, revest, travesty (1050). 6 divulge (TEM8) Latin vulgus, the common people. vulgar (MEE), divulge (TEM8), promulgate (< Latin provulgare). 3 dock ? sounds as doc., which is a shortened form of document dodder cf. totter, toddle, toddler dodge ? (TEM8) "躲之",大郅。Dodge this! (Trinity in The Matrix) doff cf. don dogged (TEM4) (1050) cf. dog (CET4) (TEM4), dog-eared (TEM8). doggerel doldrums (TEM8) a blend of dull (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) + tantrum dheu-. 1. Also dheuH-. The base of a wide variety of derivatives meaning "to rise in cloud," as dust, vapor, or smoke, and related to semantic notions of breath, various color adjectives, and forms denoting defective perception or wits. 9 Latin fumus, smoke (CET4): fume (MEE) (DEE), fumigate, perfume ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 3 Germanic dizzy (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), doze ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dust (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), dustbin (TEM4), dustcart (TEM8), duster (TEM4), dustpan (TEM4), dusty (TEM4), down (TEM8) 2, eiderdown, dusk (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dusky (TEM8), doldrums (TEM8), dolt, doltish, dull (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dullard. 5 Latin fuscus, dark, dusky: obfuscate (1050). 1 dolt 逗他~dull (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) > dulled > dult > dolt, doltish, and dullard, doldrums 165 domain ? (AWL6) (DEE) (TEM8) dem. House, household. Greek, dems-pot: despot (TEM4) (1050) (ruler of the house) Latin dominus, master, hence the Lord: dominie, dominical, domicile (TEM8), domain ? (AWL6) (DEE) (TEM8), dominate (CET4) (AWL3) (DEE) (TEM4), dominant (CET4) (TEM4), domineer, domineering (TEM8), dominion ? (TEM4), condominium, domestic (CET4) (AWL4) (DEE) (TEM4), domesticate (TEM8), domesticity (TEM8), dome ?, predominant ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), predominate (DEE), domino (TEM4). Italian don (TEM4), donna, prima donna (1050), madonna, belladonna. French dame, madam (CET4) (TEM4), madame (TEM4), demoiselle, mademoiselle, damsel, dungeon, danger (CET4) (TEM4) (in the master’s power), dangerous (CET4), endanger (DEE) (TEM8) Germanic, tame, timber doodle (TEM8) dormancy cf. dormant (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050), dormitory (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) dorsal dorsum. The back. Latin noun of unknown origin: 4 dorsal, dorso-, dossier (TEM8), endorse (TEM8), endorsement. 4 dotage cf. dote (TEM4), doting (TEM8), anecdotage double-cross douse 把火“倒死” dowdy 倒地 down (CET4) (TEM4) cf. downcast (TEM4), downfall ? (TEM4), downgrade ? (TEM8), downhearted (TEM8), downhill (TEM8), downpour (TEM4), downright (TEM8), downstairs (CET4) (TEM4), downstream (TEM8), downtown (CET4) (TEM4), downward (CET4) (TEM4), downwards (TEM4). downcast (TEM4) downgrade ? (TEM8) downplay cf. play (CET4) (TEM4), playground (CET4), playoff (TEM8), playwright (TEM4), replay (TEM4), underplay. downpour (TEM4) down-to-earth cf. unearth (MEE+), unearthly. 3 drab (TEM8) drabness draconian (1050) < Draco, cf. dragon (CET4) (DEE), dragonfly (TEM4). drainage ? (TEM4) brain drain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cf. dry (CET4) (TEM4), dryer (TEM4) drastic ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 166 cf. drama (CET4) (AWL8) (DEE) (TEM4), dramatic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dramatist (TEM4), dramatize (TEM4), melodrama (TEM8), melodromatic (1050). dreary ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. drowse (TEM8), drowsy (TEM4). r-s correspondence. dregs (TEM8) dross drench (TEM8) cf. drink (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), drunk (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), drunken (TEM4), drunkard (TEM4), drench (TEM8), drenched, drown (CET4) (DEE) (TEM8), undrinkable. dribble (TEM8) cf. drip (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), drop (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), raindrop (DEE), droplet, droop (TEM4), (drizzle ? (TEM4), drizzly). 4 drill (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) drivel 说废话(太多),嘴歪了,cf. drool droll (1050) 倔老儿,cf. drollery drone (TEM8) the male (CET4) honey-bee, cf. honey (CET4) (TEM4), honeycomb (TEM4), honeymoon (TEM4) drought ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) dry drove drive (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), drive-in (TEM8), driver (CET4), drift (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), adrift (TEM8), snowdrift. 2 drudge 壮丁,“抓之”,让他干苦活, drudgery (MEE+) dual ? (DEE) (TEM4) duo-. Two. 14 Germanic two, twain, twelve, twelfth, twilight (DEE); twist (MEE) (DEE), twice, twenty, twine, between (CET4), betwixt, entwine (TEM8), intertwine (TEM4), twixt, twill, twin, twig. 2 Latin bis (combining form bi-), twice: bi-, bis, biscuit (CET4) (TEM4), bicarbonate (DEE). Greek dis (combining form di-), twice: di-. Latin bini, two by two, two each: binary (TEM4), binoculars ? (TEM4), combine (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), combination (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). Greek diploos, diplous, twofold: diplo-, diploma (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), diplomat ? (TEM4), diplomatic (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), diplomacy (TEM4) (1050). 1 Greek dikha, in two: dicho-, dichotomy (1050). 1 Latin duo, two: duece, dozen (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), dual ? (DEE) (TEM4), duet (TEM8), duo (TEM8), duo-, duodecimal. 2 Latin duplus, double: double (CET4) (TEM4), double-cross, doublet, double-blind test (1050), double entendre (1050), double standard (1050). 1 Latin duplex, double: 167 duplex, duplicate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), duplication, duplicity (TEM8) (1050), duplicitous. 4 Latin dubius, doubtful (< "hesitating between two alternatives") and dubitare, to be in doubt: doubt (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), doubtful (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), doubtless ? (TEM4), dubious ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), indubitable, redoubtable, undoubtedly (DEE). 3 duckling (TEM4) duck (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), -ling, diminutive suffix, gosling, darling (CET4) (DEE), underling dulcet dumbfound (TEM8) cf. dumb (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dummy (TEM4) dunce (TEM8) 钝厮, 钝死 dune (TEM8) cf. down (CET4) (TEM4) dupe (TEM8) dwarf (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) dwindle ? (DEE) (TEM4) 蹲倒,身形变小 earnest (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) In an activity, the most earnest ones usually earn (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) most earplug (TEM4) cf. plug (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). earring ? (TEM4) earshot earsplitting earthly (TEM4) earth (CET4) (TEM4), earthen (TEM8), earthenware (DEE) (TEM8), earthquake (CET4) (DEE), earthwork (TEM8), earthy (TEM8) eavesdrop (TEM8) cf. eaves (TEM8), eavesdropper ecdysis eclat eclogue 乡间的小路,“爱个老歌” economical (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) eco-, a dwelling place, environment, household, cf. economy (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), economic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), economical (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), economics (DEE) (TEM4), economist (TEM4), ecology ? (MEE) (TEM4), ecological (DEE) (TEM4), ecologist (TEM4), economize (TEM4), ecosystem (TEM4), ecumenical (the inhabited world, worldwide), macroeconomic (TEM8). eddy (TEM8) edifice (TEM8) aidh-. To burn. 4 Latin aestas (stem aestat-), heat, summer: aestival Germanic anneal Latin aedes, aedis, building, house (<"hearth"): edifice (TEM8), edify. 2 168 Latin aestus, heat, swell, surge, tide: estuary (TEM4). 1 Greek aither, air: aether, ether (TEM4), ethereal (TEM8) (1050). 1 eerie (TEM8) egalitarian (TEM8) (1050) French Revolution, Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite. (Freedom, Equality (CET4), Brotherhood (MEE+) (TEM4), cf. fraternal (TEM8), fraternity ? (TEM4)), see equable egocentric (TEM8) (1050) cf. ego (CET4) (TEM4), egoism (TEM8), egoist (TEM8), egotism (TEM8), egotist 爱狗,踢死它 elastic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. elasticity (TEM4), inelastic, inelasticity. Cf. plastic, plastic surgery (MEE) electrician ? (MEE) (TEM4) cf. electric (CET4) (TEM4), electrical (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), electricity (CET4) (TEM4), electrify (DEE) (TEM8), electrocute (TEM8), electrode (TEM8), electron (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), electronic (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), electronics (DEE) (TEM4), electroplate (TEM8), electrostatic (TEM8), Electra complex (Oedipus complex). elegiac elegy, 哀乐记 elephantine elephant (CET4) element (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) elemental (TEM8), elementary (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) elixir elm (TEM4) elope (TEM8) “与老婆”, 与别人的老婆私奔 klou-. To bend. Germanic leap (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), look before you leap, quantum leap (1050), lope (TEM8), interlope (TEM8), interloper (TEM8), gallop ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), wallop, elope (TEM8). 5 elucidate (TEM8) leuk-. Light, brightness. 23 Germanic light (CET4) (DEE), light-year (MEE+), lightning (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), lighten (TEM4), lighter (TEM4), lighthouse (TEM4), enlighten (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), enlightening, highlight (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), spotlight ? (MEE+), unenlightened. 2 Latin lux, light: luculent, lux, Lucifer, lucre (shining coins), lucrative ? (TEM8) (1050). 2 Latin lumen, light, opening: limn, lumen, luminary, luminescence (DEE), luminous ? (TEM4), illuminate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), illuminating (TEM4), illumination (TEM4), phillumenist. 7 169 Latin luna, moon: Luna, lunar ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), lunate, lunatic (TEM4), lunacy (TEM4), lune, demilune. 1 Latin lustrum, purification: luster (TEM4), lustrous, lackluster (1050). 3 Latin lustrare, to purify, illuminate: illustrate (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), illustration (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), illustrative (TEM4), illustrator (TEM8), illustrious (TEM8). 2 Latin lucubrare, to work by lamplight: lucubrate, lucubration. 2 Latin lucere, to shine (> lucidus, shining): lucent, lucid (TEM8) (1050), elucidate (TEM8), pellucid (< per-lucid), translucent (MEE+). 4 elysium Elysian Field > French, Champs Elysees emaciate Latin macer, thin: meager (TEM8), emaciate, emaciated (TEM8) (1050), emaciation. 3 emasculate (1050) cf. castrate, masculine ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), masculinity (TEM4), marital ? (TEM8). embed ? (TEM8) cf. bed (CET4) (TEM4), abed (5000), bedding (TEM8), bedtime (TEM4) enbitter embolden cf. bold (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), boldness (TEM4). emboss embroider (TEM4) (1050) cf. embroidery ? (TEM4). embroil (TEM8) cf. imbroglio (1050) embryo ? (MEE+) (TEM4) "圆不溜(球)", embryonic emerald (TEM4) cf. amber (MEE+) (TEM4) emerge (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) mezg-. 1. To dip, plunge. Latin mergere, to dip, dive: merge ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), merger, emerge (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), emergence (TEM4), emergency (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), emergent (TEM4), immerse ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), submerge (MEE) (DEE). 7 emollient “一抹灵” mel-. 1. Soft (CET4); with derivatives referring to soft or softened materials of various kinds. 11 Germanic melt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), melting pot (TEM4), molten (DEE), malt. 1 Latin mollis, soft: mollify (TEM8) (1050), mollification, mollusk, (mollycoddle), emollient. 5 Latin blandus, smooth, caressing, flattering, soft-spoken: 170 bland ? (MEE+) (TEM4), blandish, blandishments. 2 Variant form *smelt- in Germanic smelt. 1 Old French enamel ? (TEM8) (硬,耐磨). 1 Germanic mild (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), mulch. 1 emolument melH-. Also mel-. To crush, grind; with derivatives referring to various ground or crumbling substances (such as flour) and to instruments for grinding or crushing (such as millstones). 7 Germanic maelstrom, meal 1, mellow ? (TEM8), mold (CET4) (TEM4) 3. 1 Latin molere, to grind (grain), and its derivative mola, a millstone, mill, coarse meal customarily sprinkled on sacrificial animals: mill (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, molar 2, moulin, emolument, immolate. 3 Latin milium, millet: millet (TEM8). Latin malleus, hammer (CET4), mallet: malleable (1050), mallet, maul (TEM8), pall-mall. 3 empower (TEM8) (1050) empyreal pur-. Fire. 7 Germanic fire (CET4) (TEM4), afire (5000), fiery ? (DEE) (TEM4), firearm (TEM4), firebrand (TEM8), firebrick (TEM8), firecracker (TEM4), firedamp (TEM8), fire-drill (TEM4), fire engine (TEM4), firefighter (TEM4), firefly, fireman (CET4) (DEE), fireplace (CET4) (TEM4), firepower (TEM8), fireproof (TEM4), fireside (TEM4), firewood (TEM4), firework (CET4) (TEM4), backfire (TEM8), bonfire (TEM8), crossfire. 3 Greek pur, fire: pyre, pyro-, pyromania, empyreal, empyrean. 4 emulate ? (TEM8) (1050) cf. emulation (MEE+), imitate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), imitation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), image (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), imagery (TEM8), imagine (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), imagination (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), imaginative ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), imaginary (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), imaginable (DEE) (TEM4), inimitable (TEM8). 4 emulsify cf. emulsion, emulgent, milk enervate cf. nerve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), nervous (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), nerveless, neural (TEM8), neurology, neurological (TEM8), neurosis (TEM8), neurotic (TEM8). 5 enfeeble (TEM8) cf. feeble (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), feebleminded (TEM4), foible (TEM8) (1050) 171 enfetter cf. fetter (TEM8), feet, foot (CET4) (TEM4), afoot (5000), football (CET4) (TEM4), footballer (TEM4), footbridge (TEM4), foothill (TEM8), foothold (TEM8), footlights, footloose (TEM8), footman (TEM8), footnote (TEM4), footpath (TEM4), footprint (TEM4), footstep (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), footwear (TEM4), footwork (TEM8), unfettered. 6 engrave ? (MEE+) (TEM4) ghrebh-. 2. To dig, bury, scratch. Germanic grave (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) 2 (trench), 3 (to dig, carve), gravestone (TEM4), graveyard (TEM4), engrave ? (MEE+) (TEM4), groove ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4). 3 engross (DEE) (TEM8) gwres-. Thick, fat. 4 Perhaps Latin grossus (from an uncertain preform), thick: grocer (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), grocery (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), gross (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), engross (DEE) (TEM8), engrossing, crass (1050) ?. 4 engulf (TEM4) cf. gulf (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) enigma (TEM8) (1050) cf. enigmatic (TEM8) enkindle cf. kindle (TEM4), candle enlist ? (DEE) (TEM4) enliven (TEM8) cf. life (CET4), live (CET4) (TEM4), alive (CET4), lively (CET4) (TEM4), livelihood (TEM4), liven (TEM4), liver (CET4), livestock ? (TEM4), living (CET4) (TEM4), living-room (CET4) (TEM4). enmesh cf. mesh (TEM8) enrage (TEM8) cf. rage (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) enrapture rep-. To snatch. 11 Latin rapere, to seize: rapacious (1050), rapacity, rape ? (MEE) (TEM4) 1, rapist (TEM8), rapid (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), rapids, rapt (TEM8), rapture (TEM8), ravage (DEE) (TEM4), raven 2, ravenous, ravin, ravine (TEM4), ravish (TEM8), ravishing, enrapture, surreptitious. 11 enshrine (TEM8) cf. shrine ? (TEM4) ensnare cf. snare (TEM4), snarl ? (TEM8). entangle (MEE+) (TEM8) cf. tangle (MEE), disentangle (TEM8). enthrall (TEM8) cf. thrall entice (TEM8) cf. enticement, enticing, titillate (1050) entitle (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. title (MEE) (DEE), titular. entree en. In. Germanic in (TEM4), inner (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), inmost (TEM8) = innermost, inpatient (TEM8), input (CET4) (AWL6) (TEM4), inset (TEM8), inshore (TEM4), inside (CET4) (TEM4), insider (TEM4), intake ? (TEM8), inward (CET4) (TEM4). 172 Latin in, in-, in, into: en- 1, in- 2. Greek en, en-, in: en- 2, parenthesis (TEM4). 1 Latin intro, inward, within: intro-, introduce (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), introduction (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), introit, introspect, introspection (TEM8), introspective (1050), introvert (TEM8). 2 Latin intra, inside, within: enter (CET4) (TEM4), entry (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), entrance (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), entrant (TEM4), entree (TEM8), entrepot (TEM8), intra-, intranet (MEE+) (TEM4), intrinsic ? (AWL10) (MEE) (TEM8) (1050), re-entry (TEM4). 