首页 新课标银川2012-2013学年度上学期期末考试高一物理试卷附答案[新打印8页]



新课标银川2012-2013学年度上学期期末考试高一物理试卷附答案[新打印8页]新课标银川2012-2013学年度上学期期末考试高一物理试卷附答案[新打印8页] 新课标银川2012-2013学年度上学期 期末考试高一物理试卷附答案 一、选择题(在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一项符合题目要求,有的有多项符合题目要求。全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分。) 1(若物体的速度发生变化~则它的( ) A.加速度一定发生变化, B.运动状态一定发生变化 C.合外力一定发生变化, D.惯性一定发生变化 2(一物体沿直线运动~其v-t图像如图1所示~则关于该物体的运动情况...

新课标银川2012-2013学年度上学期期末考试高一物理试卷附答案[新打印8页] 新课标银川2012-2013学年度上学期 期末考试高一物理试卷附答案 一、选择题(在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一项符合题目要求,有的有多项符合题目要求。全部选对的得4分,选对但不全的得2分,有选错的得0分。) 1(若物体的速度发生变化~则它的( ) A.加速度一定发生变化, B.运动状态一定发生变化 C.合外力一定发生变化, D.惯性一定发生变化 2(一物体沿直线运动~其v-t图像如图1所示~则关于该物体的运动情况~下列判断中正确的是( ) A(第1s末物体的位移和速度都改变方向 B(第2s末物体的位移和速度都改变方向 C(第2s末物体回到了起点 D(第1s末、第3s末、第5s末物体所在的位置相同 3. 17世纪~意大利物理学家伽利略根据斜面实验指出:在水平面上运动的物体之所以会停下来~是因为 受到摩擦阻力的缘故~你认为下列说法正确的是( ) A(该实验是一理想实验~是在思维中进行的~无真实的实验基础~故其结果是荒谬的 B(该实验是以可靠的事实为基础~经过抽象思维~抓住主要因素~忽略次要因素~从而更深刻地反映 自然规律 C(该实验证实了亚里士多德“力是维持物体运动的原因”的结论 D(该实验为牛顿第一定律的提出提供了有力的实验依据新-课- 标-第- 一-网 4(如图2所示~两个质量相同的物体A和B紧靠在一起~放在光滑的水平桌面上~如果它们分别受到水 平推力F和F作用~而且F,F~则A施于B的作用力大小为( ) 1212 A(F B(F 12 11(C.F,F) D.(F,F) 121222图2 5(如图3所示~一个大人(甲)跟一个小孩(乙)站在水平地面上手拉手比力气~结果大人把小孩拉过来了(对 这个过程中作用于双方的力的关系~下列说法不正确的是( ) ((( A.大人拉小孩的力一定比小孩拉大人的力大 B.大人与小孩间的拉力是一对作用力与反作用力 C.大人拉小孩的力与小孩拉大人的力是一对平衡力 D.在大人把小孩拉动的过程中~两人的拉力一样大 6(如图4所示~光滑斜面AE被分成四个相等的部分~一物体由A点 从静止释放~下列结论中正确的是( ) Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special A(物体到达各点的速率v?v?v?v= ,1:2:3:2BCDE 2B(物体到达各点所经历的时间 t,2t,2t,t EBCD3 C(物体从A到E的平均速度 V,VB D(物体通过每一部分时~其速度增量v-v=v-v=v-v=v-v BACBDCED 7(如图,所示~物体在长度相等的细绳AO、BO的作用下处于静止状态~现将B点向右移动一小段距离~ 重新平衡后~则( ) A(两绳的拉力的合力变大 B(两绳的拉力的合力不变 C(AO绳的拉力与重力的合力变小 D(BO绳的拉力与重力的合力不变 8(如图,所示(质量为m的球放在倾角为α的光滑斜面上~当挡 板AO与斜面间的倾角β为多大时~AO所受压力最小, , 0000A(30 B(45 C( 60 D(90 2. 用力9F单独作用于某一物体上可产生加速度为3 m/s~力F12 2单独作用于这一物体可产生加速度为1 m/s~若F、F同时作 12 用于该物体~可能产生的加速度为( ) 2222 A(3 m/s B(4 m/s C(5 m/s D(6 m/s10. 如图,所示~在光滑水平面上有物体A、B~质量分别为、。在拉力F作用下~A和B以加速mm12度做匀加速直线运动。某时刻突然撤去拉力F~此瞬时A和B的加速度为a和a则( )a12 A( B(, a,a,0a,aa,01212 mm12,,aaaaC(, 12,,mmmm1212 m1a,,aD(, a,a21m2 11(在电梯的地板上放置一个压力传感器~在传感器上放一个重量为20N的物块~如图甲所示~计算机显 示出传感器所受物块的压力大小随时间变化的关系~如图乙.根据图象分析得出的结论中正确的是: A(从时刻t到t~物块处于失重状态 12 B(从时刻t到t~物块处于失重状态 34 C(电梯可能开始停在低楼层~先加速向上~ 接着匀速向上~再减速向上~最后停在高楼层 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special D(电梯可能开始停在高楼层~先加速向下~接着匀速向下~再减速向下~最后停在低楼层 12m的小球在O点的左方时受到水平恒力F作用~(如图,a,所示~O为水平直线MN上的一点~质量为1运动到O点的右方时~同时还受到水平恒力F的作用~设质点从图示位置由静止开始运动~其v-t图2 像如图,b,所示~由图可知, , A(质点在O点右方运动的时间为t,t 41m v1B(质点在O点的左方加速度大小为 t,t43M NO mv21MC(F的大小为 2(a) v t,t31m v1vt12D(质点在0—t这段时间内的最大位移为 42 0bt t t t t 1234m 二、填空题:(每空3分,共计3×8=24分) ,v 1 (b) 13. 将橡皮筋的一端固定在A点,另一端拴上两根细绳,每根细绳分别连着一个量程为5 N、最小刻度为0.1 N的弹簧测力计.沿着两个不同的方向拉弹簧测力计.当橡皮筋的活动端拉到O点时,两根细绳相互垂直,如图所示.这时弹簧测力计的读数可从图中读出. 新 课 标 第 一 网 ,由图可读得两个相互垂直的拉力的大小分别为 N和 N,只需读到0.1 N,. ,1 ,2,在方格纸,见下图,上按作图法的要求画出这两个力及它们的合力. 14. 在“验证牛顿第二定律”的实验中~采用如图所示的实验装置~小车及车中砝码的质量用M表示~盘及盘中砝码的质量用m表示~小车的加速度可由小车后拖动的纸带打上的点计算出( (1)当M与m的大小关系满足 时~才可以认为绳对小车的拉力大小等于盘及盘中砝码的重力( (2)一组同学在做加速度与质量的关系实验时~保持盘及盘中砝码的质量一定~改变小车及车中砝码的质量~测出相应的加速度~采用图象法处理数据(为了比较容易地检查出加速度a与质量M的关系~应 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of t3 / 7 he agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 该做与 的图象( a (3)如图(a)~甲同学根据测量数据做出的a,F图线~说明实验存在的问题是 ( (4)乙、丙同学用同一装置做实验~画出了各自得到的,图线~如图(b)所示~两个同学做实验时aF 的哪一个物理量取值不同,答: 。 (5)已知打点计时器使用的交流电频率为50Hz~每相邻两个计数点间还有4个点未画出~利用下图给出的数据可求出小车下滑的加速度a= 。,结果保留三位有效数字, 三、计算题: 15(,12分,质量为2kg的物体在水平推力F的作用下沿水平面做直线运动~一段时间后撤去F~其运动 2的v-t图像如图所示。求:,重力加速度g,10m/s, ,1,物体与水平面间的动摩擦因数,, ,2,水平推力F的大小, F,50N16.,12分,如图所示~质量为的纸箱在推力F的作用下沿水平地面运动~推力~方向m,10kg 2与水平面的夹角为~纸箱与水平地面的动摩擦因数为。,取~~,,53:sin53:,0.8,,0.2g,10m/s cos53:,0.6,~ 求:,1,求纸箱的加速度大小。 2s,2,纸箱由静止开始运动~第内的位移多大? 17. (10分) 如图~有一水平传送带以2m/s的速度匀速运动~ 现将一物体轻轻放在传送带上~若物体与传送带间的动摩 擦因数为0.5~则传送带将该物体传送10m的距离所需时 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 2 新-课-标 -第-一 -网 间为多少,(g=10m/s) 18(,14分,如图所示~倾角为30?的光滑斜面与粗糙的水平面平滑连接。现将一滑块,可视为质点,从斜面上A点由静止释放~最终停在水平面上的C点。已知A点距水平面的高度h=0.8m~B点距C点的 2距离L=2.0m。,滑块经过B点时没有能量损失~g=10m/s,~求: ,1,滑块在运动过程中的最大速度, ,2,滑块与水平面间的动摩擦因数μ, ,3,滑块从A点释放后~经过时间t=1.0s时速度的大小。 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of t5 / 7 he agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 新课标银川2012-2013学年度上学期 期末考试高一物理试卷参考答案 选择题: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BC B D BD C AC ABC B D AB DBD 16.(12分)(1)支持力为(2分) F,mg,Fsin53:,,10,10,50,0.8,N,140NN 2 摩擦力 (2分) F=ma 得a=0.2m/s(1分) f,,F,0.2,140N,28N合N 11112222x,at,at,,2,2-,2,m,3m(2) (2分)X k B 1 . c o m 2112222 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of the agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special 18、(14分) (1)滑块先在斜面上做匀加速运动,然后在水平面上做匀减速运动,故滑块运动到B点时速度最大为,vm 设滑块在斜面上运动的加速度大小为: a1 o ------------------------1分 mgmasin30,1 h2 ------------------------2分 2va,,m1osin30 解得: -------------------------1分 vms,4/m (2)滑块在水平面上运动的加速度大小为 a2 -----------------------1分 ,mgma,2 2 -----------------------2分 vaL,2m2 解得: -----------------------1分 ,,0.4 Municipal City Government for the work of a city attaches great importance to put forward clearly to 2017 years into the ranks of the "national civilized city" create the target. This year is also the county of a new round of urban civilization created the first year, we not only bear the city to create a "National Civilized City" in the work of the task, also do a good job of "provincial and civilized county Ying check evaluation, work responsibility for a large, heavy task. To the county at all levels and departments cooperate closely, grab get right on the job really, to tight style and promote the implementation of the work, ensure that a city made outstanding achievements. 1, the leadership to strengthen. The county at all levels and departments to the urban civilization was founded on the top of t7 / 7 he agenda, and the development of economy and society, the focus of the work together to study the deployment of, together organization and implementation, together with the supervision and inspection, improve and perfect the county, the unified leadership of the county government, a county, a city office coordinated, create liability units of duties, the joint participation of society as a whole leadership system andWorking mechanism. This year, according to the city, a city leading group and special working group to adjust the arrangement, we adjusted the a city the work of the leading group members, the addition of the administrative environment and the effectiveness of the steering group, excellent culture communication group two special
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