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测绘工程专业英语考试参考资料(样卷)测绘工程专业英语考试参考资料(样卷) 1. 工程测量 engineering survey 一、 词汇或短语翻译(英 2. 施工放样 construction layout or 译汉) setting-out survey 1. settlement observation 沉陷观测 3. 竣工测量 as-built survey 2. deflection observation 挠度观测 4. 大地高 geodetic survey 3. property line survey 建筑红线放样 5....

测绘工程专业英语考试参考资料(样卷) 1. 工程测量 engineering survey 一、 词汇或短语翻译(英 2. 施工放样 construction layout or 译汉) setting-out survey 1. settlement observation 沉陷观测 3. 竣工测量 as-built survey 2. deflection observation 挠度观测 4. 大地高 geodetic survey 3. property line survey 建筑红线放样 5. 参考椭球 reference ellipsoid 参考4. cross-section survey 横断面测量 椭球 5. geoid undulation 大地水准面差距 6. 卫星激光测距 satellite laser 或 大地水准面高 ranging(SLR) 6. orthometric height 正高 7. 重力场 gravity field 7. very long baseline interferometry 甚 8. 测量平差 adjustment of observation 长基线干涉测量 or survey adjustment 8. least-squares adjustment 最小二乘 9. 多余观测 redundant observation 平差 10. 点位中误差 mean square error of 9. variance-covariance matrix 方差-协 a point 方差矩阵 11. 粗差检验 gross error detection 10. normal distribution 正态分布 12. 自动目标识别 automatic target 11. index error of vertical circle 竖盘指 recognition(ATR) 标差 13. 几何水准测量 direct leveling or 12. optical plummet 光学对中器 spirit leveling 13. connecting traverse 附合导线 14. 水准尺 level lod 14. grid bearing 坐标方位角 15. 平面控制网 horizontal control 15. zenith distance 天顶距 network 16. hydrographic survey 水道测量 16. 控制测量 control survey 17. Geodetic Reference System 1980 17. 地籍测量 cadastral surveying or 1980大地测量参考系统 property survey 二、词汇或短语翻译(汉译 英) 三、句子翻译(英译汉) 1. Surveying is the art of making such measurements of the relative positions of points on the surface of the earth that, on drawing them to scale, natural and artificial features may be exhibited in their correct horizontal or vertical relationships. 测量是测定地面上各点的相对位置,以便根据它们之间正确的水平或竖直 关系,按比例展示出天然地物和人工地物的一种技术。 2. The ordinary procedure in determining elevations, such as balancing backsight and foresight distance in differential leveling, automatically takes into account the curvature of the earth and compensates for earth curvature and refraction, and elevations referred to the curved surface of reference are secured without extra effort by the surveyor. 在进行高程测量的一般程序中,比如水准测量中保持前后视距相等,自动 考虑和补偿了地球曲率和大气折光的影响,基于曲面得到的高程仍然是可 靠的,不需要测量员对数据进行进一步的处理。 3. The type of surveying that takes that takes into account the true shape of the earth is called geodetic surveying. This type of survey of survey is suited for large areas and long lines and is used to find the precise location of basic points needed for establishing control for other surveys. In geodetic surveying,the stations are normally long distances apart, and more precise instruments and surveying methods are required for this type of surveying than for plane surveying. 这种类型的测量考虑到地球曲率的影响,被称为大地测量。 这种类型的测量的特点是区域广、基线长,用来测定控制点的精确位置。 在大地测量中,测站之间距离长,需要使用比平面测量中更精密的仪器和 测量 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 。 4. Distance between two points can be horizontal, slope, or vertical. 两点之间距离可以是水平的,倾斜的或垂直的。 Horizontal and slope distances can be measured with lots of techniques of measurement depending on the desired quality of the result. 水平距离和倾斜 距离测量有多种方法,取决于测量的精度要求。 5. The advent of EDM instrument has completely revolutionized all surveying procedures, resulting in a change of emphasis and techniques. Distance can now be measured easily, quickly and with great accuracy, regardless of terrain conditions. 电子测距仪的问世给测量程序带来一场深刻的革命,导致了重点与技术的 改变。不管地形情况如何,距离测量现在都变得简单、迅速,而且有很高 的精度。 5. More complete EDM instruments also have the capacity of measuring horizontal and vertical or zenith angles as well as the slope distance. These instruments referred to as total station instruments. 更集成的电子测距仪除测量斜距外,同时还具备测量水平角、竖直角和天 顶距的功能。这类仪器一般称之为全站仪。 6. Control networks range from small, simple and inexpensive to large and complex and very expensive to establish. 控制网的类型从小区域的、简单的、便宜的到大范围的、复杂的、价格昂 贵的不等。 7. The method of surveying called triangulation is based on the trigonometric proposition that if one side and three angles of a triangle are known, the remaining sides can be computed by the law of sines. 这种测量方法称为三角测量,是基于如下三角形定理:如果三角形的一条 边长和三个内角已知,那么其余的边长可以根据正弦定理计算得到。 Furthermore, if the direction of one side is known, the direction of the remaining sides can be determined. And the coordinates of unknown points can be computed by application of trigonometry. 