2 Latin inter, inter-, between, among: entrails, inter-, interim ? (MEE) (TEM4), interior (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interject (TEM8), interjection (TEM8), interlock (TEM8), intermediary (TEM8), intermediate (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (TEM4), intermission (DEE), intermittent ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), internal (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), international (CET4) (TEM4), internet (CET4) (TEM4), interpersonal (TEM4), interpret (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interpretation (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), interpreter (TEM4), interrupt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intersect (TEM4), intersection ? (MEE) (TEM4), interval (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intervene ? (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intervention ? (TEM4), interview (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). Latin (superlative) intimus, innermost: intimate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, intimacy (TEM8). 1 Latin indu-, within, in industria, diligence, activity (*stru-, to construct): industry, industrious, industriousness. 2 Latin intus, within, inside: intestine (TEM4). 1 Greek entos, within: ento-. Greek enteron, entrails: enteric, entero-, dysentery Greek eis, into: episode (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), episodic. 1 Greek eso, within: esoteric (TEM8) (1050). 1 entrench terH-. 2. To cross over, pass through, overcome. 14 Germanic thrill (MEE) (DEE), nostril ? (DEE) (TEM4), thorough (MEE) (DEE), through (DEE). Latin trans, across, over, beyond, through (perhaps originally the present participle of a verb *trare, to cross over): 173 trans-, transient (MEE) (DEE) (1050), transience. 2 Latin trux (stem truc-), savage, fierce, grim (< "overcoming," "powerful," "penetrating"): truculent, truculence, (atrocious, atrocity ?). 4 Nasalized form in Latin truncus, deprived of branches or limbs, mutilated, hence trunk (? < "overcome, maimed"): trench (MEE) (DEE), trenchant, truncate, truncated, trunk (MEE) (DEE), entrench, entrenched, retrench, retrenchment (TEM8). 8 enumerate (TEM8) nem-. To assign, allot; also to take. 14 Germanic numb ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), benumb, nimble (DEE) (TEM4). 2 Greek nemein, to allot: Nemesis, nemesis. 1 Greek nomos, portion, usage, custom, law, division, district: nome, -nomy, antinomy, astronomer, astronomy, autonomy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), autonomous ? (TEM4) (1050), binomial, Deuteronomy, economy (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), economical, economize, ergonomics (1050), numismatics, numismatic, numismatist, taxonomy. 7 Latin numerus, number, division: number (CET4) (TEM4), numeral (TEM4), numerology, numerical ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), numerous (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), numeration (DEE), enumerate (TEM8), innumerable ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), outnumber. 4 environs environment (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE), environmental, environmentalism (TEM4), environmentalist (TEM4). enzyme (MEE+) (TEM4) epaulet ephemeral (TEM8) (1050) epicure epicurean episodic sed-. 2. To go. 7 Greek hodos, way, journey: -ode, anode (5000), cathode (DEE) (TEM8), episode (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), episodic, exodus (TEM8), method (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE), methodical ? (TEM8), methodology (DEE) (TEM8), odograph, odometer, period (CET4) (AWL1) (DEE) (TEM4), periodic ? (MEE+), periodical (CET4) (MEE) (DEE). 7 epistle epitaph (TEM8) epoch ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) equable (TEM8) Latin aequus, equal. 18 equable (TEM8), equal (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), equally (TEM4), equality (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), equanimity (1050), equate (AWL2) (TEM8), equation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), equator ? (MEE) (DEE) 174 (TEM4), equiangular (TEM8), equidistant (TEM8), equilateral (TEM8), equilibrium (TEM8) (1050), equinox (TEM8), equipoise, equitable (TEM8) (1050), equity ? (TEM4), equivalence (TEM4), equivalent (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), equivocal (TEM8), equivocate (1050), adequate (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inadequate (DEE) (TEM4), inequality (TEM4), inequity, iniquity, iniquitous, Equador, egalitarian (TEM8) (1050), subequal (DEE), unequivocal (1050). 18 equestrian cf. dilemma (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), "的,来马". To ride, or not to ride, that is an equestrian. ekwo-. Horse. 4 Latin equus, horse: equestrian, equine, equitation. 3 Greek hippos, horse: hippocampus, hippopotamus (TEM4). Philip. 1 erotic (TEM8) cf. Eros, Cupid, cupidity erstwhile cf. early (CET4), ere, Able (CET4) (TEM4) was I ere I saw Elba. erudite (TEM8) (1050) cf. erudition, rudimentary (TEM8) (1050), rudimental (TEM8), rudiment (TEM8), rude (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) esophagus esteem ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) to fix the price or value of. cf. estimate (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), estimation (TEM4), estimable (TEM8), inestimable (TEM8), overestimate (DEE), underestimate (MEE) (DEE), underestimated. 4 etymology euthanasia (1050) < Thanatos, Greek god of death, cf. eu-, well, good, eucalyptus, eugenic, eugenics (1050), eulogy (TEM8), eulogistic, eulogize, eupeptic, euphemism (TEM8) (1050), euphemistic (TEM8), euphony, euphonious, euphoria (1050), eurhythmic, Euphrosyne, evangelism, evangelist (1050). evade ? (MEE) (TEM8) wadh-. 2. To go. 6 Germanic wade (MEE+), waddle. 2 Latin vadere, to go, step: evade ? (MEE) (TEM8), evasive (TEM8), evasion (TEM4), invade (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), invasion (CET4) (MEE), pervade (TEM8) (1050), pervasive (MEE+) (1050). 4 evaporate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) evaporation, vapid, vapor (MEE) (DEE), vaporization evenhanded cf. even (CET4) (TEM4), evenly (DEE), even-tempered eviscerate cf. visceral (1050). ewe ewer aqua > eau > ewer exchangeable < exchange (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), change (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), changeable (TEM4), interchange (TEM4), interchangeable, unchangeable. 3 175 exhale (TEM4) cf. inhale (CET4) (MEE) (TEM8), halitosis. exhaust (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. exhausted (TEM4), exhaustion, exhaustive (TEM4) (1050), inexhaustible (TEM8) exhort (TEM4) exhortation, hortative. exogamy -gamy, marriage (CET4) (TEM4). cf. misogamy, monogamy, polygamy. 4 exonerate (TEM8) (1050) Latin onus (stem oner-), burden: onerous (1050), onus, exonerate (TEM8) (1050). 3 exorbitance exorbitant (1050), orbit (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). expatriate expediency ped-. 1. Foot. 33 Germanic foot (CET4), feet, fetter (TEM8), enfetter, foothold, footlights, footloose. 5 Latin pes (stem ped-), foot: pawn (TEM8) 2, -ped, biped, pedal ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), peddle ? (MEE+) (TEM4), pedestal, pedestrian ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), pedi-, pedigree (TEM8), peon, pes, pioneer (CET4) (TEM4), millipede, quadruped, repudiate (TEM8) (1050) (to reject a wife, cf. pudency, impudent (1050)), tripedal, vamp 1. 9 Latin expedire, to free from a snare: expedite (TEM8) (1050), expedition ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), expeditious, expedient (TEM8) (1050), expediency, inexpedient. 6 Latin impedire, "to put in fetters, hobble, shackle," entangle, hinder: impede ? (TEM8), impediment (TEM8). 2 Latin pedica, fetter, snare: dispatch ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) = despatch, impeach (TEM4), unimpeachable. 3 Greek pous (stem pod-), foot: -pod, tripod, podium, antipodes (5000), caliber (TEM4), octopus (TEM8), platypus, podiatry. 3 Gree peza, foot: trapezium Germanic fetch (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), fetching (TEM8), far-fetched (MEE+) (TEM8). 1 Latin pejor, worse (<"stumble"): pejoration, pejorative (1050), impair ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8). 2 Latin pessimus, worst: pessimism (DEE) (TEM4), pessimistic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE). Latin peccare, to stumble, sin: peccable, peccadillo (1050), peccant, impeccable (TEM8) (1050). 2 expertise (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) per-. 4. To try, risk (CET4) (< "to lead over, press forward"). A verbal root belonging to the group of per 1. 8 176 Germanic fear (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (danger, calamity), fearful (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fearless (TEM4). Latin periclum, periculum, trial, danger: peril ? (DEE) (TEM4), perilous > parlous, imperil (TEM8). 4 Latin experire, to try, learn by trying (ex-, from): experience (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), experienced (TEM4), inexperienced (TEM4), experiment (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), experimentation (DEE), experimental (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), expert (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), expertise ? (MEE) (DEE). 1 Greek peira, trial, attempt: pirate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), empiric, empirical ? (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), empiricism (TEM8). 3 expiate pius. Dutiful, devoted, pious. 6 Latin word having cognates in other Italic language. Piety ?, pious (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), pittance (原指出家人的口粮,一 般由别人出于pity而捐赠), pity (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pitiful, expiate, impious, impiety, inexpiable. 6 explanatory (TEM4) pelH-. 2. Flat; to spread. 8 Germanic field (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), fieldwork (TEM8), afield (TEM8), airfield (TEM4), floor (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin planus, flat, level, even, plain, clear: piano (CET4) (DEE) 2, pianist (CET4), plain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), plane (CET4) 1,2,3, plain (TEM4), airplane (CET4), explain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), explanation (CET4) (TEM4), explanatory (TEM4). 4 Latin palma, palm of the hand: palm (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) 1,2, palmy. 1 Greek planasthai, to wander (<"to spread out"): planet (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), planetary (DEE) Greek plassein, to mold, "spread out": -plasia, plasma, -plast, plaster ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), plastic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), plasticity, -plasty, dysplasia. 3 expurgate (TEM8) peuH-. To purify, cleanse. 10 Latin purus, pure, and purgare, to purify (< *pur-igare; second element agere, to drive): pure (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), purblind, purbred, purge ? (TEM8) (1050), purgative, purgatory, purity ? (DEE), purify ? (MEE) (DEE), purification, Puritan (TEM4), puritanical, compurgation, expurgate (TEM8), impure (TEM4), impurity, spurge. 10 extemporaneous temp-. To pull (CET4); form ten-, to stretch. 17 Latin tempus, time, temperare, to observe proper measure 177 temper (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), temperament ? (MEE), temperamental, temperance, temperate ? (MEE+) (1050), temperately, temperature (CET4), tempest, tempestuous, tempo (MEE) (DEE), temporal, temporary (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE), temporize, contemplate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contemporaneous, contemporary (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), contretemps, distemper, extemporaneous, extemporize, intemperate, intemperance, noncontemporaneous, tense (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (as used in grammar), tempus fugit (time flies). externalize eghs-. Out. 16 Latin ex, ex-, out of, away, from: ex 1, ex-. Greek ex, ek, out of, from: ecto-, exo-, exoteric, exotic ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), synecdoche. 1 Latin exterus, outward (feminine ablative extera, extra, on the outside): exterior (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), external (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (TEM4), externalize, extra-, extra (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), extracurricular (TEM4), extradite (TEM8), extradition, extraneous (TEM8) (1050), extraordinary (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extrapolate (TEM8) (1050), extraterrestrial (DEE) (TEM8), extravagance (TEM4), extravagant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extrinsic, extroversion, extrovert (TEM8) (1050), strange, estrange (TEM8), estranged (1050), estrangement. 12 Latin extremus, outermost: extreme (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), extremely (TEM4), extremism (TEM8), extremist (TEM4), extremity (TEM8). 2 extirpate extirpation extricable Latin tricae, trifles, embarrassments, sources of annoyance or causes of impediment. 9 trick (CET4) (DEE), trickery, trickster, treacherous (DEE), treachery ?, tresses, extricate (TEM8), extricable, inextricable, intricate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), intricacy (TEM8), intrigue ? (MEE) (TEM8), intriguing (TEM8). 9 exuberance exuberant (TEM8), udder exude (TEM8) sweat (MEE) fabric (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. fabricate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) fad (TEM8) faddish, fade (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) fag (TEM8) cf. flag, fatigue (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), indefatiguable fake (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. fig (TEM8), figment (TEM8) fallow (TEM8) falter ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. fault (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) familiarity family (CET4) (TEM4), familiar (CET4) (TEM4), familiarize (TEM4), unfamiliar (DEE). famine (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) famish fanfare farce (TEM8) farcical (1050) 178 far-fetched (MEE+) (TEM8) cf. far (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), faraway (TEM4), far-off (TEM4), far-reaching (TEM4), farsighted (TEM8), farther (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), farthest (TEM4), further (CET4) (DEE), furthermore (CET4). far-reaching farrow porko-. Young pig. 4 Germanic farrow 1 Latin porcus, pig (CET4): porcelain ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), porcine, pork (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), porcupine, porpoise. 3 fascia Latin fascia, band, sash, bandage. 3 fascia, Fascism (MEE+) (TEM4), fascist (TEM4), fascinate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fascinated (MEE), fascinating (CET4) (TEM4), fascination (DEE) (TEM4). 3 fast (CET4) (TEM4) cf. breakfast (CET4), fast (firmly fixed, firm) (CET4) (TEM4), fasten (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), fastner (DEE), fastening (TEM4), fast-food (TEM4), fastness, unfasten . 4 fastidious (TEM8) (1050) fastidiousness fatten (TEM4) 食肉者鄙/胖,fat (CET4) (TEM4), fatuous (TEM8), fatuousness, fatuity. faucet (TEM8) cf. faucal, suffocate fauna (TEM8) cf. flora. favorable (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. favor (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), favorite (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), favoritism (TEM8). fawn “逢迎” faze (TEM8) 长了一身“痱子”,折磨,使…狼狈 febrile fever (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), feverish (TEM8), feverishly (MEE+) feedback (MEE) feeble (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) 看你还“飞不”~cf. foible (TEM8) (1050) fell cf. film (CET4) (TEM4), flimsy (TEM8) felon fell = cruel (DEE), felony (TEM8), felonious (1050) feral ferocious ? (TEM4), ferocity (TEM8), fierce (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) ferrous (DEE) Fe fester (TEM8) cf. fetid (TEM8), infest (TEM8) feud (TEM8) foe ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) fiasco (DEE) (TEM4) cf. flask ? (TEM4) fiat fiat lux: let there be light fickle (TEM8) (1050) cf. flicker ? (MEE+) (TEM8) fidget (TEM8) fidgety fig filch filibuster 费力拍死它 filly see paucity (1050). finch 179 fishery (TEM8) cf. fish (CET4) (TEM4), fisherman (CET4), fishingrod (TEM4), fishing-rod (TEM4), fishmonger (TEM8). fission (TEM4) (1050) cf. fissure (TEM8) fitful (TEM4) fit (TEM4) flabby (TEM8) cf. flap ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), flaccid (TEM8), flag (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), flagging, flaggy, flagpole (TEM4), flagship (TEM4), flagstaff (TEM4), unflappable (1050). flagellate cf. flog (TEM8), flail. Flog a dead horse. flagrant (TEM8) (1050) Flagrant rogue (TEM4) should (CET4) be flagellated. 