首页 话剧《音乐之声》剧本



话剧《音乐之声》剧本The Sound of Music(音乐之声) 剧情简介: 玛丽亚是个活泼好动的修女,修女院的院长觉得她这样的性格不适合僧侣生活,就让她去上校家作看护。玛丽亚到达上校家,发现他是一个有七个孩子的鳏夫,长期的海军生活和丧妻的悲痛使他对待孩子像管教士兵一样严格。 上校要求玛丽亚也像他一样严格,但是玛丽亚没有听从,而是用她天生的温柔和善良赢得了孩子们的友好。趁上校不在的时候,她带孩子们出去游玩,还教他们唱歌。孩子们原有的拘禁和忧郁渐渐地被音乐和笑声代替了。 上校回家后,看到孩子们疯玩很生气,和玛利亚大吵一架,...

The Sound of Music(音乐之声) 剧情简介: 玛丽亚是个活泼好动的修女,修女院的院长觉得她这样的性格不适合僧侣生活,就让她去上校家作看护。玛丽亚到达上校家,发现他是一个有七个孩子的鳏夫,长期的海军生活和丧妻的悲痛使他对待孩子像管教士兵一样严格。 上校要求玛丽亚也像他一样严格,但是玛丽亚没有听从,而是用她天生的温柔和善良赢得了孩子们的友好。趁上校不在的时候,她带孩子们出去游玩,还教他们唱歌。孩子们原有的拘禁和忧郁渐渐地被音乐和笑声代替了。 上校回家后,看到孩子们疯玩很生气,和玛利亚大吵一架,并让她离开。但他听到孩子们的歌声后很受感染,有点后悔赶玛利亚走,但爱面子的他说不出口。最后在孩子们的恳求下,他终于妥协了。孩子们很开心,所有的人一起唱起了动听的歌。 第一幕: Maria: (sing) I have confidence to myself... (唱得气喘吁吁,敲门)我对我自己很有信心…… (Max开门)Hello! I’m the new governess, Captain. 你好,上校,我是新来的看护。 Max: And I’m the butler. (我不是上校),我是管家。 Maria: Oh, well, How do you do? (边说边很粗鲁地和Max握手) 噢,好吧,你好。 Max: You will wait here, please. I will call the Captain. (下) 请在这儿等一下,我去叫上校。 (Maria四处打量时,Captain上。) Captain:Why do you stare at me that way? 你为什么用那样的眼光看着我? Maria: You don’t like a captain. 你看起来不像个上校。 Captain:I’m afraid you don’t look like a governess! Well, madam… 你恐怕也不太像个看护!恩,小姐…… Maria: Maria. 我叫玛利亚 Captain:Ok, Maria. You are the twelfth governess to look after my children since their mother died. I think you will better than the last governess, she stayed only two hours. 好吧,玛利亚,你是孩子的母亲去世后的第十二位看护。我想你会比前一个看 护要强,因为她只待了两小时。 Maria: What’s wrong with the children, sir? 先生,孩子们怎么了? Captain:Nothing is wrong with the children, only the governesses.… OK! Maria. As you know I’m a captain. I hope you will be strict to the children as I do. 孩子很好,只是看护不行。…好吧,玛利亚,你知道,我是个上校,我希望你 对孩子像我一样严格。 Maria: Yes, sir. 是的,先生。 Captain:This is the signal. 这是给他们的讯号。 (吹哨,孩子们列队出来。并在哨声的示意下整齐的站成一排) Captain:Everybody! This is your new governess, Maria. Now give your name at the signal. 孩子们,这是你们的新看护,玛利亚。现在听到哨声后报出你们的名字。 (每吹一声哨子,孩子们依次上前报出自己的名字。) 大女儿: Lisa. 大儿子:Nick. 二儿子:Bill. 三儿子:Harry. 二女儿:Kelly. 小儿子:Kurt 小女儿:上前一步,但没说话。 Captain:Emily.(代小女儿回答) (向Maria)Now let’s see how well you use the Whistle. 现在让我们看看你会不会用哨子发命令。 (把哨子递给玛利亚) Maria: I don’t need a whistle, Captain. I will use their names, such lovely names. 我不需要哨子,上校。我要用他们的名字,这些名字太可爱了。 Captain:This is a large house, and I don’t want to have any shouting. 我家房子太大,我不想听到你大呼小叫的。 Maria: But sir, whistle is for animals, not for children! 但是上校,哨子是针对动物的,而不是孩子! Captain:(权威受到挑战,很生气,转身离开)Up to you! 你随便! (Captain 一走,孩子们就很放松) Maria: At ease.稍息。 Well, now there are just us, would you please tell me your names again, and how old you are? 现在只剩我们了,可不可以再给我说一下你们的名字,还有年纪。 Lisa: I’m Lisa. I’m 16 years old, and I don’t need a governess! 我叫丽莎,我16岁了,我不需要看护! Maria: I’m glad you told me, Lisa. We will just be good friends. 很高兴你能告诉我,丽莎。我们将会成为好朋友的。 Nick:I’m Nick. I’m 14, I am impossible! 我叫尼克,我14了,我会让你受不了的! Maria: Really? Who told you that, Nick? 真的吗?谁告诉你的,尼克? Nick: The last governess. 上一个看护。 Bill:I’m Bill, I’m 13 years old, I’m incorrigible! 我叫比尔,我13岁了,我是个不可救药的人! Maria: What is “incorrigible”? I think it means you won’t be treated like a boy. 