此外,如果其中一条边的方向已知,其余边的方向就可以确定。故未知点 的坐标可以由三角 公式 小学单位换算公式大全免费下载公式下载行测公式大全下载excel公式下载逻辑回归公式下载 计算得到。 8. Since the advent of EDM equipment, traversing has emerged as the most popular method to establish control networks such as basic area control, mapping, control of hydrographic surveys and construction projects. 自从电子测距仪问世,导线测量已成为建立控制网最常用的方法,比如基 本的区域控制,制图,水文测量和建筑工程的控制等。 9. In engineering surveying, it is ideal way to surveys and dimensional control of route-type projects such as highway, railroad, and pipeline construction. 在工程测量中,导线测量是线状工程的测量和尺寸控制的理想方法,比如 公路、铁路、管线施工等。 10. An indirect measurement requires calculation and can be determined from its mathematical relationships to direct measurements when it is not possible or practical to make direct measurements. For example, station coordinates can be mathematically computed by measuring angles and lengths of lines between points directly. 当进行直接测量不可能或不实际时,间接测量值需要通过它与直接测量值 之间的关系计算得到。例如,测站坐标可通过直接测量的角度和边长计算 得到。 11. Whenever the surveyor conducts a field survey, no matter how simple or complex, he invariably makes more measurements than are absolutely necessary to locate the points in the survey. 不管测量员什么时候进行野外测量,无论简单还是复杂,他都不可避免的 要进行比确定点的位置所必须的观测次数要多余的观测。 12. In a least-squares adjustment, the following condition of mathematical probability is enforced: The sum of the square of the errors times their respective weights are minimized. 在最小二乘平差中,遵守以下数学概率条件:误差与各自权重乘积的平方 和最小。 In surveying, errors in measurements conform to the laws of probability, and they follow the normal distribution theory. 在测量中,测量误差遵循概率定律,服从正态分布。 13. Students are tempted to scribble notes on scrap sheets of paper for later transfer in neater form to the regular field book. 学生喜欢现在草纸上潦草地记录,然后再以比较工整的形式转抄到正规的 野外手簿上。 14. This demonstration should make the student conscious of the need for care of these screws, which can become bound or even stripped if too pressure is applied. 这项示范应该使学生意识到小心使用这些螺旋的必要性,因为如果用力过 大,就会使这些螺旋变得太紧甚至脱扣。 15. It can be seen that for short distances up to several hundred feet EDM equipment may not provide measurements as precise as those obtained by taping. 我们可以看到在几百英尺的距离上用EDM仪器测量的结果不如钢尺测量 的准确。 16. Due to factors such as changes of ground water level, tidal phenomena, tectonic phenomena, etc, engineering structures (such as dams, bridges, high rise buildings, etc.) are subject to deformation. 由于地下水位变化、潮汐现象、地质构造等因素的影响,工程建筑物(例 如大坝,桥梁,高大建筑物等)会发生形变。 句子翻译(汉译英) 四、 1. 闭合导线能对所测得角和距离进行检核 Closed traverses provide checks on the measured angles and distances. 2. GPS由于其高精度、全天候、经济等独特的特点,目前已在大地测量、 工程测量等领域获得了广泛的应用。 Due to the advantages such as high-accuracy, all-weather, cost-saving and so on, GPS has widely applied to the field of geodetic survey, engineering survey, etc. at present. 3. 这种测量应用了大地测量原理,因此它具有较高的精度,而且通常可延 续较大的区域。 Surveys employing the principles of geodesy are of high precision and generally extend over large areas. 4. Geomatics是一个现代科学术语,用以表示量测、 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 、管理、存储和显 示基于地球数据(即通常说的空间数据)的描述和位置的集成方法。 Geomatics is the modern scientific term referring to the integrated approach of measurement, analysis, management, storage and display of the descriptions and location of Earth-based data, often termed spatial data. 5. 测量的类型有多种,比如土地测量、线路测量、城市测量、施工测量、 水道测量等, 但一般而言,测量被分为两大类:大地测量与平面测量。测 量中要么考虑地球的曲率(大地测量),要么把地球当作平面(平面测量)。 There are many different types of surveys such as land surveys, route surveys, city surveys, construction surveys, hydrographic surveys, etc., but generally speaking, surveying is divided into two major categories: geodetic and plane surveying. Surveys will either take into account the true shape of the Earth (Geodetic surveys) or treat the earth as a flat surface (Plane surveys). 6. 一般认为只有在大区域的精密测量中,才会考虑地球的曲率。 It will be appreciated that the curvature of the earth must be taken into consideration only in precise surveys of large areas. 7. 如果被测距离大于尺长,我们可以把其分成几段,把各段距离加起来就 得到总长。 If the distance is longer than the length of tape, then we can divide the long distance into several segments and get the total distance by plus each segment together. 8. 多年以来,测量员一直使用光学经纬仪测量角度。 For many years, the optical transit was the surveyor’s tool of choice to measure angles. 9. 根据大地测量之父之一赫尔默特的经典定义:大地测量学是一门量测和 描绘地球表面的科学。 The classical definition, according to one of the “fathers of geodesy” reads: “Geodesy is the science of measuring and portraying the earth’s surface” 10. 