恶棍 应受到鞭笞 cf. flame (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), phlegmatic flair (TEM8) flying in the air is the flair of the bird (CET4) flak (TEM8) Fliegerabwehrkanone, "cannon protection against aircraft" flange flank ? (DEE) (TEM4), flinge (curve, coil (CET4) (TEM4)) flannel (TEM4) 法兰绒 flare ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (TEM8) flaring flash (CET4) (TEM4) echoic, cf. flashback (TEM8), flashlight (TEM4) flatulence cf. flavor (CET4) (DEE), flavoring flaunt (TEM8) cf. planet (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), planetary (DEE), plankton flay 先象bray一样fray (TEM8), 后来slay, 最后flay fleck (TEM8) cf. flick ? (MEE+) (TEM4), freckle (TEM8) fledge pleu-. To flow. 13 Latin pulmo (< *plumones), lung (CET4): pulmonary Greek pleumon, pneumon, lung: pneumonia ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pneumonic. 1 Greek ploutos, wealth, riches (< "overflowing"): Pluto, plutocracy. 1 Germanic flow (CET4) (TEM4), flow chart (TEM4), flue 2, flood (CET4) (TEM4), floodgate (TEM8), floodlight (TEM8), inflow (TEM8), overflow (MEE) (DEE). 1 Germanic fly (CET4) (TEM4) 1,2, flyer (TEM8)= flier (TEM8), flyleaf (TEM8), flyover (DEE), flywheel (TEM8), flee (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fletcher, fledge, fledged (TEM4), fledgeling (TEM4) (1050), flight (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, flighty (TEM8), fowl (TEM4). 4 Germanic fleet (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, 2, fleeting (TEM8), float (CET4) (TEM4), afloat (TEM8), flotsam, flotilla, flutter ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) (to float back and forth), flit ? (TEM8), fluster, flustered. 6 fleece (TEM4) cf. plume ? (TEM4), plumage. flick ? (MEE+) (TEM4) flicker ? (MEE+) (TEM8) 180 flint (TEM4) splei-. To splice, split. Extension of spel- 1. Germanic flint (TEM4), flinty, splinter, split (MEE) (DEE), splitting hairs (1050), splice (DEE), splint. 6 flip ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) flippant (TEM8) (1050), flippancy, flap ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) flirt ? (TEM8) flirtatious, 花花肠子F. fleureter > flirter > E. flirt, to talk sweet nothings flock (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. folk (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), folklore (TEM8), Volkswagen. Birds of a feather (CET4) flock (CET4) together. floppy (TEM8) flop (TEM8), floppy disk (TEM4). flounder a blend of founder (to sink (CET4) (TEM4)) + blunder ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) flout (TEM8) cf. flute ? (TEM4), to play the flute. 弥衡击鼓骂曹. fluffy fluff (TEM8) flunk (TEM8) a blend of flinch (TEM8) + funk (TEM8), funky (TEM8) focus (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) fodder (TEM4) pa-. To protect, feed. 11 Germanic fodder (TEM4), forage (TEM8),forager, fur (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), furrier (TEM8), fur-lined (TEM8), food (CET4), foodstuff (DEE) (TEM4), feed (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), feedback (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), foster ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 5 Latin pabulum, food, fodder: pabulum Latin pascere, to feed: pester (TEM8), repast. Latin pastor, shepherd: pastor, pastoral (1050), pasture ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 3 Latin panis, bread (diminutive pastillus, medicine tablet): pantry, accompany (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), companion (CET4) (TEM4), companionship (TEM4), company (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). 3 foil ? (DEE) (TEM4) metathesis of foli-, cf. foliage ? (TEM4), folivore (TEM8) fold (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) folder (TEM8), enfold (TEM8), unfold (MEE) (DEE), twofold, threefold, manifold (DEE) (TEM4). folly (DEE) (TEM4) cf. fool (CET4) (TEM4), foolish (CET4) (TEM4), foolproof (TEM8). foment fondle (TEM8) cf. fond (CET4) (TEM4), fun (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), funny (CET4) (TEM4), funfair (TEM4). font (TEM8) cf. fount (TEM8), fountain (CET4) (TEM4), blue fontaine. 181 foolproof fool's errand ? (DEE) footle cf. futile (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) fop foppish foray (TEM8) for- prefix means 1. Rejection, exclusion, prohibition; 2. Destruction; 3. Exhaustion. forge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)仿制,cf. forgery ? (DEE) (TEM4), forger, fabricate ?(DEE) forge (TEM8) force (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) formidable ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) ? forbiddable. fosse cf. fossil (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fossilize foundation (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM4) cf. found (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (TEM4), founder (TEM4), fund (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fundamental (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), profound ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), unfounded (DEE). four-poster foyer (TEM4) cf. focus (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), feul fragrance (TEM4) ? fragrant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) fragrant flowers are always fragile/frail. 芬芳的花 朵总是脆弱。 framework (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. frame (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) framing frantic ? (TEM8) gwhren-. To think. 6 Greek phren, the mind, also heart, midriff, diaphragm: frantic ? (TEM8), frenetic (TEM8), frenzy ? (MEE+) (TEM8), frenzied (TEM8), -phrenia, phreno-, Euphrosyne. 3 Greek phrazein, to point out, show: phrase (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), metaphrase, paraphrase (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), periphrasis, periphrastic. 3 fraught cf. freight (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), freighter (TEM8). freak (TEM8) Sixth Sense, frisk (TEM8), frisky freelance (TEM8) cf. lance (TEM8), lancet, launch (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Lancelot freeway (CET4) (TEM4) cf. free (CET4) (TEM4), freebie (TEM4), freedom (CET4) (TEM4), freehand (TEM8), freelance ? (TEM8), freely (TEM4), freewheel (TEM8). frequency (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) frequent (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), frequently (TEM4). fresco (TEM8) fresh (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), freshen (DEE), freshman (TEM4), freshwater (TEM4), afresh (TEM8) (5000), refresh (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), refreshment ? (MEE) (DEE). 1 182 fretwork frieze fringe ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8). frigidity cf. frigid (MEE+) (TEM8), refrigerate (TEM4), refrigerated (MEE+), refrigerator (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) > fridge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) fritter fracture > fraiter > fritter frivolous (TEM8) free 我乐死, cf. frivolity (TEM8) frolic (TEM8) frolicsome frond frothy cf. froth (TEM8). frowzy "服劳役"的人,不整洁的,污秽的。 fulsome fulsomeness fumble ? (TEM8) fume ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) fumigate, perfume ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) funereal cf. funeral (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) fungi plural form of fungus ? (MEE+) (TEM4), fungicide furbish refurbish (TEM8), burnish furlough for leave (TEM4) furor cf. furious ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), fury ? (TEM4), infuriate (TEM8) furrow (TEM8) fusillade fuss (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) fussy (TEM4) fustian fusty gabble (TEM8) cf. gaggle, giggle ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cackle (TEM8) gadfly cf. goad, toad > tadpole gadget (TEM4) gauge ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) > gage (MEE) (DEE) > gadget (TEM4) gaffe gaiety (TEM8) gay (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), gaily (TEM4) gainsay say (CET4) against gait galaxy ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. galactic, lactic, Milky Way gale ? (TEM4) 7-10级的大风 gallant ? (TEM8) cf. gall gallery (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) galley gallon (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) gallows (TEM4) galvanize (TEM8) (1050) Galvani gambit (TEM8) kamp-. To bend. 4 Greek kampe, a bending, a winding: gambit (TEM8), gambol, jamb, jamboree. 4 gamely 愿赌服输, cf. sport, game (CET4) (TEM4), gamble (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), gambler (TEM4). 183 gamut gander gangrene cf. cancer (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) gangway gang = gone, cf. gang (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ? gangster (TEM4) garble garbled, 想尝尝亲吻嘉宝的味道吗,想知道亲嘴的滋味吗, garish garland (TEM8) garment ? (DEE) (TEM4) garner grH-no-. Grain. 11 Germanic corn (CET4) (TEM4) 1 (grain), kernel (DEE) (TEM8) (seed), popcorn ?. 1 Latin granum, grain: garner, grain (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), granary, granite ? (DEE) (TEM4), granule, granular (TEM4), granulate, grenade (TEM4), filigree, ingrained (TEM8), pomegranate. 10 gaseous gasify gash ? gastric (TEM8) gastritis (TEM8), gastronomy gauche (1050) 狗屎, gaucheness, gaucherie gaudy gauge ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) gaunt gavel gaze (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) gazetteer cf. gazette (TEM8). gear (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. gearbox (TEM8), gearwheel (TEM4) gem (DEE) (TEM4) Gemisis, gemstone geology (DEE) (TEM4) cf. geography (CET4) (TEM4), geographical (TEM4), geology ? (DEE) (TEM4), geologic (TEM4), geologist (TEM4), geometry (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), geometric (TEM4), geopolitics (TEM4), apogee (5000), perigee. gerontology gerrymander salamander giant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. gigantic ? (MEE) (TEM4) gibe giddy (TEM8) cf. god (CET4), possessed by god, mad (CET4), 这姑娘太疯了 gimmick (TEM4) ginger ? (TEM4) gingerly, 惊蛰,“土拨鼠日”,动物吃了姜,充满活力,他们 小心翼翼地爬出来。 glade cf. glad (CET4) (TEM4), shining, bright gladiator (TEM8) glean (DEE) (TEM8) clean grain glitch 184 gloom ? (TEM4) cf. gloomy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), glum (TEM8), loom ? (DEE) glorify (TEM4) cf. glory (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), glorious (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), inglorious (TEM8), vainglorious . glossary (TEM8) cf. polyglot glucose cf. glycerine glut glutton (TEM8), gluttonous, gluttony. 兄弟,吃点儿什么,哥,拉头 牛~cf. Seven (CET4): gluttony, pride (CET4) (TEM4), wrath, envy (CET4), sloth, lust ? (DEE) (TEM4), cupidity. glutinous glue (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) gnarled gnat cf. nag (TEM8), gnaw (TEM4), gnawing goad gadfly gobble (TEM8) 搞饱 goblet cup (CET4), 高,玻璃的 goggle (TEM4) gong (TEM4) goodwill (TEM4) cf. good (CET4) (TEM4), goodby (CET4), good-for-nothing (TEM4), good-hearted (TEM4), good-humored (TEM4), good-looking (TEM4), good-natured (TEM4), goodness (CET4) (TEM4), goods (CET4) (TEM4). gorgon 高跟 gorilla ? (TEM4) guerrilla ? (DEE) (TEM4). cf. war (DEE) vs. guerrilla ? (TEM4). gormandize cf. gourmand, 吃起饭来“够猛的”,gourmet (TEM4) “够美的” gosling goose (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) gossamer goose summer gouge 凿之 governance cf. govern (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), governess (TEM4), government (CET4) (TEM4), governor (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). grasping grasp (CET4) (TEM4) grate (TEM8) grating, cf. scratch (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) gravel ? cf. grit (TEM4) graze ? (MEE) (TEM4) cf. grass (CET4), grasshopper (TEM4), grassland (DEE) (TEM4), grassroots (TEM4) (1050), grassy (TEM4), cf. glass (CET4) (TEM4), glasshouse (TEM4), glaze ? (TEM4) grease ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) greed ? (TEM4) cf. greedy (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) greenhorn (TEM8) cf. green (CET4) (TEM4), greenery (TEM4), greengrocer (TEM4), greenhouse (CET4) (TEM4), greenish (TEM4), Greenpeace (TEM4). greenhouse (MEE) (TEM4) cf. household (MEE) (DEE). gridiron kert-. To turn, entwine. 3 Germanic hurdle ? (TEM8) (frame), hoarding (TEM8). 1 Latin cratis, wickerwork hurdle: 185 crate ?, grate (TEM8) 2, grid (TEM8), gridiron. 2 grill ? (TEM4) grim ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. grimace (TEM4), grumpy, grumble ? (DEE) (TEM4), chagrin (1050) grin ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) gripe (TEM8) ghreib-. To grip. 3 Germanic grip (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1 (grasp (CET4) (MEE) (DEE)), gripping, gripe (TEM8), grope ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (to feel for) grisly gristle groom ? (TEM4) well-groomed. grounded cf. ground (CET4) (TEM4), grounding (TEM4), groundless (TEM4), groundwork (TEM4), aground (TEM8) grove ? (TEM8) cf. group (CET4) (TEM4) grovel (TEM8) (1050) growl ? (MEE+) (TEM4) grueling gruesome gruff cf. rough (DEE) guffaw guillotine (TEM8) 极乐亭 guilt (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) guilty (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Some guilty persons are sent to the guillotine (TEM8). gulch gull (TEM4) gullible (TEM4) (1050) gully cf. gullet gulp ? (TEM4) gum (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) guru 古儒 gutless gut ? (MEE) (TEM4), cf. pluck ? (TEM4), heart gutter ? (TEM4) guttle cf. guzzle, guttle = gut + guzzle guy < guide (DEE) (TEM4) gynaecocracy cf. gynecology (TEM8), androgynous (1050), misogynist. Gyne, 闺女 gyrate cf. gyroscope hack ? (DEE) (TEM4) to cut roughly or irregularly. cf. hacksaw (TEM8), hacker (CET4) (TEM4), heckle (TEM8), hew, hoe ? (TEM4), hay (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), haystack (TEM8), haggle (TEM8), hatchet. 4 hackneyed (TEM8) (1050) hail (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 186 hairdo (TEM8) cf. hair (CET4) (TEM4), haircut (CET4) (TEM4), hairdo (TEM8), hairdresser (TEM4), hairpiece (TEM8), hairpin (TEM4), hairy (TEM4), hairspray (TEM4). halcyon 海里仙,hal- = sal-, sea, cyon = cynic-, sea-dog hale (TEM8) kailo-. Whole, uninjured, of good omen. 7 Germanic hale (TEM8) 1, whole, wholly (MEE) (DEE), wholesale (MEE+), wholesome (MEE) (DEE), wholesomeness, hail (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 2, health (CET4) (TEM4), healthy (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), healthfulness, heal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), holy (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), holier-than-thou (1050), holiday (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), holidaymaker (TEM4), Holy Grail (1050), hallow (TEM8), Halloween (TEM8) = hallow evening (CET4). 7 half-baked bake (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), bakery (CET4) (MEE+) (TEM4), batch ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). hallucination (MEE+) cf. hallucinate (TEM8) halo (TEM8) halt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. halter (TEM8), halting (TEM4), hold (CET4) (TEM4), holdall (TEM8), holder (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), holdup (TEM4). hamper ? (MEE) (DEE) cf. ham (CET4) (TEM4), hamburger ? (DEE) (TEM4), hamstring (TEM8). handle (CET4) (TEM4) cf. hand (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), handful (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), handbag (CET4) (TEM4), handbook (CET4) (TEM4), handbrake (TEM8), handcuff (TEM8), handgun (TEM4), handicap ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), handicraft (TEM8), handiness (TEM8), handiwork (TEM8), handkerchief (CET4) (TEM4) > hankie = hanky (TEM8), handle (CET4) (TEM4), handlebar (TEM8), handout (TEM4), handshake (TEM4), handsome (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), handstand (TEM8), handwriting (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), handy (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), handyman (TEM8), underhanded. hangar (TEM8) hangdog cf. hang (CET4) (TEM4), hanger (TEM8), hanging (TEM8), hangman (TEM8), hangnail (TEM8), hangover (TEM8). hanger (TEM8) hankering cf. hinge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hang (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), hanker (TEM8), 挂念,cf.: hang (DEE) (TEM4),吊,挂, hinge把门板 挂在门框里的东西。 haphazard (TEM8) kob-. To suit, fit, succeed. 3 Germanic *hap- in Old Norse happ, chance, good luck (CET4): hap, haphazard (TEM8), happen (CET4) (TEM4), happening (TEM4), happy (CET4) (TEM4), hapless (TEM8), mishap, perhaps (CET4) (TEM4), unhappy (DEE). 3 harangue (TEM8) 长篇指责性演说,象“海浪”一样,滔滔不绝 187 harass (MEE+) (TEM8) harassment ? (MEE), cf. harry (TEM4), harrow (TEM8), harrowing (TEM8) (1050) (服食“海洛因”后,断了顿) harbinger (1050) cf. harbor (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) harness (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) harridan < hard-ridden harshly cf. harsh (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) hassle (TEM8) hasten (DEE) (TEM4) haste (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hasty ? (MEE) (DEE) hatch ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. hatchback (TEM8), hatchery (TEM8). haunt ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. haunting (TEM4) A spectre is haunting Europe. The spectre of Communism. haven ? (TEM8) cf. Havana havoc ? (TEM8) hazard (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) headlong headstrong, headway hearken hear keen (to listen (CET4) attentively), cf. hear (CET4) (TEM4), hearing (CET4) (TEM4), hearsay (TEM8) hearsay (TEM8) hectic (TEM8) hector (TEM8) heinous (TEM8) (1050) heir (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. heir (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), heirloom (TEM4), heredity (TEM8), hereditary ? (TEM8), heritage ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inherit (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), inheritance (TEM4), inheritor. 