什么是“不可救药”?我想它的意思是你将不会被当做一个小男孩来对待。Harry:I am Kurt. 我是库尔特。 Maria: You didn’t tell me how old you are, Harry. 你没告诉我你的年龄,哈利。 Kurt:I’m Kurt, he is Harry, he’s 11 years old, and I’m 7. You are smart. 我才是库尔特,他是哈利,他11岁了,我7岁,你还挺聪明的嘛! Kelly:(很亲密地靠近)I’m Kelly, I’m going to be 9 years old . And I like pink. 我是凯莉,我马上就9岁了,我喜欢粉色。 Maria: Pink is my favorite color too. 粉色也是我最喜欢的颜色。 (小女儿Emily假装生气,叉腰、跺脚。) Maria: Yes,you are Emily. 对,你是艾米莉。 (Emily 点头,并伸出一把手。) Maria: And you are 5 years old? 你五岁了是吧? (Emily再次点头) Maria: My God,you are really a lady. 天哪,你可真是个小淑女啊! (Emily开心地笑了) Maria: Now I have to tell you a secret, I’ve never been a governess. 现在呢,我要告诉你们一个秘密,我从来没作过看护。 Harry: (带着讥讽)You mean you don’t know anything about being a governess? 你的意思是说你一点都不知道怎么做个看护? Maria:(耸肩)Yes,nothing. 是啊,一点也不知道。 Lisa: Well, let us teach you. The best way to start is to tell father to mind his own Business. 好吧,那就让我们来教你吧。首先告诉我爸让他别多管闲事。 Nick: You must be never come to dinner on time. 吃饭时一定不能准时。 Bill: Never eat your soup quietly. 喝汤的时候一定要弄出响声。 (孩子们边说边围攻Maria, Maria 被推到在地,头发也弄乱了) Nick: Let’s go! 我们走吧! Emily: Don’t believe a word they say, Maria. 千万别相信他们的话,玛利亚。 Maria:Oh, why not? 为什么呢? Emily: Because I like you. 因为我喜欢你。 (孩子们转身走的时候,Maria把手伸进兜里,突然大叫一声,扔出一只蜘蛛,喊声惊动了Captain,他从另一边出来) Captain:(皱着眉)What’s the matter with you? 小姐,你怎么了? (听见父亲的声音,孩子们很害怕,不约而同的停下脚步偷看,等着Maria告状后挨打) Maria:(理了理头发,把蜘蛛偷偷藏起来)Nothing,nothing is wrong. 没事,没事,一切都很正常,呵呵。 Captain转身下。孩子们松了口气,下。之后Maria也下。 第二幕 (雷电交加的晚上,Maria 在做祷告) Maria:Dear father,now I know why you set me here, and I pray this will be a happy family… 亲爱的主啊,现在我知道你为什么把我派到这里了,我祈祷这个家庭能够充满欢声笑语…… (突然一个炸雷,Emily抱着头跑出来,抱住了Maria) Maria:Emily,are you scared? 艾米莉,你害怕是不? (Emily点头) Maria:Don’t worry, you just stay here with me. Where are the others? 别害怕,和我一起待在这儿吧。其他人呢? Emily: They are asleep, they are not scared. 他们在睡觉,他们不害怕。 (Emily话音未落,又一个炸雷,Lisa和Kelly一起出来,犹豫了一下) Maria:All right,come here. 别不好意思,来我这儿吧。 (Lisa和Kelly跑到Maria跟前) Maria:Well,we will wait for the boys. 呵呵,让我们一起等男孩子们吧。 Lisa: You won’t see them, boys are brave. 你不会看到他们的,他们可是很勇敢的啊。 (话音未落,又一个炸雷,四个男孩都跑出来) Maria:You are not scared, are you? 你们不害怕是吧? Nick: Oh, no! We just want to be sure you are not scared… 哦,是啊。我们只是想来确定你不会害怕,哈哈 (又一个炸雷,男孩们都抱头缩在Maria身边,然后大家都笑了) Kelly: Why does it do that? 为什么会有打雷闪电呢? Maria:Well, the lightning talks to the thunder, and the thunder answers. Ok, now let’s go and I will tell you the story. 嗯,是闪电和雷公说话,然会雷公回答。好吧,现在我就给你们讲个故事吧。Children: Oh, yeah…(开心地跟着Maria下) 第三幕 Captain:Maria…Maria… 玛利亚……玛利亚…… Maria: Yes, sir? 怎么了,先生? Captain:I’m leaving for a week. You should be strict to the children, and remember, discipline is the most important. 我要离开一周,你要对孩子们严加管教。记住,纪律是第一位的。 Maria: Yes, sir! 好的,先生。 (Captain下) Maria: Oh, yeah…Boys and girls, come out! Children! Today we will go out to play. Are you ready? 哦——耶——孩子们,都出来吧!今天我们出去玩。准备好了吗? Children:Yes,we are ready. Let’s go! 是的,我们好了,走吧! (Max出) Max:No,you can’t, captain will be angry… 不!你不能带他们出去,上校知道了会生气的…… Children: Oh, Please, Max, don’t tell my father…Maybe we can go together… 哦,麦克斯!