现在,在市场上可以买到各种各样的测量仪器。 A great variety of surveying instruments is available on the market today. 11. 参考椭球是一个数学表面,可以为地球的形状和大小提供方便的模型。 The ellipsoid is a mathematical surface which provides a convenient model of the size and shape of the Earth. 段落翻译(英译汉) 五、 1. A total station is the most commonly used instrument now in geomatics engineering, which is fully integrated instrument that captures all the spatial data necessary for a 3-dimensional positional information. A total station integrates the functions of an electronic theodolite for measuring angles, an EDM for measuring distances, digital data and a data recorder. All total stations have similar constructional features regardless of their age or level of technology, and all perform basically the same function. 全站仪是当前测绘工程中最常用的仪器,它是一种高度集成的仪器,可以 采集三维定位所需要的全部空间数据。 全站仪集成了电子经纬仪的测角功能,电子测距仪的测距功能以及数据采 集和记录装置。 不管生产的年代和采用的技术如何,所有的全站仪具有类似的结构,基本 上实现了相同的功能。 After the instrument has been set up on a control station, centered, leveled and properly oriented, and the prism target has been set up over another point whose position is to be measured, the surveyor may focus the target and depress a button. Then output from the horizontal and vertical circular encoders and from the EDM can be displayed at the instrument and stored in a data collector and enters into a built-in microprocessor. The microprocessor can convert the measured slope distance to the horizontal distance using the measured vertical or zenith angle. The microprocessor also computes the difference in elevation between the instrument center and the prism target. If the elevation of the instrument center (the HI) and the height of the reflector target (the HT) above the ground are entered, the microprocessor computes the elevation of the target station taking into account the effect of curvature and refraction. 当仪器安置在控制点上,对中,整平,正确定向,棱镜安置在待测点上后, 测量员就可以瞄准目标,按下测量按钮。 这时水平度盘、竖直度盘以及距离测量的结果可以在仪器上显示出来,并 且存贮到数据采集器和内置的微处理器当中。 利用垂直角或者天顶距,微处理器可以把测量的斜距转化为平距。 微处理器也计算出仪器中心和目标棱镜之间的高程差异。 如果输入仪器高和目标反射镜高,微处理器将会计算出目标站点的高程, 并且考虑了地球曲率和大气折光的影响。 2. In the last decade, there has been dramatic development and growth in the use of hardware and software solutions to both measure and process geo-spatial data. This has created and will continue to create new areas of application, with associated job opportunities for suitably qualified graduates. As a result, the role of the “surveyor” is expanding beyond traditional areas of practice, as described above, into new areas of opportunity. In addition, recent advances in the technology of data collection and processing have blurred the boundaries of practice and activity between what were previously regarded as related but separate areas. Such developments are forecast to continue and will create new career paths for graduates whose education and training is broadly based and of a high academic standard. 在过去十年中,用于获取(测量)与处理空间数据的硬件和软件得到了巨 大的发展。 这已经创造并将继续创造新的应用领域,以及与之相关的就业机会。 这已经创造并将继续创造新的应用领域,并为合适的毕业生提供了相关的 就业机会。 这也使测量员突破了上述的传统测量领域,不断从事新的应用。 此外,数据采集和处理技术的最新进展,使得原本不同的相关领域的界限 变得模糊。 预计这些发展将继续为教育和培训基础广泛,学术优异的毕业生创造新的 职业途径。 As we know, surveying is divided into two major categories: geodetic surveying and plane surveying. Geodetic surveying takes into account the true shape of the earth whereas plane surveying treats the earth as a flat surface. The subject of this text aims at the study of the size and shape of the earth which refers to Geodesy. The expression “the size and shape of the earth” has various meanings in geodesy according to the way it is used and the precision with which the earth’s size and shape is to be defined. The actual topographic surface is most apparent with its variety of landforms and water areas. This is, in fact, the surface on which actual earth measurements are made. It is not suitable, however, for exact mathematical computations because the formulas which would be required to take the irregularities into account would necessitate a prohibitive amount of computations. 众所周知,测量被分为两大主要类别:大地测量和平面测量。 大地测量考虑了地球的真实形状,而平面测量把地球表面当做平面。 本文的主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 旨在探讨大地测量中相关地球的形状与大小。 短语“地球的形状与大小” 根据其使用的方式和被定义的精度,在大地测 量中有各种不同的含义。 真实地表最显著的特征是有各种各样的地貌和水域。 实际上,大地测量就是在这样的表面上进行的。 然而,它并不适合精确的数学计算,因为考虑这些不 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 因素的公式需要 大量的计算。
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