4 heliotrope cf. helium (TEM8), helio = solar (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), insolate, parasol. helm (DEE) (TEM4) cf. helve helot hem ? (TEM4) cf. hemline (TEM8). hemisphere ? (MEE) (TEM4) hemi- = semi- hence (CET4) (AWL4) cf. henceforth ? henpecked (TEM8) hepatitis (TEM8) herald ? (TEM4) herd (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) herdsman (TEM4), shepherd ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). heresy (TEM8) heretic (TEM8) hermetic cf. Hermes, hermit ? (TEM4) 何觅他 herpetologist cf .serpent (TEM4), serpentine. 2 heyday (TEM8) < high day hiatus (1050) yawn (DEE) hide (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. rawhide, hut (MEE) (DEE), hidebound (TEM8), hideous ? (TEM4). A wolf hidden under a sheep (CET4) (TEM4) hide is hideous. hie 188 hierarchy ? (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) hieroglyph highbrow (TEM8) (1050) cf. high (CET4) (TEM4), highly (CET4), height (CET4) (TEM4), heighten ?, highchair (TEM8), high-flown, highhanded (TEM8), high- energy (TEM4), highland (TEM4), highlight (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), Highness (TEM4), high-minded, high-pitched (TEM8), high-ranking (TEM4), high-rise (TEM4), high-sounding (TEM4), high- spirited (TEM4), high-tech (TEM4), highway (CET4) (TEM4), lowbrow (TEM8). hike ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) hinder (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. hind (TEM4), behind (CET4) (TEM4), hindmost (TEM8), hindsight (TEM8), hindrance, hinterland (TEM4) hiss ? (TEM8) histronic (1050) cf. history (CET4) (TEM4), historic (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), historical (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), historian ? (TEM4), prehistoric (DEE) (TEM4)历史如戏剧,戏说乾隆 hitherto ? (MEE) (DEE) hoard ? (TEM8) cf. hide (DEE) (TEM4), hide-and-seek (TEM4), hiding (TEM4). hoarse ? (TEM4) cf. coarse (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) hoary hobble (TEM8) hoist ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) homely hone honorable (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) honor (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), honored (TEM4), honorary (DEE) (TEM4), honest (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), honesty (CET4), dishonor (DEE) (TEM8), dishonorable (TEM4), dishonest (DEE) (TEM4), honorarium hoodwink cf. hood ?, Robin Hood, "唬得"你直眨眼(wink) hoof ? (TEM4) hoop (TEM4) cf. coop (TEM4), loop (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) hormone (TEM8) horology hour (CET4) (TEM4) hosepipe cf. hose ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) hostile (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. host (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), hostess ? (MEE), hospital (CET4) (TEM4), hospitable (MEE+) (TEM4), hospitality ? (MEE) (DEE), hostage ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hostile (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), hostility ? (DEE), hostel (TEM4), hotel (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), motel ? (TEM4). hotbed (TEM8) hot (CET4) (TEM4), hot-blooded (TEM8), hotfoot (TEM8), hothead (TEM8), hothouse (TEM8), hotline (TEM4), hotpot (TEM8), heat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), heater (TEM4), heatstroke (TEM8). 189 hovel (TEM8) 茅舍,肮脏的小屋,“好味儿”it smells hover ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) < hang over, cf. hovercraft (TEM4). howler cf. howl ? (MEE) (TEM4) 嚎, owl ? (DEE) (TEM4) hub (TEM8) hubbub (TEM8) hubris (1050) 我是杂种我怕谁~cf. hybrid ? (TEM4), 原指公野猪和母家猪的杂种 hue ? (TEM8) humdrum (TEM8) cf. hum ?, hummingbird, + drum (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) humidity ? (MEE) (DEE) cf. humid (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), humor (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), humorous (CET4) (TEM4), the four humors are blood, phlegm, choler and melancholy ? (DEE) (TEM4) hunch (TEM4) cf. hunk (TEM8), hunchback (TEM4), 驼背,gambler迷信,认为赌前 触其驼背会带来好运。 hurly-burly cf. hurl ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) hurricane ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) hurry (CET4) came, cf. cyclone, typhoon (MEE) (DEE) husband (CET4) (TEM4) husbandry (MEE+) (TEM8) hush ? (DEE) (TEM4) echoic husk (TEM8) house (CET4) (TEM4), housebound (TEM8), housebreaker (TEM4), housecraft (TEM8), household (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), housekeeper (TEM4), housemaid (TEM4), houseman (TEM4), housemaster (TEM8), house-to-house (TEM4), housewarming (TEM8), housewife (CET4) (TEM4), housework (CET4), housing (CET4) (TEM4), husky (TEM8) hymn ? (DEE) (TEM4) < Hymen, god of marriage hyphen ? (TEM8) hyponosis (TEM8) swep-. 1. To sleep. 5 Suffixed form *swep-os- in Latin sopor, a deep sleep: sopor, soporific. 1 Suffixed form *swep-no- in Latin somnus, sleep: somni-, somnolent, insomnia ? (TEM8). 2 Suffixed form *sup-no- in Greek hupnos, sleep: hypno-, Hypnos, hypnosis (TEM8), hypnotic. 2 hypochondria cf. hypochondriac (1050) hysteria cf. hysterical ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cf. uterus ichthyologist cf. ichthyosaurus icicle icing icon (MEE+) (TEM8) iconoclast (1050), iconolatry identical (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. identification (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), identify (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), identity (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), unidentified (DEE), UFO. 190 igneous ignite ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), ignition (TEM8). illiberal Latin liber, free: liberal (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), liberalism (TEM4), liberality, liberate (CET4) (TEM4), liberation (TEM4), libertine, liberty (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), libido, ad-lib (1050) (< ad libitum, at liberty), deliver (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), deliverance (TEM8), delivery (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), illiberal; Liberia. 6 illicit (TEM8) Latin licere, to be permitted. license (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) = licence, licentious, licit, illicit (TEM8), leisure (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), leisureliness. 5 Married in haste, we may repent at leisure. 匆匆结婚,慢慢后悔 imbue (TEM8) cf. imbibe immaculate macula. A spot, blemish; also a hole in a net, mesh. 3 Latin noun of unknown origin: macula, maculate, maculated, immaculate, trammel (< tres-macula). 3 immanent men-. 3. To remain. 6 Latin manere, to remain: manor, mansion (DEE) (TEM4), menial (TEM8), immanent, permanent (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), remain (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), remainder ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), remains (TEM4), remnant ? (MEE) (TEM4). 6 immaterial mater-. Mother. 7 Germanic mother (CET4), mother-in-law (TEM4), motherland (TEM4). Latin mater, mother: mater, maternal ? (TEM4) (1050), maternity (TEM4), matriarchy, matriarch (1050), matriculate (TEM8), matrix (TEM8), matron, matrimony (TEM8). 4 Greek meter, mother: metro-, metro ? (TEM8), metropolis (TEM4), metropolitan ?(MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 1 Latin materies, materia, tree trunk (< "matrix," the tree's source of growth), hence hard timber used in carpentry, hence (by a calque on Greek hule, wood, matter) substance, stuff, matter: material (CET4) (TEM4), materialize (TEM8), materialism (TEM4), matter (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), immaterial. 2 Greek compound Demeter, name of the goddess of produce, especially cereal crops (de-, possibly meaning "earth"): Demeter. immure mei-. 3. To fix; to build fences or fortifications. 4 Latin murus, wall: mural (TEM8), immure. 2 Latin munire, to fortify, protect, strengthen: muniments, munition (TEM8), ammunition ? (TEM4). 2 191 imp impecunious peku-. Wealth, movable property. 4 Germanic fellow (CET4) (TEM4), fellowship ? (DEE) (TEM4), fee (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin feudum, feudal estate: feudal (DEE) (TEM4), feudalism (TEM4) Latin pecunia, property, wealth: pecuniary (1050), impecunious. 2 Latin peculium, riches in cattle, private property: peculate (挪用的公款放在“皮裤里头”), peculiar (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), peculiarity (DEE). 2 impenetrable penetrate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), penetrating, penetration (DEE). impenitent kwei-. 1. To pay, atone, compensate. 14 Greek poine, fine, penalty, borrowed into Latin as poena, penalty: pain (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), painful (CET4), painkiller, painstaking (MEE+), penal, penalize ?, penalty (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), penance, penitent (1050), penitentiary, pine 2, punish (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), punishment (CET4) (DEE), punitive (TEM8), impenitent, impunity (1050), penology, repent (DEE) (TEM4), repentance (TEM8), repine (TEM8), subpoena (1050), unrepentant. 14 Married in haste, we may repent at leisure. 匆匆结婚,慢慢后悔 impersonal (DEE) (TEM4) Latin persona (cf. The Banquet), originally a mask, as worn in the ancient classical theatre, hence the role attributed to this mask, hence a character, a personage, a person. person (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), personal (CET4), personally (CET4), personality (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), personable (1050), personage, personify (DEE), personification, personnel (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), parson (TEM8), impersonal (DEE) (TEM4), impersonate (TEM8), impersonator, interpersonal (TEM4). 7 impolitic pelH-. 3. Citadel, fortified high place. 7 Greek polis, city: police (CET4), policeman (CET4), policy (CET4) (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), polis, polite (CET4), politic, political (CET4), politics (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), geopolitics (TEM4), politician (CET4) (DEE), politicize, apolitical, impolite (TEM4), impolitic, polity, acropolis, cosmopolite, cosmopolitanism, megalopolis, metropolis, metropolitan ? (MEE) (DEE), necropolis. 7 impotent (TEM8) (1050) poti-. Powerful, lord. 16 Latin potis, powerful, able (> potestas, power): 192 possess (CET4) (TEM4), possession (CET4), possessed, power (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), powerful (CET4) (MEE), empower (TEM8) (1050), horsepower (CET4), prepossessing. 3 Latin compound posse, to be able (contracted from potis, able + esse, to be): posse, possible (CET4) (TEM4), possibly (CET4), possibility (CET4) (MEE), potent ? (DEE), potency, potential (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), potentiality (DEE), potentate, potentiate, puissance, puissant, despot (TEM4) (1050) (< demspota), despotism, despotic, impossible (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), impossibility (TEM4), impotent (TEM8) (1050), impotence (TEM8), impussance, impussant, omnipotent (1050), plenipotentiary, prepotent. 13 impoverish (TEM8) cf. poverish, poverty (CET4) (MEE), poor (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pauper, impoverished (MEE+). See paucity (1050). impresario indigent (1050) indulge ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) indulgence (DEE) (TEM4), indulgent (TEM4). 3 ineluctable luct-, to bend, to twist about > to struggle, cf. reluctance (AWL10) (DEE), reluctant (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), eluctation, ineluctable. inevitable (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) infatuated (TEM8) infatuation, cf. fatuous (TEM8) inferno infernal inkling (TEM8) cf. ink (CET4) (TEM4). innocence (TEM4) nek-. 1. Death. 9 Latin nex (stem nec-), death: pernicious (TEM8) (1050). 1 Latin necare, to kill: internecine, necropolis. 2 Latin nocere, to injure, harm: nocent, nocuous, nuisance (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), innocence (TEM4), innocent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), innocuous. 3 Latin noxa, injury, hurt, damage: noxious (1050), obnoxious (1050). 2 Greek nektar, the drink of the gods, "overcoming death": nectar (TEM8). 1 innovative (DEE) newo-. New. Related to nu-. 10 Greek new (CET4) (TEM4), anew (MEE+) (TEM8) (5000), brand-new, newborn (MEE+) (TEM4), newly (TEM4), news (CET4) (TEM4), newscast (TEM4), newscaster ?, newsletter (MEE+) (TEM4), newspaper (CET4) (TEM4), newsreel ? (TEM8), newsroom (MEE+), renew (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), renewal (DEE). Greek newos, neos, new: 193 neo-, neoclassicism (TEM8), neoclassical (TEM8), neolithic, neologism, neonate, neophyte (1050), neon ? (MEE+) (TEM8). 4 Latin novus, new: nova, novel (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) 1,2, novelist (TEM4), novelty ?(MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), novice (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), innovate (AWL7) (MEE+) (TEM4), innovation ? (MEE) (DEE), innovative ? (DEE), renovate ? (MEE) (TEM4), supernova. 6 innuendo (1050) cf. nod (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4),一切尽在“点头”之中。 inoculate okw-. To see. 13 Germanic eye (CET4) (TEM4), eyeball (TEM4), eyebrow ? (TEM4), eye-catching (TEM8), eyeglass (TEM4), eyelash (TEM4), eyeless (TEM4), eyelid (TEM4), eye-opener (TEM4), eyesight (CET4) (TEM4), eyesore (TEM4), eyewash (TEM4), eyewitness (TEM4), daisy (TEM8), window, ogle. 1 Latin oculus, eye: ocular, oculist, inoculate, monocle, binoculars ? (TEM4), inveigle (French aveugle < *ab-oculus, blind). 5 Greek ops, eye (and stem *op-, to see): myopia, (myo-, muscle), myopic (1050), Pelops, Cyclops. 2 Greek opsis, sight, appearance: opsin, -opsis, -opsy, autopsy, synopsis, synoptic (DEE). 3 Greek optos, seen, visible: optic, optical (MEE) (TEM4), optician (DEE), optometry, optometrist. 1 Greek ope, opening: metope. Greek ophthalmos, eye: ophthalmo-, ophthalmology. 1 inroad cf. road (CET4) (TEM4), roadblock (TEM4), roadway (TEM4), raid (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), raider (TEM4), ride (CET4) (TEM4), rider. 4 insane (CET4) (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) san-, whole, health, cf. sane ? (MEE) (TEM4), sanity (TEM4), sanitary (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), sanitation ? (TEM4), sanatorium (TEM4), insane (CET4) (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), insanitary (TEM4), insanity, (sound 2, unsound). 8 inscrutable skreu-. To cut, cutting tool. 13 Germanic shrew (having a pointed snout (TEM8)), shrewd ? (MEE) (1050), screed (piece, fragment), scroll (TEM4), shred ? (TEM4), shroud ? (garment, < piece of cloth) 5 Latin scrupus, a sharp pebble or stone, whence figuratively, anxiety, a keen uneasiness: scruple, scrupulous (TEM8), unscrupulous (1050), unscrupulousness. 4 Latin scruta, trash, frippery: 194 scrutiny ? (MEE) (TEM4), scrutinize (TEM8) (1050), scrutable, inscrutable. 4 inside cf. side (CET4) (TEM4), aside (CET4), sideboard (TEM4), sidelight (TEM4), sideline (TEM8), sideshow, sidesplitting, sidestep (TEM8), sidewalk (TEM4), sideways (CET4) (TEM4), sidle. 5 insight (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. see (CET4), foresee ? (MEE) (DEE), unforeseen, seer, sight (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), sighting (TEM8), sightseeing (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), foresight, insight (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), insightful. 2 insinuate (TEM8) cf. sine, sinuous (TEM8) insipid (TEM4) (1050) sep-. 1. To taste, perceive. 9 Latin sapere, to taste, have taste, be wise: sage (TEM8) 1, sagacious (TEM8), sagacity (TEM8), sapid, sapient, sapor, savant (TEM8), savor ? (TEM8), savory (TEM8), savvy, insipid (TEM4) (1050). 9 insular (TEM8) (1050) Latin insula, island. insular (TEM8) (1050), insularity, insulate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), insulation (DEE), insulin, isolate (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), isolation (DEE) (TEM4), isle ? (MEE) (TEM4), island (CET4) (TEM4), peninsula ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 6 interlock (TEM8) interlocking (MEE+) intern (TEM8) internment interplay (TEM8) interpolate cf. extropolate interweave weave (MEE) (DEE), web (DEE), cobweb (TEM4), Webster. intimidate (CET4) (MEE) (TEM8) cf. timid (MEE) (DEE), timidity, timorous. 4 intrepid (TEM8) (1050) cf. trepidation (1050). 2 invariable (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Latin variare, to change, to vary. 10 vary (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE), variable (MEE) (DEE), variability, variance, variation (MEE) (DEE), varied (DEE), variety (MEE) (DEE), various (DEE), varigated, varigation, invariable (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), invariably ?, invariance, prevaricate, prevarication. 10 inviolable (TEM4) Latin violare, to show force. violate (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE), violation (DEE), inviolable (TEM4), inviolate, violent (MEE), violence (MEE), nonviolent. 4 inviting (TEM4) cf. invite (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (原指赌博时挑战), invitation (CET4) (TEM4), vie, vying. 3 invoice (MEE+) (TEM8) invulnerable (TEM8) Latin vulnerare, to wound, cf. vulnerable (MEE), vulture. 3 iodine iota cf. jot (DEE) (TEM4). 