求求你了,千万别告诉我爸……也许咱可以一起去玩……(Max拒绝,看着他们离去的背影,摇摇头,叹口气,下) 第四幕 (Maria带着孩子们高兴地玩着,跳着,然后坐下来) Maria:Kids, do you like songs? Now let’s sing. 孩子们,你们喜欢唱歌吗?让我们一起唱歌吧! Boys:Father doesn’t like us to sing. 爸爸不喜欢我们唱歌! Maria: Maybe we can change his mind. 也许我们可以改变他的想法。 Girls:But we don’t know any songs, can you teach us? 但是我们不会唱啊……你可以教我们吗? Maria:Of course! OK! Let’s begin. When you read you begin with...? 当然可以!好吧,我们开始吧。当你学读书的时候是从什么开始的呢? Emily:(sing) A-B-C Maria: (sing)When you sing you begin with do-re-mi (同样的道理)唱歌是从do-re-mi开始的。 Children: (sing) Do-re-mi Maria: (sing) Do-re-mi Children: (sing) Do-re-mi Maria: (sing)Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) Maria and children: Doe, a deer, a female deer(大女儿作小鹿状) Ray, a drop of golden sun(大儿子做太阳落山状) Me, a name I call myself(二儿子作 自我介绍 自我介绍100字ppt自我介绍模板入职应聘自我介绍模板职场自我介绍医院面试自我介绍 状) Far, a long, long way to run(三儿子作跑步状) Sew, a needle pulling thread(二女儿作穿针状) La, a note to follow Sew(四儿子站到二女儿后面) Tea, a drink with jam and bread(小女儿吃面包、喝水) That will bring us back to ... Do, a deer, a female deer(玛丽亚带着孩子们一起做动作) Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread Maria:(sings) That will bring us back to Do Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do…So-do! (正在玛丽亚带着孩子们疯玩的时候,Captain出) Children: Father!(开心地跑过去) Captain:(皱着眉头,吹哨)Straight line! 站成一排! (孩子们很快地站成一排)Go inside,right now! 进去!迅速! (孩子们很快地跑进去,Maria也准备走) Captain:Maria,you will stay here! Tell me, what has happened! 玛利亚,你留下!……告诉我,怎么回事? Maria: As you see, we are playing, and they had a very happy time. 你都看到了啊,我们在玩,并且孩子们玩的可开心了。 Captain:I said you should be strict to them. 我说过,你得对他们严格要求! Maria: But they don’t like that. 但他们不喜欢那样。 Captain:They don’t complain. 但是他们从没抱怨过! Maria: They dare not, they love you too much and fare you… 那是因为他们不敢!你知道吗,他们很爱你,但也害怕… Captain:Don’t discuss my children, and... 别和我讨论我的孩子,以及…… Maria: You’ve got to hear, you are never at home… 你要听!你从来都不在家…… Captain:I don’t want to hear more from you about my children… 我不想听到你跟我说孩子…… Maria: I know you don’t, but you’ve got to…Ok, take Lisa for example, she is not a child and you won’t even know her… 我知道你不想,但你必须得听……好吧,以丽莎为例,她已经不是个小女孩了, 你从来都不知道她在想什么…… Captain:(很生气)Not one word… 不许你再提一个字…… Maria: The little ones just want love! Oh, please, love them all… 还有那些小的,他们要的只是你的爱…… Captain:Shut up! Now, you will pack your things and leave my house… Right now!! 闭嘴!现在,收拾好你的行李,离开我家!立刻!马上! (Maria转身,准备离开,突然有歌声传来) Captain:Who is singing? 谁在唱歌? Maria:The children.(很难过地说,下) 孩子们。 (Captain若有所思,然后快步走向孩子们) Children:Father! Join us, and let’s sing together… 爸爸,加入我们吧!我们一起唱歌吧…… (Captain开始很不自然,Max上,把吉他递给Captain,Captain开始弹吉他伴奏) (大家唱的很开心时,Maria提着行李上,无精打采的) Children:Maria…You will leave? Why? Oh, no, please, we like you… 玛利亚——你要走吗?为什么啊?……求你了,别走,我们喜欢你……(Maria看向Captain,孩子们知道是怎么回事了,跑过去) Children:Daddy,please, don’t let Maria go, we need her, daddy… 爸——求你了,别让玛利亚走,我们需要她——爸—— Captain:(很无奈)Ok,you needn’t go now… 好吧!你不用走了…… Maria:Really, Captain? Thank you! Children:(欢呼)Maria… 全部人一起唱起了歌。。。谢幕!
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