2 195 irascible (1050) cf. irate (TEM8), ire. 3 iridescent < Iris (TEM4) irk (TEM8) 打勾击老打“二科”,打不了“头科”,很苦恼。Cf. irksome (TEM8). 2 ironclad cf. iron (CET4) (TEM4). irony ? (MEE) (TEM4) cf. ironic (TEM4) (1050), ironically ?. irradiate Latin radius, ray, beam, spoke. radial (TEM4), radiance (TEM4), radiant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), radiate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), radiation (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), radiator (TEM4), radio (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), radar (CET4) (TEM4), radium ? (DEE) (TEM4), radius ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ray (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), X-ray (MEE), irradiate, radioactive ? (MEE) (TEM4), radioactivity (TEM4), radiochemical (TEM4), radiotherapy (TEM8), nonradioactive. 7 irreverent (TEM4) (1050) see revere irrigate (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) irrigation ? (MEE+) irritable (TEM4) irritate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), irritant (TEM8). isthmus item (CET4) (AWL2) iterate (TEM4) cf. reiterate (TEM8) (1050). 2 ivory ? (DEE) (TEM4) jabber cf. gabble (TEM8) jade ? (TEM8) jaded (1050) jagged (TEM8) jape jarring jaundiced (1050) prejaundiced > prejudiced jaunt jaunty jealousy (DEE) (TEM4) cf. jealous (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), zeal (MEE) (DEE) (1050), zealot, zealotry, zealous (DEE) (1050). 4 jeer (MEE+) (TEM8) jejune “脊柱”,中间是“空洞的” jeopardy (DEE) cf. jeopardize ? (DEE) (TEM8). It's a jeopardy when you encounter a leopard (TEM4). jerk ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. jerky (TEM8) jibe jigsaw puzzle cf. jigsaw (DEE) (TEM8), puzzle (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) jingoism 军国主义, jingoist jitter Gter, cf. jitterbug, 身上有bug (CET4) (TEM4),心里很jitter,于是跳 起jitterbug, cf. debug (TEM8). job (CET4) (AWL4) jockey ? (TEM4) DJ = disc jockey jocular (TEM8) cf. jocund, joke (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) jog ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) cf. joggle 196 jolly ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) jolt ? (TEM8) “绉了它”“掀翻了它”,颠簸着移动 jovial cf. Jove, 到了“周五”,大家都很愉快,Jupiter jubilant (TEM8) "猪臂(金)铃",“卓别林” juvenile ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) cf. Juventus, rejuvenate (TEM8), junior (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 2 killjoy joy (CET4) (TEM4), joyful (TEM4), joyous (TEM4), joystick (TEM8), rejoice ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rejoicing, cf. A kill-ease. 3 kindle (MEE+) rekindle, cf. candel kiosk (TEM4) kitten ? cf. cat (CET4), catwalk (TEM4), kitty, kitten (TEM4) kleptomania "可来偷" knack knave knead (TEM8) knocker cf. knock (CET4) (TEM4) knoll cf. knot (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), knotty, knit (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cut the Gordian knot (1050). labyrinth (TEM4) labor + into, cf. labyrinthine lacerate "来撕裂它", laceration lachrymose “来颗泪没事”,“闲着没事就来颗泪”< lachrym, “来颗泪” lackadaisical (1050) sleg-. To be slack, be languid. 20 Germanic slack ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)1 (loose, indolent, careless), slacken (TEM4), slacks (TEM4), slake. 3 Latin laxus, loose, slack: lax (TEM4), laxative, laxity, lack (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), leak (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), leakage (DEE), lackadaisical (1050), lackluster (1050), lag (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), laggard, lease (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), leash, lessor, lessee, delay (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), relax (CET4) (AWL9) (DEE) (TEM4), relaxation (DEE) (TEM4), relay ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), release (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), relish ? (MEE) (TEM8), unleashed. 14 Nasalized form in Latin languere, to be languid: languid (TEM8) (1050), languor, languish (DEE) (TEM4) (1050). 3 lackey "赖叽" < 赖了吧叽的走卒 laconic (1050) Laconia, laconism. 2 lagoon cf. lake (CET4), lacuna laity cf. lay, layman ? (MEE) (TEM4) lambaste lament ? (TEM4) laminate lampoon (1050) cf. lip (CET4) (DEE), lipstick ? (TEM4). 197 landfill cf. land (CET4) (TEM4), inland (CET4), landing (TEM4), landlady (TEM4), landlocked, landlord (CET4) (TEM4), landmark (TEM4), landowner (TEM4), landscape (CET4) (TEM4), landslide. 3 lank cf. link (CET4) (AWL3) larder cf. lard largesse cf. large (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), largely (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), enlarge (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), enlargement (TEM4). lark (TEM4) "落科",打勾击,走了落科还是很高兴,本来就是“玩乐”嘛 larva lascivious (1050) 乐死玩死,cf. lust (DEE) (TEM4), lusty, listless, wanderlust, luxury (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), luxurious (TEM4), luxuriant (TEM8), de luxe (TEM8). 5 latent ? (MEE) (TEM4) (1050) cf. latency lathe (DEE) (TEM4) lattice (DEE) laud (1050) cf. laudable, laudatory. 3 lecherous 来赤裸,< lecher < licker < lick (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) leer leery leeward 利我的,cf. leeway (TEM4) lenient ? (TEM8) le-. 2. To let go, slacken. 5 Latin lassus, tired, weary: lassitude, alas (TEM4). 1 Latin lenis, soft, gentle: lenient ? (TEM8), lenience = leniency (TEM4), lenitive, lenity, relent (TEM8), relenting, relentless ? (TEM4) (1050). 4 leonine cf. Leo, Leonardo, lion (TEM4), lioness (TEM4), lionize leprosy (TEM8) lethal (DEE) (TEM8) lethal weapon (DEE), cf. lethargy, lethargic (1050), Lethe. lewd < lay, of the laity, not of the clergy ? (cf. clerk (CET4)). libation 来一杯,神~ libel (1050) cf. libellous, library (CET4) (TEM4), librarian (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), libretto. 3 liken (TEM8) cf. like (CET4) (TEM4), liking (TEM4), alike (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), likely (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), likelihood ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), likeness (TEM4), likewise (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), unlikely (DEE). limb (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. limit (CET4) (TEM4), limitation (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), limited (CET4) limber limbo limerick limestone (TEM4) limousine ? (TEM4) limpid (MEE+) cf. lymph, nymph (TEM8). 198 liquefy cf. liquid (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), liquor (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), liquadate (TEM4), prolix, prolixity. 3 lissome < lithesome, lithe list (CET4) litter ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Dispose of properly, do not litter. littoral liturgy livid loaf (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) loam cf. lime (TEM4), limelight (TEM4), limestone (TEM4) loathe (TEM8) loathing, loathsome lobby (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) cf. lodge (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), lodging (DEE) (TEM4). lobe locust (TEM4) cf. lobster ? (MEE+) (TEM4), "the jumper" lode cf. load (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), unload (MEE) (DEE), laden (DEE) (TEM4) log (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) logjam, jam (CET4) (TEM4) loiter cf. lout loll (TEM8) "老了",》懒洋洋地坐或卧。Cf. lull ? (DEE) (TEM4), lullaby (TEM4) longing loom (MEE) (TEM4) loon “聋”,愚人,疯子 loop (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) loophole (TEM4). lopsided lore cf. folklore (TEM8) lounge ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)”懒之” lubricant (TEM8) lubricate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), lubricious lugubrious lugubriousness lukewarm (TEM8) (1050) lull ? (DEE) (TEM4) 我儿子很活泼,如果他暂停活动,平静下来,一定是“拉 了”,lullaby (TEM4) lumber ? (TEM4) cf. lame ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) lumberjack lumber ? (MEE) (DEE), jack ? (TEM4) lurch (TEM8) 趔趄, cf. lurk (TEM4) lurid (1050) luscious (TEM8) aphetic of delicious (TEM4), cf. lush (TEM8) lynch 凌迟 lyric ? (TEM4) cf. lyra, lyre, lyrical. macabre (TEM8) (1050) mace macerate machiavellian < Machiavelli mackintosh (TEM4) madrigal 199 maestro meg-. Great. 15 Germanic much (CET4) (TEM4) Latin magnus, great: magnate (TEM8) (1050), magnitude ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), magnanimous (TEM8) (1050), magnificent (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), magnify ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), magniloquent, magnum opus (1050). 5 Latin major, greater: major (CET4) (AWL1) (TEM4), majority (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), majuscule, mayor (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). Latin majestas, greatness, authority: majesty ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), majestic ? (TEM8). 1 Latin magister, master, high, official (< "he who is greater"): maestro, magisterial, magistrate ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), master (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mastermind (TEM8), masterpiece ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mastery (DEE) (TEM8), mister (CET4) (TEM4), mistral, mistress ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 5 Latin maximus, greatest: maxim (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), maximal (DEE), maximum (CET4) (TEM4), maximize (AWL3). 2 Latin mactus, worshiped, blessed, sacred: matador (cf. checkmate). 1 Latin Maia (< "she who is great"), name of a goddess: May Greek megas (stem megal-), great: mega-, megaphone (TEM8), megalo-, megalomania, acromegaly, omega (TEM8). 1 Sanskrit maha-, mahat-, great: Maharajah, maharani, maharishi, mahatma, Mahayana. magenta 紫红色的(赤兔)“马真大”。打印机中的4种染料CMYK: cyan, magenta, yellow, black magnetic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. magnet (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), magnetism (TEM8) maid (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) maiden ? (DEE) (TEM4), mermaid (TEM8). maim (TEM8) cf. mayhem maize (MEE+) (TEM4) mal- prefix denoting "bad, ill" malaise (1050) < mal ease, cf. ease (CET4) (TEM4), easy (CET4) (TEM4), easily (TEM4), easygoing (TEM4), disease (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), uneasy (MEE) (DEE); cf. maladjusted (TEM8), maladministration (TEM8), malady (TEM4), malapropism, malaria ? (TEM4), malformed (TEM8), malfunction (TEM8), malice ? (TEM4) (1050), malicious (TEM4), malign (TEM8), malignant ? (TEM8), malignancy (TEM8), malnourished (TEM8), 200 malnutrition ? (TEM8), malodorous, malpractice (TEM8), maltreat (TEM8). malapropism 心有灵通一点犀;卖女孩的小火柴;秀发去无踪,头屑更出众 malice ? (TEM4) (1050) malicious (TEM4) malinger “马铃儿”经常装病以逃避工作, cf. malingerer (1050). malnutrition ? (TEM8) cf. malnourished (TEM8) malodorous od-. 1. To smell (CET4). 5 Latin odor, smell: odor ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), deodorant (TEM8), odoriferous, malodorous. 2 Latin olere, to smell: olfactory, malfaction, redolent (TEM8). 3 Greek ozein, to smell: ozone ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) malpractice (TEM8) mammal ? (MEE) (TEM4) mammoth (TEM8) mangle “猛割”, 毁损、撕成碎片 manifold mannequin small man, cf. man (CET4) (TEM4), manful (TEM4), manhood (TEM4), mankind (CET4) (TEM4), manly (DEE) (TEM4), man-made (TEM4), manpower (TEM4), manslaughter (TEM8). maple ? (TEM4) mar ? (TEM8) cf. Mars (MEE+) (TEM4), march (CET4) (TEM4), martial ?(TEM8), Martin, Martinet, martinet, maraud ?. 2 marble ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) mare ? (TEM8) cf. marshal (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) margarine (TEM4) marine (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) mori-. Body of water; lake, sea. 6 Germanic mermaid (TEM8), merman, marsh (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), morass. 3 Latin mare (> French mer), sea: mare 2, marine (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mariner, maritime ? (TEM4), mariculture, submarine (MEE), ultramarine. 3 marionette marrow (TEM4) marsupial martyr (DEE) (TEM4) mash ? (TEM8) 把植物mash“捣成糊状”,作成面具mask (CET4) (MEE) (DEE)贴在脸上美容 mask (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4)masked (TEM8), masquerade (TEM8), massacre ? (MEE) (TEM4), 在masquerade“假面舞会”上戴上mask“面具” 进行massive massacre (MEE) (TEM4) “大屠杀” 201 mast ? (DEE) (TEM4) masticate mate (CET4) (TEM4) cf. mating (TEM8), inmate ? (TEM8), Mating Li mattress ? (TEM4) mat (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) maudlin (1050) "猫的泪", < Maudaline mauloleum 貌似陵墓, < Mausolus maven 你问专家什么问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ,回答都是“没问(题)” maverick Dallas Mavericks mawkish maze (TEM8) cf. amaze (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), amazing (CET4) (TEM4) meander (TEM8) “绵延的” measles (TEM4) measly medal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. metal (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), metallic ? (TEM4). meddle (DEE) (TEM8) cf. muddle (TEM8) meik-. To mix. 7 Latin miscere (past participle mixtus), to mix: meddle (DEE) (TEM8), meddlesome, medley, miscellaneous (DEE) (TEM8), miscellany, mix (CET4) (TEM4), mixture (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), miscegenation, pell-mell, promiscuous (1050). 6 Germanic masc, mashed malt: mash. 1 median (DEE) medhyo-. Middle. 9 Germanic mid (TEM4), amid (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), amidst (TEM4), midday (CET4) (TEM4), middle (CET4) (TEM4), middleman (TEM4), midnight (CET4) (TEM4), midst (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), midway (TEM4), midwife (TEM4). Latin medius, middle, half: mean (CET4) (TEM4) 3, meantime (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), meanwhile (CET4) (TEM4), medial, median (DEE), mediate ? (AWL9) (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050), immediate (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), immediately (CET4) (TEM4), medium (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), media (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), multimedia (TEM4), mitten (DEE) (TEM8), moiety, intermediate (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (TEM4), medieval ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), mediocre (TEM8), mediocrity (MEE+), Mediterranean (DEE) (TEM4), meridian, milieu (1050). 9 Greek mesos, middle: meso-, Mesopotamia. meek (TEM8) meld cf. melt (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) melon ? (MEE) (TEM4) watermelon 202 membrane menial (TEM8) (1050) cf. mansion (DEE) (TEM4) menthol cf. mint (CET4) (TEM4), peppermint (TEM8). meretricious (s)mer-. 2. To get a share of something. 3 Latin merere, mereri, to receive a share, deserve, serve: meretricious, merit (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), meritorious, demerit (TEM4), emeritus. 3 Greek meros (feminine meris), a part, division: -mere, mero-, -merous, dimer, isomer, monomer, polymer (DEE) mesa mesmerize (TEM8) metallurgy (TEM8) werg-. To do. 10 Germanic work, boulevard (TEM4), bulwark, network (CET4) (AWL5) (DEE) (TEM4), overwork (DEE). 1 Greek ergon, work, action: erg, -urgy, allergy, allergic (MEE+) (DEE), argon, dramaturge, energy (CET4) (AWL5) (DEE) (TEM4), energetic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), energize (TEM8), ergograph, ergonomics (1050), georgic, liturgy, metallurgy (TEM8), surgeon (MEE) (DEE), surgery (MEE), synergism, synergic. 5 Germanic wrought, wright (maker), playwright (TEM4), shipwright. 1 Greek organon, tool: organ (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), organic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), inorganic (TEM4), organism (CET4) (MEE), organize (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), organization (CET4) (MEE), microorganism (TEM4), reorganize (TEM4). 2 Greek orgia, secret rites, worship (<"service"): orgy. 1 meta- prefix denoting "along with, after; change, beyond" metaphysics cf. metaphysical (TEM8) (1050) meteoric meteor (TEM8), meteorology (TEM8), meteorological (TEM8). meticulous ? mettle cf. metal (DEE) (TEM4), mettlesome miasma 迷死马 midget (TEM8) mildew milestone (MEE+) (TEM4) cf. mile (CET4) (TEM4), mileage ? (TEM4) militant ? (MEE) (TEM8) (1050) militia (TEM4), militiaman (TEM8), military (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (TEM4), militarism (TEM8). milk (CET4) (TEM4) milky (TEM4), Milky Way (TEM4). millinery < Milaner < Milan mime (TEM8) 203 mimos. A mime. Greek noun of unknown origin. mime (TEM8), mimesis, mimic (TEM8), mimicry, pantomime (TEM8), mimosa. 4 mire (TEM8) quagmire mite the widow's mite mitigate (TEM8) (1050) cf. unmitigated (1050) moan (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. bemoan moat (TEM8) mock ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) mockery (TEM8) mogul "某个人"=somebody, < Mongol < Mongolia, Mongolian (TEM8). moist (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. moisture (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), moisturize (TEM8). molding moldy monarch (MEE) (TEM4) men-. 4. Small, isolated. 14 Greek monos, alone, only, single, sole: monad, monarch (MEE) (TEM4), monarchy ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4), monastery ? (> minster, Westminster) (TEM4), monk ? (MEE+) (TEM4), mono-, monochromatic, monochrome, monocle, monogamy (TEM8), monograph, monolithic (1050), monologue ? (TEM8), monomania, monopoly ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), monopolize (TEM4), monotone (TEM8), monotonous ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), monotony (TEM8). 13 Old English minnow. 1 monsoon (TEM8) montage (TEM8) moor (TEM4) mope (TEM8) moron “毛人”, cf. sophomore (MEE) (DEE), sophomoric, oxymoron. 3 mosque (TEM4) cf. mosquito (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) mote motley (TEM8) mottled motto ? (TEM4) mute ? (DEE) (TEM4), mutter ? (DEE) (TEM4), cf. bon mot muffle (TEM4) muff, muffled, muffler. 3 muggy mulct mulish cf. mule ? (TEM4), amulet multiple (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. multilateral (TEM8), multimedia (TEM4), multinational (TEM4), multiply (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), multitude ? (TEM8). mumble ? (TEM8) cf. mum, babble mundane (TEM8) antemundane (5000), extramondane, supramondane, Le Monde 204 murky murmur ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) muscular ? (TEM4) muscle (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), muculature, mouse (CET4) (TEM4), mussel (TEM8). mushroom (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) cf. moss ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) musket cf. mosquito (CET4) musty mute ? (MEE) (TEM4) cf. moo, muted, mutter ? (MEE). 3 mutilate (TEM8) mutineer mutiny, mutinous mutton ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) muzzy fuzzy myriad ? (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) 米粒儿的 mysterious (CET4) (TEM4) mystery (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), mystic ? (TEM8), demystify mythical mythology ? (TEM8), myth (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 谜思,迷死 nadir “那底儿”, cf. zenith (1050), “吉尼斯” narcissism cf. narcissus (TEM8), narcissistic (1050), narcotic (TEM4) nasal (TEM8) cf. nose (CET4), nostril ? (DEE) (TEM4), nozzle, nuzzle (TEM8), nosegay. natation natty < neat (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), net (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), internet (CET4) (TEM4) nausea (TEM4) “闹心” nau-. 2. Boat. 5 Latin navis, ship: naval (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), navigate (MEE+) (TEM8), navigation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), navy (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). 1 Greek naus, ship, and nautes, sailor (CET4) (TEM4): nausea (TEM4), nauseate, ad nauseam (1050), nautical (TEM8), nautilus, noise (CET4) (TEM4), noisy (CET4) (TEM4), aeronaut, aeronautics (MEE+) (TEM4), aquanaut, argonaut, astronaut ? (MEE) (DEE), cosmonaut, taikonaut. 4 naysay to say nay nebula nebulous (TEM8) (1050) needle (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) needlework needy (TEM4) cf. need (CET4) (TEM4), needless (TEM4). nephritis nepotism (1050) < nepos, nephew (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), niece (CET4) (TEM4). nethermost cf. Netherland, beneath (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), niche (TEM8), underneath (MEE) nick cf. nickname ? (TEM4), notch nicotine ? (TEM8) niggard niggling 205 nip (TEM8) nippers, nipping nitpick nocturnal (1050) cf. equinox (TEM8), night (CET4) (TEM4), nightclub (TEM4), nightgown (TEM4), nightingale (TEM4)nightmare (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), fortnight (CET4) (TEM4), overnight (MEE) (DEE). nomad (TEM8) no mad < mead < meadow ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), cf. nomadic (TEM8). nonesuch nostalgia (TEM8) (1050) nostalgic ? (TEM8), nostrum, Notre Dame nourish (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. nourishment (DEE) (TEM4), nurse (CET4) (TEM4), nursery (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), nurture ? (MEE) (TEM8), nutrient ? (TEM8), nutrition ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), nutritious (TEM4), malnutrition ? (TEM8). nuance (TEM4) (1050) nucleate nucleus (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), nuclear (CET4) (AWL8) (MEE) (TEM4), enucleate. nudge (TEM8) nugatory numinous nunnery < nun ? (TEM4) oak (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) oar ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) oasis (MEE+) (TEM8) oatmeal cf. oats (TEM4) obelisk oblivion (TEM8) (1050) oblivious obscure ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) obscurity, chiaroscuro obsolescent obsolete (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) obstreperous oddments odd (CET4) (AWL10) (TEM4), odds (CET4) (TEM8) odyssey Odysseus offbeat offhand (TEM8), offish, offkey, offset ? (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), offshore (TEM4), offspring ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), offstage ointment (TEM8) omelet (TEM8) oncologist (MEE+) ongoing (AWL10) onset (DEE) (TEM8) ooze (TEM8) opalescent opal (TEM8), opaque ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) (1050) (cf. OPEC), opacity. opiate opium (TEM4) orchid (TEM8) ore (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) ornithology 鸟都有ornate羽毛 206 orthodontics cf. orthodox ? (MEE) (DEE) (1050), orthodoxy, unorthodox (1050), orthopedics. 4 oscillate cf. oscillation (TEM8). osmosis osseous ossify, ostracize (1050), oyster ? (DEE) (TEM4). 3 [ A noisy noise annoys an oyster ? (DEE)] ostrich (TEM4) otiose cf. negotiate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), negotiation (DEE) otter cf. water outbid out (CET4), outbreak ? (MEE) (DEE), outcast (TEM8), outcome (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), outcry (TEM8), outdated (TEM4), outdoor (CET4) (TEM4), outdoors (CET4), outer (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), outfit ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), outfox, outgoing (TEM8), outgrow (DEE) (TEM8), outgrowth, outing ? (MEE) (TEM4), outlandish (TEM8), outlaw ? (TEM4), outlay (TEM8), outlet (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), outline (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), outlook (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), outmaneuver, outmoded, outnumber (TEM8), outnumbered, outpost (TEM8), output (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), outreach (TEM8), outright ? (TEM8), outset (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), outside (CET4) (TEM4), outskirts ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), outspoken (TEM8), outstanding (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), outstrip, outward (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), outweigh (TEM8), outwit. 18 ovation (TEM8) ov-, echoic. 罗马将军在外打了胜仗后,如果元老院认为是大胜 利,则搞一个triumph (MEE) (DEE),杀牛祭祀, cf. triumphant (DEE);小胜利,则搞一个ovation,杀羊祭祀。 overall (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) overboard (TEM8), overcast (TEM4), overcoat (TEM4), overcome (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overcrowd (TEM4), overdo (TEM4), overdose (TEM8), overdraft (TEM8), overdraw (TEM4), overdue (TEM8), overestimate (TEM4), overflow (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overhead (MEE) (DEE), overhear (MEE) (DEE), overlap (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overlook (MEE) (DEE), overnight (MEE) (DEE), overpass (MEE) (DEE), overseas (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), overtake (MEE) (DEE), overthrow (MEE) (DEE), overtime (MEE), overturn (MEE), overwhelm (MEE) (DEE), overwhelming (MEE) (DEE) ovoid oval (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) owl (DEE) (TEM4) pack (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4)cf. packed, package (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), packet (CET4). padding cf. pad (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) paean cf. peony (TEM4), the healer, Apollo palatable palate (TEM8), unpalatable. palatial palace (CET4) paleography cf. paleolithic, paleontologist. 3 palliate palter "跑了题", cf. paltry 207 pamper(TEM8) pampers, 帮宝适 pamphlet ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) pan (CET4) (TEM4) cf. pancake (TEM8) panacea (TEM8) (1050) cure-all pancreas pandemonium pander pane (TEM4) panel (CET4) (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) pang ? (TEM8) cf. pain (TEM4), fang panic (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. Pan = Fauna, Flora. panoply pan-, supply panorama ? (MEE) (TEM4) panther(TEM8) papyrus cf. paper (CET4), paperback ?, paper tiger (1050), paperweight (TEM4), paperwork (TEM4). parch (TEM8) parchment pariah parquet cf. parquetry, park (CET4) parsimonious parsimony, “怕死”花money钱 pastel (TEM8)cf. paste (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pasta (TEM4). pastiche, pastry?. pasteurize patch (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) patchwork paucity (1050) pau-. Few, little. 16 Germanic few (CET4) Latin paucus, little, few: paucity (1050). 1 Latin parvus, little, small, neuter parvum, becoming parum, little, rarely: paraffin (TEM8). Latin pauper, poor: pauper, poor (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), poverty (CET4) (MEE), impoverish. 2 Germanic fola, young horse: foal, filly (female colt). 1 Latin pullus, young of an animal, chicken: poltroon, pony ? (TEM4), poultry ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), pullet. 3 Latin puer, child: puerile. 1 Latin pusus, boy: pusillanimous. 1 Greek pais (stem paid-), child (> paideia, education): 208 pedo- 2, encyclopedia ? (MEE), encyclopedic, orthopedics, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedagogic (TEM8), pedant, pedantic (TEM8) (1050), pedantry, pediatrics. 8 paunchy 胖吃 pecan pebble ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) pectoral peek (TEM8) cf. peep ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), peer (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Peeping Tom瞥伯. peel ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. pillage (to strip the hide from), caterpillar (TEM4), capillary (TEM8), pall. 5 peeve peevish pelf cf. pilfer pelt cf. puls, pel = push pen (CET4) penicillin (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. pencil (CET4) penurious penury, "贫有理" perch ? (DEE) (TEM4) “泊枝”,cf. perky persnickety particular > 儿语 perticky > pernicky > pernickety > persnickety pesky < pesty < pest ? (MEE) (TEM4), cf. pesticide ?, pestilent, pester ? (TEM8). 5 pestle cf. piston ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) petrify petra. Cliff (CET4). Greek noun. Collective formation from petros, rock (CET4), stone (of unknown origin): petro-, petrous, parsley, petrify, petrifaction, petroleum (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), petrol (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), petrology, petroglyph, saltpeter, petrel, Peter. Cf. oil (CET4) (TEM4), olive ? (TEM4). 5 pettish cf. petty ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), cf. petit bourgeoisie pharisaic < Pharisee pharmaceutical (DEE) cf. pharmacy ? (MEE) (TEM4), pharmacist, pharmacology. 3 phial cf. vial philander Greek philein, to love. philander, philanthropic (TEM8), philanthropist, philanthropy (1050), philatelist, philately, hemophile, philology, philosophy (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (TEM4), philosopher (CET4) (MEE), philosophic (DEE), Philip, Philadelphia. 8 philistine < Palestine phobia (TEM4) acrophobia, claustrophobia, hydrophobia, xenophobe, xenophobia. 5 phony piddling pier ? (TEM8) < peter pillory 209 pinpoint ? cf. pin (CET4). pirouette piscatorial cf. Pisces, fishes, pisciculture, porpoise. pistol (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) pitch (MEE) (DEE) pitcher pitfall ? (TEM8) cf. pit (CET4) (TEM4), fall (CET4) (TEM4), downfall ? (TEM4), waterfall (MEE) pith cf. pit = kernel (TEM8), core (AWL3) (DEE) (TEM4), 果核, pithy pivot (TEM8) cf. pivotal, (从中间)“劈我头” pleat (TEM8) pledge (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) plinth plod plodding plot (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) plough (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) = plow (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) ploy pluck ? (TEM4) (被摘下的)动物内脏 > 勇气, cf. heart (CET4) (TEM4), courage (CET4) (TEM4), guts, gutless, nerve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), enervate, nerveless; plucky; cf. plush (TEM8) 长毛绒 > 豪华 的,plush toys, 长毛绒玩具 plump ? (TEM4) cf. plumbing, 沉重的 > 丰满的 plunder ? (DEE) (TEM4) plush (TEM8) pod (TEM4) poetaster cf. poet (CET4), poem (CET4) (TEM4), poetry (CET4) (MEE) (DEE). poke ? (MEE) cf. poach polemic (TEM8) Genuine polemics approach a book as lovingly as a cannibal spices a baby. cf. polemical. poll (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. pollster pollen (TEM8) pollinate pompous (TEM8) pomposity poncho 遮盖"胖肘"之物 populace Latin populus, common people. populace (TEM8), popular (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), poplar (TEM8), popularity (MEE+) (DEE), popularize (DEE), populous, population (CET4) (TEM4), populist (MEE+), public (CET4) (TEM4), publication (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE), publicity (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), publicize, publish (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (TEM4), depopulate, republic (CET4) (TEM4), republican (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), pueblo (Spanish, village, people). 4 pore ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. porous, nonporous. porridge ? (DEE) (TEM4) < pottage < pot poster 210 pout practitioner (AWL8) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. practice (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), practise (CET4) (DEE), practical (CET4) (DEE), impractical (TEM4), practically (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), practicable (CET4), practitioner ?, pragmatic (TEM8) (1050), pragmatism, malpractice. 4 prairie ? (TEM4) prance < paravance < per-, advance (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), cf. avant-garde (1050). prank prate cf. prattle preen cf. prune ? (TEM4), see roll-call prestidigitation cf. presto, digit ? (TEM4), digital (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) preternatural prick ? (DEE) (TEM4) prickle, prickly 易生气的 < prig 道学先生,易生气 primp procrustean < Procrustes prod (TEM8) protean < Proteus prurient pry ? psephology psyche Greek psyche, mind, spirit, soul (DEE). Psyche, psyche, psychedelic (MEE+), psychiatrist ? (DEE), psychiatry (MEE) (TEM4), psychoanalysis, psychology (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), psychological (CET4), psychopathic, psychosis, psychotic (1050). 7 puberty (TEM8) cf. pubic, public (CET4) (TEM4), pubic opinion. pucker when you pucker up your lips, you form them into a little pocket or pouch. Cf: pock, pox, smallpox (MEE+), pocket (CET4) (DEE), pochette, poke ? (DEE), poach (eggs), pouch (TEM8), pug (elf (TEM8)), puck, puckish, pooka, pucker. puddle ? pulchritude cf. sepulchral < se-, pulchri- pullulate pulp ? (TEM4) pulpit (TEM8) pummel pundit (1050) purlieu purloin loin = long purse (CET4) (TEM4) cf. disburse, reimburse (TEM8). pylon cf. Thermopylae. 温泉关 quack (TEM4) (1050) 快克 quaff “夸父”追日,口渴,“畅饮”。 211 quail (TEM8) “愧” qualm (TEM8) quandary (1050) cf. quantum, 量子力学令人困惑, quantum leap (1050)。 quarantine (TEM8) quarry (TEM4) 猎物,cf. query ? quarry (TEM4) 采石厂 , cf. quart ? (DEE) (TEM4), quarter (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), quarterly ? (TEM4), quartet (TEM8), quadr-, quadrangle (TEM8), quadrant (TEM8), quadratic (TEM8), quadrilateral (TEM8), quadruped, quadruple (MEE+) (TEM8) quaver (TEM8) cf. quiver (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) queasy “蛆似”, > 令人恶心的 queer ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) quell (TEM8) (1050) cf. kill (CET4) (TEM4) quench ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) 把火“困起”,熄灭(火) queue (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) quibble (TEM8) Yao who? kwo-. Also kwi-. Stem of relative and interrogative pronouns. 9 Germanic who, whose, whom, what, why, which, how (CET4), however (CET4), when, whence, whither, where, whereas (AWL5), whereby (AWL10), everywhere (CET4) (TEM4), nowhere (CET4) (DEE), whether, neither (CET4) (TEM4), either (CET4) Latin qui, who (genitive plural quorum): qua, quibble (TEM8), quorum. 2 Latin quid, what, something: quip. 1 Latin quam, as, than, how, in quasi (quam + si, if), as if: quasi Latin quot, how many: quota ? (MEE) (TEM4), quote (CET4) (AWL7) (MEE) (TEM4), quotation (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), quotidian, quotient (DEE) (TEM8), aliquot. 2 Latin quantus, how great: quantity (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), quantify ? (MEE) (TEM4), quantitative ? (MEE) (TEM4) Latin qualis, of what kind: quality (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), qualify (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), qualifier (TEM8), qualified (TEM4), qualification (CET4) (TEM4) (MEE) (DEE), qualitative ? (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disqualify (TEM4). Latin uter, either of two: neuter, neutral (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), neutralize (TEM8), neutron. 2 Latin ubi, where, and ibi, there: alibi, ubiquity, ubiquitous (1050). 2 212 quirk (TEM8) quisling 傀(儡)司令 quiver (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) quixotic (TEM8) (1050) < Don Quixote rabble cf. rap ? (MEE) (TEM8), babble rabid (TEM8) cf. rabies (TEM8), rage (MEE) (TEM4), reverie (TEM8) (1050), rave ?. 4 racy raffish cf. ravel, unravel. 3 raffle ? (TEM8) "来福了",抽奖售物 rafter (TEM8) cf. raft ? (TEM8), roof (CET4) (TEM4) rag (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. ragged ? (TEM4), rugged, rough (DEE), corrugate rail (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. railroad (CET4) (TEM4), railway (CET4) (TEM4), raillery, derail (TEM8) raisin (TEM4) rakish (1050) rake ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), muckraker, muckraking (1050). 西游记 中,抗rake耙子的八戒最rakish (1050)潇洒,放荡。 rampage (TEM8) cf. ramp ? (TEM8), rampant ? (TEM8) (1050) ramshackle (TEM8) cf. ram (DEE) (TEM4), shackle rancid (TEM8) 烂稀的,cf, rank. 2 rancor (TEM8) (1050)cf. rancorous, rankle. 3 randomize random ? (AWL8) (TEM4), RAM (TEM8) = random-access memory rant “嚷的”,咆哮。 rarity (DEE) (TEM8) cf. rare (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), rarely (CET4) (DEE). rash ? (MEE) (TEM4) rashness rasp (TEM8) raspy, cf. raze (MEE+) (DEE), razor ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), erase ?(MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), eraser (TEM4), erasure (TEM8), abrase rattle ? (TEM8) cf. rattlesnake (MEE+) (TEM4) raucous ready (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) ready-made (MEE+), readily (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), readiness (TEM4), already (CET4). realized cf. real (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), really (CET4), realism (TEM4), realist (TEM4), realisitic (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), reality (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), realize (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), realization (DEE), rebus, republic (CET4) (TEM4), republican (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). ream (DEE) reaper cf. reap (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ripe (CET4) (TEM4). rebuke ? (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) rebus recall (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) recast recoil recombine 213 rectitude reg-. 1. To move in a straight line, with derivatives meaning "to direct in a straight line, lead, rule." 53 Germanic right (CET4) (TEM4) 1, 2, right-hand (TEM4), righteous (TEM4), upright (MEE) (DEE). 2 Latin regere, to lead straight, guide, rule (past participle rectus, hence adjective rectus, right, straight): realm (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rectitude (TEM8), rector (TEM8), regent (TEM8), regency (TEM4), regime ? (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), regimen, regiment ? (TEM4), regimentation, region (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), correct (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), correction (TEM4), incorrigible (1050), incorrigibility, direct (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), indirect (CET4) (TEM4), direction (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), directly (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), directive (Z (TEM4)), director (CET4) (TEM4), directory ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), other-directed, redirect, dirge, dirigible, erect (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), erection (TEM4), rectangle ? (MEE) (TEM4), rectangular ? (DEE), rectify ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), rectilinear, surge (MEE) (DEE), insurgent (TEM8), insurrection (TEM8) (1050), resurge, resurgent (TEM8), resurrect (TEM8), resurrection (TEM8), source (AWL1) (MEE) (DEE), resource (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (TEM4), resourceful, adroit (TEM8) (1050) (5000), maldroit, dress (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), dresser (TEM4), dressing ? (TEM4), dressing gown (TEM4), dressy (TEM4), address (CET4) (TEM4), redress (TEM8) (1050), scourge (< ex-corrige), escort ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), undirected, upsurge. 29 Greek oregein, to stretch out, reach out for: anorexia. 1 Germanic bishopric, rich (CET4) (TEM4) (strong, powerful), riches (TEM4), enrich (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), Reich. Latin rex, king (royal and priestly title): real 2, Real Madrid, real estate, regal (TEM4), regale (1050), reign ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), royal (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), royalist (TEM8), royalty ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), interregnum, regicide, viceroy. 5 Sanskrit raja, rajan-, king, rajah (feminine rajni, queen (CET4) (TEM4), rani), and rajati, he rules: raj, rajah, rani, maharajah, maharani. Latin regula, straight piece of wood, rod: rail (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) 1, railroad (CET4) (TEM4), railway (CET4) (TEM4), raillery, derail (TEM8), regular (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), irregular (DEE) (TEM4), regularity (DEE) (TEM4), regulate (CET4) (AWL2) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), regulation (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rule (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), ruler (CET4) (TEM4), ruling (TEM8), derail (TEM8), unregulated, unruly. 5 214 Germanic rake ? (MEE) (DEE) 1 (implement with straight pieces of wood), reckon (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (to arrange in order, recount). 1 Latin rogare, to ask (<"stretch out the hand"): rogation, abrogate (5000), arrogant ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (5000), arrogance (TEM4), arrogate (5000), derogate, derogatory (TEM8) (1050), interrogate (TEM8), interrogation (TEM4), interrogative, prerogative (1050), prorogue, subrogate. 9 Germanic reck (DEE) (to pay attention to, take care), reckless ? (MEE) (TEM4). 1 reed ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) Man is only a reed, the weakest thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed. Pascal, Pensees. reek leek (TEM4) reeks reel ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. roll (CET4) (DEE), roller (CET4) (TEM4). rehearse (TEM4) rehearsal ? (MEE) (DEE) rein ? (MEE) (TEM8) < retain, hold back, cf. reindeer (TEM8) rend (TEM8) cf. rind (TEM8), rent. 3 reptilian reptile ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), surreptitious. 2 rescue (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) reshuffle (TEM8) cf. shuffle (MEE+) (TEM8), 沙壶球shovel (MEE+), shove (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). 3 resin (TEM8) cf. resinous (TEM8). resplendent (TEM8) cf. splendid (DEE), splendor. 3 retail (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. retailer (TEM4), tailor (DEE), tally (originally a stick or wooden tablet on which notches were cut to record numbers, cf. 虎符), detail (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), entail ? (MEE) (TEM4). 3 retard (DEE) (TEM8) cf. retarded ?, tardy (MEE+). 2 reticent (TEM8) (1050) tak-. 1. To be silent. Latin tacere, to be silent: tacet, tacit (1050), taciturn (1050), taciturnity, reticent (TEM8) (1050), Tacitus. 4 reticulation cf. reticule, reticular, retina (TEM8). retiring cf. tire (to pull), retire (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), retirement (DEE), tirade (1050). 2 retouch cf. touching, touchstone (1050), touchy. 4 revealing weg-. 1. To weave a web. Related to wokso-. Latin velum, a sail (CET4) (TEM4), curtain, veil: veil (MEE) (DEE), reveal (CET4) (AWL6) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), revealing, revelation ? (MEE) (TEM4), unveil, wick. 4 revere ? (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050) 215 wer-. 4. To perceive, watch out for. 12 Germanic wary (1050), aware (CET4) (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), awareness (TEM4), ware 2, beware ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ward (MEE) (DEE), award (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), steward (MEE) (DEE), warder 2, warden, reward (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), rewarding, unaware (DEE), wardrobe (MEE), ware 1, guard (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), rearguard (TEM8), vanguard, guardian ? (MEE+) (TEM4), regard (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), regarding (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), regardless (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), disregard ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), safeguard (MEE) (DEE), unguarded. 7 Latin vereri, to respect, feel awe for: revere ? (MEE+) (TEM8) (1050) 1, reverence (TEM8), reverend (DEE) (TEM8), reverent (TEM8), irreverence, irreverent (TEM8) (1050). 5 revile vili-, base, evil (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). Cf. vile, vilify (1050). 3 rhetoric (1050) rhinestone rhubarb < root of barbarians rib (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) "肋部", cf. reef ? (TEM4) rife (1050) life is rife rifle (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. rift (TEM8), rive, riven, rip (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). 5 rig ? (TEM8) rigid (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) rigor (TEM8), rigorous ? (MEE) (DEE), rigid (CET4) (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), de rigueur (1050). rile cf. roil rinse ? (TEM8) riot (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) riotous, roar (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), uproar (MEE) (DEE). ripen ripple ? (TEM4) cf. ruffle ? (TEM4) (< rough), rumple. 3 rite (TEM4) ritual (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) rivet (DEE) (TEM8) riveting roe “肉”,鱼卵 roguish 可以和下面的几个词一起记。 roguish, roil, roister, roll-call, rollicking, roost (TEM8), rooster (TEM8), roster (TEM8), rostrum (TEM8), rotate, rote, rotten (CET4). 比如说:大家来上我的课,我站在讲台上,手执 花名册,大家坐在鸟巢里,因为大家都是公鸡,而且都是鲜嫩的面 容,再加上都是初次听课,叫大家“乳鸡”也很合适。The professor stood on the rostrum, with a roster on his right hand. Now he made a roll- call. Around him sat the rollicking audience, a group of roosters, in their cozy roosts. Most of the roosters listened to the professor attentively, showing that they were rookies eager to learn everything (CET4) by rote. 216 But among them were a few roguish rogue (TEM4) who want to roister and roil their classmates. They never (CET4) knew that if they could not memorize the words, they would be put on rotating gridiron and get roasted (MEE). It was really a rotten aftermath. roll-call ret-. To run, roll. 11 Latin rota, wheel: roll (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), roller (CET4) (TEM4), rolling (TEM8), rollicking (< roll + frolic), role (CET4) (AWL1) (TEM4), rota (TEM4), rotary ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rotate (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), rotation (DEE), rote (TEM8), rotund, (肉团的),orotund, rotunda, roulette (TEM8), round (CET4) (TEM4) 1, around (CET4) (TEM4), surround (DEE), surrounding (DEE), surroundings (MEE) (DEE), roundabout ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), roundup (TEM8), control (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), self-control (TEM4), enroll (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), payroll ?, prune ? 2 (< per-round), preen. 11 romance ? (DEE) (TEM4) cf. Rome (TEM4), Roman (TEM4), romantic (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), romanticism (TEM4). rookie 谐音记忆“乳鸡”,NBA新丁巴特尔首登赛场时,他的名字下就注 明了rookie. roost (TEM8) < rest (CET4) (TEM4), cf. rooster (TEM8) rove (TEM8) rowdy (TEM8) rude (CET4) (DEE) rubble (TEM8) rubbish (CET4) (TEM4) ruck rucksack (TEM4), cf. wrinkle rudder row (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), rower (TEM4) rue (TEM8) rueful (TEM8), ruth, ruthless ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), ruthlessness. 3 ruffian (TEM8) rough (DEE) rumble ? (TEM8) rumor (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4),“辱没” ruminant ruminate (1050) run (CET4) (TEM4) runaway (TEM8), run-down (TEM4), runner (TEM4), running (TEM4), runway ? (TEM4). rung runic rural (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) rustic (TEM4) (1050), roister. 3 rustle ? (TEM8) rustler sabbatical (TEM8) < Sabbath (TEM8) saber = sabre (TEM8) sabotage ? (TEM8) < sabot "塞饱它", cf. saboteur saccharin sugar, sucrose, saccharine (1050). sack (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. sacking (TEM4), haversack (TEM8), knapsack (TEM4), runsack, rucksack. sadistic (1050) cf. masochism, s/m, cf. AC/DC, gay/lesbian (TEM8) safari (TEM8) saga (TEM8) 世家 217 sale (CET4) (TEM4) cf. salesclerk (TEM4), salesman (CET4) (TEM4), sell (CET4) (TEM4), seller (TEM4). saliva (TEM4) sandal ? (TEM4) 凉鞋“三带儿” sap (TEM8) sapless, sapling (TEM4). 3 sapphire cf. Saturn (TEM4), saturnine, love is blue sarcasm (TEM4) sarcastic ? (MEE) (TEM4) sardonic (TEM4) (1050) < Latin sardonicus risus, "sardonic laugh (TEM4)" < Sardinia sartorial sash (TEM8) satanic (TEM8) < Satan (TEM4), Hebrew (TEM4), "the Adversary" satiny < satin (TEM4) saunter (TEM4) < saint terra, cf. canter; also < s'avanter savage ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. savagery (TEM4), Pennsilvania savanna scab skep-. Also kep-. Base of words with various technical meanings such as "to cut," "to scrape," "to hack." 11 Germanic shape (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) (form, creation < "cutting"), shapely (TEM8), reshape (TEM4), -ship (state, condition), landscape (TEM4), seascape, scoop (TEM4), shaft (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, shabby ? (MEE) (TEM4), scab, shave (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), shavings, shipshape. 7 Latin scabere, to scrape: scabrous. 1 Greek skaphe, boat (<"thing cut out"): scaphoid Latin scapula, shoulder blade (used as a tool for scraping): scapula Latin hapia, ax, Old French hache, small ax: hatchet (TEM8). 1 Greek koptein, to strike, cut: comma ? (TEM4), apocope, syncope, syncopate. 2 scads scaffold (TEM8) cf. scaffolding (TEM4) scale (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) skel-. 1. Also kel-. To cut. 10 Germanic shell (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), shellfish (TEM4), shale, scale (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, scalar (TEM8), scall (bald head), scalp (TEM8), shield (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), skill (CET4) (TEM4) (reason, discernment, knowledge < "incisiveness"), skilled (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), skillful (CET4) (TEM4), semi-skilled (TEM4), school 2, shoal (TEM8) 2, shelf (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), shelve, half (CET4) (TEM4), 218 half-breed (TEM4), half-time (TEM4), halfway (TEM4), halve (TEM4), behalf (CET4) (AWL9) (TEM4). 7 Latin culter, knife (CET4): cutlery ?1 Latin scalpere, to cut, scrape, with derivative sculpere, to carve: scalpel, sculpt, sculptor (DEE) (TEM4), sculpture ? (MEE) (TEM4). 2 scant ? (TEM4) scanty (TEM4) scarf ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) scarp scathe scathing (TEM8), unscathed. scatter (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. scatterbrain (TEM8), scattered (MEE), shatter ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), shattered. scavange “撕开瘟鸡”,食腐肉. Cf. scan (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) scenario (AWL9) (TEM4) cf. scene (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), scenery (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), scenic (TEM4) sceptical (TEM4) cf. sceptic (TEM4), scepticism (TEM4), sceptre. 通常手持sceptre 权杖的人都比较sceptical不相信别人 schedule (CET4) (AWL8) (TEM4) schematic schema (TEM4), schematize (TEM4), scheme (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 3 scholar (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) cf. scholarly (TEM4), scholarship (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), scholastic (TEM4), school (CET4) (TEM4), schoolmaster (TEM4), schoolmistress (TEM4), preschool (TEM8). scintilla scintillate, scintillation (TEM8), scintillating (1050), < shine, cf. shimmer (MEE+) (TEM4). 4 scion cf. scissors (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), 原指用剪刀剪下用于嫁接的 嫩芽 scoff ? (TEM8) cf. scoop ? (TEM4), shove (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). scorch (TEM4) “死烤之”, scorching (TEM4). scorn ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) scorpion (TEM4) scotch (TEM4) cf. Scotch (TEM4), Scotland (TEM4), Scots (TEM4), Scottish (TEM4), 在Scotland镇压起义 scourge < ex-corrige scowl ? (TEM8) scrumptious scud cf. skid (DEE) (TEM4) scuff cf. shuffle (TEM8) scurrilous scurry (TEM4) < hurry-scurry scurvy scuttle (TEM8) sea (CET4) (TEM4) seafood (TEM4), seagull (TEM4), seaman (TEM4), seaport (TEM4), sea-shell (CET4) (TEM4), seashore (TEM4), seasick (TEM4), seaside (TEM4), seaward (TEM4), seaweed (CET4) (TEM4). 219 seam ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) seamstress, seamy (细密) sear (DEE) cf. sere secular (TEM4) (1050) seep seuH-. 2. To take liquid. 5 Germanic sup 1, 2, supper, soup, sop, sopping, sip (CET4) (MEE) (TEM8), seep, suck (MEE) (DEE), soak (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4). 4 Latin sugere, to suck: suction, suctorial Latin sucus, succus, juice (CET4) (TEM4): succulent. 1 seethe ? (TEM8) seine seismic senile (MEE) (TEM8)cf. senility (TEM8), senate (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), senator (MEE) (TEM4), senior (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), seniority (TEM4). sepulchral 死,扒个坑儿 seraphic < seraph serenade (TEM8) cf. serene ? (DEE) (TEM4), serenity, elixir (the powder (CET4) (TEM4)), xerox (DEE), xerocopy (DEE), xerophyte. 4 serendipity (1050) seriousness cf. serious (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4). serrated cf. serried, Sierra Leone, Sierra Nevada. 2 serviceable servus. Slave (CET4). Latin noun of unknown origin: serf (TEM8), sergeant ? (DEE) (TEM4), serve (CET4) (TEM4), servant (CET4), service (CET4) (TEM4), lip service (1050), serviceable (TEM8), serviceman (TEM4), servile (TEM8) (1050), servitude, subservient (1050), concierge, deserve (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), dessert (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), deserts, disservice (TEM8), in-service (TEM4), undeserved. 6 sextant cf. hexagon (TEM4). shack ? (TEM8) cf. shake (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), shaky (TEM4). shackle shade (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. shady (MEE) (TEM4), shadow (CET4) (TEM4), shadowy (TEM4). shallow (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. shoal (TEM8). 2 sham (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. shame (CET4) (TEM4), shamefaced (TEM4), shameful (DEE) (TEM4), shameless (TEM4), ashamed (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) shanty shawl ? (TEM4) sheaf sheen cf. shine (CET4) (TEM4), shiny (TEM4), sheer (CET4) (TEM4). sheriff (TEM4) “县令”,< shire shibboleth 试不来,死~ shiftless cf. shift (CET4) (AWL3) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), downshifting (MEE+) 220 shingle Shingler, Schindler's List. shirk (TEM8) (1050) cf.: shark ? (MEE) (TEM4) shoal (TEM8) cf.: 1. shallow; 2. school. shoddy (TEM8) shoot (CET4) (TEM4) cf. shot (CET4) (TEM4), shotgun (TEM4), earshot, shuttle ? (TEM4). . shoplift (TEM4) cf. shop (CET4) (TEM4), shopkeeper (TEM4), shopper (TEM4), shopping (CET4) (TEM4), shopworn, shoplifting is crime (Wal-mart), 严 拿高买 (香港) shoulder (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) showpiece showy shove (MEE) (TEM4) cf.: shovel ? (MEE+) (DEE), shuffle (MEE+) (TEM8)(注意发 音相同)。 show (CET4) (TEM4) cf. showcase (TEM4), showdown (TEM4), showpiece (TEM4), showy (TEM4). shrew (TEM4) Tame of the Shrew. 选片段 shrewd ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050) shrewd shrew. 精明的悍妇 shriek (TEM4) shrill (DEE) (TEM4) shrink (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. shrinkage (TEM8), shrivel (MEE+) (TEM8) shrug (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) shuck "傻壳" sibilant cf. sibyl (the Hisser) sibling (TEM8) sieve ? (TEM4) sift ? (TEM4) silence (CET4) (TEM4) cf. silent (CET4) (TEM4). silversmith cf. silver (CET4) (TEM4), silvery (TEM4). simper simple + laughter (TEM4) sinew "似牛",sinewy singe (TEM8) sinister ? (TEM4) siren ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) sizzler skein sketchy cf. sketch (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) skewer skiff cf. skipper (TEM4), shipper, ship (CET4) (TEM4), shipboard (TEM4), shipbuilder (DEE), shipment ? (MEE) (TEM4), shipping (TEM4), shipwreck (DEE) (TEM4), shipyard ? (TEM4), equip (CET4) (AWL7) < eskip, equipment (CET4). skillet skim (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) skimp skimpy skit skittish 221 skulduggery skull ? (MEE+) (TEM4) + dug, 挖空脑壳“作假舞弊” skunk sky-rocket (TEM4) cf. rocket (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) slab ? (TEM8) slag slak-. To strike. 6 Germanic slay ? (TEM4), sledge (MEE+) (TEM4), sleigh (TEM4), sledgehammer, slaughter ? (MEE) (TEM4), manslaughter (TEM8), onslaught (TEM8), slag (metal dross < "that which falls off in the process of striking"), sleight (clever (CET4), cunning < "able to strike"), sly ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 6 slanderous (TEM4) cf. slander (TEM4) (1050) slant ? (TEM4) slate ? (TEM4) cf. slat (TEM8). sleazy sledge (MEE+) sleigh (TEM4) slew slue slice (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. slit ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8) 撕裂它,(cf. split (MEE)撕不裂它, 反话), slot ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4). 3 slick ? slight (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) cf. slightly (TEM4). sling ? (TEM4) slippage cf. slip (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), slipper ? (MEE) (TEM4), slippery (CET4) (TEM4), slipshod slither (TEM8) cf. sled, slide (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) sliver (TEM8) “撕裂物” sloppy 死老屁 sloth < slow (CET4) (TEM4) + -th slouch (TEM8) sluggard, sluggish (DEE) (TEM4). 3 slough 撕拉肤 sloven Slovenia人的特征就是sloven, slovenly sluice slumber (TEM4) sleep (CET4) (TEM4), sleeper (TEM8), sleepless (TEM4), sleepy (TEM4), asleep (CET4) (TEM4) slur ? (TEM8) slurp smarmy cf. smear ? (TEM4), smear campaign (1050), smirch, smudge (MEE+) (TEM4). 4 smart (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) smattering < small (CET4) (TEM4) + scattered smirk smolder (TEM8) smooth (CET4) (TEM4) smoothly (MEE+) smother ? (MEE+) (TEM8) He smothers his mothers. 222 smug (TEM8) smartly or trimly dressed. Cf. smuggle ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) < smock, a long loose garment snappish snap (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), snapshot (TEM4), snappy, snatch ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), snitch. 4 sneaking < sneak ? (MEE) (TEM4), snake (CET4) (TEM4), snail ? (TEM4). sneer ? (MEE+) (TEM4) cf. snore ? (TEM4) snicker (TEM4) snide snob ? (TEM4) Latin sine nobilitate, "without nobility", > sine nob > s.nob > snob, cf. snobbery (TEM4), snobbish (DEE) (TEM4), snub (TEM8). 3 snug (TEM4) snuggle soar (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4) so-called (CET4) (AWL10) sock (CET4) sod sodden soggy cf. soak (CET4) (MEE) (DEE), suck (MEE) (DEE) soil (CET4) cf. sully. 2 solecism soothe (MEE+) (DEE) soothsayer sophism sophi-, wise. sophism, sophistry (1050), sophisticated (MEE) (DEE), sophomore (MEE) (DEE), sophomoric (1050), unsophisticated. 4 sordid spacious (MEE) (DEE) cf. space, spatial (MEE+) (DEE), spacecraft (MEE) (DEE), aerospace (TEM4) spackle spank sparing sparring cf. parry spartan cf. laconic (1050) spasm spasmodic, antispasmodic (5000). spat cf. spit (MEE) (DEE). spate spatula cf. spade (MEE) (DEE), spoon (DEE), epaulet. 2. Call a spade a spade. spear (MEE) Shakespeare, spearhead (1050) speck (DEE) speleology spelunker “是拜窿客” spell spendthrift cf. thrift (MEE) (DEE), thrifty (DEE), thrive (MEE) (DEE). 3 spleen spleenish splurge blend of splash + surge (MEE) (DEE) spongy spoof spool spoor cf. spur (MEE) (DEE), spurn. 3 223 sporadic sper-. 4. To strew. 4 Germanic sprawl (MEE+) (DEE), sprout (MEE), spurt, spread (DEE), widespread (AWL8) (DEE). 2 Greek sperma, sperm, seed (< that which is scattered): sperm 1 Greek spora, a sowing, seed: spore, sporo-. 1 Geek sporas (stem sporad-), scattered, dispersed: sporadic. 1 spout cf. spit (MEE) sprain cf. sprint sprig spring twig sprocket spruce < Prussia spunk spurious (1050) squabble cf. quibble, quarrel (CET4) (TEM4) squalid (1050) squalor (DEE) squall “死刮” squander (1050) 撕光(钞票)的 squeamish cf. scream (DEE) (TEM4) squeeze (MEE) (DEE) squelch squint < s-, + quin-, cuneiform squirrel (MEE) (DEE) stab (MEE) (DEE) cf. stub stain (MEE) (DEE) teng-. To soak. 5 Latin tingere, to moisten, soak, dye (CET4): taint, tainted, tinct, tinge (MEE+), tint, stain (MEE) (DEE) (< distain). 5 Germanic dunk stalk (MEE) cf. steal, stealth. 2 stammer cf. stummble staple (MEE) Staples Stadium starchy ster-. 1. Stiff. 13 Germanic stare, stark (hard, severe), starch (MEE+), starchy, stern (MEE) (DEE) 1 (firm), stork (probably from the stiff movements of the bird), strut (DEE) (to stand out stiffly), start (to leap up < "move briskly, move stiffly"), startle (MEE) (DEE), starve (MEE) (DEE) (to die <"become rigid"), starvation (DEE), sterile (MEE+), sterilize, sterilization (DEE), upstart. 9 Greek stereos, solid: stere, stereo (MEE) (DEE), stereo-, cholesterol ? (MEE+) (DEE) (TEM8), stereotype (MEE) (DEE) (1050). 1 224 Latin torpere, to be stiff: torpedo, torpid, torpor. 3 stash steep steer s-, + taur, cf. taurine. stench stink, cf. drench - drink (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) stencil stenography stentorian < Stentor stethoscope stifle (MEE+) cf. stuff (MEE) (DEE), stuffy (DEE), stop, stoppage (DEE) stilted stipple stipulate (DEE) (1050) stipulation, cf. stiff (MEE) (DEE), 约束 stodgy stolid stomach stonewall stout (MEE+) (DEE) stouthearted straightforward (AWL10) (MEE) (DEE) straightforwardness stranded striated cf. strike stride (MEE) (DEE) strident(1050) strife (MEE) strive (MEE) (DEE) strip (MEE) (DEE) cf. airstrip (TEM8), stripe (MEE), stripling stroll (MEE) (DEE) stuffy (DEE) stuff (MEE) stultify stumble (MEE) (DEE) sturdy (MEE) (DEE) stymie (1050) succinct (1050) succinctness suede < Swede leather (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) sulky sultry cf. swelter (DEE), sweltering. 2 supine surly < sirly < sir (CET4) suture cf. sew (CET4) (MEE) (TEM4), seam ? (MEE), seamster swagger sway (MEE) (DEE), swing (MEE), upswing. swallow (MEE) swill swamp (MEE) (DEE) cf. sump (DEE) swank swarm (MEE) (DEE) swarthy swell (MEE) (DEE) swollen (MEE+), cf. Oedipus (swollen feet). swerve (DEE) 225 swift (MEE) (DEE) sweep, swipe swindle swine sybarite sycophant (1050) syllabus cf. syllable syndrome (MEE) (DEE) cf. dromedary, hippodrome, aerodrome. syringe < Syrinx + Pan table tablet (MEE) (DEE), tablecloth, tableland, tabulate (DEE). 3 taboo (DEE) tachometer tackle (MEE) (DEE) tadpole cf. toady < toad-eater. 2 taking take my breath (CET4) away, cf. breathtaking (TEM4) talon 在猛禽的锐爪下,小鸟会感到“太冷” tambourine "弹拨铃" tamp cf. stamp, stomp (MEE+), tampion, tampon tamper < temper (MEE) (DEE) tan (MEE) (DEE) tanner tango tangy < tang, Tang Poem has a peculiar tang. tanker (MEE) cf. tank (MEE) (DEE) tantamout tantrum tape (AWL6) taper tapestry tare target (AWL5) tariff (MEE) (DEE) WTO < GATT. tarnish tarpaulin tar (MEE) (DEE) + paulin, cf. pavilion (DEE) (TEM4) tarry tart task (AWL3) tassel tattered tatty taunt taut cf. tight (DEE), airtight (TEM4), tauten, uptight. tautological < tautology, "滔滔不绝" tawdry (1050) < St. Audrey's laces. tear tedious (MEE) (DEE)tedium teeter cf. totter, dodder. teetotal teetotaler, teetotalism, totalitarian (1050). 4 telling tell (DEE), retell (TEM4), tale (DEE), cautionary tale (1050), untold. temerity (1050) 226 temptation (DEE) cf. tempt (MEE) (DEE), tentative (MEE) (DEE) (1050), tentacle. 2 tepid termite testy testiness tether at the end (CET4) of one's tether. theatrical cf. theater (DEE), theory (AWL1) (DEE), theorem. therapeutic therapy (MEE) (DEE). thereby (AWL8) thespian thicket thick thorn (MEE) (DEE) thornbird. throes 死喽 throne (MEE) (DEE) cf. enthrone (TEM8) throng throttle < throat (MEE) (DEE). cf. suffocate. throwback tickle tickler, ticklish tidy (MEE) (DEE) tiff tightfisted cf. fist (CET4) (TEM4), foist (TEM8). tilt (MEE) (DEE) timber (MEE) (DEE) timbre timely (MEE) (DEE) cf. time (DEE), untimely. tinder tined tine, tiny tinker tipple cf. tip, fingertip (TEM4), topple titanic < Titan titillate (1050) cf. entice (TEM8) toil (DEE) tonic (MEE+) topmost topsoil topsy-turvy torso cf. Thyrsus, staff (MEE) (DEE) toupee “头皮”,cf. top, tip, tuft, tousle cf. tease (MEE) (DEE), tussle. towering cf. tower (DEE), turret. toy trapeze < tetra-pous, four-footed table, cf. trapezium. treacherousness treachery tremendous (MEE) trem-. To tremble. Latin tremere, to shake, tremble: tremble (MEE) (DEE), tremendous (MEE) (DEE), tremor, tremulous. 3 227 trend (AWL5) (MEE) (DEE) trial (MEE) (DEE) trickle (MEE+) trifle (MEE) (DEE) trifling trigger (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) troupe troup trowl truancy trudge trumpery trumpet (MEE) (DEE), cf. drum (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), drummer (TEM4), drumstick (TEM4). truss tumbler tumble (MEE) (DEE) tundra turmoil cf. tremble turpitude turquoise cf. Turkey, turkey (MEE) (DEE) tutelage (1050) tuition (MEE) (DEE), tutor (MEE) (DEE), intuition ? (MEE) (DEE) (TEM8), tutelage (1050), untutored. tuxedo 成龙新片 twaddle twinge tycoon 太君 typhoon (MEE) (DEE) 台风, cf. typhoid. tyrant tyranny (DEE) (1050) tyro “太弱”,新手 ulcerate unbecoming underdog undergo (AWL10) undermine (MEE) (DEE) (1050) cf. mine (CET4) (TEM4), minefield (TEM4), miner (TEM4), mineral (CET4) (TEM4). understate undertake (AWL4) underwrite cf. write, rewrite (TEM4) unfounded (DEE) ungainly unguent unicorn oi-no-. One , unique. 13 Germanic A (CET4), an (CET4), once (CET4) (TEM4), one (CET4), oneself (CET4), only (CET4) (TEM4), alone (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), atone (1050), lone, lonely (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), lonesome (TEM4), none (CET4) (TEM4), nonetheless ? (DEE) (TEM8), nonsense (CET4) (TEM4), nonstop (TEM8). 1 228 Latin unus, one: inch (CET4) (TEM4) 1, ounce (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4) 1, onion (CET4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), uni-, union (MEE) (DEE), reunion (CET4) (TEM4), unite (DEE), reunite (TEM4), unity (MEE), disunite (TEM8), unanimous (MEE) (DEE), unanimity, unicorn, unidimensional, unification, uniform (AWL8) (DEE), uniformity (DEE), unify (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE), reunify (TEM4), unilateral, unison, universe (MEE), universal (MEE) (DEE), university (DEE), univocal. 11 Latin unicus, sole, single: unique (AWL7) (MEE) (DEE). 1 unidentified unkempt comb (CET4) (DEE) (TEM4), combed. unqualified cf. qualify (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4) (1050), qualitative (AWL9) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), qualificaiton (MEE) (TEM4) unschooled unspotted untapped untoward unwind unwonted unyielding uphold (MEE) (DEE) withhold (DEE). urban (MEE) (DEE) cf. suburb (DEE), urbane (1050). urchin ursine usher utopian cf. utopia (1050), topic (AWL7), isotope (TEM8). uxorious vaccinate vaccine (MEE+) (DEE), vaccination (MEE+). vacillate (1050) vacillation. 1 vampire vandalism wendh-. To turn, wind, weave. Germanic wind, winding, wend (to turn to, > went), wander (MEE) (DEE), wanderlust, wand (a supple twig), unwind. 3 Latin Vandalus, "wanderer," a Vandal: Vandal, vandalism, vandalize. 2 vanilla varnish vascular vase, vessel (MEE) (DEE) veer venal venerate wen-. 1. To desire, strive for. 11 Germanic win 1, winsome, wont, unwonted, wean 1, ween (to expect, imagine, think), wish, wistful (1050). 5 229 Latin venus, love (> venerari, to worship): venerate, venerable (1050), veneration, venereal, venery 1, Venus. 3 Latin venenum, love potion, poison: venom. 1 Latin venia, favor, forgiveness: venial. 1 Latin venari, to hunt (CET4): venery 2, venison. 1 vent we-. To blow. 7 Germanic weather (storm, wind), wind, whirlwind (MEE+), windbag, windfall (1050), window, windy, wing, winnow. 5 Latin ventus, wind: vent, ventilate (MEE) (DEE). 2 Sanskrit vati (stem *va-), he blows: nirvana (TEM8) (1050) ventral verbal (MEE) (DEE) wer-. 6. Also werH-. To speak. 11 Germanic word, catchword (TEM8), wordsmith. 1 Latin verbum, word: verb, verbal (MEE) (DEE), verbatim (1050), verbiage, verbose, verbosity, verve, adverb (CET4), adverbial (TEM4), proverb ? (DEE) (TEM4), proverbially. 7 Greek eirein, to say, speak: irony, ironic (1050). 2 Greek rhetor, public speaker: rhetor, rhetoric (TEM4) (1050). 1 verdant vernal, verdigris < verdi-, green, + gris = grey (CET4). vernacular (1050) “我那尬垃” vestige vestigial, investigate (CET4) (AWL4) (MEE) (DEE) (TEM4), investigation (DEE) (TEM4). veto (MEE) (DEE) cf. vote (MEE) (DEE) vibrant vibrancy, vibrate (MEE) (DEE), vibration (MEE+). 3 vicarious (1050) weik- 4. Also weig-. To bend, wind. 3 Germanic wicker, weak, weaken (DEE), week (a turning) Latin vix (genitive vicis), turn, situation, change: vicar, vicarious (1050), vice (MEE) (DEE) 3, vice versa, vicissitude (1050), vicissitudinous. 3 vicinity (MEE) (DEE) vicious wei-. 4. Vice, fault, guilt. 3 Latin vitium, fault, vice: 230 vice (MEE) (DEE) 1, vicious (MEE) (DEE), vitiate. 2 Latin vitiligo, tetter (< "blemish"): vitiligo Latin vituperare, to abuse: vituperate, vituperative. 1 victimize victim (MEE) (DEE) vignette cf. vine, wine, vinegar (MEE) (DEE), vinegared, vintner. 3 villainous villain. vim vinyl viola Shakespeare in Love ? violet (MEE) (DEE) viral (DEE) virus (MEE) (DEE), virulent. 2 virile wi-ro-. Man. 7 Germanic werewolf, world (life or age of man), worldly. 1 Latin vir, man: virago, virile, virility, virtue (MEE) (DEE), virtual (AWL8) (MEE), virtually (DEE), virtuous, virtuosa, virtuosity, virtuoso, triumvir. 6 viscid viscosity, viscous, nonviscous. 4 vitreous vitrify, vitriolic (1050). 3 volatile(MEE+) (1050) volley, volleyball. vulpine waffle (1050) “华夫(饼干)” waive Britannia rules the waves, Mussolini waives the rules. walrus whale (MEE) (DEE). wangle “玩狗” warehouse (MEE) (DEE) ware (DEE), hardware, software (CET4) (MEE). warmonger cf. warfare (MEE) waspish wasp. waterproof (MEE) (DEE) watershed, waterfall (MEE), fireproof (TEM4), rainproof (TEM4). wavelength waver (MEE+) cf. wave (DEE), wavelength (DEE), microwave (CET4) (TEM4). You minds are wavering. waylay weasel weld (MEE) (DEE) welsh wheedle “喂豆”, cf. coddle (TEM8), mollycoddle. whelm cf. overwhelm (MEE) (DEE). whelp w... help. 犬科幼兽(的呜呜呼救声) whet whetstone. cf. wet. Wet the knife before whetting it. whiff (清风)“微拂” whim whimsical (1050), whimsy. 3 whine whisper, whistle (MEE). 3 231 whirlpool whit whittle. wicked (MEE) (DEE) cf. vice (DEE). wig wilt “萎了它”,枯萎。 wince 眨眼>畏缩cf. wink (MEE) (DEE) wither (MEE+) (DEE) cf. weather wizened wobble woodcut woodcutter, woodpile worship (MEE) worth-ship wraith ward (MEE) > warth > wraith, “guardian angel”, metathesis. wreak writ yacht (DEE) “摇它” yarn yaw “摇”摆 >(飞机)偏航 yawn (MEE) (DEE) yearn (MEE+) 相思成“瘾”,yearning (DEE) yeast (DEE) yeoman 乡下人见面打招呼Yeo, man yield (MEE) (DEE) yielding zenith (1050) zephyr zest (MEE+) (DEE) zigzag (MEE) (DEE) 结束语:前途是光明的,道路是zigzag. 232
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